The Vacation 2.0

(( Okay. I have a couple things to tell people. One, I completely forgot to tell you all that I wanted to make something possible in omegaverse pregnancies that normally isn't a thing. I'm not confirming nor denying that their babies will be a boy and a girl. All I'm saying is that in this universe, it is possible for identical twins to be of differing primary (m/f) and/or secondary (a/b/o) genders. People were right to assume I didn't realize that my info was inaccurate, but really I'm just scatterbrained and forgot to announce it lol. Oops. And secondly, I'm hoping that I can have my surprise book done in late November to early December. Christmas at the latest or so I HOPE. Please nobody kill me if it's later than that. I'll be dropping spoilers and hints about it on my Instagram account @soki._.kun starting around the middle of October. I will say that it will be hard for me to give hints about the AU type without spoiling the entire thing. But until then, enjoy my current stories and updates! Love you all and holy shit this is a long author's note. I'll shut up.


They were literally engaged. They were pretty much soulmates. Yet... Keith was at a loss.

What the fuck was he supposed to get Lance for his birthday? July 28th was approaching hard and fast, and he couldn't come up with anything that his fiancé might've wanted.

Lance might've seemed like a simple person, like he was easy to read. But he was more than just a goofball. Keith knew that much without question, and that was what made this so hard.

" Pidge, listen..." Keith said. They only had a couple minutes to chat about this, being that Lance had only gone to the bathroom. " Has Lance said anything about what he wants for his birthday?"

" To me? No." Pidge responded. She was in the middle of trying to hook a wireless hotspot to her laptop. But she wasn't having much luck with it. Being in the middle of nowhere did have its downfalls after all. " What do you think he wants?"

" I have no clue. That's why I'm asking you." Keith put his face into one of the couch's throw pillows out of frustration.

" Well... why don't you ask him?" She raised an eyebrow, half paying attention while typing. Pidge could only look up every so often otherwise she would mistype something.

" Because. I should be able to figure this out myself." Keith insisted.

" What are we talking about?" Matt asked from across the living room. Everyone else had thought he was taking a nap on the loveseat, but apparently not. Or maybe he was only kind of sleeping, paying attention but not really. That was a skill that he'd mastered in history class.

" Lance's birthday." Pidge told him.

" I feel like I should know what to do for him." Keith groaned.

" What did he do for you? On your birthday, I mean." Matt yawned.

Pidge glanced up from her laptop and smirked, and Keith blushed. Looking back on that was more than enough to make him flustered. Without a doubt, that night was the kinkiest they'd ever gotten.

" Um..." Keith stammered. And Matt finally remembered. He made a mental note to shut his mouth next time, but at that moment, he wanted to crawl in a hole and die from embarrassment. Picturing his friends like that was just gross. He'd never know how Pidge managed to do it, let alone write about it.

" So... are you saying I should do what he did?" Keith awkwardly asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room.

Pidge laughed evilly to herself.

" You mean finding out a fantasy of his and making it a reality? Yeah." She cackled.

" That's it. I'm out." Matt stood up, staggering to the kitchen drowsily. Maybe he could hangout with Hunk and Shay. At least in there they weren't going to be talking about his friend's sexual desires.

" Does he tell Allura stuff, too?" Pidge asked Keith, and she stifled another laugh while noticing that he'd turned utterly red. He'd brought his face up from the pillow to the point that it was in her line of vision.

" No... but I think I know what he wants." Keith thought out loud.

" What?" Lance asked while coming into the room.

" Nothing!" Keith blurted.

" Okay then." Lance shook his head in confusion while sitting next to his omega on the couch.

One word came to Keith's mind; Daddy. That had to have been what Lance wanted. After all, that was his guilty pleasure when it came to sex.


But what exactly was a daddy kink? That was what Keith needed to figure out. Sure, he knew the basics: calling Lance daddy and doing what he said. But there had to have been more to it than that, right?

While Keith sat on the bed, he was googling all sorts of things. Pidge had allowed him to use her hotspot, so he had a stable internet connection at least.
Lance was taking a shower in the bathroom attached to their room, so he wasn't a concern right then.

Apparently there were different types of daddy kinks, and that was the tricky part. Keith made a face at his phone. He was reading an article called 'The Different Types of Daddies/Mommies and Littles.' Yeah. Someone literally had sat down and written about it. Not that Keith was complaining; he needed all the help he could get with this.

Some daddies liked perfect submissives, and they liked watching their partner engage in childish activities like coloring and playing with toys. Keith made a face, shaking his head in response. He wasn't kinkshaming or anything, but he couldn't see himself doing something like that for Lance and taking it seriously. He kept on reading.

These types of daddies or mommies, or whatever they liked being called, found pleasure out of cooking for their littles and caring for them. People like that often got more into aftercare as well.

Keith kept scrolling, looking back and trying to remember if Lance had ever done anything like that for him. He totally had, but at the time Keith had brushed it off.

Upon reading more, Keith came across a different type of daddy with a different 'parenting style' or so the article called it. These ones liked taming bratty submissives.

Keith gulped and blushed while his eyes scanned over the words.

