Ch. 12

Enjoy x


It was court day . Anne and Paul were sitting at one side with Paul's lawyer , Des being escorted inside handcuffed with a lawyer of his own .

The judge entered and the case started .

"Desmond Styles , you are accused with child abuse , verbal abuse and minor abuse . Anything to say ?"

"I'm completely innocent ."

Paul didn't even flinch , unlike the kids . He knew he had enough evidence . Behind him were sitting the kids along with Harry but without Louis , who were glaring at Des . Harry couldn't even look at him , he just stared ahead and avoided eye contact .

Paul's lawyer , Richard , went over to Des and asked him questions .

"What made you want to send those innocent kids on the street and rob for you ? Why did you keep going for so many years ? Why did you find in necessatry to hit those kids ? Why did you find it necessarry almost killing an innocent child and burying him alive ?"

Des kept quiet through all the questions , only answering the last one . "Because he's a faggot and turned my own son into a bigger faggot ."

The judge crooked his mouth at that , writing something down .

Harry looked away and shut his eyes in anger , his fists clenched tightly not to lash out .

Richard played on the television a few security cameras tapes , one showing Des yelling at the kids , one showing him throwing a plate at Mary and hitting the wall behind her , another of him hitting Louis in the back yard , then he showed the pictures the police took of Louis half buried . He didn't leave it up for long , seeing how squeamish everyone got . He then played out loud the microphones records , the whole place was quiet apart from the tape playing .

Harry shut his eyes tightly and let tears roll past them , feeling hands rubbing his back trying to comfort him , though it wasn't helping .

Then Richard brought the kids up to say their words about Des , and it only made Harry want to cry harder .

"He locked us out of the house for three days and starved us ."

"Punched me in the face for protecting the kids ."

"He forced me to rob even though I was against it ."

"We were terrified of him ."

"He's a monster ."

Des was about to be called up to say his words , when the door opened and Zayn and Ellianne walked in , rolling Louis in the wheelchair .

Everyone were quiet , and Louis could feel his heart beating so loudly that it felt like the whole building was shaking .

"I'd like to talk aswell , sir ." Louis looked up at the judge , who nodded and motioned him over . Harry got up from his seat and kneeld in front of him , "Are you sure about this ?"

Louis nodded , "It's the least I can do ."

Harry nodded and rolled Louis over , helping him out of the wheelshair onto the chair . Louis avoided eye contact as he told about how Des forced him to dig his own grave , how he treated him and talked to him , then the beating that led to him being admitted to the hospital . He took the courage to stand up crookedly and lift his shirt up only a little bit , his eyes getting glossy over the gasps around the room .

When he was done Harry rushed over and took him away , bringing him to sit with them .

Des walked up to talk , and the only words that left his mouth were enough to anger the judge even more if possible .

"I regret nothing . I'd do it over and over again if I could ."

He stood up from the chair and went back to his seat , Louis hid his face in his hands as Harry rubbed his shoulders .

The judge didn't hesitate to annouce Des as guilty and sentenced him for a lifetime in prison . Des rolled his eyes as he was escorted out , raising his middle finger at the kids , Paul and Anne . Paul and Anne gave him a bittersweet smile and returned the middle finger before going to thank Richard and the judge .

They left the building with the kids , they were all happy and smiling .

"What do you guys say about celebrating tonight ? I also have a big announcement and a bit of a talk with you all ." Paul asked , everyone nodded enthusiastically and loaded into the van , driving back to the orphanage .

Anne took Liam and Mary to buy supplies for their celebration , letting them go wild with snacks , candy , cute items like hats and confetti and sticklights .


The evening came around , Paul , Anne and the kids along with Zayn and Ellianne were decorating the gaming room . Harry was sitting with Louis in the corner , watching them and laughing to themselves .

"I can't believe it's actually over ." Louis said , playing with Harry's fingers . Harry nodded , leaning down to kiss Louis' knuckles , "Yeah , fortunately ."

"I feel bad I can't help you guys decorate ." Louis looked over to the kids , Harry gave his hand a soft squeeze , "You can help by being cute and beautiful . See ? You're doing really well at it ."

Louis laughed with blush covering his cheeks , "You're really cheesy ."

"Well then good thing you're not lactose intolerant , eh ?"

"That was a lame joke ." Louis laughed again , Harry tapped his nose , "It made you laugh though ."

"I laughed at it , not because of it ." Louis teased , Harry raised his eyebrow before wiggling his finger into Louis' underarm , successfully making him laugh out loud . Louis pushed his hand away and wrapped his arms around his body to protect himself , "You're a weirdo ."

Harry scrunched his nose up and leaned in , pressing their lips together . Louis kissed him shyly before pulling back , his cheeks painted red .

"Oi lovebirds , get a room ." Mary threw a sticklight in their direction , Liam elbowed her , "Let them be ."

"I was joking mates , make out any time ." She winked , Louis blushed , Harry laughed and winked back at her playfully .


"Alright , alright , time for the announcement ." Paul said and turned down the music , everyone gathered around him and waited for him to talk .

"So as you guys know , you don't have a legal guardian ." Paul started . "So , what's going to happen , is - I invited my lawyer over tomorrow with all the papers , and all of you guys are going to be with me . As in , I am your legal guardian ."

The kids cheered loudly , Alex , Mia and Thomas along with Niall were quick to attack Paul in a hug , making him laugh .

"Wait wait , there's something more ." Paul pulled back . "I'm pretty sure I already told you , but I own two work places , so to pay taxes you guys are going to be working in my work places , that way there's no more robbing , you guys will get to experience a real job and make your own money , and you'll work under me so anything you need I'll be right there ."

"Also , Paul and I agreed that the orphanage needs a bit of a makeover , so I'm going to bring a professional over and they'll help us redesign the place so you guys will love living in here ."

The kids were grinning in happiness and cheering , some even had tears in their eyes . Life was starting to repair .


After their small celebration party they put Alex , Mia and Thomas to sleep , while Paul , Anne , Liam , Niall , Jenna , Mary , Zayn , Ellianne and Harry were cleaning up . Louis was watching them from the corner of his room , nodding off in his wheelchair .

Harry smiled softly at him and approached him , kneeling in front of him . "Are you tired ?"

"Yeah . Can you take me up to bed ?" He asked , Harry nodded quickly and turned to Anne , "Mum I'm taking Louis up to my room , I'll be back in a few ."

"Alright , have a good night Louis ." Anne blew him a kiss , Louis smiled at her and waved shyly as Harry rolled him out of the room , they reached the stairs and Harry scooped him up in his arms , carrying him up .

Louis was placed on the bed , Harry helped him out of his shoes , changed him into pajamas and took off the elastic bands before tucking him in .

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep ?" Louis asked sleepily , Harry smiled at him and lied next to him , pressing his face to his neck as he does every night .

"Get some sleep now , love ." Harry kissed his neck warmly , letting the small boy hold onto his hand .

After a few seconds spent in silence Louis turned his head a little towards Harry . "Haz ?"

"Hm ?"

"Th-thank you ."

Harry opened his eyes and lifted himself up on his arm , looking down at Louis . "What for ?"

"It's not granted that you're here , here with me . That you're dating me , and helping me , and caring for me . -"

"I do it all because I deeply , truly care about you ." Harry caressed his cheek , "I like you a lot Lou , you're just - so cute and shy and generous and - and you're just you . Don't thank me for being here because I'm more than willing to be here ."

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together . They pulled back and Harry pecked his lips quickly once more before returning to snuggling into his neck , "Get some sleep now , will you ? Don't want to keep you up some more ."

"Night Haz ."

"Night love ."


Hope you liked it x


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