Chapter 10: Temple of Courage

(2222 words

(y/n)'s POV 

We had gotten to Molida Island. That was before, a giant Kraken showed up. Looking at Link he jumped onto the cannon. I went to the Control Room and looked at Linebeck. "You need to keep the ship moving!" I said and he nodded as he started to keep the ship going back and forth, keeping us far enough away from him so we can hit it's eye. 

Hitting the eye, shooting the goo, going back and forth. It took a bit but it was finally dead. Looking at Link I sighed deeply. He smiled wide at us and we docked the ship. Getting on land I breathed in the air. 

Taking the shovel to the secret cave that was the Wayfarer's we dropped into it. Running to the big door, we put the Sun Key into it and opened it. Going through the hallway we got to the stairs and came back outside. Looking around I blinked a little. Stepping over a few paces i dug another hole and we fell into it to get a chest. It was a wisdom gem. Leaving the area and up the stairs, we made our way to the east side of the map and around. Finding a statue that had two blue eyes and resembled a Tiki head from Easter Island we hit it and he started to shine on the door that was blocking the entrance of the Temple of Courage. 

Going towards the west side of the island we found another one, turning that we activated it so It was facing the door. Heading down the trail, we found two Zora Warriors. While Link fought one I fought the other. Running up it's shield i jumped over it and started to slash at it's back. (If you know what game that's from, I love you

After they were both defeated another head statue showed up, turning that one to face the door, the door opened. going into the temple I sighed heavily. This one is easy to get confused inside. But being the walking Zelda Dungeon walk through I am, it would be easy. Heading straight we walked behind a rolling spike contraption. Careful not to let it touch us. Avoiding a second one, we got to a little area that we could blow up. Breaking that wall we went inside for a random treasure. 

Going to the east side and then south we ran all the way around and up a platform to get another chest. Opening it we found a key, hopping off the right side, I helped Link down. Going to the locked door, we opened it. Going to the right we got into a battle with centipede looking enemies. 

Heading down the stairs we found a room that had an abyss in it. Getting on the square that magically moved around the room we rode it towards the west side. 

That isn't the only thing you'd like to ride, now is it? 

Feeling my eyes go wide at such a thought I buried my face in the map, trying to hide my shame. Getting to a small platform I kicked an armored enemy off the side of it and we got on the next square. Taking the boomerang and hitting the red switch, making it blue. Catching the boomerang we got to the stairs and went back to the previous floor. Being in a new area I had calmed down from the thought I had conjured. 

 Going around the green goo and heading to the north end of the room, we found a couple slabs again. Throwing a bomb between them, another room appeared. Getting into it there was a picture with a path on the wall, I copied that while Link opened the two chests. 

There was a ship part in one and a power gem in the other. Leaving the little hidden room, I read the slab on the right of the entrance. 

"Up, down, right, and then left. It's not only the order for the switches near by. It's the very order of the entire temple." Standing up as I looked to Link, who only shrugged. Bombing some rocks, we went to the next little area. Getting on top of a platform, a giant bunny appeared. Giving Link the map I pulled the dagger Linebeck gave me and got ready to fight the rabbit. 

Yelling random words at it, it started to shrink. Looking at Link who was confused I slashed at it as it was smaller than a Chuchu. He clapped as he looked at me. Smiling I went back over to him after I got the key. Handing it to him I put the dagger in my sheath. Running to the north end of the room, we opened the door up. Moving around a small maze like room, we avoided all the enemies. I sent link to the south end while I ran to the north side. I pulled the switch and then yelled for him to pull that one. 

Going to the one on the west side, I told him to pull the eastern one. Finishing the puzzle I pulled the last one. A chest appeared in the middle of the room and we walked over to it. Avoiding the beamos that were in the room with us. Getting the square crystal we carried it to the previous room. putting it on the pedestal the door in front of us opened. 

Going down the stairs, we found the room with the giant abyss in it. Remembering the path we drew earlier, I looked at Link. "Follow me" I said and he nodded. Getting behind me as we moved across the invisible floor of that part of the room we got to the west side of the room and opened the chest. Getting the bow and arrows. Using the bow to shoot the eye that was on the wall, we crossed the bridge that appeared to get to a staircase that was on the other side of the abyss. 

Hitting the arrow switch to turn it, Link shot an arrow at it and it flew to the next one and then into the blue switch from earlier. We went up the stairs. Going to the southern part of the room, we used the bow on the centipedes and then the green chuchu. Hitting the eye switch at the end of the hall, it lowered the door next to us. Going inside we grabbed the crystal square from earlier and went to the room we were just in. 

Putting it in the different pedestal the next door opened. Dashing for the door we went through it. Hitting the enemies that shot rocks at us, we got around them and over a bridge. finding some more arrows I looked at Link as he stepped onto another square platform. Getting on it we rode over to the other side. 

