(( I'm officially dead. This extra long chapter killed me.))
By the time Shiro had unsafely, yet successfully weaved through the traffic, Keith was wailing in the back seat. His entire midsection was flared into cramps and pressure. He felt like he was being squeezed to death from the inside out, if that made any sense.
Lance had tears in his eyes while listening to Keith's cries and sounds of suffering.
" You can do this, you're so fucking strong, okay?!" Lance tried to assure him.
" I can't do this, I can't do this!" Keith blubbered and stammered in a broken fashion.
Shiro slammed on his brakes after nearly driving right through the front of the urgent care building. They had to find Keith a doctor, and they had to make it snappy.
Lance flung himself from the backseat after throwing the door open. Keith was crying and trying not to curl up in a ball from all the pain.
" Come on, Babe!" Lance helped his omega out, feeling defensive to pretty much everyone at that moment. Part of his inner alpha didn't want anyone touching his fiancé or their twins, but on the other hand, it was for their benefit. Lance bit back his instincts while helping Keith forward.
Shiro sprinted to catch up to them, and Lance hissed at him territorially once the older brother got too close to Keith. He shot daggers at him, trying to let Shiro know that there would be consequences if he touched Keith.
" L-Lance... I think I'm dying..." Keith whimpered.
" No, no, don't say that!" Lance laughed hysterically while helping him inside the automatic doors. " Hey!" He bellowed to the entire hospital at the top of his lungs. " We need a doctor!"
Shiro kept his distance, though he wanted to help. Keith was his brother! What kind of danger did Lance think Shiro would put him in? He tried to remember that alphas often suffered from delusions when their omegas were pregnant.
Secretaries began perking up from behind the counter, and Keith felt like he was going to pass out for a moment there. There was a rupture-like feeling Keith felt inside of himself, almost like something had popped.
" K-Keith?!" Lance exclaimed, seeing the look on his omega's face was stunned and completely contorted. He'd scrunched up in a desperate attempt to keep from screaming any more.
There was a sudden gush of liquid that spilled from in between Keith's thighs. Lance looked down at it in terror. Sure, twins often came early, but they weren't ready! His brothers had come a month early without complications. But Lance was a nervous wreck.
It was happening. There was no denying it as Keith leaked.
Shiro had wide eyes while watching Keith's water break.
The smaller boy suppressed a very loud, pain filled noise that was trying to escape him.
" Please! His water just broke!" Lance desperately pleaded with the people at the front desk. One of them was already on the phone, and nurses flooded out from the back not much later.
Lance was holding Keith up, seeing that the other boy could barely stand. His thighs were quivering and tears streamed down his cheeks. He was shaking from the adrenaline and anxiety as the two stood there.
" What's your name?" One of the lady nurses asked Keith. A male one rolled out a bed on wheels, knowing that they'd have to get Keith back there.
" K-Keith!" Keith barely mustered a voice to answer. He laughed a bit, having completely lost his shit from all the pain. He'd crushed Lance's hand into rubble from his ironclad hold on it.
They'd have to consult a doctor before deciding what to do with him. It was more of a doctor's call whether Keith could stand to birth them, or if he'd need an emergency c-section. More often than not, c-sections were done.
The nurse looked at Lance.
" Sir, we have him." She said, and she almost wondered if they'd have to call security to pry him off of Keith.
Lance looked down at Keith, seeing his pitiful state. His omega cried out a bit, squirming as another clenching sensation suffocated him.
" Hurt him, and it'll be the last thing you do." Lance warned them while letting the nurses help Keith onto the bed.
Shiro deadpanned at Lance.
" Don't threaten the doctors." He told the other alpha. Lance didn't even pay him the time of day. He only followed after Keith as they began rolling him into the back.
" I'm right here." Lance took Keith's hand while swiftly walking to keep up.
" How many weeks is he?" The nurse asked Lance and Shiro.
" Thirty six." Lance told them quickly. " It's twins."
" That's normal. Twins usually come early." The male nurse said while they rounded a corner.
