
(( Surprise, Loves! Here's the last chapter 16 years later!))

" Papa! I promise I've got this..." Luna smiled, looking over at her father, who was currently investigating through the closet. More like tearing it apart in search of an appropriate outfit.

Lance turned over his shoulder, a smile engulfing his face. His daughter folded her arms, her bright blue eyes staring him down.

" Don't give me that look. I have quite the sense of style, young lady." Lance stuck his tongue out at her. He pulled out a pink dress from the closet, holding it up proudly. Luna grimaced before trying to force a smile for him. " What do you think?"

" I think that thing needs to go hide away in the closet, where it will never see the light of day again." She chuckled, coming and taking the dress from him. Pink wasn't her style by a long shot. She raked a hand through her chestnut brunette hair, the hair that resembled Lance's very closely. It was nearly down to her waist from how long it was, and it curled just at the very ends.

" Hey!" Lance pouted.

" What's going on in here?" Someone asked from the doorframe, causing the two to turn their heads.

" Keith! Help me here!" Lance walked around their daughter to his omega, who was currently dressed in sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. His long, black mullet was pulled into a messy bun atop his head, and he peeked around Lance to their daughter.

She held up the pink dress and cringed.

" Lance... you really think any daughter of ours is going to wear pink?" Keith snorted, and Lance pursed his lips. He ruffled his husband's bangs teasingly before leaning on the doorframe.

Luna went back into the closet, more conflicted than before.

" Dad?" She turned to ask, and Keith smiled to himself. He was apparently tagging Lance out when it came to helping her choose. She always called him dad after all, and Lance was papa.

" You really should've picked this stuff ahead of time." Keith came further into the room. " The Valentine's Dance is in a couple hours."

" You think I don't know that?" She sulked. Keith patted her back, and he looked short next to his very tall daughter. She was an alpha, so she had already surpassed him in stature. She was much like Lance in that sense.

Keith went through all the clothes, seeing many band t-shirts and flannels, and a few dresses deep inside of the closet. He saw a black one without sleeves, but then his eyes caught on a red one with long sleeves and a lace pattern near the bottom.

He pulled it out, knowing that red was her favorite color.

" How about this one?" He asked her. " We can find you some nice shoes to go with it, and I'm sure Papa would do your hair up all nice and pretty." The omega smiled. She seemed to settle for it, not wanting to admit how well her dad had picked an outfit. She was 16, so admitting any of her parents were right was a foreign concept.

" I suppose I could." Lance turned up his nose. " If I got an apology."

Luna snickered.

" Maybe after I change." She gestured to the door. They were in her bedroom, the one with dark red walls and some MCR posters scattered around.

" Right." Keith sarcastically said. " You're welcome."

He took Lance's hand on the way out of the room, where they shut the door.

" Were we ever that sassy at that age?" Lance chuckled, looking down at his omega. Keith shrugged, standing on his tiptoes to cup his husband's cheeks. There was some short stubble that Lance had there, which he kept groomed all the time. Keith loved it as he pressed a kiss on his lips, a very short one.

" We should probably go check on Kai... he's all bummed out." Keith told Lance after he pulled back. Lance's eyebrows furrowed in worry.

" Why?" He asked immediately. Did he have to beat someone up? Nobody got to make his baby boy feel bad.

" Since Luna is going to the dance with Brad... he's sad because he doesn't have a boy to go with." Keith sighed, and Lance massaged his palm with his thumb in a soothing gesture.

Ever since Luna had gotten her boyfriend, the one she'd met through soccer... Kai had felt very lonely. He was hoping he could find an alpha to be happy with, and though Keith tried to explain that he was still young, it didn't help. He felt down about it.

" Papa!" Luna called, peeking out from her bedroom.

" Yes?" Lance asked, smiling smugly at her.

" Can you help me with my hair?" She asked shyly, somewhat begrudgingly. " I'm sorry that I didn't like the ugly dress you picked."

Keith burst out laughing, and Lance rolled his eyes playfully.