Shooting the eye switches that we passed, a chest appeared. Getting another power gem, we got back on the square platform and kept moving through the temple. Dodging the blades that were moving on the floor, we hit a beamos with a bomb. Getting a treasure chest, we got a dark pearl loop. Link handed it to me as he smiled gently. 

"Do you want me to have it?" 

He nodded and held it up for me. Ciela made a small noise and i smiled. Taking the necklace from him, i leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

"Thank you, Link." putting it on we made it to the other side of the room. Getting down to the main floor we went down the steps by the southeast corner and went back to the basement. Riding the squares we got to the area where we could use the boomerang to light the last torch. Hitting the arrow holder, we changed the orb from red to blue again. Throwing the boomerang another time at it, and then hitting it with an arrow. We were able to hit a distant eye switch and get a chest that had a wisdom gem in it. 

Running down the hall we went back up the stairs. Finding another rabbit, I yelled at it while Link attacked it. It dropped a key and we looked around the room. Getting the vases we were able to get through the locked door. Down the stairs we got on the blue square. Handing Link the bow and arrows, I moved the square around by writing on the map. Taking it to the northern most eye switch he hit it. Then we went to the one at the very bottom, the right and then the left. The chest appeared and it had the Boss Key. 

Going to the Southeastern most corner we put the key in the stand and went up the stairs. Breaking the vases for health and arrows, we got ready to continue. Running around the stairs there was  bombable wall. Throwing one we got the chest to get a courage gem. 

Heading up the stairs, we were ready to fight Crayk bane of courage. It was basically a giant hermit crab. Hitting it in the eyes with the arrows before I ran around and slashed at the blue spots making the shell break. Link tossed me the bow, I shot it in the eye again and he slashed at its tail. It was a quick boss battle, but honest work. 

It turned into the Sand of Hours. Filling the hourglass. The floor started to glow with the Symbol for the Goddess of Courage. Watching a mirroring image of Ciela appear, she started to talk. 

"You look just like me! What happened? Something seems weird." the spirit floated down to us as we watched it's movements. It wasn't flapping it's wings it was more of just floating. Getting the heart container, we left the temple we went into town. Remembering Romano's archery game we went there first. Playing until we got the heart container. 

Leaving that we went to see Linebeck. Getting there we saw that Oshus was next to Linebeck. Walking over we looked at the two. 

"Oh, Grandpa! What are you doing here Grandpa?" 

"I came here to tell you something very important" 

"Ooooh, something important?" 

"Yes young one. Now listen well to what I have to say." Nodding we stepped closer to him. I stood next to Linebeck as we listened to what Oshus had to say. She landed in his hand. 

"Ciela, you are no... ordinary fairy. Among fairies, you are special. You are a spirit." 

Linebeck crossed his arms and stepped closer to Oshus. Ciela was surprised, since this was some big news. 

"A SPIRIT?! What are you saying? I mean, I... I don't even have any special powers! There's no way!" 

"I understand how you feel. You lost your memory. The spirit you just freed holds the powers you lost. It's time for you to return to your original form. Please, bring me the spirit, Link." 

Doing as he was told, Link stepped forward with the spirit. It floated over to where Oshus was at. "Now, I will begin." Holding the two up they floated into the air. They started to swirl together in a purple orb. Spinning around quickly, they merged together. Ciela changed to a light yellow color, as well as dancing around the sky. 

"How do you feel?" 

"I don't feel any different. But EVERYTHING is different. I feel... alive" 

Leaf and Neri flew out from under Link's hat and joined her in the sky. "You're back! I've been waiting for this moment. Now you can join powers with us" 

"I don't even know what to do.. this is so sudden." 

"Follow your feelings, Focus with the other spirits." 

Ciela had a vision of none other than Tetra calling to Link. She realized that we had to get going, and we had to hurry. But Oshus started talking again. God dammit, old man! 

"Ciela. The vision you just had. Your ability to sense evil is one of your spirit powers. You have awakened as the Spirit of Courage. You may not feel all your true power yet. But someday, no evil we be able to hide from you." 

The three spirits had floated down to Link. "Link! C'mon we'll show you the way to the Ghost Ship! I can feel it out there.... Let's go!" Link nodded and Oshus walked over. 

"Yes, yes... You should hurry, Link! Head straight for the Ghost Ship!" Link nodded and got onto the ship. Linebeck went to follow, but he turned to look at Oshus. Putting his hands on his hips. 

"Old man... Who.. Who are you, really?" he asked. 

Oshus gave a short hum and I smiled as I knew what it was. "That.. I will reveal to you when the time is right. For now you must hurry and find the Ghost Ship." 

Linebeck waved his arm and shook his head. "Fine. Keep your secrets, you old sea pickle. I'm just in for the loot anyway!" we got onto the ship and I sighed gently. He's in for the loot, and this sweet ass! Shaking away the thoughts I looked at the ocean. It was going to be a long trip back to Mercay Island. 

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