phantom traveler — part three

"'Supernatural'? Really?" — sam winchester


GRACE HAD NEVER BEEN TO AN AIRPORT BEFORE — THAT SHE COULD REMEMBER ANYHOW — SO SHE WAS COMPLETELY IN AWE OF THE PLACE AS HER AND HER FAMILY SPED THROUGH THE DOORS. But she didn't have time to stop and take in this new place, for they had a woman to stop from getting on her plane. Panting, out of breath, Grace's eyes scanned the area frantically in search of anything that would tell them where Amanda Walker was. But as she took in her surroundings, analysing each and every section, she couldn't ignore the feeling in her stomach telling her 'Run'. Grace could only assume that meant the demon was close.

Sam, being the tallest of the trio, was the first to notice the large electronic board hanging from the ceiling. "Right there." He pointed out, redirecting both Dean and Grace's gazes to the board. "They're boarding in thirty minutes."

"Okay. We still have some cards to play." He told them, not giving up. After all, the life of Amanda Walker depended on it. "We need to find a phone." Grace quickly found the courtesy phone attached to the wall and pointed over to it. Dean nodded in appreciation before going over and picking up the phone. "Hi. Gate thirteen. I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um... flight 4-2-4."

As soon as Amanda picked up the phone, Dean posed as a Doctor who claimed Amanda's sister — Karen — had been involved in a car crash and was badly injured. Grace felt bad that her Dad was lying to her like that, especially considering they were using her own sister against her. From the look on his face, it wasn't going very well.

But they desperately needed Amanda to not get on her flight, so of course, he tried to fix it. And failed.

He tried to play along with Amanda's theory that he was just a friend of her ex-boyfriend. Even Grace, despite being nine, knew that wasn't a good idea. No matter that her Dad tried, he just couldn't seem to get Amanda to change her mind about the flight. So, the woman hung up and left Dean pointlessly shouting down into the phone. It looked like their rescue plan wasn't going exactly, to well, plan.

Placing the phone back on the receiver somewhat forcibly, Dean let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it! So close." No offence to her Dad's efforts, but Grace doubted he was.

"We're gonna have to find another way to save her." Grace spoke up, still hoping that they were going pull through and bring a stop to the demon's reign of death and fear.

Sam nodded towards his niece in agreement before announcing. "All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane."

Grace was thrilled.

Dean was not.

"Whoa, whoa, now just hold on there for a second." Protested the oldest Winchester wide-eyed in what Grace recognised as fear. He was afraid?

Nonetheless, the girl was grinning ear to ear in excitement. "My first plane ride!" She cheered rather eagerly and if Dean wasn't as panicked as he was, he would have smiled.

Sam then continued, unwavering in his plan. "Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right," They most certainly were. "that plane is gonna crash."

"I know!" Dean exclaimed. However he still didn't appear as if he was going to get on the plane, as if one hundred lives on the line wasn't enough to convince him to go. He was most definitely afraid.

The middle Winchester gave the eldest a stern look. "We're getting on that plane."

"We have to stop the demon." Agreed Grace and she stared at her Dad with a concerned frown on her face. Knowing that he was frightened, she moved closer to his side and grabbed his freely hanging hand. Whenever either of them noticed the other was scared or sad or nervous, they would always reach out and hold their hand. It had become their thing.

And once their fingers came into contact, she could suddenly feel all his fear and panic building up in his body. Grace squeezed his hand comfortingly.

Sam continued, confused by his brother's reluctance to finish their hunt. "I'll get the tickets. You and Grace get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes." He instructed them. Grace glanced at her Father; she knew could do it, but she wasn't sure he could. Noticing the anxious look on Dean's face, he questioned. "Are you okay?"

"No, not really." Dean admitted with small, slightly panicked breaths.

Frowning in a mixture of worry and confusion, Sam then asked. "What? What's wrong?" Grace could already tell what was wrong, after all, she could read her Dad like a book powers or no powers.

Dean did his best to avoid eye contact with his brother as he confessed rather hesitantly. "Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..."


At the look of utter disbelief on Sam's face, Dean threw up his arms in exasperation. "It's never really been an issue until now."

Sam arched an eyebrow towards Dean incredulously. "You're joking, right?" Even though he was her Uncle, Grace was fighting the urge to go and have a strong talk with him.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

The small psychic spoke up defensively. "Everyone's afraid of something." She pointed out. Sure, there were multiple things Grace was afraid of. Like losing her new family, or them being hurt in a hunt and even her own powers frightened her from time to time. Not to mention paper cuts: they were just so tiny and so painful.

