Louis is very clingy. Obviously the triplets are too, but it's hard for Louis to deal with three bites. Everyday they try to go out more.
They go to a McDonalds drive through, getting Louis used to being outside with other people. He sits in the back with Harry and holds his hand tightly. When Edward tells the woman at the window what they want with a polite smile Louis sniffles and wipes his eyes.
"Hey, Lou," Harry says gently, kissing his head. "It's okay. He's your alpha, yeah? You've got his bite on your neck."
Louis makes a disgruntled noise and tucks his head into Harry's neck.
"There we go," Harry encourages. "Our omega, our perfect little omega."
His hand runs soothingly up and down Louis' back, kissing his head repeatedly. By the time Edward has got the food in the car Louis is crying.
"Love, what's wrong?" Edward asks.
"My alpha!"
"Yes, sweetie, I am. And you're my omega. And Marcel's omega and Harry's omega."
When Louis doesn't calm down Harry lifts his head and bites over his mark. Louis gasps and goes lax in his arms. He closes his eyes and let's Harry take control.
"Nice one, Haz," Marcel says, reaching back to smooth down Louis' hair. Louis whimpers and tips his head back against Marcel's hand so he keeps playing with his hair. Marcel grins and let's his fingers rake through Louis' hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp. "Good boy, Lou."
When they get home Harry carries Louis into the living room, sitting on the couch with him in his lap. He pulls away from his neck and kisses the mark repeatedly.
"You okay now, Lou?" He asks gently. Louis makes a sad noise.
"C'mon, what's wrong?" Edward asks.
"I'm so emotional! I'm a wreck," Louis pouts. Edward grins.
"You're wonderful. Absolutely perfect. We knew that getting three bites would be difficult but now you have three alphas that'll help you. Okay?"
"Yeah," Louis sighs and wipes at his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"No need to apologise," Marcel says and kisses his temple. "You've done nothing wrong."
He turns around, staying on Harry's lap so he can eat his food as his alphas crowd in around him.
"Can we go see my mum tomorrow? Then we can get my things?" Louis asks.
"Course, can't wait for you to move in here," Marcel grins. "You're so amazing."
"We need to take you for a pregnancy test," Edward says.
"Wouldn't you smell it on me?" Louis says quietly.
"We should," Harry agrees. "But we should wait a little bit. It's only a few days after."
"Okay," Louis nods.
When they're finished they run a bath and everyone piles in. They're glad they got a big bath.
"Lou, you did so well today," Edward praises. "Tomorrow we can go for a walk through the park, okay?"
"I cried!" Louis exclaims.
"Niall nearly attacked an omega when they went out after they'd first mated."
"Yeah and then he bit Liam's arm," Marcel chuckles. Louis smiles softly and leans against Marcel's chest.
"Babe, you'll be cold if you don't get out now," Harry soothes when Louis whines as Harry lifts him out of the bath. "There we go."
Louis pouts as Edward wraps a towel around him tightly and lays him on the bed.
"Edward, let me go."
Edward hums, shaking his head and lies on top, holding most of his weight up on his own. He noses along Louis' neck, teeth catching on his mark.
"Edward," Louis whimpers. Edward kisses his neck gently and keeps his hold.
Louis sniffles and shakes his head.
Louis huffs and tries to wiggle away.
"Relax, Louis."
Louis takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, giving up his struggle. Edward whispers into his ear a quick 'good boy' before he bites down on his mark.
Harry grins when he comes into the bedroom after drying off, kissing Louis' head.
"Such a good omega."
"I'm bad," Louis pouts. "I'm needy and scared."
"Don't say you're bad, ever. You're amazing. If you're bad we'll tell you," Marcel frowns.
"Why're you scared?" Harry says, sitting beside him so he can play with his hair.
"I'm really emotional and out of control and I've just bonded with three amazing alphas and I'm seventeen!"
"Are you having second thoughts?" Harry says. His voice is low and quiet.
"No, I just- it's a lot to take in. I'm so glad that we've bonded and mated, you guys are phenomenal."
"It's okay Louis," Marcel whispers and kisses Louis gently. Louis hums, one hand going to Marcel's chest and one going to Edward's hair. Edward is growling against his skin, sinking his teeth further into his mark.
