Chapter 1: Memories Hurt
!WARNING!: Blood ; Death ; Gun/Gunshots ; Sadness ; Panic Attacks ; Mental Health Issues ; Maggots & Decay
--(Nobody's POV)--
Timestamp: Seven Years Ago . . . . The Tokito's Family House:
"BROTHERRR! IT'S MY TURN!" A young boy called out in a troubled voice. He was young, probably around the age of seven. He was small, and he was wearing normal summer time clothing. He had long dark gray hair, his ends faded into a lovely teal/mint color.
He was whining at someone identical to him, his twin. His twin scoffed and rolled his eyes,
"Oh come on Muichiro, they got it for me on my birthday. Besides your always on it." His twin complained, they were both arguing over a single, simple swing that was strung to a strong tree in their backyard.
"NUH UH! We were born on the same day, and besides you've been on it long enough!" Muichiro whined again, he was now sitting down right next to it. He puffed out his chest and crossed his arms, letting out a little huff.
"So? I was like, four minutes sooner, that means I'm older." He said, then he chose to ignore him, and continued swinging his legs to gain altitude.
"Yuichiro pleeassee!" Muichiro whined out one last time. A strong breeze blew past the boys, it rustled their hair and messed up their bangs. The boys didn't think much of it, after all it was just a breeze.
"Boys come in now please!" A woman's voice called out, she was beautiful women. Presumably their mother, she was standing in the doorway to the backyard.
Muichiro got up, stuck his tongue out at Yuichiro then hurried to their mother. Yuichiro sighed and stopped the swing, then he carefully got off and hurried to their mother as well. She looked anxious, but the twins didn't pick up on it.
She led them inside, where their father turned off the TV and comforted his wife. They whispered to each other and the women even began to tear up. Yuichiro picked up that something was wrong, he was always the first to pick up on those kinds of things. Muichiro stayed oblivious, wandering over to a window and started to stare outside.
"Muichiro! Come over here please!" Their father called out, he was almost shouting. It took Muichiro by surprise, because their father was always so kind. He would never raise his voice at anyone, never ever, especially never at the people he loved most.
Their mother was grabbing things from the kitchen, filling up baskets and folded towels with food and water. Muichiro was now scared and confused, he didn't understand what was going on. Yuichiro knew something was going to happen, but he didn't know what.
"What happens if it hits us?" The woman asked her husband.
"I don't know. . . . Our basement is supported enough, we can stay there until help arrives." He responded, he was guiding the twins down some creaky stairs.
Their basement wasn't very big, it had a few shelves and one spare mattress, one fridge as well. Most of it being stored canned food products. There were no windows, and it was awfully silent and creepy.
Muichiro burst into tears, he clung onto his father's pants and refused to let go. Yuichiro began to cry slightly as well, the twins were now overwhelmed and scared.
The mother put the baskets and towels down and rushed over to her babies. She comforted them and got them to sit on the mattress.
"MOM I'M SCARED! WHAT'S HAPPENING-" Muichiro hiccuped, he had now slightly calmed down but was still throwing a mini tantrum. Yuichiro had quietly fallen asleep on their mother's lap.
"It's. . . . Just a tornado warning dear, it's alright it's nowhere near us-" she was cut off by a loud noise, the whole basement shook and Muichiro screamed.
The woman grabbed the twins and huddled them close to her as the whole basement continued to shake. Muichiro was screaming bloody murder and Yuichiro was now in shock after being just woken up.
Their father had grabbed into one of the shelves for support but even he struggled to stay on his feet. The shaking stopped and he stumbled a bit, falling and landing on his behind. The mother sighed and slowly got up, she had hidden the twins beneath her and was now helping them up.
The father rushed over, he hugged his wife, and picked up Muichiro. He comforted the sobbing child while the Mother tried to help Yuichiro. He was as pale as a ghost and kept his same shocked expression. He only blinked every few minutes, taking long breaths.
"Are we, going to die. . . ?" Yuichiro asked after a minute of terrifying silence.
"No, we'll make it, come here dear." Their mother said, she beckoned Yuichiro closer so she could hug him.
He very skeptically scooted closer he seemed lost in though, dull. Their father was cradling Muichiro, who was now asleep. The mother shifted and took Muichiro as well, laying him on the mattress next to her.
She remained sitting up, rubbing Yuichiro's back as he sat in her lap. He was still so quiet.
The house shook again, it wasn't as bad. In fact Muichiro managed to sleep through it, but he could sleep through anything. The house continued to tremble, the parents began to grow even more worried.
