
Louis, Harry, Edward and Marcel don't move or say a thing. The only sound is Louis' soft crying, his knees clutched to his chest from when Edward was shouting at him.

"Honey, I'm home!" Niall calls out as he, Liam and Zayn come through the door. He pauses, confused by the silence. "Is Louis here?" He asks Liam.
"Yes," Liam grimaces. "Go to our room, I'll deal with this."
"What? No-"
"Now Niall," Zayn says softly, smiling sadly at the boy. "We'll be up in a minute, okay? We just don't want you to get between us and the triplets."
"Be careful," Niall pouts before jogging up the stairs.

Zayn and Liam go into the dining room, trying to assess the situation before them.
"You sort Louis and I'll deal with-" Zayn says to Liam, gesturing to the triplets. Liam nods and slowly walks over to the crying boy.

"Louis, it's okay," he coos, careful not to touch him. "You're okay. Let's go see Niall, he'll help you."

All three triplets growl at him for trying to take their omega away but Zayn bops them on the head and begins to reprimand them for making Louis cry.
"Liam is going to take Louis up stairs to speak to Niall. And we are going to talk about what has caused all of the fuss."

They reluctantly let Liam whisk Louis away and sit down at the table, Zayn staring sternly at them.
"What happened? And don't blame it on Louis."
"It's not our thing to say," Harry says sadly.
"We won't be able to take Louis' virginity," Edward mumbles. "He doesn't have it anymore."

"He lost it involuntarily," Marcel explains drily. Zayn's mouth goes dry.
"Does that affect your courting?" He asks despite the lump in his throat.
"I don't know about you guys but I still like him. It just makes me feel bad," Marcel whimpers. He looks over at Edward and Harry who nod.

"Louis," Niall soothes, rubbing his hand up and down his back gently. "It's okay, come here."

Niall pulls Louis into his arms and they sit together, Louis cuddled into Niall's chest. Liam sits to the side, staring worriedly at the two omegas.
"They hate me," Louis whimpers. "Now they'll never mate with me and I'll forever be alone."
"Don't be silly, they've been dying to mark you since they first saw you. They would love to mate with you. C'mon it's okay."

When Louis has stopped crying he wipes his cheeks furiously, rubbing at his eyes.
"Sorry, you shouldn't have to do that I'm going to go home."
"It's okay," Niall ankles softly. "We're friends right?" Louis nods.
"Do you still want to go home?" Liam asks. Louis nods again. "We'll give you a lift."

Louis thanks them quietly and begins to shuffle downstairs, trying to be quiet so the triplets don't hear him. But of course they do, they're alphas. They rush out to see Louis.
"Where are you going?"
"What's happening?"
"You didn't even eat the food I made," Marcel whines.

"I'm going home," Louis answers quietly, not daring to look any of them in the eyes. Niall is stood beside him, a comforting hands on his shoulder.
"No, you've just got here. You can't leave," Harry begs.
"I want to go," Louis whimpers.

Niall shushes him gently, smiling sadly up at Liam when places a hand on Niall's back.
"We need to talk about this," Edward says. His voice is calm, unlike his brothers. "We need to know where we stand after what's just happened."
"Can't I just text you?"
"We should do this face to face and I think you'd rather do it here with other people here to help than in school when you're on your own."
"Well I don't want them to know too," Louis frowns, conflicted on whether he wants the others to be here. He needs to be able to speak about it and feel safe with these alphas.

"Can we do it alone here?" He asks. "I should be able to talk to you about it."
"Yeah, Lou, that sounds great," Harry smiles, opening the living room door and gesturing for Louis to go inside. Louis ducks under his arm and goes to the couch.
"You don't need permission to sit down," Edward says as he walks into the room.

Louis blushes but sits on the comfy couch, crossing one leg over the other.
"If you don't like me anymore I totally understand," Louis says sadly when they're all sat down. "I won't bother you."
"Louis, that's not we want. We don't think any differently of you. If you will still have us we would like to court you when you're ready and if you decide so, we will mate too."
"Really?" Louis gasps, sitting forward in his chair. He tries not to smile but he can feel the corner of his lips raising.