"Edward," Harry admonishes. "It's only Marcel." Edward casts a glance at Harry. "Okay, you're not angry. You just want Louis to relax. Submit."
Edward lets out a content noise and relaxes against Louis' chest. Louis has tilted his head back, eyes closed and lips parted as he lets out small noises with each breath.
"Good boy," Marcel says, fingers trailing over Louis' cheek. Louis' breathing slows and he is so close to sleep when Edward pulls away. He whines, trying to hold on to him.
Edward grins and takes off Louis' towel, pulling Louis beneath the covers as his brothers follow.
"Such a good boy," Edward coos and licks at his mark. "An absolute star."
"Amazing, truly wonderful," Harry praises.
And then Marcel lets it slip.
"I love you, Lou."
And then Louis isn't asleep at all. There's a long pause as the triplets wait for Louis' reaction and Louis tries to articulate what was just said to him.
Marcel's eyes well up more and more the longer Louis doesn't answer. He shakes his head, willing himself not to cry and turns around to walk away. Harry makes a sad noise and grabs Marcel's wrist.
"Harry," Edward says softly. Harry nods and let's go. "Go."
Harry glances at Louis, standing and following Marcel out of the room. Louis can hear them crying as they close he door, Harry murmuring that it'll be okay.
Edward sighs and looks at Louis who avoids his gaze. Louis stares at the bed, tracing patterns on to the duvet. His cheeks are pale and his eyes are glistening.
"Lou," Edward mumbles. "What was that?"
"I'm sorry," Louis sniffles, wiping his eyes quickly as if to hide his tears. Edward already knows he's crying though, could smell and feel the guilt and sadness as soon as it hit Louis.
"Don't you love us?" Edward asks.
"It's not that- it just-"
"You don't," Edward frowns. "You don't love us."
"Can we start this conversation again?" Louis whimpers, curling in on himself.
Edward stands silently and leaves the room.
"Why?" Marcel wails. "We've bonded with him, mated with him and done everything we can to keep him happy. Why doesn't he love us?"
"Hush, little brother," Edward soothes, pulling Marcel into his chest. Harry smiles sadly at Edward over Marcel's shoulder. "We can go and talk to him when you're ready."
"Now," Marcel whines. "I want him now."
Edward pats his head.
"It's rude to eavesdrop, Louis," he says. Everyone turns to the door where Louis is. He has one of Marcel's jumpers on, the long sleeves covering his hands and it falls off his shoulder, the hem resting high on his thighs.
Louis takes tentative steps towards them, stopping when he stands in front of them. Marcel sniffs, whimpering when Louis places a gentle hand on his chest. Louis looks up at him through his lashes and smiles sadly.
"I'm sorry, Marcel," he whispers . "I really am."
Marcel closes his eyes, his skin burning beneath Louis' touch.
"You don't love me back. Why?" Marcel asks, chest heaving as he struggles to reign in the tears.
"Stop saying that!" Louis shouts, stepping back. "Will you all stop saying that I don't love you?"
"Why, Louis? Why should we stop if its true?" Harry demands.
"Because it's not! I love you. All three of you. Okay?" Louis whines, scrubbing tiredly at his face as he begins to cry again.
"Say it again."
Louis looks up blearily at Marcel who is crowding his space. His voice is a low growl now, eyes dark as he stares down at Louis.
"I love you," Louis whispers. In one swift movement, Marcel is holding Louis to him as he bites down over his mark. Louis, who's feet are barely touching the floor, moans and let's Marcel take his weight.
Marcel growls low in his throat when Harry comes closer but Harry ignores him.
"Trying to help, little bro. You've got him, it's okay," Harry soothes and helps guide Marcel to the couch. Marcel lies on top of Louis, similar to how Edward was earlier. He brackets Louis in like he's trying to hide him.
Edward reaches out for Harry's hand, smiling and kissing his cheek gently. He pulls a blanket over Marcel and Louis before he and Harry move to the other couch.
"Lou?" Harry calls out from where he's tucked into Edward's chest. Louis blinks his eyes open, looks at them and smiles. "I love you."
"I love you. We all do," Edward agrees.
