Ch. 11

Enjoy x


Two weeks later Louis was released from the hospital , he was prescribed pain killers if anything hurts and some type of bruises cream . Harry helped him into some of his own clothes he brought for him , taking him down to the front desk in a wheelchair .

Paul signed him out and handed the papers along with the hospital bill , Louis thanked him and let Harry roll him out of the hospital to his car .

Once at the orphanage Harry helped him out of the car and back into the wheelchair , Paul opened the door for them and Harry took a turn , taking Louis to the kitchen .

A soft smile spread on his lips as he saw all the kids there , along with Anne , Zayn and Ellianne , welcoming him back to the orphanage with lunch made for everyone .

They sat around the table to eat , talking and laughing like they used to . This time , they weren't afraid Des would come into the kitchen and yell at them for laughing .

After lunch Harry picked Louis up bridal style and up to his room . "I want you to stay in my room until you heal enough to do things on your own . I want to look after you closely ."

Louis blushed as he was placed on the bed , Harry pulled the covers back before kneeling in front of Louis , helping him out of his shoes . He smiled up at the small boy , tickling his foot ever so gently , just enough to make him smile .

He tucked him under the covers and got in next to him , cuddling against him . "Get some rest ." He kissed his cheek and the corner of his lips before snuggling his face into his neck .


Louis woke up two hours later to kisses being pressed around his face , he shied away with a smile and opened his eyes , Harry smiled down at him , "Hello ."

"Hi ." Louis said softly , pushing Harry away shyly . Harry only pressed more kisses to his face and down to his neck , Louis let out a giggle and pushed him away .

There was a knock on the door , Harry sat up and tapped Louis' nose . "Come in ."

Anne opened the door with a tray in her hands , two tea mugs and a biscuits plate were on it , "Good afternoon boys ." She smiled and placed the tray down on the table , "Thought you'd like to have some tea ."

"Thanks mum ." Harry smiled at her and blew her a kiss , she smiled warmly at them and walked out of the room , closing the door .

"Your mum is sweet ." Louis said and tried pushing himself to sit up , only to wince in pain . Harry noticed and was quick to help him sit up , placing a few pillows behind his back so he could lean back comfortably . Louis thanked him with a smile and took his tea mug when he was handed it .

Harry sat in front of him with his own mug , sipping on it . "Court is in four days ."

Louis nodded , "Yeah ."

"Are you going ?" Harry asked , "Because I am . And I understand if you don't want to go ."

"I ... I'm not sure yet ." Louis looked down at his mug . "I want to , but - but I can't see his face again . I don't want to ."

Harry nodded and scooted closer , "Of course . It's understandable ."

"I mean , I want to be there and say what I h-have to say , but - I wouldn't be able to be in the same room as him ." Louis shook his head , Harry kissed his forehead , "And it's one hundred percent okay ."

"I know . I'll support you guys fully from here ." Louis glanced up , smiling at Harry . Harry kissed his lips softly , "And I'll support you with every decision you make . Whether you decide to be there or not ."

Louis gave him a soft , genuine smile , when there was a knock on the door . Harry got up from the bed and placed his tea mug on the table , opening the door only to get attacked in a group hug from Zayn and Ellianne .

He smiled and wrapped each arm around them , they squeezed him tightly . Zayn was the first to pull back , "We wanted to come visit earlier but at first we wanted to give you the space you probably needed and then we tried coming to see you but you were at the hospital with Louis and we're extremely worried about you two because it's your dad and it's hard -"

"Zayn , slow down ." Harry stopped him , Zayn stopped and took a deep breath , bringing Harry back into a hug . Harry chuckled a little and pulled the two into the room , closing the door .

Ellianne pulled back and looked up at Harry , "Are you okay ? Are you dead inside ? I understand if you are ."

"I'm a bit numb about my - about Des , but Louis is here with me , and he's all I care about ." Harry gestured towards the bed , where Louis was sitting watching them .

Ellianne pulled back from Harry and walked over to Louis , placing her hand on his arm , "Are you okay ? Do you need anything ? How are you feeling ?"

"I'm all good , thanks ." Louis smiled , blush reddening his cheeks . "Harry has been taking care of me ."

Zayn and Harry joined them , Harry sat next to Louis on the bed while Zayn sat at one end of the bed , Ellianne on the other .

