"I don't know what's scarier." A deep toned elven lady with turquoise hair and green eyes glanced at her brother, the same complexion as her, the top of his hair being turquoise while the lower part of his hair was shaved and silver, his left eye purple while the other was green. "How quick they caught the bastards or how quick Azada gave the order... I'm jealous of her tone when she ordered the squad." The elven male said as he looked around the throne room where a bit of an audience was seated on both sides of the room. "She is Lilith's gaurdian, it's only natural for her to act on the situation as she did." Looking up at the seats above, the lady caught the attention of a red scaled dragonborn who smiled and winked at her, earning a giggle from her, before she turned her gaze to the thrones. Her mother, a silver haired lady with ginger strands sat on the right, her father, a turquoise haired male sat on the left and finally her grandfather, a silver haired man who sat in the middle on a higher step than them and finally, looking over at her little sister, a medium toned girl with golden hair and blue eyes, stood across them, holding a medium sized bag as her golden owl sat on her shoulder.
The doors opened, the sound of marching feet echoed through the room as a group of hogfolks walked up to the family. The two elder hogfolks stepped forward, bowing, the rest following along.
"Greetings to the Highreaver Family. My Emperor, King and Queen." One of the elder hogfolks said.
The golden haired girl watched as her mother lifted her hand, letting the hunters know they could stand. "Good to see you have arrived safely, Efrit, Axel. We were quite surprised to hear that you captured the ones that threatened Lilith. It had only been a day since Azada had sent out the information to your son." The king said, watching as the two hogfolks stepped aside for the masked man to step forward; placing his right hand on his heart as he smiled at the family. "When the princess had informed me of what occurred, she had also managed to get a bit of their blood in a small vial, I assume she had gotten it when she attacked them to release Lilith." He said, turning his head to the golden haired girl and gave her a smile as she grinned and waved at him. As she waved, she stopped to look beside her as someone had placed a hand on her left shoulder, bringing her closer to them. A deep toned elven lady with bright silver waist length hair and bright purple eyes looked at the group of hogfolks, later keeping eye contact with the masked man. "The hounds caught the scent quite fast as it seemed they were very much near our camp. So we set off immediately to get them, a bit damaged but quite alive. As you have requested." The masked man said with a smirk as his hair sparked with lightning, pulling on ropes as he watched the hunted group fall onto their knees in front of the family. One of the men looked over at Lilith in fear. "Please! Have mercy on all of us except her!" He said as he pointed at one of the women. "She's the one who threatened you! Please!" Another begged before staring at the lady next to Lilith, the group became silent as she gave them a death glare. "I have nothing in line for them. Orion, Roshia. Do as you two please with them for the punishment of hurting our little sister." The lady said, earning a smirk from the two across them. Lilith looked at the pleading group to the hogfolks and finally back to her sister, who had lifted her hand off her shoulder. With that Lilith held a big grin as she skipped towards the group of mercenaries. The masked man stepped away from the now prisoners to make sure they didn't touch the youngest princess. "Hiya!! I made new ones today!!!" Lilith cheered as she held out the bag, later placing her hand pulling out a few flower crowns. The masked man chuckled as he leaned down to her, allowing Lilith to place the crown on his head before she skipped off to the other hogfolks. As he watched the princess share her gifts as she always did, his gaze traveled over to the prince who was staring back at him. The elven prince smiled before his eyes darted behind the mercenary and then back to him. The masked man turned around, a smirk growing on his face as the silver-haired princess glanced at him before walking away.
"We know that was a lie Azada. You would've fed them to Nallu or the others." A gray skinned goliath lady with maroon hair and dark green eyes said in her deep accent as she laid on a hammock in a gazebo;glancing over to the silver haired girl who sat at a table, her eyes glued to the book floating in front of her. "Nallu doesn't eat people, I actually have to get Nallu food later. If I don't have time to get it today, would you do it for me, Rixto?" Azada said as she leaned her head into her right hand, tapping her index finger on the side of her head. "When does she need it? I'm gonna have to go on a little bounty hunt in like a few minutes, Just gotta wait for my brother to get here." Rixto said as she sat up in the hammock, looking around. They were in the princess' greenhouse, it looked a lot bigger on the inside compared to outside, only a few people were given access to the greenhouse, that be friends and family. Anyone trying to enter it will find an unlocked door but a void of darkness. "How long is it gonna take you to get snake food?" Rixto asked, later looking over at a dark blue specter with purple eyes and ginger hair in a yellow dress. "I wouldn't mind getting her some food." Azada's focus broke as her book fell onto the table, glancing over at the door. The masked man from before leaned on the door as he looked over at the gazebo. "Geodoris!!" The male smirked under his mask, his heart fluttering as Azada called out his name as she rushed over to him. In an instant as she wrapped her arms around his neck he held her up spinning her as he laughed. "Azada!! Isn't this a surprising welcome!" He said as he smiled up at her, letting her take his mask off as it revealed his eyes that went in a sort of pattern; black sclera, golden irises and black pupils. Azada smiled at him as she rubbed his ears; they were in the shape of elf ears but due to his family, it gave off more of a pig style. "How've you been?" She asked as she rested her forehead on his. "I've been quite alright, even better now-"
"AHEM!" The two glanced over at Rixto who was giving them an unamused look, while the specter lady was covering her mouth, her shoulders shaking, indicating she was laughing. The two looked at each, Geodoris placing Azada back on her feet, allowing her to fix her purple shoulder cut dress as he went in his bag. "My mother had gotten a few potions done in time. These should last a few months." He said as he handed over potions, dangling from a rope. The specter clasped her hands to her chest before rushing over to him, hugging him and taking the potions, chugging one as she walked off.
"Bleh! The flavor is worse than last time!"
Azada giggled at her grandmother before looking over at Geodoris who placed a hand on her back. "I'll be in Shallion for about 9 days." Geodoris said as he took his mask from the princess. "Really? That's great!! ..Oh.. One of those days I'll be busy.. the crowned prince of Linnetis is turning 21 in two days. His mother is holding a ball for him. So my family has to attend."
"That's only one day, I still have eight more days including this one." Azada smiled at him, giving Rixto a quick glance as she could sense the smirk on her face.
"You're slouching again Azada." The princess straightened herself as she kept her pose, her head lowered as she read through her book again, as she and the redhead sat on her bed. "So..what have you been up to since last we've seen each other?" Geodoris asked as he glanced up, his hands on autopilot as he guided his pencil across the page of his sketchbook. "The usual..although.. I'm growing tired of it. Everyone's had their little adventures..I think I'm ready for mine..but.."
"You are, as always, worrying about Lilith.... You are her guardian afterall." Azada sighed at Geodoris' response, flinching as he moved a few strands. "Well, if you're worried about Lilith. Bring her with you."
"As good of an idea that is, I'm scared I won't be able to protect her."
"Then, if you're so scared of that." Azada looked down as Geodoris placed his sketchbook down, finishing his art of her as he held her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. "I will be happy to take you away from your duties here in shallion and help protect Lilith." Geodoris said as he smiled at her. Azada looked to the side. "I don't want to cause tro- mmhmm!" she glared at the male who covered her mouth with his hand. "You're not causing any trouble Azada, I'm doing this because I want to. You're my friend, you know I'll do anything for you." Azada looked into Geodoris' eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck as she hugged him. "Thank you, Geo."
"Anything for you, Azy."
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