
Louis fidgets nervously in the meeting room he sits in. His mum is sat next to him, patting his shoulder to comfort him as some teachers walk through the door. They discuss his timetable, where he can go for help, how they will arrange his work around his heats etc.

When the meeting is over, Louis' mum kisses his head and says goodbye. He gulps and stares at the doors that, once he walks past them, old his future.

Using the map he was given, Louis navigates his way to his first lesson, German. His head hurts with all the new smells, wrapping his scarf around his face to mute the smells more. He knocks on the door to his German class and pops his head in.
"Uhm- is this Mrs. Jones' class?" He asks shyly.
"Yes it is," the teacher smiles, going to be cupboard to get a book. "You must be Louis."

Louis gives her a curt nod and sits where she places his book, avoiding all of the eyes locked onto him. He knows he smells good to the alphas, has been told he smells good by betas and omegas before too.

Louis' nose twitches every few seconds, trying to figure out the new scents surrounding him.

He sits carefully next to Andrew, a beta. He has light brown hair, blue eyes and he's quite muscly for a beta, Louis thinks. They get on okay, Andrew sticking to conversations about the work while Louis concentrates on learning new names.

A girl, Abby introduces herself after class, telling him she's an alpha with a wolffish grin. Louis doesn't need to be told, he can smell and see it from far away. That's why Louis walks off with Andrew instead of responding to Abby, smiling apologetically at his surprise appearance.

Andrew doesn't mind, informing Louis that Abby is quite intense and proud of her status, she wants to settle down and claim an omega as soon as she can.

Louis takes a mental note to stay away from her.

In Biology, Louis is sat next to a pretty blond haired boy with striking blue eyes and an enticing Irish accent. His neck has two very bright marks, despite his young age. He is very excitable and jumps at the opportunity to make a new omega friend, not knowing many male omegas.
"Niall," the boy grins, patting Louis gently on the back. "And you are?"
"Louis," Louis smiles, he likes this boy.

"Sit with me at lunch?" Niall asks at the end of the lesson, wanting to show his boyfriends his new friend.

Louis isn't usually as quiet as he has been today but he wants to figure out who is safe and who isn't before he begins opening up to people and getting comfortable.

Louis sits alone in the next class, his teacher saying the only seats left were next to alphas and that would be a bad combination apparently. He doesn't mind really, getting a chance to observe his class, see who is ogling him and who doesn't seem fazed.

He is also thankful because in his classroom, a maths class, is the most heavenly, scent lingering. It's difficult for him to fully distinguish what or who it is as it seems the person isn't here now and their scent has been partially masked by the other students.

At lunch Niall meets him at his classroom and brings him to the table he usually sits at.
"Do you sit by yourself?" Louis asks gently.
"No. My two boyfriends sit here. And then there's the Styles triplets. They sit here too."
"Who're the Styles triplets?"
"Oh my god," Niall groans, flailing dramatically onto the table. "The most popular, attractive people in our school. Besides my Liam and Zayn, of course," he smiles. "There is Harry, Marcel and Edward. And I think the rest is left unsaid because they're on their way over here."

Niall leaves it so late to tell Louis that the triplets are coming over that Louis has no choice but to stay where he is, despite his nerves.

Five tall, stunning alphas walk over to the table and its immediately clear to Louis who the triplets are. They're all similar height, two of the three have curly hair, though on of them has his hair a lot longer than the other. The other triplet has straight hair, combed back over his head out of the way of his glasses.

The other two alphas, Niall's boyfriends, are both just as good looking as the others. Though Louis would argue that the triplets are a triple threat. Literally.

Niall greets each boyfriend with a kiss, ignoring the disapproving look on their faces. Louis is staring nervously at the table, trying not to breathe in because he did that when they walked over and instantly regretted it. He smelt the mouth-watering smell he smelt in his maths class. And he is not ready to sit next to them.

"Niall," the tanned one says sternly. The triplets are stood at the head of the table, staring at Louis. "Who is this and why did you bring him to the table without checking first?"
"It's Louis," Niall says sadly, his voice small. "He is new and doesn't have any friends yet."
"Ni," the other one sighs, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. "I know you were trying to be nice but you brought a new, unmarked omega to a table full of alphas. Three of which are not in a relationship either."
"I should just go-" Louis begins, about to grab his things when a stern voice tells him otherwise.

