
((Side note, and sort of a PSA. I got some hate for making Shallura break up. Any really nasty comments and PM's have been deleted, but I feel the need to talk about this. I write fanfiction to make other people happy, and to expand my horizons as an author. I would like to think that my followers appreciate what I do, but I began questioning that once I got a bunch of backlash. Please try to remember that I DO read all of your comments, and I do get your messages even if I don't respond to them. If you have a grievance with the story or how I'm choosing to write it, ask yourself the following questions before you decide to voice it; Will this hurt the author's feelings? Is this constructive criticism or just plain rude? And finally, will telling everyone how I feel benefit anyone? If you can't truthfully answer these questions with a civil response, I don't want to hear it. I love my readers, and I know that my stories help a lot of people on a variety of issues they are dealing with. Meeting my personal deadlines, keeping a high GPA, and participating in extracurricular activities is already stressful enough for me. But when the bitter and dissatisfied readers choose to make me feel bad, it's even harder. I get that a lot of people don't think about these sorts of things, but I AM a person, and I DO have feelings. Wattpad is one of the only places that I feel comfortable being who I am, and frankly, one of the places I'm not bullied for it. Please don't be someone to change that for me. Thank you.


Timeskip- Halloween

" Happy Halloween!" Pidge shouted through the Skype call. She, Matt, and Hunk could all be seen in the video feed. Keith gathered that they were inside of the treehouse, and must have been gorged to death on candy. Or at least Pidge had to have been. Nobody was that hyper without a near lethal dose of sugar in their system.

" What are you and Lance doing for it anyways?" Hunk asked.

Keith, who was left with Kosmo in the apartment, shrugged.

" I don't know what we're doing." He said. " I don't really feel like going out."

" What?! Why not?" Pidge seemed shocked.

Before Keith could say anything, Matt chimed in.

" He is pregnant." He told his sister. " Keith probably doesn't wanna do much more than he has to."

" Is it bad that I forgot he was pregananant for a hot second?" Pidge snickered.

" Oh God. Not that meme again." Hunk facepalmed.

" Preganté." Pidge cackled.

Matt and Hunk gave each other a look that spelled out 'help us'.

" I guess this is what we get for letting her have sugar." Matt sighed.

" You all should know better." Keith smiled and shook his head. But then he could hear Kosmo barking from the living room.

In the past while, the puppy had grown a lot. Almost an abnormal amount.

" Wait, wait! Keith! I wanna see Kosmo!" Pidge begged. " You've only sent pictures of him."

Keith realized that out of all the times him and his friends had talked, he'd never brought Kosmo on camera.

" Okay, one second." The omega set his phone down, deciding to bring the husky in. " Kosmo!" He called.

The sound of paws scrambling on the hardwood could be heard echoing through the hall. Kosmo seemed to go berserk for a second until bounding down the hall and flying into Keith and Lance's bedroom. He moved so fast that sometimes Keith wondered if he was teleporting as opposed to running.

Keith laughed a bit as he caught the overly excited puppy. He licked all over the omega's face and panted a little.

" Settle down." Keith chuckled, petting him and scratching behind his ears. Once Kosmo had circled around and found a comfortable position on the bed, Keith picked up the phone.

" Holy shit! He got bigger." Pidge remarked.

" I know right." Keith said, and Kosmo perked up a bit. His golden colored eyes gleamed a bit before he laid back down.

" Where's Lance?" Hunk curiously inquired.

" He should be getting back from football soon." Keith answered.

" How's it going with his teammates? Are they still being little fuckheads to him?" Pidge asked. " I won't hesitate to kick their shins until the bones invert." She threatened, letting her eyebrows sink into a scarier expression.

" No, no, none of that." Hunk patted her shoulder with a nervous chuckle.

" They sort of just ignore him." Keith looked down.

It was then when the front door opened, and Kosmo launched himself from the bed, rushing to greet whoever it was. Keith sat up a bit, waiting for a signal that it was Lance.

" Hey, Babe!" His alpha greeted.

Keith heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe he was still paranoid about staying home alone, especially being as pregnant as he was. But, hey, January first would be there soon. Then the twins could finally get the hell out of him.

Lance smiled while setting down the dinner he'd picked up on the way home. Him and Keith had discovered that the pizza joint near their apartment really knew their stuff, so they were frequent customers when Lance didn't feel like cooking.

Keith got up from bed slowly, and he almost got headrush just from standing.

Lance came in and a fond smile spread onto his face while he embraced the smaller boy. The highlight of his day was always coming home to find Keith waiting for him.

" I missed you." Lance held him close and buried his face into the omega's scent gland. " And them." He added, running his hand over Keith's belly.

" Ahem." Pidge coughed from the other end of the phone. " Lance, do we not get a hello?"

" One second." The alpha said. He had more important things to do, one of them being the gentle kiss he placed on Keith's lips. It was loaded and overflowing with affection and love, and made them both feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Lance cupped one of Keith's cheeks, holding him close and appreciating their contact for all it was worth, savoring every sweet moment of it.