The alphas grin, relieved at the omega's reaction.
"Yes really, we'd love to court you. All three of us like you and that's never happened before," Harry says happily.
"It's just-" Louis' face falls. "After - that - I just have trouble trusting people to be my friend never mind to court three alphas I only met a couple weeks ago."
"That's understandable," Marcel nods.

"You don't have to make the decision right now, just consider it yeah?"
"Yeah," Louis breathes. "I-I'll tell you when I've decided. Thank you."
"You don't need to thank us," Edward says, smiling a little bit. "We wouldn't be worthy of mating with you if we treated you badly because of it."

Edward leaves the couch with his brothers on and sits next to Louis, leaving a little bit of space between them.
"Are you going to stay the night? Or do you want to go home?" He asks gently.
"I don't want to stay the night but I don't want to go home just yet."

Edward smiles and carefully wraps his arm around his shoulders. He feels Louis tense up slightly before relaxing into his side, face pressed into his shirt.
"Have I ever mentioned that you guys smell really nice?" He smiles, eyes closed as he breathes Edward's scent in deeply.
"Well if you hadn't, you have now."

Marcel finished cooking the chicken curry he was making, everyone sitting at the table to eat. Niall, Liam and Zayn excuse themselves early, sitting in the living room to give the others some privacy.

"So uhm-" Louis coughs, smiling shyly up at the alphas. "If we mate will I move in with you?"
"Hopefully, yes. When is your heat?"
"Three months," Louis says.
"Our rut is in two," Harry groans, rubbing at his eyes.
"Is two months long enough to court before mating?" Marcel asks.
"There are people that mate within a day of smelling each other. I'm sure we'll be fine," Edward says.

"I haven't agreed to mate with you during your rut," Louis says quietly. All eyes fall on him.
"If we're courting and we go into rut does that not mean that you'll help?"
"No. If I'm not comfortable with it I'm not doing it. I don't want to go through that again," Louis whimpers .
"No, of course not," Marcel says quickly, moving to sit next to Louis.
"You won't, Lou, you won't. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"I'll make the decision closer to your rut, okay?" Louis asks before he begins eating his dinner again. "This is really good, Marcel. You'll have to teach me how to cook it, my mum would love it."

"Ah, your mum. Are we going to meet the family any time?" Edward asks, shoving a forkful of curry into his mouth.
"It's just me and my mum," Louis shrugs. "So you've met half of it and I'm sure my mum will want to meet you soon. What about you guys?"

"Well there's us and our parents and we have a younger sister called Gemma. She's an omega."
"How old is she?"
"She's four now," Harry smiles.

Once they're finished Louis says that he should really go home, and thanks each one of them for the lovely evening. Harry puts all three of their numbers in Louis' phone. They all get their coats on and Louis goes into the living room to say goodbye to the others.

Niall jumps up from Zayn's lap, wrapping his arms around Louis.
"I'll see you soon, okay? Be safe," Niall whispers. Louis laughs and pats Niall's head.
"You'll see me on Monday in school. Bye Ni."

He says bye to the two alphas and goes into the hallway where the triplets are. They all look at him expectantly.
"We can go."

They all clamber into the car, Harry opting to sit with Louis while Edward drives once again.
"So you'll decide soon?" He asks.
"I'll decide as soon as I can," Louis nods. "You'll be the first to know. Actually maybe Niall will be or my mum."

Edward laughs a little, shaking his head.
"Are you close with your mum?" He asks.
"Yeah," Louis smiles. "She's amazing, been the only I can rely on since I was born. Especially after..."
"Let's not talk about it. Unless you want to, talking about it may help-"
"Maybe one day," Louis smiles, patting Marcel's shoulder. Marcel smiles at the touch and puts his head forward for Louis to play with his hair.

"Here we are," Louis says when they pull up at his house. "Thank you for everything this evening."
"I'm sorry for shouting," Edward says before getting out of the car.

Everyone stands on the curb outside of his house, ready to say goodbye. Louis wraps his arms around Marcel first, thanking him for the dinner. He lets the taller boy scent him for a minute before moving on to Edward.
"It's okay, don't beat yourself up about it," he says quietly and burrows his head into Edward's chest. Edward grins and noses his hair line before giving him over to Harry.

