
(( I've had awful writers block lately. Sorry for any late updates. But... guess who's in this chapter... drumroll please... read it.))

" I have something to tell you both." Shiro said, sitting across the table from Lance and Keith.

" Lemme guess. Allura got you pregnant?" Lance asked.

" What?!" Shiro's face immediately contorted into an expression that read 'what the fuck.' " No, I can't even get pregnant."

" But you didn't deny the ass fucking part." Keith snickered.

" Our sex life is none of your business. Some of us like to keep that sort of stuff private." Shiro took a sip of his coffee. And Lance opened his mouth to say something, but his face faded into a cringe. He had them there.

" So, what's up?" Keith questioned.

" Well... you see... my boss has fallen very gravely ill. The doctors say he probably won't make it through the night. And even with the unfortunate circumstances, something good came out of it. He called me from the hospital, and explained that he wanted me to take his place at the Garrison. As of late... he's signed the branch over to me." Shiro explained.

" That's great!" Lance exclaimed. " Uh- not that someone is dying- I didn't- um... fuck-"

" Congratulations." Keith cut in.

" Thanks... it's an honor really. I get a corner office and everything." Shiro said, smiling and looking accomplished. He'd made a full comeback from his little fall off the wagon.

" So... what does this mean for us?" Keith raised an eyebrow.

" Well... my salary is going to hit six figures annually. Which means that I can help you guys out a lot more than I would've been able to before." Shiro really did want to assist them. Even though he'd been absolutely livid at first, he'd warmed up to the idea of being an uncle. He was going to spoil them rotten. " You both shouldn't have to pay for everything. Having a baby is expensive."

Keith and Lance looked at each other, then back at Shiro.


How could they have forgotten to tell him?

" Um... Shiro..." Keith stammered. And Lance pulled out his wallet, moving to fish out a picture of Keith's first sonogram. Yes. He kept one in there. Don't judge.

Lance slid the picture across the table, and Shiro took it.

" What am I supposed to be-" Shiro asked, squinting to look at it better. " Wait." He paused. " Wait-is this?! Are you?!"

Keith and Lance's hands under the table inched closer, and soon they were intertwined.

" It's twins." Lance beamed.

Shiro looked like he was about to pass out. He blinked a million times, looking at Keith, the picture, Keith, then back at the photo of his future nieces/nephews or niece and nephew. It didn't matter.

" No?! You're kidding, right?!" Shiro exclaimed, and his eyes began tearing up.

" Nope." Keith smiled.

" Oh my God!" Shiro stood up, pacing around for a second. He couldn't seem to get it through his head.

" Are you shook?" Lance asked with a smirk.

Shiro took a few deep breaths, wondering if his lungs were going to collapse.

" Oh my God." He repeated, unable to process it.

" So... is there anything else you wanted to tell us?" Keith inquired, and Shiro tried to get a grip.

" Um... yeah. I- sorry I lost my train of thought." Shiro exhaled sharply. " There's going to be a company dinner. It's really formal, and my coworkers are all allowed to bring a couple family members. I'm bringing Allura, but I also wanted you both to come... it would mean a lot."

" When?"

" This Saturday."

" I guess... yeah we can go." Lance answered, holding Keith's hand firmer already. He was protective over him upon hearing that there were going to be other people there.

" We'll definitely be there." Keith assured. And Shiro handed Lance the sonogram.

" Glad to hear it."


As the night of the dinner rolled around, Lance was anxious as ever. He couldn't get over the fact that they were in a room with at least a hundred other people. It could turn into prom all over again.

They sat at a circular table in the corner of the very large ballroom. The venue seemed over the top, but apparently the Garrison really found it important to acknowledge Shiro.

" This catering must have cost the company an arm and a leg." Lance said, and although he wasn't complaining, it was a bit much.

" Apparently it's tradition." Allura, who sat next to Lance, added.

" What? Every time someone dies they throw a party?" Keith almost choked.

" I think that's called a funeral." Lance chuckled.

Allura facepalmed, rubbing her temples. She'd already been with Lance and Keith for a couple hours now, and she was starting to lose her mind. Don't get her wrong, she loved her friends... but... their conversations could make her question what she was doing with her life.

Shiro was at a long rectangular table with some of his important coworkers-rather-employees. There was a hiccup that made him unable to be seated with his guests, but he didn't mind too much. After all, they were already on dessert.

" Hey..." Keith nudged Lance, trying to gain his attention. Once his alpha turned, he got up to whisper by his ear. " Can you pass the sugar... Daddy?" He smirked slightly.

