

" Scream, and you're dead." Lotor growled down Keith's neck, keeping the gun pressed against his back. He walked behind the omega, hiding it between their bodies so no one would know. Oh wait. Nobody was outside anyways.

Keith shakily took a deep breath, hoping that Lotor wouldn't find his knife or phone. Those might've been the only things that provided him any chance of escape. That was the only way he could get back to Lance, to their babies, to Kosmo, to everyone else. Keith wasn't fighting for himself anymore. He was fighting for everything he and Lance had worked so hard for, suffered so much for.

He had to be smart about this, and keeping the knife a secret was the only way he could get Lotor when he wasn't expecting it.

Tears raced down Keith's cheeks as he was walked to Lance's car. He was anticipating he'd be tied up and thrown in the backseat... but... maybe his expectations were too high.

Lotor popped the trunk.

" Give me your phone." The alpha ordered.

Keith made no move to do so.

" I don't have it..." He lied, and it was total bullshit. He'd even called Lance earlier. " It's at work."

Lotor narrowed his eyes, yanking on Keith's hair while keeping the gun pressed to his chest.

" Sweetness, why must you lie to me?" He asked, looking like he was hurt. Keith winced, gritting his teeth. It took all of his self control to not take a shot and try and stab him right then. It would've never worked against a gun unless Lotor's guard was down.

Keith pulled away from him, nearly gagging from the nickname Lotor had called him. Lotor used brute strength to pull him closer. And Keith threw the phone at him just so Lotor would get out of his face.

" Good boy." Lotor said, and Keith was retching just from being near him.

Lotor shoved the omega inside of the trunk, slamming the door and moving to pick up Keith's phone from where it'd landed.

Keith panicked after being confined to the cramped, completely black space. He began spiraling into a panic attack while pounding his fists on it and kicking all over the place.

" HELP!" He screeched through his rapid, inefficient breaths. His body convulsed with tremors as he found himself unable to calm down. " SOMEONE HELP!" Keith sobbed.

The engine was turned on not long later. Keith whimpered once he realized that no one was coming. He needed Lance, needed to be with his alpha. To think that Lotor had tied him up like that, made him immobile... it was nauseating. Lance had been forced to be like that. After all, Keith knew his alpha would've fought until his last breath if it meant keeping those babies safe. To let himself be tied like that, there had to have been no other option.

The car was moving in no time, and Keith couldn't even tell which way it was turning. He had zero concept of direction in the darkness. The only thing that gave him any clue was the direction his body swayed to the walls of the trunk everytime.

Keith was going to get him. He just had to wait for the right moment. Who even knew what Lotor could do to him in the meantime.

It was about twenty minutes later by the time the car stopped for good and parked. To Keith, it felt like an eternity. It was as though he'd went hundreds of years without Lance's hugs, Lance's kisses, their twins' crying. Oh, how Keith wished he could hear them right then. The noises that kept him up at night, gave him headaches, now would've been music to his ears.

Keith's senses drowned out after a while, and he wondered if he was in shock. That was until Lotor opened the trunk. Keith's hand went to his back pocket, ready to pull his blade. But then he saw the gun pointed at him, and he decided that he couldn't.

" Get out." Lotor told him.

Keith didn't listen. In fact, he scooted back further into the trunk so that he could be farther away from the alpha.

And that was how Keith was pulled from the back of the car by his hair. Lotor took a fistful of his mullet, and once the majority of Keith's body was outside, he let him drop to the ground.

Keith felt his palms scrape up from the impact. Twigs stabbed into them, and dirt covered him. He looked around his surroundings, seeing that they were parked in the woods. There was a road visible in the distance, but he couldn't make a run for it just yet. He'd need to disable Lotor first.

The alpha roughly took Keith up by the front of his shirt. He kept the barrel of the gun in contact with the smaller boy's chest.

" Do you know how long I've been waiting for you, Keith?" Lotor asked him, licking his lips. And Keith glanced to the very distant street lamp. It was a more country back road by the looks of things, but it was his best chance at getting help. " Hm?" Lotor pressed the gun more to him.

" What if I told you I don't give a fuck?" Keith spat, trembling. He'd run out of tears to cry on the way to wherever they were.

" You have quite the mouth on you. How could I have forgotten?" Lotor chuckled, smirking.