Harry squeezes Louis tight and ruffles his hair, nose pressed against Louis' jaw for a few seconds.

When they let go Louis waves at them and scurries into his house. His mum is waiting in the kitchen for him.

"So? How'd it go?" She smiles as she flicks the kettle on.
"Uhm, I told them about..."
"Oh sweetie," she coos and comes over to hug him. "Are you okay?"
"It was a bit stressful and I cried because, obviously. Once I'd calmed down I asked if they still wanted anything to do with me. They still want to court. And I do, too."

"Are you courting now?" She asks as she stirs the tea.
"No. I told them I'd tell them when I'd made my mind up."

Louis sits across from his mum at the small table and bar stools they have in the kitchen. She passes him his tea and turned so she is fully facing him.
"And what do you plan on telling them?"
"I want to, they're lovely. But their rut is in two months and what alphas are going to want on omega that is scared to have sex?"
"If all you mean to them is sex they would the putting such an effort in to court you," his mum reasons, sipping her tea.

"I want to. I really do. I just can't help but be scared."
"Well if they are the right alphas for you, you won't feel scared when you're with them."
"Thanks mum."

He texts Edward, Marcel and Harry the same four words when he wakes up the next morning.

'I've made my decision.'

All three alphas look to each other when they read it, Harry choking on his toast. Marcel pats him on the back until he can breath properly.
"What do we say?" Marcel asks.
"Invite him over?" Edward suggests.

Louis arrives bundled in a thick coat and scarf, protecting himself from the cold air. Harry smiles and hugs him tightly before letting him hang his coat up and kick his shoes off. He waits until Harry is following him to walk to the living room. Edward and Marcel are sat on the couch, staring expectantly up at Louis.

He gives them both a hug and allows Edward to pull him to switch between them. Harry pulls a chair over so he can sit in front of Louis.
"So what did you choose?" Edward asks.
"Would I have come to your house to tell you no?" Louis grins.

He watches their faces as they realise. Edward's lips part, eyes darting from Louis to his brothers, unsure of what to do.

Harry gasps, grins and launches himself at Louis. He wraps his arms around his waist and nuzzles his chest. 

Marcel sits there silently.
"Marcel?" Louis asks, poking his shoulder.
"Really? We're courting?"
"Yeah," Louis says softly, opening his arms for Marcel. He accepts the hug and wraps himself around Louis and Harry.

"Hey," Louis says as he plays with Marcel's hair, getting Edward's attention. Edward snaps his head up to Louis. "You know because I wasn't going to give you a hug?" Edward nods, a sour look on his face with the reminder. Louis grins and pulls Edward toward him by the collar of his shirt.

Edward lets his lips brush against Louis' eyes closing.
"Sure?" He asks. He can feel his brothers watching him and Louis. Louis hums and presses his lips against Edward's.

Edward lets his hands come to cup Louis' face, licking gently along Louis' bottom lip.  Louis parts his lips and lets Edward's tongue slide in further, moaning softly when of Edward's hands begins to tug softly at his hair.

They pull away, Edward kissing him again and again quickly because he can and he's so glad that he's finally been able to do it. Harry and marcel whine, wanting the same attention that their brother is getting.

"You guys need to learn to share," Louis giggles and pulls Marcel up by the hair as Edward buries his head in his neck. "You okay?"

Marcel nods eagerly before pushing forward to press his lips against Louis', enjoying the hand Louis keeps in his hair. Louis smiles and parts his lips slightly, sensing Marcel's hesitation to take it any further. He pulls away and kisses his lips again gently.
"It's okay."

Marcel nods and kisses him again, only quickly before he goes back to Louis' chest. Harry is say pouting, feeling left out of the wonderful activities.
"Haz?" Louis giggles as Harry starts growling, staring off into space. "C'mon, your turn, I'm all yours."

He feels the arms around him tighten when he says that but he runs their backs until they relax again. Harry licks his lips and moans loudly as they slot between Louis'. He sucks gently on Louis' lower lip, tongue dipping past them before retreating again, teasing Louis. Louis whines, trying to get more from Harry. Harry smirks, happy to let Louis have what he wants.

