The Job

(( I loved writing this chapter omg. I hope you all like what I did with Ronny's character, Loves!))

" Don't you need your soccer bag?" Keith asked Lance as they walked to school. He'd been feeling too nauseous to take his motorcycle.

" No. I called Coran and told him I'm quitting." Lance said.

" Why?!" The other immediately raised his voice out of surprise. " You love soccer!"

" Keith, we have a baby on the way. I can't waste my time." Lance looked down at the pavement as they passed square after square on the sidewalk.

" Waste your time? Is your happiness a waste of time?! No!" The omega stepped in front of him so he couldn't keep walking.

" I called La Cocina Grandiosa. They're giving me a job there, starting today. I can't do both, Keith." Lance sighed, cupping Keith's now sour looking face. " Having a baby is expensive. We'll need a crazy amount of money just to get by. That's more important than me kicking ass at sports."

" Lance! I can make money. You shouldn't have to quit the things you love!" Keith almost stomped the ground like a toddler having a temper tantrum. He hated knowing Lance would have to leave something that he found joy in. After all they'd been through, the least they deserved was happiness. Lance having such disregard for his own desires struck a nerve with Keith.

" Keith..." The alpha didn't look as somber as he felt. " I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd react like this. But... I've made up my mind. We need money." He caressed Keith's cheek, giving him a weaker looking smile.

Leaving soccer was something that shook the foundation of his being. He'd been doing it since he was 8 years old or so. It was just so unnatural to not be playing when the sun was out and the grass was green.

Keith's face was one of utter disappointment. But they were stuck. Lance was right about how much money they'd need. With doctors visits, supplements, maternity clothes, and everything they'd need before the baby was born, it would add up fast. And don't even get them started on the future hospital bills.

" Then I'm getting a job too." Keith fired back.

" You're pregnant. Should you really be working?" Lance hesitantly asked.

" I'm pregnant, not helpless. It's not fair for you to be the only one busting your ass." Keith huffed. " I'll apply at Starbucks."

Lance had a mini heart attack for a second. That was until he remembered Lotor couldn't possibly be there anymore.

" I know a lot about coffee, and it's close to both of our houses." Keith added. This was one of the only jobs he could think of, one of the only things he could realistically see himself doing.

" Are you sure you want to? Keith, I don't like the idea of you being there when there could be other alphas and-"

" Lance." Keith raised an eyebrow at him. " There are alphas everywhere. I'll be fine."

Lance still looked unconvinced.

They were back to walking soon enough, and Lance had taken his boyfriend's hand. Knowing that he would be somewhere without his protection was enough to make his heartbeat wonky. His alpha instincts were riled up from just the thought of a customer or coworker hitting on Keith when he wasn't there.

" So... what time do you start tonight?" Keith asked. And it seemed like Lance was snapping out of some trance-like state to hear him.

" Um... four. Then I work until ten. I guess I'll be in training for a while until they can trust me to serve tables on my own." The taller boy answered.

" Well duh." Keith chuckled. But then he noticed how much Lance was fretting. " Lance, I'll be fine. Seriously."

" You'll stay at my house while I'm gone, right? You won't go anywhere alone?" Lance asked him in a paranoid fashion.

" If that's what you need me to do. Sure..." Keith sighed, knowing Lance would actually go nuts if he left.


School was insanely boring that day. With prom only a short while away, the halls were buzzing with conversation about it. Who was going with who? What color were the dresses? The talk ranged from juicy gossip about cheating boyfriends to what time nail salon appoints were for.

Keith could only lay his head on his desk and tune it all out. Thanks to his pregnancy hormones, he was prone to mood swings, and at the moment, nausea. It looked like he was just snoozing away atop his notebook.

" Keith!"

There was an irritated voice and something-probably a pencil- that poked Keith. Scratch that, it was a marker from the Smartboard. He saw that as he sat up. Mr. Thace, his physics teacher, definitely didn't look impressed.

" Yeah...?" Keith asked him, sounding way more disrespectful than he'd intended to.

