
(( You all will probably hate me by the end of this chapter.))

Lance just wanted to take Keith home. He wanted to sleep beside his fiancé and praise him all night long for doing such a great job with the c-section, and giving life to their perfect babies.

But he couldn't right then. Due to having a c-section, Keith was confined to the hospital for a minimum of four days, and that meant that Lance wasn't going anywhere. He would be damned if he didn't stay with Keith and watch him as long as he was there.

Very late that night, the twins were in the infant unit where all babies were kept for the duration of the parent's stay.

The smile on Lance's face was practically invincible as he sat at Keith's bedside.

" You're amazing... you know that?" Lance told him while kissing Keith's hand.

Keith, who was doped up on painkillers, turned to look at his alpha. He was coherent, but definitely a little loopy after having the twins removed. Blush spread across his cheeks as he contently rested his head on the pillow.

" You've already told me that a million times." The omega murmured.

" And I'll keep telling you. I'm so proud of you." Lance said in a mushy, cheesy voice. The affections he held for Keith were worn on his sleeve, and especially on his face. " I love you." He leaned to press a gentle kiss on the top of Keith's head.

Not just anybody was strong enough to make it through everything that Keith had, and for that, Lance did way more than just commend him. Some alphas didn't think about their omega's struggles and triumphs at all, but Lance couldn't relate. Nearly every thought that crossed his mind was about Keith, pertaining to Keith, or about the babies, which were pretty much mini Keiths. He was obsessed with the smaller boy, but in a very good way.

Everyone else had gone home due to the visiting hours ending, but Shiro was going on the next flight to Florida. Once he discovered that Lance and Keith's nursery wasn't finished, he'd made it his duty to go down there and do it for them. Despite Lance and Keith telling him that they didn't need help, and that they couldn't feel right about him going through all that work, the older brother insisted.

Four days would go by just like that.

Lance was ready to put up with the nasty hospital food and everything else if it meant he could be there to keep a watchful eye on his babies and Keith. In truth, Lance couldn't have left even if he tried. His bond with Keith was much too deep for him to get very far.

Little did Lance know... his hopes of everything going smoothly after leaving would get shut down.


It was the final day. Keith had been in the care of doctors for four days, and the babies had been under supervision as well. They were both completely healthy. Kai was 5 pounds and 1 ounce while Luna was 6 pounds. According to the doctors, everything was perfectly normal for them. They'd been vaccinated for the standard things, and they'd been given every mandatory test in the book. The twins were the pinnacle of health, and perfection if Lance got to decide that much.

The couple had the babies in their hospital room as they prepared to be discharged.

Keith was holding Luna, and she was clutching his pointer finger in her tiny hand. She cooed at him a bit, and Keith's face was lit up with a loving grin. He looked into her eyes, and it was almost like he was staring into Lance's.

" She has your eyes..." The omega fondly told the taller male, who was sitting beside him with Kai in his arms.

" Yeah?" Lance peered over, catching a glimpse of his baby's eyes. Yeah, a lot of babies were born with blue eyes, but hers were near royal blue. The same could be said for Lance's eyes, except his twinkled as he stared at her.

The alpha put his attention back on Kai, and he was having trouble ascertaining what color his eyes were. They were like Keith's, but greyer in their appearance. Who did that remind Lance of? He thought for a moment before a conclusion popped into his head.

" Kai has Shiro's eye color." Lance said.

" He must've gotten it from my dad." Keith responded.

After all the paperwork had been filed, all Keith and Lance were waiting on was a ride. Shiro was back from Florida, and he'd brought all the essentials the couple would need to bring the babies back with them. He'd been running around like a chicken with his head cut off for the past couple days.

Keith handed Luna to Lance, then moved to get off the bed.

" What are you doing?" Lance questioned, still unsure if Keith should've been walking or standing. The doctors had let him do that after day two, but the alpha was still unconvinced.

" I have to get dressed. Shiro will be here soon." Keith answered with a yawn. Walking itself wasn't quite painful, but he'd found that if he went too fast, it was hell. There was a happy medium, and through much trial and error, Keith eventually found it.

" He's here." Lance said after checking his phone a few minutes later. By that time Keith was putting on his shoes and shakily standing up. He was somewhat weak after the surgery, and Lance was very much aware of it. Keith was just too stubborn to admit to any such thing.

It wasn't much later when Shiro had made his way up to the hospital room with the baby carriers. They doubled as car seats.

" Woah." The older brother said when he saw Keith standing.

" Don't even say it." Keith told him, effectively silencing any concerns Shiro was about to voice. Lance sighed while standing up with his babies in either arm. They were both sleeping thankfully.

