
(( Anyone got any extra holy water? I used all mine but it's still not enough. SMUT WARNING!))

It had to be at Keith's house. That was where all the toys were kept.

The night had lagged on and on and Keith kept getting worse and worse. Lance wished that he could throw him up against the wall and pin him there until he submitted. He wished that he could spank Keith's ass until it was raw and tender. That's what he deserved for being such a little brat.

But he couldn't.

Keith was pregnant with their babies, and Lance knew that he couldn't rough him up quite that badly.

On the bright side... he could make sure Keith got punished in a way that wouldn't hurt the twins.

" Are you about finished?" Lance slammed the door to Keith's bedroom, and his eyes were pretty much burning with lust as he backed Keith toward the bed.

He'd had enough.

After the birthday dinner with Lance's family, the alpha had been hurled past the point of handling this maturely. If his parents had caught Keith during any number of the stunts he'd pulled that night, it would've been horrible.

Lance was furious, ready to punish Keith until he was begging for mercy and whining like a little bitch.

" I don't know... am I?" Keith asked sassily, trying his luck. It had worked. The omega had gotten to Lance so much over the course of the day that he'd reached his limit.

The only scary thing was... what the hell was Lance going to do to him? Keith was excited, though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous as well.

Lance was too lost in his anger and pent up desire for revenge to see that Keith was doing this all on purpose. He took a hold of Keith's hair, forcing eye contact between the two of them while the smaller male sat atop the bed.

" One more chance. Tell Daddy you're sorry." Lance growled.

Keith burst out laughing.

" Make me." He retorted, but whimpered when Lance yanked a little harder on his hair.

" Oh, I'll fucking make you." The alpha said menacingly under his breath. " Stay here. Move anywhere and you'll have hell to pay."

Keith stayed in place, acting good momentarily. But he wasn't taking Lance seriously, or so it seemed by his demeanor. On the inside, he was panicking and trying to anticipate what Lance was planning.

Lance's mind swirled with sadistic thoughts. Even though Keith was pregnant, that didn't get him a get out of jail free card.

" Strip down." Lance ordered Keith while kneeling in front of the drawer. Yeah, that drawer.

Keith gulped, hearing the seriousness in Lance's voice. He couldn't help but comply.

Especially after teasing Lance all day, this was what the alpha wanted. It was supposed to be his birthday present after all. Keith would get fully into all this daddy kink stuff just to spoil him.

Lance smirked while looking through all their toys. Handcuffs, lingerie, vibrators, and all the stuff Pidge had given them that day. He never thought he'd see the day where he was happy about Pidge getting them sex toys, but he had. Lance was really going all out with this.

Lance pulled out the special rope that had been given to him earlier in the birthday bag. It was special in the fact that it didn't have stray, itch inducing fibers. And it definitely didn't look like it could be cut, either. Perfect. It was actually just right with what he had in mind. Handcuffs would've been too easy on Keith.

As Keith got out of his clothes, fear was mounting in his chest. It wasn't a bad type of fear, though. He got a sexual thrill from it, from not knowing what Lance was going to do to him.

" I'm waiting, Daddy." Keith impatiently exhaled, really treading on the very thin ice.

Lance turned over his shoulder, and the icy look that he shot at Keith chilled him to the bone. The omega didn't show it on his face, but he was getting actual chills from it.

Once he was down to his boxers, he saw that Lance had grabbed the cock ring, a vibrator, and he'd set aside the rope. Interesting combination.

The fact that Lance wasn't saying anything as he stood up was even more hot and scary at the same time. Keith felt his stomach in his throat as Lance set the stuff on the bed and loomed over him dominantly.

" The boxers." Lance used a very deep voice. " Lose them."

Keith blinked a couple times, seeing that Lance didn't seem to be blinking while staring him down. It was beyond intimidating, and was honestly the most alpha look he'd seen on his face for some time.

