Chapter 17: Heart to Heart
Updates are going to be haphazard at best during this month because final year wants to take my virginity, and being completely fucked is exhausting.
The twins watched Delphi walk away in disappointed silence, before turning to head toward Gryffindor tower.
"Any ideas..?" Asked Fred.
George hummed, undoing his tie, "she mentioned we should be glad we have a mum...It was pretty stupid of us to bring mum up anyhow since she saw hers die....but still, she freaked out after that...I'm confused."
"She didn't give back my blazer, bet she'll sleep wearing it." Fred tried to tease his brother, but they were still too disappointed with the end to their night for it to stick.
"Amortentia." George said to the fat lady.
The password had made them laugh at the start of the week, but it left a bitter taste in his mouth now. Delphi had relaxed at first...he had thought they had a special connection. It had easy and good, and he was so confused as to why she'd frozen up.
They entered the common room, which was still relatively full, but in no mood to joke and tease, they brushed off Angelina and Katie's jibes and Lee's questions, making their way straight to the dorms and not long after to bed. Sleep however would take them both a while.
Delphi woke up cold, having fallen asleep crying on her covers, clutching onto Fred's jacket.
She didn't want to face the day. Any day ever.
Reluctantly though, she did get up, discovering with relief that she'd risen early and the other girls were still out for the count.
Her hair was a mess of pins and half undone braids, but she eventually combed it out, before pulling it into a bun. She didn't feel free, so why should her hair.
Changing into a grey jumper and black jeans, she tugged on a set of open robes before turning back to the bed, only to stare at Fred's jacket.
She didn't want to give it back.
Keeping it would be unfair and weird.
Giving it back would mean talking to Fred.
Keeping it would be unfair and weird.
She picked up her bag, and after hastily spelling away the creases, placed the jacket inside.
She left before any of her roommates made a noise.
The common room was quiet enough that the curious stares weren't too unexpected, but by the time she hit the great hall, she had to accept that she was the number one topic of gossip. And by the glares, not in a good way.
Spying Luna, she settled beside her sister and picked up a piece of toast.
"You're surrounded by nargles, Phi." Stated Luna quietly, "and they are flying fast."
"Do you know why Lu?" She muttered under her breath.
The blonde hummed, "Badgers love their champion, and lions hold a soft spot for weasels. Eagles and snakes both prize dignity above all."
She ditched Diggory at the ball, and no one else knew they'd just gone as friends so the hufflepuffs were pissed. She'd gone with the champion but ditched him and disappeared off with the twins for several hours, so the Ravenclaws and Slytherins were giving her slut status. And she'd ruined the twins night so the Gryffindors were also pissed.
Oh well. Not like her reputation was ever something she'd cared about to begin with. And she knew the shield charm well if the school got worked into a righteous frenzy.
Didn't help her mood much though.
She picked at her food, appreciating her sister's silence, before she headed to the library to lose herself in work. She couldn't bear to look at the Gryffindor table.
Fred and George watched the hunched girl disappear out the hall without once glancing their way. They needed to fix this.
"So we're pranking her right?"
Blinking back to the present, the twins turned to eye Lee Jordan in confusion.
"What do you mean Lee?" Asked George, pushing his food around his plate distractedly.
Lee looked angry. "She messed one of you around right? And Diggory too. She deserves some karmic retribution."
"Where did you get that from mate?" Asked Fred, honestly confused.
"Huh?" Lee paused, looking between the pair, and the neighbouring Gryffindors also broke off their conversations. "The whole school's talking about it. It was not cool."
Fred glanced around, for the first time registering the mutinous atmosphere, some of the girls especially looked out for blood.
"What the hell?" Hissed George, "how could they misunderstand that badly?"
"What do you mean?" Asked Angelina, "She left three upset untouchables behind her, and that it not okay!"
"Untouchawhat?" They exclaimed together before Fred shook his head, "Never mind, you do know she and Diggory went as friends right? And we're also...just friends? She didn't do anything wrong."
"If she didn't then why the hell did you two look like someone killed your love of pranking, and Diggory left the ball right after you three disappeared?"
"She's oblivious? Since when was that a crime?" Asked George dryly. "We all chatted by the lake, and some less than funny topics came up. If anyone left that party more upset than she did, I'd be very surprised, we're the ones who messed up."
"Somehow." Added Fred too low for the others to hear.
"Shit." Muttered Katie, "you guys need to sort this out fast, she's top of hufflepuffs' kill list right now, and most of the girls are out for vengeance too."
The twins grimaced, they'd wanted time for all three of them to cool off, but apparently that wasn't meant to be.
Assessing the hall, and finding the majority of students still there and McGonigall absent, Fred took a deep breath and stood up on the bench. "Hey! Cedric!" He yelled across to the Hufflepuff table. "Was Delphi with you at the ball as a date, or as a friend?"
The Hufflepuff blinked at him as the hall silenced, irritatingly oblivious. "Friend. Why?"
Fred nodded, "she's our friend too..."
George stood and finished, " anyone who messes with her will have us to answer to!"
They both left the hall with a nod to their friends, hoping to find Delphi and protect her until their warning reached everyone. Whatever she was dealing with, she didn't need this added to her plate.
Stepping into a nearby classroom, they pulled out the map to scan for her name, unsurprised when it appeared in the library.
"It had to be a Ravenclaw didn't it." Sighed George.
Fred chuckled, "oh brother mine, who else could keep up with us?"
