Double Trouble
When Keith was woken up by his phone ringing, he couldn't help but worry if it was another drunk dial from his brother.
He groaned, reaching for it and seeing that it was Starbucks calling.
" Shit!" Keith whispered, clearing his throat and doing his best to sound awake.
Lance, who was next to him, groaned and rolled over.
" Hello?" Keith answered, seeming as professional as he could.
" Hi, yes, is this Keith?" There was a voice from the other side.
" Yes, may I ask who's calling?" Keith hated the way he sounded. It was so... formal.
" This is Josh Keaton, I'm the manager at Starbucks?" The person, whose name was apparently Josh, responded.
" Oh, right. They said I'd be getting a call from you." Keith combed through his bedhead with his fingers. Why the hell was he calling so early? Wait, what time even was it?
Keith pulled the phone back from his ear, and saw that it was 7:16 AM. Yeah, way too early for this.
" So, I've processed your job application and I think you'd make a great addition to the staff. How would you feel about coming in for an interview?" Josh asked, and Keith could pretty much hear his smile.
Lance squinted at Keith, still trying to figure out what was going on. His mind was hazy from sleep, so he was a little slower than normally.
" I think that'd be great." Keith said, feeling his eyes water as he forced a yawn back. " When?"
" Today, say... maybe..." Josh hemmed and hawed for a second before coming to a decision. " Four this afternoon? If that works for you."
" That's perfect." Keith really wanted to be sarcastic, but this was probably his new boss. He couldn't be that way with him just yet. Josh could've been a stickler, and Keith had to walk on eggshells at first because he didn't know his demeanor.
" Wonderful. I'll see you then." Josh said. And Keith hung up after giving him a simple response back. He then collapsed back into the pillows.
" Who was that?" Lance mumbled, cuddling into the comforting warmth Keith possessed.
" It was the boss at Starbucks." Keith grumbled. " He wants me to do an interview."
" That's great, Babe." Lance kissed his boyfriend's forehead. It almost looked like he was going to go back to sleep, but they couldn't do that. After all, it was time for school.
" We have to get up... come on." Keith shoved Lance lightly and shook him.
" Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" Lance groaned crankily and buried his face in the omega's neck.
" I'm about two seconds away from giving you a purple nurple if you don't move." Keith threatened, already in no mood to put up with anything.
That made Lance shoot back. Oh hell no.
" That's what I thought." Keith chuckled, moving to sit at the foot of the bed. He got up, walking to Lance's bathroom to shower.
Lance knew he would be getting him back for that later. He didn't know how just yet, but the taller boy would figure something out.
Lance was too tired to fuck with a shower that morning. He wasn't dirty or anything, and his hair wasn't greasy by any regard, so he could spring for skipping it.
He slipped on a fresh shirt, which happened to be his favorite blue and off-white long sleeved one. And after he'd finished the outfit off with jeans, and Deadpool socks, he exited the room. Lance wasn't going for a fashionable look that day. It was more about what felt comfortable.
The alpha was busy yawning when he bumped into something-correction- someone, in the hallway. He opened his eyes, instinctively grabbing the person's shoulders so they wouldn't trip.
" Ronny?"
" Watch it." His sister growled in a bitchy tone.
Lance then smelled something, and even with his drowsiness, it was enough to alarm him.
" Woah, woah, woah there." He said, stopping her mid-step. " You're not going anywhere."
Lance got closer, sniffing his sister. It wasn't as creepy as it sounded. She definitely smelled sweet, like milk and honey. He felt at her hair, immediately noticing that it was damp with sweat.
Well, this wasn't rocket science.
" Why?" Ronny raised an eyebrow at him.
" You, my sister, are in heat. And you're not leaving this house." Lance said, already protective over his sister.
" I'm not even an omega, idiot!" Ronny exclaimed.
" You just presented as one." Lance sighed, ushering his sister toward her room. The doctor was apparently wrong when they told them she was a beta a couple years earlier.
" Mooooommm!" Ronny called, moving away from Lance and thumping down the stairs. He facepalmed, pinching the bridge of his nose. So. Ronny was an omega. Okay.
" Ronny, keep it down. Your father is still sleeping." Camila scolded her as she came flying into the kitchen. Marco and Luis were eating cereal at the kitchen table, and were too young to pick up on the scent.
" Mom!" She whined, wiping some sweat from her forehead and looking at it in horror.