"I'm going to go upstairs, I need to see if help has arrived! Or if anything on the TV will help us!" Their mother called out to their father. Their father shook his head and tried to reason with his wife but it was no use. Their mother left the twins on the mattress, Yuichiro was clinging to the now waking up Muichiro.
Yuichiro calls out to his mother and rushes to follow her upstairs. Their father tries to stop Yuichiro, but the small child rushes past him him. Muichiro also gets up to try and follow them but their father catches the half asleep child. Muichiro whines and begins to cry again, his father comforts him to the best of his ability.
The house shook again and they heard crashing upstairs. Muichiro's father instantly recovered, and with Muichiro still crying in his arms, rushed upstairs. He made his way through the basement doorway and through the kitchen. He called out his wife's name, and Yuichiro's name.
Muichiro's scream echoed through the house as he pointed at a fallen bookshelf in the living room. His father looked in shock, their was blood everywhere. His wife, the twins mother was pinned underneath it. It had crushed everything below her chest, she was holding on to something though. His father let out a gasp as he set down Muichiro and rushed over to help.
Muichiro followed after him to only see his brother stuck below their mother. His his eyes were wide with shock and he was taking panicked breaths.
"Muichiro! Help me!" His father called out as he picked up most of the bookshelf. Muichiro froze, but he rushed over and hugged his brother, dragging him out. He dropped the bookshelf back down, and he cried over his wife's dead body. Muichiro sobbed onto Yuichiro who was now lightly crying. His legs had been crushed below his knees, and he hugged his brother tightly.
Their father picked up both of the twins and rushed back down to the basement. He fell onto the mattress and just hugged the two boys tightly. Muichiro continued to sob, his cries were inaudible. Yuichiro had passed out from shock and blood loss, and their father quickly got up and found bandages in their supplies. He came back over and bandaged what was left of Yuichiro's crushed legs.
What was left of the broken family slowly drifted off to sleep, both of them to miserable to move.
It was the next day, and their father had woken up earlier. The worse of the Tornado had passed, only strong winds remained every once in a while. Shortly after the twins had woken up, Muichiro guided his broken brother up the stairs.
They uncovered their mother's body with the help of their father. No words were said, only miserable, terrified expressions. He guided the twins outside, carrying his wife's crushed body. They dug a grave for her, or their father did. The twins just watched, both sitting and observing in sorrow. They dug the grave close to the swing. Muichiro looked away while their father buried her. Yuichiro only watching with remorse and anguish written all over his face. Muichiro left the side of Yuichiro and picked up some lovely little purple flowers. Yuichiro picked out the prettiest one, and held them tightly.
Muichiro gave Yuichiro a piggyback ride, and together they set the flowers on the mound of dirt over the grave. They returned inside, where they ate a meal together and sat in silence for most of the day.
After dinner, something terrible happened. While in the basement, Yuichiro collapsed. Muichiro rushed over to him, trying to shake him awake. Their father came over and felt for a pulse, nothing. He rolled Yuichiro over and attempted to try and bring him back through cpr. Muichiro worriedly paced around in the back round. The twins father cried out in pain as he held Yuichiro's limp hand. He turned away from Yuichiro to face Muichiro, who was now crying in disbelief.
"YUI! NO! PLEASE NOT HIM!" Muichiro called out sobbing, he rushed towards his father and fell onto his brothers dead body. His father picked him up, despite the child's kicking and screaming.
"Muichiro! Please, there's nothing we can do now. . . ." His father said, you could hear how broken he was because of the tone of his voice. Eventually Muichiro went limp, just crying into his father's shoulders.
Another day had passed, they mourned the loss of Yuichiro and buried him next to his mother. Muichiro picked out the same unique purple flowers and set them on his twins grave as well. Another day had passed, it was filled with dreadful silence. Muichiro wanted to cry, but no more tears would fall. His father stayed silent, he still cared for the young child, but just couldn't bare to be reminded of his other son, or wife.
The almost abandoned, ruined house stayed silent for a few more hours. There was a loud banging on the door and Muichiro's father stood up and rushed upstairs, beckoning Muichiro to follow him. Muichiro's father was much faster, beating him through the house and to the front door. Muichiro slowed down halfway up the stairs when he heard voices shouting, they did not belong to his father.
*BANG!* A loud gunshot echoed through the house. Muichiro wasn't familiar with the sound of a gun, he grew up in a safer area. He for sure knew that it wasn't a good sound though. He stumbled backwards, landing on his behind at the bottom of the stairs.
Silence, an eerie silence and it terrified Muichiro. More shouting occurred and he could hear things breaking upstairs, it was like they were taking things from the house.