Dean gestured to his daughter with his free hand. "Exactly. And why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?" Before this case, Grace hadn't known of her Dad's fear of flying, this was new information. So before they took the demon—on—a—plane case, she just thought her Dad just preferred Baby, not that she could blame him.

"Because you love Baby." Dean didn't know whether or not to be offended so instead just narrowed his eyes at his child.

"All right." Sam spoke up, bringing the other Winchesters' gazes towards him before the staring contest could begin. "I'll take Gracie and we'll do this one on our own." If her Dad didn't want to fly, then she wasn't going to make him, but that didn't mean she was going to abandon her Uncle and let him face the demon alone. They both knew she could help.

"What are you, nuts? You said it yourself, the plane's gonna crash." Exclaimed the hunter fearfully. Grace glanced up at her Father with a comforting look as she squeezed his hand again.

Frustrated by the entire situation, Sam then reasoned. "Dean, we can do it together, or me and Grace can do this one by ourselves. I'm not seeing a third option, here." He explained, turning to Grace who was nodding her head along in agreement.

"Come on!" Dean let out a groan. "Really? Man."

With the comforting and kind grin on her face never wavering, Grace looked up at her Dad and told him. "Don't worry Dad, I'm here." She reassured him. Not that she could notice from her small height, but Dean's breathing started to slow back down. "I'll hold your hand the entire time." Promised Grace as she grinned brightly. Dean then let out a grumble in defeat.

Sam gave Dean a look. "We have to hurry. See you back here in five." He reminded them before Grace took Dean's hand and led them back to the Impala to gather the supplies they were going to need to take down the demon. Grace couldn't drop the grin from her face, she was just so excited. She was about to go on her first plane ride ever!

THE PLANE HADN'T YET TAKEN OFF FROM THE GROUND AND GRACE WAS ALREADY ENJOYING HERSELF. The seat was comfortable under her body and she was amazed by the fold-up table stuck to the back of the seat. Grace was placed between her Dad and her Uncle, her hands gripping theirs. Dean was clutching onto his daughter's hand for dear life whilst Sam was simply smiling at her excitement. He remembered his first time on a plane, but he was more nervous than ecstatic.

She kept reminding her Dad to breathe as it was something he always told her when she was in a state of panic. Dean appreciated her help and her concern, he really did, but it wasn't doing much to calm him.

He reached out and plucked the safety card from the pouch in front of him before he started to anxiously read every word it said. Grace held his hand tighter, so now they both felt as if vices were squeezing their fingers. But neither of them cared.

Sam let out a sigh as he looked over Grace's head at his brother. With a sigh, he advised. "Just try and relax."

"Just try and shut up." Snapped Dean.

Then Grace felt a sudden lift in her gut as the plane took off from the runway. A wide grin was spread ear to ear across her face whilst her Dad was frantically shifting in his seat, constantly on edge and unable to relax. He jumped and flinched at every rumble and shake the plane made — his fear of flying was now fully in effect. Meanwhile, Grace was having a wonderful time on her first ever plane trip.

Being in the air, even though they were suspended by a large metal bird, it felt good. Despite the demon lurking somewhere that was going to crash the plane in forty minutes, Grace was enjoying herself. Her Uncle was just smirking in amusement at her Dad's manic state so Grace nudged his leg with her foot disapprovingly. After all, it wasn't very nice to make fun of someone when they were afraid.

They had been in the air for a few minutes and Dean was humming to himself as he tried to calm his nerves. Grace smiled at the tune, the familiarity of it really bringing some comfort during this time. Sam just glanced at Dean with a raised eyebrow. "You're humming Metallica?"

"Calms me down."

He wasn't the only one who calmed to their rhythms. Sometimes, after awaking with an abrupt scream and tears streaming from her eyes, Dean would first calm her and then hum her favourite tunes until she fell back asleep. He didn't know what else to do. It wasn't as if her nightmares were caused by some creature he could hunt. So, he did the best that he could.

"Look, man, I get you're nervous, all right? But you got to stay focused." Sam tried to remind his brother of the mission at hand. As soon as Dean nodded in agreement, Sam continued. "I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down, or whoever it's possessing, anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism." He informed them.

Dean scoffed lightly at the plan. "Yeah, on a crowded plane." He then added sarcastically. "That's not gonna be easy."