"Sit down. Now," a low, rumbling growl accompanies it and Louis sits, whimpering.
"That's not fair," he whines. "Using our biology against me is not fair."
"That's life," the same voice says and Louis feels someone slide along the bench to sit next to him.

He nervously looks to his right and sees the straight haired, glasses-wearing boy. He is smiling and a deep rumble in his chest makes Louis bite his lip.
"I'm Marcel," he introduces. "And you're Louis? It's nice to meet you."

Louis commends his efforts, how in control he is when his brothers are literally growling with each breath. His brothers reluctantly sit on the bench too, introducing themselves when Marcel elbows them.

"I'm Harry. This is Edward," the tall, long-haired one smirks.
"I can speak for myself," snaps the scary voice from before. "I'm Edward, the oldest triplet."
"You're scaring my friend!!" Niall whines, pouting.
"We're nothing to be scared of," Harry says, his curls and dimples making him nearly believable.

They sit there awkwardly for a few moments before Marcel groans and buries his face into Louis' neck. Louis makes a startled noise and fights against his grip.
"Please," he whimpers, pushing at his shoulders. "Get off me!"

Marcel frowns at the sadness and panic coming off of the omega in waves and pulls back.
"Control your brother," Louis spits at the other triplets, standing up and running to the bathroom.

Niall slams his hands on the table and glares at his three best friends.
"Marcel, what the fuck was that?" He turns to look at Harry and Edward. "I don't even know what to do with you. You clearly like him and you act creepy around him and order him about-"

Edward is steaming, eyes bleeding red as Marcel frowns, him and Harry feeling useless.
"Think what you want, leprechaun, it'd be stupid of him to not want us," Edward replies calmly despite his angry demeanour.
"Can you go see if he's okay?" Marcel asks sadly. Niall nods his head, happy to help a friend.

He finds Louis sniffling in front of a mirror, splashing his face with cold water.
"Hey," he greets softly, resting a gentle hand on Louis' shoulder. "I know they're very full on but that was very intense for them too. D'you want to come and eat lunch just with me?"

Louis states at Niall through his reflection and nods his head sullenly. Niall takes his hand and smiles gently at him, leading him out of the bathroom and to an empty table.

All five alphas stare at the omegas that walk past them. Niall glares at the triplets. They keep their eyes on the two boys for the rest of lunch, marcel whimpering about disappointing his brothers and scaring his soon to be mate. Harry pities him and comes his fingers through Marcel's hair, soothing him.

"I want to go over and fuck him full of my puppies," Marcel says mournfully.
"Enough," barks Edward. "You have never even met him, you just know he smells nice."
"Edward," Harry argues. "Even you know that we've never smelt anything like him. We need to try."

Edward ignores him and looks over at Louis with narrowed eyes.

Louis groans when he sees Marcel stood at the door of his classroom last lesson. Marcel smiles sheepishly at him and waves.
"I'm really sorry," Marcel says, as soon as Louis is few feet away from him. "I'm so sorry, Louis. I was very overwhelmed and I'm sorry for loosing control."

He sounds so sincere, eyes begging Louis to accept his apology. He feels bad for the alpha.
"Y-you scared me," Louis mumbles.
"I know. And I didn't mean it. It wasn't meant to hurt you, it was supposed to be a nice gesture," Marcel pouts. Louis knows he's truly sorry.
"It's okay," Louis says. "I forgive you."

And that takes a lot for Louis to say but the alphas scent is calming and comforting so maybe Louis wouldn't mind him sticking around for a little while?

Marcel beams and blushes.
"So you wouldn't mind coming over to our house for dinner?"
"I - uhm-"
"Is that a bit too much?" Marcel winces. "We live with Niall, Liam and Zayn so we wouldn't be alone. And I doubt Niall would leave your side the whole time. It's okay if you don't-"
"Maybe another time?" Louis smiles softly. "I don't think my mum would be happy if I went off with one alpha, never mind three, after my first day of school."
"Okay," Marcel agrees easily.

