Chapter Twelve: Desperate Measures

Hi, everyone...

The new update is here. I hope you will like it.

Please, if you enjoyed the story, don't forget to vote, comment and review...😘😘😘

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One week later, Friday Morning...

Kongphop looked up at the wall clock and sighed upon seeing that it was still 9:00 am. He was having a hard time focusing on his work while Detective Gun was in the next room, interviewing the employees. Upon the detective's request, Kongphop had arranged for him, almost a week ago, the meeting room adjacent to his office to interview the employees linked to Arthit's attack and had put four security guards at his disposal. Kongphop wanted to be present during the interviews, but the detective didn't allow it.

Kongphop looked at the closed door that led to the meeting room and sighed. An entire hour had passed since the detective started the interviews and Kongphop was becoming restless. Unable to withstand the suspense or even focus on his work, he stood up and left his office.

He was on his way to the rooftop of the building where a small garden was set for the employees to enjoy their breaks when Kongphop heard someone calling his name. Looking behind, he saw his oldest brother-in-law approaching. The younger man took a deep breath. He and his brothers-in-law hadn't been on the best terms for over one year and talking to either of them had become a burdensome task.

"How may I help you, P'?" he asked in a flat voice.

"What is this?" the older man asked as he presented a memo to the younger man.

Glancing at the paper, Kongphop looked up. "It's a notice for an interview with a police detective," he replied flatly. "He's at the meeting room adjacent to my office. He'll be calling you when your turn comes."

"An interview with a police detective?" the older man asked. "May I ask why?"

"You'll know when you're there."

With that, Kongphop turned to leave, but the other man stopped him by holding his wrist. Kongphop looked down at the hand holding his before looking up at the man with cold eyes.

"Let go, P'," he demanded coldly.

"Not before I got some answers," the other man said sharply.

Kongphop stared challengingly at the older man for a few moments before he sighed. "Fine," he said. "Come with me to the rooftop café."

With that, he turned around and resumed his walking, followed by the older man.

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The two sat opposite to each other at a secluded table in the café on the rooftop as a waiter brought them their drinks.

"What do you want to know?" Kongphop asked once they were alone.

"I want to know what is going on?" The older man asked. "Who is this detective and what he's investigating?"

"A crime was committed over a year ago," Kongphop replied. "And it seemed that one or more of our employees were involved in it. This detective is here to investigate."

"A crime? One or more of our employees?" the man exclaimed in utter shock. "That's impossible! Our employees are the best of the best. They are the finest people in all of the country!"

Kongphop raised a questioning eyebrow at the older man's declaration. "Really? How do you know that they are the finest people in all of the country?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Are you able to know their inner thoughts, P'? Or what is it in their hearts? Every single one of them?"

The older man looked at him, baffled before he snapped out of it. "Why was I called to this interview?" he asked. "Am I a suspect too?"

"No," Kongphop replied. "But since the Human Recourses department is one of your responsibilities, the detective wants to chat with you and ask you few questions."

The older man stared at his brother-in-law with an unreadable expression for a couple of minutes before he shook his head and stood up, leaving the younger man alone without uttering a word.

Kongphop took several deep breaths, trying to quench the anger that had flared inside of him since the moment he had laid his eyes on the other man.

Since the day he had introduced Arthit to his family, and two tried to humiliate him during dinner, a massive wall of tension and dislike had erupted between Kongphop and both of his brothers-in-law, especially his oldest brother-in-law whom the young man had developed tremendous feelings of disgust and repulsion towards him.


Kongphop reached the ground floor just as his oldest sister, her husband, and their daughter were saying their goodbyes to his parents.

"P'," he said as he approached them. "A word with you in private, please?"

"Of course," the older man replied before the two excused themselves and headed to the library.

As soon as they were inside and Kongphop made sure that the door was closed behind them, he turned to face his brother-in-law with a hardened expression.

"P', what was that all about exactly?" he asked in an unusual cold tone.

"What are you talking about?" the other man asked as he took a seat.

"I'm talking about that discussion about Ocean Electric during dinner."