Lance shivered, praying that Keith wasn't getting horny. They'd fucked in some pretty outrageous places, but this was where he drew the line.

" I swear to God..." Lance grit his teeth.

Keith laughed loudly, causing people from other tables to turn for a second. Little did he know that him jokingly saying it was enough to activate Lance's alpha instincts.

" Seriously though, the sugar?" The omega asked.

Lance had a blank expression while handing it to him. He was concentrating on not getting pissed, on not dragging Keith out of the room.

Soon enough, it was Shiro's time to get up in front of everyone and give his speech. The room quieted down after he tapped the microphone a couple times to test it. He cleared his throat, referring to a single note card he'd brought with him.

" I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight." Shiro began. " In knowing that I have the full support of my fellow Garrison members, I will have even more motivation to lead you all to places the world has never seen before."

There were words being spoken on the stage, but Keith wasn't really focusing. He didn't have a doubt that Shiro would knock the speech out of the park. So he leaned his head on Lance's shoulder, feeling drowsy all of the sudden.

Lance was trying to pay attention, but when he felt Keith on him, he turned to him. His omega was more important than anyone, or anything else that may have been going on in that room.

" You tired?" Lance whispered, and Keith nodded a little.

It actually came as a relief. Normally Lance would've felt bad for Keith and him getting like this from pregnancy hormones. But he didn't this time. One, Keith was way easier to keep an eye on. And two, Lance's fears about Keith antagonizing him were put to bed.


Ronny knew Lance would kill her if he found out. He would kill Sasha, he would kill anyone involved. But that didn't stop her from opening her bedroom window.

" Your parents aren't home?" Sasha asked, crawling through it.

" It's just my little brothers and grandma. We're fine." She assured.

This was all so cliché.

But Ronny knew she couldn't have just gone out with Sasha. Her abuela would've stopped her the second she touched the front door.

" So... what'd you call me over for?" Sasha wiggled her eyebrows. She saw Netflix pulled up on Ronny's TV screen, and her mind was immediately jumping to conclusions.

" I thought we could watch a movie." Veronica looked up at Sasha, seeing that her green eyes were already locked on her. " And before you even say it, no, we're not going to 'Netflix and Chill'." Ronny folded her arms in front of her chest. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and pajama pants, hoping Sasha wouldn't mind.

" Damn it." The alpha joked, reaching to caress Ronny's cheek and smile while doing so. " Thanks for not getting my hopes up, Ron."

" Nothing else better go up either." Ronny shyly said.

Sasha began blushing immensely.

" Er- um... no promises." She tried to come off as smooth. And Ronny felt proud of herself for causing her to turn red. She could only hope the movie would be done by the time Lance and Keith could get home.


It was a while later, but people were conversing in the very large room. Keith was just ready to go home and sleep, and Lance held him close, letting the omega doze off on his shoulder. He fucking dared anyone to try anything with Keith.

" So, have you been properly introduced?"


" Adam, Shiro doesn't bite. Introduce yourself." One of his coworkers told him. " If you're going to be his secretary, you'll have to get to know Takashi."

Adam adjusted his glasses, brushed off his suit with his hands, and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing. He thought to himself, approaching his new boss.

" Mr. Shirogane?" Adam asked, tapping on Shiro's shoulder. And he turned to face him.

" Yes?"

" I'm... I'm Adam. Your new secretary, or assistant or whatever you want to call it." Adam anxiously said. He was normally so confident, so straight forward. He kicked himself for not being able to express his true personality. His mind was about as useful as a blank slate right then.

" Oh." Shiro smiled, extending his hand. " Nice to meet you."

Adam didn't realize he was blushing until he felt the heat in his cheeks. He shook Shiro's hand, smiling as well.

Was this guy blushing? Shiro couldn't tell, and figured it might've been the weird lighting in the room.

He looked him over, taking in Adam's tanned skin. It still had a pinky undertone to it, but it was very faint. His hair was sort of curled at the very ends, but it wasn't like Shiro was inspecting every detail of his physique.

" Good to meet you too..." Adam said, and his eyes seemed to shine brightly.

Shiro was about to say something else, but he felt an arm around him. It was not-so-subtly placed there.

Allura, who had been watching this little exchange, was not having it. She could smell the gay a mile away.

" Hey, hon." She kissed Shiro's cheek. " Who's this?" She curiously asked.

" Oh, this is my secretary." Shiro told her, confused as to why she was acting so couple-like with him right then. It took away from his efforts to keep things professional.

Adam's eye twitched as he forced a smile.

Okay. So Shiro was with another alpha. Adam's inner omega was quaking.