"I love you," Louis grins and when Marcel growls against him he runs a hand through his hair. "You too, babe."
When Marcel has relaxed slightly Edward and Harry come over and burrow into Louis' neck. Louis shivers and moves slightly to accommodate the extra triplets. Harry kisses his cheek. And they fall asleep happily.
They all wake up too warm but too happy to care, Louis insisting they all get a shower together before they get ready to go out. Louis lets them dress him in his own clothes despite his protesting.
"You can't always wear our clothes, love," Harry grins, kissing Louis quickly before pulling a t shirt over his head. "But we'll be right next to you."
"Okay," Louis pouts, happy when Harry kisses him again. He smiles and parts his lips, little hands holding Harry's shoulders. "Can't we stay here?"
"Nope," Harry chuckles. "Nice try though, mister. Go and see my brothers while I get dressed."
"Fine," Louis huffs. Harry smacks his bum quickly.
"Don't be naughty."
Louis' eyes are wide as he nods his head, looking at the floor to try and hide his flushed cheeks. Harry can smell his arousal already. He pats his bum gently and kisses his temple.
"You're okay, go on, Lou."
Louis nods and starts to walk away, smiling when he hears Edward call out 'good boy' to him. He shuffles downstairs and drops down to sit on Marcel's lap.
"You okay, love?" Marcel grins, kissing his lips gently.
"I'm great. How're you?" Louis smiles and plays with the buttons on Marcel's shirt.
"I'm good. I'm very happy."
Louis beams up at him, tilting his head back when Marcel kisses his jaw.
"We're so unbelievably lucky," he murmurs as he trails his lips to their marks.
"Love you," Louis moans, hands sliding up into Marcel's hair. Marcel smirks and his hands squeeze at Louis' hips, tongue teasing at the scar he left on Louis' neck.
"Love you too, babe."
"We all do," Edward says as he walks into the room. "Cup of tea for you, my love. And a cup of coffee for my little bro."
Louis grins as he takes the tea, sipping it whilst still on Marcel's lap.
"You okay, Edward?" Louis asks. Edward sits down beside them with his own cup of tea.
"Wonderful. Just need to wait for curly and then we can go for a walk."
"Can't we stay in?" Louis pouts. Edward chuckles and shakes his head.
"Sorry babe, you need to get used to it," Marcel says.
Louis huffs, sitting silently as he drinks his tea. Harry rolls his eyes when he comes in.
"Is Lou sulking again because he doesn't want to go out?" He asks as he sits on the arm of the chair. Louis pokes his thigh and pulls tongues at him.
"I'm not sulking. Leave me alone," Louis sniffles, rubbing at his eyes. Harry sighs, kissing Louis' head.
"I'm only teasing, love. I know you're upset," he soothes, smoothing Louis' hair down. "Okay?"
Louis nods, closing his eyes as he slumps against Marcel's chest. When they've all finished their drinks, they get their coats on and leave the house.
Edward lets Marcel and Harry hold Louis' hands and walks in front of Louis. He was walking behind him but Louis whined that he wanted to see him. And who was he to deny his omega?
So they stroll slowly through the park, Louis whimpering and squeezing his alpha's hands when he thinks people are walking a little too close. Harry hums, thumb rubbing over Louis' knuckles gently.
"You're okay, baby. We've got you," Marcel soothes, smiling softly at Louis. Louis pouts and shakes his head.
"I don't like it," he sniffles.
"I know you don't, princess," Edward sighs. "But you can do it, yeah?"
Louis just frowns. His sniffles come quicker and louder as time goes by, lifting his hand and Harry's to wipe at his face. He avoids looking at the triplets. Edward can feel how sad his omega is, can feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and his palms get sweaty.
Edward leads them around the pond, circling it a couple times before Louis can't take it anymore. He shakes his head quickly. Harry and Marcel try to grab him but Edward shakes his head.
They watch as Louis closes his eyes tightly, hands coming to tug at his hair as a loud son falls past his lips. Edward steps forward, a gentle hand resting on Louis' cheek.
"Hey, hey, love," he whispers. "It's okay. Well done."