Keith glared at him like his life depended on it. He wanted to rip him apart, shove him in the car, then roll the car off a fucking cliff. Keith had never felt the urge to murder someone before, but it was spreading through his body the more he looked at Lotor. It wouldn't have even been murder at that point. It was self defense, plain and simple.

The omega said nothing. He only stared down at the leaf covered, twiggy forest floor. Lotor used the gun to tilt his head upward, forcing Keith's chin up.

" Why?" Keith finally asked in a shaky voice. " Why can't you just let me and L-Lance be happy?"

" I'm not Lance. That's why." Lotor responded smugly. " Now get in the backseat." He slammed the trunk shut.

" Why?" Keith questioned again, trying to take a step back. He knew that Lotor wouldn't shoot him. Not right then.

" Because I fucking said so. Be a good omega and do as your alpha tells you." Lotor told him in a deep, gravely voice. He was still smirking for whatever reason, and Keith had an idea what he wanted.

If he let him get into it, maybe his guard would be dropped.

" You'll never get away with this." Keith growled, and Lotor shoved him toward the car door. He swung it open, throwing Keith inside.

" What do you know?" Lotor scoffed, smirking while tearing away at Keith's shirt. The omega screamed and thrashed around, desperately trying to keep his clothes on.

" No!" He shouted. " DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Keith shrieked.

Lotor's smirk only widened as he succeeded in tossing Keith's shirt aside. He'd crawled completely over him, and Keith was smacking and punching him frantically.

" You're going to have my babies, and you're going to fucking beg me for it~"

Lotor kissed Keith, and the omega turned his face to the side. He was actually going to throw up.

" NO!" Keith sobbed.

When he felt Lotor pulling on his pants, one of Keith's hands went underneath himself. He kept a grip on the knife, and it slid from his pocket as the pants were ripped from his body. He squeezed the handle until his knuckles turned white.

Lotor leaned over Keith, tracing his tongue along the bonding mark Lance had left over a year prior. He had to overmark Keith if anything was going to go his way.

Keith's eyes widened as he realized what Lotor was going to do. He pulled his knife from the cover slip, and before Lotor knew what was happening, Keith had stabbed him in the shoulder. It was near his collarbone region, and Keith cursed to himself. He'd been aiming for his neck.

Blood sprayed on Keith's face, splattering all over his bare skin.

" FUCKING BITCH!" Lotor hissed, trying to take the knife.

The omega pulled the blade out, snagged his phone from Lotor's pocket in the commotion, and opened the car door behind him. He fell out of the car, then frantically ran into the woods. His breathing was shallow as he sprinted through the trees, following the street lamp he'd spotted earlier.

" KEITH! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Lotor yelled, and Keith heard gunshots firing behind him. He saw one hit the ground around his feet, but kept running and running.

Keith needed to get as far away as he possibly could. He heard branches thwacking behind him, like someone was following after him. How the fuck was Lotor still coming after that?! Was he fucking Michael Myers or some shit?!

Keith didn't look back. He paid no mind to the fact that he was only wearing boxers, socks and luckily shoes. He only propelled on until he reached the road. He ran down it while pulling out his phone. Lance had called?! Had he gotten free?!

He couldn't call his alpha right then. Keith needed 911. His fingers punched the numbers in a jittery, adrenaline filled way. Was it possible to overdose on adrenaline? That's what Keith felt inside of himself if he could.

" 911, what is the nature of your emergency?"

" Hello?! Please help! I've b-been kidnapped!" Keith panted. He looked over his shoulder, then saw Lotor behind him about fifty feet away. He kept running, but the alpha kept getting closer. " He's after me! Please! He has a gun!"

" Sir? Where are you?" The operator asked.

" I don't know!" Keith sobbed. " Some highway in the woods!"

Blood dripped off of Keith's knife as ran, and he was beginning to lose stamina. He didn't know how much longer he could go for.

He looked across the road, deciding he could try to get across it. Maybe he could find someone.

" I don't think so!" Lotor growled, finally catching up in the middle of the road. Keith screamed, feeling himself getting tackled to the pavement. His phone was thrown aside, and his knife flew from his grip.

He crawled away on all fours, trying to get to his knife. Lotor scoffed, pushing Keith off the road. There was a decent sized hill leading up to either side of it, and the omega tumbled, rolling down it.

" Keith, Keith, Keith..." Lotor shook his head, slinking to the knife. He picked it up, and Keith wheezed at the bottom of the hill, having hit a tree trunk there. He weakly tried to stand up. Tiny twigs had been stabbed into his palms, and sticks along with the pavement had scraped up his bare chest.