"I was merely making a friendly conversation with your boyfriend instead of leaving him to talk with a nine-year-old." The older man replied with an easy smile on his face.

"It didn't sound like a friendly conversation to me," Kongphop said sternly. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought that you were trying to shame P'Arthit in front of everybody."

"Oh, was I?"


The other man smirked. "Well, if I were, then in my defense, I wasn't the only one who—"

"You're the one who started it!" Kongphop's voice rose in anger. "Was that your way in showing your disapproval on my choice of a lover back there or was it something else?"

The older man looked at Kongphop with an unreadable expression, yet his eyes showed clear disgust. The two stared at each other for a few moments before the older man scoffed as he stood up.

"I'm leaving," he declared as he started to make his way to the door, but Kongphop blocked his way.

"I asked you a question, P'!" he said determinedly.

The older man glared at Kongphop.

"You want to know the truth, Kong?" He hissed after a few tensed moments of silence. "Yes," he said with a voice full of disgust. "I'm not pleased with whom you chose as a lover—"

"Nobody asked for your approval." Kongphop cut off. "Whom I date and bring to this house is none of your business."

"It is my business because this house also belongs to my wife and daughter," the older man snapped before he let out a deep breath. "I don't really care whether you are fucking a man or a woman, Kong," he said calmly. "however, I do care about the type of people who enter this house and into this family. You're the heir of a well-known businessman yet you bring into your house someone with no social or financial status whatsoever and introduce him to your family as your lover."

"Social or financial status?" Kongphop scoffed. "Is that how you measure people?"

"Is there anything else more important than those?" the older man asked. "You need to know who you are, Kong. You're the son of a rich family. Your father is a well-known businessman, and your mother is from a family with high-status in this country. You shouldn't be seen dating someone who doesn't socially suit you!"

Kongphop hissed, feeling a volcano erupting inside of him.

"You forget, P', that my father wasn't rich at the beginning of his life," he said with clear disgust in his voice at the man standing in front of him. "And yet my mother had accepted him despite his humble ancestries."

"That is different," the older man said. "Your father had reached his current social position on his own merit and hard work before he proposed to and married the daughter of a prestigious family and did not cling into someone rich to save his ass whenever he's in crisis."

Kongphop's hands clenched into tight fists by his side, and his body shook as he tried to contain his rising anger. It wasn't that he couldn't rebuke the older man, but he didn't feel the need to dignify him with a reply. His brother-in-law's words were simply too unworthy and despicable for him to reproach them.

Mistaking Kongphop's silence for agreeing, the older man kept going on.

"Kong, right now, you are blinded with lust and physical attraction," he said, placing a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "All of us had been through this at some point of our lives. Your eyes and mind only see his pretty face and body now; however, one day your eyes will open, and you'll discover that all he ever wanted from you was your money."

Unconsciously, Kongphop's hand shot up and grabbed the older man's tie while the other shook off the man's hand off his shoulder.

"How dare you demean the love that bonded P'Arthit and me for almost five years like this?" he hissed dangerously. "You know nothing of what's going between us!"

"Listen to yourself, Kong," the older man. "You've been banging him for five years, yet you kept your relationship hidden from your family. Why? Why didn't you introduce him to your family the moment you've started dating? I'll tell you why, because you were ashamed of him. Deep inside, you knew that there was a huge possibility that Dad and Mom would reject this relationship for whatever reason."

"You know nothing about us, P'," Kongphop hissed.

The older man smirked, easily detaching Kongphop's hand's off his tie before walked out of the library, leaving a raging Kongphop behind.


Kongphop ordered another iced coffee, trying to calm himself down. He had never imagined that either of his brothers-in-law would think in that materialistic way or look down on people because of their family's status or wealth. This unexpected discovery had rattled him to the core because he had never thought that the two men he had always considered as big brothers would be so shallow and superficial.

The young man took a deep breath.

That night, he was still shaken from his conversation with his brother-in-law when he went upstairs to his bedroom and his boyfriend, but he managed to suppress his feelings. However, once they were both in bed, he felt a burning need to feel his lover's skin. Pouring his lover's face with kisses helped to calm him down until...

