Prom Night
(( *deep inhale* For everyone who commented on the last chapter: NO LANCE WILL NOT HAVE A FOOT FETISH BECAUSE-AND I'M NORMALLY NOT ONE TO KINKSHAME- IT'S REALLY GROSS! Now that I have that out of the way, some of you did figure out the correct kink in the comments. Kudos. I'll reveal it sometime in an upcoming chapter. Pay attention to my foreshadowing in this chapter especially. I have been subtly foreshadowing this for a while, but I realize I need to make things a little more obvious.))
" Keith! You're going to mess up my hair!" Lance whined in a panicky tone as Keith raked his hand back through his short brown locks. The gel was done very carefully, and Lance was meticulous about keeping it in place.
" Oh shut up." Keith teased, kissing his boyfriend as they fell back onto the bed. He was on top of Lance, not caring that they were about to leave.
" Babe. We gotta gooo!" Lance laughed.
" It can wait a couple minutes." Keith insisted, pecking kisses on his alpha's cheeks.
" Keith! Lance! Get down here! I need to take pictures!" Shiro called from somewhere downstairs. Keith groaned, just wanting to cuddle and kiss Lance a little longer.
" Fineeee!" The omega answered in a drawn out, annoyed way. After taking pictures at Lance's house with Camila, he wasn't ready for a second round.
" We'll have plenty of time for this later... I promise." Lance smirked, winking at Keith with his trademark flirtatiousness.
As soon as they made their way down the steps, Shiro was right there with his camera in hand. He had watery eyes, and his lip was quivering as he proudly stood there.
They both looked amazingly handsome. Lance's idea about the bowtie switch worked way better than anybody had anticipated.
Keith's red tuxedo was atop his white collared shirt, but instead of his matching tie, he wore Lance's strikingly blue one. It was definitely an unexpected pop of color, but it was somehow fashionable. The same could be said for Lance's outfit, which stood out especially with the bright red tie around his neck.
" Don't cry, Shiro. I'm not getting married or something." Keith chuckled while getting a load of his brother's expression.
" Yet." Lance dashingly smiled at Keith, who blushed instantly.
The couple stood at the foot of the staircase, adjacent to the front door.
" Come on, give me some big smiles." Shiro tried to keep it together, and Keith deadpanned.
" You're not going to make us 'say cheese' are you?" He asked sarcastically.
" It won't kill you to smile." Shiro said, and Keith sighed, plastering a grin on his face. Lance didn't even have to try to achieve the perfect smile. The taller boy draped an arm around Keith's waist, holding him close for the picture.
Shiro was snapping pictures soon enough, knowing that a few of them made the cut for his photo album.
" Okay, give me some silly and cute ones." Shiro said, and Lance leaned to kiss Keith's cheek while eyeing the camera.
" Wait I'm not ready-"
Another photo snapped.
Keith dirty looked Lance, wondering how he could be such a natural at this. Next thing he knew, he was being swept from his feet and into Lance's arms bridal style. Keith was startled at first, and the pictures Shiro took of it were absolutely priceless.
" Are you done yet?" Keith was completely red by the end of the photo op.
" I guess." Shiro sassily replied.
There was a knock on the door, and everyone knew that it was Allura, who was coming to pick Keith and Lance up.
Shiro opened the door, and his jaw dropped when he saw Allura's extravagant ball gown. It was the definition of pink, and it was poofier than just about anything he'd seen before. It had a sweetheart neckline, and she complimented it by wearing a sparkly, thin choker around her neck.
Keith and Lance peeked out from behind the door, and their eyes were wide upon seeing her attire. But Keith noticed what was behind her, parked by the curb. The entire curb.
" Allura, what is that?" He asked, dumbfounded.
" Oh, that? That's a limousine." She shrugged.
" I thought you- nevermind." Lance shook his head.
Was that really necessary? Keith didn't think so, but apparently Allura was going over the top with all of this.
" When you said you were picking them up, you meant that?" Shiro stared at it in awe, taking in the sleek white surface of the limo. It made him jealous that he didn't get to go to prom with them.
" Yeah... is there a problem?" She curiously asked.
" Not at all." Lance took Keith's hand and led him out the door.
The door to the limo was opened for them by a formally dressed chauffeur, and Keith felt like royalty.
" Keith, Lance, can you believe this shit?! It's sick!" Pidge exclaimed as they climbed in. Her, Matt, Hunk, and Shay were already parked atop the comfy seats.
There was a purplish colored lighting in there, and Keith almost felt scared to breathe, not wanting to break something.
There was a mini fridge, and Pidge was currently going through it. Matt looked terrified when she came across a Mountain Dew and pulled it out.
" Oh no." He facepalmed.
" Oh yes." Pidge smirked, plopping back onto the white seat and cracking the ice cold can open.
