Eighteen. After all that build up and anticipation, Lance was finally a legal adult. But he didn't feel different at all when he woke up on that day. Maybe it was because he'd grown up way too fast. Maybe it was because Lotor had stolen away his senior year of high school with all the drama. And he was going to be a dad, a young one, but a father nonetheless.
On that day, Lance wasn't as worried about Lotor striking. After all, plenty of time had gone by since the last time he'd done something to hurt him. Or at least what he assumed was Lotor's doing. Possibly he'd given up his pursuit of devastating them, and his reign of terror was finished for good.
Lance laid there quietly, staying flat on his back and not moving around despite being awake. Keith was snuggled in against his chest, and he didn't dare try to wake him up. When the omega did manage to sleep, it was valuable. Those babies needed it, and their anxiety stricken dad didn't get to relax very often. Lance wasn't going to ruin the silence by moving and probably waking him up.
Keith used to be a very heavy sleeper, one that had to set multiple alarms just to wake up. But now that had changed, been practically reversed. He was always drowsy, but he was easily woken thanks to his paranoia for the twins.
Lance just stared at Keith's peaceful face, smiling to himself while looking at him. If Lance had ever seen perfection, he was it. Screw birthday presents when he got to have Keith and the babies that were slowly growing inside of him. The alpha would've been content with just that. Only them, and not having to worry about protecting them from whoever may have been after them.
That was when Lance's phone ding-donged on the nightstand.
Keith's eyes shot open right afterwards, and Lance was mentally kicking himself for forgetting to silence it the night before.
Lance could feel Keith tense in his arms at first, but he settled back into his chest after a moment.
" Good morning, beautiful." The taller boy smiled.
Keith blinked a couple times, adjusting to the darkness of Lance's room. There was a small night light in the corner, but it was dark other than that. Lance had always kept his curtains closed ever since finding out about the pregnancy.
" Mm..." The omega hummed, nuzzling his face in Lance's neck. And Lance could only try not to combust from the cuteness overload. Keith was too much for him, and the best part was that he didn't even have to try to be adorable.
He only sighed contently, ruffling Keith's messy bedhead somewhat.
" You want me to make breakfast? I don't have to work today." Lance whispered. He knew that Keith loved chocolate chip pancakes, so he thought maybe he could make him some. Sure, they weren't exactly the healthiest thing in the world, but whatever. It had been a long time since he'd made them.
Keith was half asleep as he nodded.
" Alright, Babe." Lance said, slowly scooching out and away from him. He pulled the jumbled covers up and over Keith's sleepy body once he got off the bed. " I love you." Lance murmured, kissing the top of Keith's head.
Keith mumbled a response before burying his face in the pillows and hugging one into himself. He used it as his replacement for Lance, but it didn't get the job done.
Lance felt a tiny flutter of joy in his chest while grabbing his phone and walking from his bedroom. He was amazing.
Once he was going down the steps, he pressed the button to turn on his phone. There were many notifications, but the freshest one was a text from Pidge.
Lance snorted.
Lance 10:07 AM- Thanks lol. And oh no where are you taking us?
While he waited for her to respond, he walked to the kitchen. Camila was already awake, as were his brothers. His mother had the day off, and it brought a bright shining smile to his face.
" Happy birthday!" Marco gleefully exclaimed, running away from his cereal and pouncing into his big brother's arms. Luis wasn't far behind as he followed him.
Lance chuckled, taking note of how big they were both getting. Marco was a little bulkier than Luis was, but either way, they were getting heavier every time he held them. How dare they grow up. He wouldn't allow it.
" How old are you again?" Luis asked.
" 18." Lance smiled.
The boys clung to him for a while longer before climbing off and going back to their breakfast. And Camila got up, adjusting her fuzzy blue robe before coming over to her son.
" Happy birthday, mijo." She hugged him in the way only a mother could. " I hope you know how proud of you your father and I are."
" I love you." Lance grinned, pulling back.
" Any big plans today?" Camila asked, walking back to the kitchen table. Truthfully, she just wanted him to stay home.
Andre came into the kitchen in pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt.
" There's the birthday boy." He proudly said. " Come here." The older alpha tucked Lance into a hug. Holy hell. He made Lance look short in comparison.
Work had been sort of slow lately. Ever since Shiro had come back from the vacation, he had more paperwork than ever. Being the boss was amazing, and the salary was especially cushioned, but after a while, Shiro swore that the words jumped around the pages.
Over and over his signature was transferred to documents. He definitely needed to invest in a stamp for it, because damn, his hand was beginning to dull from holding the pen for so long. Normally he would've just put up with the hassle of paperwork and powered through to get it over with.
