
(( I loved leaving everyone on the cliffhanger last time. What can I say? I'm evil lol. But here you all are; the chapter.))

It was surprisingly cold now that the sun had set. But then again, when Keith went charging off earlier that evening, he wasn't thinking about it. He thought that the anger would've been enough to keep him warm, that it would've worked like an internal furnace. But he was wrong.

Keith kept his arms crossed in front of his chest in an attempt to conserve his body heat. It seemed like the longer he sat there on the bleachers, the colder his ass became. It wasn't like a couch cushion where it warmed up after a while, actually, it was increasingly more frigid.

But this was all to prove a point.

Keith was fine. He'd been out there alone for hours now, and look! Nothing happened to him! Wow, would Lance ever be surprised when he went home. Keith was just waiting to see the look on his face when he could finally say 'I told you so'. Keith had told him that he was paranoid, and that not every person out there was looking to ravish him like some sort of animal.

He sighed, looking out onto the football field. It really was different from up there. Keith was so used to being on the track as a cheerleader that it felt... odd... to be up in the stands. It was also freeing in a way, though. Considering being a cheerleader was one of the most miserable times in Keith's entire life, it felt good to know that he didn't have to stand on the track anymore. He didn't have to shake his pompoms and fly through the air for the crowd; he was the crowd now.

That's when his phone buzzed for the millionth time. Low and behold, it was Lance. Why could he not understand that he didn't want to talk right then? Did he not know what the silent treatment was?

Keith put him to voicemail.

A couple minutes later, he got a notification that Lance had left him another voicemail. It caused a sigh to part from Keith's lips. He really was paranoid. Him and the twins were just fine.

Okay, maybe not fine. Keith was still livid that Lance wasn't going to take him to prom. After he'd went through the trouble of getting a tux and everything. It wasn't fair. Just because he was pregnant and alphas were going to be around? For one, Keith wasn't showing yet, so nobody would've known the difference. Two, there were alphas everywhere. Alphas at work, alphas at school, alphas everytime he turned a corner. Only once had he ever been attacked by one, but Lotor was a special case. It wasn't everyday he met someone that demented.

While Keith fiddled with his ring, he remembered something. He'd never eaten dinner. The growl that erupted from his stomach served as a reminder of that. If he hadn't been pregnant, Keith would've ignored it. But he wasn't that immature. These babies were counting on him so they could be nourished and develop properly. So he got up, exhaling in a peeved way. Maybe he would be a real rebel and go eat some dinner, with McDonald's french fries as his main course.

Damn, did that sound so fucking good right then.

" Keith?!" There was a very very familiar voice that called from the other end of the track.

Keith rolled his eyes.

" Great." The omega muttered.

Lance, who was now rushing across the track, knew it was his boyfriend. He recognized the shape of his shadow, and even more so, he could feel the bonding mark calling him. It didn't take a genius to know that it was Keith, especially when his motorcycle was parked on the track. Wow. He'd literally driven on it. What a legend.

Keith deadpanned and folded his arms even tighter. There was his knight in shining armor to rescue him from absolutely nothing.

Lance raced up the steps, not caring that his omega was still pissed at him as he hugged him.

" Don't you ever do that again!" He wailed, trembling as he held him close.

Keith's eyes grew wide.

Was Lance... crying?

" What did I tell you? I'm fine." Keith said.

" Shut up! Just shut up!" Lance kissed his cheeks, examining them for any marks. He was shaking as he made sure nobody had touched him. " Oh my God, Keith, you're freezing!" Lance shrugged off his hoodie and put it around Keith.

" Can you stop? I'm pissed at you." Keith huffed.

" Do you really think I care? You could've been hurt or kidnapped or..." Lance trailed off, running his hand toward Keith's belly to rub over it affectionately.

" But I wasn't." The smaller boy responded sassily.

" Keith, I'm so sorry, okay?! I'll take you to prom, or wherever you want. Just promise you won't do this again!" The alpha hugged him, trying to give Keith some much needed body heat. Forty degree weather didn't seem very cold, but it could really sneak up on a person.

" Fine." Keith looked down, not knowing what to say. It was pretty obvious that he'd really shaken Lance up.

" I thought you might never come back..." A couple of Lance's tears landed on the front of Keith's chest.

" Lance, no, I was just-"

" Just what?! Trying to give me a heart attack? Put yourself and our babies in danger?! Freeze your ass off?" Lance exclaimed, nuzzling into Keith and trying to calm himself down by breathing in his omega's comforting scent. " If you get sick-"

Keith's stomach made a very loud guttural noise, and Lance felt it on his hand.

