(( This such a heartwarming chapter. I hope you all love it as much as I do, Loves.))
The house was alive with conversation, and it seemed to buzz more with every minute that passed. The anticipation was heightening with every moment closer to five o'clock, when Keith and Lance agreed they'd bite into the cupcakes.
Shay and Allura had arrived a while after Lance's family had, but Ronny was still waiting on Sasha to come. She sat on the porch, scrolling through her phone while listening to music. Her emo little heart couldn't have been more satisfied with the All Time Low that was blasting through her earbuds.
She sighed, checking the time. Four forty five. Maybe her girlfriend was just running a little late.
A few minutes later, Sasha could be seen literally running down the street. She looked rather fatigued while making her way up to the house, panting heavily. She might've been athletic, but long distance running wasn't her thing.
" Hey..." Veronica came down the steps, seeming concerned while approaching her. She didn't even question that she was late, rather, she focused on the fact that she was running. " What the hell are you running from?"
" I'm not running-" Sasha heaved. " -From anyone. I ran to make it on time."
" I thought your sister was giving you a ride?" Ronny inquired.
" Yeah, so did I. She went off with her boyfriend and I had to run across town."
Ronny blushed a little. She'd just covered all that distance for her, just to be there for her. She could've very easily called and said that she couldn't make it, but no. Sasha found a way.
Sasha smiled down at her, brushing the hair from her eyes.
" It doesn't matter. I got here." She leaned down, turning utterly red while pressing a kiss on the omega's head. She could've sworn that she had to fold practically in half to reach her.
" Thank you." Ronny fondly said, taking her hand. " Now come on, my family has been dying to meet you."
" I already met your parents." Sasha quirked an eyebrow. Her makeup somehow still managed to look good even with the sweat.
" My aunt and uncle and cousins are here, too." Ronny told her while leading the alpha through the door. Sasha seemed to get flustered while following her.
Pidge was busy arguing with Matt in the kitchen. Pictures of Keith's latest ultrasound were on the table, and there were polls there that collected what everyone's predictions were.
" You can't tell me that's not a dick!" She exclaimed, pointing to a spot on the black and white picture.
" That's an arm!" Matt retorted.
" No!" Pidge fired back. " That is a penis if I've ever seen one."
" Can you guys just write down your opinions instead of shouting them?" Hunk sighed from across the room. He was acting as a bodyguard to the cupcakes. He wouldn't have put it past Lance to secretly cheat and look ahead of time.
" Hunk! You know that's a dick!" Pidge raised her hands. " You know what they are, don't lie!"
" I know what they are, but I'm not telling." Hunk folded his arms, sticking up his nose.
" Hmph." Pidge pouted.
Across the house, Shiro and Allura were conversing with Lance's parents. And in the living room, Lance and Keith were on the couch. The omega couldn't stand for too long before needing a break. His back and thighs were heavily impacted by the extra weight.
Lance wasn't about to stray from his fiancé's side. His alpha instincts made him overly protective, even if it was only friends and family inside of the house. There were parts of Lance that didn't like Keith even being down there, but he couldn't hide him away from the rest of the world.
He would just have to make sure that nothing happened to Keith and the twins.
" So..." Keith asked Lance. " What do you think the secondary genders are?"
Lance snapped out of his trance, glancing down to Keith. He had an arm around him, keeping him into his side snugly.
He ran his hand under Keith's shirt, feeling over his belly and massaging a little bit. Not that it would tell him what they were, but Lance still felt more reassurance as he did so. It brought a proud fatherly smile to his face as he rested his palm atop Keith's tummy.
" Mm... I'm not sure. What do you think?"
" I asked you first." Keith chuckled.
" I asked you second." Lance stuck out his tongue.
" Fine." Keith responded. " I feel like one of them is an omega."
Call it some sort intuition, but Keith got little tingles and felt all sorts of tiny messages in his brain. He felt like there was a bigger one and a smaller one. It might've been pregnancy hormones driving him a kooky, but Keith was certain that the weight was more so on the right of him. The masses were similar, but he felt like one of the twins was larger.
" Why?" Lance asked.
" I don't know how to describe it." The smaller male said, staring down at his bump and smiling.
" Well... either way... I'll love them both more than life. And I'm going to spoil the shit out of them." Lance chuckled, peppering a couple kisses on Keith's cheek and jawline. " And you, too."
" And just how are you planning on spoiling me?" Keith smirked jokingly.
Lance was about to respond with something somewhat dirty, but then his cousins could be heard thumping through Keith's house. They were being chased around by Marco and Luis, running and playing some sort of tag game.