On this day in particular, however... focusing was impossible.
Shiro found that he was glancing up toward Adam's desk every so often. He couldn't think straight, and he felt this weird tingle. His alpha instincts? Why would they be activating? They typically stayed dormant, not showing much unless something serious happened.
Adam was busy filing different papers; he never caught Shiro staring.
Shiro didn't know what was different. Every time he attempted to put his finger on it, he came up just short of having an answer.
Adam knew that he really shouldn't have come to work that day. After all, he got paid leave for heats and such. But he didn't want to leave Shiro at work without a secretary, so he suffered through the suppressants.
Despite being unhealthy, the pills actually stopped the lubrication and sweating. They didn't quite stop his scent glands from producing the strong aroma, though. It helped lessen the severity of the smell, but it was still there.
Four days. That was the duration of his normal heats. Adam figured he could put up with it, as not to inconvenience his boss.
The cramps were awful as he sat in his rolling desk chair and sorted things. He didn't exactly have an alpha to help him, and he wasn't going to spend it alone. Well, technically he was spending it by himself, but he wasn't taking off to alleviate the pain. Heats couldn't just pause his life like that.
" Takashi, you need to fill this one out." Adam got up from his seat, apprehensively approaching his desk and extending a file to him.
Shiro's eyes were huge as he sat there. A sudden smack of realization had just rippled across his face.
He had a girlfriend. He couldn't even be thinking about the pheromones.
" Er-" Shiro shot up from his seat. " I'll be back!" He rushed from the room before his instincts could force him into something idiotic and hormone driven.
He ducked into the bathroom, locking the deadbolt on the door.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
What the actual fuck?!
Since when had omega scents ever gotten to him like that?!
It was sweet because of obvious reasons, but it somehow had a more masculine and powerful undertone. It mimicked Allura's, but it was... sweeter. And more- nope! Shiro wouldn't even let himself think it.
Keith's eyes were wide when he remembered that it was Lance's birthday. So the day had finally come? He was taking a massive gamble with this, and if it went wrong, it had the potential to ruin Lance's birthday and genuinely piss him off. Not in a hot way.
He was trying something new, hoping that Lance would like it if he misbehaved. The tricky part was knowing when to strike. The last thing Lance would've wanted was for his parents to find out about his little... fetish. That wouldn't have been very cool.
" Keith~" Lance cooed while opening the bedroom door and stepping in. He had a breakfast tray with him. Or was it called a lap table? Keith had no clue what the fancy terminology was for it.
This said a lot.
It was Lance's birthday, yet there he was, making breakfast in bed for Keith.
Keith groggily blinked a few times, not having much time to sit up before Lance set the tray on the bed.
The alpha's smile seemed to be unshakable.
" Happy birthday, Babe." Keith yawned, and he soon found Lance's arms around him. He laid him on the bed, spooning him from the side and kissing his cheek.
" Why thank you." Lance chuckled. " I'm officially legal."
" Like that ever stopped us." Keith laughed in his throat.
" You couldn't keep your hands off me~" Lance purred and dashingly smirked at him.
Keith inhaled, looking like he was about to refute it. But then he just shrugged, deciding that Lance wasn't wrong.
" What's all this?" The omega gestured to the chocolate chip pancakes and bottle of syrup. Lance had also taken the liberty of making him coffee. It was honestly a miracle that nothing had tipped over onto Lance's bed at that point.
" Your breakfast. But I didn't make much. Apparently Pidge and the others want to take us to lunch." Lance told him, burying his face in Keith's muddled mullet from behind.
Keith immediately had to rethink his game plan.
What the hell was he supposed to do with the others around?
He had a plan for later that night. Keith was sure that Lance's family had something set up. But the night was his. He had to be careful with the build up.
Apparently some daddies liked punishing their littles for barely any reason at all. They merely had to step out of line once to get spanked. But others had a breaking point.
Again, Keith had no idea what he was jumping into.
It could go great, or he could fuck the whole thing up. It was really scary as he thought about it, but the sparks of excitement he felt outweighed his anxiety.
He'd seen what had happened the last time he tried teasing Lance. And even though Keith had promised that he wouldn't try that shit again, he was curious.
The omega could only hope they could make it inside the house first. Fucking in Shiro's van was pretty low even for them.
Since Pidge had a car, she had offered to swing by and pick them up. Lunch had sort of turned into going out at three in the afternoon. She had a way of getting wrapped up in things, and was prone to being late because of it.
Lance and Keith hopped in the backseat, and Matt was back there with them. Keith was the smallest even in spite of the pregnancy, so he had to sit in the middle.