" Good enough." He said, and she went back inside her room. Lance turned to Keith. " Can you talk to him?"

Keith nodded, holding Lance's hand until the very last moment before he walked into the war zone- or sorry... Luna's room.

Now, onto Kai. Keith had seen him in the kitchen earlier, so that was the first place he decided to check.

Their home was very spacious, being a four bedroom one. With Lance's career in marine biology, and Keith working for the garrison, they made enough money to have a nice place. Hardwood was laid through almost the entire house, and the walls were painted a calming neutral tan color. Pictures of their friends and family lined the walls, and especially in the staircase.

Keith found himself staring at them while making his way down the steps. One of Lance, himself, and little Luna and Kai when they went to beach. Or Shiro, Adam, and their then baby Lia, named after Krolia. She was just about to turn 16 as well, and happened to be very close friends with Luna. She was an omega.

Camila and André were also in pictures, along with Lance's siblings and their children as well, like Ronny and Sasha's son. The McClain family was just utterly huge.

Keith smiled to himself before remembering what he was doing, and stopping himself from getting so sidetracked. He got to the lower level of the house, looking around. The kitchen was empty, and there was no trace of Kai by the breakfast bar or dining room.

His next stop was the living room, where he could hear Japanese coming from already. Keith had watched enough anime to know the language when he heard it, even if he wasn't sure what they were saying without subtitles. He wasn't that much of a weeb.

Kai couldn't relate.

" Dad?" He perked up, seeing Keith in the doorway. He paused the Netflix he was watching, brushing his black bangs back. There was a stripe of purple in his hair, streaked across the front of the bangs.

" Hey... why aren't you getting ready?" Keith asked, coming in and sitting on the comfy grey couch with him. Kai sighed, his dark colored eyes beading as he looked down.

" Because I'd look stupid just standing there by myself." He pouted. Keith could tell by his son's scent that he was genuinely upset, and picked up the variation in the smell immediately. It was really ticking off his parental, protective instincts.

" Just because you didn't get one of those stupid candy gram things doesn't mean someone won't want to dance with you, K." Keith rubbed his back, calling his son the nickname that had stuck with him since forever ago; K.

The high school had enlisted the help of candy and notes to help students ask one another to the dance, called candy grams. Kai had been devastated when his crush hadn't sent him one. He hadn't even told his parents about who he was, mainly because there was an issue.

His crush happened to be Brad's older brother, who was a senior. He thought Luna would've blown a fuse at him if she found out.

" Sometimes you'll find someone where you least expect it, like your father and I did." Keith assured him. " You're so handsome, and I'm sure there's plenty of alphas out there who'd be glad to have you."

" How would you know?" Kai murmured.

" I just do." Keith responded. " Please, will you trust me? You'll never know unless you give it a chance and go..."

" I'd have to ask Luna for a ride." Kai said. He cringed while he remembered that he'd auto failed his most recent driver's test.

" That's the spirit. Now go get dressed." Keith smiled. Kai nodded, getting up.

" Thanks, dad..." He said, and Keith nodded before he left. Once he was gone, Keith could only shake his head and smile wider. Kids. He could remember when he was like him, and it felt like only yesterday when he was stressing over dances. He glanced to the side, looking at the TV. Of course he'd accidentally gotten his son addicted to anime. Oops.

It was a while later before Lance came down into the living room, spotting Keith, who'd gotten himself a drink. It was V-day, and they were both off. Keith figured he could afford to have a glass or two of red wine.

" You survived." He joked after the alpha sat beside him on the couch. The omega exhaled contently when the alpha's arm draped over him.

" Barely." Lance murmured, pressing a kiss on Keith's cheek. Then another. He stole a sip of Keith's wine as well.

" Excuse me." Keith huffed playfully. " Get your own."

" Nope." Lance grinned. " Not when you have some right here."

" Fuck off." Keith said, nuzzling by his alpha's neck and enjoying his scent.