" What have I told you about sleeping in my class?" Mr. Thace tapped his foot impatiently.

" I wasn't even sleeping. Lay off." Keith narrowed his eyes at him, and everybody else in the class made noises. Some of them laughed, others just 'ooed.'

" Excuse me, young man. Is that any way to talk to a teacher?" Mr. Thace put his marker in Keith's face, but he didn't tap him with it again. Keith only growled in his throat.

" Get that thing out of my face." The omega almost barked at him. Well... great. Now on top of the pregnancy hormones, his paternal instincts were kicking in. That would happen at anytime Keith felt like the baby was threatened, and unfortunately for him, it wasn't controllable.

" You're on thin ice."

" So are you if you don't back up." Keith scooted his chair out and back.

" That's it! ISS for you. Go on!" Mr. Thace raised his voice out of frustration. Damn kids needed to learn respect for their elders. " Or do I need to call a principal to escort you?" He questioned sassily.

" Whatever, I'll go." Keith stood from his seat, packing up his backpack. " Don't get your panties in a twist." The omega mumbled. At least in in school suspension he'd be able to get some rest.

He left the classroom, closing the door harder than he'd meant to. Keith breathed heavily, worked up from that little exchange. He needed to calm down his instincts before he started acting even worse. These stupid urges and hormones were making him ornery and ready to lash out.

Keith looked down while walking to the detention room, where he'd be stuck for the remainder of the day. Since there were a couple hours left of school, he was ready for some quiet.

" Keith?" A familiar voice asked.

" Coran? Why are you monitoring ISS?" Keith was confused as he halted in his tracks.

" More importantly, why are you here? What did you do?" The coach asked, looking at him with an unhappy yet concerned expression.

" Sleeping in class..." Keith said, leaving out the part about how he'd gotten snippy with his teacher. He hung his head.

" Sorry, Keith. But I'm going to need your phone. Rules are rules." Coran grabbed a bucket from the desk where all the confiscated cellphones were kept. Keith felt his phone buzz as he pulled it out, but he just gave it to Coran. He wasn't about to hassle someone like him about something as trivial as a phone.

Keith surveyed the room, seeing that it was empty. Of course there were still rows of desks for kids who were sent there, but at the moment, Keith was the only student deemed bad enough for this.

" So... there's no sleeping, no talking, no doing anything other than school work." Coran sighed, gesturing to one of the vacant desks.

" I'll be fine..." Keith said. Keith breaking rules? Psh. Never.

It was only a short twenty minutes later by the time Keith had fallen asleep in one of the desks, and he found himself shooting awake by Coran shaking him. The coach didn't say anything, he just made sure Keith was up before going back to sit at his desk. Coran wasn't one to give people a hard time when it wasn't deserved.

Keith grumbled something. This was so dumb. He just wanted to catch some z's, but apparently that was too much to ask around here.

It was what felt like a million years later when the final bell of the day erupted throughout the school. Keith got up, and Coran gave him his phone back.

" Behave yourself." He shook his head and chuckled a little.

" Thanks, I'll try." Keith said, soon exiting the room. The second the screen of his phone lit up, he was met with a list of notifications from a very worried Lance. They'd normally meet after every class, so there was definitely a reason for the alpha to be alarmed. " Shit." Keith cursed to himself, quickly making his way to Lance's locker.

Lance was already there, and he was a wreck. The moment he saw Keith, he seemed to crumble somewhat, but his face lifted.

" Keith! What the hell!" Lance exclaimed, engulfing his boyfriend in a hug without a second thought. " Where have you been?!"

Keith found himself being nearly tackled by the force of the other's arms wrapping around him. Lance was actually shaking, and it was painfully obvious as the omega hugged back.

" I got sent to ISS and didn't have my phone, sorry..." He mumbled, burying his face in Lance's neck.

" What?! Why?!" Lance growled.

" Mr. Thace decided he was going to stick his marker in my face and I guess I was disrespectful." Keith rolled his eyes. " Let's just get out of here."

