
They court for a month and a half with no problems, sticking to filthy kisses and sweet cuddles. The alphas respect his wishes, letting him push the boundaries if he wants to. Which doesn't really happen beside Louis straddling them occasionally during an especially hot snog. Then running off to shower and get clean.

Louis meets their mother briefly when she pops in to see her boys. She hugs him and tells the boys he made a good choice which makes him kind of uncomfortable before she leaves. Edward apologises for their mothers strange behaviour and distracts Louis quickly with a new recipe Marcel wants to try.

They have a calendar in the triplet's kitchen marking the date of their rut, October 30th. Every time Louis goes to make a drink after school or on the weekends he is reminded that he needs to make a decision.

He has avoided the topic every time one of the triplets not so subtly bring it up, saying something about the food they're eating or complementing one of them.

His mother has countless talks with him about it. He wants to. But he's scared. He's young. What if they aren't the right ones for him? They could always go through the medical way of undoing their bond. Though its painful, sometimes it's necessary. He is also worried because he doesn't know if he's ready to have sex after what happened.

The triplets will be incoherent and won't be able to stop if Louis changes his mind. They won't take it slowly. At least that's how it goes in his nightmares. It will be a lot to handle and Louis doesn't know if he can.

He shows up to school late on Monday morning, having slept in after his sleep being interrupted by flashbacks and thoughts of what may come.

Edward, Marcel and Harry are waiting outside of his classroom when he gets there.
"What's wrong?" He asks, voice croaky and hoarse from how much he has been crying.
"That's what we want to know," Edward says, voice deep and demanding.
"Nothing, I'm fine," Louis insists, smiling weakly.

But he's not. And they all know it. His skin is paler than ever, dark bags under his eyes and he seems to have lost weight, clothes even baggier than they used to be.

"You're not. And you're getting worse the closer our rut gets," Harry sighs. Louis looks at the floor, hands linked behind his back as he tries to think of what to say.
"I'm just nervous, it's fine."
"If you say you're fine one more time I'm going to-"

"What, Harry?" Louis snaps. "What are you going to do?"
"Cry. I will cry. Because I can see you hurting and you won't let us help. We want to help."
"You can't," Louis says, voice shaking. "Nobody can. It's all in my head, okay? I'm fucked up and nothing will change that! Is that what you wanted to hear, Harry?"

Marcel makes a sad noise and shakes his head quickly. Louis looks at him worriedly.
"Marcel, you okay?"
"No, I'm not," Marcel whimpers. "I want to make sure you're okay and you won't let us. Just let us look after you."

Louis looks to the boy in the middle, Edward raising an expecting eyebrow.

"I can explain!" Louis promises.
"I'm sure you can. Feel free."
"I've been having nightmares about w-what happened and what m-might happen in your rut. So I haven't been sleeping properly. and it makes m-me feel sick so I haven't been eating much and i-it makes me cry so I'm losing my voice. I want to but I'm so scared."

Edward opens his arms as an invitation for Louis that he is praying he takes. Louis practically runs into Edward's embrace, crying into his chest as he rubs a soothing hand down his spine.

"We're going to go to our house and you will spend the night. I know it scares you but once you've slept there maybe you won't be as scared. It'll give us time to look after you properly and for you to figure out if you want to be there for our rut. Whatever you decide, we will accept and support."

Edward's deep voice leaves no room for argument but Louis doesn't want to argue. He wants to do what his alphas want. And this is what he wants too. It's a win-win situation really.

They take him to his house to let him grab a few things, clothes not required as they're already at the triplets' house. He writes a note to his mum explaining what is happening and then he's ready to go.

"It'll be okay," Marcel says when Louis comes back to the car, kissing his head. "We're here to keep you safe right?"
"Yeah," Louis sighs, frowning at his lap.

Edward immediately makes him a cup of tea while Harry gets him settled on the couch. Marcel goes upstairs and runs a bath, letting bubbles cover the surface of the water.

Louis leans on Harry, sipping his tea with honey in to soothe his throat.
"C'mon," Edward says when he's finished. "Upstairs."