" I missed you too." Keith told him once they pulled back.

" I'm here now." Lance smiled.

" Saps." Hunk teased from the other end. He was completely lighthearted in it, as not to offend anyone.

Lance picked up the phone, holding it and showing himself on camera. Finally he could talk to his friends.


It had been awkward for so long between Shiro and Adam since the... incident. Adam couldn't have regretted it more, and he blamed himself for Shiro and Allura breaking up.

If only he could've controlled his instincts better. Maybe then Shiro wouldn't have suffered heartbreak at the hands of his first real significant other.

Adam focused on his paperwork, avoiding Shiro's eye contact like the plague as he sat there.

Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Adam thought to himself. Every time he was around Shiro, he couldn't have been more impacted by the tension that had formed between them.

Though Shiro had told him it was fine, it had been left at that. There hadn't been some sappy and cliché confession from either of them. It was radio silence as far as Adam was concerned, and he couldn't help but feel like Shiro wasn't talking to him unless it was necessary.

When really, Shiro just had absolutely no fucking clue what to say.

And that had been going on for weeks.

How anyone could stand not clearing the air, neither of them knew. But they were both beginning to tire of it.

It was just a matter of who had the guts to say something first.

Once the end of the day approached, Adam was getting up to leave. He'd grabbed his lightweight coat from the rack, and the dark brown color accented his tan skin rather well.

The omega felt horrible about the whole thing, and he couldn't bring himself to step out the door without trying to talk things through.

Adam sighed, putting his hands in his pockets before approaching Shiro's desk.

Shiro glanced up, waiting for him to say something. His heart began palpitating, nervous for whatever he was planning on telling him. For an alpha, Shiro was such a wuss when it came to talking about feelings. Especially when Allura still hadn't spoken to him.

" Shiro..." Adam said, scuffing his shoe at the ground somewhat. " I-..." He stammered. " I wanted to tell you that I'm still sorry..."

Shiro's eyes widened a bit.

" I told you... it's fine." He responded.

" No, it wasn't." Adam told him with a heavy sense of guilt weighing on his words. " You two broke up because of what I did. I can't forgive myself for that."

Shiro stood up, coming around his desk.

" Listen," The alpha began. " Her and I had been having problems for a while. It was bound to happen eventually... and I'm happier now. Allura and I are just meant to be friends."

" But..." Adam looked to the side. " You got hurt because of me..."

Shiro couldn't argue with him that he'd been hurt, but his eyes had definitely been opened as a result.

" Adam." He said. " You did something I was too scared to do." Shiro admitted, blushing a bit. He had been so scared to tell him how he felt, so he'd hid the emotions away and locked them out. He couldn't do it anymore. Shiro wasn't going to beat himself up over Allura forever.

Adam's face turned red as he stood there. What did Shiro mean by that? Did he feel the same? Was Adam not wrong when he thought that there was something between them?

" Really?" The omega asked, and Shiro nodded. " You-" Adam stuttered, not knowing why his voice seemed to have a mind of its own. " You like me too?"

Shiro had never really been good at intimate or serious conversations. Talking in front of a bunch of people? Piece of cake. Leading meetings and serving as the boss of a multimillion dollar company? It was a breeze. But this? This was out of his league.

He chose not to use his words, the likes of which would've come out as a jumbled mess anyways. Shiro didn't have to force anything as his hand raised to cup Adam's tanned and slightly freckled cheek. There weren't any conflicting instincts, and nobody was fighting him for control or dominance for once.

Adam's hazel eyes beaded from side to side, and his inner omega was completely shook. He couldn't do anything but stand there, stiff and shocked.

" Shiro?" He asked. That look in his eyes wasn't something Adam had ever seen before.

Shiro leaned down a bit, not having to completely hunch his back. Adam was shorter than him, but not so much so that the position they were in was awkward. He gulped, shoving away any fear while allowing his instincts to guide him down the confusing road forward.

An alpha could only hold onto control for so long before they began to slip, and once Shiro's eyes caught another glimpse at Adam's lips, it was all over. He needed to feel them again.

Adam found his eyes widening as Shiro did what they both wanted to and bridged the gap between them. He was so conflicted at first, not wanting to hurt Shiro even more. But eventually his eyes fluttered shut and he settled.

Since the first time he'd seen him, Adam had felt an attraction to Shiro. It didn't matter that he was his boss, or that it might've been considered inappropriate workplace behavior.

Adam's hands moved from his pockets to rest on Shiro's chest gently.

" Does that answer your question?" Shiro murmured after pulling back. Adam could smell the alpha that was practically beaming from Shiro's scent gland. Clearly Allura hadn't been letting him have control for some time, that was the only reasonable explanation.

Adam could've exploded.

What the actual fuck had just happened?! They couldn't even look at each other not but a few minutes earlier!

He nodded, not knowing what to say.


