The church had a quiet air tinctured with the scent of incense, candles and the more solidly Anglican smell of musty prayer books, metal polish and flowers. It was the aura of a scene already set for celebration. The brightly lit passage with it's floor of encaustic tiles and its white-painted walls ran the whole west end of the church. The little vestry was the first room on the left. Next to it with a connecting door was a smaller room about ten feet by eight.
The real star of the vicinity, though, was the aisle. It sported a somewhat golden yellow carpet with lights entwined around its edges. Between these tiny neons were sunflowers; Camille's favourite.
She had walked down that very aisle not too long ago, being lead there by her grandmother who was trying hopelessly to stave off a few tears of joy. Camille was wearing a hand-beaded, curve hugging, ivory silk and chiffon gown that fitted her so perfectly that it looked as if it had been sewn on her.
If anyone had any remaining doubts about Arthur's true feelings for his bride, they were forever banished as they saw the man's expression. Arthur stared at Camille as if she were a miracle, his cool composure disrupted by a faint flush of emotion. When Camille reached him and the veil was pushed back, Arthur broke with etiquette by leaning down to press a tender kiss on her forehead.
"That part isn't 'til later," Camille whispered to him, but it was loud enough that the people around them overheard, and a rustle of laughter swept through the crowd.
Arthur shrugged with a mischievous smirk. "Too late now. Let's just give everyone the show they came for."
This time Arthur crashed his lips against hers. Without fear or consideration for any of the people watching. There were a few cheers from the crowd. Camille was hazy from the kiss but she could have sworn that she also heard Wally West laughing in the background.
Camille giggled against his lips. It was a high, almost childish sound that embarrassed her greatly...but Arthur only smiled at her laughter and brought her closer to him. His grin was was one of the most genuine that she had ever seen on his face. It never left him either. Not even when the ceremony was done and they had ventured to a nearby venue for the after party. There they, and everyone that attended, dined on fresh seafood and expensive wine; mingling with one another.
In the background a playlist that Camille had compiled herself played at just the right volume. So far three Queen songs had been heard; You're My Best Friend, You Take My Breath Away, and Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Along with three more by Aretha Franklin; I Say A Little Prayer, A Natural Woman, and Respect. There were also the typical, almost obligatory wedding songs like I Do It For You and Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman by Bryan Adams.
Now one of Deborah's favourite songs was playing; The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra. It seemed to breathe a new burst of energy through her, something she definitely needed after such an emotional day. Deborah weaved through the crowd of her granddaughter's friends, determined to speak more to Arthur's guests. They included quite a strange array of people from Atlanteans to Bruce Wayne himself.
"You must be Deborah." Spoke a beautiful girl with hair as vibrant as a wildfire. Sharla, Camille's mother that had recently celebrated her fourth year without the influence of drugs, was already there in the midst of speaking to this red headed woman. It warmed Deborah's heart to see her there; happy and finally present for an important day in Camille's life. "It's great to finally meet you!"
"Mum, this is Mera." Sharla introduced with a smile. Her smile wasn't much like it used to be. She had a few rotted teeth and one missing entirely, but somehow it lit up her entire face like a stunning beam of moonlight.
"Oh, so you're the Captain of the guard?" Deborah asked, her obvious knowledge on the matter completely shocking Sharla. "Camille's told me a lot about you."
"I hope she hasn't told you too much." Mera joked, flipping her long hair over her shoulder. It cascaded down her back now, like a stream of lava running through the seams of her fish-scale dress.
Sharla was admittedly a little distressed at the reminder that her daughter rarely confided in her. In fact, they'd only really seen each other a handful of times since her release from rehab. She couldn't blame her daughter, of course, she had been busy...and Sharla had certainly never been the mother that she had deserved.
"I hope you don't mind me saying," Deborah started, and this seemed to break Sharla out of her own thoughts. Whenever her mother started a sentence this way, it was usually followed by something a little too personal or offensive. "but I imagined you to look a lot less...well, human."
"Oh, if that's what you were expecting than I'm sure I can help with that." Mera said, not sounding the least bit insulted at all. She glanced over the crowd of people and waved towards two men draped in the same traditional Atlantean attire. The first to saunter over didn't look too irregular beyond the unique combination of dark skin and naturally blond hair. His eyes were so light that their shade was almost washed into grey, and he sported a pair of gills on either side of his neck. His appearance was nothing to become uncomfortable over. "This is Kaldur'ahm."
The half-Atlantean noticed the women exchange a quick glance of confusion at his name. He offered them a smile. "You can call me Kaldur, if it suits you better."
Deborah was quite calm considering the oddities that surrounded her, and even Sharla was able to process and accept Kaldur's appearance, but that was because he still looked relatively human. When the second man joined them though her reaction wasn't nearly as composed.