Keith grunted and shifted around on the bed uncomfortably. No matter what position he was in, nothing seemed to make the pain better. He squeezed Lance's hand like a stress ball.
" L-Lance..." Keith murmured, feeling more tears leave his eyes. Lance looked down at Keith, his blue eyes beading with a distraught rhythm. " I love you..." The omega whispered tiredly.
A couple stray tears streamed down Lance's cheeks as he got closer to Keith. They settled in a room, finally steadying the bed.
" I love you so much, okay? You'll be just fine. You're so strong." He buried his face by Keith's, shakily kissing his cheek.
A doctor, or someone they assumed was a doctor, came rushing in. She was wearing a white lab coat, and her name tag spelled out her position. Doctor.
This was all so surreal. Even though Lance had been preparing himself for this moment for the past eight months, he couldn't even begin to contemplate what was about to happen.
Their babies were coming. Luna and Kai would be coming into the world sooner rather than later apparently, and Lance was anything but ready.
It didn't matter how long he'd had to think about it, how many times he had, or what he thought he'd doing when the moment came. The alpha wasn't capable of hearing Keith in that much pain. It was like taking a cheese grater to his soul and agonizingly grinding away at it. His omega was debilitated from the immense torture he was being subjected to.
All the words being spoken from the doctor and Shiro were drowned into nothingness as Lance stayed by Keith. He was the only thing that was keeping Lance sane, his scent was the only thing grounding Lance's alpha instincts.
" Please... please..." Lance whispered, praying to himself that Keith would make it out of this relatively unscathed, that the twins would be healthy and complication free.
The doctor examined Keith after managing to take his clothes off and get him into a hospital gown. He wasn't crowning yet or anything, but he was definitely too small to be birthing the babies. He would've been lucky to survive it if they tried it.
And that meant that they had to get him in for a c-section as soon as possible. If he started crowning, it was all over.
" We'll need to do a cesarean on him. Keith, do NOT push no matter what you do. I'll get scrubbed up, but as soon as I'm done, I'm getting my team together and we have to take the babies out." She explained.
Keith nodded, only half coherent. The pain was scrambling his brains and making it impossible for him to have normal thought processes.
Shiro confirmed it with the doctor before she ran off to get suited up for the operation.
Lance began crying a bit more. Knowing that those doctors would be cutting into his precious omega hurt him and struck a tone he'd rather have left alone. His Keith. His beautiful Keith was about to get cut open.
And the worst part was that Keith would be awake for all of it. That was how c-sections worked. A pregnant person was only given regional anesthesia to numb them for the procedure.
Part of it was so that the parent could have body contact with their baby right away, because the first touch was important for the relationship. But another reason was because there were risk factors when it came to putting the patient completely under, and doctors weren't usually willing to risk it.
Lance wanted to be the strong one for Keith, wanted to stay the alpha he was supposed to be. But seeing him like that really hurt. He'd put Keith in that position by knocking him up. The pain was Lance's fault. He hoped more than anything that Keith didn't blame him for it, or that he'd forgive him.
" You can do this, Keith." Lance assured him. " You're tough. I know you'll make it through everything they throw at you." He softly said, holding him gently and hunching over the hospital bed.
Keith writhed a bit while a cry echoed in his throat. He shakily reached up to caress the taller boy's face.
" Don't w-worry about me." He said, managing to smile weakly at him. Beads of sweat had begun to drip from his hair, and his face was completely flushed.
" Worrying about you is my job." Lance whined a bit, sniffling while keeping a light hold on him.
" I'll be fine..." Keith insisted in a worn out way.
Shiro stood by the side of Keith's bed, shoulder to shoulder with Lance. That was as close as Lance would let him be to Keith.
The little brother stared up at Shiro and smiled as if to tell him not to worry, either.
Lance sniffled somewhat, trying to keep himself from crying anymore. This was going to be one of the most life altering events he'd ever have, yet it was bittersweet. To get the things he and Keith both cherished most, Keith would have to get sliced open.