A frowned formed on the youngest's lips. He was right. This wasn't going to be as easy as she originally thought.

"Just take it one step at a time, all right?" Sam advised his still anxious brother. With a deep breath, he then began in a calm, relaxed tone. "Now, who is it possessing?"

Grace looked to her Father expectantly as the man calmed his breaths and removed his gaze from the surrounding seats. "It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armour that the demon can worm through." Everyone had a weakness, it was just a matter of finding it. Now that was a lesson her Grandpa John had taught almost immediately. "Somebody with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress." The hunter listed off from memory. And it seemed to be doing the trick in calming him down.

Tilting her head in concern, Grace then squinted scrutinisingly as she stared up at her Father. Once he noticed her look, he sent her back a strange one of his own. "You're emotionally distressed right now." She pointed out as she knew what both of those words meant. Sam snorted quietly to himself and then the girl added with a bright smile. "But don't worry, we won't let the demon get you."

"Thanks, Pumpkin. Everything feels better now." He grumbled sarcastically.

Sam then spoke up with an idea of his own. "Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up." 'Messed up' wouldn't be the phrasing Grace would have used, but she knew what her Uncle was trying to say and agreed with him.

Dean hummed, also agreeing with his brother. The two youngest Winchesters watched as the eldest called out to the passing flight attendant, asking her whether or not she was Amanda. She was not. Considering the small number of flight attendants on a plane, Dean turned his gaze to the back of the aisle where Amanda was standing. "All right, well, that's got to be Amanda back there. So, I'll go talk to her, and, uh, I'll get a read on her mental state." If they wanted a read on her emotions, they should've just sent Gracie. But Dean wouldn't have it, especially considering the woman could be possessed. Maybe one day her Father would realise she could look after herself if she needed.

"What if she's already possessed?"

"There's ways to test that." Dean pointed out just as he opened his bag and dug around inside. A moment later he withdrew a decently large-sized bottle of Holy Water him and Grace had packed earlier. They were most certainly prepared to face the demon. Huh, maybe they were Boy Scouts after all. "We brought Holy Water."

Sam then glared at Dean and scolded him like a parent. "No." He said as he snatched the bottle from the man's hands before stuffing it inside his hoodie. "I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God."

Dean nodded along with Sam's plan. "Oh nice." Finally letting go of Grace's hand, somewhat reluctantly, Dean then pushed himself up and out of his seat and turned to leave. But just as he was about to walk towards Amanda, Sam called out and stopped him in his tracks. "What?"

"Say it in Latin."

"I know." Then Dean attempted to walk away again, only for his brother to blurt out.

"Okay. Hey!"


"Uh, in Latin, it's 'Christo'."

Dean just stared blankly at his brother in a mixture of disbelief and irritation. "Dude, I know!" He snapped back. "I'm not an idiot!" Even Grace, a nine-year-old who had no clue who she was before two years ago, knew what 'Christo' meant. She had been slowly learning Latin over the past two years, after all, it was a difficult language to wrap your head around, especially for one so young.

Both Grace and Sam looked over the backs of their seats to watch as Dean stumbled down the plane aisle, clutching the nearest headrest for dear life. The plane shook and her Dad almost tripped up multiple times. A frown contorted on Grace's face. "Uncle Sam, do you think he's going to be okay?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Gracie." He reassured her but that didn't do much to quench the urge to run up and hold her Dad's hand, for his sake and not her own. Grace knew he hated planes, they were probably his greatest fear, and she didn't want him to have to face it alone.

With the demon's threat of crashing the plane drawing closer and closer, Grace's enjoyment of the aircraft was going down. Sure, planes and flying were both great, but crashing, that didn't seem very fun. She had pinched a pen from her Dad's bag and started doodling on the back of a paper sickbag in boredom. Whilst Dean was busy determining whether or not Amanda was a demon, Sam and Grace began a game of hangman with Grace picking the word and her Uncle trying to guess. And he wasn't doing so well. Grace frowned at that, she thought he would be really good, her Dad said he went to a 'nerd school' or something along those lines.

Minutes later, Dean returned and quickly plunked himself back into his seat just as Sam guessed. "A". With a wide grin, Grace nodded and started filling in the blanks. Sam looked at his niece with a raised eyebrow. "'Supernatural'? Really?" He asked, finally getting the word his stick-figure avatar was almost hung over.

The girl shrugged in response, the smile still present across her lips. "It's the longest word I know how to spell." With an understanding nod from her Uncle, Grace then replaced the cap on her pen.