Marcel growls at the teacher when he tries to sit Louis next to another alpha, Dylan. Louis tells both Marcel and the teacher that it's okay and sits beside Marcel instead, happy with the content pure that Marcel emits. He giggles and shakes his head.

At the end of the lesson, Louis comes to the conclusion that though Marcel is an alpha, he's an absolute sweetheart when it comes to Louis. He talks softly and makes jokes and fidgets nervously with his glasses, eyes wide and voice shaky the whole time. He's nervous around Louis and that makes Louis swoon because Marcel is a confident, strong alpha who gets nervous around him. That's just adorable.

Louis blushes when he gets home and his mum can tell somethings happened.
"It was good, I like it there," Louis smiles.
"And?" His mum eggs him on. "Any takers?" She teases. Louis giggles and rolls his eyes.
"Trying to marry me off already?" He jokes, hip checking her as he passed her on his way to the kettle. "Tea?"
"'Course. But seriously, any alphas trying to snatch you up?"
"Yes. Plenty. I have them all wrapped around my little finger," Louis laughs.

"But, there are a few interested," he says quietly, all humour gone suddenly. "There is a nice omega, Niall who introduced me to his three best friends. They're triplets. And absolutely gorgeous," Louis sighs. "They smell so nice, mum. Like- wow."
"Three alphas?" His mum gasps. "Lou, that's a lot, even for you to handle."
"I know mum, we're not married, it's fine."
"So what happened when you met?" His mum grins around her cup of tea, enjoying the gossip from her son. Louis blushes and smiles down at his hands.

"They all freaked out a little, one of them got very close so I walked away," he shrugs. "I ate lunch alone with Niall. And then in my last lesson Marcel, one of the triplets was there and got me to sit by him. He was really nice and seemed very eager but I don't know what his other brothers are like. And I've known them less than a day so I shouldn't be jumping into anything. Surely the reaction we had to each other means something though?"
"I'm sure it does, Lou. But just be careful, I don't want three big bad alphas hurting my Louis."
"I don't think Niall will allow that," Louis chuckles, sipping his tea.

He goes to bed later that evening with the alphas smell tickling his nose and dark hair and green eyes invading his dreams.

Louis walks into school with a skip in his step, being met with three tall, growly alphas. He rolls his eyes and cocks a hip, staring stubbornly up at the triplets.
"You think you can just walk into our lives and make us horny and not do anything about it?" Harry accuses.
"I never did anything to make you horny," Louis argues. "And I will not do anything about it. It's your fault you cannot control yourselves."

Harry looks floored, mouth open as he tries to think of something to say. Edward smirks and closes his eyes as he inhales deeply.
"You're sexy when you're angry," he says, licking his lips. Marcel looks just as dumbfounded as Harry does, staring down at the omega in wonder.
"Perv," Louis huffs, crossing his arms.

"Can I get past? I have a lesson to go to?" Louis reminds them as they continue to form a barricade around him.
"We will escort you to lesson," Marcel says easily, smiling when his brothers nod their approval.
"You're not my alphas!" Louis exclaims.

They all look like Louis has just slapped them in the face.
"He is right," Edward sighs. "Until we knot and mark him, he's not ours."
"And none of that is going to happen," Louis says calmly to try and take some sense into them.
"Not right now," Harry laughs as if Louis was being ridiculous. "We wouldn't want everyone to see you naked."

Louis reluctantly allows them to accompany him to his first lesson. Though they mainly follow behind him, growling at other alphas even if they show no interest.
"Guys, I understand I smell good but you met me yesterday," Louis reasons. "We know. We wish we'd met you sooner."
"You aren't going to give up are you?" Louis asks, massaging the headache away from his forehead.
"Not unless you go in a date with us," Harry smirks.
"Bye!" Louis shouts, storming into his classroom without another word.

When he gets into the classroom he feels like he can finally breathe again without the worry of slick running down his thighs. He knows the triplets have smelt how hot he is for them but thankfully they haven't mentioned it.

Niall drags him over at lunch to sit with them again, but waits until the alphas are already there. He pushes Louis to sit next to Liam and Zayn rather than the triplets.
"Hi," he mumbles, feeling better at the encouraging smile Niall sends him.
"I don't believe we've had a real introduction," one of Niall's alphas say, smiling down at Louis. "I'm Liam."
"I'm Zayn, it's nice to meet you," the other one agrees.