Muichiro trembled in fear, too scared to go out and find his father. A voice was alarmingly close, right outside the basement door. Muichiro stood up, still trembling and ran to a corner of the basement.
The old fridge corner, it was a broken fridge that had nothing in it. In fact it was so broken the door was halfway off. Muichiro effortlessly climbed into the fridge, it was cramped but nothing the already small child couldn't fit into. He grabbed onto the door and held it tight.
Even though it was broken and only covered some of him, he hoped he could hide there.
"HEY THERE'S A BASEMENT!" A voice called out.
"YES MAM!" The first voice said. The basement door fell down the stairs and landed with a loud thud. A man with a rifle in his hands came into the basement. He searched around the basement, he then saw something.
"HEY, JACKPOT! THEY MUST HAVE STORED EVERYTHING DOWN HERE!" He yelled. A woman with two pistols came down as well, looking at the stash. She nodded and then put her guns away. She grabbed one of the bags as the man put the rest into a giant plastic tub.
"Hey there's cans and a fridge-" The man said, but he was cut off. The house trembled and they could hear crashing outside. It was a small tremble, nothing like what had killed and wounded Muichiro's mother and brother earlier.
"Shit shit shit shit! C'mon forget the rest, this will last us weeks!" The woman said standing up with a bag and darting back upstairs. The man nodded and followed her with the tub stumbling a bit, silence.
The same silence, the same eerie dreadful silence. This time the house shook with greater magnitude, knocking over some shelves and things upstairs. A loud crash was heard upstairs, not a small chair falling over, it was like the whole roof and upstairs had caved in.
Muichiro was so silent and panicked he forgot to breathe. He took panicked quick breaths and fell out of the fridge. He landed on his face and began to cry. He stayed laying there for a moment, just sobbing on the ground.
He didn't know what to do, all he could do was lay there in fear. He started to tear up again, he curled up slightly and just stayed laying there.
The young child closed his eyes and just stayed still. He didn't know what to do, where to go. He didn't know what happened to his father, and the rest of his family was dead.
Two days had passed. Two whole days, the child just laid there. Wallowing in sorrow. He barely had the strength to get up, and he was really hungry.
Eventually he managed to use one of the shelves to prop himself up. He limped up the stairs slowly, and walked out into the living room.
"Dad? Father. . . ?" Muichiro called out, deep down he knew he wasn't going to answer. But he still hoped. Muichiro turned into the kitchen.
It was destroyed, so was the dining room and back porch. The roof was complete destroyed and it had caved in. Sunlight peaked in through where the roof once was. Muichiro frowned, it was so sunny out for such an awful day. . . .
He turned around and limped back into the living room. He looked around before going to the front door. Where he found his father.
Dead, blood trickling down his face. His eyes lifeless. His body already rotting away. Maggots, their was blood. Too much blood. Muichiro nearly barfed, he stumbled back and fell on to the floor.
It's as if the maggots heard him because they started to crawl towards him. They crawled all over him, eating him alive. He couldn't even scream he was way to weak to stand back up. He just slowly closed his eyes and accepted his fate. . . .
. . . . .
I shoot up out of bed, jumping up. I was now standing, I began to shake, trying to shake the feeling of those maggots off me.
That cursed nightmare. . . . Why. . . ? Why did it have to happen to me, I would do anything to see them again- I shuddered, I put the blankets neatly back onto the mattress.
I turned around, there wasn't much left of this basement. Just the mattress and few tubs of bread. The tally's on the wall, that mark each day. . . . I think I was fourteen now.
Yuichiro should have been fourteen with me. . . my parents would have turned around forty-ish today. I miss them so much. . . . I only have mother and brothers grave, I couldn't bury father's body in time, the maggots got him. . . .
"WHY FUCKING WHY-" I cried out, I shoved a nearby shelf onto the floor. It fell and some cans fell off of it. I sobbed out, not even trying to be quiet.
I took deep breaths, I started counting the tally's on the wall to distract my mind.
I'm almost out of food. . . . I should go before a dust storm hits again. I took a final deep breath and started up the basement stairs. I was instantly met with sunlight when I entered the old living room of my ruined house.
I took a step on to the destroyed roof and climbed over to the grass. Or what used to be healthy grass. The ground was too shredded and their was rubble everywhere. Even the burglars car that they tried to escape through forever ago. I'm sorta glad they crashed, that's what they get for shooting my father. Bastards.
I continued walking down the hill. The poor town was ruined, buildings destroyed and cars totaled. The supermarket, I'm surprised it still has edible food. . . . Yuck. I may need to move towns soon. I shuddered, I didn't want to think about that.
I fucking hate this.
Congrats you've reached the end!
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