" Maybe later when the kids are gone~" Lance purred. " Speaking of which, how's Kai doing?" He seemed to switch gears once he remembered that Kai had been having an issue.

" I think I convinced him to go and give it a chance." Keith said, and next thing he knew, Lance was pulling him atop his lap. He was lucky he didn't spill his drink all over the place, but he didn't protest as Lance put his chin atop his shoulder and rested it there.

" Well that's good. He's so quiet sometimes it's hard for me to tell when something is wrong." Lance sighed and snuggled into Keith's neck, getting right by his bonding mark. " He reminds me of you... except a little less emo."

Keith was about to say something to refute it, but he knew Lance was right. He just shrugged.

" Hey, Babe... you know what this means?" Lance whispered after a while.

" Hm?" Keith hummed, and Lance held him more snugly.

" We'll have the house to ourselves tonight..." Lance nipped at Keith's ear, making the omega shiver. Keith realized that it was true, and he knew he would have to tell Lance. He'd been waiting for the right moment, and he knew that night was it.

" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Keith asked, letting his voice drop lower than usually.

Lance smirked to himself before biting his lip.

" Maybe you should tell me what you're thinking... I want to make sure we're on the same page." He whispered. Keith turned to look back at him.

" You're such a tease." The omega chuckled, though he loved it.

Lance tugged at the bottom of Keith's sweatshirt, then slipped his hand under the fabric. He felt along the smaller man's abs and massaged them. Right before he was about to whisper something else, there were footsteps thudding down the steps.

Lance stopped feeling him up right away, and Keith innocently drank some wine. They used to fuck everywhere and anywhere, but those days were gone. Their kids didn't need to bear witness to something like that. Hearing it from the other room was one thing, but walking in on stuff like that would've scarred them.

" Dads!" Kai yelled, panicked.

Keith and Lance shot each other a look, both standing up.

" Are you okay?" Lance called, and Keith set his glass down while following his husband toward the shouting.

" Ground her!" Kai pointed to his sister.

" You should be thanking me, twerp!" Luna retorted. Though she was only older than him by a few minutes, she always acted as though she was so much older. " Someone had to do it if you wouldn't-"

" You have no right!" Kai covered his face.

" Luna Eren McClain, what did you do?" Lance asked her, raising a single eyebrow and folding his arms. Keith went over to his son and pulled him into a hug, which he returned.

" Well, Brad is picking me up for the dance, and I got him to bring his older brother, Luke, so that he could be Kai's date and-"

" Wait, you set up a double date?" Keith cut in, and his son began nodding. Kai was blushing and looked like he might've exploded if someone didn't help him. He was all dressed up in khakis and a lavender button up shirt. His hair was gelled back and his sleeves were rolled up to the elbows.

" We all know he likes him..." Luna smiled. " I figured I could help."

Lance looked back at Keith, then between their twins.

" Kai, why are you so upset? I thought you wanted a date?" Lance asked. Kai pulled back from Keith and looked down.

" Babe, he's shy..." Keith told his husband. " He's nervous."

" So who is this 'Luke' character?" Lance looked back at Luna, who was pretty proud of herself from the looks of it.

" He's Brad's alpha brother. A senior, and varsity basketball player. Straight A's and he already has a scholarship to the technical college one town over." She explained.

" I see~" Lance cooed, his eyes shifting over to Kai.

" Sounds like a really good guy, K..." Keith smiled at his son, who seemed to be on the brink of a nuclear meltdown.

" What if I mess it up?" Kai worried.

" You won't. Just be polite and-"

" And keep your clothes on." Lance cut in.

" DAD!" Kai whined.

" What?" Lance chuckled. " I was in high school once, too."

" Shut up shut up shut up!" Kai shook his head, and Luna cackled to herself. There was the sound of tires in the driveway, and Kai looked toward the door in a panicked fashion.

" They're here!" Luna chirped and stopped her brother from scampering up the stairs. " Come on..." She smiled, taking him by the shirt.