Louis follows him on shaky legs, squeezing his hand as tight as he can to try and relieve his fear.

"What?" Louis asks when they're all stood in the bathroom.
"A bath will help you relax. And get you comfortable with being naked around us. We won't touch you unless you ask us to," Edward explains. Louis nervously nods his head.
"Will you go out of the room while I undress?" He asks.

The alphas respect his request and leave the room, coming back when he shouts them. When they go back Louis is smiling shyly, pink cheeks and body submerged beneath the water until only his shoulders and above are visible.
"Okay, Lou?" Marcel asks, sitting on the toilet.
"Yeah. Thank you."

"You need to wash, Louis," Edward says quietly.
"Even if you just wash your arms and then want us to leave, doing it like this will be easier than just stripping off," Harry adds.

Louis nods and with a deep breath sits up straighter until his chest is on show, water sitting at the bottom of his ribs now. He stares at the rim of the bathtub to avoid looking at the alphas as he rubs shower gel into his skin.

He whimpers as his fingers brush his nipples, everything sensitive due to the amount of alpha attention his body has been getting. He raises up a little bit more, water lapping at his hips as he washes his tummy.

When he begins to raise up Marcel stops him.
"You don't have to if you don't want to."

But then Louis is stood up, the water only covering half of his calves. He squeezes his eyes closed as he washes his legs and then turns around, wincing at the three noises the alphas let out. Once he is soapy all over he sits back down, soaking in the warm water.

"Can I wash your hair?" Marcel asks quietly. Louis looks surprised but nods his head hesitantly.
"You could all do it," Louis offers.
"Dibs on conditioner!" Harry says quickly, smiling when Louis giggles.
"Who is on water duty?" Marcel asks.
"Me," Edward answers easily. He wants the chance to run his hands through Louis' hair repeatedly.

He picks up the cup they keep in the bath, pouring it over Louis' hair to dampen it. He repeats it until his hair is all wet. Then Marcel steps forward and squirts a dollop of shampoo into his palm. He spreads it through Louis' hair, lathering it up as Louis hums in contentment, happy to have his hair played with.

Edward repeats his job, being extra careful not to let the water spill over his forehead. When the water is running clear Harry jumps in, eager to help.

He rubs conditioner into Louis' scalp and hair for probably longer than necessary but Louis enjoys the massage anyway.

Edward finishes washing Louis' hair and holds a warm towel up to the bath so Louis can step into his arms and still be covered. Louis blushes darker than before but allows Edward to wrap the towel around his wet body and pick him up, out of the bath.

Edward leaves Louis in the bedroom to get dressed while he and his brothers wait in the bathroom. When Louis opens the door to the bathroom he finds Marcel being kissed by Harry, Edward watching fondly.

Louis' eyes are still watery, finding what just happened rather intense. Marcel and Harry turn to him, faces still centimetres apart and holding onto each other.
"Are you okay, love?"
"It was a big step for me. But I'm glad I did it."

They let Louis lie down on the bed before getting on one-by-one. Marcel rests his head on Louis' shoulder, nuzzling into his neck as they relax against each other. Harry drapes himself over Louis' chest, happy that he smells like him. Edward wraps his arms around Louis waist and presses his face into the boys belly, body settling between his legs.

"You're so lovely, Louis," Marcel mumbles, kissing his collarbone. Harry hums his agreement.
"We are very lucky to have you."
"We will still want you even if you don't want to help us in our rut. There's always going to be more when you're ready," Harry whispers.

Louis kisses each one of them before letting himself fall asleep. And for the first time in days he doesn't have a nightmare.

Marcel makes lunch, giving Louis the same as he gives himself. He'd usually have more but he wants Louis to eat some more because he's lost weight.

Louis doesn't manage to finish it all, moaning that he's so full he could burst. He rubs at his belly as thought it is distended though it is just as non-existent as before. Marcel pats his belly gently and kisses his head before he takes the plate out for him.

"Have you ever given someone a blowjob?" Edward asks curiously. Louis frowns.
"No, nothing besides..."
"Okay. I just wanted to know," Edward soothes, kissing his temple.