Shiro set the carriers on the jumbled hospital bed. Keith sluggishly made his way over to take Kai from Lance and set him into one of them. Kai was lighter, and didn't hurt as much to carry as Luna did. It might've not seemed like much, the nearly one pound difference between them. But Keith's stitches begged to differ. He wasn't allowed to do any heavy lifting at all. There were plenty of restrictions that the doctors had given him.

He couldn't wear a seatbelt too tight, he couldn't do any core exercises-not that he was planning to- and he also couldn't have sex for at least three weeks.

Shiro looked over Keith and Lance's shoulders and his face lifted with a sort of happiness neither of the boys had seen before. Shiro was clearly content with being an uncle.

" Do you want to say hi to uncle Shiro?" Lance asked Luna, cradling her in his arms and glancing over to Shiro. Keith hoped that his alpha wasn't expecting their daughter to answer him. And Shiro's mind was blown that Lance was even willing to let him hold the baby. He hadn't been around for a lot of the other family visits, so he hadn't witnessed everyone else holding the twins.

Lance was trusting with his family in a way that made Shiro's brain exceedingly puzzled. It seemed as though Keith's pregnancy ending put a stop to his extremely excessive protectiveness. Don't get Lance wrong, he would still jump to defend his family in a split second, but his alpha instincts had mellowed out somewhat.

Shiro had tears formulate in the corners of his eyes as Lance let him take Luna from his arms. She was still snoozing even as she transferred grips. Her tiny little purple hat was making his heart melt.

" She's beautiful..." Shiro sniffled.

Keith smiled while buckling his son into the carrier. It was like some sort of complicated braiding to get all the right buckles together, but he figured it out eventually. He couldn't have been more grateful that Kai's sleep wasn't disturbed. The last thing any one of them wanted was for them to be crying and fussing on the whole ride home.

" Keith keeps saying she looks like me." Lance added with a confident smile.

" You're gorgeous, so it makes sense." Keith shrugged. Lance's face tinted pink with a tiny amount of blush. He glanced over at Keith with the most enamoured expression in the history of expressions. It was soft and mushy, seeming as though Lance harbored nothing but love for Keith.

Shiro held Luna close to himself, treating her like a fragile piece of China. He acted like his life depended on the tiny girl's safety, which it sort of did. He wouldn't have been able to live with himself if something bad happened while she was in his arms.

Lance came over by Keith, and after glancing down at Kai, he moved to hug Keith very slowly and carefully. Keith leaned his head on Lance's chest, wrapping his arms around him and enjoying the warmth his body was emitting. It had been a while since he'd been able to hug his alpha.

" You ready to get out of here?" Lance asked him.

" Yes please." Keith chuckled.


After driving back to Shiro's in paranoia, Lance and Keith were relieved to be home. Keith couldn't have felt more content to have been ridden of the hospital gown. He wasn't going to lie that being confined to a bed hurt less than walking did right then, but the last thing he was going to do was complain.

Any amount of suffering for those twins was well worth it.

Shiro and Lance were the ones to carry in the twins, seeing as Keith could barely lift both babies, let alone a baby and a carrier.

" Kosmo!" Keith exclaimed, seeing his puppy bounding toward him once they opened the door. Krolia had been a life saver for looking after him over the four days Keith and Lance were unable to.

Kosmo panted happily while standing on his hind legs and jumping up at Keith. The omega stepped aside from the door to let the other males through, but the second he was out of their way, he was kneeling to give his husky some attention. He was very careful about lowering himself because of his stitches and such.

Kosmo licked all over his face, and Keith grinned while scratching him behind the ears and laughing a bit.

After discovering that there were new people in the house, Kosmo was on the case and investigating. His nose led him around the room, and he caught the twins' scent while seeing the carriers. He barked a few times.

" Kosmo, knock it off." Lance said, setting the carrier down so he could unbuckle Kai. Kai didn't seem very happy about the barking, and his previously sleeping face contorted. He looked like he was about to begin with a crying fit.

Lance's eyes widened.

" It's okay, uh-" He stammered like the nervous father he was. " Come here, little man." Lance picked up his son, noticing that he seemed to ease somewhat. But they'd have to do something about those hospital clothes.

" Kosmo, be nice." Krolia told the puppy in an almost scolding way. The husky sneezed while sniffing at the carrier Shiro held. He was cautious, clearly unsure what was going on.

Keith didn't care that his muscles were fatigued, he wanted his daughter. He took her from the carrier, carefully bringing Luna to his chest as she soundly slept.

" Shiro..." Keith whispered.

The older brother perked up.

" Did you bring any baby clothes up here?" He asked him.