They liked watching their little misbehave, liked being able to punish them after the fact. Hm... who did that sound like? Oh yeah, that's right, also Lance! It was so confusing! Did he want to be a responsible daddy and like doing that, or did he like punishing Keith and watching him squirm?!

Keith growled to himself in an aggravated way. He'd have to figure out which one Lance was if this plan was ever going to work.

" What's up?" Lance asked, emerging from the bathroom in a towel. Steam was in his wake. It filled the bathroom up from his apparently hot shower and was seeping through the doorway.

Keith looked up from his phone.

" Er-" He stammered, putting it off to the side of his thigh, which was flat on the bed. " Nothing."

Lance, who was damp still, smirked.

" Come on, tell me." He chuckled, leaning over the bed somewhat. He wasn't sopping wet, so the sheets and comforter remained dry when he did so. " What's making you blush so much, hm?" Lance purred, kissing Keith's cheek lightly. Keith panicked, shutting off his phone.

" I think I'm good." Keith responded. " It was uh- just some dumb thing on Tumblr."

" Yeah? Show me." Lance's shit eating grin widened.

" No." Keith shoved the phone under himself, sitting on it like a bird would on a nest of eggs.

Lance had been a little more in the mood on that day. One would assume that his rut would kill his sex drive for however long after. But apparently a couple weeks was enough for it to start up again.

" Why not, Babe?" He whined in a teasing way, crawling onto the bed and ditching his towel.

" Because." Keith felt like his throat was closing from anxiousness. He couldn't just tell Lance that he'd been reading up on that kind of stuff. Especially if he was planning on surprising him with it. And on top of that, it was embarrassing as hell!

" Because why?" Lance kissed on Keith's neck. " Was it something hot?"

Keith felt Lance reaching for the phone, sliding his hand under him. The kissing wasn't enough to distract him from that.

The omega grabbed the phone and tossed it across the room, watching it land inside one of their suitcases on a cushion of clothes.

" You know I know your passcode, right? And my fingerprint is in there." Lance taunted.

Keith didn't know what else to do as he pulled Lance into a sudden kiss. What other choice did he have? Lance got competitive about little things like that, and this was about the only thing that would put his mind elsewhere.

Lance's eyes bulged from surprise at first, but that didn't prevent him from eventually returning the kiss.

Keith figured that this might've been his chance to find out what Lance liked, what Lance wanted. He wasn't going to outright ask him about it, either.

The omega quietly made noise into the contact, wanting to see what Lance would do. If he was submissive right away, what happened? Keith wanted to know.

" Daddy..." He whispered, brushing their lips together softly.

Lance looked genuinely surprised as his eyes shot open again. Was Keith mocking him? Or was he being serious?

As Lance gently pulled Keith over onto his lap, their lips parted momentarily.

" Yeah, Babe?" The alpha asked, making sure that Keith was staring into his eyes. Eye contact was a big part of it. Lance needed Keith to be looking at him, needed to see the tiny differences in his eyes when he was turned on.

Keith gulped, hoping that he was doing the right thing.

" Please..." Keith used his more quiet, higher pitched tone of voice. It was something that most omegas normally did around their alphas, but Keith rarely let that side of himself come out. Lance was flabbergasted. What the hell was up with Keith? Just a minute ago they were having a playful little exchange, now Keith was acting all submissive out of nowhere. It couldn't be that he was on heat or anything, so Lance was stumped. Pregnancy hormones might've had something to do with it, but he wasn't sure.

Lance still went along with it, not wanting to pass up the opportunity. Keith didn't genuinely do this for him on any given day.

" Please what?" Lance smirked.

Keith's bangs shaded his face as he looked down. His entire face had been overrun with blush, and even his ears were rosy. Lance saw that much while brushing his hair to the side.

" Hm?" Lance hummed as if to reiterate his question.

Keith reached his hand downward, feeling around in between Lance's legs until he found his cock. He was still naked after the shower, so it hadn't been difficult to locate through any clothes.

Lance went stiffer once he felt Keith's soft hand run over his member. It wasn't hard just yet, but if Keith kept this up, it wouldn't take long to change it.

" Is that what you want?" Lance asked in his deep, yet still sensual voice.

Keith didn't know if he should've talked at all. Being totally submissive sometimes didn't involve more than nodding or shaking his head. But he figured Lance might've had an issue if he just didn't answer.

" I want to make you feel good... Daddy..." Keith told him in a hushed tone of voice. He could tell that this was having an effect on Lance as he felt over his member.

Lance had forgotten about Keith's phone. His alpha instincts had pushed it aside to make room. Once an alpha got turned on, there wasn't much to deter them from getting attention.

Lance bit his lip, trying to contain himself. He got the impression that Keith was looking to blow him, not fuck. But either way, the name did something to him. It wasn't just the word daddy in general; that would've been weird. It was more what the title represented. To Lance, it meant that Keith was submitting to him, admitting he was the dominant one. And when that happened, it went straight to his cock.

Lance felt his cock beginning to stand up as Keith stroked it.

