Chapter 9: Temple of the Ocean King 3
(2298 words)
(y'n)'s POV
Getting out of bed, I got ready and made my way to the deck. Link and Linebeck were talking about getting into the temple. I came out of the room and Linebeck looked at me. Blushing gently we both looked away. Ciela cleared her throat gently, I looked at her and she smiled. "Ready to go (y/n)? We have a lot to do!"
Nodding I followed them off the ship and towards the north side of the isle. Looking back at Linebeck to see him wave a little. Smiling gently, I waved back.
"What was that about?" Ciela whispered as she landed on my shoulder.
"Oh, nothing. He's just being nice"
She rose a brow at me. "What? He is I swear!"
Link looked back at me and shook his head after he smiled gently.
"What do you know, Link?" i asked. He gave a half shrug before we reached the temple. Getting inside we went to the first basement floor. Running to the Northeastern corner we used the bombs that Link got from the Temple of Wind. Blowing up the cracked blocks that were there, we stepped on the switch and got the key to open the door.
Heading down the stairs and to the next floor, I distracted the Phantom while link his the two crystal switches to drop the key. Going to the safe zone we threw a bomb at a crack in the wall. Grabbing the boomerang, i stood on the switch and got the key. Darting for the door we went to the third floor.
Running around, the same as before we got rid of the phantom with the key, and got the force gems in place. Going through the cave we saw the Door of Wisdom. Neri came out from under Link's hat.
"Oh, leave this to me!" she said, flying to the door. Opening it we were able to get through it. Getting to B4, we saw a couple Phantom Eyes show up. Remembering how annoying they are, I did my best not to cringe. Moving around and using the boomerang to stun and then Link's sword to kill them.
With a chest opening, I went right for it and got a power gem. Bombing a wall, we hit a switch, lowering the spikes Link ran for the key. Going to the B5 floor. This room didn't have any Phantoms for Phantom Eyes. Running through it and hitting the switches we need. Getting through the little battle rooms, we got to the end of it. We went down the stairs.
This room had a couple Phantoms and Phantom Eyes. Heading for the switch in the Southeastern corner. We hit it and got into the safe zone that it opened up. Reading the slab there.
"Before you lies the fourth tablet governing the crest"
Marking the number of the slab on my map, we ran to the other side of the room. Getting to the other side of the room, we bombed the blocks to get to the next tablet. That one was the third tabled governed the crest. Writing it down we found the last tablet.
"I mark the first and last tablet governing the tablet." Looking at Link we made our way to the red door. Drawing the symbol on the door that we just completed we stepped through. Going through the door we were in a room that had a stone with a sun mosaic on it. Link looked at me and I shrugged gently.
Walking up to it, we read it. "Press the sacred crest against the sea chart to transfer it." Taking the sea chart it matched, we pressed it onto the stone. Standing up as she Symbol for the goddess of courage was done, we could leave to see Linebeck. Thinking of his name made my heart skip a beat.
Getting to the entrance we walked to the town. Going to Linebeck we talked to him. "Well, look what the crab dragged in. Get the third sea chart yet?"
"We found a secret mark that we transferred to the Southwestern sea chart!" Ciela said. "And we found that the Temple of Courage will opened with a Sun Key. I bet that new mark on our char reveals a spot that's crucial to our quest!"
"I see! Since seeing is believing, it's time to believe in ol' Linebeck! I say that we go there, we're bound to find something."
With that we boarded the ship and got ready to leave. Leaning on the rail, I watched them as they prepared the ship. Glancing from Link to Linebeck, I watched how Linebeck worked. He was rough on the outside and to most of the people who saw him. But when it came to the ship, he was rather graceful. He took great care of his ship, and better care to our journey. Taking it seriously the entire time. When it comes to who's the greatest Captain to sail the seas, it really is Linebeck.
Before we could get the Sun Key, we went to go see Beedle on his Ship Shop. Boarding the ship I went in while the other two waited on the ship. Sitting on my legs as I went into the shop, Beedle smiled.
"Ohhhh! Welcome, you'll find anything you need on Beedle's Shop Ship." Nodding as I picked out a couple potions I thought that was enough. Noticing something catch my eye I looked to see a... Regal Ring. Remembering what Linebeck had said I bought it, even if it did take the rest of my money. Leaving the ship I handed Link the two potions and he smiled wide before putting them with the rest of his stuff. "Where's Linebeck?" I asked.
He pointed to the stairs to head below the deck. Nodding I left him on the deck to sharpen his sword. Getting down the stairs I found Linebeck rummaging through a crate. Walking over I stood next to him while he mumbled.
"What are you doing?" I asked. Jumping he hit his head on the lid of the crate. Rubbing his head he looked to me. An angry look, changed to a calmed one. Closing the lid he leaned on the crate. "What were you looking for?" I asked.
Shaking his head he looked at me. "Nothing greatly important. Just an old dagger of mine." I tilted my head.
"Dagger? What would you need with that?" He looked at me for a moment and sighed gently, looking at the floor. "Link has a sword and all, you don't have anything, so I was going to give you my old dagger... you know.... to have"
Smiling as he blushed I hugged him. "I have something for you too. While I was getting some potions for Link, i found this!" holding the ring in my hand, he looked at it. "Is that?"