Lance knew it was too late to turn back. Apparently Keith was too small for the doctors to warrant a natural birth. And they'd gone in already knowing that, but the reality had just smacked Lance right across the face.
" I love you so much..." Lance whispered, pressing a very light kiss on Keith's cheek. He was terrified that something would happen to Keith, and he couldn't control the anxiety as it ran rampant through his entire body. He was jittery from the nerves, and Lance wouldn't have been exaggerating if he were to say that he was ready to hurl up his Thanksgiving dinner.
Keith winced, seething and nearly screaming from another pain that ripped through him. He could've sworn that the babies were demons trying to eat their way out of him. What had started as pressure on his ribs had transferred into his abdomen, which felt as though it was ablaze with hell fire.
Lance squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head to the side. He couldn't watch Keith suffer like that. He just didn't have it in him.
Soon enough, the doctor came back into the room with a whole entourage of nurses and other medical staff. They began adjusting the bed, looking like they were about to take him somewhere else.
" We're going to take you to the operating room now, okay?" She asked Keith, who dizzily nodded.
They began rolling the bed out, and Lance could only watch while shaking.
" Is the father allowed to be inside?" Shiro asked them, seeing how Lance appeared to be on the verge of a heart attack.
" Not until the babies are out. Even then he'd need to put on scrubs." One of the nurses answered.
Lance gulped.
" Where do I find those?" He asked, taking a deep breath and trying his very best to stay calm. He felt extremely tempted to chase after Keith's hospital bed.
" You can ask one of the receptionists outside the operating room. There's a window you can watch through until you're allowed in, though."
Lance glanced at Shiro in a very distraught manner.
They soon began following the whole group of medical staff, but they honestly didn't even need to. The sound of Keith's blaring cries were heard indefinitely, and spelled out exactly where he was at any given moment.
" I can't do this!" Lance exclaimed. " I can't listen to this!"
" Lance." Shiro placed a hand on the shorter alpha to get his attention. " Keith will be okay. You know that he's strong."
They'd stopped in the hallway outside the operating room, and Keith's sounds of agony were muffled as he was rolled inside of the room.
" B-but..." Lance stammered.
" This is all for the babies. Keith would do anything for them, and you know that." Shiro told him. He was nervous about potential complications, but at the same time, Shiro knew that Keith would be okay. After all the shit he'd been put through, he could most definitely handle this.
Lance nodded a bit, wiping away some tears from his cheeks. He wanted to be inside with Keith so badly that it actually stung him.
Shiro's phone began ringing.
" Hello?" He picked up, and Lance went over to the glass wall of the room. He couldn't see much besides the light blue color of scrubs, and the harsh light from the lamp they'd placed over Keith. They'd poked him with some sort of needle, and Lance guessed that it was the regional anesthesia.
" No... Keith is in labor. They're about to do a c-section on him." Shiro explained.
Lance figured there were a few people he should've been calling. His mom, the rest of his family, Pidge and Matt and Hunk, too. He pulled out his phone, deciding that his family was the first priority while clicking his mom's contact.
" Yeah?" A voice picked up, but it wasn't Camila.
" Ronny, I-" Lance stammered. " Keith is in labor. Where's our parents?"
" What?!" His sister exclaimed.
" They're about to cut him open and take the babies out, but I need to talk to mom." Lance anxiously said.
" Mommmm!" Veronica called. " Keith is having the twins!"
There seemed to be a frenzy on the other end of the phone. Lance's family must have still been over there, because there was too much murmuring for it to just be his parents and little brothers.
" I'm putting you on speaker." Ronny told him, getting swarmed by the rest of her family.
" Lance?! He's having them?!" Camila excitedly asked. She knew that twins usually came before the due date, so she wasn't worried at all. She'd been through it before.
" Yeah." Lance answered. " They just took him in for surgery."
" You're at the hospital in town, right?" André questioned.
" Yeah." Lance said yet again.
" We'll be right there!" Camila's smile radiated through the phone.
" Okay." Lance nervously fidgeted while watching through the glass and hoping for the best. He was going to meet his babies. Keith was finally going to let him see the twins.