" You're such an idiot." Lotor struggled to get to his feet. He had to take a knee, and Keith's eyes lit up as headlights came from down the road. Lotor stood up, pointing his gun at the omega. " It's over."

" You're right. For you." Keith coughed, mustering a smile. Lotor made a perplexed face, but then the sound of a large horn blasted through the air. Before he had time to get out of the way, a semi had plowed Lotor over. The snap of bones crunching beneath the many tons of truck was the only sound that filled Keith's ears.

He didn't feel anything besides relief as the tires ran Lotor over, utterly crushing everything that he was. Keith had zero sympathy, zero anything for Lotor besides hatred. But that wasn't the feeling that filled him up right then. After a few seconds, Keith was numb.

He used a tree for support while standing up. His legs were battered from the trip down the hill. Keith looked down at his incision, coughing and finding that it hadn't opened. There wasn't a spot on his body that hadn't felt the brunt of the tumble.

The semi's tires screeched as the driver stopped about a hundred feet from Lotor's body-or rather- what was left of it. The alpha had been turned into roadkill.

Keith wiped some blood from his nose, wondering if it was Lotor's or his own. He limped up the hill, but his legs could barely take it any longer. Keith crumbled once he reached the road. His phone was smushed, clearly having been run over as well.

" Oh my God! Are you okay?!" A man came rushing up, and Keith blinked a couple times. He looked a lot like Shiro, but he wasn't. The omega coughed, wiping some more of Lotor's blood off of himself.

" Do you need hospital?" The man spoke in bad English, and he had a Swedish sounding accent.

Keith just looked up at him, in shock and not knowing what to do.

" My name is Sven, do you understand what I say?" The man asked, and Keith nodded.

" Do you have a phone?" The omega muttered, but before he could be answered, there were sirens in the distance. He smiled a bit, and his eyes lidded in an exhausted way. It was finally over.

The stranger known as Sven stayed with Keith, knowing that he'd have to talk to the police. After all, he'd run someone over.

" Thank you..." Keith whispered. And the man could only look confused as the cops rushed up to Keith.

" Sir? Are you alright?" Officers stormed the scene, and others rushed over to the pile of glop that Lotor had become.

Keith blankly stared into the trees, smiling to himself and feeling free for the first time in over a year. He didn't say anything at first, but then he heard arguing over by the multiple cop cars that showed up.

" LET ME THROUGH!" Was snarled very harshly, and Keith immediately knew who it was. He tried to stand, struggling at first. One of the lady cops helped him up, and Keith saw Lance trying to fend his way through the wall of cops.

" Lance!" Keith's voice broke as he saw him.

" Keith!" Lance yelled, and the police began stepping aside to let the alpha through. " THANK GOD!" Lance sobbed, sprinting over to Keith. The babies were safely in the squad car, and Kosmo had been taken to the vet. He was being treated for a broken rib.

" L-Lance!" Keith felt some fresh tears flush to his eyes. He threw his arms around his alpha, crying into his chest and hugging him with trembling arms.

Lance hated himself in that moment. He'd let this happen. He'd promised to keep Keith safe, yet he'd failed him. He'd failed everyone. The alpha so badly wanted to crawl in a hole and die from shame.

" Where is he?!" Lance growled, pulling back to examine Keith. BLOOD?! " No! You're bleeding!" The taller boy sniffled.

" It's not my blood." Keith told him quietly.

Lance cupped Keith's cheeks, and his eyes were murky with tears as he stared into his fiancé's. He could see that Keith was in shock over everything, and chose to ask all the questions later. He only held his omega close, shielding his half naked body from everyone else.

Lance was thankful that their neighbors had called the cops, otherwise he still would've been stuck to that chair. He wouldn't have been able to hold his omega in his arms.

Lance gazed behind Keith, seeing the pile of pancaked organs and pool of blood. He recognized it was Lotor, and he felt so damn good. Maybe that made him a bad person, maybe it didn't. Lance didn't care.

Lotor's reign of terror was finished for good.

(( Hhhh, Loves! We're nearing the end of the fanfiction. It'll be soon. But luckily I have a new book for you all. It's called Bullets and y'all should totally check it out. If you hate slowburns, but love angst and smut, it's your cup of tea. And speaking of tea... there will be plenty of that in Bullets as well.))

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