"Holy shit, you're getting wet," Edward groans, hiding his face in Louis' shoulder. Louis whimpers, pulling away from Harry to press his nose against his neck.
"I'm sorry."
"Why're you apologising?" Edward laughs. "It's fucking brilliant. You smell amazing."

"We don't- we're not going to do anything are we?" Louis asks nervously. Edward kisses him again and shakes his head.
"Unless you want us to."
"Can I go shower?"
"Yeah, want to use some of our clothes?"
"Sure," Louis smiles.

Harry and Marcel are out of it, high on Louis' scent.
"C'mon," Edward chuckles. "I'll keep these two occupied while you shower. Just pick whatever you want out of our wardrobes. Try and pick one thing from each though? Because of how early it is in the relationship we'll get jealous easily."
"Thank you," Louis grins, kissing Edward's cheek before running upstairs.

He hears Harry's and Marcel's groans of despair, Edward's moans and some wet noises that sound like kissing. His cheeks flame pink when he feels the slick running down his thighs.

The bedroom is large, the bed absolutely massive compared to the single Louis was used to and there are three separate wardrobes. He can tell by smelling the clothes whose they are.

His outfit is a bit mismatched but he's happy with it anyway: one of Marcel's loose vests, even looser on Louis to expose his collarbone and arms. A pair of Edward's underwear, knowing he'll appreciate it a lot. He finds one of Harry's bandanas and adds it to the pile of clothes, leaving the pile on the side in the bathroom. He turns the shower on hot as he undresses, cursing when he find there is no lock on the bathroom door.

The shower is a quick one, the hot water and soap Louis finds is calming and he lets it clear his head before he steps out.

He dries off and dresses, rolling his eyes at his outfit. Feeling kind of bad that he only had a headband of Harry's on, he grabs a pair of Harry's socks and slips them on his feet. He shrugs how he looks off, assuming the triplets will enjoy it either way.

When he goes back to the living room Marcel is asleep, curled into Edward's side. Edward has his hand down Harry's pants, Harry biting into his first to keep quiet. His head snaps to Louis when he reaches the living room door. Louis smiles nervously and sits on the other couch.

"Don't let me interrupt," he insists. "I'm happy to watch." Edward purrs when he sees the clothes Louis is wearing, especially the underwear.
"Come here," Harry moans.
"Louis. He'll knot and hurt himself if you get too close to him."
"Sorry, Haz," he whimpers. Harry turns into Edward's neck, whining and whimpering until he comes into Edward's fist.

Edward wipes it off on some tissue nearby before kissing Harry's head. Harry is nearly crying.
"C'mon, Lou, you're okay now."
Louis fits himself between Harry and the arm of the couch, letting Harry plaster himself all over Louis.

Harry kisses Louis' neck constantly until he falls asleep, drooling on his shoulder. Louis peeks above Harry's head to check on Edward.
"You alright?" Edward asks him.
"Yeah, relieved really. I'm glad that everything's went this well."
"Did you think it would go any other way?"
"Well, lucks not been on my side in the past," Louis shrugs, smiling sadly.
"Well, you've got us now. No more worrying about that. Okay?"

Edward puts the television on quietly, cake boss playing as they both sit in a comfortable silence.

Harry and Marcel wake up around half an hour later, peeking their eyes open and blushing furiously as they remember their earlier activities. Louis accepts the kiss Harry presses to his lips before he gets up to go to the kitchen. Edward moves over next, a lingering kiss placed on his lips. Instead of moving away, Edward picks Louis up and places him on his lap.

Before Louis has a chance to argue with the new seating arrangement Marcel is kissing him, slowly and sweetly. Louis hums, smiling against his lips. When Marcel pulls away he grins and kisses Louis' forehead and follows Harry to the kitchen.

"Did you tell Niall?"
"No. I told my mum last night but I haven't spoken to Niall yet."
"He's going to be so excited."

When they're eating the lunch Marcel and Harry have made at the dining table Louis clears his throat and looks nervously up at the alphas.

