Chapter 1

I can't believe that today is the first day of school! I'm so excited to see all my friends, but......all those people. Looking at me! I don't know if I can do this! "Okay. You can do this Flit. You can do this," I say to myself as I am gazing in the mirror, "all you have to do is meet by the tree. Nothing more," I sigh. I walk out of my room and go downstairs. At least I'll be with all my friends. I stride out the door and begin to walk to school. School isn't far from my house and this way I get to see all the animals in the morning.

"Good morning squirrel," I reach up and pet him. He's so sweet.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Crow, how are you?" I make a few more stops after that. Hey, I can't just not ask Mr. Worm how his kids are! I can see the tree in the horizon and I see that Dash and Twi are already there.

"Guess what?!?!?" Twi asks. She pulls out a new book, Doesaria And The Quest For The Golden Tomb! I love those books! She pulls out ANOTHER for Dash.

"EEEEEE!!" They squeal together.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Dash yells as she hugs her. I would be excited too! Peony runs from behind me to attack Dash.. How long has she been there? "Hi, Peony," Dash sighs, "uh, Peony? You can let me go now...."Poor Dash, she looks like she suffocating!

Then to Twi. "Uh Peony, really......" Twi attempts.

Peony releases, running to me. Great. Just what I wanted. "Hey everyone!"

"Hey Flit!" Dash replies, ripping Peony off of me. She knows it makes me really uncomfortable.

"Oh, uh....hi, Dash," I mumble. Jackie makes the scene and also gets attached by Peony. She just can't calm down, can she?

"Hi everyone!" she says as she gets closer. She laughs at Peony's enthusiasm.

"Oh!" We hear and all turn to see the fashionista, Unicity. She runs over, with no introduction and examines Dash's shirt. She takes out her sequins and thread and begins to work her magic. No offense Dash, but sometimes you need a help. She then alters my outfit. Ooohhhh!!! She embroidered three butterflies on mine. Pretty! She even decides to make our skirts longer in the back and shorter in the front! She continues to work on everybody else and now we look like super models!
Yes! I'm not alone! I can't believe that I got so lucky! I am in an advisory with all my friends! Well, except Dash and Twi. I wish they were here. Unlike last year where I was all alone. And all the popular people kept making fun of me because I'm so quiet. Who ever said, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,' has obviously never been bullied. My advisory teacher is Mr. Hoofwald. He's awesome! I've heard so much about him! I sit between Unicity and Jackie because honestly, I can't handle Peony, and Mr. Horsewald begins.

"Good morning class! Today we will be doing get-to-know-you activities and team building!"

*takes big gulp of air* "Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy......"

"Each advisory class is going to come up with a cheer, no help from teachers. You then will perform it in front of the teachers and whoever has the best cheer will win a prize."

"What?! I can't - I can't perform in front of everybody!" I mumble to Unicity and Jackie. They don't respond, I don't think that they heard me.

"But not today. Today we will be setting up lockers and organizing!" At least I don't need to worry about performing today. Maybe I can call in sick? "Okay, now I will be passing out schedules. Sniz.....Jackie.....Luna.....Flit.." I walk to Mr. Horsewald and grab my schedule. I have French, Health Care, Advanced Foods, Lunch, Animal Biology, AP Human Geography and Dance. Yay! I can't wait for Animal Bio! It was my favorite class last year! I run over to Jackie to see what her schedule is. Her schedule is Advanced Cow Herding, Spanish, Plant Biology, Lunch, P.E and AP Human Geography.

"Um, hey, at least we have lunch together..." I mumble.

"Yeah! Hey, do you want to have a locker next to me?" Jackie asks enthusiastically.

"Sure....." We walk out into the hall and by the time we get out there, most of the lockers are taken. But there are three at the end. I take the middle, wanting to distance myself from Sniz. She's intense. (xD) Jackie takes the spot next to Sniz, which is my left. Unicity walks out into the hall and is headed towards us.

"Oh! I see you've picked.....these lockers. We'll have to do something to really outshine the rest!" She takes the locker to my right, bringing her GINORMOUS bags filled to the brim with fabric, sequins and....chandeliers?

"Uh, um....Unicity, what's your schedule?"

"Um, let's see. Spanish, Advanced Embroidery, How to Take Over the World in 80 Days, Lunch, AP Human Geography, Fashion Science and P.E."

"Yes! We have AP Human Geography together!" Jackie said.

"You will be the most interesting thing in that class...(besides myself) besides the fashion unit!"

"There is no fashion unit Unicity."

"WHAT?!? OH THE HORROR!" She screams as she faints into Jackie's arms.

"Well....Unicity, there won't be a fashion unit in P.E, Spanish, or How to Take Over the World in 80 Days," I softly reply.

*sigh* "Well, no need to worry about that now! I need to set up my locker....." After a few moments, "which carpet should I have? This velvet one? Or the silk one? I can't choose!"
The first day of school went faster than I expected. Not that I'm complaining!! I do feel a tad bit alone, I barely have any friends in ANY of my classes besides advisory. Lunch was great though, we all have lunch together!
I walk on to the bus and I see that Dash and Twi are already there. I pull of my all time favorite book, The Selection and begin to read it for the millionth time. Hey! It's s really good book. Don't judge! If....that's....okay with you....
By the time I get home, it's a little later than usual. I'm ALWAYS here by 3:31pm. But today I'm here at 3:32pm! Angel will be so angry if I don't give him his salad at precisely 3:34pm! Oh no!! I throw my backpack to the side and begin to make the salad. 6 green lettuce leaves, 1 carrot minced, 3 cherry tomatoes diced, freshly baked gluten-free croutons and a hand whipped ranch dressing. The lettuce doesn't take long, but those carrots! And the croutons! AND the whipped ranch dressing! They take at least 30-45 seconds each! I begin to plate it on the crystal bowl. I place the lettuce, tomatoes and the carrots in. The croutons are baking and currently I'm whipping the ranch dressing as fast as I can! No! No! No! Noooo!!! The croutons are done at 3:34pm!! I'm done with the whipping, I place it on the the top of the lettuce and sprinkle the croutons around it. I race up the stairs aaannnnnddd- I'm late. A full minute late! Ugh!! How could I do this to him!
" you go....." And luckily he takes it! I get a Skype message from Peony saying that everyone is Dash's house having ice cream and sorbet. "Um, Angel? Can I go over it Dash's house? Please?" He nods his head yes. I half run half walk over to her house enjoying everyone's company.
After we are done with the delicious sweets Dash raises her spoon and taps her glass.
"Really? Again Dash?" Twi asks annoyed.

"I would love to do something after all of this delicious ice cream. Got any ideas?" Dash asks. Hmmmm....I wonder what we could do that everyone would agree on.

"How about a Doesaria book club?" Twi asks. Of courses she would recommend a book club. But hey, it's an awesome idea!! Everyone agrees, because who wouldn't? And the rest of the day is us fangirling about the series. Hey don't judge, how can you not fangirl?
I head home and feed Angel. It was getting late and to be honest, it was a very busy day. With the first day of school, the Angel fiasco, ice cream and a book club! I lay down and begin to count sheep. One.......Two.........Three........Four..Five.......Six......Seven.....Eight......Nine...Ten....Eleven........

Hey guys!! How do you like my first chapter? I apologize that it is short, but it is my first chapter! I can't wait to write more of this beauty! Love y'all!!


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