"When I saw on the news Des being taken away handcuffed and all I was stunned . I thought I was dreaming , but then it showed the orphanage and everything hit me like a ton of bricks . I can't even imagine what you two are going through right now ." Ellianne said , Zayn nodded , "Yeah , we want you guys to know that we're here for whatever you need , literally everything ."

Louis smiled softly and blushed at their words , Harry took his hand gently and kissed the back of it .

"So ... how long have you two been dating ?" Ellianne asked , Harry raised his eyebrows , "I'm not telling you until you ask Jenna out ."

"Oh come on !" Ellianne face planted on the mattress , Harry chuckled , "Yep , that's what you get for getting cold feet . Grow a pair already , Ellie ."

"I'm a woman , I can't grow a pair ." She pulled herself up and rolled her eyes , "But I do plan on asking her out , I just - I just think I'll wait until the court case is done ."

"Understandable . Anyways , Louis and I have been dating for a month or so ." Harry looked down at Louis then back up at his friends , "We just kept it a bit of a secret because of Des . We knew he'd flip when he finds out we're dating ."

"And he did flip ." Louis added quietly , Harry kissed his temple comfortingly .

"I don't understand why did it have to get to the level of him nearly killing someone to stop him . He should've been arrested a long time ago ." Zayn said , then looked at Harry apologetically , "Sorry mate ."

"Don't be sorry . He's a fucking asshole , he deserves it . I want him in jail , I want him to stay and rot there ." Harry said bitterly , Louis rubbed his arm , "Calm down ."

"I can't calm down Lou , look what he did to you . Look what he's been doing to all of you ! And he's done that for years . Years !" Harry's voice raised a bit , Louis shushed him and cupped his cheek , ignoring the pain in his arm and ribs , "Haz , breathe ."

Harry clenched his jaw but breathed as he was told , leaning his head on Louis' shoulder with his face near his neck . "Sorry ."

"You have every right to be angry ." Louis took Harry's large hand in his small one , "Just don't let it get out of control , it'll hurt you eventually ."

Harry pressed a warm kiss to his cheek before stuffing his face into his neck , making Zayn and Ellianne coo at them .


In the evening , after having dinner , Harry helped Louis up to his room . "Want to take a shower ?"

Louis bit his lower lip nervously , cheeks turning red from blush . "I - I kind of need a b-bath ."

"Okay , I'll get us one ready ." Harry nodded , though Louis stopped him , "U-us ?"

"Lou , you're hurt . I'll prepare a bath , and help you . Okay ?" Harry said , kissing his cheek then his lips quickly . "You will have your boxers on , alright ? So will I . I want to help you , okay ?"

Louis sighed out and nodded , growing nervous with every passing second . Minutes later bath was prepared , Harry helped Louis to the bathroom and sat him on the closed toilet seat . He took off his pants first , helping him out of the elastic bands around his knee and ankle , then the band around his wrist . He kissed him comfortingly before helping him out of his shirt , then proceeding to take his own clothes off to his boxers .

He lifted him up and placed him inside the bathtub , getting in behind him .

"Is it warm enough ?" Harry asked , his hands resting on his waist . Louis nodded , shivering when Harry pressed his lips to his bare shoulder .

"I'm going to wash you , okay ? I'll be as gentle as I can , tell me if I'm hurting you ." Harry said and took the sponge , wetting it and pouring soap on it . Louis nodded and felt Harry running the sponge up and down his back , the feeling was soft and soothing . He winced when he got to his ribs , Harry apologized repeatedly and kissed his shoulder .

When they were done showering Harry helped Louis out of the tub and dried him , leaving the bathroom for Louis to take off his boxers and put on a clean , dry pair . He walked back in and helped him into one of his own sweatpants and a shirt , loving how small and soft Louis looked in his clothes .

He placed him on the bed and took out of the drawer the bruises cream , applying it on his arms and torso , where the severe bruises were .

Harry was busy rubbing the cream as gently as he could on the bruise under Louis' ribs , looking up in surprise when Louis giggled . "What ?"

"That tickles ." Louis said , Harry laughed and apologized , "I'm almost done ."

When he was done he put the cream back in the drawer and tucked Louis in , crawling in next to him , snuggling close to the small boy on the twin sized bed .

"Get some rest , love ." Harry said quietly , Louis took his hand and held onto it , since he couldn't turn on his side and properly snuggle with him . "Night Haz ."


Hope you liked it x


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