Kai whined and gulped, turning completely red. He wished she would've told him earlier, that way he would've had some time to rehearse what he was going to say. Luna was always pulling shit like that. Stupid extroverts.

The doorbell chimed twice in a row, and Lance and Keith stood by the door, just watching their antics. Luna pulled the front door open, grinning brightly. Her bright red lipstick matched her dress, and Lance had really helped doll her up.

" Brad." She smiled, seeing her very tall and blonde boyfriend. He was also an alpha, but they loved each other anyways. Beside the blonde guy stood a slightly taller, toned, brunette. His hair was swept across his face, and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and Kai froze at the sight of him. He stopped trying to escape.

" Come in." Luna stepped aside, letting the brothers inside.

" Hey, sweetheart..." Brad smiled and hugged Luna, then surprised her with a tiny box of chocolates. " I know you're not a flowers kind of girl." He snickered, and she nodded.

" Hello, Mr. McClain, and other Mr. McClain." Brad said.

Lance and Keith smiled, both of them already having met him months ago.

" Hey, Brad, who's this?" Lance asked, looking over at the brunette, the one who was gazing down at Kai with his green eyes already.

" Oh!" Luke exclaimed, realizing he'd been staring at Kai and forgot to greet them. " I'm Luke..."

" Hi..." Kai quietly spoke, and he was met with a blushy expression from Luke.

" Well, Papa, Dad, we have a reservation to get to." Luna said. Brad nodded, nudging his brother and winking before the couple went to the car.

" Hey, Kai." Luke was clearly flustered. " Are you ready to go?" He asked. Kai nodded.

" Woah woah!" Lance said, coming forward. Keith facepalmed, but didn't stop his husband. He'd seen him do the same thing to Brad when they first met him.

Lance shook Luke's hand firmly.

" Do you have him? You're watching him?" He questioned the other, slightly shorter alpha. Lance used his dad voice, and Kai was inevitably embarrassed.

" Yes, sir." Luke stood up straighter.

" And the clothes stay on." Lance smiled in a slightly warning way. " Cool?"

" Yeah- I mean yes." Luke fumbled.

" Okay, we're going. Bye, dads!" Kai insisted, walking out the door and dragging Luke by his wrist. Luke blushed and followed, awkwardly laughing.

Lance watched the car pull away, knowing Luna would keep track of her brother anyhow. He shut the door and leaned back on it, smiling.

" I like him." He told Keith.

" I was wondering if you made him piss his pants for a second there." Keith chuckled. " Shiro who?"

Lance rolled his eyes, coming to pick Keith up. Yes, he still did that whenever he felt like it. Keith went along with it and wrapped his arms behind Lance's neck.

" Now... what do you say... we get back to what we were talking about a little while ago?" Lance smirked, going into the living room and setting his omega down on the couch. It wasn't often when they got the house to themselves, and it was Valentine's day.

" I say that's a great idea..." Keith purred and blushed lightly. Lance laid over top of him and brushed the bangs from his face, meeting their lips together. He couldn't help himself, and his inner alpha was already beyond riled. He could smell that Keith wanted him, and he wasn't about to deny their instincts.

Sex was usually only a couple times a week, so they both saw it as a treat.

Keith's eyes popped open after Lance tossed his shirt aside. He had to tell him.

" L-Lance..." The omega stuttered, pulling him close. His eyes were drawn to their wedding rings, then to Lance's eyes. He'd been meaning to tell him, but there hadn't been a good time until then. They'd talked about it a while back, but nothing had really come of the conversation.

" Yeah?" Lance asked, kissing Keith's neck.

" I'm off the pill..." Keith murmured, and Lance immediately stopped, pulled back, and stared into his husband's eyes. A smile began taking over his lips. So Keith had decided?

" Really?" Lance asked softly, and Keith nodded. He and Lance both knew that they wanted more... and they were ready. They were only 34... and they had plenty of time. " Come here, Babe!" Lance exclaimed excitedly, attacking Keith's neck with kisses.

They were going to do it all over again.


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