68. questions i have about random shit

to another episode of number of things i have to say according to the chapter number:
today, we will be exploring 68 questions that i have that you can answer if you want to

1) why are people (especially teenagers) so horny?

2) can you read fanfics on here (wattpad) if there is;
- no paragraph structure
- no punctuation
- no narration or paragraph break between when two different characters speak ("i'm jimmy" "and i'm bobby")
- spelling mistakes galore
- it hasn't been updated since 2019

3) why do we name things after places where they are not from
- french fries (north american) - NOT FRANCE (i think belguim)
- hawaiian pizza - canadian
- california rolls - japanses candian, invented in canada

4) why do people hate on ALL nepo babies, like, gracie abrams and ben platt are so good at what they do

5) why does the word "fridge" have the letter 'd' in the word but not "refrigerator"

6) imagine how easy english could be if everything was spelt phonetically (written the way it's said)

i spelt it "finetically"

7) why and how do people spend hundreds (if not thousands) of euros/dollars/yen/pesos/moneys ON CONCERT TICKETS
i spent 65 on my first concert
and y'all be spending over $1000 to see taylor swift from a km away and have to watch from a screen (no judgement tho, i understand the thrill)

8) if everyone has feet, why are we so scared and grossed out by them?

9) why doesn't each month start on monday/sunday and why do different months have different amount of days

10) why should i need to go to therapy if it just gives me more anxiety

11) why is every kid taught smth as if we all have the same exact brain and expected to understand it and memorise it the day of?

12) why is living so expensive?

13) why do we think it's okay to hate? and why do we make it so easy to hate on social media?

14) why should i be judged for doing things that are comfortable for me? (i sleep with socks on bc the loose sheets make my feet sweaty)

15) why should we be expected to show up to school every single day at 100%, ready to learn

16) why do we make mental health a competition?

17) why should we judge someone for doing something for the person they love?

18) why must all the best quality stuff cost my whole fucking bank account?

19) who decided that these words are bad:
- fuck
- shit
- dick
- ass
- cunt
- bitch
- and many more

20) why does cilantro taste like soap for some people and why is it a genetic?

21) why does renee rapp have to be so mommy?

22) how come i can't show my shoulders at school volleyball but guys can take off their shirts at school basketball?

23) why do people assume that people who wear black and/or have bad days/are depressed ARE EMO?
like, shut the FUCK up and stop calling me fucking emo.
it gets on my fucking nerves and i can't even express it bc ppl are like "it's a joke"

24) if you're dating, can you still fangirl over fictional people/celebrities?

25) why should i be expected to have kids?

26) why should i judged for (dis)liking something that others (dis)like?
we are all different, we can have different opinions
i do not have to like crocs and you do not have to agree, but you also definitely don't have to MAKE ME like crocs
i can like musicals and you do not have to agree with me, but you also definitely don't have to make fun of me for being a "theatre kid" and i also definitely do not have to force you to watch musicals or judge you for not liking smth

27) why is there a shipping cost?

28) why do we have phobias and fears?

29) how old is too old to sleep with stuffed animals?

30) why is growing up so hard and stressful?

31) how did our minds get so dirty?

32) why the FUCK is wattpad removing pms

33) why do we romanticise problems such as daddy/mommy issues, mental health issues, sa, etc.

34) how are spicy book authors (ex. sarah j. maas) not embarassed abt publishing their books when they know their family can read it?
(props to them, i honestly wish i could do that. i have trouble showing my family my non-spicy writing)

35) can we have twitter back? x is a stupid name

36) can someone take one for the team and show every single girl how to properly use/insert a fucking tampon
you can't simply expect us to know which fucking hole to insert the fucking cotton stick in
pads? great, i love you
tampons? great, i love you
diva cups? great, i love you
free flow? brave, i love you

37) why do people think that ruining your lungs with flavoured air is cool?
yeah, it's cool if you want that as a goody bag at your funeral

38) why do we live? we are born, we go through life, then we die...
uhhhhhhh okay?

39) scientifically, if there was nothing in the beginning, how can something be crafted from nothing?

40) if vampires live forever, but every vampire in the twilight movies are a different age, when do they stop ageing? (if that makes sense)

41) why did french people feel the need to give inanimate objects a gender?
i don't give two shits if my dish washer is a female or not

42) how does every person have a different vocal range?

43) if we locked up a baby by itself, would it create its own language? (yes, i called it an 'it')

44) which is better, wii or switch?

45) who?

46) what?

47) when?

48) where?

49) why?

50) how?

51) who is your celebrity look-alike? (according to you or others)
mine is jenna ortega

52) why does netflix cancel the best things
i'm still so fucking pissed abt shadow and bone

53) why do i need to be happy every day? especially in this generation

54) why do people keep fucking shit talking my boyfriend IN FRONT OF MY FACE?
(someone told me randomly "he's ugly". bitch, shut the FUCK up. he may be to you, but to me he is the most beautiful boy i've seen, and even if he wasn't I WOULDNT REALLY CARE)

55) why do people tell you that your dreams are unrealistic?

56) should i get another tattoo?

57) how does the world turn?

58) why was pluto no longer classified as a planet?

59) why were we told lies as kids?

60) does gen alpha scare you?
they scare me.

61) why are you so goddamn gorgeous?

62) why can i just not have body hair?

63) how do you spell?

64) why do we pick favourites?

65) how come some of us are left handed and others are right handed AND OTHERS are ambidextrous?
i had no idea how to spell that-^

66) am i a slut/whore for wearing short skirts?

67) why isn't spiderman beyond the spiderverse (pt. 2) out yet?

68) ahem...
(i'm sorry-)

i mostly did that for shits and giggles
but some are also serious questions :)
i love youuuuuuuuu
kisses and croissants 💋🥐

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