
(( Timeskip: about one and a half months.


I had a friend tell me that gender reveal parties are offensive. I don't believe they are. Not to say that people have to be just male or female and stuff, because that's totally not true. People can be whoever they are. Fuck the binary. If anyone else is offended by them, just know that I'm not writing this to be transphobic, because that's the last thing I would ever be. K? K.))

Keith had found that walking in general was a pain. It wasn't just the fact that pregnancy hormones sapped a lot out of him, or that he was exhausted all the time. It was more so that the twins were getting heavier and heavier.

He felt the weight especially in his lower back, and in his thighs.

Pregnancy was supposed to be a journey, was supposed to be amazing for the expecting parents. And Keith was sure that it was great for Lance, but January couldn't get there fast enough for him.

New Years. That was his due date according to Doctor Yeun.

Keith had just gotten home from work, yes, work. Even though Lance insisted that he go on leave early, Keith wasn't about to budge.

It was about four in the afternoon, and Keith wasn't sure if he could keep his eyes open for the hours to come.

" Babe..." Lance frowned, wrapping an arm around him after entering in the alarm code for the security system. One condition for Keith working was that Lance got to drive him there and back. That's right. The insurance company had finally replaced his car much to his relief.

" I'm fine." Keith ran a hand over his rather large tummy.

" There's no shame in calling this off." Lance tried to tell him. " We can just ask Hunk what their genders are right now."

" No. Pidge put in too much effort to make this happen." Keith insisted. " Plus, Hunk went through the trouble of making cupcakes for this and everything, and your extended family will be here."

" My family would understand." Lance told him.

" Lance, this is happening, okay? I can sleep after everyone goes home." Keith walked more into his house, going up the steps and making his way to Lance's and his room. He wanted to get changed before people could start arriving.

Lance sighed, knowing that there was no point in trying to convince Keith any further. His omega had his mind made up, and that meant that there was no changing it. Unless of course sex was involved, 'cause that always worked. But Lance hadn't even made a move on Keith for the past month. It wasn't that the alpha didn't want sex, because he totally wouldn't have minded it. But Keith's sex drive was nowhere to be found recently. His pregnancy had made him even more horny for the previous months, but it seemed to reverse after the five month mark. And once the sixth month mark had come, Keith didn't really have much interest in it at all.

The alpha was completely fine with waiting. After all, he wasn't just with Keith for sex or anything like that. He cared more about his omega's mood and wellbeing than getting his cock wet, and there was nothing more to it than that.

Keith honestly wanted to wear his Spiderman onesie, but it wasn't an option with his ever larger belly. He envied his former self that could fit into the comfy fabric, but he didn't sit and sulk forever. He only put on a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Along with that, he had a dark gray cardigan that was long enough to drape by his knees. And to top it all off-or rather- bottom it all off, he had on a pair of extremely fuzzy socks. It wasn't the most fashionable outfit ever, but Keith wasn't concerned with impressing anyone. If it was soft and loose, he'd be damned if he wasn't wearing it.

" My aunt and uncle are going to think you're so cute." Lance smiled and kissed Keith's cheek as he emerged from the bedroom.

" Oh shut up." The smaller boy chuckled.

The excitement was clear on Lance's face as he grinned with shining pride. He'd been looking forward to finding out for so long that it was killing him to wait any longer. Though an hour didn't seem like much in comparison to the months behind them, it was painstaking to Lance especially.

" I'm telling you, aunt Sophia will start pinching your cheeks and uncle Luis will start freaking out." Lance said.

" Luis?" Keith raised an eyebrow.

" My parents named my brother after him." Lance added, and it made more sense. " Also, my little cousins are going to love you."

" How much do you want to bet that they're going to call me fat?" The omega chuckled.

" You're not fat." Lance brushed the bangs from his face.

" The fuck I'm not." Keith huffed.

The taller boy moved to cup his cheeks, not wanting to hear Keith say that anymore.

" You're not fat. You're pregnant with our perfect little babies, and your bump is beautiful to me." Lance looked straight into Keith's eyes while speaking. Keith found a tiny, yet still very fond smile creeping onto his face.

" You're going to be such a great dad." He spoke, and Lance visibly blushed.

The alpha ran his thumb affectionately on Keith's cheek in a soothing motion. He leaned down, pressing a very light kiss to his lips.

" Lance, Keith!" Pidge called from downstairs. Through all the talking, Keith and Lance had neglected to notice that she was there. The blue and pink balloons tied around the mailbox should've cued them off on the way in, but apparently they hadn't seen those, either.

Lance's eyes fluttered open and an aggravated expression was on his features for a second, but it settled into a small smile. Their perfect kiss had been interrupted, and it seemed like a crime against nature.

" Yeah?!" Keith called back.