" You want to be good and help me out?" Lance asked, raking his hand through Keith's raven colored hair. " Come on, look at me when I talk to you."

Keith's eyes were slightly wider and appeared more innocent than usually as he glanced at him. That was the look he had when he was completely submissive, willing to do whatever Lance told him to.

" Good boy." Lance smiled. He was enjoying this way more than he should've been. Though part of him did feel a little disappointed when he noticed Keith was behaving completely. It was nice sometimes, but Lance really did get a kick out of it when Keith disobeyed him. That was when the really fun stuff could happen.

Sucking someone off while pregnant could be a challenge. Even more so when Lance wasn't standing up. Keith couldn't just kneel in front of him. Lance had to roll to his side a bit, and Keith followed by leaning on his side. He couldn't lay flat on his belly without crushing the babies.

Once they'd figured out their positions, Keith pumped Lance a little faster. Precum was slowly oozing out of the tip, and he tasted it while kitten licking the slit. It was hard to look innocent and submissive while sucking cock, but Keith tried his best.

" You're so good for me..." Lance praised, tangling his fingers in Keith's mullet and resting them there. It wasn't really aggressive. It was more relaxed and gentle.

Keith swirled his tongue all around the tip of Lance's length, feeling it twitch in response.

Once he was satisfied with how much he'd wet it down, Keith moved his lips to encase the head, and soon the top half of Lance's member. And as far as he knew, Lance was enjoying it.

The taller boy watched Keith bob his head, and damn, he looked amazing like that. Lance was still trying to figure out exactly what had brought this on, but he wasn't able to focus while the wet heat of Keith's mouth swallowed him up.

It didn't even have to be hard or fast to feel amazing. Actually, Lance thought blowjobs felt better when they weren't rushed and desperate.

Lance felt the sensitive nerve bundles at the tip of his cock being triggered from the saliva being slicked all over it. Keith took him nearly all the way in, then slowly eased back up. He wasn't swiftly going along, wasn't half assing anything. His velvety lips traced over the entire length of Lance before he repeated the action and did the same thing over.

" Shit, Keith..." Lance moaned quietly, chuckling a little near the end of his praise.

If there was one thing Lance was thankful for, it was that he didn't have to worry about shutting Keith up. They weren't going full out, and he wasn't going to have Keith screaming and bellowing his name all throughout the condo. That would've been torture for pretty much everyone else besides Pidge.

Keith hummed while taking in Lance's entire length, letting the head of his cock touch the back of his throat. He didn't really feel much from it thanks to his lack of a gag reflex; there was only a tiny tickle.

Lance didn't even have to warn Keith when he was getting close. There was just something that told Keith when he was approaching an orgasm, and that time was going to arrive soon. But not quite yet.

The alpha's fingers found a firmer grip in Keith's hair, and he helped guide him at his own pace. It was progressively faster as his stomach tied up in a giant bundle of pressure. And instead of fighting anything, Keith went with the flow. Lance could have it however he wanted.

As much as Keith wanted to satisfy Lance and make him happy-it was in his nature, after all- there was something about obeying every order of his that didn't sit right with him. He knew that it was only in the bedroom, and that it didn't apply entirely to the rest of their shared life together, but still. There was always a tiny voice instructing him to rebel. That was just who Keith was.

" Mm..." Lance let out a sort of growl and moan mix. His inner alpha wasn't completely out. The more ravenous and control hungry part of it was still caged deep inside him somewhere. But it was definitely there in some ways. " I bet you want me to cum, don't you?" He asked Keith with a smirk on his face. " I know you l-love the taste of it."

Keith couldn't exactly tell Lance he was right with a mouthful of cock, but he hummed in admission.

There was a gutteral noise that erupted from Lance as he suddenly hit his orgasm. Keith didn't stop sucking as the cum was shot inside his mouth. It continued to spurt out in a couple intervals while he bobbed his head.

Lance could've sworn that his orgasm got ten times more intense once Keith was sucking him through it. His nerves were already overcrowded with pleasure, and the sensation didn't disappear quite as early as it normally would've. It was more drawn out.

His hips bucked a couple times as he covered his own mouth and squeezed his fistful of Keith's mullet. And the omega didn't stop looking at Lance once through the entire thing, even in spite of his urge to act kind of bratty and misbehave on purpose. He didn't get a rise out of Lance when he was his 'good boy' right away.

Once Keith finally pulled off of Lance, the taller boy's mouth hung open a little in residual ecstasy. He pulled Keith up by his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

" That was amazing, Babe..." Lance breathlessly said, kissing Keith's forehead.

Keith felt like this was cringey as hell, but he didn't know what the extent of Lance's kink was. It was obvious to Keith that Lance was way more into it than he himself was, but he wanted his alpha to be happy.

" Only the best for you, Daddy..." Keith felt like an idiot while murmuring those words, but it didn't seem like he felt that way.

Lance made a very flustered face.

" Who are you and what have you done with Keith?" He chuckled.

Keith only laughed a little. But that was before he realized something. He hadn't even attempted to rebel against Lance. He hadn't figured out anything yet.

Back to the drawing board it was.

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