Louis helps Marcel get started on dinner for when Niall, Zayn and Liam come home. He chops vegetables and sneaks kisses every chance he gets, letting Marcel pin him against the counter, lips soft against his.

"You're such a good kisser," Marcel breathes, hands holding his waist carefully.
"Well I'm glad," Louis grins, placing another kiss on his lips. "Because you might be kissing me for a little while longer."

Marcel smiles, kissing Louis one last time before getting back to the food.

Louis kisses his neck and runs off to find another triplet. He bumps into Harry first, the boy reading a book in the armchair. Harry smiles and pulls Louis into his lap, holding the book so both of them can see it.

Harry reads a page aloud before Louis announces its his turn and reads the next page. They alternate like that until Niall, Liam and Zayn come home, happy to see them.

Niall rushes over, hugging Louis and pulling him into his lap instead of Harry's. Harry pouts but doesn't growl. Niall's an omega so therefore, not a threat.

He tells Louis all about his day at school and asks about his day at home, avoiding the topic of why he came home early.

Louis tells him that the triplets have been super sweet and amazing. Niall can tell, Louis reeks of them.

They put a film on while they watch dinner, ignoring it to talk to each other. Niall talks about the date he and his alphas went on the other day, gushing about how good the sex afterwards was. Louis blushes on behalf of the Irish boy who doesn't seem embarrassed at all. Liam tells Niall to keep the conversation clean.

"Not everyone is as open about sex as you are, Ni, it makes some people uncomfortable," Zayn adds, watching as Niall thinks it over and nods his head, deeming it a good reason to not talk about it.

Louis begins falling asleep once he's eaten his dinner, leaning on Niall's shoulder. Niall is happy that he has been chosen as the pillow, pouting when Harry picks him up.
"Niall," Liam chuckles, kissing his omegas cheek. "He's their omega, not yours."
"One day," Niall says calmly, creeping everyone in the room out. When everyone stays silent Niall sighs. "I'm only joking. I'm more than happy with my alphas."

Harry lays Louis down on the bed and shakes him gently to wake him up.
"Love, you need to get your pyjamas on. C'mon, Lou."

Louis grabs one of their shirts and carries it into the bathroom with him. When he comes out Harry is floored. The shirt reaches the top of his thighs, a pair of Marcel's shorts on him too.
"What about Edward?" Harry asks as Louis climbs back into bed.
"I used his deodorant."

Harry thinks Louis is perfect. He goes into the brush him taste and change his clothes, waiting for his brothers to come up before he goes to lie with Louis.

The triplets get ready together in their bathroom.
"Should we take our shirts off or..."
"Yeah. Skin to skin contact will help us bond more smoothly."

The three brothers exchange kisses before climbing into bed beside Louis. He smiles nervously and waits for them to get comfortable before cuddling into them. They all kiss him gently, holding him until he falls asleep.

Edward kisses his brothers one last time and buries his face into his neck, nosing along the line of his collarbone.
"I love you two," Marcel says quietly.
"I love you," Edward repeats.
"Aw, big brothers gone soft."
"I've always told you I loved you, don't be silly Harry."
"Love you both," Harry concludes.

Louis wakes up extremely warm, three alphas draped over him and heating him up behind belief. He wriggles to try and get out but it's no use. They're a lot stronger than him even in their sleep. He sighs and gives up, happy to just stare at their pretty faces until they wake up.

Marcel wakes up first. He smiles sleepily up at Louis and kisses him before rolling off to go to the toilet. Edward wakes up next, mumbling something against his throat. He licks Louis' neck, tasting the sweat there.

"Oh Edward that's gross," Louis complains.
"You taste lovely. And that's just your sweat. Imagine what your slick would taste like," he fantasises, licking Louis repeatedly until he stops flinching and cringing at the action.
"Weirdo," Louis mumbles.

When Edward has gone to make tea for everyone Harry is still clinging on to Louis in his sleep. Louis runs his hands through his long hair, kisses him and calls his name until he wakes up. Harry pushes his face further into Louis' side peaking an eye open.