He did as Lance asked, tugging on his boxers and setting them on the bed. Lance grabbed them, debating if he should gag Keith with them. But he figured that might've been a little extreme, so he just whipped them to the floor in an angry manner.

" What next?" Keith asked with blatant sarcasm.

Lance grabbed the rope, not bothering to answer him as he flipped Keith to face the wall. He was kneeling on the bed, but he couldn't tell what Lance was doing until he began getting tied up. Lance was binding Keith's forearms together behind him.

Keith couldn't get out even if he tried. Lance had bound it extremely tightly.

That was when Keith finally got an idea of what Lance was thinking.

The alpha laid him on the bed so that he was looking up at the ceiling.

" Such a naughty boy... you're lucky I'm not spanking your ass until you can't sit." Lance whispered, breathing down Keith's neck while reaching for the cock ring.

" I'd love that." Keith retorted.

" Yeah? Let's see how much you like this." Lance raised an eyebrow, situating the ring around Keith's semi hard length. It made the smaller boy squirm from the oppressive sensation. His member had been slowly getting stiffer with every action Lance preformed, and it was only getting harder after he saw the massive tent in Lance's pants.

" Spread your legs further." Lance ordered.

Keith only squeezed his thighs shut, wanting to fuck with Lance even more so. After all, that was the point in all this. He could tell that the alpha was getting into his disobedience.

Lance narrowed his eyes, growling in his throat while crawling by Keith. He didn't look very impressed.

" When I say open your legs, you fucking do it." The taller boy sultrily told Keith. When Lance didn't get a response, he began nipping at Keith's bonding mark, knowing that it was very sensitive especially.

Keith's lips quivered as he tried to keep himself from making any noise. He eventually found himself practically melting as Lance artfully caressed him, and he couldn't keep clenching his legs closed.

" Better~" Lance purred, reaching down to run a finger around Keith's rim. It was getting wetter by the minute, and he felt only a little resistance while sliding in. Keith must've been really turned on for that.

" So wet already... am I turning you on?" Lance asked against the now moist skin of Keith's neck.

" Y-yeah..." Keith stuttered, breathing heavily as Lance thrusted the finger in and out a couple times.

Lance was going somewhere with this, and it wasn't as pleasant as it seemed. This was a punishment, and Keith was soon going to find that out. Lance didn't have to have his cock inside him to experience pleasure from this.

" Good." The alpha insidiously said. He inconspicuously grabbed one of the vibrators. It was a special one, one that had a remote with settings on it. Lance had chosen that one on purpose.

Keith shivered, moaning under his breath as a second digit was added.

" I bet this feels good... you want me, don't you?" Lance spoke down his omega's neck, pulling back to observe his desperately cute face.

Keith nodded.

Lance then took the oval shaped vibrator, bringing his fingers back from Keith's hole. He barely breached the rim with the tip of the currently still vibrator.

Keith squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered quietly as it was eventually inserted into him.

Lance had the remote in his hand while stepping back from the bed.

" Too bad. Only good boys get daddy's attention." Lance folded his arms, pressing the red button on the remote. There were four settings, green, yellow, orange, and red. Red was the most extreme out of them all.

Keith's eyes immediately widened and his back arched far from the bed.

" Ahhh-ahh-ah!" He cried out in a broken fashion. The sounds seemed to be tripping over each other thanks to the brutal vibrations.

Lance smirked, watching a tiny dribble of precum try to escape Keith's tip. It wasn't able to. With that ring on, cumming was practically impossible.

The omega couldn't do anything but squirm and moan loudly. Touching himself wasn't an option with how his hands had been taken out of the equation, and that ring prevented him releasing. His member was begging to be rubbed, to be sucked, to be anything that would give him some god damn friction. It was tender, pretty much throbbing as the toy pulsated inside of him.

" D-Daddy! Please! I'm-AH!" Keith's voice cracked rather notably.