" Come down here!" Hunk chimed in from the lower level. Shiro must've let him in with Pidge.

Keith could tell that Lance was a little peeved, so he brushed their lips together a final time before tugging him along by his hand.

" Coming!" Lance replied.

He was really careful while helping Keith down the steps. Though the omega didn't really need help with them, he still was cautious. Lance did everything and anything to make sure that the twins and Keith were safe at all times.

Once they were in the kitchen, the couple had wide eyes. Everything that Pidge had planned out was stunning. And the smell of Hunk's baking was a very prominent aroma that spread out across the house.

" Wow." Lance was dumbfounded and ever grateful for them helping with this.

Keith looked at one of the balloon bundles, seeing that one was rather disproportionate. It had two rounder, less large balloons with a single big one. It looked like a cock formed from balloons, and the omega snorted at it.

Pidge smirked to herself. That was the only one Matt had let her get away with.

" These cupcakes smell great." Lance was reluctant to let go of Keith's hand, but he did so as he approached the kitchen counter.

" Don't even think about it." Hunk guarded the cupcakes and shielded them from Lance.

" Come onnnn!" Lance whined.

There were regular cupcakes arranged on a platter, but there were four different ones. Those were the ones that him and Keith would be biting into to figure out what their babies were. They were filled with a color of frosting that would only be obvious once they were cut open.

Two were for the primary genders, and the other two were for secondary genders.

" So... which color means what?" Lance inspected the cupcakes like an eager child on Christmas Eve. He couldn't exactly shake the cupcakes around to figure out what was inside of them, though. But who was Lance kidding anyhow? The real gifts were currently growing inside of Keith.

" I made a key! And obviously it's color coded, because what are we-" Pidge began saying, but Matt joined in on the final word. " Animals?"

Keith facepalmed. They were so extra.

Pidge grabbed a piece of paper and put it atop the counter. It had an array of different color swatches and what they each meant.

" Okay, pink means it's a girl, blue means it's a boy." She explained, and as Keith peeked over her from behind, Lance pulled him into his side. " Then for the secondary ones, green means alpha, and white means undetermined."

It made enough sense for Lance as he looked over at Keith.

The reason for the alpha and undetermined was because beta and omega traits weren't recognizable until after birth. And even then, it could take the doctors years to figure it out. The only reason alphas were recognizable was because they were bigger, and had knots.

" Come on, Hunk..." Lance begged. " I want to knowww!"

Keith looked down at his belly, unsure what they were. Lance seemed to be dead set on them being a boy and a girl, but he wasn't sure.

" No way!" Hunk guarded the cupcakes more. " You made me swear not to tell you."

" I take it back." Lance groaned.

" You've waited six months, you can handle a little while more." Matt chuckled.

" I think one of them is an omega for sure." Pidge stared down at Keith's bump, poking it and making a 'boop' noise while doing so. Keith made a face, giggling a little bit.

Lance kept his alpha instincts at bay, making sure that they didn't show much at all. When really anyone besides him touched Keith, it was enough to piss his inner alpha off. It was just the fatherly instincts kicking in.

" Well, you know the statistics." Matt said from behind. " If an alpha and an omega have babies, they're more likely to be alphas or omegas. I doubt they'll have any betas."

" Ew. It's summer. Don't talk about math." Lance made a stank face.

" Well..." Hunk trailed off, cringing.

" Don't even! I can't deal with them leaving!" Pidge sniffled.

" We don't leave for a few days." Keith assured, hoping it would help.

It didn't.

How was anyone going to be comforted? Him and Lance were going to be in Florida soon enough. Lance's college year was going to be starting up, and that meant that they'd have to settle in down there.

Shiro had helped them find a nice apartment, and by help, he'd pretty much paid for everything. Keith felt increasingly guilty about it. How would him and Lance ever be self sufficient if Shiro was making everything easy? But whatever. They were in no position to pass up help.

" You guys better visit when you can." Pidge pouted.

" I'll have work and stuff..." Keith said. " There's a Starbucks right down the street from our apartment, and they've already agreed to hire me."

" Who's the boss again?" Lance asked curiously.

" I think her name is Kimberly?" Keith said, but it sounded like he was having trouble remembering. " I'm going to miss Bex and Josh... they were so fun to work with..." He glanced downward.

" It's okay, Babe." Lance hugged Keith into himself, letting the omega lean his face into his chest.

This was going to be so awfully hard. Lance's schoolwork would be killing him along with football practices. If he got to pick, he would've focused on his grades for Keith and the twins' sake. But he couldn't afford to do that. Literally. If he didn't play football, he'd lose his scholarship indefinitely.

They would be thirteen hours from home.

The thought was scary as hell, but Keith wouldn't let it consume him. They'd be fine. They would.