Keith stood there awkwardly and Lance took a few deep breaths, swallowing the lump in his throat.

" -And you didn't eat dinner either. Jesus." He closed his eyes, doing his very best to compose himself. Keith was safe; the babies were safe. That was all that mattered.

" Sorry..." Keith said quietly, realizing that what he did was really childish and impulsive.

" Keith, I get it, okay? You were angry because I was trying to manage your life for you." Lance put his face in his hands to wipe any stray tears from his cheeks. " But that nearly killed me. You didn't answer your phone and I started thinking about everything that could've happened to you."

Keith looked more at the floor, well, the makeshift floor that was the bleachers. He hadn't even thought about how Lance's paternal instincts would've affected him. This was all some sort of petty thing to him before, but it had become real.

" I didn't mean to make you worry... I-I just wanted to prove a point. See, look, nobody got to me." Keith tried to make eye contact with Lance, but he didn't seem amused.

" Keith. Never do this again." Lance said seriously.

" I promise I won't..." The omega guiltily responded, scuffing his shoe at the metal surface of the bleachers.

" Okay, let's go home and get you some food. I'll make you something warm." Lance reached to put the hoodie up over Keith's head. He hoped it was okay to do so, but he didn't exactly ask before pressing a kiss to Keith's lips.

Keith's eyes were open at first, but his anger was numbed from seeing how frantic Lance had been. He couldn't punish him forever for his mistake. Clearly Lance realized that it was wrong.

Keith lightly kissed him back, moving his hands to rest on Lance's shoulders. How the hell was he so warm?! The shorter boy was evidently jealous of Lance's body heat.

Lance realized that Keith was shivering slightly as he held him close, thankful that his stubbornness hadn't turned him into some tiny gay ice cube.

" You're so cold..." Lance pulled his face back. And as much as he wanted to continue kissing and making up, they had to get him inside. He ushered Keith away from his seat and down the stairs. And even though he didn't like the idea of Keith being pregnant and on a motorcycle, that was their only way home. They couldn't walk it all the way there because of how heavy it was, and Keith was already chilled to the bone.

Lance still couldn't believe that Keith had driven on the high school track. That was probably illegal.

After they had their helmets and everything on, Keith was careful not to rev his engine too much. If they really could get in trouble for this, the last thing they needed was some nosy person calling the cops on them.

Lance held onto his smaller boyfriend firmly as they made their way out of there. It felt like the weight of ten universes had been lifted off of his shoulders now that Keith was back with him. He was protectively keeping his arms wrapped around him, not ever wanting to let him go. Screw being pissed at Keith for leaving like he had. Lance was just relieved to have him back in one piece.

Once they were back to Lance's house, the temperature inside of it was like a hug from the sun. But a good one, not a hug that would literally incinerate someone. 

Keith was shivering even worse from the cold wind that he'd been subject to while taking them back. For early May, it sure was fucking wintery out there at night.

Lance grabbed a throw blanket from the couch and came back to the entryway to cloak Keith's trembling body with it.

The day had definitely been eventful. First came Ronny falling into heat, then the news about their twins, Lance fainting in the hospital room, a lunch at Panera Bread, an absurd job interview, a huge ass fight between them, and now, Lance didn't even know. He wasn't about to ask, either. If Keith currently wasn't blowing steam from his ears and yelling at him for earlier, he wasn't going to stir the pot and bring it back up.

" Hey..." Keith almost silently said, bringing the blanket closer to himself.

" Hm?" Lance hummed, slipping off his shoes. Sure, he was cold as well, but not nearly as much as the other boy was.

" I really am sorry..."

" I know, Babe... we don't have to talk about this anymore if you don't want to." The alpha kissed his forehead, pulling down his hood when he moved to brush his hand through Keith's hair.

Keith liked that idea. They both fucked up. They both knew it, and they both acknowledged it. There wasn't really any need for them to dwell on it.

" Okay... but can I say one more thing?" Keith looked up at him.

" What?" Lance asked curiously.

" I love you." Keith pulled him down into a kiss, and in the process, he moved to share the blanket with Lance.

Lance's lips angled into a tiny smile, and Keith felt it on his own.

" Why did I see that coming?" The taller boy carefully picked Keith up, knowing that he still had things to do. He took him to the living room, where he set him down onto the comfy couch.

" Because you know I love you?" Keith raised an eyebrow at him.

" I'm going to go make you something-" Lance turned to go to the kitchen, but Keith tugged on his shirt. " What?"

" Does it have to be really healthy?" He whined, sending Lance puppy dog eyes that he had come to master.

