I can't be with you - Logan x Virgil


Guess what I need? A pee

I got inspiration from @ insertpunhere0 in their newest OneShot "More" in their book "Plenty of Treasures"

Check it out!

Trigger warning: break up, brief mentions of neglectful parents


Logan could hear the drip, drip, drip coming from the sink beside him. It echoed in the kitchen, rattling in his ears, louder and louder with each passing minute. Maybe it was simply his hypersensitivity to the world around him increased by tenfold due to what he was about to do. Or maybe the sink has always been loud; and he's never noticed it. A bittersweet smile entered his face; their laughter probably drowned it out.

The click of a lock broke him from his thoughts, as the front door opened and shut, silence befell the apartment once again. It wasn't a secret; every piece of damn furniture knew what was about to happen. The atmosphere turned thick; somber. Setting the mood for the two individuals in separate rooms.

Shakily, Logan finished the glass of water he made for himself an hour ago. Leaving the glass right beside the sink, he padded out the kitchen, instinctively raising his hand to shut off the light.

At the end of the hallway he paused, eyes landing on the man who gazed across their living room, bag hanging on one shoulder, jacket still wrapped securely around him. His eyes, hidden behind a curtain of hair, flickered over to his boyfriend who was behind half a shadow casted by the living room lamp.

"You're back" Logan stated. Facts. Facts were good.

The man, Virgil, nodded.

"I'm back" he confirmed, although the way he spoke it, as if he regretted coming back. Even if this was his home; where else would he go?

The two men watched each other, they knew what was coming, they simply hadn't accepted it, but this couldn't go on for much longer. Logan's back couldn't bare another night on the couch; their emotions couldn't slug through another day of pain.

They could barely breathe; throat clogged with the tense air floating around them like a thick fog.

"Did you have a nice day?"

Virgil gripped his bag strap tighter, "yep" he replied through gritted teeth, "did you?"

"I did"

They were lying.

A few minutes later Virgil was finally done, his anxiety couldn't handle the silence any further lest he fall into a panic attack. He looked over at the wall, directly at a picture framed. Of him and Logan, hugging, smiling, in love. He wondered where it went, their love. Did he kill it? Did Logan kill it? Did it simply die by accident? Or was it ever there? Were they simply lying to each other because when they first dated dating, three years ago, it felt right? All their friends were together, happy, content - they told them they were perfect together, after all they spent so much of their time barely apart.

It was unfortunate they listened; because now they ruined what they had.

"Is this it?" Virgil's voice was heavy, words tumbling out of his mouth and falling onto the hard, wooden floor. Logan crossed his arms over his chest, "I suppose it is"

Virgil nodded slowly, eyes finally looking up to stare at the man he loved, once. "What happened to us?" He whispered, clutching his bag even tighter, "what happened?"

"I don't know" Logan responded, "I don't think we were ever meant to be. We hurt each other, worked against each other. We needed things neither of us could give" he explained as best as he could, still barely understanding emotions and feelings, especially romance. Virgil snorted as he thought about it; how was he so clueless? It appeared impossible. Yet when Virgil leaned in for kisses, gave him hugs, whispered sweet nothings Logan would act like he's spoken in a foreign language and treated him like an alien.

"I can't believe I lasted this long" Virgil began, "can't believe I wasted three years with you; with someone who.." he chuckled humourlessly again, "fucking Hell you're dense sometimes, y'know? You can't understand social cues, you've never shown me a-an ounce of affection, and when I say I love you I expect something in return! You just smile! Did you ever love me? Ever?" His words were pushed out of his mouth without the ability to stop them, but Logan understood. He wanted to get better but didn't know how.

Logan swallowed, hands shakily reaching up to tighten his tie.

"I did" he whispered, "o-of course I did. But you weren't exactly helpful, I informed you in the beginning I would need help and time to get used to this, but you became impatient and expected me to know how to treat you with affection even if I have never received affection before you" he retaliated, it was true - his parents didn't use physical or emotional affections, simply raised him without barely saying a word.

"I tried, Logan! But I-I-I didn't expect you'd need that much help! It's pretty fucking self explanatory! A hug, kiss, whatever every once in awhile! I wasn't asking for it daily, maybe once or twice a week. I have anxiety, Logan! I can't initiate everything" he dragged a hand through his hair, throwing his hood back. Logan kept his lips sealed until he would finish his rant.

"Even couple therapy didn't work, I thought we could make this work but we can't..." he shook his head and covered his face, trying to block back tears that sprung at his eyes. "I-I feel like you're holding onto me 'cus you're scared you won't find anyone else... it's been like this since middle school, you've never had any other friends! Other than me" Virgil threw his arms up, "why? I know we were best friends but you didn't have to follow me around like a lost puppy all the time, I.." he sighed and slumped against the wall.