Louis can hear Marcel and Harry mumbling about something. He chooses to focus on the contact he has with Edward, leaning into his hand as Edward whispers soft words. Edward kiss his forehead, lips lingering for a few seconds.
"Can you open your eyes for me, Lou?" He asks quietly. Louis shakes his head. Edward chuckles and tugs Louis over to sit on the bench. He pulls Louis to his chest and holds him closely.
"C'mon, baby, want to see your pretty eyes," Edward smiles. He nods to himself when he sees Harry and Marcel jogging out of the park to get the car.
"Don't want to," Louis pouts, lips brushing against Edward's neck.
"Why, princess?" Edward says. He slides his hand under Louis' shirt, rubbing soft circles at the dimples on his back.
Louis doesn't reply, just sighs and nuzzles further into Edward's neck.
"They're open," he says after a few moments.
"I think that's a lie," Edward grins. "Cheeky."
Louis giggles.
"I love your laugh," Edward compliments. Louis mumbles a thank you. Edward pats his bum and chuckles when he can feel the heat of Louis' flushed cheeks.
Edward carries Louis to the car when Harry texts him that they've arrived at the park. Edward sits in the back with Louis on his lap, stroking his hair gently. Louis waves shyly at Harry and Marcel.
"You okay now, bub?" Harry asks as he drives. Louis smiles.
"'Ve been better. But I'd rather feel like this with you three than be super happy on my own," Louis sighs calmly, resting his head on Edward's shoulder.
"You should be super happy with us," Marcel frowns. Louis leans forward and takes his hand gently
"I am extremely happy that we're together and we've mated and I love you all. Just in this moment of time, I'm not doing too good. You three are the best thing to ever happen to me, okay?" He says, staring expectantly at Marcel. Marcel smiles and nods his head. Louis grins when Marcel kisses his hand, letting him pull back so he can sit comfortably.
Edward kiss Louis' neck.
"You're such a brilliant omega. How on earth did we find you?" He murmurs, nose running along Louis' hair. Louis shivers, closing his eyes as he smiles.
"Your blonde friend made me sit with you and then you wouldn't leave me alone," he teases.
"You love us," Harry chuckles, smirking at Louis through the mirror.
"Yeah," Louis softens. "I do."
They arrive at Louis' house a little later, his mum pulling each of them into a hug.
"Oh my god, Lou," she gasps, marvelling at the marks on his neck. "You okay?"
"I'm great, mum," Louis smiles, hugging her again before they go into the living room.
They talk over a cup of tea for a little while about how Louis has been since the rut, asking if it went okay. She tells them that his boxes are by his bedroom door if they want to move them before they eat lunch. So Edward, Marcel and Harry pile his boxes into the car while he talks with his mum.
"You sure you're okay love?" She asks, brushing Louis' hair away from his eyes. Louis nods, closing his eyes as he leans on her.
"I love them so much," Louis whispers. "They're so amazing and brilliant. I'm so, so happy."
Jay smiles over Louis' shoulders at the three alphas who have walked into the room in time for Louis' confessions.
"Speaking of the Devils," Jay grins. Louis whips around, covering his face when he realises they heard him.
"Shut up!" Louis snaps embarrassedly when Edward opens his mouth.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to sit at the table," Edward says. Louis frowns, wrapping his arms around Edward's waist. He kisses his chest, squeezing him tight.
"Sorry," Louis mumbles. Edward runs his hand up and down his back, kissing his temple.
"It's okay, love. I'm not offended. You alright?" He asks gently. Louis nods his head.
"Just felt bad for shouting at you," he shrugs.
"Alright, baby, you go and sit down and I'll talk to Harry and Marcel about later on."
Louis looks up at him expectantly.
"It's a surprise," Edward grins, pressing his finger to Louis' lips and then hurrying him toward the dining room.
When they leave Jay cries on Louis' shoulder which makes him cry too. The triplets stand by and watch, ready to comfort Louis. He nuzzles Harry's chest, requesting to be carried to the car.
Harry does so easily, lifting him and walking to the car while he soothes him with soft words and touches and kisses.
"You did so well today, love."
"I did terribly," Louis pouts.
"You were brilliant."
"Can I have a break tomorrow?" Louis asks hopefully. Harry sighs.