"I know Niall has his bites on his neck and they fit well. But what about us? Where would they go?"
"Wherever we choose," Edward shrugs. "It's quite spur of the moment, Zayn said," Marcel explains.
"Do you have a preference?" Harry asks.
"I want people to see them," Louis nods. "The neck, collarbones, shoulders is good. This is all hypothetical obviously," Louis blushes when he realises how much he's thought about it. "I guess if I wanted to mate with you, I wouldn't really care where you bite me."

"We'll have to do double bites," Edward says. Louis cocks his head to the side slightly. "You bite us where we but you. It's not necessary but it will make the bond stronger and that's important especially since there'll be three of us."
"You keep saying will," Louis whines.
"Let me have hope," Edward jokes.

Louis thanks Marcel and Harry for lunch with a kiss and kisses Edward when he whines enough.

"Will you come to dinner at my house tonight?" Louis asks the three of them as he plays with Harry's hair.
"Have we been invited by your mum?" Edward says.
"Then I think that we'd be more than happy to go," he smiles, kissing Louis' jaw  
"Dinner should be ready at five."

They're lounging about on the couch, Louis in Edward's lap again, Marcel cuddled into their side and Harry draped across their laps, head resting on Louis' thigh.

"Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?" Harry says loudly, no shame at all. Louis, however, blushes and rolls his eyes. "Because you are."
"Thank you. Well I'm the lucky omega that gets to court three beautiful alphas," Louis grins.
"And maybe have beautiful babies with," Edward grins. Louis rolls his eyes and tilts his head to let Edward examine the skin there.
"Hold your horses. And tone it down a bit in front of my mum, okay?"

Louis changes into his clothes from earlier, Harry having washed them for him. They get their coats on and are ready to go, each sharing a small kiss before climbing into the car.

When they arrive at Louis' house he reminds them to be on their best behaviour. Edward mumbles that he can't promise anything, earning a light slap from Louis.

Louis takes his shoes off and hangs his coat up, doing the same with the triplets'. Harry kisses his head and rests his hand on Louis' back, ready to follow him wherever he wants.

"Mum?" Louis shouts.
"Kitchen!" She calls back. Louis smiles and beckons for the triplets to follow him through to the kitchen. He gets to the doorway, biting his lip when his mum claps her hands. He feels Edward's hand on his shoulder and smiles encouragingly at the tallest alpha.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Edward," he greets, holding his hand out for Louis' mum to shake.

"I'm Harry, it's a pleasure."

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Marcel."

"Well, I'm Jay, so pleased to have you over."

They all sit down at the table, Louis sitting with his mum while the alphas sit opposite.

"Mum, Marcel cooks," Louis says before they eat, knowing that it will start an easy conversation for Marcel who looks like he's ready to cry.

"Oh really? What do you cook?"
"I like homemade meals, I've always cooked for my brothers. Harry is good at baking, too."
"Edward," Louis' mum says. "Your brothers like cooking. Do you?"
"I don't cook or bake but I enjoy decorating some of the cakes Harry makes. And I always join in with the eating," he grins.

Louis smiles happily as he starts to eat the pasta bake his mum has made.
"So I understand that you are courting?" Jay checks.
"That's right," Harry nods proudly.
"Have you ever courted with another omega before?"
"Never. We've never found an omega that all three of us liked," Edward says.
"And you are aware of his past?"

Louis freezes. Edward looks to him to check if he's okay. He shakes his head, puts his cutlery down and excuses himself from the table.

He hears a hushed conversation, tuning them out as he cries into his pillow. Why would his mum do that? That's not exactly an over-the-table conversation and his mum knows he hates talking about it.

He huffs and turns away when he feels someone sit on the bed.
"Go away," he complains.

It's Edward. He rests a hand on Louis' calf, rubbing it up and down gently.
"She was just looking out for you, Lou."
"Why would she bring it up?" Louis sobs, curling away from Edward's hand.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Edward coos. "I want to see that beautiful face of yours."

Louis rolls over to look at him, pouting and still crying. Edward still thinks he looks gorgeous.

"It's okay sweetheart. C'mere."