["Kong, are you happy with me?"]

The question itself hadn't bothered him at the time. However, it was the doubt that colored his boyfriend's voice that made Kongphop's heart clenched. He had feared that his brothers-in-law's words at dinner would raise doubts and uncertainty in his boyfriend and apparently, they had succeeded. He tried to assure the other man as much as he could with words and kisses, but as he spoke words of love, Kongphop realized that he was the one who needed reassurance. It wasn't that he doubted the sincerity of his feelings or Arthit's, but at that moment Kongphop really felt afraid that he would lose Arthit.

Kongphop let out a bitter scoff as he snapped from his thoughts. He had indeed ended up losing the love of his life merely six months after that visit. Unable to bear the pain that plunged his heart, Kongphop stood up and left.

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"Can you repeat that?" Phet asked stunned.

He was in Siriporn's office at the hospital, discussing Arthit's condition.

Siriporn sighed deeply, feeling sorry for her friend for what she had to say but she had no choice. It was clear to her that being forbidden to see Arthit for a week hadn't helped Phet to collected himself but rather made him worse. The man was looking like a living zombie; however, Siriporn still had her duty as a psychiatrist to inform Phet about his son's condition.

"I think we should transfer i-Aoon to a mental institution," she repeated as calm as possible, hoping that the man wouldn't snap. "this is the only option we have left. i-Aoon is refusing any medical treatment, my sessions with him are not giving any results, he can't sleep without sedation, results of his medical tests started to decline steadily," —she inhaled sharply— "We tried our best, but neither us nor his friends managed to persuade him to accept treatment. But in a specialized mental institution, they have ways enforce treatment..."

"Enforce treatment?" Phet asked, eyeing Siriporn pointedly. "I would never allow this, Siriporn!"

"Do you prefer to watch him slowly die, instead?" She asked in frustration. This was hard on her as much as it was on Phet. She loved Arthit like a younger brother or even a son, and it was so painful for her to watch him in such state day after day without being able to help. She, too, wanted the happy, cheerful Arthit back, maybe even more than his father.

"P'," she said softly. "It's been over one month since the operation, Arthit should've been discharged already and back to his normal life by now, but he isn't. Instead, he's still bedridden, slowly inching towards death because he's refusing treatment. Please, P'. I don't want to lose him too." Unable to contain herself anymore, Siriporn openly sobbed in front of her friend. She felt Phet's warm arms wrapped around her, offering her comfort.

"We'll do as you see fit, Siri," she heard him say in a low, defeated voice.

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Knott had just gotten out of the bathroom when he heard the door of the room opened slowly. He was surprised to see Arthit's father entering because he knew that the old man wasn't supposed to be visiting his son. For a week, he and Prem had been taking turns in keeping Arthit company because Phet was forbidden by Siriporn from visiting his son.

"Uncle," he greeted the man respectfully.

"Is Arthit up?" Phet asked, gazing over his son.

"No," Knott replied. "He's still under sedation. It's too early for him to wake up."

The older man simply nodded in response.

"Knott, a word with you, please?" He said after a few moments of silence.

"Of course," the young man nodded.

Sitting on the couch, Phet told Knott about the discussion he had with Siriporn earlier and what she was planning to do.

"When will he be transferred?" Knott asked tensely as he looked at his sleeping friend.

"Siriporn is making all the arrangements as we speak," Phet replied. "It could be tomorrow or the day after."

"She can't do that, Uncle!" Knott exclaimed; tears brimming his eyes.

"If Arthit didn't start accepting treatment—"

"I'll make him do it!" Knott interrupted passionately. "even if I had to beat it into him, I'd make him accept—"

"Hadn't you and your friends tried and failed already?"

Knott nodded as he sighed defeatedly.

"Give me a chance to try again," he implored after few moments of silence, looking at the old man pleadingly. "Just two or three days...please."

"I'll talk to Siriporn," Phet said as he patted Knott's back. Taking a last look at his son, Phet stood up and left.