It was then when Camila smelled it.
" She's about to hit a heat." Lance said as he came into the kitchen.
" Oh, honey." Camila used her mom voice, swiping some hair from her daughter's face. " I always knew the doctor was wrong."
" What do I do?!" Ronny frantically asked.
" You get to stay up in your room. And draw your curtains. And lock your door." Lance seriously said. His sister was too young to be spending a heat with an alpha, so that was her only option.
" I didn't ask for comments from the peanut gallery, thanks." Ronny glared at him.
" Ahem." Camila cleared her throat as if telling her to watch her tone.
" Where's Keith?? I need to talk to Keith." Ronny questioned nobody in particular in a panicky way.
" Keith? Why would you need to talk to him?" Her mother asked in a puzzled fashion. Did Keith know something she didn't?
" He's taking a shower." Lance said. " But I'm sure we can help you just fine." He tried to get his alpha instincts in control. It was primal for him to protect omegas, especially his family.
" Mamá, what's happening?" Marco asked through a mouthful of Apple Jacks.
" Nothing. Just eat your breakfast." Lance decided he was going to distract them. And Camila and Veronica went to the other room.
" Is someone going to die?!" Luis had a momentary freak out.
" Why do you always think that?" Lance chuckled. Nobody was going to die. Unless of course someone touched his sister. That would call for a death sentence.
Keith was toweling off after his very short shower, and he was debating what to wear. He eventually put on a grayish black t-shirt, as well as his red yellow and white jacket. To go with it, he wore his leggings, and he'd eventually put on his boots to finish it off.
He made his way down the stairs, where he was met by Lance, who looked pretty on edge.
" You okay?" Keith found Lance's arm around him soon enough.
" My sister-who apparently is an omega- is hitting a heat." Lance shook his head, not knowing what he was going to do. His sister wasn't very good at following directions, so he hoped they wouldn't have to take drastic measures to keep her indoors.
" I could've told you she was an omega. Are you seriously surprised?" Keith asked, not shocked at all.
" Considering the doctor told us she was a beta, yeah I am." Lance grit his teeth. One more thing to worry about. He already had one omega and an unborn child to protect. How could he handle a second one?
" Where is she?"
They walked into the kitchen, and there was crying that could be heard from the adjacent room. Keith left Lance with his brothers while trying to find the source of it.
He peeked his head in, and Camila seemed to be having trouble calming her down.
" Hey..." Keith greeted awkwardly. And Ronny perked up when she heard him. Camila looked at Keith, then back at her daughter, wondering if he could help her.
" Keith, Lance, before I forget, the doctors appointment is for today. I'll have to take you both there in a while." Camila said. " I have to go wake up André. He'll keep an eye on her while we're gone." She was hoping that everything would work out. This was definitely complicating an already busy day.
" Okay..." Keith came in, practically tagging Camila out.
" Keith... wh-what about Sasha?" She sniffled.
" What about who?" Lance asked from his spot behind the doorframe. Both omegas stood stiff.
" Back off, Lance!" Ronny yelled.
" Not until you tell me who Sasha is." Lance narrowed his eyes at them both. And Keith knew he wasn't about to get in the middle of this.
" None of your business!" She hissed, wiping away some tears from her cheeks. Lance realized he probably wasn't making this situation any easier for her, and that she was already shaken up. He wasn't going to be like Shiro, and yell at her for not telling him.
Lance sighed.
" Listen, if there's someone you've been talking to... I think you should at least tell me. You're still young, and I don't want you to do something you'll regret later." He said.
" I've been talking to Keith. I knew you'd be like this." Ronny dirty looked him.
Keith gave Lance a nervous smile, hoping he wouldn't be pissed at him for withholding the information.
" Wow. Okay." Lance ran a hand back through his hair. So the omegas were some sort of clique? He felt like he was missing out.
" Babe, she was asking me for advice. What was I supposed to do?" Keith raised an eyebrow at Lance, trying to make him understand.
" Yeah, no. I get it. But who's supposed to protect you? Ronny, I don't want to see you get hurt..." The alpha looked to the side.
" You and Keith fucked on his first heat." She retorted, folding her arms.
The couple sighed in unison.
" That was different." Lance said.
" How?" Ronny looked unconvinced.