" I'll make something that you like." Lance assured, knowing that Keith had eaten pretty greenly at Panera for lunch. He could spring for something a little less healthy. Plus, it was past eleven at night, and they had school the next day. Lance didn't have time to make Keith something extravagant. " While I do that... you should focus on getting warm."

" Netflix will help me get warm..." Keith smirked while reaching for the TV remote. And Lance facepalmed while going to the kitchen. Yep. Things were getting back to normal in no time.

Keith was really happy that Lance wasn't taking revenge and being pissed at him for what he'd done. What had he done to deserve someone as compassionate, and understanding as Lance was? Keith would never know, but he was grateful to have him as an alpha.

He clicked around Lance's Netflix account for a while, not knowing what he wanted to watch. Keith just needed something to focus on other than how freezing his body was, especially his feet as he pulled them out of their shoes. Keith tucked his legs up into his chest, wiggling his toes and feeling them tingle.

Eventually, Keith decided on watching Orange is the New Black. What else was new? For a gay guy he really did love a show about a bunch of prisoners and lesbian drama.

He was about twenty minutes into the episode by the time Lance came into the living room with a plate and a glass of chocolate milk in his hands.

" Are those what I think they are?" Keith smiled, getting a whiff of the food. " I thought you said they were for kids." He had a shit eating grin.

" I did, and they are." Lance handed Keith the plate of dinosaur chicken nuggets. On the side there were a few baby carrots, and there was also ketchup for dipping. " But, you like them, and since you're over here a lot, I figured you might eat them."

Keith sent Lance the fondest, most appreciative smile ever.

Lance blushed while setting down the chocolate milk on the coffee table. He sat down next to Keith, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and keeping him snug against his side.

" Thanks." Keith said, dipping one and taking a bite from it. And Lance got distracted when he saw a pair of tits on the TV screen.

" Woah." The alpha coughed, averting his eyes. He may have been bi, but he wasn't allowed to look.

" What are you, twelve?" Keith asked him smugly. " It's some boobs, big whoop."

" Shut up." Lance chuckled. " I didn't look because I only have eyes for you, Princess." He faced Keith, seeing as it was now safe to stop looking the other way. There was a flirtatious smile on his face as he kissed him from the side.

" Lance..." Keith swallowed and watched him from the corner of his eye. " If you're trying for make up sex, it'll have to wait until I'm done eating."

" Wait, what?" Lance made a face. If he'd wanted anything like that from Keith, he probably would've unzipped his jeans and acted like it was his boyfriend's dinner. " Are you asking for dessert?" He sent him a small smirk.

" Maybe..." Keith's eyes darted around nervously as he ate another chicken nugget. " Or maybe I could just give you a hand job while eating some ice cream." He teased.

" Does us arguing always make you this horny?" Lance was flustered while asking.

" I don't know... it just seems like we've been doing it less ever since I got pregnant." The omega pointed out.

" Well yeah, what did you think was going to happen?" Lance scoffed. His alpha instincts weren't always looking to get in Keith's pants. It was definitely different now that his boyfriend had a bun- or rather buns in the oven.

" It just seems like you barely want to touch me anymore." Keith said with a mouthful of chicken nuggets. He wasn't being salty or pouting when he talked. He just simply said it.

" It's not that I don't want to touch you, it's just that I need to be more careful with you now, Keith. You know how my instincts are... the last thing I want is to accidentally lose control and go too rough on you." Lance explained, moving to take Keith's hand in his own. He brought it up to his lips, where he pressed a gentle kiss on it.

" When have I ever complained about you being too rough on me?" Keith laughed in the back of his throat.

" Babe, just eat up okay? I think you're just tired." Lance said, continuing to keep him close.

" Are you rushing me so we can get to the handjob part?" Keith asked.

These pregnancy mood swings were going to be the death of Lance. He didn't know how Keith could be so cute one second, then be going on about giving him a handjob on the next. It didn't make sense to him, no matter how much time Lance spent trying to wrap his head around it.

" No, I'm asking you to eat so the babies can get the nutrients they need. That, and we have school tomorrow. You'll need to get some sleep. My mom told me pregnant people should be getting at least nine hours a night. So let's get you as much as we can." Lance gestured to the plate of food, and Keith groaned.

" Fine." He took another bite. " If you think you're going to keep getting away with this whole no sex thing, though... you're crazy." Keith talked with his mouth full.

" What are you talking about? We had sex a while ago." Lance tried to remember that his omega's horniness wasn't going to be satisfied easily. That one time was probably not nearly enough for Keith to lay off of him about it. 

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