When Louis sits up Edward pulls him to straddle his lap, hands rubbing his back. Louis nuzzles his face into Edward's neck, kissing the skin there.
"I'm sorry. I've ruined it. Everything was great, no problems and I've bloody ruined -"

Edward cuts him off with his lips over his, no tongue, just their lips moving together slowly.
"You haven't ruined a thing, okay?" Edward says. Louis just frowns. "Okay?" Edward repeats, using his alpha voice.
"Okay," Louis relents, relaxing against his chest.

"Do you want to come downstairs?"
"No," Louis sighs. Edward chuckles, smoothing his hair out at the back.
"Come downstairs."

Louis does, he goes downstairs with red, puffy eyes and wet cheeks with a runny nose. Jay apologises and says she'll leave the boys to talk.
"You okay, Lou?" Harry asks, smiling sadly over at him. Louis nods his head and drags Edward to the living room with him, shaking his hand for the other alphas to follow them.

They sit on the couch, Louis curling up in Harry's lap, smiling when the other two crowd around him closely.
"Thank you," he whispers. "It's been really lovely. Well, up until then."

Marcel shushes him, resting a gentle hand on his leg
"It's been lovely. Thank you for choosing us," he grins, kissing Louis' head.

They go home later on, parting with kisses on the doorstep when they're sure Louis is okay. Louis ignores his mum and goes straight to bed, falling asleep quickly.

Louis doesn't go to their house the next day, promises that he'll see them in school. And he does, they wait for hi at the entrance, Marcel swooping down for the first kiss of the day. Louis giggles at the surprise lips on his, pulling the next triplet in for a kiss when Marcel pulls away. Harry grins, falling into the kiss easily and moving away when Edward begins getting impatient. Edward cups the side of Louis' face, other arm wrapped around Louis' back to keep him close. He presses his lips against Louis', letting his tongue barely go past his lips before he's pulling away.

"Good morning," Louis grins.
"Morning. You seem better," Harry says as the start walking to lesson. "Have you spoken to your mum?"
"Yeah. Last night she came and apologised and I couldn't stay mad at her."

Marcel rubs his shoulders comfortingly.
"You're in German?" Harry asks.
"Yes. In languages  5."

They walk him to the classroom, only being a few doors down themselves. Louis says goodbye and lets them kiss him, mainly for them to show off to other alphas.

Before he gets to enter the classroom Abby stops him.
"You do realise that you're just a little slut for them to play with before they get bored of you? Which should be soon, they would've marked you already if they liked you."

She then moves aside and gets in her seat like nothing happened. Louis, however, is stunned. He is stood at the door of the classroom, bottom lip wobbling. No one really pays attention to him until Andrew goes past.
"Are you okay?"

Like a switch has been flicked Louis starts sobbing, heaving in breaths of air and collapsing against the floor. He squeezes his eyes shut, liking the darkness more than the blurry images his mind couldn't process. He can't hear anything. Nothing makes sense to him.

Louis wakes up incredibly confused as to when he had fallen asleep and why his head was hurting so much.
"You had an anxiety attack," a soft, Irish voice says from beside him. He gasps.
"Niall!" He exclaims, brain catching up with what happened and he starts crying again. "They don't really want me! I mean nothing to them."
"They are right outside this door, praying that you're okay and that they can do something to fix it. Now are you going to let them come in?"
"Fine," Louis huffs, still not convinced.

He rolls over on the nurses bed and stares at the wall, avoiding his alphas. All three alphas sit in the chairs provided, frowning at the omega curled up as he cries.
"Love," Harry says gently, resting his hand on Louis' shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"You guys don't like me," Louis whimpers. "You just want me for sex."
"Don't you fucking dare say that!" Edward growls. "We've tried our best to make you comfortable, not doing anything you don't want us to. If we wanted you for sex we would've had sex by now. We want to mate with you but we want to do it at your pace, you are in control of everything here."

Everyone stops to let Louis think about what has just been said, thanking the Lord when he rolls over to look at them. His eyes are shiny with tears, cheeks pink and wet. He sniffles, wiping his eyes.
"But Abby said-"

Marcel growls loudly, eyes flashing red.
"What did she say?"
"She said you don't like me and if you did you would've marked me by now. She called me a slut that you'd use until you got bored."