Louis can feel the triplets staring st him.
"If you growl at them- I swear to god. They're your best friends who have mated with an omega, they're not gonna try anything."
"Even so, you're fucking gorgeous," Harry shrugs. Niall rolls his eyes and begins talking to Louis about his next lesson.

"I haven't had drama, chemistry yet. I have drama next," Louis nods looking at his timetable.
"Is your teacher Mr. Hall?"
"Yes," Louis sighs. Great, he thinks, I have drama with this idiot. Harry grins.
"I can't escape you can I?" Louis pouts, resting his chin on his hands. The triplets think he looks absolutely adorable.
"Not on my watch," Edward pipes up, ignoring the elbow to the ribs Niall gives him.
"You sound like a stalker," Niall scolds.

Harry walks with him to drama, sticking close by Louis despite his protests.
"Seriously, Harry. You haven't marked or mated me. We aren't even courting. So stop it!" He snaps, pushing st Harry's chest. Harry growls and backs him up against a wall, hands either side of his head.
"Don't tempt me. I would mark you right here and now if my brothers would allow it. But we're mating together so they need to agree," he whispers lowly in Louis' ear, lips brushing against his skin.

Louis shivers, biting his lip and closing his eyes.
"Lou, tell me you don't want me at all and I won't do a single thing."

Louis takes a deep breath, instantly regretting it as it makes his whole body tingle.
"Harry-" he whines. "I'm gonna get wet in school, stop it."

Harry groans at Louis' confession even though he can smell it, it sounds so good coming from his mouth.
"Holy shit. You're getting ready for my knot," Harry growls, trying not to rub against Louis. "Go into class before I try to fuck you against the wall."

Letting Louis leave is hard for Harry hit he doesn't want to scare him away so it has to be done. Harry needs to knit something now.

He goes and gets Marcel out of his lesson and the younger triplet knows exactly what's about to happen, goes willingly with his older brother.
"You haven't hurt Louis have you?" He asks worriedly.
"No. That's why I'm getting you."
"Okay, big bad. Settle down. You got any lube?"
"Of course," Harry smirks. "I always carry lube."

Louis is greeted with a growly Edward when he leaves drama. He ignore the looks everyone is giving him and stares up at the alpha.
"So impolite," Edward muses. "Where are my brothers?"
"Harry said he would try to fuck me against the wall if I didn't go to lesson so I went and he didn't come back," Louis explains.
"Ah. I know where he'll be," Edward nods, walking away curtly.

"You're welcome!" Louis calls out sarcastically. Edward surprises Louis with turning around.
"Oh, I can see why my brothers like you so."
"Thanks, I guess?"
"You're welcome. And-" Edward pauses, a smirk forming on his lips. "You are ours."
"No, Edward. I'm my own person. You're not my alpha," Louis shakes his head.
"Soon," Edward promises. Louis can't help the rush he feels with the authority in Edward's voice. Edward walks away as Louis tries not to think about 'soon' too much.

The next day in school Louis doesn't even argue when they try to walk him to lesson. Marcel shyly asks for a hug and Louis can't bring himself to say no. He feels Harry and Edward staring at him as he wraps his arms around Marcel's waist. Marcel makes a pleased noise and carefully rests his face in Louis' neck, not wanting to push it too far. He inhales shakily, shivering and squeezing Louis gently

Louis stares over his shoulder at Marcel's brothers, rubbing his back as Marcel runs his nose along Louis' neck.

"Alright, big guy," Louis chuckles.

Marcel pulls back and Harry immediately pulls him into a hug.
"Haz?" Marcel asks but allows his brother to nuzzle his face.
"You smell like him," Harry mumbles.
"Just hug him you big idiot," Marcel laughs, kissing his cheek and ruffling his hair.
"He won't let me," Harry complains.
"You haven't asked him," Louis interrupts. Harry stares wild eyed at Louis, raising his eyebrow in question. Louis nods with a small smile on his face.

Harry is all limbs, long arms wrapping around him to hold and squeeze him, letting his lips brush over Louis' collarbone, tongue carefully touch the goosebumps raised on Louis' skin. Louis gasps, fisting Harry's shirt in his hands.
"Harry," Edward snaps. "No more."