"You and your brothers are so hot."
"Thanks," Marcel grins as he comes out of the bathroom.
"Not what I meant but you are all gorgeous too," Louis smiles. "I need a shower."
"What a coincidence, me too!" Harry says, a cheesy grin on his face.
"Maybe next time, Styles."

Louis showers and gets dressed quickly, wanting to return to the alphas and the cup of tea awaiting him.
"How'd you sleep?" Marcel asks.
"Well, obviously besides being overly warm, I didn't have any nightmares. And I like waking up to you three in the morning."
"Well hopefully it'll happen more often. If you're too warm we can take the blanket off or take some of our clothes off. The less clothes, the cooler you'll be."

"Are we going to school?" Louis asks, remembering that it's Tuesday.
"Nope. We're staying home and looking after you. And we're taking you out for lunch."
"Oh," Louis says, nodding his head.

He and Marcel make pancakes together, getting Edward and Harry to cut up fruit and put the toppings on be pancakes. They make some for Niall, Zayn and Liam, Edward shouting them down from their bedroom.

They're ready when they come down, thanking the foursome for their breakfast. They all sit down at the dining table, eating their pancakes while they talk about some new show that's on that Louis has never seen.

"How do you guys handle your ruts and heats when you all live together?" Louis asks all of a sudden. Marcel chokes on his pancake, having Edward pat him on the back until he can breath normally.
"The third floor, which you haven't been in yet, is for that. We have two rooms so we don't flip when we smell Zayn and Liam or the other way round. That way the others that aren't sex crazed can bring us food and drink and make sure everything's okay."
"Oh. Okay."

Louis misses the shit eating grin on everyone's face in the room as he is too busy trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

When they're finished with breakfast Niall, Liam and Zayn head out for school.

Edward goes upstairs to shower with Marcel so Harry and Louis sit together and read their book. It is relaxing to just be this close to each other with out it having any sexual kind of feel.

Any kisses they share are chaste and sweet, only holding for a few seconds before they begin to read again.

When Marcel and Edward are done in the shower Harry goes up. Edward lies on the couch, propped up slightly against the arm and pulls Louis to lie between his legs. Louis' back is to Edward's chest, body fitted between his legs. Marcel comes and lies on top of Louis' legs, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and burying his face into his tummy. Louis runs his fingers through Marcel's hair, letting his hand rest in his hair with his fingertips scratching gently at his scalp.

"You are amazing," Marcel moans.
"Thanks," Louis says softly. "Not so bad yourself."

Harry comes in and joins the pile of people, covering Louis' face in kisses.
"We need to leave for lunch."

They all get their coats on and climb into the car, Louis asking over and over again where they are going.
"You're new to this town, you won't know where it is."

They arrive at half twelve, Louis smiling as they walk in, Marcel holding his hand. He can see people eyeing him up. He may smell of three strong alphas but they haven't claimed him yet so there are no bites to be seen.

They sit in the back of the restaurant, Louis sitting next to Marcel and Edward and Harry opposite them.

Louis orders a rack of ribs with bbq sauce and Coke to go with it. Marcel says his order to the waitress for him, hand on his thigh. Louis rest his hand on top of Marcel's so he can move it if he needs to.

They get their drinks first, Louis sipping his Coke as Edward and Harry discuss new things on the menu. He giggles when Marcel tries to drink but only succeeds in hitting himself in the face with the straw. Marcel pouts until Louis kisses him.

Their lunch is lovely, all soft touches and caring smiles with little jokes. They share two desserts between them, a plate of ice cream and profiteroles and a large slice of chocolate fudge cake. 

"Thank you," Louis says when Edward is counting out the money to pay for it. "It's been really nice, thank you."
"It was our pleasure," Harry grins.

They go back to the triplets house, Louis ringing not his mum.

"Hi mum," Louis smiles, phone pressed to his ear.
"Hi love. Are you with them now?" She asks.
"Yeah, we just got back from lunch."
"Can they hear me?"
"Yes," Edward answers. "We can."

Jay chuckles.
"We'll have this conversation when you're home okay?"
"Okay. See you later, mum. Love you."
"Love you too. Look after my boy."