" No-"

" Lance, you're not about to start shit with the teacher. Let's go." Keith pulled back, trying to tug Lance down the hall.

" Nobody sticks shit in your-"

" Lance!" Keith yelled at him. " God damn it... get your instincts in check!" He snapped at him, not meaning to. The taller boy looked at him with wide eyes, surprised.

People in the hall were whispering, looking at them both as they walked by. Wow.

" Sorry..." Lance muttered, staring down. And the students that had stopped in response to Keith's loud voice started going back to their business.

The omega swallowed, and uncomfortably cleared his throat. Who was the one that needed to get their instincts under control, again?

" Lance, I-"

" It's fine. You're right." Lance took a few deep breaths. " Let's just go."


" This is the uniform." Alejandro gave Lance the uniform for La Cocina Grandiosa. " But you already knew that." He smiled, and Lance returned a fake one back. Leaving Keith at his house was just eating away at him.

Lance and Alejandro went way back. He used to live next to Lance when they were children, so they'd become close during that time, but they'd sort of lost touch after Alejandro moved. The only time they saw each other was when Lance came to the restaurant. That would be way more often from now on, however.

" Yeah." Lance said.

" So go get changed, and oh!" Alejandro grabbed Lance's name tag. " Don't forget this."

" Right." Lance took it from his friend, soon making his way to the small bathroom in the restaurant. It only had two stalls and two sinks, but it was enough. He started getting out of his normal clothes, folding them up neatly.

So this was it.

Time to be an adult and join the work force. He had more to think about than how much he missed playing soccer already. This was for Keith, for their baby. Lance would work himself to death to support them.

The top was a red, short sleeved, collared shirt. The company logo was on the left side of Lance's chest as he slipped it on. He pinned the name tag to his shirt, letting a small sigh escape his parted lips as he looked at it.

He also put on the khakis that were part of the uniform, and Lance couldn't help but make a face. Jake from State Farm who?

He emerged from the restroom, carrying his clothes under one arm. Wow, his blue and gray high tops sure didn't look the best with this outfit. Lance tried to ignore it.

" So... I'll show you to your locker." Alejandro smiled, leading Lance into the back.

" Do people ever make fun of you for the... uniform?" Lance asked, cringing somewhat. He hadn't even realized until he'd gotten in one. Alejandro was just waiting for Lance to ask.

" You're talking about the State Farm commercial, right?" He wanted to make sure. Lance's facial expression lifted.

" She sounds hideous!" He mocked in a feminine voice.

" Well, she's a guy, so..."

" Yeah. That one." Lance actually smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.

The wonderful aroma of the kitchen was especially pleasing to Lance's nose as they walked by. The sound of food sizzling was also satisfying to him.

" You'll get a locker, and you can keep your stuff in there while you work. Like phones, keys, wallets, all that jazz." Alejandro said, showing Lance his locker, which was already open. " You do have to use this lock, though." He gave Lance a padlock that their manager, Ricky, required them to have. The combo was taped to the back of it.

" Cool." Lance responded.

" Any questions, rookie?" He teased.

" Where do I start?" Lance was intimidated, but he knew he'd be okay.


Keith had been chilling out in Lance's room, but after he got bored, he decided he was going to make himself a snack. It was later, so Lance's parents were away at work. And Ronny had gotten the twins in bed, so Keith didn't have to worry about that part.

After a while of rummaging through the refrigerator, Keith decided he was going to look in the freezer. Cookies and cream ice cream, huh? It was the first thing he saw after opening the door, and it was calling his name. He smirked to himself, pulling it out. Camila had told him that this was his house, and he could help himself to anything. This ice cream was definitely fair game.

" Fuck!" Keith exclaimed, nearly dropping the container after seeing Ronny, who'd apparently been standing there. " Ronny!" He breathed heavily, catching his breath from being startled.

" Sorry!" She said. " You're not going to go into labor, are you?!"