" You're what?" Lance pressed the green button so Keith could at least try to talk. " You're embarrassed? You want some help with your cock, but you can't get it?" He sat in the chair over in the corner of the room, finally unable to ignore his hard-on any longer. " Imagine how I felt at the restaurant earlier."

" I'm s-sorry!" Keith whimpered.

" No you're not." Lance undid his pants, pulling out his cock from his boxers and beginning to stroke it slowly. This was all so unbelievably sexy.

Lance loved being in control, loved being able to take someone like Keith and reduce him into his true omega form. He was livid, but this somehow minimized what had happened that day. Lance loved putting Keith in his place, loved showing him who was truly the boss.

He pressed the red button yet again, causing Keith to nearly thrash. He could barely handle the power of the toy violently shaking. His cock kept twitching, and he was pretty much at his breaking point already.

" FUCK!" Keith felt tears stream from his eyes as he slammed them shut.

Lance ran his thumb over the slit of his cock, massaging it a couple times before pumping it up and down. It was tempting watching Keith on the bed like that. But he knew he could wait.

" P-please! Let m-me c-cum!" The omega choked, struggling in the very tight ropes.

" Oh? You want to cum?" Lance not so innocently asked. " So did I... but I had to sit in that booth and wait."

" I'M S-SORRY!" Keith sobbed in pleasure.

Lance bit his lip. Normally he didn't feel good from watching Keith struggle, but during sex everything changed. Their whole dynamic shifted once the clothes were off and their instincts were active.

The alpha threw his shirt off to the side while standing up, grasping his cock and jacking off at a comfortable pace while approaching Keith.

Keith was trembling and shivering everywhere.

" You know what... I think you learned your lesson. I'll reward you." Lance smirked, shutting the vibrator off by pressing the power button.

" R-really?" Keith stuttered, looking hopeful.

" No." Lance laughed, putting it back on full power. Keith seethed, trying not to scream in response. His member felt like it just might explode from the pent up pressure.

After a little agonizing while longer, Lance turned it off for real. Keith was panting, looking like a heated mess from the overstimulation.

Lance pulled the vibrator out slowly, and Keith mewled while relaxing somewhat. How could anyone relax fully with a jail around their cock like that? Keith sure as hell couldn't.

" Please..." Keith whimpered, and his breath hitched when Lance slowly jerked him off. It was torturous.

" Only good boys get to cum." Lance told him in a very assertive voice.

" I'll be good!" Keith exclaimed, and his voice was wavering with every stroke of Lance's hand.

" Yeah?" The alpha arched a single brow.

Keith rapidly nodded.

" Why do I not believe you?" Lance asked.

Keith was overjoyed that he hadn't genuinely ruined Lance's birthday with his teasing, that he wasn't icing him out with the silent treatment. It came as a major relief to know that he was into it. Keith should've known that much already, but he was happy to have final clarification.

Keith groaned while feeling tingles of pain around the base of his member especially. He wanted so badly to release all over his alpha's hand.

" Daddy... please... I'll b-behave..." He whimpered.

That was exactly what Lance wanted to hear after watching Keith defy him all day. He stopped stroking Keith, which somehow took some of the discomfort away.

Lance slowly got the ring off of him, and not but half a second later cum spurted everywhere. Keith shook and moaned through grit teeth. He tensed even more so against the tight ropes that bound his arms together beneath him.

Though his omega had just came, Lance was far from finished with him.

Keith's breathing wavered as he panted and tried to come down from his high.

" Here's what's going to happen," Lance licked his lips. " You're going to be my good boy and ride me. Mkay?" He neared their faces together while crawling onto the bed more.

Keith could only nod, dizzied from the pleasure he'd just been pummeled with.

Lance laid back in the pillows, being gentle with Keith whilst pulling him toward his lap. This might've been his birthday, but he wasn't going to have a free for all and get too rough on him. Lance's alpha instincts-when it came down to it- were always more concerned about the babies than any sexual desire.