Edward chuckles and kisses Louis' temple.
"Of course."
"What does she want to talk to you about?" Harry asks, thumbs pressing into the back of Louis' neck. Louis whimpers and tilts his head back.
"You three. To see what happened while I was here and whether I want to help you during your rut or not."
"And do you want to?" Marcel asks.

Louis closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of Harry's fingers working through any aches in his shoulders.
"Louis. Without explaining it please, do you want to help us during our rut?"

Everything goes quiet.
"If that's your answer, Lou, that's your answer," Edward says softly. "You don't have to make excuses for why you shouldn't do it. If you want to do it, don't hold yourself back."

Harry moves his so he is lying on his front on the couch, Harry sitting on the backs of his thighs. He whimpers and wriggles.
"Relax, babe," Edward says. "It's all okay."

Harry smooths his hands down Louis' back, massaging his shoulders and letting the movements follow the path his hands have just taken to the bottom of his spine. He focuses on the bottom of the back, kneading at the muscles there. Louis is moaning, whimpering and whining. Harry bites his lip at the sight of Louis' arse in front of him, moving around as Louis squirms.

"I'm sure you'll be quick to learn that our Harry has great hands," Edward smirks, brushing Louis' fringe away from his eyes.
"You okay, Lou?" Marcel asks. Louis hums. "What was that?"

Louis smiles.
"More than okay."
"I can tell," Harry smirks. Louis whine when he feels slick on his underwear.
"For fuck sake," Louis huffs. "I'll go shower."
"No," Edward interrupts. "We need to be used to it. If every time you get wet you shower it away we will go insane during our rut or your heat with so much of it. "
"But if I'm wet and all of us are hard, I-I don't know if I can do anything about it."

"I think I've got the perfect thing for you," Marcel says, jumping off the couch to go upstairs.
"We'll get each other off if you don't want to," Harry says, having moved off of Louis to avoid temptation to touch.

Marcel comes running down the stairs, a nervous smile on his lips. He sits next to Louis and gives him the object he is holding.
"Oh my god, you have a plug," Louis whimpers, examining it in his hands. It is large, round plug, light pink in colour. It's slightly heavy, smooth to the touch.
"Do you want to use it?"
"I-I suppose. It's certainly tempting."

Louis cheeks are red, hands still turning the plug this way and that.
"We could do it for you or you could go and do it privately. Whatever you want," Marcel says gently.
"I'll do it," Louis nods. "You guys have fun while I'm gone."

When Louis leave Edward jumps onto Marcel, kissing him roughly.
"So fucking smart." Harry pouts until Marcel kisses him, letting Edward do whatever he wants to his body.

They can hear the small noises coming from Louis, the wet noises of his slick. It only serves to make them more riled up. Edward has Marcel's dick in his mouth, eager to make his little brothers feel  good before he does. Harry is palming himself through his pants, groaning into Marcel's mouth.

Louis comes down just in time to see Marcel come, such a beautiful sight that he wants to see over and over again. Edward pulls off and kisses Marcel. Louis can see the come being passed back and forth between their lips, leaking out of the corners of their
mouths slightly.

Louis moans loudly, walking funny due to the plug. He sits down with a whimper on the other couch. Harry's eyes are tracking his every move which one makes Louis feel hotter as he flushes down his chest.

"Lou, you'll get too warm," Harry says, having pulled his own top off.
"Haz-" Louis pants.
"You can do it, love. It's okay."

With some more gentle words and encouragements Louis tugs his shirt over his head, grinding his hips down as subtly as he can. It rubs him the right way and a loud whine falls past his lips.
"Louis," Edward says, letting Marcel kiss and nip at his neck. "It's okay, you do what makes you feel good okay?"

Marcel whines when Edward won't let him touch Louis.
"I think maybe we could all sit together?" Louis asks hesitantly.
"Yeah? That's good. You sit where you want and then tell us where to sit," Edward says.
"Just sit how usually do. I want it to be normal."

Edward takes his and Marcel's shirt off, pushing Marcel to sit on the couch near Harry. He picks Louis up and sits between his brothers with Louis on his knee. Louis shivers as he straddles Edward's lap, hands on Edward's shoulders and Edward's on his hips.

