
Spanning the lives of eight people and a doorman, the Thomas Craig is home to much more than reality at times. This old mansion built in the early nineteen hundreds, once housed the founding family of the town of Audrey. Over the years the mansion became abandoned and then remodeled into a thirty five floor loft style complex, which houses seventy dwellings.

A young boy playfully lives amongst the residents of the Thomas Craig. He is mainly watched over by the complex's doorman. His parents are often not around.

The young boy decides to invite some of the people he has encountered over the last while to an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner on the roof by the hot pool. Jimmy ( the boy) does this so he isn't eating alone, or alone with just Basie ( the doorman) again this upcoming holiday.

Jimmy believes the people he has come across appear to be lonely and or sad. So, he wants to make them feel happy and himself as well.

Jimmy is often found playing in his attic playroom. Just as the residents have their own tales in their suites, as does young Jimmy.

Each tale is derived from a character the writer has come across in real life. Each story individually told is a tale of ones bravery and epic journey through life. Dates, times and names are changed and stories mixed to create character and dialogue.

I hope you enjoy the tales that are about to be un-woven. Please VOTE and comment on this new style by Sabastian Stefano.

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