"It was nice- you're a good friend, Lo. Which is why it was weird you didn't have any more. You didn't let yourself have anymore, that's on you. Put yourself out there, maybe then you'll realise there are other people on this damn Earth, other than me and you! I can't be the person you need, and I'm sorry- I tried but I can't" his voice broke, a few tears splashing onto his shoes.

"I'm breaking up with you. It's over, I can't do this, not-... not anymore"

Logan nodded his head, hands clasped tight behind his back. "Very well" he whispered. Virgil nodded and didn't dare look at him again, instead turned and left the apartment, slamming the door a little too loud. Logan was left alone.

He slid down onto the floor and held his face in his hands, his sobs drowning out the echoing drip, drip, drip...

Nine years later...

"Are you ready, sweetie?" Deceit called up the staircase, facing himself in the hallway mirror where he fixed his hat atop of his head. "Yes!" He called back, Deceit smiled and looked up at his boyfriend who returned the look but only slightly. He descended the stairs, stopping before his boyfriend a few inches taller.

"I see you know the meaning of the word casual" he teased, fixing the tie closer to his neck and straightening out his collar. "Of course I do, it has many meanings, as an adjective it is - 'relaxed and unconcerned'; 'not regular or permanent'; 'happening by chance; accidental'; 'without formality of style or manner, in particular (of clothing) suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions', as a noun it-"

"Logan, sweetie" Deceit shushed him, and Logan understood his mistake instantly. Cheeks twinging red, he looked away. "I apologise, I-"

"Don't apologise" Deceit cupped his face, "you're getting better. It's all about learning, is it not?" And Logan relaxed in his hold, timidly leaning his face into his palm. His touch was so comforting, bringing him an indescribable amount of warmth. He never wanted it to go away.

"You're right. Thank you" Logan nodded softly, Deceit grinned and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, then turned towards the door and held up his hand. "You remember what to do?" He asked, gazing at his lover reassuringly. Logan hesitated, then quickly intertwined their fingers. Deceit grinned and squeezed his hand, "good- I'm so proud of you" he praised, Logan smiled wider. He had become much better with physical affection since Deceit has shown him how, giving him his praise and critique, and has always supported him no matter what. He really appreciated it, needed it. Deceit made him better.

They left their home and walked towards their car hand in hand. "I can't wait to meet Roman's new boyfriend" Deceit drawled once they both entered the vehicle and Logan placed the keys into the slot, roaring the engine to life. "He sounds nice from his description. Although a name would have been nice" Logan replied, pulling out the driveway and down the street towards down.

"They're always nice until he realises their using him for his money. Maybe if he didn't flaunt his wealth" Deceit rolled his eyes.

"He flaunts it because of his repetitive monthly donations. Yes, he..." Logan paused, then smiled a little; "doesn't know the definition of humble but he gives money to charity regularly. I think we can see past his arrogance for that" Deceit ignored the comment about their friend in favour of focusing on what he said exactly, his grin reaching his brightened eyes that revealed the genuine pride he felt for the man beside him.

"You used an idiom" Deceit pointed out, Logan took a breath and nodded, gripping the wheel tight to control his excitement. "Yes, I..I did. I used it correctly?"

Deceit nodded vigorously, "you did!" He enthused, "you're doing wonderfully, sweetie" he added in a softer voice and Logan's heart melted figuratively, he'd be rather concerned if his heart literally melted, but he wouldn't ever get bored of the feeling Deceit manages to give him plentiful times each and every day.

"Thank you. All because of you"

Deceit reached over and placed his hand on top of his, squeezing it gently. "And you, give yourself credit. You've become better because you wanted to, not because I taught you" Logan simply nodded and didn't say anything after that, Deceit didn't mind, he usually went quiet when he needed to process such kind words. The rest of the drive they listened to the radio, but it wasn't long before they were walking into the cafe their friend Roman told them to meet at.

"There he is" Deceit pointed towards a table, his new boyfriend hidden next to him. "Ready?"


Logan paused, then held Deceit's hand. "Ready"

The man grinned and gave his cheek a small peck before they walked across the cafe, gaining Roman's attention. "You made it!" He called enthusiastically, but when he moved to stand up and greet them, he gave clear view to his boyfriend and Logan's entire body tensed. He squeezed Deceit's hands twice in succession, the man instantly tore his gaze away from Roman to his boyfriend, giving his friend a silent gesture before taking Logan a few paces away.

"What's wrong?" He whispered softly, Logan took a breath, trying to remove his eyes from the boy dressed in black who stared right back but he couldn't. "I know him" Logan replied quietly.

Deceit's eyes hardened with concern, "has he done anything to you?"

Done anything?

...he's done many things. He was his first friend; his first partner. The first person to treat him with care, kindness, compassion. The first person to make him smile; laugh; feel happy. The first person he was intimate with, the first person he loved.