Edward's hands encourage him to move against his leg, moving the plug with every push of his hips. Louis slides his hands up to sit at the back of Edward's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Can they touch you too?" Edward asks on behalf of his brothers. Louis nods, stroking Harry's hair as Harry leans in for a kiss.

Edward lets his hands stay on Louis' hips, occasionally brushing up his sides. Marcel plays with the waistband of his pants, stroking his hair and his arms and just touching his skin everywhere he can like a man starved of touch. Harry's hands are on his jaw and shoulders, going up to his hair to stroke back down to his chest.

Marcel starts kissing his neck, startling him slightly. Louis chuckles and pulls him in with a gentle hand in his hair. The alpha makes a pleased noise, enjoying the taste of his omega. Edward strokes his brothers backs soothingly, encouraging them to calm down. Harry pulls back, kissing down his jaw all the way to his collarbone.

Louis moans when Marcel starts kissing him, Edward's leg beginning to bounce. There are three lips on him, six hands and a plug being jostled in his arse. Louis pulls back from the kiss, kissing Marcel's collarbones. Marcel tangles his fingers in Louis' hair, moaning as Louis trails his fingers to his waistband.

"Lou, are you sure?" Marcel asks, stroking his hair gently.
"Yeah. I want you."

Edward groans and bites down gently on his nipple, still rocking him back of forth on his knee. Harry is keeping himself entertained by sucking love bites into Louis' neck. Louis is try to focus on unbuckling Marcel's belt but with everything that's going on he just can't.

Marcel pats his head gently and takes off his own pants for him, cradling the side of his face.
"Please," Louis begs, "I need this."

Edward makes the decision for Marcel and pulls his underwear down for him. Marcel gasps as Louis wraps a hand around his dick, letting his thumb brush over the slit before he slides his hand downwards.

Harry takes the opportunity to kiss him, fingers tracing the pattern of bruises on his neck. Edward's fingers rest on the top of his thighs, rubbing circles into them.

He takes a moment to just look at the scene in front of him. Louis is in his lap, knees either side of his hips. There is an obvious bulge in Louis' trousers that no one has acknowledged, same goes for Harry and Edward but they've both been touching themselves as they please. Marcel is a different story. Despite having Edward blow him, he is hard again and Louis is quickly stroking his erection, tiny hands looking even tinier around his dick. There are love bites scattered all around Louis' neck and chest that makes Edward more than happy. Louis is still rocking against his leg, moving the plug as he pleases.

"Lou," Harry pants. "Are you sure this is okay?" He asks when he notices Louis' eyes become teary.
"Yeah, I promise. I'm enjoying it."

He has stopped moving and everyone is staring at him worriedly.
"It feels like I'm letting go of the past. I'm moving on. It's just a lot."

Edward moves Louis from his lap onto the couch and kisses him sweetly.
"Deal with each one of us alone, and then it will be a bit less intense. Okay, love?"
"Yeah, that's good. Marcel, you first since you're naked."

Marcel sits next to him on the couch, easily accepting the kiss Louis initiates before taking control of it. Louis wraps his hand around Marcel's dick again, letting the precome make the slide easier. Marcel's hands wander over Louis' tiny torso and it doesn't take too long for him to come into Louis' hand and chest.

"Harry," Louis says. "Edward wants to go last."

Edward raises any eyebrow and nods his head at the correct observation, smirking at Louis as Marcel falls comfortably into his arms.

"Where d'you want me?" Harry asks. Louis pulls Harry down onto his lap. "I'll squish you, Lou."

Louis just shakes his head and when Harry looks to Edward for guidance he offers no help.

So Harry kneels on the couch, legs bracketing Louis' in without hurting his boy. Now, with less attention on him, Louis can pull Harry's pants down until they're around his thighs. His mouth nearly waters at the sight of his dick, eagerly pulling Harry in for a kiss as he begins massaging his balls. Harry groans and pulls at Louis' hair. Louis smiles and wraps his hand around his dick, squeezing slightly as he reaches the tip.