" Well, for one, Lance and I had been together for a while. And we'd gone on a couple dates and he'd proven that he cared about me." Keith explained. " It's not that I think Sasha doesn't care about you, it's that you both aren't even officially together. You haven't gone out on dates. You haven't done any of the things Lance and I did before... you know?" He was calm, hoping that he wouldn't set her off during this extremely temperamental time.
Before Ronny could say anything else, she was doubling over in pain.
" F-fuck!" She cursed, and Lance caught her before she could topple over holding her abdomen.
" Oh God. It's starting." Lance looked at Keith.
" We have to get her upstairs in private." Keith told Lance, who picked his sister up. She was crying even more, but now it was from the searing burn taking hold in her stomach. Everything was on fire, almost like it was being torn apart by a flaming chainsaw. She was in too much pain to retaliate as they brought her upstairs.
Camila and a very drowsy looking André were upstairs as well.
" Mamá, it's about to get really bad..." Lance glanced at his mother in a really concerned way, silently asking for guidance.
" Somebody get me some God damn heat suppressants!" Ronny hissed. And Camila wasn't focusing on her potty mouth as much as the pain she was experiencing.
" Are you sure you want to use those? We can't use them for every heat." Camila knew that the pills weren't the healthiest. But as long as they weren't used habitually, they wouldn't hurt anyone.
Veronica nodded her head rapidly.
Keith would've told her that the pills didn't stop everything, that she'd still get some symptoms, but at that point, he was certain she wasn't going to listen. Plus, it was her body, and her choice how she wanted to handle her heat.
Camila and André looked at each other, knowing that they couldn't stand to see their only daughter in pain. They'd never had to deal with one of their children going into heat before, so they were new to it. Luis and Marco were too young for that yet, though they were ninety nine percent sure that Marco was an alpha and Luis was an omega. And of course Lance had ruts, but he knew how to handle them himself. And ruts weren't nearly as bad as heats were.
" Okay, while Keith and Lance are at the doctor, I'll go get you some." She said, and Lance took Ronny into her room. " Speaking of which, we have to go for that-like... now." Camila checked her watch.
" I can handle everything here." André gave his clearly stressed out wife a smile.
" Keith, Lance, get Marco and Luis in the car. Please? I have to get them to their day care." Camila asked them after Lance came out of his sister's room.
" Okay." Lance said right away, not questioning her at all. He knew that his brothers went to the school's child service before the actual school day started, so this was pretty routine.
It was a while later by the time the twins were at school and Camila was driving Keith and Lance to the clinic.
" So... who is this doctor we're seeing?" Lance asked, holding Keith close in the backseat.
" His name is Doctor Steven Yeun. And he was my obstetrician when I was pregnant with Marco and Luis." Camila smiled, remembering it fondly.
" What all is he going to do to me?" Keith asked.
" Well, I'd assume he'd do an ultrasound to figure out how far long you are. Probably a blood panel, blood pressure, all those basic tests you'd have at a physical." Lance's mother explained.
" I get to be in the room for that, right? I don't want anyone putting the moves on him..." Lance protectively held Keith closer.
" Dr. Yeun? He's not gay, Lance." Camila nearly pissed herself laughing. " And he's a married beta. I doubt he wants anything other than to help us."
" I think Keith could turn any man gay." Lance said, and Keith choked on his own spit.
" Lance!" The omega scolded, planting a backhand on his upper arm.
" Lance..." Camila eyed him in the mirror. " Don't make me take off my sandal."
" No, no! I'm good! No need to do that!" Lance stumbled over his words and crossed his legs.
" Oh, Keith. Did I mention that he isn't making you fast for the ultrasound? Lucky. I had to do that when I was pregnant." Camila said, obviously envious.
" Isn't that where you don't eat stuff for a while? Yeah, no can do." Keith was still blushing from Lance's remark, but he was slowly becoming less flustered. " After the appointment can we go get some food? I have a job interview later so I'll need to get ready and I won't have time."
" Of course, Babe. We can go wherever you want." Lance kissed his cheek. He had money from tips, so he could afford whatever Keith wanted. " As long as it's healthy."
" I knew there was a catch." Keith scoffed. " Uhh how healthy do you mean?"
" Like... natural stuff." Lance barely gave any detail to go on.
" Panera Bread it is." Keith said.
When they finally got to the hospital, made it past check in, and were put into a room, Lance was nervous as all hell.