"A Regal Ring? Yes!" I said as I smiled. Looking at it stunned he started to blush even more. "You're just giving it to me?" he said and I nodded. "Why? I've been nothing but a pai-" Cutting him off with a finger over his lips he looked at me.
"This is a thank you for letting us use your ship like you have. Navigating us around, and... practically teaching me how to dance." I said. Smiling he took the ring and put it on his pinkie finger. Looking at his hand he smiled. Pulling me into a hug he held me tightly. "No one has ever bought me anything before. Let alone been so nice" he said as he hugged me. Wrapping my arms around him I held him close.
"Glad to be the first!" I said before I felt him kiss my forehead. Blushing madly I looked at him. He looked down at me, realizing what he had done, he mirrored my redness. Jumping away from each other, we turned away from each other. "When you find that dagger..."
"I'll let you know." he said. Watching him clean on the crate I nodded and practically ran up the stairs. This time it was my turn to navigate the waters, setting course for Cannon Island, we needed a Salvage Arm from Eddo.
~Cannon Island~
We had docked the ship in the harbor of Cannon Island. Leaving the deck of the ship and hopping onto the dock we were getting ready to get the arm we needed.
"Wait!" I heard, turning to see Linebeck running after me.
Linebeck's POV
I had found the dagger that I was looking for. Smiling as I held it in my hands I unshealthed it. noticing how dull it was I decided to sharpen it myself. After cutting myself plenty of times i heard (y/n) and Link getting ready to leave. Running up the stairs I called after (y/n). Turning to look at me, then telling Link to go find Eddo without her, she turned to me again.
Walking over with the dagger behind me I wrapped my arms around her waist. She was surprised by the action but played it off as a hug. Leaning back she rested her hands on my arms. "What did you need?" she asked as I stepped back and looked at her.
"I found the dagger." I said. She nodded gently and I looked at her hips to get her to follow my gaze. Looking down she smiled wide. During the hug I had smoothly put the harness with the dagger around her hips. It hung a little lower on the right side as the dagger was unbalanced, but a good fit.
"You found it!" she said. Smiling I nodded and looked her over. Something about her wearing my stuff, made me want her. Don't think like that, Linebeck. You aren't even remotely dating! But I wish we were, I'd give anything to call her mine.
"The blade has been sharpened already, leaving you to slash at baddies all day!" Putting my hands on my hips I stood triumphantly. She giggled at me and i looked at her. Seeing her smile made my heart melt. Hearing Ciela call after her, she turned around and waved before calling back. Going to leave the ship, she turned and ran over to me. Putting her hands on my chest and grabbing my jacket she pulled me down and kissed my cheek. Feeling my heart beat quicken as she did and then ran off to catch up with Link. I didn't have the chance to catch her hips and actually kiss her.
The time would come for real very soon. I would make sure of it. Heading below deck I waited for them to return while I tuned the engine of my steam ship. The S.S Linebeck was the best vessel around, leaving me to not have to not giving it a tune up once a month, but almost every 6 months. While being stuck on the ship for most of the days lately, I've done tune ups and check ups on her a lot more. She's always running at her best. Wouldn't want her to break down in the middle of the ocean.
Hearing the door for the engine room open I gave a shout in case someone was looking for me. Stepping out from behind the engine I looked to see (y/n). Taking a nearby rag, I wiped the oil and grease from my hands. She looked at me for a moment. What? Does she like a grease monkey? Tilting my head as she looked at me I rose a brow.
"What is it?" I asked. Shaking her head for a moment she looked at me. "the salvage arm is attached to the ship. We can get ready to shove off now."
Nodding I followed her up the stairs and into the Control Room. Looking at the map she gave me, she leaned over the desk I had the map on. This really accentuated her assets. Finding myself staring, I shook my head and looked at the map from the side. She tapped her finger on the map as she talked.
"I need you to navigate us to this green circle. There we can use the salvage arm and bring the key to the surface." she said before she looked at me. Nodding we got to the area she had pointed to and Link dropped the salvage arm. Getting to the ocean floor, we were able to pull up a metal chest. Gathering around it as Link opened it.
"Heh, strange looking key you got there. It's shaped like the sun, but what's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I scratched my head. Shrugging I went back to the control room.
(Y/n) had followed not long after that, leaning on the desk she looked at me. "We need to go to Molida Island, the Temple of Courage is there."
Nodding we set sail for Molida island. She stayed in the room with me before I pulled her to the Captain's wheel and stood behind her, putting my hands over hers. She smiled as she steered the ship to the island.
"This is so cool, I see why you like this so much." she said as she looked back at me. Feeling my heart jump I nodded and bit my lip. She turned around to see where she was going. Standing there she jumped around after we pulled into the harbor. Her body brushing against mine in a satisfying way. Feeling myself start to get a little warmer I let her out from between me and the wheel, while she ran up the stairs to find Link. She was excited for the temple. Or maybe she was just happy she got to navigate the S.S Linebeck.
The picture above is the idea I had for Linebeck's dagger. The purple and blue gems on the golden hilt are to resemble Regal Ring you gave him in this chapter.
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