"I'll talk to the other two," he says. "Maybe on Sunday we can go to the cinema and to a restaurant. There will be lots of people and smells but it shouldn't be too bad."
When they get home Marcel whisks Louis away to have a nice bubble bath with him while Edward and Harry unpack his things. Marcel pushes his face into Louis' neck.
"You're so beautiful," he sighs. "A work of art."
"Not too bad yourself, abs," Louis grins as he pokes the muscles showing on Marcel's belly. Marcel laughs, tugging Louis' hand away from his belly. Louis sighs happily and lies on his chest, racing water droplets on his skin.
"Did you ever think you'd be bonded by the time you were seventeen?" Louis asks. Marcel hums thoughtfully.
"Honestly I never thought about it realistically, I always dreamt that we'd bond young and have kids and get married. The whole shebang," Marcel laughs, rolling his eyes. "It was a bit silly of me. But even though I wanted to, I didn't think we would."
"Did you?" He asks when Louis stays silent.
"No. I thought I'd never mate. So I just kind of gave up on the thought. But obviously when I met you three that changed."
"Yeah?" Marcel grins. "How so?"
Louis giggles, closing his eyes.
"Well when I went into my lesson and I had to sit for an hour with your glorious smell but not actually see you- God, it was torture. And then I met blondie. He made me sit at your table. Then, there you were, in all your glory. And Jesus Christ you smelt good."
Marcel chuckles, moving his hand to rest on Louis' bum. Louis clears his throat before he continues.
"Then Edward was all growly and mean and you were all touchy and cute."
He pauses to pinch Marcel's pink cheek.
"Harry was quite calm really, a bit growly. And you all smelt amazing, stronger than anyone I've ever met. You wouldn't leave me alone and I kind of didn't want you to, I was just scared. All omegas are, we have to be cautious. What I've dealt with in the past didn't help either."
Marcel hums comfortingly, kissing Louis on the lips.
"But you didn't give up on me, any of you, and now I have three beautiful mates that I'm comfortable with and love," Louis finishes, kissing Marcel again. Marcel grins, tongue slipping past Louis' lips. Louis moans softly and moves to straddle his hips properly.
Marcel grunts, on his way to being hard against Louis' arse. He lets his hands massage Louis' cheeks as the small boy pushes back into his hold while trying to get closer to Marcel.
The noises they make get Harry and Edward's attention, coming to stand in the doorway. It's truly a breathtaking sight. Marcel looks to his brothers when Louis starts sucking marks into his neck. He smirks lazily and beckons them over.
Louis squawks indignantly when Harry lifts him off of Marcel easily. He turns to look at Harry angrily but only succeeds at looking fucking gorgeous.
His eyes are wide as looks up Harry through his lashes, wet hair messy on his head, bottom lip pouted and his dick hard against his belly.
"What the hell, Har-"
Harry stops him by pressing his lips to his, parting them quickly as Louis whines into his mouth. Edward chuckles and pushes them towards the bedroom, stealing a kiss from Louis as they pass him.
Louis is leaking slick, pawing at Harry as he lets out needy whimpers. Harry should be paying more attention to him. He butts his head against Harry's chest, nuzzling his neck desperately. Harry grins, patting his bum comfortingly.
"I've got you," he soothes, a low rumble coming from his chest. Louis squirms, dick pushing against Harry's belly. "Stay still, little one."
Louis lets out a distraught noise, clinging on tightly to Harry. When Harry whispers a good boy in his ear Louis nearly comes.
He lays him down on the bed, brushing his hair away from his eyes as he shushes him gently. Harry kisses him slowly, tongue parting his lips gently as he begins to unbutton his shirt. Louis immediately touches his chest, moaning as he feels more and more of his alpha. He can hear Marcel and Edward coming nearer and reaches his hand out to them. Edward takes his hand gently and kisses the back of it.
"You're okay," he murmurs.
"I've never-" Louis gulps, whining as Harry's shirt brushes his dick. "Been like this."
"It's okay, we've got you," Marcel encourages. He nudges Harry off the bed so he can take the rest of his clothes off and sits between a nervous Louis' thighs.
"I know it's a bit scary to loose control like this," Edward says carefully.
