
𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲, 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼:
by order of the billy boys

MAGGIE CLAPPED HER HANDS TOGETHER as she watched Elliot blowing his four candles, Charles let out a happy laugh as he moved to hug his brother. It felt all too perfect. Thomas handed some wrapped gifts to Elliot and laid a hand on Margaret's shoulder, she looked down at it, only to notice the ring was still there. Maybe she'd never get used to it. Tommy ruffled the boys' hair, standing up as he went over the window and put his hands in his pockets, Maggie quickly glanced at him but focused back on the kids. Snapping her head to the side as she heard a car coming toward the house, Tommy seemed to have seen it too as he turned on his heels and rushed downstairs. The Shelby woman grabbed the boys' hands and hurried to their bedrooms, Frances trailing behind her. She rapidly put them to bed, kissing both of their foreheads, and promised she'd make her way back to them later tonight.

"Tom!" Shouted Maggie, tumbling down the stairs as she watched him holding a machine gun. "Tommy, please."

He let his blue eyes fall down on her as he gulped, "Go back upstairs."

She shook her head, "There's no way I'm letting you alone, especially after what happened." She mumbled, referring to the explosion in the fields next to their home. She took the second gun and loaded it under Tom's surprised eyes. "Let's go."

"Mag, I don't want you to get hurt, eh?" He whispered, quickly cupping his face.

She gave him a small smile, "I won't."

The married couple jogged outside and hid behind one column each, holding their guns, chest quickly rising up and down as they waited for the car to reach the front. Thomas glanced at Margaret as he got hit by a wave of memories, all he could see was Maggie standing in his kitchen back when she first came to Small Heath, she held her gun close and had killed him within minutes. Who would have thought he would have ended up falling in love with her? The woman he thought evil, was in fact an angel sent to save him.

And somehow, she had managed to save him.

The engine stopped as they both held up their guns at the car, slowly walking to it. Cries were heard as Johnny Dogs was thrown out of the car and called for Tom's name. Tommy's eyes widened at the sight of the only person he seemed to trust these days, or his good friend (which sounded better). Aberama soon appeared as Tom moved his gun toward him, Maggie hid her atonement as she wondered where Bonnie was, she turned her head back to Johnny who seemed to howl a few complains.

"What is fucking going on?" Yelled Mag, holding the gun tightly. "Aberama! Do you realise what you're doing?"

The Gold man pointed at Dogs who was still on the floor, "You looking for traitors? There's one!" He exclaimed. "With his ribs mashed up!" He added, slurring his words.

Margaret gave Johnny a sad look as she heard the sobs, "The man's gone fucking mad, Tom!" Told Johnny Dogs, clutching his body.

"You did this?" Asked Maggie as he walked closer. "Aberama!" Shouted the woman, trying to get answers.

"I did, Maggie. With one arm and a hammer, and a mighty pain, and a mighty fury!" He replied and as he got closer, the married couple could see the tears and blood on the man's face. He breathed furiously before continuing. "They killed him."

"Killed who?"

"My son." He quickly answered, gulping. "They shot him and they put him up on a fucking cross, and he's fucking dead."

Margaret ignored the lump in her throat as she took a step closer to the man she couldn't recognise, "Who did, Aberama? You have to talk to us."

He reached for something in his pocket as Margaret and Thomas pointed the machine gun at him. He held the paper in a ball and threw it at Margaret's feet, as she bent down to grab it while her husband held the gun high. Carefully unfolding it, she could feel the tears peeking at the corner of her eyes as she read out loud.

"By order of the Billy Boys." As soon as she pronounced the words, she creased the piece of paper throwing it on the floor as she felt herself sick knowing she had Bonnie's blood on her hands.

"Only Johnny Dogs and his kin knew where we were camped." Explained Aberama who seemed to have gain a little more control than when he arrived.

"No. . ." Tom's friend tried to speak but the Gold turned on his heels, and threw himself on Johnny Dogs as Thomas hurried himself to put the gun down and rush to him.

Margaret took the opportunity to go to Johnny Dogs as she helped him up, "Come on, Johnny. Stand up." She whispered. "Can you make your way over there?" Questioned the Shelby woman, pointing at the stairs.

"Yes, Maggie." He muttered, groaning in pain as he walked away.

Aberama's sobs grew louder as he shouted about Bonnie, Thomas tried holding him closer to keep him away from Johnny Dogs, "Your shoulder, it's shattered!" Yelled Tom.

"They killed my only son."

"Listen to me!" Screamed Thomas, cupping the man's face. "How can a one-armed man avenge the death of his son, eh?"

Aberama exhaled, "They crucified my son. . ." He did a short pause. ". . . for you."

Thomas appeared stunned by the words as Aberama pushed himself out of Tom's arms and took the gun in his hand, Margaret checked behind her to see if Johnny Dogs was sat down and pulled the trigger toward the sky taking everyone by surprise.

"Put the machine gun down, Aberama." She gritted through her teeth. "Our children are in this house, probably shit-scared for their lives because you arrived here like a fucking mad man!" Yelled Margaret, ignoring the tears streaming down her face.

"Mag." Whispered Tom, stepping closer as she looked at him. "Go back inside."

"No. You go back inside with Johnny, ask Mary to take a look." Ordered the woman as he hummed, taking the gun from her hands. "Aberama, you need to go to the hospital."

"I'm sorry." Whispered the man as if he was finally coming back to his senses. "I—they killed Bonnie, Maggie." His voice broke down.

Margaret wrapped her arms around the man as he started crying in her embrace, she rubbed his back trying to comfort him, "I'm sorry, Aberama. I know nothing will bring him back but you have to be strong, eh?"