" I can't say with kids in the room, Babe." Lance blushed.
" You talk about stuff like that in front of our twins." Keith raised an eyebrow.
Lance rolled his eyes playfully.
" Lanceeeee!" Ezra ran into the room, pouncing on Lance's lap.
" Ezraaaaa!" The alpha mocked, snickering.
" Hide me." The boy grabbed a blanket from the top of the couch, curling up on Lance and covering himself. " Don't tell them I'm here!" Ezra said in a high pitched voice. Lance looked to Keith while laughing to himself.
" Alright, buddy."
Not but five seconds later, Estee, Marco, and Luis came stampeding into the living room. Keith watched them in an amused way, seeing the way that they pretty much tore the living room apart, apparently in pursuit of Ezra.
" Lance! Did Ezra come through here?!" Marco looked up at his older brother, not paying mind to the lump atop the alpha's lap.
" I don't know..." Lance answered in a drawn out tone.
" Tell us!" Luis added.
That's when the blanket began giggling, and all of the children began pulling the covers back. There was an uproar of laughter as Ezra was revealed.
" Found you!" Estee giggled.
" No!" Ezra bounded from Lance's lap and ran out of the living room.
" Hey!" The kids shouted, following him.
Keith only looked at Lance fondly.
" What?" Lance asked him, wondering what Keith was staring at.
Keith pressed a light kiss to his alpha's lips, loving him more by the second.
" You're going to be such a great dad... I know I've said it before... but I can't wait to raise our family." He whispered, and Lance's face steamed with blush.
" And I thought I was the cheesy one!" Lance grinned and hugged Keith into himself. " I love you." He told Keith, nuzzling on him and inhaling his familiar scent.
Keith felt Lance pull him atop his lap, hugging him from behind. He leaned back into the embrace, smiling like a dork. Never ever in a million years could he have predicted that he would be so happy with someone.
Lance buried his face in Keith's shoulder from behind, contently sighing and enjoying being near him. The excitement was eating away at him, and he needed to know what the babies were sooner rather than later.
Lance had never wanted a cupcake more in his entire life.
" Can we go eat them soon?" The alpha asked, whining somewhat.
" Why are you asking me?" Keith snickered.
Lance pulled out his phone, seeing that there were only a couple minutes until five.
" Let's go in there!" He giddily suggested. Lance was a lot like a rambunctious puppy, getting more and more eager with every second that ticked down.
Keith felt his eardrum nearly rupture as he jumped in surprise. He'd never seen Lance get this joyous about anything besides maybe when proposing to him. But even then he wasn't loud and pretty much bursting at the seams with untamable pride.
" Okay, okay." Keith stood up. Lance jumped up from the couch. He had enough energy to run ten marathons and not get tired.
Life seemed to be moving in super slow motion, but Lance's heart was racing in stark contrast. He couldn't stand waiting any longer.
He needed to know if there was going to be a mini little Lance running around, or little Lance(s). Or girls. Or- he didn't even know what else. All Lance wanted was to find out so the suspense could end.
" There they are." Allura smiled while seeing the couple enter the kitchen. " Shiro was just wondering where you both were." She leaned her head on Shiro's chest as he kept an arm draped around her side.
" Well, they didn't sneak off to fuck, at least." Pidge laughed, but everyone gave her a look. Lance seemed mortified as his mother shot him a shocked expression.
" Pidge!" Keith scolded.
" What's a fuck?" Marco asked his mother curiously. He had gotten tuckered out and come to stand by her.
Pidge chuckled nervously, having forgotten that the others were around momentarily.
" Oops." She cringed.
" That's a word you should never say. Never." André told his son.
" Who's ready to eat some cupcakes?!" Lance exclaimed in hopes of breaking the awkward silence.
" Me!" Keith responded.
" How does this work again?" Shiro asked, obviously confused while looking over the cupcakes.
Hunk cleared his throat.
" Okay, these two cupcakes are for one baby, and these two are for the other. The ones for the primary genders have a P piped on the top with frosting, and the secondary ones have an S. We can't mix them up." He explained, gesturing to the cupcakes that he'd grouped together.
" Which one do you want, Babe?" Lance asked Keith as the two stared at the four cupcakes. Keith didn't care, so he just picked the ones on the left.
" These ones I guess."
Everyone watched in anticipation.
" Wait, wait, what does the poll say?" Keith asked, wanting to know what everyone else thought. Pidge grabbed it.
" Uhhh- majority of people think that it's two girls. Two alphas." She said, looking over all the tally marks on the paper.