Harry comes on Louis' chest, decorating his skin further, his come joining he love bites he and his brothers have left. He parts with a lingering kiss to Louis' lips and joins Marcel under a blanket on the other couch to watch what happens next.

Edward makes Louis straddle him again, doesn't let Louis control it but instead guides his hips to grind against Edward's. Louis whimpers as Edward reaches his hand around to his bum, easily spanning over one cheek. His fingers press against the plug and he grinds his hips up to Louis'. Louis ducks down to kiss him, lips parted and pliant against Edward's.

Louis comes before Edward, fingernails digging into his back as he rides out his orgasm. His head tilts back and he moans breathily, high pitched and the most beautiful sound the alphas have ever heard.

When Louis has calmed down, he kisses Edward and shuffles back so he can pull his pants down. When he is unsuccessful, he whines and pouts up at Edward. Edward chuckles and pulls his pants down a little, stroking himself before Louis hits his hands away.

Louis slides off of Edward's lap and settles on his knees on the floor between Edward's legs. Edward carefully pushes his fingers into Louis' hair, hands following Louis' head when he moves forward.

He wraps his hand around his dick, letting his lips envelope the head, tongue pressing against the sensitive skin beneath his foreskin. Edward moans loudly as Louis drops his head further down.

"Lou," he grunts. "I'm going to come."

Louis stares up at him with large eyes, breathing deeply through his nose as he carries on bobbing his head. Edward comes a lot. A LOT.

Louis swallows as much as he can, the rest spilling down his chin. He pulls off, gasping for breath and the rest of the come lands with Harry's on his chest.

Louis slumps back, gazing down at himself.
"Hey, C'mere," Harry says, pulling Louis to sit on his knee, not yet under the blanket.

"You are amazing," he whispers. Marcel joins in as Edward comes to sit with them.
"Such a good omega," Marcel adds.
"I'm so proud of you. Lou. Everything that has happened is in the past, focus on the present. You make us all so happy."

Harry scoops up the come on his chest, pushing his fingers against Louis' lips. Louis opens his mouth to take them in, closing his eyes as he sucks the taste off of Harry's fingers. He happily accepts a second amount, tongue lapping at his fingers. The other brothers join in, taking turns to feed him their come.
"It tastes really nice," Louis smiles sleepily.

When most of it is gone Edward rubs the remaining come into his skin, smiling when Louis hums softly. He carries Louis upstairs and leaves Marcel and Harry to tidy up the living room.
"Do you want to go take the plug out?" He asks.
"I don't know. I'm kinda sensitive now but at the same time it's really nice," Louis blushes. Of course he blushes now, after four orgasms - I've if you count Marcel's first.
"Up to you, love. You go and get changed into something comfort and you can decide then. I suggest some of our clothes."

He grabs a pair of Marcel's joggers and rolls them up to fit him but passes on a t-shirt, finding he quite enjoys how free he feels and how good he feels about it around the triplets. He does remove the plug, rinsing it under the tap and leaving it on the side for one them to deal with properly.

It takes a little longer than expected as Louis takes a little time to admire the love bites from his jaw to his chest, happy he's able to identify which alpha gave him which marks.

The ones Edward made are darker, but smaller than Harry's. Harry's are a light purple or pink but a large and spaced out across the left side of his neck. There are less of Marcel's as he was the most hesitant out of the three but there is one, dark and beautiful behind his right ear and another accompanying it below his jaw. There are lighter, smaller ones surrounding them and it's neat and precise in a way only Marcel could manage for a love bite.

When he gets to the bedroom they're all in the bed, talking to each other about something Louis can't quite hear.
"Eavesdropping isn't nice, Louis," Edward grins. "Come in, we've got nothing to hide."

He crawls into the middle of the bed, lying chest to chest with Marcel.
"Thank you," he says. "That was lovely and now I feel like I've really moved past it and I can focus on you guys. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me."
"It really was, darling," Marcel says, "pleased your alphas so well."

Louis kisses his chest gently before looking to Harry for his response.
"You are absolutely brilliant, Lou. This doesn't mean that you have to do everything we want though. You can still say no to anything you don't want to do."
"I know," Louis smiles, puckering his lips for a kiss. Harry chuckles but grants his wish.