" Of course I did." Shiro triumphantly said. At least he had something to show for his trip to Florida. No offense to Florida, but he wasn't impressed. " They're in my van. Also!" He was clearly excited while remembering something. " You know how you and Lance have onesies?" Shiro smiled.

" Yeah?" Keith responded.

" What about them?" Lance whispered.

" I found the twins onesies like yours. But they're Sesame Street." Shiro bit his lip and was more than a little proud of himself. " You'll be like a onesie family."

" Why am I not surprised?" Keith softly snickered.

And Shiro went out to grab the stuff from his car.

" Oh shit." Lance said.

" What?" Keith looked over at his fiancé, confused at first.

" Literally... oh shit." Lance made a stank face. " I'm going to need to give him a diaper change."

Krolia walked outside and decided to help Shiro bring in everything. There was a lot of stuff after all, such as a diaper bag, clothes, bottles and formula, and even a sort of portable crib for the babies to sleep in. They wouldn't be going back to Florida for a couple days, so they'd need somewhere to nap in the meantime.

Shiro had finished the entire nursery for Lance and Keith. He'd put the cribs together, done everything Keith had been planning on before abruptly having Luna and Kai.

Keith smiled at Lance's face, which was nothing short of hilarious.

" What's so funny?" Lance teased him.

" Nothing." Keith stifled any laughter. He just found it amusing. Something told him he'd have a change of tune once one of them decided to shit again. But whatever. That was just a messy part of parenthood that they'd both have to get used to.

Once Shiro and Krolia had hauled everything inside the house, Lance took the diaper bag.

" I'm going in." He said, sounding like he was going off to fight some sort of battle.

" I'll go make their bottles, okay, Babe?" Keith asked Lance as he trudged up the stairs. He got a nod before Lance disappeared at the top of the steps.

" Do you want me to do that?" Krolia asked, and Keith felt guilty that she was so eager to help him. Especially after everything.

" Actually... take her while I do." He handed Luna to her grandmother with a tiny smile adorning his face.

He got the formula from Shiro, then the bottles.

This was going to be just fine.

After washing the bottles, mixing the formula, and then running the bottles under a stream of warm water, Keith was finally satisfied with how they were. He could've confidently said that they were good enough for his babies.

Lance came in a while later with Luna and Kai, they weren't wearing the onesies Shiro had talked about, but they had on matching footie pajamas. They were button up in the front, and they both had tiny hats on their heads to keep the heat in.

Keith leaned on the counter a bit, not sure how much longer he could get away with standing.

" Do you want to feed them out there?" Lance nodded to the living room.

" That'd be great." Keith winced. His painkillers were definitely starting to wear off.

The omega couldn't even begin to describe how it felt to sit on the couch after everything. It was the best sensation his body had experienced in a long while.

Lance handed Kai to Keith, then took a seat beside him. Keith let Lance have one of the bottles of formula, and he smiled at him widely as they exchanged a loving glance.

Keith very carefully let Kai begin to suck on the nipple of the bottle, not tipping it up much. His cheeks were beginning to hurt from the constant smile that tugged on them. Lance did the same with Luna, who was reaching for the bottle and trying to grab it.

Kosmo jumped up on the end of the couch, sniffing around at Kai. Kai was too in the zone to know the puppy was there, but Keith was hyper aware. He prayed that Kosmo would be decent with the babies.

His wishes were granted as Kosmo laid beside him, curling up right against Keith.

Shiro and Krolia watched from the doorway of the living room, smiling and silent while watching. It really was the most precious thing.

Keith soon decided that he wanted some background noise, so he reached for the TV remote. He switched it on and kept the volume on low. The news channel was on, and go figure. Shiro was always up to date with it.

" Breaking news!" An anchor on the TV announced. It caught Lance and Keith's attention almost immediately. " Multiple inmates have escaped custody of the Galra Correctional Facility this evening. Reports of a riot were given by several sources."

Keith's face sank.

Lance's eyebrows furrowed in anger, and he held Luna closer to himself out of instinct.

" The inmate responsible for inciting the riot is believed to be Lotor Diabazaal, who dislocated his shoulders to escape his handcuffs. He and three other inmates are still missing at this time, and are believed to be armed and dangerous. One guard is left in serious condition tonight after being pistol whipped by him. If you see any of these individuals, please call 911 immediately."

Lotor's, and several other people's pictures flashed on screen.

Keith forgot how to breathe as all of his muscles constricted. He found himself respiring shakily.

" N-no..." Keith stuttered.

Shiro watched with wide eyes, then moved to arm the security system.

Lance felt himself growling almost ferally.

Silent tears streamed down Keith's cheeks.

No. That was the only word he could think.

(( For everyone that was in that huge comment chain last chapter, you're welcome. You got your 'onesie family' so I hope you're happy.))

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