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Later that night, Knott, Dear, Tum sat in their usual place in Bright's bar, brooding over Arthit's situation, while Prem was at the hospital with him. As a last measure, Knott had called Tum and Dear and quickly explained the situation to them before he asked them to come to the hospital to try and convince Arthit. However, Arthit's stubbornness was beyond the limits of anyone's patience, tolerance or anticipation.

Knott had never seen Tum that much angry in all the time they had known each other. Heck, their former Head Hazer had never been that angry even when he, Knott, used to challenge his authority during their freshman year. The usually mellow and easy-going senior was practically fuming from rage. Knott knew that it took Tum an enormous amount of self-control to keep himself under check and not physically beat some sense into their stubborn friend. Now the three were at lost on how to deal with the situation.

"Hey, why the gloomy faces?" Bright's cheerful and loud voice snapped the three men from their deep thoughts. "Who died?"

Seeing the glares directed at him, Bright gulped in mild fear. "Hey, guys, what's wrong?" he asked as he took a seat; his usual goofy smile was replaced by a serious expression.

Sighing, Knott explained the situation to him, not really expecting any help from his friend. He just wanted Bright to leave them alone.

Bright raised an eyebrow at the three as Knott was done talking.

"Seriously, Knott," he said. "you're the closest among us to Arthit, and still you don't know how stubborn your best friend can be?"

Knott glared at him in response.

"Anyhow," Bright continued, unaffected by his friend's murderous glares. "you also ought to know that there is only one person who can move that rock Arthit has for a brain."

Tum, Dear and Knott exchanged puzzled looks before looking at Bright.

"WHO?" the three asked in union.

Bright smirked. "Honestly, you're all looking at me when the answer is actually in front of your eyes."

"Ai'Bright, stop playing games and tell us who!" Knott snapped.

"I'm not playing games, Ai'Knott," Bright said with a teasing smirk. "The answer is literally in front of your eyes." As he talked, Bright titled his head slightly towards the wall facing Knott.

Looking at that direction, Knott's eyes widened in shock, mentally palm slamming himself.

Resting innocently on one of the shelves, among their university pictures, was a mid-size wooden frame with a picture of Kongphop in his university workshop shirt, smiling brightly at the camera.

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Monday Morning...

Kongphop took a deep breath as he sat next to Knott in his car, trying to calm his racing heart. As Knott started the car and drove away, the younger man couldn't help but wonder if he was truly was on his way to see Arthit or he was dreaming. He was still unable to believe what had happened only half an hour ago in his office.


Kongphop was at his office, trying to read the semi-annual financial report when he received a call from Knott, informing him that he was on his way to the company to meet him for an urgent matter. Not only he was surprised by the sudden visit, but a dreadful feeling suddenly filled his heart. Quickly, he called his head secretary and informed her to allow his senior in as soon as he arrived. Kongphop's heart dropped, and his initial feeling of dread rose tenfold when Knott entered his office, wearing a somber expression.

"Welcome P'Knott!" he greeted as he forced a smile. "It's a pleasure to have you here. What would you like to drink?"

"Kongphop," Knott said in a grave tone. "I'm sorry for coming like this without a prior appointment, I know you must be busy, but there is something important that we need to discuss."

"Not at all, P'. Please, have a seat," the younger man said, trying his best not to show the growing apprehension inside of him. However once settled down, Kongphop couldn't contain himself anymore.

"Is something wrong with P'Arthit?" he blurted out suddenly.

A surprised look appeared on Knott's face for a moment before it disappeared and replaced with a pained expression.

The older man took a deep breath before he spoke. "Kongphop, I'm sorry, but I need to ask you for another favor. Arthit's life is in danger, and you're the only one who can save him...again."

Kongphop's heart clenched painfully upon hearing this. "What happened?" he asked, although he had a plaguing feeling that he wouldn't like the answer.

"The other day when you asked why Arthit had just left the ICU, I wasn't entirely truthful in my reply. Aside from some complications that had risen after the operation, Arthit's recovery is taking so long is because he's refusing to accept medical treatment," Knott replied.

"Why he's refusing medical treatment?" Kongphop asked.

