Ch. 4
Enjoy x
Louis was sitting on his bed with a piece of paper in his hands ; there were a few words written on it sloppily and he practiced reading , finding nothing else to do . His cheek was still throbbing from the night before but he was mostly over it .
Harry went to look for him , hearing his soft voice speaking . He peeked into the room , seeing Louis sitting crossed-legged with his back towards the door , holding a piece of paper and reading to himself .
He smiled , leaning on the doorframe as he listened to him . "You're doing very well ."
Louis jumped and the paper flew from his hands , turning to face Harry . Harry's smile vanished when he saw Louis' bruise , frowning deeply . "What happened to you ?" He asked as he neared him , taking his jaw in his fingers and turning his head to the side , inspecting the bruise .
Louis swallowed nervously . "I r-ran into the doorframe last night , too sleepy to notice ."
Harry bit his lower lip , "You're a clumsy little one ." He said softly , making Louis blush deep red . "Did you put ice on it ? It looks a bit swollen ."
Louis shook his head , Harry sighed with a soft smile , "You need to take care of that bruise Lou . Come on ." He took his hand and walked out of the room with him , leading him through the house to the kitchen . They reached the kitchen , Harry turned to face Louis and took a hold of his waist , lifting him up in the air easily to sit on the counter .
Louis gasped , his cheeks painted deep red as he was placed ontop of the counter and watched as Harry went to the freezer and pulled out some ice , wrapping it up in a towel . He walked back over to Louis and stood in front of him , holding his jaw with one hand , the other pressing the ice gently to his bruised cheekbone .
"Heard you practicing ." Harry said , a soft smile on his lips . "You're doing really really well ."
"Thank you ." Louis said shyly , not able to stop himself from smiling .
Harry caressed his cheek with his thumb softly , bringing his lower lip inbetween his teeth . He really liked Louis , the boy is just so small and soft , something about him is making him want more of him .
Louis was fiddling with his fingers and the ends of his sleeves , being so close to Harry makes him blushy and shy and nervous . He liked Harry but knew full well that there is no chance they could get together ; all because of Des . He terrified Louis half to death , and he doesn't want to anger him more than he's already angry with him .
Harry removed the ice from his cheek and looked the bruise over , "The swelling lowered , looks better ." He said softly and gave Louis a smile . Louis smiled back , holding the ends of his sleeves in his fingers . "Thank you ."
"Always ." Harry smiled and placed the towel away , "Are you up for studying ? I was actually looking for you to ask you if you wanted ."
Louis' heart dropped ; he's already risking himself by being seen here in the kitchen with him , he doesn't want to take any bigger risks and anger Des . But then Liam's words crossed his mind .
Don't give up on that friendship
He took a deep breath before nodding . "Yeah , I'm up for it ."
Harry smiled widely , "Good . Wait for me here , I'll go fetch the papers ." Harry took a hold of his waist and helped him off the counter carefully , and Louis absolutely loved the feeling of his large hands on his waist , watching as he walked out of the kitchen .
Liam and Niall were sitting in their boys' room , each on his bed . Niall was laying on his back , his head at the end of the bed while his legs spread to the top of the bed , Liam was sitting with his back against the wall as he read a book .
Louis walked into the room , shyly sinking down next to Liam on his bed . Liam looked up and smiled , "Hey Lou , you doing okay ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , shifting a bit to sit crossed legged . "I need advice ."
Liam raised his eyebrows , placing his bookmark in before closing the book . "Talk to me ."
Louis loved talking to Liam ; he's like a big brother who protects you and is there to help you solve problems .
"I , uh . I think - I think I'm crushing on Harry ." Louis said quietly , Liam smiled widely and was about to talk , but Niall called out in joy and tackled Louis in a hug , making him laugh a bit .
"Get off him , Ni ." Liam pulled Niall away and playfully shoved him back to his bed , Louis sat up with blush on his cheeks , a smile on his lips .
Liam turned his attention back to Louis . "So , what made you realize that ?"
"I uh - I just , I really like him . He cares for me , and shows it a lot . He makes me smile , and when we - when we ph-physically contact I get all warm and nervous ." Louis said in a quiet voice , looking down to his lap shyly .
"You know , I'm pretty sure Harry likes you too ." Liam leaned his head on his hand . "I mean , it's obvious how much he cares for you . He isn't afraid of showing his feelings , and he's really gentle and careful with you ."
Louis grinned down at his lap , his face hot-red with blush .
"Don't let anyone come inbetween you two , okay ? I'm pretty sure that in a month from now you two will be dating . Trust me ."
Louis was trembling as he walked into Des' office . He was called over , and it could never be something good . He knocked on the door and stepped back , hands shaking as he held them together against his chest .
The door opened , Des looked down at him and moved from the entrace , gesturing him in . Louis walked in and took a deep breath , sitting on one of the chairs in front of his desk .
Des closed the door and circled the desk to sit on his chair in front of Louis , he walked so slowly that it made Louis even more nervous .
Des looked Louis over for a few seconds before opening his mouth . "I thought I told you to stay away from my son ."
Louis swallowed the lump in his throat ; he was scared half to death .
"My son will not want to date a boy . I will not allow this . So what we're going to do now , is I want you to do something , and I expect that this time you will actually do it ." Des said in a low and slow voice . "Make Harry hate you ."
Louis choked on his breath , looking up in surprise . "Wh-what ?"
"Make Harry hate you . I don't care how , but it has to be today . I will not tolerate seeing him talking to you anymore ."
Louis' face felt hot and his eyes became glossy with tears . He hated this . "I c-can't ."
"Well you have to . Do as I say or I'm sending Harry's ass away back to his mother on the other side of the country ." Des shot back .
Louis looked down at his lap , biting his lip to stop himself from crying . He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down , not wanting to cry in front of Des .
"I hope I made myself clear . You're dismissed ." Des said , and Louis quickly ran out of the office .
Harry was back from being out with Zayn and Ellianne , he sighed as he walked into the orphanage and closed the door behind him , shaking his coat off .
He walked up the spiral stairs to the second floor , where his room is . He walked down the hall until he reached the last door , his name on the outside of the door .
He pushed the door open , heart falling out of his chest before his body boiled in anger . Louis was standing in his room , his belongings scattered on the table , and a stock of money clutched in Louis' fist .
Louis slowly turned to face him , his body was visibly trembling ; he hated himself for doing this .
Harry's eyes darkened with anger , "What the actual fuck are you doing ?"
Louis' lower lip wobbled and he swallowed thickly , watching Harry marching angrily towards him and snatching the money roughly out of his hand .
"Get the fuck out . Now ." Harry said as calmly as he could , eyes digging into Louis . How dare he steal from him ? How dare he go into his room , go through his personal things and try taking his own money ?
Louis whimpered and sprinted out of the room , running to the first floor and to the back yard , when he collapsed down on the ground and sobbed into his hands . He shouldn't have done that . He shouldn't have let Des scare him . He should have told Liam . He shouldn't have been so stupid .
He cried heavily into his arms , curling into himself in hopes to disappear from the world . He stayed out for about two hours before pulling himself up on shaky legs , wiping his cheeks and rubbing his eyes as he made his way back into the orphanage .
His heart felt heavy and he had a blank expression on as he walked into the boys' room , taking his pajamas and going to change in the bathroom before getting into his bed , burying himself in the covers .
Hope you liked it x
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