"You were so careful during our rut that your body will react like this now. It's only natural."
"Just relax," Harry supplies, coming back naked to sit beside Louis. He kisses his flushed cheek and runs his hand through his hair. "It's only us, right? We're going to look after you."
Louis closes his eyes and nods.
"Can someone touch me then?" He ask with a pout on his lips. Marcel chuckles and ducks his head down to kiss him, hands brushing down from his neck to his dick. He swallows all of Louis' noises, biting at his lips. Louis complains when he pulls away so Harry takes Marcel's place on his lips. Marcel shuffles down the bed until his face is at Louis' hips.
He hooks Louis' legs over his shoulders and nuzzles against his arse for a minute, scenting him. Edward pokes his side.
"Do something instead of just sniffing him," he says fondly, pulling Marcel's hair back so it's not in the way. Marcel grunts and relaxes his jaw, opening his mouth wide and flattening his tongue. He licks sloppily over Louis' hole, tasting his slick which only encourages him more. Louis is thrashing, squeezing his legs around Marcel's head as he comes for the first time. Marcel squeaks, making Edward laugh gently and kiss Marcel's back.
"Such good alphas," he coos over his brothers, leaning down to kiss Louis. Harry huffs in annoyance, sitting back on his heels as he watches his brothers deal with his omega. He takes his time to touch himself, groaning as his thumb rubs over the tip.
Louis grumbles, reaching out to grab Harry's leg.
"Haz- can I blow you?" He asks desperately. Harry nods his head quickly, kneeing forward until Louis can wrap his lips around the tip.
Marcel has eased off but is still sucking on Louis' balls and creating pretty marks on his thighs. Edward holds Marcel by the chin and presses his lips eagerly to his, revelling in the taste of his mate.
"You going to knot him?" Edward pushes. "Going to fill him up with pups, Marcel?"
Marcel growls loudly, moving around until he can push into Louis slowly. It's warm and wet and Louis. Louis pulls off of Harry to take a breath and kisses Marcel gently, knowing he needs the comfort.
"My big, strong alpha," he whispers. "Please Marcel, fuck me!"
Marcel growls, pushing his face into Louis' neck as he fucks him into the mattress. Louis keeps his mouth open and lets Harry thrust into it, precome wetting his lips as Harry speeds up, fingers tugging on his hair. Edward keeps a gentle hand on Louis' shoulder, pressing gentle kisses to his chest to keep him calm.
Harry comes into his mouth when Louis moans around him, head back as he thrusts slowly into his mouth until he's finished. He pulls out, swiping his thumb over Louis' bottom lip pushing it past his lips. Louis looks up with a lazy smile on his lips, sucking the come off of Harry's thumb before he gently bites down on it.
Harry chuckles and leans down to kiss him gently.
"So wonderful baby. Such a good omega," he praises, nuzzling into his neck.
"Thank you," Louis grins, throat sore as he kisses Harry again. "Taste so good."
Marcel whines when Louis doesn't pay attention to him, biting his chest to make him. Louis whimpers, turning to look at Marcel. He smiles and threads his fingers through his hair, pulling him down to kiss him hotly. Marcel makes a happy noise as he feels his knot start to grow. Louis lets out a high pitched wail as it tugs on his rim, legs wrapped around Marcel's waist and heels pressing into his back. His nails dig into Marcel's back, leaving scratches down his shoulders.
Harry moves round to Edward, feeling bad for him even though he usually waits till everyone else has came before he does. He snuggles into his side, Edward wrapping his arm around his waist and kissing his head.
"You alright, H?" Edward asks gently. Harry hums as he trails his hand down to Edward's dick. He grins up at Edward as he takes it in his hand and moves it up and down slowly. Edward bucks his hips up and shakes his head fondly. Harry smiles and kisses Edward as he moves his hand. He tries to let Edward take control of the kiss. Edwards in charge, that's how it's always been even if they are all alphas.
Edward is the one with the most control over himself. Harry is the charmer who can get angry easily. Marcel is the young one who needs to be looked after in his brothers' eyes. He is sweet and nervous and emotional.
"I'm brilliant, our Lou has a great mouth," he smirks, winking over Louis. Louis giggles, holding his hand out for Edward.