" This must've cost Allura a fortune." Keith said, taking a seat.
" Hey, I'm not complaining. Her parents probably paid for it anyways." Lance slid next to Keith, keeping an arm over his shoulder.
Everyone looked stunning and pristine.
Shay and Hunk had chosen yellow for their color, so Shay's dress was sequin adorned and shining like the sun. It was form fitting and the bottom was floor length, the top was lacy and covered the front of her chest. It flowed down to form long, lacy sleeves.
Hunk, who was beside her, wore a black and white tuxedo. He had a bowtie of the same sunshiny color.
Then there was Pidge and Matt, who stuck with tradition and matched. Green was their color, but they both didn't wear tuxedos. Pidge's mother had convinced her to wear a dress for once, and it was a deep emerald shade with short sleeves. The bottom of it cut off just below her knees, and for shoes, she'd agreed to wear flats. There would never be a day when Pidge would willingly wear high heels.
" True. But at least she's letting us pay for dinner." Pidge chugged back some of her soda, and everyone was painfully aware of how hyper she'd become from it.
" Yeah, I wouldn't feel right if she covered it. The Melting Pot is so expensive." Shay added.
" I looked it up, and apparently it's really fancy." Matt looked unconvinced about how this would go. Bringing his sister to fancy places hadn't always worked out in the past. But add Klance into the mix, and it was the perfect recipe for chaotic fangirling.
" It better be for how much we're paying for it." Lance scoffed. It would take a whole three days worth of tips for him to cover himself and Keith. That was pretty extreme, so he hoped Keith would at least enjoy it.
" Alright, let's go." Allura said, hopping into the limousine.
They arrived to the restaurant about fifteen minutes later, and Keith gulped when walking in. It was really upscale, and he wasn't used to the professional atmosphere it had.
" It smells so good in here." Pidge excitedly whispered.
" I know right." Allura said, coming forth to talk to the hostess about their reservation.
Lance kept Keith close to himself, not sure if there were any potentially dangerous alphas around. It was better to be safe than sorry.
Soon they were all being ushered back into the restaurant, and there was a very large booth at the end of the dining room. It was rather ambient back there due to the lack of light fixtures. That part was very intentional, and helped to set the romantic mood.
As Keith slid into the booth, he noticed that there were three flat top burners along the center of the table. That must've been where the pots went, he assumed.
They got their menus, waters, and they ordered drinks as well. Keith made sure he ordered his drink cheap, because of course Lance wouldn't let him chip in for their portion.
" Wait, I'm confused. How does this work?" Shay asked, examining the menu closer.
" So we get four courses. Cheese fondue, salad, meat, and then chocolate fondue." Hunk explained.
" If we get meat and salads, then why do we need pots?" Lance questioned, scratching his eyebrow in a confused gesture.
" When they bring you meat and stuff, it's raw. Then they put oil in the pot and bring it to a boil and we cook it ourselves. The only time we don't use the pots is during the salad course." Hunk continued elaborating. Only him and Allura had been to The Melting Pot before-not together obviously- so they were the only ones who weren't lost.
" Ohhh, okay. I get it." Matt finally figured it out, and there was an invisible light bulb that lit up in Pidge's brain.
" Me too."
" Oh no... we have to cook our own stuff? Keith can't cook to save his life." Lance side eyed his boyfriend with a small smirk.
" Shut up!" Keith socked his arm.
" Ouch! What? It's true. You fucked up a cup of ramen noodles." Lance chuckled, rubbing his arm and still feeling the impact from the punch. Damn, he didn't give Keith nearly enough credit; he could pack a punch.
" Wait, seriously?" Hunk laughed from the other side of the booth.
" Sounds like Pidge." Matt joked, but he really wasn't kidding. Pidge could nearly burn down a kitchen while trying to make toast. Toast.
" Whatever, I may not be a good cook, but I have the guts to kill a spider. I don't scream for my little sister like a baby." Pidge narrowed her eyes, sipping her water sassily. Matt looked betrayed, like Pidge had promised to never mention it.
" Lance does that." Keith snorted. " You should hear him, he screams like a little girl."
" That's too many legs, man. I don't mess with that." Lance tried to keep his head held high. Other more macho alphas would've made fun of him for that. But Lance wasn't as manly as he seemed sometimes. He did plenty of 'feminine' things, such as using moisturizer and face masks." I can protect him from anything else." Lance huffed.
" Say whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better." Keith patted his shoulder. " I won't let the spiders get you." He mocked in a baby voice.
Lance was extremely butthurt, not knowing how to respond to that.
" Look what you did now, Keith." Pidge laughed.
" I think you hurt his feelings." Allura giggled, and Keith noted her unintentional Supernatural reference.
Keith poked Lance's cheek, trying to get his attention.