" B-Babe..." Keith stuttered, squirming a bit.

" Hm?" Lance hummed down his neck, continuing to press kisses on his scent gland and nip at it. Keith felt his breath hitch. Pregnancy had made his scent gland almost as sensitive as it would've been during heat.

" N-not in front of Kosmo..." Keith shuddered.

" Come on, Princess~" Lance purred. " He's not looking."

Keith felt his eyes wandering to the left of the couch him and Lance were snuggling on. Kosmo was currently gnawing on a rubber bone and leaving tiny teeth marks in it.

Lance chuckled a bit while decorating his omega's neck with marks. They ranged from deep, purplish red hickeys all the way to love bites. Since him and Keith weren't having sex really at all, he took every opportunity he could to tease him.

Keith felt the babies kicking him somewhat, and it made him completely halt in anything and everything that he might've been doing.

" Lance." He tried to say.

" What?" The alpha asked, nipping at Keith's ear and kissing him. Keith knew that Lance was too distracted to listen to him right then, so he took his hand and moved it atop the baby bump.

Another couple kicks could be felt, and Lance pulled back once the sensation was on his palm. He slid his hand underneath Keith's shirt, putting it against the skin and grinning.

Keith smiled once he saw Lance's face light up. The omega moved to put his hand atop the alpha's and hold it.

" They must like it when I kiss you~" Lance smirked.

Keith blushed.

" Shut up." He chuckled.

" Let me do it some more." Lance teased, pressing kisses to Keith's cheek and upper jawline. Another kick.

" That's just a coincidence." Keith told him.

" Or maybe they're just trying to get their daddy's attention." The alpha smirked.

Keith deadpanned. Lance was such a goofball, but he was his goofball. And that was all that mattered.

Lance contently sighed and held Keith from the side. He buried his face in the omega's neck and continued cuddling him.

" I love you." Keith affectionately said, holding Lance as well.

" I love you too." Lance whispered, enjoying the comforting scent that was centered all over Keith's neck. It wasn't too sweet at first. But after a while, Lance could pick out the nicer and lighter undertones in the aroma. Keith's scent helped spell out who he was, and that's why it was Lance's most favorite thing to smell in the whole universe. It even beat out his mom's cooking, and that was saying something.

" Do you remember last Halloween?" Lance chuckled. " When I made you wear a Playboy Bunny costume?" He smiled while remembering.

" Yeah." Keith wasn't so reminiscent about the costume. It had been so humiliating. " I was so pissed at you."

" I know." Lance pressed another soft kiss on Keith's neck, right on his ticklish spot. " I can't wait to take our kids trick or treating someday." He fondly told him.

Keith paid no mind to the horror movie playing in the background. In all honesty he'd forgotten that Annabelle was even on.

" I can't wait to have the kids." Keith looked down at the bump. " I swear to God they're like bowling balls."

" New Years will be here soon, Babe." Lance reassured. " Just a couple more months."

Keith sighed, snuggling into Lance and relaxing. How the hell had they ended up here? After all the shit they'd been through, after every hurdle they'd jumped together, they were going to have the babies soon.

It was all so crazy, and Keith laughed under his breath while thinking about it.

Lance hummed, as if asking what was so funny.

" To think that this all started with me trying to cheat on Mr. Kolivan's math test." He tried to contain the snickers, but it didn't work.

Lance was confused at first, but then he remembered the whole story.

" You made such a cute cheerleader, though. I'm so happy he caught you." He cooed, closing his eyes and somewhat hiding his face in Keith's mullet.

" I don't think we would've ever ended up together if he hadn't caught me." Keith thought out loud.

" I don't even want to think about that. A life without you wouldn't be worth living." Lance remarked.

" You're such a cheeseball!" Keith exclaimed, and Lance laughed while hugging him closer.

" You love it." The alpha whispered, pressing his lips to the side of Keith's face. He peppered gentle and fluffy kisses there while grinning like a dope. " Remember when you thought you hated me?" He snorted.

" You were kind of a jackass back then." Keith shrugged.

Lance gasped.

" I was not!" He puffed out his bottom lip in a pouty gesture. Keith sent him a look that read 'Seriously?'.

" You used to think Allura was sooo hot and you'd flirt with both of us. And then when I finally called you on it you admitted you liked me." Keith tried to jog his memory.

" You and Allura?" Lance wheezed. " No contest." He rubbed over Keith's belly. " I'd take you, and your gorgeous eyes, and your pretty smile, and your softer than anything lips and your-"

" Stopppp!" Keith whined.

" -And your cute messy hair, and your perfect laugh over her any day." Lance said, snuggling him more and hoping Keith wouldn't combust from how flustered he was.

Their future together would be perfect, and Lance was ready live out the rest of his days with Keith by his side. Marriage, and babies, and everything else life had to offer would be infinitely better with his omega there with him through it all.

He wouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of that.

(( I needed some fluff, so I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.))

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