He is staring at the bed, frowning intensely.
"You know when we're marking you," Harry says slowly. "We're going to mark you when you decide we can. And that's when you're ready, not when some stupid bitch decides to mess with your head."
"D'you want to go home?" Edward asks.
"I want to go to your house."

They all go to the Styles' residence, Louis resting his head on Harry's shoulder where they sit on the couch. He hasn't said a word, opting to just find comfort in the alphas. Edward makes him a cup of tea. Marcel pulls Louis to sit on his knee before letting him take the tea. Harry throws a blanket over all of them, kissing Louis' head gently as they all settle.

"Lou, would we do this if we didn't like you?" Marcel whispers, kissing his jaw.

Louis falls asleep on Marcel after he's finished his drink, head on his shoulder, nuzzling into Marcel's neck when he moves. Harry and Edward let Marcel relax with Louis and go to the kitchen to make lunch.

"That was- intense," Harry says as he looks through the freezer.
"He really needs us," Edward sighs, leaning his elbows on the counter.
"Yeah. I just hope he'll be alright."

They cook in silence, listening carefully for any noises that come from the living room.

Louis wakes up on top of Marcel, both of them laying on the couch. Marcel is asleep too, arms protectively wrapped around Louis to hold him close. Instead of getting up Louis pulls the blanket tighter around himself and Marcel and tries to hide in his chest.

Edward brings the food in and leaves it on the coffee table, smiling at his brother and omega. He sits with Harry, letting him snuggle into his side as they eat, comforting Harry after this mornings events.
"It'll be okay, Haz. We're courting, he'll be okay if we look after him."

Harry nods and kisses Edward quickly, happy to see his brother become less tense and controlling.

After falling back asleep and waking up again, Louis gets up and eats his dinner, smiling at the alphas on the other couch.
"How are you feeling?" Edward asks.
"Better. My head still hurts a bit but that usually happens after a panic attack."
"Do they happen often?" Harry says.
"Not really, not as often as they used to, I used to have at least one a day. That was around the time it happened."
"That's okay, we just want to know how to deal with them so you're safe and happy."

Louis stirs the conversation onto Marcel and how pretty he is, examining his face closely.
"Our brother is lovely," Harry grins. "Do you think we're just as pretty?"
"You're triplets," Louis laughs, nodding his head. "You're all gorgeous."

The week goes without another problem, the alphas requesting that Abby be moved from Louis' class. They walk him to and from lesson, sit with him at lunch and go to each other's houses in the evenings. Louis now has spare clothes at their house, just in case he gets wet and needs to change. He has taken to wearing some of their clothes while he sleeps so he can smell them even while away from them.

Niall is incredibly pleased with how their relationship is going, watching them get more comfortable with each other as time goes on. Zayn and Liam are ready to step in whenever necessary but they don't have problems like they did at first.

Louis' mum invites the triplets around again to redo the dinner that failed so horribly last time.

Once they've been courting for two weeks Louis accepts their offer of staying over nervously. All of the triplets kiss him and reassure him that nothing bad will happen to him. And then everything's okay.

His mum teases him about staying over while he packs his bag, kissing his hair when his cheeks go pink.

They pick him up, saying hello to Jay before bringing him back to their house.
"This will be your house one day," Edward reminds him as he brings his bag upstairs.

"Can we cuddle?" Louis pouts after dinner, feeling cold and wanting attention. Liam, Niall and Zayn are barely ever in when Louis is but Louis enjoys the privacy and staying inside.

Harry immediately jumps onto the bed next to Louis. He holds his arms open to let Louis get comfortable. Edward shakes his head fondly when Marcel jumps on to the pile.
"You're big puppies," he chuckles.
"Yeah but I'm your omega," Louis says, fully intending to finish his sentence but all eyes go to him. They've never said that before.

Before Louis can say anything to fix his slip up Edward is on the bed, lips against his as he kisses him hotly.
"My omega," he grins smugly and nuzzles Louis' face.

Louis loves spending time with them but the more time they spend together the closer they get and that kind of scares him. And the more time that passes, the closer the triplets' rut comes. 

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