The walk to the library was marked only by steadily increasing tension, and they were both grateful and panicked that Delphi was nestled in a very private alcove far from Madame Pince's prying eyes.
They noticed with worry the slight reddening around her eyes as she looked up at them, smile friendly but strained. "George, Fred. Here."
She turned from them to rummage in her bag, retrieving Fred's blazer and offering it to him, fingers gripping the fabric just a little too tight. "I'm sorry for last night, thank you for the jacket though, I'm glad you didn't catch cold without it."
Fred hesitated before taking it, his fingers brushing hers as he did so. "Thanks and don't apologise, we had a great time."
"Me too." She said quietly, the first genuine smile crossing her face, "you two really can dance."
Fred settled on one side of her, and George on the other, pulling out their own homework. "So miss Ravenclaw, done the potions essay?"
Delphi found herself heading to the Defence professor's office.
The twins had been around her most of the holidays, and it scared her how much she enjoyed their company. They had reluctantly left her that morning for their lesson with the death eater 'moody', so she had headed down to visit Dobby and bartered for a bottle of fire whiskey and some sandwiches.
She dismantled the wards and headed in, opening up the chest with a distracted wave of her wand.
"How's life professor?"
"Miserable as always Delphi. Anything to improve me mood?" Growled the man.
She dropped the sandwiches and whiskey down to him, and returned his grateful nod.
"What does he feed you anyway? Must keep you alive somehow."
He ate a sandwich noisily before replying. "Dog food. Filches it from Hagrid's stores. Enjoyed the sight of me eating it I expect. I'll get him though."
"Damn I'll come more often."
"Do. Though constant vigilance Lovegood."
"Yeah, that's one thing your imposter has down pat. Scares the life out of everyone shouting that. Did you know he turned this Slytherin kid into a ferret?"
The man chuckled, taking a gulp of fire whiskey, "bastard's doing a decent job then."
They were quiet for a while, Delphi gazing at the foe glass, her thoughts distant.
"What's on your mind kid?"
She sighed, leaning back to rest her head against the side of the chest. "Ever been in love Professor?"
"Fucking kidding me, we ain't having a bloody girl talk."
She laughed weakly, and they fell silent again.
"There was a man once."
Delphi was grateful he couldn't see her surprise.
"But it was Ireland in the 50s and he was muggle. Couldn't do shit about it, bloody Catholics."
"What happened to him?"
"He got married." Grunted Moody. "Found a nice religious muggle girl and settled. What you had to do back then."
Delphi thought about that. All the love stories throughout history that couldn't even have a chance to begin. Wrong colour, wrong sex, wrong faith, wrong class, wrong politics...humans were very good at building walls. So many fairytales that could never start. If she wasn't emotionally exhausted already, thinking about it too much might make her cry.
"Who are you in love with kid?"
"Someone who I know is going to be killed in this war." She replied quietly.
"They like you back?"
"Yeah." She whispered.
"Than fucking make the most of it. At least you can goddamn love for a little while. More than I ever had you selfish child."
Her voice cracked and she hated herself for it. "I don't think I'll survive them dying if I let myself get closer."
"You will. Trust me, you'll regret doing nothing when the chance is out your hands." His voice was steady and calm.
She swallowed, "really?"
They were silent a while, him giving her a chance to think it over.
Her mind was reeling too much though, having spent the better part of a month convincing herself not to do it. Thankfully he seemed to guess, chucking the fire whiskey back up to her.
"Where are ya from anyway kid? You're a northern bastard aren't ya." Grumbled the man, changing from a difficult subject to an easy one.
Delphi chuckled, "County Louth born and bred I'm afraid, and you're a damn Dubliner if every I heard one."
"Damn right." Muttered Moody. "Wish I'd never left."
"Only a few months more and you're out of there." Hummed Delphi, she missed Ireland too, they'd only left for Ottery St. Catchpole after her mother's death, the wild heathland and mountains reminding her father too much of Pandora, who was as much a part of the place as the earth itself.
"But how long before I'm dead eh girl? He's on the rise again and they'll be out and thirsty for me blood. I'll be blessed if I get another two years."
"You've done well though, haven't you?" Asked Delphi.
He grunted, "ya mean I didn't die already? Girl in the next few years the work of my lifetime is going to be undone in days. To be fair with me blood pressure I'm not followin' Dumbledore's lead anyway."
Delphi snorted but her grip on the bottle tightened,
The man's voice shifted a little, taking a more serious note. "You've seen me die, haven't you kid."
She stared at the bottle of fire whiskey, refusing to look down and meet his beady eye.
"Just tell me it's decent. Not a slipping jinx or a spell to the back or some crap."
Delphi ignored the tears wetting her cheeks, whispering. "One of the bravest deaths I've witnessed."
Moody hummed, not commenting on the waver in her voice. "And from you that's a hell of a compliment."
She nodded, not trusting her words.
"Does Dumbledore know."
"Yeah...well, he wants to know more but I won't tell him anything."
Moody snorted, "wise move. Man thinks he's god, but not even he should risk fucking with fate."
"Language professor!" She teased.
The man looked at her then with both his eyes. "Call me Alistor, kid."
"Alistor." She echoed and he nodded stiffly.
"Go Delphi, he'll be back soon."
His voice was almost soft.
She reluctantly closed the chest and headed out, replacing the enchantments and slipping down a side passage to short cut to her runes class. She had much to think about.
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