"Hm, our Lou is fantastic isn't he?" Edward grins. Marcel nods his head in agreement as he noses along Louis' neck. Louis glows with the praise and tilts his head back for Marcel. Marcel purrs happily as he thrusts in one last time before his knot locks him with Louis. Louis cries out as he comes and is silenced by Edward's lips.
Louis pats at Marcel's hair gently as he kisses his neck repeatedly. He looks at Edward.
"You okay, babe?" He asks, tugging him and Harry closer.
"I'm hard," Edward shrugs.
"I can see that," Louis smiles, kissing him when he's close enough. "You okay with Harry until Marcel's knot goes down?"
"Yeah, that sounds great," Edward grins. "You rest for a little bit then, princess."
Louis pulls Harry down to kiss him quickly.
"Thanks for looking after me," he smiles softly. "I love all three of you."
"Love you," Harry grins.
"Love you, Lou," Marcel mumbles into his neck.
"I love you, babe," Edward says gently, running his hand through Louis' hair.
Louis lets his eyes close as he smiles softly, leaning into Edward's touch and giving Marcel more room. Marcel hums and licks at his neck contently.
When Edward comes onto his own chest he scoops it up and pushes his fingers into Louis' mouth. Louis, who is half asleep, moans and sucks on his fingers desperately. He whines for more when the first bit is all gone, which Edward is happy to give him.
Marcel pulls out when his knot has deflated and curls into Harry's chest. Edward rolls over to Louis, smiling.
"You still want my knot?"
"Always want your knot, silly," Louis giggles like Edward is being absolutely ridiculous. "C'mon, big bad."
Edward grins and rolls on top of him, kissing along his jaw as he pushes in. Louis moans quietly as he bottoms out. He sighs and tries to catch Edward's lips in a kiss, holding his face close to his.
"So beautiful," Edward mumbles against his mouth, setting a steady rhythm as he thrusts in and out. Louis gasps when Edward hoists one of his legs up, changing the angle and letting him go deeper.
"Shit," Louis pants. Edward smirks.
"Brilliant," Louis nods, letting Edward's tongue slide pasts his lips.
He hears a whimper beside him. It's Harry. He stretches out a hand for Harry to take and squeezes tight.
Harry answers with a growl, sucking a mark to the inside of Louis' wrist.
"I know, babe, I know. We have all night, H. Your turn after Edward's, yeah? You've been so good for waiting. Such a good alpha."
Harry seems pleased with that answer and nuzzles against Louis' hand, holding Marcel close to his chest.
"You're amazing," Edward smiles. "You deal with all of us so well."
"That's because I'm yours," Louis replies easily. This pulls a growl out of each alpha, making Louis present his neck for them. Edward nuzzles against his mark and his knot begins to grow.
"My alpha," Louis moans as Edward forces his knot in. He bites Edward's lip hard as he comes again, whimpering and whining softly. Edward pulls back, wiping his lip with his thumb and pulling it away to examine it. He looks at the blood and then to Louis with a frown.
"I'm so sorry," Louis gasps, holding Edward's face so he can look at his lip. He is taken by surprise when Edward kisses him fiercely. The blood smears across Louis' mouth as he moans against Edward's.
Harry and Marcel watch with eager eyes, Harry with his hand in his pants. Louis apologises again when he pulls away from the kiss. Edward laughs and shakes his head, pushing his face into Louis' neck and pressing bloody kisses to the skin there.
"That was hot," Edward admits. Harry and Marcel nod in agreement.
"You have a thing for blood?" Louis asks. He doesn't sound judgement, just curious as he draws patterns on Edward's back.
"I have a thing for a lot of stuff," Edward grins.
"Yeah? Like what?" Louis smiles. Edward hums thoughtfully.
"If I tell you one, Harry and Marcel have to, too, and you have to tell us one," Edward negotiates.
"Deal," Louis agrees.
They sit quietly for a minute thinking of what to share.
"I'd like to see you wearing panties," Marcel admits quietly. Louis raises his eyebrows and kisses his pink cheek.
"I'd be happy to do that for you," he smiles gently, letting Harry and Marcel snuggle into his side.