Last is Edward. It always comes down to Edward to have the last say.
"I don't know what to say," Edward sighs. Louis' face crumbles. He's done badly. He hasn't pleased his alpha, he isn't a good boy.

Marcel is quick to soothe him, a comforting hand on his back and in his hair.
"Lou, no, I don't mean that I'm disappointed. I'm bloody blown away. I just feel like whatever I say will not do how I feel justice."

Louis pokes his head out of his protective cover provided by Marcel's body.
"Really, you were so good. Such a good boy," Edward tries, ruffling his hair and kissing his nose sweetly.

Louis is over he moon. He feels lighter than he ever has since he was violated. And it will always be a problem but Louis hopes he will always have the triplets around to help him.

"Can I stay here again tonight?" He asks as he yawns.
"You really think we're going to turn you down?" Marcel chuckles.
"Right," Louis grins.

He texts his mum to tell her she'll be spending another night with the triplets, promising he'll call in the morning and that he's okay.

A little bit later, as they're still drifting in and out of sleep Niall runs in, clapping his hands excitedly.
"Louis' having another sleepover!" He shouts, presumably to Zayn or Liam.
"Hi Ni," Louis smiles tiredly.
"Oh," Niall says when he catches sight of Louis' neck. If only he knew what is hidden by the covers. "I will come back later when dinners here. We ordered pizza if that's okay."
"Thanks, Ni. I'll spend some time with you later okay? I've got three possessive alphas who will get all growly if you try to me away now."

Niall grins. He'll always have his best friend.
"See ya, Lou." 

They eat dinner later on and as promised Louis sits with Niall.
"I'll tell you when we don't have any other people in our conversation," Louis giggles and sticks his tongue out at Edward.
"Are you?" Niall asks but by his tone of voice Louis knows the topic has changed. He nods his head.

He showers before the triplets that night, rings his mum now in case he forgets in the morning.

"Hi mum."
"Hey, Lou. How's it going?"
"Amazing," he grins. "I really like them. A lot."
"Good. Are you going to spend their rut with them?"
"They make me feel comfortable in my own skin which hasn't happened since- y'know. I'm ready to go through all of it with them. I'm going to tell them yes."
"I'm so happy for you, Lou. I'll see you soon. I love you."
"Love you, mum."

He knows the alphas can't hear him because of how loud the shower is right now. And he also knows that they're probably talking about him to each other.

When they come back to bed, Louis is only in his boxers and encouraged the others to do the same.
"You've came a long way in a few days, Lou. Are you sure it's not too much?" Marcel says as he sits on the edge of the bed.
"It's a lot," Louis nods. "But I've got you three to look after me. And it's a lot of a good thing. I'm happy. And I've made my decision."

Edward, Harry and Marcel all stand quickly at the side of the bed, hearts beating quickly with anticipation.
"I want to help you through your rut."

They pause. That's only half of it. If he helps during their rut, they will mate and claim him. Just as they were about to question it he continues.

"I want to mate with you. I want your marks."

He hears cheering from the other bedroom and under any other circumstance he would've laughed. But his alphas haven't said a thing.
"Oh my god, I could cry," Marcel says, looking to his brothers for help.
"I think we all could. Louis- you're sure?" Edward says as Marcel begins to nuzzle into his tummy. Louis smiles and lets his fingers massage Marcel's head.
"More than. If you want me, I'm yours."

"We'll always want you," Harry choked out and buries his head in Louis' neck.
"Of course we want you, Lou. Oh my god-" he cuts himself off by joining the cuddle, bringing the blanket over them to hide them from the world.

Each one of them fall asleep with their hearts in sync, touching each other in some way and a small smile on their faces. Louis waits for them to fall asleep first before he texts Niall.

'It's official!'

He can hear Niall shouting his glee at his alphas despite the thick walls.
"How did I get so lucky?" He grins to himself.

The announcement has made him quite excited but it's been a busy day so it doesn't take long at all for exhaustion to take over and for Louis' eyes drop closed.

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