He hummed, "I just can't believe he's—"

Maggie cut him off, "Hey, listen to me. You'll avenge Bonnie's death. I—we promise you." She said, also referring to Thomas. "Right now, you need to go to the hospital or you'll lose your arm."

"You're right. You're right." He repeated, straightening his upper body. "Perhaps you can drive me?"

She let out a sigh, nodding her head, "I will. Wait for me."

The woman walked back into the house, instantly met with warmth. She made her way upstairs, opening slightly her boys' bedroom door just to see them asleep.

"They're asleep?" A soft yet grave voice echoed through the corridor.

Margaret looked at behind her to see Thomas, "Yes. Both of them." Whispered the mom. "Tom, I'm going to drive Aberama to the hospital."

With his head, he gestured for her to follow him as they went to his office. Margaret closed the door behind her as Tommy moved the curtain to look out the window, checking if Aberama was still there.

"One of our man is coming, he'll take him."

Margaret frowned, "I told him I would."

"Well, tell him you can't anymore." Replied her husband, lighting himself a cigarette, allowing to relax.

"Bonnie just died!" Argued Maggie, couldn't believing he wouldn't let her be here for the Gold, despite of knowing how much they meant for her.

He sighed, "Exactly! He just died because of me, Maggie!" Shouted Tom, yet kept a soft voice. "They fucking killed him to send me a message. I don't want you to get hurt, alright?"

"I won't!"

"I don't fucking care, alright? You're not going out of this house until it's safe." He told her.

Margaret kissed her top teeth, letting out a dry chuckle, "Fucking hell." Muttered the woman, leaning back in the seat. "Then I'll wait for your man to come and I'll go."

Before he could argue, Margaret was out of his office in no time and outside with Aberama. He poured himself a drink, holding his cigarette in the other hand as he stared at the two outside with a straight pose, afraid he'd appear weak. The thought of his wife leaving the estate was enough to turn him into a nerve wreck, he turned on his heels reaching for the small bottle of opium as he gulped it down in a swift manner. He sat down, eyes closing as he stayed still letting all the worries leave his body until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Thomas' eyes shot open as he turned around, gaping at the woman he was perceiving in his office. Call him crazy but Grace Shelby was standing there, behind him as if she never left.

Truth be told, it wasn't the first time he'd see the ghost of his late wife. He had seen her the night of the Wall Street Crash, in his office at the assembly.

Was it all a dream?

Or, perhaps, madness was taking over the man.

"She'll never love you like I did." Whispered the voice, massaging his shoulder. "Always disobeying you, Thomas."

He cleared his throat, crushing the cigarette on the ashtray, "Maggie loves me, she does." He mumbled, trying to convince himself the voices in his mind were playing with him. "I love her, Grace."

Another detail Thomas would never say out loud, except to Margaret. Only Margaret had heard the three little words, the others never did, they knew—but he had never admitted out loud, stating it wasn't necessary for them to know. Perhaps, he was scared to put her in danger if he ever confessed his love for her to all Small Heath.

"She hurts you, Tom."

Thomas let out a hum, "Maybe I hurt her." He murmured as Grace simply herself moved in front of him, before bringing him into a small hug. Tommy's arms wrapped around her waist as he tried his best to keep her close, not ready to let her go again.

Outside, Margaret Kegley-Shelby smoked her cigarette as Aberama had stopped crying since she walked out again. He was staring in the void, probably praying for the pain to leave as fast as it came. None of them dared to say a word, too terrified to shed tears again, though it seemed as they were both unable to cry more.

Maggie had also lose someone, Bonnie Gold wasn't just Bonnie Gold. He was her Bonnie Gold, he was her second chance of being an older sister, even if she must admit he had enough of his own—nevertheless, he never stopped her from acting like one. The Golds were her family when Thomas had become too much to handle, and she feared history was repeating itself seeing how much her husband was distancing himself.

Soon, a car was heard and stopped in front of the two, "Mrs.Shelby." He greeted her with a nod. "Mr.Shelby told me someone needed to be driven to the hospital, is that right?"

The Shelby woman hummed, "My friend, here." She pointed at Aberama. "You'll drive us."

He frowned, remembering the conversation he had shared with his boss a few minutes earlier, "Mr.Shelby only mentioned—"

"Who gives a fuck? You're taking both of us." Margaret cut him off as he vigorously nodded his head, agreeing. He helped Aberama stepping into the car as Margaret sat in the front and waited for him to drive.

At 3:12am precisely, Margaret left the Arrow house.

It was only at 5:09am that they found themselves being dropped in front of the Hospital. They both stepped into it, nurses throwing them bad looks as they ignored it until they reached the counter.

"How can I help you?" An old nurse queried.

Maggie offered her a smile, "My friend got into a bad accident. His shoulder is shattered." Explained the brunette as Aberama tried his best to keep his eyes open.

"What's your name?"

"He's Aberama Gold." Stated Maggie and then cleared her throat. "I'm Margaret Shelby."

The nurse instantly looked up, showing her an uneasy smile as she wasted no time in leading her into a room. Margaret really did hate this place, the corridors were too white, the lights gave her headaches and it smelled death. Fifty minutes later, Aberama was finally asleep, the nurses had done their work quite amazingly and there she was—sitting on an uncomfortable chair, looking after her friend, her family. Her eyes tiredly closed themselves as darkness consumed her, and she was peacefully sleeping.


AUTHORS NOTE, the way everything is kind of falling apart, ahhh, i love it

also i'm starting school again tomorrow, meaning updates are going to be even slower than usual PLEASE—anyways, don't hate me for this chapter and how everything's gonna turn out

just remember, i love you very much and i'm endlessly grateful for your support <33333

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