Keith was already wrecked, ready to pass out and go to sleep. But he kept his eyes open, wanting to do whatever he could to make Lance's birthday memorable.

The taller boy lifted Keith a little, positioning him so that he was straddling his lap. He didn't push in quite yet. Lance began untying the ropes, setting Keith free from the very uncomfortable position.

Lance only took a moment to admire the other boy's face. He caressed Keith's cheek with one hand while using his second one to run his cock around Keith's rim.

" You okay?" He asked him, wanting to make sure that Keith was physically able to take more. The omega didn't wait for Lance to breach his entrance. He leaned forward while at the same time guiding himself down onto his alpha's length.

Lance hadn't been expecting Keith to kiss him, but that was exactly what happened as he entered him.

Keith knew that Lance wanted control, so he did his best to stay relatively still in his lap.

" D-Daddy..." The omega gasped on Lance's lips, letting each syllable break apart from pleasure. There wasn't much pain at all, and it wasn't taking him long at all to adjust to Lance's size.

" Shit." Lance exhaled shakily. He pulled Keith closer to himself, letting his hands fall to rest on his hips.

Keith buried his face in the crook of Lance's neck once he started moving his hips, thrusting upward to get his cock deeper.

" Nghhh!" He whined, clenching his teeth to keep his more submissive noises from escaping.

Lance made a grunting sound while burying his cock in the lubricated heat of Keith's walls.

" Come on... you know better." The alpha told Keith, lifting him up to bounce on him a little.

Keith at first didn't realize what he was doing wrong, but then he saw the position he was in. He pulled his face out from Lance's neck, staring into his eyes and allowing a couple tiny moans to part from his lips.

Lance knew that he could make Keith be ten, if not twenty times louder.

He slammed his hips upward a couple times, pushing Keith back down onto his member in time with his thrusts.

" Ahhh!" Keith threw his head back, pitifully moaning and letting the sounds taper off into whines. Lance smirked while continuing with the motion. It eventually reached such a swift pace that it just seemed like one constant thrust. The sound of skin slapping on skin could barely be heard over the practical siren of cries emitting from Keith.

The omega's hands had moved to be on Lance's shoulders; the way his nails dug into his tan skin broke the surface in a painfully blissful way that the taller boy couldn't get enough of. He adored when Keith left marks on his body, no matter what they may have been. It showed everyone else what he could do, that he could make Keith scratch him up in a fit of pleasure.

By that time Keith had grown hard yet again, and he knew that he was barely able to withstand anymore without cumming for second time.

" Daddy! Ahh~" Keith's voice cracked as Lance pounded him some more. This was the most rapid fuck he'd gotten since he couldn't even recall when.

And with that, Lance was getting very close to his orgasm. With all that he'd witnessed Keith do thus far, he was surprised that he'd even made it that long.

" Do want Daddy to cum inside?" Lance asked Keith with his breathing pattern being hot and heavy. He was exerting a lot of energy from the speed and intensity of each thrust.

" Yeah!" Keith felt Lance get even faster after he answered. How the hell could he maintain a pace like that? Lance must've been pretty worked up after that day.

Keith didn't even have to touch himself. The second he felt Lance's release pool inside of him, it was game over. He came dry, unable to muster any release after the first time.

Lance moaned loudly, and he began relaxing soon after his climax tapered off.

They stayed together for a few moments, both too stuck in the residual pleasure to think about moving. But Lance pulled out eventually, letting Keith roll on his side before nuzzling him against his chest.

Cum was leaking from Keith's hole as he hugged and snuggled into his alpha.

" Happy birthday..." The omega told him shyly.

It was then when Keith figured it out; Lance was in the middle. He was loving and affectionate and enjoyed caregiving. Yet... he also loved getting kinky.

Keith felt like an idiot for not knowing sooner.

(( The next chapter might have a little bit of a time jump, Loves. I hope you all don't mind.))

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