They look at Edward and Harry.
"I think I have a triplet kink," Louis jokes when neither of them say anything. Edward raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. "I don't know if I have anything. I've never really dabbled to know what I like."
"We can always try and find you something," Harry says.
"That sounds nice," Louis smiles. "Haz? What's yours?"
"Like, uhm- er-"
"Hey," Louis says softly, resting his hand on Harry's cheek. "It's only us."
"Like- rules and punishments?" He says, pressing his face into the pillow to hide.
"Haz, that's okay. We like what we like. And we still love you, will love you no matter what. We can try it, okay?"
"Really?" Harry asks hopefully.
"Yeah, love," Louis smiles, kissing him quickly. "We'll have to google it and see if there's anything to be careful about but we can try."
Everyone's attention goes to Edward. He clears his throat and acts like nothing's happened.
"Hey," Louis whines, poking at his cheek. Edward bites the tip of his finger carefully.
Louis pouts.
"They've told us. You have to tell us."
Edward sighs.
"I don't want you to think I'm weird," he mumbles, hiding in Louis' neck again.
"We won't, Ed," Harry says, kissing his arm.
"Will you tell us if I think of one?" Louis asks, smoothing down the hair on the back of Edward's head.
"Suppose," Edward huffs.
They wait for a couple minutes before Louis gets an idea.
"I like you holding me down, like when Edward lay on me the other day and I couldn't get up. Or if you hold me still so I can't leave. It's nice, makes me feel controlled. It's hot."
Edward peaks up at Louis.
"I was hoping you wouldn't think of one," he pouts. Louis smiles softly, kissing his head. Marcel and Harry both kiss Edward too.
"C'mon, babe, I'm sure it's not that terrible. No kink shaming under this roof," Louis says.
"I think it'd be hot if you called us daddy, okay?" Edward says, face crumbling and heating up as soon as he's said it. Louis lets him nuzzle back into his neck again, rubbing his back soothingly.
"Hey, look, nothing bad has happened, I still love you, you're safe with us. Is that just a sexy thing?" Louis asks as he whispers into Edward's ear. Edward shrugs.
"Hey, big brother?" Marcel says quietly.
"Yeah, Marcel?" Edward asks.
"I think Harry likes that idea too."
They look at Harry who has came on his stomach. Marcel was still rubbing him but when Edward mentioned the word 'daddy' he came again.
"And do you, Marcel?" Louis asks.
"It's certainly intriguing," Marcel blushes.
"Hear, that, big bad? Your brothers like it too," Louis says and kisses Edward's head. "Will you look at me?"
Edward reluctantly pulls his head up to look at Louis. His cheeks are pink and his lips are in a pout.
"Edward," Louis whines. "Kiss me please!"
Edward grins then because how could he not? His omega is amazing. He kisses Louis slowly, closing his eyes as he relaxes into it again. Louis parts his lips slightly to give Edward's tongue access.
He can hear Harry kiss Marcel, telling him he's proud that he was brave and went first.
When they pull away they lay quietly, waiting until Edward's knot goes down.
"Haz, you still want to go?" Louis asks.
"Yeah. Course."
Harry pushes Marcel into Edward's arms and pulls Louis into his lap. He sits up against the wall and lets Louis straddle his hips. Louis kisses him quickly before reaching behind himself and slowly easing down on Harry's dick.
Harry moans, holding Louis close to his chest as he raises him up and down. They kiss as Louis finds his footing, lifting himself up and dropping down at his own speed. Edward comes behind Louis and holds his hand behind his back. Louis gasps, throwing his head back and bucking his hips erratically. Marcel lets a small 'wow' escape his lips.
Harry's knot grows quickly due to how long he was waiting, Louis needing help to sit himself down on it. When he's settled and Harry's knot has popped, his come joining Edwards and Marcel's, Louis comes and collapses against Harry's chest.
"Love you. Marcel and Edward. Love you two, too," he mumbles tiredly. Harry kisses his hair and rubs his back comfortingly.
"Such a good boy. We all love you so much."
They curl up together, secrets in the air and Louis full of come. They're adjusting and it's hard but to them it's the best thing in the world to be beside each other.
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