"Well, if you kids are done." Dean started and his voice brought the other two from their conversation. Both Grace and Sam turned to look at the man and Grace once again reached out for her Dad's hand as he looked even more panicked than he did before. "She's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet."

Sam, having tossed their finished game into the bag, queried his brother. "You said 'Christo'?" Dean nodded in confirmation which just made her Uncle's questioning look grow. "And?"

"There's no demon in her." The hunter informed them with a shake of his head. "There's no demon getting in her." Grace wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not.

Looking down for a moment to think, Sam then deduced. "So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere." Now that wasn't good.

Suddenly, the plane began to shake and rumble; most likely from the wind outside and not the demon, but still it replaced some of her excitement with anxiety. Her Dad, on the other hand, was getting himself even more worked up. His breathing increased, his heart picked up its pace and he clutched the arms of the seat so tightly his knuckles went white. "Come on!" He whined fearfully. "That can't be normal!"

"Hey, hey, it's just turbulence." Sam tried to reassure him as Grace squeezed his hand comfortingly. But it soon became clear their attempts were in vain as they did nothing to calm the man on their right.

Angrily, Dean glared at his brother over his daughter's head and barked. "Sam, this plane is going to crash, okay?! So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four!" Meanwhile, Grace just sat there awkwardly, unsure as to what to do.

Then the psychic spoke up calmly with her gentlest tone. "Dad, you need to calm down." He kept his gaze fixed in front of him and didn't even dare look down at the adorable puppy-dog-eyes he knew she was currently giving him. Dean just shook his head at her words in denial.

"Well, I'm sorry I can't."

Grace encouraged him. "Yes, you can." She wasn't just trying to make him calm down, she knew he could do it. She believed he was capable of facing his fear and taking down the demon that was targeting their plane. Grace knew she would always believe in her Dad, just like he would always believe in her.

The plane continued to tremble amongst the clouds which just worsened Dean's current state. Then the man snapped back. "Grace! Stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping!" She knew he wasn't thinking right, but that didn't mean he had to speak to her like that.

"Dean!" Sam protested after seeing the crestfallen expression on his niece's face.

Despite the sharpness of his words, Grace still continued to try and help him. After all, he was her Father. "Dad! Demons like emotional distress! Your words! And need to calm down otherwise it'll want to possess you." The small girl exclaimed. Finally, she managed to get through to him. It appeared her words had done the trick and he immediately came to his senses.

The eldest Winchester took a deep breath in as he tried to calm himself down from his panicked state. He couldn't look at Grace and instead kept taking relaxing breaths whilst the girl in question was still holding his hand and giving him a concerned look. "Good." Sam nodded as his brother managed to get his fear under control. He then pulled out their Dad's journal and began flicking through it in search of a particular page. "Now, I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum." Cool name.

Looking straight over Grace, Dean inquired. "What do we have to do?"

"It's two parts." Sam began to explain, as he read from the book. "The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful."

Both Dean and Grace wore matching frowns and worried looks. "More powerful?" Dean asked and Sam nodded. "How?"

"Well, it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own." Well, that didn't sound like a good idea. Grace's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his words because why would they want to do that? Surely their aim was to stop the demon before it could cause havoc, not let it?

It seemed her Dad also had the same doubts. "Oh. And why is that a good thing?"

A smirk crept onto Sam's face and then he explained. "Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all." Grace grinned because now that sounded like a idea. They just had to make sure they completed the second step before the demon could hurt anyone. Easy—peasy demon exorcismy.

Grace wasn't sure what she was feeling right at that moment. The demon's presence was hiding somewhere, she could sense it, it had been whispering in the back of her mind since she arrived at the airport. And the closer they got to the forty minute marker, the louder those whispers got. Grace ran a hand through her wild curls in anticipation as her Dad stated. "First things first, we got to find it." And that was how the Winchesters ended up strolling down the aisles, scanning the plane with the EMF meter and Grace's demon—detector. Dean's eyes flickered to Grace who was trailing behind him. "Gracie, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, you were just trying to help me." He admitted with guilt.

But the small girl didn't blame him and had forgiven him the moment those words escaped his lips. "It's okay, Dad." She assured him because she knew he was still feeling bad about it. "I know you didn't mean it."

Dean wasn't sure how to respond to that so he just nodded his head and continued to scan the seats around him. Neither Grace nor the EMF meter were getting anything apart from the occasional odd look from other passengers. But that was nothing new to them.