" I'm Adam." He said, fiddling with his glasses.

" Cool. I'm Allura, Shiro's girlfriend." She put some extra emphasis on the last word, but it only bordered on being sassy. She batted her eyelashes a couple times, and Shiro was so lost.

" Wow." Adam cleared his throat. " You guys make such a cute couple." He scratched the back of his neck, not sure what to do with himself.

" I know." Allura said, staring at Shiro from the corner of her eye. She was an alpha, meaning if she felt any threat to her relationship, she got possessive.

" Well... um... I'm going to go back to- I'm going to go socialize. So, nice meeting you both." Adam rambled, turning around and letting his face relax once they could no longer see it. It was a hardcore cringe.

" What was all that about?" Shiro questioned.

" What?" Allura asked.

" You-" Shiro cut himself off. " Nevermind."


Keith had fallen asleep again on the car ride back to Lance's, and the alpha was carrying him through the front door.

Ronny, who'd heard the front door close, scrambled out of Sasha's arms. She'd agreed to spooning while they watched The Conjuring, but if Lance was home, she had to think fast.

" Woah-"

" That's my brother." Ronny said, grabbing perfume from her nightstand.

" Okay...?" Sasha raised an eyebrow.

" Hide in the closet." Ronny pointed, then realized she was ordering her around. " Um... please?" She awkwardly added.

" This is triggering." Sasha made a face, but went inside of it anyways. The clothing hangers jangled quietly from the movement, but they settled eventually. Sasha was surprised she could even fit in there with all of Ronny's emo clothes and baggy sweaters.

Ronny quickly spritzed herself with the fragrance, then sprayed it all over her room. If that didn't mask Sasha's scent, nothing would.

Lance came up the steps , being very careful with Keith as he arrived upstairs. He opened his bedroom door, slowly walking in. He pulled the covers on his bed back, laying Keith down. There wasn't really a point in waking him up. Plus, he just looked so cute when he slept. Lance could barely stand it.

Lance just took off Keith's shoes, making sure he didn't accidentally awaken him. He put the covers over his boyfriend, fondly admiring him for a second. That was until he stirred somewhat.

Keith's face scrunched up, like he subconsciously knew Lance was going to leave his side for a minute.

The alpha only leaned down, kissing his forehead lightly. And he was relieved when it calmed him down.

" I love you..." Lance whispered. " I'll be right back. I promise."

He cautiously exited the room, though his alpha instincts hated leaving Keith in there by himself. Lance had another omega to check on, namely, Veronica.

He placed three knocks on her closed bedroom door.

Ronny dove onto her bed, snuggling up and acting like she'd been there for a while.

" Yeah?" She called.

And Lance opened the door, peeking his head in. He coughed as soon as he breathed through his nose.

" Ew... what were you spraying in here?" He asked, putting the collar of his shirt up and over his nose.

Sasha didn't dare move in the closet. Somehow standing in there was giving her deja vu.

" Oh, I got a new air freshener." Ronny casually fibbed. She paid little attention to her brother, not wanting to seem like she was guilty of anything.

" Jesus." Lance narrowed his eyes, feeling them watering from the overpowering aroma. " Anyways, Keith and I are home. I just thought I should check on you."

" Okay." Ronny mumbled, watching the movie.

" Night..." Lance slowly backed up, shutting the door. His sister sure was weird.

Once Ronny heard Lance's bedroom door shut, she got up, opening her closet.

" You can come out now." She whispered.

" As much as I want to make a coming out of the closet joke, I have to ask... is your brother... mean?" Sasha kept her voice low.

" Lance? No." Ronny chuckled. " He's actually a really good brother... but he's an alpha."

" Oh... okay... so he's protective." Sasha knew how he felt.

" Exactly. I'm sure he'll love you once you meet him." The omega smiled.

" Ooo~" Sasha smirked. " I get to meet the family already, hm? You must really love me."

" What? Umm- n-no..." Ronny stammered.

" I'm honored." Sasha gushed, though she was completely messing with her. " But... let me take you out on a few more dates first, short stuff."

Lance was back in his room, sitting at his desk and reading over his AP biology notes. The final for this class supposedly sucked ass, and he needed to be ready. Though he was tired, and could've passed out right next to Keith, he needed to do good in this class. He was already accepted to college, yeah. But he needed to stay on track. His and Keith's futures rided on their abilities to get good jobs, and support their kids.

Sleep could wait.

(( This chapter sort of jumps all over the place, I know. And it's short. But I needed to establish a couple things before the upcoming chapters.))

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