"We don't know," the other man answered. "He's refusing to say anything to any of us. But P'Siri thinks that it has to do with his depression and his desire to die. Kongphop, you are our last hope. We need you to try convincing him to cooperate with the doctors," Knott stated pleadingly. "If Arthit didn't cooperate with them, P'Siri will transfer him into a mental institution."

Kongphop's heart had almost stopped beating when he heard Knott's last sentence.

'No!' His mind screamed. He would never allow such a thing to happen!

"Let's go!" He said without hesitation as he stood up, looking determinedly at the other man.


"P'," Kongphop spoke as a sudden thought occurred to him. "what about P'Arthit's father?"

"What about him?"

"Does he know that I'm coming?" the younger man asked.

"Of course," Knott said with a scoff. "I wouldn't dare to bring you an inch near Arthit without his permission after last time."

The older man shuddered, remembering the scolding he had gotten from the older man. He had genuinely thought that Arthit's father was going to kill him this time, judging by the amount of anger that was erupting from his eyes and the smoke fuming out of his ears. The old detective was even scarier than when he was interrogating him. So, Knott made sure to persuade Arthit's father before he enlisted Kongphop's help. It took him and Siriporn two days to convince Phet of their plan.

Kongphop just gave a nervous smile.

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Arthit stared blankly at the blue sky as he half-lay on his bed, feeling sleepy. He had been feeling tired and lightheaded most of the time lately, possibly because of undernourishment or because of all the sedatives which had being pumped into his body; not that it made any difference to him.

A slight movement at the end of the room caused him to shift his gaze towards the man who half-lay on the couch, reading a comic book and eating a bag of Masita crispy seaweed.

Arthit's heart skipped a beat as a sense of déjà vu invaded his thoughts.

'DON'T!' He stopped his brain before a specific memory could resurface back. Painful memories and flashbacks had been continuously resurfacing in his mind as of late as if taunting him and slowly sending him to the average of madness. Two days ago, such memory flashed back causing him to have a convulsive fit and forcing the medical staff to restrain him since then. He tugged his hands up reflexively, but the retrains held them tightly as a tear slid down his cheek.

"Arthit," the young man snapped from his thoughts upon hearing his name called. Prem, who had been with him since last night, put down the comic he was reading and looked at him with a forced smile upon his face.

"Are you hungry?" the tall man asked. "I'll ask the nurse to bring you something."

Arthit simply averted his gaze back to the window and said nothing.

Prem sighed. This was why he hadn't wanted to watch over Arthit in the first place. It was too hard for him to see his proud and strong friend so vulnerable and worn down. He had begged Knott not to make him do it, but then his friend had made Tum call and scold him for seemingly abandoning his friend in his hour of need.

Prem sighed once more before he looked at Arthit. Clearing his throat, he spoke again. "Arthit, do you know? The other day at the studio, a foreign guy came in," he started to blab, hoping to gain a response or a reaction from the silent man. Every time it was his turn to accompany Arthit, Prem had been relating the funny situations he encountered in the photography studio he had opened almost a year ago to the other man, hoping that it would at least lighten up his friend's grim mood.

Arthit listened with half-ear to Prem's jabbering as he gazed out the window. Though he appreciated his friends' attempts to cheer him up, he couldn't help but feel apathy towards all their efforts. He sighed. 'It's useless...' he thought as he closed his eyes and dozed off.

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Kongphop sat opposite to Phet in front of Siriporn's desk, looking at the older man with an apprehensive expression on his face.

As soon as Knott and he had reached the hospital, they headed to Siriporn's office for a meeting with the psychiatrist before Kongphop could see Arthit. The doctor explained the situation to Kongphop and what they wanted him to do. He had promised to do whatever he could to persuade his ex-lover to accept his medical treatment, but, Kongphop was starting to have doubts about his ability to convince his ex-boyfriend of anything, that is, of course, if Arthit agreed to see and listen to him in the first place. Siriporn had assured him that she would be nearby and would never leave before she was sure everything was fine.