" I will show you just how manly I am if you embarrass me like that again..." Lance turned to Keith and rumbled in his ear loud enough for only his omega to hear.
Keith needed a second.
Scratch that- he needed way more than that. Had Lance really just said that? Now there was something capable of producing sexual tension.
" Right." Keith coughed in a flustered way.
It was a while later, but they'd eventually decided on some cheese fondues. There were plates of certain vegetables, cubes of bread, and even green apples-which Keith found very out of place.
He'd taken to the garlicky cheese fondue, and wasn't shy about dipping into the pot. It was really stringy, and Keith had trouble keeping it on the skewer.
Everyone had three skewers, and the handles were color coded so they wouldn't get mixed up. Keith had red, Lance had blue, Pidge had green etc.
" Woah, don't get it everywhere." Pidge said, watching Keith battle with the hot cheese.
" He's a messy eater if you know what I mean." Lance smirked, and Hunk choked on his water.
" For once I wasn't the one who made the dirty joke." Pidge wore an accomplished smile.
" We're all so proud of you." Allura remarked.
Keith gave Lance the most peeved look ever.
" I'm not the one who decided to cu-" He began to say something, but Lance cut him off by putting a bread cube in his mouth. They were in a nice place. People around them were innocently trying to have dinner, and probably didn't want to hear about Keith's face dripping wet from cum.
" What's this now?" Pidge wiggled her eyebrows. " Go on, Keith..."
" No. I don't wanna know." Hunk had finally recovered from nearly choking on an ice cube.
" Me neither." Shay grimaced.
Keith grabbed one of the bread cubes and tried to shove it in Lance's mouth for revenge.
" Knock it off." Allura scolded them both.
" Yeah, Keith. Behave yourself." Lance challenged him with his facial expression. " I'd hate to have to punish you in front of all these people."
" This is why we can't take you two to nice places." Matt facepalmed.
" I don't know what you mean, this is great." Pidge squealed.
" What are you going to do? Give me a time out like I'm a little kid?" Keith leaned to whisper in Lance's ear. " Please." He scoffed.
Lance growled in the back of his throat. No. He wasn't. But him and Keith would definitely need to have a talk.
After they'd made it through two more courses, it was finally time for the chocolate. There had been so many options. Pidge was adamant about the peanut butter chocolate one, than there was also a Yin and Yang one that Keith and Lance wanted.
Once everything was ready, Keith was dipping a partial strawberry in the black and white one. As the name would suggest, it was Yin and Yang shaped from dark and white chocolate.
He got some from the white side of it, twirling his stick to catch any extra chocolate on it.
After Keith ate it, Lance noticed some of the gooey substance was trickling from the corner of his boyfriend's mouth.
" Hey, Babe." He nudged him, gesturing for Keith to clean it up before Pidge could see it and make a joke.
Keith caught on, making sure to wipe it in time. With Pidge around, they couldn't be too careful.
" This is so fucking good." Pidge seemed amazed as she ate a chocolate covered brownie piece.
" I don't know about anybody else, but I'm stuffed." Lance sat back in the booth.
" Weak." Keith taunted him, eating more.
" I'm not eating for three, shut up." Lance rolled his eyes.
" Excuses excuses." Keith joked.
For whatever reason, Lance wasn't feeling like an alpha that day. Keith kept doing things he should've been able to, and Lance was beginning to get determined to show his masculinity. Keith making fun of him was a trigger for his instincts.
After riding to the school in the limo, everyone began getting out. Obviously they were attracting attention to themselves; not just anyone rolled up to prom in a limousine.
Keith could feel the eyes on them, and he was always paranoid that they'd somehow find out about his pregnancy. But he wasn't showing, and that was what he always told himself to keep from freaking out.
If other alphas around the school found out, Lord knows what could happen. Sometimes people made it their challenge to get with pregnant omegas, treating it as a show of pride. It might've seemed far fetched, but random people might possibly pine after Keith for no other reason than to know they could.
Lance knew that all too well.
" Babe... nobody's looking." Lance reassured Keith, keeping him right against his chest while they walked in the friend group.
" You're sure?" Keith asked, slowing them down.
" Positive." Lance tucked a strand of Keith's hair behind his ear. He may have been annoyed right then, but that wouldn't hinder him from being there for Keith.
" Come on, lovebirds!" Pidge turned and called, seeing the two had pretty much stopped.
" Okay..." Keith said. And Lance kissed the top of his head sweetly.
" Tonight is just about you and I having fun. Don't worry about the other people, I've got you... I promise." Lance whispered. He still hated the idea of bringing his omega in there, but they were past the point of no return.
Keith nodded, and him and Lance went back to going in. They'd have to catch up to the others.
(( I haven't been to prom before, so I'm trying my best to replicate that. If I make any mistakes in the next chapter, that's probably why.))
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