" If you guys start making out back here I'm going to cry." Matt said, clearly expecting them to get... affectionate. Him and Hunk had had a Rock Paper Scissors tournament just to determine who'd be stuck with them.
Keith's face was red as he glanced over at Lance.
" Warn me if you do. I'll adjust my mirror first." Pidge smirked. She was pretty much a living Lenny face.
Lance didn't get too flustered as he wrapped an arm around Keith.
" You're so creepy." Hunk shuddered and looked at Pidge.
" I know." She beamed, switching on the stereo and ripping out into the road. Partition by Beyoncé was blasting from the speakers as they zoomed down the street.
Holy fuck.
Who would've expected that Pidge was a bad driver? She didn't like the term bad. She safely sped. Because it was totally a thing if she were to be asked.
Keith felt himself being pressed back into the seat from momentum. He scooted closer to Lance, not knowing what to expect.
Thank the lord that Olive Garden wasn't far away. It was Lance's favorite place when it came down to it. La Cocina Grandiosa had lost some of its appeal after Lance began working there. It wasn't just a place to grab lunch anymore. It was work.
Lance and Keith squeezed into one side of the very long booth. Hunk, Matt, and Pidge were on the other side.
Keith kept looking Lance over, trying to figure out what might've gotten under his skin. He was plotting even after their orders were placed.
" So." Hunk began. " How has your birthday been so far?" He asked Lance, taking a sip from his lemonade that he'd gotten a while ago.
" Any day with Keith is the best day ever." Lance answered, pressing his cheek to Keith's and affectionately hugging him from the side.
Pidge made an 'eeee' sounding noise while trying not to spit out her tea.
" Well yeah. But seriously." Hunk chuckled.
" It's been good, actually." Lance responded.
" Nobody's tried to kill us. That's always a plus." Keith said.
The table was awkward after that until their soups and salads arrived. Keith reached for a breadstick, putting it on his side plate and biting his lip. Lance gave him a questionable expression while using tongs to put salad in his bowl.
Keith leaned over toward his ear.
" It's so big... I don't think it'll fit in my mouth..." The omega sultrily whispered, cupping his hand around so nobody could hear. It also prevented anyone from seeing the very subtle nipping he did at Lance's ear.
Lance's face faded crimson as he almost dropped the tongs. He covered his mouth and tried to concentrate on staying calm. That came out of nowhere!
Keith knew not to fuck with him like that in public.
" Ahem." Pidge cleared her throat. " I would like to take this opportunity to give Lance his birthday present."
She lifted up a blue bag that was loaded and overfilled with tissue paper.
" When did you bring that in here?" Lance coughed, side eyeing Keith. The smaller boy acted as though he hadn't done anything at all.
" Maybe you were too busy watching Keith's ass on the way in to notice." Pidge snickered, passing it over the table. After Lance had it in his lap, Keith scooted to be right beside his alpha. His hand slid under the present to rest in between his legs.
" Why am I scared to o-open this?" Lance's voice soggied as he felt Keith's hand on his crotch.
" What did you do?" Matt asked his sister.
" I don't wanna look." Hunk covered his eyes.
" Go ahead and open it..." Keith said in an eerily normal voice while he massaged Lance's member through his jeans. If he knew how to piss him off, this was it.
Lance shivered, finding himself unable to say anything. He merely let a low growl escape his throat. It was warning, telling Keith to knock it off before he could get hard in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
There was a brief sort of silence between everyone as Lance reached down into the bag. There was an abundance of things in there that he could feel.
" Is this a-" Lance's eyes went wide as he moved the tissue paper aside. " Pidge!" He exclaimed. Keith squeezed him before he could say much else.
And that was all it took for him to start hardening beneath the table. Nobody seemed to notice the way that the birthday bag elevated from Lance's lap.
" D-did you get me a cock ring?!" Lance stammered in a whispery tone. He grit his teeth, not wanting to call Keith out in front of everyone.
" Keep digging." Pidge sipped her tea.
" Flavored condoms? Nice." Keith smirked.
Lance could not have been any more red while he pulled away the final paper. He bit his lip to keep from groaning as Keith continued fucking with his cock. What kind of torture was this?! Keith best have believed that Lance would be getting him back for this.
Lance pulled out the end of what he discovered to be a rope.
" Are you crazy?!" Matt squawked in an embarrassed fashion.
" If crazy equals genius." Pidge cackled.
Keith silently appreciated her reference, smirking to himself.
Lance couldn't stand it anymore as he got by Keith's ear.
" You're so fucked." He used his base-like tone while growling in the omega's ear. And Keith pulled his hand back, denying his alpha anymore friction.
Now that was just evil.
(( R.i.p. Keith's ass.))
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