It didn't make it any more comforting to think about how nobody had tried anything since throwing a brick through their window. What if they were still out there? What if they were just waiting for the perfect time to strike?

That's when the doorbell rang.

Since it was Lance and Keith's party, they probably should've been the ones to answer it.

" That's probably my parents." Lance said. He lightly grasped Keith's hand while they walked toward the front door. Lance peeked out the curtains, wanting to make sure that the visitors were friendly. Luckily it was just his family.

" Lance!" Could he heard immediately after the door was opened. Lance let go of Keith while catching his brothers and trying not to get tackled by them.

Keith giggled a little while seeing his fiancé's facial expression of surprise.

" Keith." Camila smiled, coming in and hugging him in her very motherly arms. " Isn't this exciting?" She beamed. Keith had a smile lifting up his features while she pulled away. She was honestly the closest thing he'd ever had to a female role model.

" Yeah." He said, scanning around. Keith saw André, Marco, Luis, her... but where was Ronny? " Where's Ronny?" The omega asked in a confused way.

" She's waiting for Sasha out front." Andre answered while hugging Keith as well.

Then there were more people funneling in. Keith didn't recognize their faces, but Lance clearly did. His face lit up brightly as he set his brothers down.

" Lance!" A couple very high pitched voices called from the porch. Keith watched Lance run out there with a very fond face. Seeing his alpha so happy wasn't something he took for granted, but it was so amazing to see it happen.

" Hey!" Lance exclaimed, seeing his little cousins out there. Estee and Ezra. They were twins, one boy and one girl. They were both omegas, or so the doctor thought. But it made sense. Uncle Luis was an omega, and Sophia was an alpha. It was genetically very likely. Twins were also very common in their family.

They were only about five years old, but they still knew that it was a special occasion when they got to see Lance.

His aunt Sophia and uncle Luis came up a little slower behind their kids, chuckling while seeing Lance scoop them up.

Estee hugged Lance and clung to him while Ezra did the same.

" Hey little lady," Lance said to her. " And you too little man." He loved his cousins so much that it was actually crazy. Lance barely got to see them.

" Good to see you." Sophia smiled brightly. She looked like Camila, except a taller and more built version of her.

" Hey!" Camila came out of the house, hugging her sister and beginning to chit chat with the couple.

" Where's Ronny?" Estee asked in a high pitched voice.

Lance saw his sister standing on the end of the porch.

" Veronica! Come say hi!" The alpha eagerly called.

Keith peeked out from inside the house. He wasn't sure if he should've gone out there. He'd never met this part of Lance's family. Maybe Keith was a little shy. Just a little.

" Go on." André nodded his head out the door, gesturing for Keith to go introduce himself.

Keith saw Lance look over his shoulder, sending him a very affectionate and soft expression while beckoning him out.

The omega stepped out, walking slowly. Lance met him halfway, hugging him and nuzzling his cheek against his own. It only made Keith more shy. His face wasn't a key indicator of his bashfulness. It was more so spelled out in his body language.

" It's okay, Keith. They'll love you." Lance assured while kissing his cheek and brushing his bangs back. Keith felt better while Lance guided him over.

The gasp was the first thing he heard. It was theatrical in volume, but genuine in sound.

" Is that him?!" Sophia gushed, looking past Camila and eyeing Keith. Luis and her exchanged a glance, then smiled widely.

" Yes." Camila folded her arms proudly.

" Sophia, Luis, this is Keith... my fiancé." Lance grinned.

" He's even more handsome than you said. Damn." Sophia remarked.

Luis cleared his throat.

" Don't make the kid uncomfortable." He chuckled.

Keith immediately noticed that Luis wasn't Cuban like most of Lance's family. He was blonde, and short, and looked like a straighter version of Keith.

" What? He's adorable." Sophia pinched Keith's cheek and smiled. Lance held back the urge to growl territorially at his aunt. " Their kids are going to be perfect, I'm calling it right now. They'll be little angels."

Keith laughed nervously.

" Nice to meet you both." He said.

" Should we head inside?" Lance asked, minding his manners and such. Camila had raised him to be very polite in front of their family, and just in general.

" Yeah, sure." Camila shrugged.

Lance couldn't have been more happy while ushering everyone in.

Shiro was inside, finally done getting dressed after his work clothes were too fancy for the party. And he soon was mingling with people as well.

This would be great. Not everyone was there yet, but Lance already knew that it would be one of the best days ever.

(( I LOVE WRITING ABOUT LANCE'S FAMILY SM!! SORRY NOT SORRY! Also, if we eventually meet more of his family and the aunts and uncles and cousin's names aren't right, oops. I wasn't about to just not include them.


There will be another character coming into the story eventually. Fans love her, I love her, and it would be a crime not to include her.

This applies to a couple people ^^ there will just be some characters in general that I haven't include yet.))

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