This man stood and walked like a human, but that was where the similarities ended. His skin was completely green and he had two massive, bulging red eyes that held no depth to them. He looked more like a pufferfish than anything else...but without any of the 'puffiness'. He had scales and fins and god knows what else, covering his body as surely as his sickly complexion. Sharla had jumped back at the sight with a fearful yelp, but Deborah did nothing except extend her hand towards the strange-looking man and shake it.
"And this is La'gaan." Mera finally informed, trying not to pay any mind to Camille's mother who was still shaking fearfully.
Sharla's shock only intensified when two more figures joined them. One being that of a normal man, by the name of Hal Jordan, and another named Vell. Well, actually, she had said that her name was Velleuxanertorrgelloknartu...but Sharla had barely even registered the first quarter of that name. Vell was pale, not normal person pale like Amelia, she was almost completely white. She had no nose and her eyes were the flattest black that anyone could imagine. She was an alien, Hal had explained, but even after being told it was still hard to believe.
Though this meeting was perhaps one of the most unusual to take place that evening, there were still plenty of other events lingering in the background. Bruce Wayne, for instance, had spent his night spinning a believable web of lies to tell the other guests regarding his presence at the wedding. To avoid suspicion he had said that Wayne Enterprises were in the middle of trade negotiations with Atlantis, and that he had attended as a show of good will. Thankfully for him, Rahn wasn't there. She would have made these falsehoods much less convincing.
Similarly, Barry Allen was stuck at the food table; digging into every single platter that appeared and trying desperately not to scoff it down too fast. He had told people that he was a childhood friend of Arthur's, which was probably the worst possible cover story that he could have invented. Cyborg had attended this wedding as well with his partner Harper. To many on Camille's side it was a slightly frightening sight, but there were still a few that were eager to speak with him about his years as a Titan. They all seemed to purposefully avoid asking about how exactly he became a living machine, much to Victor's relief. Amongst his colleagues, Cyborg and Vell were the only ones that couldn't adapt a secret identity. Though everyone else had come as their regular, unsuper counterparts (with the exception of Hal who had completely discarded his secret identity), Cyborg had no choice but to appear as himself. Never Victor Stone. Always Cyborg.
Wonder Woman, on the other hand, had the choice to take a secret identity but never did. She was somewhere in the back of the venue being swarmed by admirers; telling them stories of her many mighty battles. It was probably the weirdest human wedding to ever take place, Camille was sure of it as she sat from her seat at the front of the room and watched her guests mingle with Arthur's.
"Congratulations." Came the voice of none other than Clark Kent, dressed in his reporter attire and using the excuse that he was there to write a story for the Daily Planet. "To both of you."
"Thank you, Clark." Camille replied with a smile, but her attention was solely on Silvia Kent and the one year-old cuddled into her arms.
Arthur must have noticed her attention on the young girl because his strong arm swiftly wrapped around her shoulders. He worried about her, and she appreciated it, but seeing that child didn't sadden her. It healed her. If only a little bit.
Jessica Kent resembled her mother greatly, a blond tuft of hair on top of her head and a pinkish tint on her cheeks, but she had eyes like her father; bright and such an unfathomably alien shade of blue. It reminded her of how much joy being a mother had once brought her, and though Kasalus could never be replaced in her heart, it made her think that maybe one day she'd be ready to try again.
Much to everyone's surprise, she was. Only two years after their wedding on the surface Camille gave birth to another child. A son by the name of Veran. Unlike Kasalus, the second prince of Atlantis was almost an identical reflection of his mother. He had her bronze skin, brown eyes, and untameable locks of black hair. He didn't inherit his father's ability to communicate with sealife, but he had Arthur's warrior spirit...and adoration for both the ocean and the world above it. Just as Arthur was proof that the two worlds could meet, Veran was further evidence that the product of this connection could be accepted; as the people throughout Atlantis loved him as their own. The hatred for surface dweller's slowly dimmed, but never completely fizzled out. Camille came to be known as the mother of all people through her kind acts and newly-constructed laws founded on peace, and together with the love of her life King Orin, they paved Atlantis into a new era. One of progress and forgiveness.
Atlantis became a paradise below the sea, but this time of unity wasn't to last. The year that Prince Veran was to turn nine the world faced a crises unlike any other. An army from the planet Apokolips invaded the earth, lead by a powerful being called Darkseid. A battle was inevitable, one that would see every kingdom working together with the surface world; but there was one priority above all else. Ensuring their son's survival.
Author's Note: The next chapter links into the Justice League story, and the rest of the DC stories I'm doing, and so if you're only interested in this book then you guys can consider this chapter the unofficial ending :) If not, though, and you're interested in the rest then there's one chapter to go! Thanks so much to everyone who's been sticking by this story. Thank you for the support, votes, and comments ❤️
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