A hand came down on Dean's shoulder causing the man to jump and spin around, startled. It was only her Uncle Sam. "Ah! Don't do that." Dean placed a hand over his chest. He was already on edge as it was and his brother scaring him like that didn't help. Meanwhile, Grace was fine as she had seen her Uncle coming.


Grace looked up at her tall Uncle and answered. "Nothing."

"How much time we got?" Anxiously asked Dean whose grip tightened on the device in his hands.

After checking his watch, Sam informed them. "Fifteen minutes." Well, that wasn't good. But Grace believed it was enough. That they could save this plane no matter what time they had left. "Maybe we missed somebody."

Dean just shrugged. "Maybe the thing's just not on the plane." He dared to suggest.

But Grace knew otherwise, she knew it was on the plane somewhere, she just couldn't find it. "It's here." She announced to the group, bringing their gazes down to her height. "I can feel it."

And just as her words fell from her lips, the EMF meter began to spike with a loud, high-pitched whirring. The trio locked their eyes forwards just as the co-pilot exited the bathroom and made his way back towards the cock-pit. Grace could sense it now, clearer than ever. She could sense the demon's dark shadow of an energy and it made her feel ill.


The co-pilot stopped in his tracks, flinching at the word, before slowly turning around to face them. His eyes flashed an inky, consuming black and just the sight of them sent a chill down Grace's spine. Then he slipped into the cockpit, leaving the Winchesters frozen in fear. They all glanced at each other. They had found the demon.

"We have to tell Amanda." Dean proclaimed before he started to lead his family towards the other end of the plane and as far away from the demon as they could get. Grace was grateful for that.

Sam just shook his head at his brother's suggestion. "She's not gonna believe this." For everyone's sake, Grace hoped that she did.

"Twelve minutes, dude!"

They may have been running out of time, but Grace still believed they could still stop the demon and save everyone on the plane. Hope wasn't completely gone yet. When Amanda noticed the trio approaching her, she looked up with a friendly smile. "Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope."

Sam quickly turned around to draw the curtain separating them from the rest of the plane as Dean spoke up. "Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Amanda was confused and Grace couldn't blame her. Then Dean continued and Grace knew he would've been softer if they had the time. "All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole 'the truth is out there' speech right now."

"All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485." Sam interrupted and Amanda's face fell at his words.

The blonde faltered. "Who are you guys?" She inquired before glancing down at the nine—year—old in concern, wondering whether or not she was okay. At the moment, to Amanda, the Winchester boys were crazy so she was concerned for the safety of the small girl they had by their sides.

Ignoring her question, Sam continued. "Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't mechanical failure."

Nodding along with Sam's words, Dean then carried on from his brother. "We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now."

It appeared Amanda wasn't thrilled with what they had to say and then tried to push past the eldest Winchester and get away from the trio. "I'm sorry, I—I'm very busy. I have to go back—"

Fortunately for them, but not so much her, Dean grabbed her wrist and prevented her from leaving. Grace felt bad for the woman, she really did, but they needed her help to save the lives of everyone on the plane. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" He reassured her softly before continuing. "But listen to me, uh... the pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert, he's dead."

They soon realised that Amanda had no idea of Chuck's fate and her eyes then started to water at the news. "Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?" Grace tried to reach out to the woman, to comfort her, but upon contact she was suddenly bombarded with all her grief, her sadness and her pain. It was a bit much for her to bear so she quickly dropped Amanda's hand which caused the blonde to frown in confusion.

"He died in a plane crash." Dean confirmed for her. "Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?" He questioned her with a raised eyebrow. It were normally two types of people: those who accepted the truth and those who denied it. Clearly Amanda knew something was wrong with flight 2485, she was there, but she refused to believe it could be anything unnatural. It wasn't uncommon, but it did tend to make these kind of situations a lot harder than they had to be.


Sam glanced at his watch apprehensively. They were running out of time. "Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too."

Ready this time, Grace reached out again for the blonde's hand. "Please, you have to believe us. We're not lying." She told the woman as she looked up at her. And as Amanda stared into the girl's eyes, she could see the truth shining strongly from within them. They weren't lying to her.

"On... on 2485, there was this man." Amanda slowly began. "He... had these eyes."

The Winchesters exchanged a look — they all knew exactly what she was talking about: demon eyes. He had pitch black eyes, just like the co-pilot currently did, the demon's previous host. "Yeah. That's exactly what we're talking about." Sam nodded encouragingly at her words.