His next call was going to be to Pidge. She of all people would've wanted to know when something so important was happening.
Lance clicked her contact and waited for her to pick up. He knew that all his friends were back in town for Thanksgiving, and even if they didn't want to come to the hospital, he figured they should know.
" Hey." Pidge answered. " What's up?"
Lance prepared for a squeal from the other end.
" Keith is about to have the twins." He spoke, pulling the phone away from his ear so that he wouldn't be deafened.
Pidge screeched like some sort of half human, half animal, completely crazed fangirl.
" REALLY?!" She asked giddily.
" What are you yelling about?" Matt could be heard in the background.
" What?!" Matt asked.
" He's in the operating room and I don't know exactly when he'll be out, but I know that they're doing a c-section on him." Lance explained to them both.
" If you're in town, I'll come over there!" Pidge rambunctiously announced.
" Me too." Matt added.
" Don't you guys have family stuff? It's Thanksgiving." Lance questioned.
He was sort of absent from the conversation. His mouth ran on autopilot while his eyes scanned the room. Once he saw the scalpel, his eyes widened and he felt his stomach drop. It took everything Lance had to stay in place, and not try to barge in there.
" We already had dinner!" Pidge responded in a split second. " We'll find you at the hospital."
Once Lance finished calling everyone, he found out that people were more than willing to drop everything and rush to the hospital. He found his heart fluttering with joy just thinking about the huge support network he and Keith had.
After an agonizingly long wait, Lance was still outside the room with Shiro. He was pacing around nervously, wondering what the hold up was. It had been about forty minutes, but apparently that was normal.
" Why is this taking so long?" Lance groaned.
" Surgery is complicated. You don't want them to mess anything up, right?" Shiro patted his back, watching as well.
Lance's eyebrows were turned upward in paranoia while he stood there. He almost had his face up against the glass. It didn't help his anxiety when the doctors were all standing around Keith in a sort of football huddle. He could barely see what was going on.
" Lance!" Camila could be heard from down the hall. She was walking very swiftly, almost running once she saw her son. André and Veronica weren't far behind her.
Lance was nearly knocked to the ground from the group hug that surrounded him in no time.
" How is he?" Ronny asked, glancing over at the glass. She had no clue what was going on in there.
" Everything is fine so far." Lance shakily responded.
" Where are your scrubs?" André asked his son, knowing that he'd need them if he was going to go in.
" I can't go in yet." Lance told him.
The group hug parted as everyone watched through the window. There wasn't much to be seen.
Lance turned over his shoulder to see Matt, Pidge, and Hunk coming down the hall. Pidge was sprinting, and Hunk was completely out of breath from trying to keep up with her. Matt was just power walking.
" Did it happen yet?!" Pidge squealed, coming up to Lance and doing the secret handshake. Lance smiled while following the pattern of intricate hand motions. That sure was a perfect greeting after not seeing his friends since before school started.
" Not yet." Lance said.
" Come here, buddy!" Hunk encased Lance in a bear hug. " Congratulations."
" Thank you." Lance said, looking back to the window.
Any moment the twins could've appeared.
" Have you decided on middle names yet? I know you and Keith were sort of at odds about them." Camila asked her son.
" Yeah. Thankfully." Lance told her. " They're going to be Luna Eren, and Kai Tate."
" Lemme guess... Keith picked Kai's." Pidge snickered.
" Yes." Lance sighed. " Him and American Horror Story, man, I'll never understand it."
Keith was hazy, yet he could still hear and see what was going on around him. The bright lights from the room seemed to be staining his eyes and causing spots in his vision.
He couldn't feel the pain from the horizontal cut in his abdomen, but he could see it.
" Here comes baby number one." The doctor said, and Keith was just ready for it all to be over. He needed them to sew him up already.
There was a weird stretching sensation as he was opened up more and a baby was carefully extracted from his midsection.