He was also the first person to break his heart.

"Yes" Logan finally responded, a bittersweet smile wavering on his lips. "He made me happy"

Deceit relaxed, this must've been the childhood friend he's mentioned a few times. "Ah" Deceit turned back to Roman and smiled lightly, everything was okay. Roman relaxed and gestured them over, to which Deceit slowly led his boyfriend who didn't remove his eyes from the boy. The boy who hadn't changed in nine years.

With his hair hiding most his eyes, skin pale in comparison to his dark as night clothes. Small tattoos peeking from the edges of his sleeves, his collar. Of corse those piercings but many more now, giving him a much more intimidating vibe, but Logan knew he wouldn't hurt a fly unless necessary.

"Logan, Deceit, this is-"

"Virgil" Logan cut him off, surprising Roman momentarily. "Ah... you two know each other?"

"We were friends" Virgil responded thickly, "best friends" Logan added, smiling at Roman tersely before taking a seat opposite his ex, Deceit and Roman shared a look but sat down too, the awkward atmosphere returning even after so many years it had faded out. It had waited for it's time to return.

"How long have you two known each other?" Deceit made conversation, sharing the menu between him and Logan. Roman grinned, jumping aboard the subject. "For three months! We made it official last week" Roman enthused, holding his lover's hand quickly, Virgil smiled and held back, eyes unable to stop flickering back to Logan who held Deceit's hand still.

"What about you two?" Virgil had to ask, the curiosity eating him alive. "Five years" Deceit responded, "we met in a park. He was in rough shape after his previous break up" he explained, knowing Logan was comfortable now letting people know their past; but in this moment in particular it amused him. Virgil knew that already, or was bound to know.

"Oh, right... sorry to hear" he responded lowly, eyes falling down to his lap.

"It is quite alright" Logan spoke up, "after all, patience is a virtue. I managed to overcome my past issues; with the help of Deceit. He has made me better, and I appreciate that so much" Logan turned to him and smiled, "I love you"

Deceit's eyes sparkled, instantly leaning forward to capture his lips in a kiss. "I love you too" he replied, kissing him again. Virgil watched the whole thing, stomach twisting into knots. Roman laughed brightly, "I remember when you could barely even say you liked him! Oh- this is marvellous, isn't this a cute sight?" He nudged Virgil who swallowed thickly, nodding his head gravely. "Yeah, great" he agreed quietly.

Logan leaned back and looked at Virgil; did he do that on purpose? Maybe, maybe not. He wasn't upset with Virgil, not at all, the boy had every right to say what he had years ago. They were young, both twenty one, after three years Virgil was tired and Logan wasn't surprised. He wouldn't have gotten better at that point, not for awhile, and he didn't need to be that grievance for Virgil. Whether or not he regretted what he had said Logan didn't care, he was with Deceit now and didn't feel so insecure, worried he'd be left. He was content with his limited yet growing affections, and adored his boyfriends unrelenting support. He couldn't wait to propose to him one day.

The four of them ordered their lunch and quickly burst into conversation; all but one. Logan could remember this moment but instead he was the quiet one, he was the one sitting by Virgil's side, unable to think of responses to the conversation, but now he was smoothly joining in with both Deceit and Roman, and Hell the latter of the two could talk.

"Are you sure you're okay, Dearest?" Roman asked for the third time, Virgil hesitated, then stood up. "Can we talk?" He looked at Logan seriously, he slowly let go of Deceit's hand and acquiesced, leaving the two men behind to leave the cafe for some privacy.

"Is this all an act?" He accused, raising an eyebrow. Logan shook his head, "it isn't. But let me explain myself; my behaviour isn't a fault of yours. When we were together I was still facing the repercussions of my parents treatment at an increased rate. It has only settled now that I am older, with help from Deceit who understood more than you. Which isn't a bad part on your end; you did what you could and I appreciate it. But I was an anchor weighing you down, and being upset over what you said to me at the time would be unfair of me today. We can put our past behind us un favour of starting anew, becoming friends again, and moving past our troubles. You and Roman are happy, me and Deceit are too. That is all that needs to be said"

Virgil gazed at him in wonder; no longer was he the shy, quiet nerd he once knew, instead he was confident, firm and grown. Unexpectedly, Virgil smiled, grinned and yanked Logan into a hug. He tensed in his hold, eyes blown out staring at the ground behind him.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, dude" Virgil mumbled next to next to his ear, slowly pulling back. "I can put the past behind us. Friends?" He held out his hand, Logan shook it strongly.

"Friends" he agreed.

The two walked back into the cafe smiling, never revealing what happened between them to their boyfriends, but instead happy they could continue their friendship that was ruined nine years ago.

Nrhfjdmskskskskds good? Was that good dID I DO GOOD!?


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