Despite accepting their truth, Amanda still had no idea what was happening and frowned slightly. "I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?"

"Okay. The co-pilot, we need you to bring him back here." Dean instructed as he gave her a look to say he wasn't kidding, not at all.

If anything, that just made Amanda even more confused. "Why? What does he have to do with anything?" She inquired curiously, wandering what the hell she was getting herself involved in.

"Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?" Grace could tell he Dad was trying his hardest to be gentle, but with time running out he was getting more and more anxious and jumpy.

"How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the co-pilot—"

"Do whatever it takes." Sam quickly cut her off, not having time to waste. Then he suggested. "Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit." Desperation was clear in the eyes of all three Winchesters yet Amanda was still hesitant. Grace squeezed the woman's hand, trying to remind her that they needed her help, that what they were doing was important.

Amanda continued to protest. "Do you know that I could lose my job if you-"

"Okay, well you're gonna lose a lot more if you don't help us out." Snapped Dean impatiently. After all, they didn't have the time to wait around, they had a demon to exorcise. Grace still believed, without a doubt, that they were going to save the day. They had to. With that, Amanda finally gave in and granted their request. They all watched from behind the curtain as Amanda travelled up to the cockpit before luring out the possessed co-pilot.

Sam reached into his jacket and withdrew the Holy Water as Dean instantly whipped out John's journal and handed it to his brother who quickly opened it to the right page. Grace fished into her large pockets before pulling out a small water-pistol filled to the brim with Holy Water. She remembered spying it whilst out with her Dad and then the two spent the afternoon having a water fight in the motel room — John wasn't pleased. And once they returned to the Impala, Grace dug around the backseats until she found the toy and then poured some of the blessed liquid into it. It was a good thing that she kept it.

Out of the corner of their eyes they could see Amanda quickly approaching with the possessed co-pilot so they prepared themselves. Once it stepped across the fabric barrier, Dean attacked. He punched it as fast as he could, sending it crashing to the ground. Grace raised the water-pistol readily as her Dad taped the demon's mouth shut and pinned him to the plane floor.

"Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." She cried out in horror.

"We are gonna talk to him." Dean stated.

Turning to the woman next to her, Grace added. "It's just he's not gonna talk back." Amanda was shocked by the girl's words and tone, having not expecting them to come from her mouth.

Dean splashed some of the Holy Water onto the demon's chest and as soon as it made contact with his skin it scorched it like it was on fire. Steam rose from the demon's burnt chest which was quietly sizzling as the water evaporated. "Oh, my God. What's wrong with him?" She gasped at the horrific sight before her.

With a squeeze of the plastic trigger, holy water shot from her gun and landed on the demon's arm, burning that too. "It's Holy Water." She told the blonde matter-of-factly. Amanda didn't know whether to be relieved that they weren't using harmful chemicals or terrified of what kind of person could react like that to something as plain as holy water.

"Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain." Sam instructed the flight attendant who was transfixed by the disturbing scene in the back of the plane.

Understandably, Amanda was completely stunned by the sight before her. A man burning upon contact with holy water? A strange family of three who somehow knew about all this kind of stuff? "Well, I don't understand-I don't know-"

"Don't let anybody in, okay?" Sam asked rather sternly as he tried to get through to the frightened flight attendant. "Can you do that?" It appeared she hadn't heard him so he repeated, louder this time. "Can you do that? Amanda?" The woman finally broke from her trance and stammered her agreement before she left the Winchesters alone with the thrashing, sizzling demon. After all, she could tell they knew what they were doing.

Dean didn't tear his eyes from the demon as he struggled to keep him down. "Hurry up, Sam. I don't know much longer I can hold him." He grunted out.

His words snapped Sam back into gear and he quickly raised the journal and began reciting the words in Latin. But he was cut off when the demon suddenly broke free from Dean's grasp. Grace tried using her holy-water-pistol against the demon, but it still went ahead and knocked both of the other Winchesters straight to the floor. Again, she fired, right on the neck which was unprotected by the co-pilot's uniform. The demon screeched in pain, giving Dean the opportunity he needed to regain control and trap the demon against the floor. Sam picked up where he left off, the Latin incantation echoing around the room.

Grace took a cautious step forwards, holy-water-pistol trained on the demon. She didn't want to hurt the innocent man it was possessing, but at the same time they couldn't let the demon escape. Sometimes Gracie really didn't like living a hunter's life.

