28. pretty privilege which turned into society rant

this chapter is to explain what pretty privilege is, prove that it's a real thing and how fucking unfair it is.

this is google's definition:
"a concept used to examine the economic, social, and political advantages or benefits that are made to both men and women solely based on their physical appearance"
"unearned benefits awarded to. those whose physical appearance resembles societal standards of physical attractiveness"

this is my definition:
"if you're pretty you have everybody at your fucking feet"

i'm kinda salty bc like it's not fair (ik life ain't fair but like come on) why are we categorizing ppl whether or not they're pretty or ugly or thin or thick or annoying or not or white or black or rich or poor. like. we're all people. treat us like people and not some fucking prize or a piece of shit.

also i know someone who's pretty and they think they can do and say shit that is rude and just way too out of pocket. look you entitled little bitch. not everything in this world is about you. she's like "omgggg i'm so poooooor"
ma'am. you have a roof over your head, money for billions of fake lashes, food on your table, and fucking nike shoes. don't fucking get me started. there are PEOPLE out there who are still trying to make the best out of life without all of that. stop acting like your life sucks when it doesn't. (yes i am aware some people have clinical mental health issues)

(this has turned less into pretty privilege and more just society but idfc)
there are literally fucking 10 year olds on social media wearing fucking crop/tube tops and dancing to shit like 'water' or smth. what has society fucking turned into? it's like we're stripping kids away from their childhood. let them have fun, let them wear what they want, let them explore through the world. DONT FUCKING TELL ME YOU GIVE THEM A OHONE AND MAKEUP AND HEELS AND CALL THAT CHILDHOOD. ITS LIKE YOIRE FORCING THEM TO GROW UP. let them go outside, let them make friends at school. don't give them a fucking phone at the age of 8. i don't need to go outside and see a child walking about with an iphone fucking 15. when i was fucking 10 i only had an ipod and at 12 a samsung tablet. and i was content. i had a childhood. i went outside, i made friends (who turned out to not actually be friends) BUT THATS LIFE. life is about learning, trying, failing, and learning again. it's not about perfection even tho society says otherwise. you know what i say? fuck society.

don't even get me started on cancel culture. you say one thing (which isn't even bad) and you get fucking hated on. the whole world is after you, on your ass. THE WHOLE WORLD DOESNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHO YOU ARE. there are like 8 billion ppl on this plate and you don't even know 99% of them. and they don't know you.

and then there's double standards. you can't be tall but you can't be short. you can't be 'fat' but you also can't be 'skinny' you have to be 'healthy'. you need to dress nice but you can't dress 'slutty' bc then you're asking for it. you're meant to stay at home but you have to earn money by working. you have to not let chivalry die but if you're nice then people think you're flirting. you can't express your opinions bc they are 'offensive' but you have to be out spoken so that ppl can hear you. you have to care what you look like but you can't care what other people think. you have to stop being so anxious and paranoid but you have to carry all this safety shit (keys between knuckles, location on, pretending to call). don't talk to strangers but you have to make friends.  ITS OVERWHELMING AND FUCKING CONFUSING.
(the man by taylor swift)

and then school. there are A LOT of people in this world who go to school. you have to wake up early and be prepared to learn at 8am. you can't be tired bc you had sleep. you can't eat in class bc you *probably* ate breakfast. you can't go to the bathroom bc another person is already gone. girls can't wear crop tops/spaghetti straps/anything short bc it distracts boys but boys can be shirtless. after you get home from school you have to do more school work until like 11pm and they wonder why we're tired. we have to learn a concept in an hour and be expected to know what the hell we are doing. we have to learn at the teachers pace. there's no such thing as stupid questions even tho when you ask a question you get a look of disappointment. you can't be on your phone/laptop/device but you have to search something up. you're expected to know everything but when you don't you get a bad mark even tho you tried your best. you have to work bc you're growing up but you still have school. you HAVE to know what to do with your life at the age of fucking 15/16/17 even tho we are probably still living with our parents/guardians. tells us it's fine but we're having a mental breakdown (i've hid in the bathroom stall before, fucking sobbing and having a panic attack). they (teachers/staff) can take away our things even tho it's our property.
i could go on but i'd just end up fucking screaming at my phone.

normalize being fucking single. i know smo who got a bf when they were like 9 years old. NO. YOURE BRAIN ISNT FULLY GROWN YET. IT ISNT UNTIL LIKE 21-25. i know i'm secondary school people are like "yeah i've slept with so and so and i've kissed this many people and i've dated my brother's best friend" i'm here crying and working my ass off bc of school. when i was younger i had some dude approach me and be like "yo, can i get your number. you're kinda cute." i turned him down (yay me) and then after i found it was a dare. even tho i had no interest in that guy, it fucking stung like a bitch. we need to stop playing with ppls feelings. like i also see those videos like "texting my gf/bf/so that i cheated on her" THATS FUCKING HORRIBLE. LIKE ARE THERE ANY DECENT HUMAN BEINGS ANYMORE? let me be single so i can figure out what the fuck is going on in my life.
apparently it's gross if you're laid before 18 but you 'can't' be a virgin at age 20 or smth? make it make sense. and if you haven't found your 'soulmate' by you're twenties you're going to die alone. at this point fucking kill me already. ain't no way i'm going to find smo by 25.

let me live the life i want. let me figure out want i want to do over the years. let me be.

thank you.
kisses and croissants 💋 🥐

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