" What?" Keith snorted, setting the tub of ice cream on the counter.

" Isn't that what happens when you scare a pregnant person?" She looked perplexed.

" Um... I don't think so?" Keith was a little surprised that Lance's sister was willingly coming around him. Veronica was supposed to be antisocial, yet there she was, talking with him.

" Oh..." Ronny said, going to the other side of the counter to take a seat on one of the stools there.

Keith was looking through the drawers, trying his best to find an ice cream scoop while it thawed.

" So... what's up?" He asked her, rooting through some utensils. Keith didn't even have to be looking at her to tell that she was flustered.

" Um." Ronny fiddled with her thumbs.

There was a long silence, and Keith felt weird. Like there was some sort of one sided tension between them.

" What?" Keith questioned, finally having found the scooper.

" When did you know you were gay?!" She bluntly blurted. Keith looked at her in a puzzled way.

" Why?"

" Because!" Ronny exclaimed, looking like she desperately needed to know. And Keith sighed, stopping his journey around the kitchen in search for a bowl.

" I guess... I was 12? And I was obsessed with Gerard Way." Keith almost drooled for a second before coming back to reality. " Why?"

Ronny looked to the side.

" Because... I think that I... might like... a... a..."

" A what?" Keith was oblivious.

" A girl, dipshit! I think I like a girl!" Veronica flipped her hair and was proud yet terrified to admit it.

" Oh." Keith said. " So that's what this is." He chuckled.

Honestly, he wasn't that surprised. Keith thought back to the other night, and how she'd wanted to talk to him, this must've been why.

" Why are you laughing?!" She leaned over the counter.

" I'm not laughing, don't eat me." Keith smiled supportively. " Now, who is she?" If this was tea, he'd definitely sip it.

Ronny seemed to become less tense.

" Her name is Sasha..." Veronica's face was turning into a bright red blush almost instantaneously.

" Is that all I get?" Keith smirked at her. He was confused why she was talking to him about this and not Lance, but he definitely wasn't complaining. This was great.

" Uh-" She stammered. " She's really tall and really blonde and in my gym class and good at dodgeball and has nice legs!"

" She an alpha?" Keith grabbed a bowl, then a spoon.

Ronny nodded.

He started scooping some into a bowl, looking at the ice cream in an almost seductive manner. Holy shit. These pregnancy cravings were getting to him.

" Oh, did you want some?" He asked her, and the girl could only shrug.

" Sure."

Keith grabbed her a bowl, and slid it across the counter. There was also a spoon in it.

" So... have you talked to her?" The spoon lingered in Keith's mouth for a second before he talked. And she gave him a weird look while scooping herself some cookies and cream.

" Well, she likes ruffling my hair. And she talks to me in the locker room everyday." Ronny answered.

Keith was intrigued. And he kept enjoying his ice cream way too much.

" What does she say?" This was the slippery part. Alphas were tricky to understand. Was it flirting or was it teasing? Moment of truth.

" That I need to buy tighter shorts." Veronica said, clearly not getting it. But Keith almost inhaled his spoon. " What?" Ronny asked.

" She likes your ass." Keith coughed, trying not to accidentally lodge a spoonful of ice cream in his throat.

" What?!" She squeaked.

There was another lengthy pause.

" You can't tell Lance!" Ronny told him, shoveling some ice cream in her mouth. " He'll never let me hear the end of it! Promise you won't!" She looked at Keith seriously, and the boy could only laugh to himself.

" Your secret's safe with me." He smiled. " Just don't snitch on me about the ice cream."

" Deal." Ronny calmed down, grinning into her bowl like a dope.

(( AHHHH I CAN'T WAIT TO GET SOME LESBIAN REP UP IN THIS BOOK!!!! But anyways, I have something else to tell you all. Adam... yes... Adam... will eventually come into this story. But season seven needs to come out so I can figure out his character and temperament. Until then, I can't promise the role he'll play. But from what I've seen from a clip of S7 E1, he's sassy. So that's a start. *insert lenny face* ))

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