Before anyone could do anything to stop it, the demon pushed Dean away yet again and yanked the duct tape from it's mouth. It seized Sam by his collar and pulled him forwards. "I know what happened to your girlfriend!" It grinned like a maniac. "She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!"

She squirted the holy water at the demon just as her Dad managed to recover from his second hit and rushed forwards to punch the demon across the face again. Grace then turned her focus to her Uncle who was sat there, stunned by the demon's words. Her hand rested on Sam's shoulder comfortingly and Dean yelled out for his brother. His brother's cries were enough to break Sam from his small trance and he once again started to chant.

When he placed down the journal, it signalled to Grace that the first part of the exorcism was complete. Now for the more difficult part two.

Sam moved next to Dean to add another pair of hands in his effort to restrain the demon. "I got him." He announced and the trio were all so focused on the demon that neither of them noticed the journal being kicked away and out of sight.

An icy shiver shot up Grace's spine as she felt her insides twist and turn. She could feel the demon and it wasn't nice. Black smoke erupted from the co-pilot's mouth as the demon vacated his body. It quickly flew through the air before disappearing into the vents above them. Grace's stomach sunk and it wasn't because of the evil aura coming from the demon. This wasn't good.

"Where'd it go?"

Grace gulped fearfully. "It's in the plane."

"We got to finish it." Added Dean as he turned to Sam who was also wearing a worried look.

Abruptly, the plane dropped in the air. Her stomach did cartwheels but she still managed to reach out to the nearest sturdy thing and hold on with everything she had. The plane heaved violently, tossing the screaming passengers in their seats. Either their forty minutes were up or they had pissed the demon off and it decided to bring forward the clock. None of them were good.

Sam dived after the journal as it skidded down the carpeted aisle. Dean clung desperately to the side of the emergency door, screaming his lungs out. And Grace, she was fighting to stay conscious as with every strike from the demon, the weaker she grew.

But this was a battle she couldn't win and soon her grip on the plane faltered and she fell backwards into the plane. Even through his fear induced panic, Dean could see what was happening to his Grace and quickly let go of the emergency door with one hand just in time to catch her body as it fell. He held his daughter close to his chest as the demon continued to attack and bring down the plane.

Sam's chanting reverberated through the aircraft and as the final pronunciation fell from his lips, a powerful surge passed through the plane. Then, much to everyone's relief, the plane stopped falling, stopped shaking and finally levelled out. The demon was gone.

With no dark and invading presence floating in her mind, Grace managed to regain consciousness only to find herself tightly locked in her Father's arms. Her mind and heart felt lighter like a weight had suddenly been lifted. And that was how she knew the demon was gone. They had done it. Just like she knew they would.

"You okay, Pumpkin?" Dean quickly asked after regaining his breath.

Grace couldn't help it, she let out a rather delighted giggle. "I'm fine." A relieved kiss was pressed to the top of her head. "I never thought my first flight would turn out like this." It now looked like flying was crossed off her bucket list.

Dean smirked. "Well, at least you can't say it was boring." Then the father and daughter both erupted into laughter. The demon was gone, the plane was saved and everything was alright. Today was a good day.

UPON ARRIVAL BACK AT THE AIRPORT, THEY WERE ALL SUDDENLY SWARMED BY OFFICIALS AND MEDICS WHO CHECKED THEM ALL OVER. Fortunately, they had all made it out without a scratch, which the same couldn't have been said about Grace's holy-water-pistol that had been trampled on during the chaos. RIP holy-water-pistol, served your world well and will be missed. Grace may have not been injured by the incident, but their battle with the demon had drained her.

So, the girl was half-asleep on her Dad's back, head resting on his shoulder. Sam offered to take over, but Dean shushed him claiming he wanted her to sleep. Really, he just wanted to be close to Grace and Sam could tell that so he didn't push. The Uncle tucked a loose curl behind the tired psychic's ear with a small smile. She tried to form a 'thank-you' but found that no words fell from her lips. Nevertheless, Sam knew what she was trying to say.

The trio stood off to the side, watching as Amanda was questioned by an FBI agent. She mouthed them a 'thank you' for what they had done for them. It was the most the Winchesters could ever receive, and besides, they didn't save people for the fame or the reward. They saved people because they knew about what lurked in the shadows whilst most had no idea. They saved people because it was the right thing to do.

"Let's get out of here." Dean said to his younger brother. He secured his hold on his daughter before they walked off and away from the scene — just like they usually did. Noticing the distant look on his brother's face, he questioned. "You okay?"