The last thing needed to be done before Kongphop could finally see Arthit was for Phet, as Arthit's legal guardian, to grant Kongphop his consent to view his son's medical records+. It wasn't necessary since Phet was to be kept updated about his son's medical condition and he solely had the saying in any final decision; but, Siriporn felt that Kongphop needed to have some insight about Arthit's state, rather than keeping him on the dark.

Before he signed, Phet, who was silent the entire time, spoke, asking Siriporn and Knott to give him a few moments alone with Kongphop. Nodding the two left the office, though worry and concern were evident on their faces.

"Mr. Kongphop," Phet began after few moments of silence. "I had asked you to stay away from my son after the operation because I thought that it is the best thing for Arthit's health. I still haven't changed my mind. I still think that your presence near my son will only cause him pain," —he inhaled sharply— "However, because Arthit is refusing to listen to anyone, even me his father, and because Knott and Siriporn strongly believe that you can succeed where everyone else had failed, I'm left with no choice but to allow you to see and talk to my son," the detective paused a little before he spoke once more. "You may think that I'm shameless for acting this way, but I'm a father who is seeing his son dying slowly every moment in every single day without being able—"

"Mr. Rojnapat," Kongphop interrupted. "You don't need to explain anything. You are, as you've said, a father and it's natural that you would do anything to ensure your child's well-being and happiness. I've told you before that I would give my life to save P'Arthit's life without any hesitation and without expecting anything in return." —Kongphop ran a hand through his hair nervously— "I, too, think you are right, Sir. The sight of me would only hurt P'Arthit more. That's why I have no hopes of returning to him; however, I'd like to help him as much as I can. I'm so grateful that you're giving me this opportunity. have my word that I will not try to anything to get close to P'Arthit again."

Phet stared at the man in front of him before he sighed deeply. Regardless of his own opinion on his son's relationship with this man, Phet did not doubt the sincerity and genuineness of their emotions towards each other. He knew that Arthit was still in love Kongphop just as Kongphop was obviously still in love with his son. However, he was confident that despite their love, what had happened to Arthit would always stand up like a high brick wall between them.

"How is Detective Gun doing in the investigation?" Phet asked suddenly, changing the subject. He, of course, knew of the investigation's progress but failed to find something else to talk about.

"When I left the office, he was still interviewing the staff," Kongphop replied.

"Do you recall anything significant event that happened on the day you went to Pattaya?" The detective asked.

Kongphop shook his head. "That day was a blur to me from the morning until I reached the hotel in Pattaya."

Phet nodded.

"Sir," the young man spoke hesitantly. "Do you really think I would've done such thing to your son?"

Phet looked deeply into Kongphop's dark eyes which were full of sadness and despair before he let out a sigh.

"No," He replied.

Kongphop simply nodded his head.

Taking a deep breath, Phet reached out for the papers containing his consent and signed them before he stood up, followed by Kongphop.

"Take care of my son, Mr. Kongphop." The detective said as he placed a hand on Kongphop's shoulder.

"With all my heart, Sir," the younger man replied before he could even think.

Phet smiled lopsidedly before he left the room followed by Kongphop.

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Siriporn and Knott were standing next to the office's door when Phet and Kongphop exited.

"I'm going home, Siri," Phet declared. "I'll leave everything to you. The papers are signed and on your desk."

With that, he walked past the two stunned people.

"Wait, P'!" Siriporn exclaimed. "Aren't you going to wait and see what happens?"

The man gave her a small, sad smile before he shook his head. "I have to rest before work," he said softly before walking away.

The three remaining people exchanged puzzled looks before they too left, heading to Arthit's room.

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Standing in front of Arthit's room, Kongphop felt suddenly afraid. Sure, he was worried about how the other man would react upon seeing him but what really sent cold shivers done his spine was having to see the state the one he loved was in. Siriporn's earlier description of Arthit's state had chilled his heart from fear.

Kongphop looked at Siriporn, Knott, and Prem who were standing next to him, staring at him with silent encouragement in their eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Kongphop held the door's knob and turned it. Entering the room, he inhaled sharply as tears rimmed his eyes at the sight that greeted him.

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To Be Continued...

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+Not sure if a guardian can do that but for the sake of the story, let's pretend they can.

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