" Don't worry, sir. This ultrasound is completely harmless." The sonograph technician assured with a comforting, warm smile. She was rubbing transparent jelly all over Keith's exposed abdomen.
" Lance... don't have an ulcer." Keith chuckled, moving to hold Lance's hand, which was trembling. His leg was also bouncing restlessly from all of his energy.
The omega shivered feeling the nurse spread the jelly all over his belly using a microphone looking device.
" Sorry, it's a little cold." She laughed while trying to get the right angle.
" It's okay." Keith was a little ticklish as he shuddered in response. Lance got up, beginning to slowly pace around the room anxiously. His alpha instincts were making him absolutely paranoid about the health of their baby.
An image slowly began appearing on the little screen to the right of them, and Keith and Lance wouldn't have known anything. But the nurse's face lit up, and she gasped.
" What?! Is something wrong?!" Lance exclaimed.
" Not at all." She smiled even wider. And Lance could've snapped Keith's hand in half from how hard he squeezed it in his own.
" Well...?" Keith looked at her expectantly.
" You're about six weeks along. And... congratulations! You're having identical twins!" She gleefully announced. And Keith was shocked. And Lance? Well... Lance was a little more than just shocked. His eyes rolled to the back of their sockets and he hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.
" Lance?!" Keith sat up somewhat.
" That makes three dads to faint in here this week." Their technician said.
It was about thirty minutes later when Lance had finally regained consciousness. He was resting in one of the rooms, being examined by one of the doctors. There was nothing wrong with him according to his vital signs. And once his eyes were opened and they shined a light in them, it showed his pupils were dilating normally.
" Hey..." Lance heard someone say as he sat up.
" Lance, this is that doctor your mom was talking about, Doctor Yeun." Keith said, running a hand along Lance's cheek.
" What happened?" Lance asked, feeling at his forehead.
" Babe, you fainted after we found out about the twins." Keith stared into Lance's eyes.
" What?!" Lance was obviously still letting the news sink in. He blinked a crazy amount of times, moving to engulf Keith in a hug, then an overjoyed kiss. He placed them all over his omega's face, showering him with tiny kisses.
" So..." Doctor Yeun cleared his throat, wishing he wouldn't have to interrupt their rather touching moment.
" Sorry..." Keith apologized, and Lance cheekily grinned while sitting next to his boyfriend in the chairs.
" It's fine. Believe me, I've seen couples do way more... celebratory... things. You two are completely okay with what you're doing." He smiled. " And, Lance. My name is Steven Yeun. I was your mother's doctor."
" She told me." Lance was pretty much humming and buzzing with excitement.
" Well, way to steal my thunder." Doctor Yeun joked. " So, I've done every standard test on Keith, and everything is completely normal. Of course the blood work won't come back for a day or so, but I have no reason to assume it wouldn't be normal as well." He explained.
" Great." Keith said.
" Now, about the twins." He began. " You'll need to come back every month for an ultrasound. This is to make sure of a lot of different things, but twins are much different than being pregnant with one baby. We have to watch their development very closely."
" But, Doctor, what about Keith's morning sickness? Is there anything you can do for that?" Lance questioned, wanting Keith to stop throwing up every other morning.
" There are nausea medications safe for pregnant patients. I've already discussed proscribing one to Keith." The doctor said.
" Wait when-"
" We had a chat while you were passed out." Keith chuckled.
" Oh." Lance suspiciously eyed them both.
" Before you even say it, no, nobody made any moves on me." Keith assured his alpha, who seemed to ease somewhat when he heard it.
" Pfff!" Steven laughed. " I'm sorry!" He sputtered, unable to contain himself. " That's too rich."
" Okay... just checking." Lance wrapped an arm around Keith's shoulder.
" Do either of you have any more questions for me?" Doctor Yeun asked.
" Not that I can think of." Keith grasped Lance's hand.
" Actually... I have one." Lance spoke. " Do you know if Keith will get boobs?" He asked with a tiny, almost invisible smirk.
" We really won't know until the third trimester." The doctor stifled a laugh, trying to maintain his professionalism.
Keith facepalmed. And Lance's inner bisexual was disappointed.
Twins. Well. This would be double the trouble. But also double everything else, and twice as much joy.
(( Oof. This is going to be a wild ride for the both of them. And also, if I got any of the medical stuff wrong, oops? I did research and stuff so I hope it's for the most part accurate.))
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