Halting suddenly, Sam then turned to face his brother. "Dean, it knew about Jessica." He reminded him, as if Dean had forgot the words the demon had uttered.

With a heavy sigh, Dean then said. "Sam, these things, they, they read minds." He reasoned. "They lie. All right? That's all it was." Sam then agreed with a sigh of his own, hanging his head sadly as he thought about the woman he had lost. "Come on."

Then the Winchesters left the airport behind and put it in their rear-view mirror. The demon may have been sent back to the fiery pits of Hell and the plane might have been saved, but they still had one last stop to make before they could bring this case to a final close.

BACK AT THE HANGAR, THE WINCHESTERS DELIVERED THE NEWS TO A RELIEVED JERRY PANOWSKI. Grace had had a somewhat peaceful sleep in the back of the Impala where she recovered from the toll dealing with a demon had done to her. She wasn't yet back up to full strength, but she was feeling much better than she did the night before. Now she stood side by side with her family as Jerry led them back to their car.

It had been nice seeing Jerry again. Grace just hoped that if they ever did, it would be on much better circumstances.

"Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do." He told them gratefully. "A lot of people could have been killed." In turn the Winchesters shook the man's hand, even Grace ended up taking the man's hand and she usually wasn't a hand-shaking person. "Your Dad," He glanced at Grace. "and your Grandad's gonna be real proud."

Grace simply grinned. "Just doing our jobs." She ignored the stern look her Dad was sending her way. Because to him, hunting was his and Sam's jobs, she was just the occasionally useful tag along he couldn't get rid of — in a nice way.

"We'll see you around, Jerry." Sam and Grace waved goodbye to the man as they all started walking over to where Baby was parked.

But just as Dean was about to get into his car, he turned around to Jerry and finally asked the question that had been bugging him since they arrived. "I meant to ask you, how did you get my cellphone number, anyway? I've only had it for like six months." He frowned, puzzled.

"Your Dad gave it to me." He stated.

They all stared at the man in shock and disbelief. He had talked to John Winchester? The man could pick up the phone for an old acquaintance but not his own family? No offence to Jerry or anything. Gracie shook her head, that didn't sound right.


"When did you talk to him?"

"Grandpa answered the phone?"

Jerry started to stutter awkwardly at all their questions, so he took a deep, calming breath before replying to them all at once. "I mean, I didn't exactly talk to him," Well, that made more sense. "but I called his number. His voice message said to give you a call." All three Winchesters exchanged a baffled look. Voice message? "Thanks again, guys." Jerry waved goodbye and walked away, leaving three stunned Winchesters standing there, mouths gaping.

A minute or so later, the trio were resting against the trunk lid, with Grace sitting casually upon it. Planes passed by overhead; the wind and the sound rushing past her was an unusual feeling Grace quite liked. She was between the two and stared up at her Uncle as he spoke up, still confused. "This doesn't make any sense. I've called Dad's number like fifty times. It's been out of service." He threw up his hands in exasperation.

Dean then pulled out his phone and searched through his contacts for his Dad. Both Grace and Sam watched curiously as he dialled and John and then held up the phone for them all to hear just as the voice message played in their ears.

"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean 785-555-0179. He can help."

Both Grace and Dean were rather flabbergasted by what they had just heard and their mouths dropped slightly from the shock. The girl ran a hand through her untameable locks anxiously whilst her Uncle stormed off into the car, fuming. He was annoyed that his Father had decided to pull a move like this instead of talking to them and Grace couldn't blame him. Then her and her Dad followed Sam into the Impala and soon they were on the road yet again.

But now they knew John Winchester must still be alive. All they had to do was find him.

Chapter eleven! And four episodes done! Wow!

Also, never before has a character of mine had a birthday so when I thought about giving her one I realised Grace is totally a Pisces and considering I was in the Pisces time of year whilst writing this, I decided the day I publish this book will be her birthday.

So, officially (according to her adoption records) Grace was born on the 18th of March 1996!

I love Grace and Dean so much. He always feels bad when he snaps at her because he knows what his Dad snapping at him feels like.

I also just love Grace in general, she's so sweet and kind and innocent yet at the same time, strong and most definitely a badass in the making. She deserves the world and has to go through so much on a daily basis. This girl just needs some peace. But considering this is Supernatural, that's doubtful.

Anyway, thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Hopefully, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Sincerely Rosie aka Winter326

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