Crying was heard immediately, and it was a very fresh, sort of new crying noise. To Keith, it was a beautiful sound after all the hell he'd endured. An exhausted and used up smile took over his lips as he sucked in a deep breath. Tears flooded his eyes as he saw the doctor holding it above him.
The nurses snipped the umbilical cord and moved to grab towels.
They'd need to wipe off some of the gunk.
" It's a female alpha." The doctor announced. " Time of birth, 7:11 PM."
Keith knew that he wasn't done yet.
Lance could be heard sobbing outside the delivery room, nearly crippling to his knees once he saw the first baby. All his family and friends did their best to help him stay upright.
Lance wanted to race and put on scrubs, but if he did right then, he would've missed the second one.
The doctors soon focused their efforts on trying to get the second one out. They very carefully maneuvered through the series of cuts they'd made inside of Keith, finding a hold on the second one.
Keith could hear the sloshing and squelching noises from inside of himself, and it honestly made him queasy. But he tried not to focus on that.
More crying was heard about a minute later as the final baby was taken from him.
Keith grinned, knowing that the crying was a sign of health.
" It's boy, undetermined." The doctor said, and as soon as the umbilical cord was cut, they worked to get all the after birth out. " Time of birth, 7:15 PM."
Words couldn't describe how fatigued Keith was as he looked around the room. The nurses were bringing the babies over not much later, and one was placed in either one of his arms.
Keith's lip quivered as he held them both close to himself, hearing the beautiful cries that they both were emitting. They had such strong lungs.
Lance rushed into the room, wearing a suit of blue scrubs and a mask over his mouth. He was in tears while racing to Keith's side and looking down at him.
Those were his babies.
Lance didn't focus on the doctors who working to stitch Keith up. He only could see the smile on his omega's face, and the twins that were swaddled in towels.
Luna was clearly larger than Kai was, and even though 'all babies looked the same' according to some people, Lance could immediately tell them apart.
" Oh my God..." Lance found himself saying, sniffling at how beautiful they both were. " We did it..."
Keith smiled up at Lance, crying a bit.
The alpha leaned down to kiss the top of Keith's head after pulling down his mask.
" They're gorgeous, just like their dad..." He told Keith, clearly referring to him.
Luna was a tad bit tanner than Kai was. Though they were both wrinkly and such, there was a noticeable difference in the skin tone. Kai had one closer to Keith's, and Luna had one a lot like Lance's.
" Do you want to hold her?" Keith asked Lance in a hoarse voice. Luna was heavier than Kai was, and he wasn't sure how long he could hold them both. Keith was spent, and his muscles were completely shot. It was all he could do to hold one of them.
Lance nodded, carefully taking Luna from Keith and holding her in his arms. She cried more, wailing and squirming a bit.
" Daddy's got you..." Lance smiled, looking down at her with an expression of content and unconditional love. After everything they had been through, their lives had led up to this very moment. Their love for each other had produced something even more precious, and given life to two very fragile babies. They were Lance and Keith's to love, to cherish, to look after. " I'll take care of you forever." Lance told her.
Keith sniffled while looking down at Kai, who was still crying.
" Hey, little guy." He said with a tired grin.
Everyone outside was either crying or on the verge of it as they watched.
Hunk was sobbing and hugging Matt and Pidge, who were both clearly emotional. Shiro was crying while smiling, and André and Camila were hugging while Camila cried. Ronny wasn't quite crying, but she was smiling brightly.
A few minutes later, Keith was closed up and bandaged. He and Lance were still holding the babies and whispering sweet things to them.
The nurses would need to take them back in a bit to check them in and everything.
But for right then, the babies were Lance and Keith's. There was nothing that could stand between them.
" I love you so fucking much." Lance told Keith. " You're so strong."
Keith grinned and felt his heart palpitate while seeing Lance's loving expression. He was going to be such an amazing father, and Keith knew that much already.
It was last day Keith had been pregnant, but it was the first day of the rest of their lives.
(( It was so hard having to sit by and watch the comments last chapter. Seriously, how could anyone ever think I'd make him miscarry??!?!! I love angst but Jesus no.))
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