Harry whines but reluctantly pulls away, pouting in the direction of his brother. Edward rolls his eyes and saunters forward to stand in front of Louis.
"No," Louis says easily. "You haven't earned a hug yet."

Despite Edward's hard exterior he can't help but feel wounded by being rejected. He crosses his arms and stares down at Louis.
"What did they do to deserve one?" He demands.
"They've been nice. I feel okay giving them a hug. You scare me."
"Good," Edward smirks though inside he feels horribly offended. His omega shouldn't be scared of him. He's the carer, provider, Louis should have his babies.
"You don't mean that," Louis shrugs confidently. "Anyway. Your loss."

Louis begins to walk toward his class when Edward grabs him and pulls him to his chest.
"You smell lovely," he murmurs, "but that was mean."

Louis' heart warms at the alpha's voice, how soft it is compared to usual.
"Sorry," Louis giggles, patting at his curls. "You didn't even ask."

Edward hums, fingers from one hand running through the hair on the base of Louis' neck and the other stroking the soft skin between his shirt and jeans. Louis whimpers.

"Will you come to dinner at our house?" Louis is asked, this time by Harry the following week. Louis, feeling a lot more comfortable around the alphas, agrees. None of them have kissed Louis yet which all of them are quite disappointed by but Louis stays strong and says he'll only kiss alphas he is courting. That only encourages the triplets.

Louis goes to their house on Friday at the end of his second week in school. He was in drama with Harry last lesson so they meet the other two alphas, both demanding hugs that Louis is more than happy to give.

They pile into the car, Marcel sitting in the back with Louis.
"Is Niall going to be home?" Louis asks.
"No," Edward says. "It's their date night."
"Aww," Louis coos. "That's cute."
"Are you going to expect that when we're courting?" Edward sighs, making eye contact with Louis in the mirror.
"When?" Louis asks. "Don't you mean if?"

Harry nods his agreement as Louis rolls his eyes and fights the blush on his cheeks. Marcel grins and rests his hand on top of Louis'.
"I'm cooking dinner," Marcel says quietly.
"Aw, Marcel, that's really sweet," Louis smiles. Marcel preens when Louis pats his head.

When they get there Louis is baffled by how large their house is.
"You parents bought you this?" Louis asks.
"Yes. It's big enough for our pups and the kids the other three have," Edward says. Louis nods his head and thanks Harry when he takes his coat.

They sit at the table, the triplets on one side and Louis on the other.
"I feel kinda weird with you all staring at me," Louis mumbles, cheeks pink with the amount of eyes on him.
"Well if you agree to court us, you'll have to get used to it."
"Don't need to respond to that," Harry interrupts when he sees how nervous Louis gets at that statement.

"Well what I want to know," Edward says. "Is who will get to kiss you first."
"We aren't courting so none of you. And if we do, it'll be whoever tries and succeeds first."
"I'm going to make dinner," Marcel smiles.
"Can I help?" Louis asks excitedly.
"No," all three alphas say. Louis pouts and leans on the table.

"Will you court us?" Harry asks when Edwards gone the toilet. "Will you consider it? You can't deny that we're all attracted, there is no reason for us to not try. And then if you decide that we're unsuitable you can call off the courting and we won't mate."
"I- I don't know, Harry. What if I'm not who you think I am? What if you find out something about me and then don't like me anymore?"

Edward and Marcel come back into the room with stern faces and their arms crossed.
"I don't think there's anything that could put us off you. What could there possibly be that would make us stop liking you-"
"I'm not a virgin," Louis interrupts Marcel's ramblings.

"Who is he?" Harry immediately growls. Louis flinches when notices all of their eyes have turned red.
"I will kill him. What is his name?" Edward demands. Louis whimpers.
"I don't know."

Everyone pauses.
"You don't know?" Edward roars, slamming his fists onto the table. "We were going to court a slut!"

Louis starts crying, wiping his eyes quickly.
"No, Edward, that's not it. I wouldn't do that," Louis says quietly, crying softly as all of the alphas pace up and down, hitting things.
"Then explain," Marcel commands. "Explain how it was."

"I was raped."

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