" Lance is convinced that at least one of them is a boy." Keith said, smiling a little.
" One is. I can feel it." Lance insisted.
" Will someone just bite a cupcake already? I'm about to die from all the suspense." Ronny chimed in from across the kitchen.
Lance and Keith shared a heartfelt glance, and a fond smile toward one another. Lance's parents watched with very proud looks on their faces, and Shiro was on the verge of tears.
Lance picked up his cupcake with the P on it as Keith did the same.
" Oh my God, I don't know if I can do this..." The alpha gulped, slowly peeling back the silver cupcake wrapper.
" Just don't faint again." Keith teased, pulling back the wrapper on his first cupcake.
From the outside, the cupcakes were plain white. The frosting filling was completely hidden behind the layer of cake.
Lance grabbed Keith's hand, taking a deep breath and squeezing it before biting into his cupcake. Keith followed as soon as he saw his alpha dive into it.
At that moment, Lance wished that he could taste colors. Maybe then he could've known a second or two sooner.
As the two took their faces back from the cupcakes, Keith looked over to see pink frosting lining Lance's bottom lip. Lance stared at the pink of his cupcake, nearly crying from how happy he was. He then glanced over to Keith's, and his heart felt as though it was riding a roller coaster while catching glimpse at the blue frosting.
There was cheering and clapping as Lance and Keith showed off their cupcakes to the rest of the kitchen.
" I told you!" Pidge pointed in Matt's face and cackled. " You owe me five bucks, peasant!"
Tears overflowed from Lance's eyes as he swung his arms around Keith and kissed his cheek happily.
Allura could be seen comforting Shiro as he happily sobbed in the corner, and everyone seemed to be overjoyed.
Keith pulled back, and tears had huddled in the corners of his eyes by the time he stared into Lance's blue orbs.
Lance knelt before Keith, kissing all over his stomach and hugging him so that he nuzzled his baby bump. He was the definition of a proud father.
Keith blushed and laughed a little while Lance talked to his tummy, telling the twins how much he loved them both.
" We should do the other ones." The omega tried to tell him.
Lance sniffled on Keith's shirt and hugged him more before standing up. He wrapped his arms around him and cried on Keith's shoulder for a second.
" It's okay, Lance." Keith tried to reassure him.
Lance pulled back with a huge grin on his face. His cheeks honestly ached from the amount of smiling he did.
" You going to be okay?" Keith chuckled.
" Shut up!" Lance laughed through his tears.
The whole room was intense with anticipation, but it was still positive. Sure, there was a pressure to bite into the other cupcakes, but it wasn't oppressive by any means. People were overly excited and couldn't wait to learn more about the twins.
Keith couldn't say that he was surprised to see Lance this emotional over the whole thing. His alpha was a big softie, and that was just one of the many reasons he loved him.
" You ready?" The omega grabbed his second cupcake. And Lance's hand trembled while he did the same.
This was it.
This would be a huge factor that contributed to how their lives would unfold.
Lance bit into his second cupcake, wondering what his daughter was going to be. It was so nerve wracking; not because he wanted a certain outcome. But because this was a huge deal.
Keith pulled back from his cupcake after taking a bite from it.
The center was white, meaning that their son was either a beta or an omega. Alpha was off the table.
Lance smiled with a mouthful of green frosting as everyone began cheering yet again.
A girl alpha and probably a boy omega. Keith couldn't have been happier.
Camila and André hugged one another like the future grandparents they were. Camila was beginning to cry tears of joy, as were a few other people. But Shiro was the loudest of them all.
" There there..." Allura told him, unsure how to help.
Pidge was doing a sort of victory dance.
" There were two dicks! Suck it, Matt!" She whisper shouted to her brother, not wanting to make the mistake of saying naughty stuff in front of the children again. " Does that mean I get ten bucks now?" Pidge chirped, having a shit eating grin while looking at her brother.
Matt sighed through a smile.
" I suppose." He responded. They had to stop making bets. He always lost.
Ronny felt Sasha hugging her happily while the two cheered. She couldn't help but smile like a lovesick idiot. She pictured herself in the future, pictured Keith and Lance with their twins at an eventual baby shower or gender reveal of her own. Veronica blushed, wanting those things with Sasha somewhere up the road. Not that she was going to get pregnant in high school, but Ronny wanted it sometime in her life.
Keith sniffled a little bit, letting a tear or two slip down his cheeks.
He'd never encountered a feeling better than how he felt right then.
(( Wow... so much joy. It makes me wonder... how long will things stay this good? Only time will tell.))
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