Before the Storm
(( Loves. I saw the comments last chapter... and I'm sorry... but... there will NOT be a third book in the I'm Not Easy series. I don't know who said there would be, but it definitely wasn't me. I'll write other Klance stuff for you all, but tbh writing so many chapters for the same AU can get dull at times. Now, as for the comments asking for a Shadam book, it's not off the table. It won't be in Omegaverse if it happens, though. Feel free to comment AU types for Shadam that you'd like to see, and maybe I'll pick one and go from there. But for now, I'm working on finishing my new book, Bullets, for you all, as well as This Isn't Easy. And after that, I'll be taking a break to work on my personal novel that I've been neglecting recently. I hope you all understand that.
It had been the longest couple of weeks of Lance's life. Where was Lotor?! Why was he not making a move and getting it fucking over with?! Every minute of everyday was filled to the brim with anxiety and worries that he'd make an appearance.
Christmas was approaching, and Lance was trying to put on a brave face for the twins and Keith. After all, the holidays were supposed to be a time of joy and appreciation. Would Lance have rather been grateful for his family and every privilege they had, or spend every passing moment biting his nails? That was a no brainer. His family always won.
Their time was almost up. Keith had taken the minimum amount of paternity leave he could, so he would be going back to work the night shift at Starbucks soon enough. That lined up well with Lance's schedule, being that he got home from football about the time Keith would need to leave for work.
As much as neither of them wanted to leave the house, Keith knew that he couldn't become a shut-in because of Lotor. And Lance only got a little time off from school and football; he'd be forced out into the world as well.
" Anddddd-" Lance dragged his voice out for dramatic effect. " Let there be light!" He plugged in the final cord to light up their Christmas tree, and the whole living room became illuminated with a comforting yellow glow.
Keith's face lit up almost as bright as the tree as he hugged Lance.
" You're such a dork." He told the alpha, sinking into him and absorbing some of his body heat.
They'd ordered a fake tree online and had it delivered because there was no way in hell that they were leaving the apartment unless there was a dire situation. Lotor was on the loose, and the cops still hadn't managed to track him down. The only way they were leaving any earlier than for school or work would be for an emergency.
" I'm going to go check on Luna and Kai, then I'll help you with ornaments." Keith pulled back, and Lance kissed the top of his head. Holy fuck. He could've sworn that nobody had ever loved anyone half as much as he loved Keith.
" Sounds good, Babe." Lance smiled at him, sending his omega an enamoured look. His ocean blue orbs were soft with a haze that made Keith warm and fuzzy inside.
Keith turned toward the back of the apartment, making his rounds. The babies had been napping for an hour, and he just needed to make sure that everything was in order with them. Which it was. Kosmo was snoozing on the rug in the center of the room, and Luna and Kai were still soundly napping in their cribs.
Keith fondly smiled to himself, letting his optimism for the future take over his mind for a moment. The fear that Lotor was going to ruin everything was still there, but when he saw his babies, it distracted him even if only temporarily.
" How are they?" Lance asked his fiancé after he returned from the nursery. The fact that there wasn't any wailing echoing through the apartment was a plus.
" They're fine." Keith responded, and Lance was quick to wrap his arms around him. Contact with Keith was one of the only things that could make him feel better, no matter how small of a touch it was. Even holding his hand was enough to slow Lance's heart rate to normal, to let his mind stop doing a constant one hundred meter dash.
There were some basic ornaments that they'd ordered as well. Amazon had been a lifesaver, especially given the circumstances. There were plain red, spherical ones. There were varying colors of them besides those ones, though. Blue, green, yellowish gold, as well as some purple ones.
Lance didn't want to let go of Keith to put anything on the tree. He snuggled by Keith, burying his face in the omega's neck and appreciating his unique, home-like scent. Keith blushed a bit, keeping his arms around Lance lightly.
" I love you..." The alpha murmured on Keith's neck, letting his lips brush his skin gently.
" I love you too." Keith told him, making sure to keep his voice down. The last thing he wanted was to wake up the twins. They were about as cranky as hibernating bears if they didn't awake on their own terms.
Lance sighed a bit, holding him and enjoying the fulfilled feeling he got just from having Keith in his arms. Besides Luna and Kai, Lance could've sworn that Keith was all he needed in life.
Keith pulled back a bit, unburying Lance's face from the crook of his neck. The taller boy seemed disappointed at first, having thought that Keith was going to make him stop. It was quite the opposite, or so he discovered once the omega planted a kiss on his lips.
Keith's hands ran up Lance's figure until he reached his cheeks, where he cupped them in his palms. Lance sank down into the contact, hugging Keith's waist and pulling him in more snugly. Something as simple as a kiss could fix Lance's entire world, even if only for a few seconds.
" Maybe we could decorate the tree later, hm?" Keith whispered on Lance's lips.
Lance felt his face flush into a crimson color.
" We have a few more days before we can... you know..." Lance reminded him, as much as it pained him to think about it. " I don't want to hurt you, Babe."
" You don't have to." Keith insisted, and his purple orbs softened into his signature puppy dog eyes. He looked up at Lance in a way only the alpha could read, having recognized it from many times before. Keith licked his lips a bit, feeling like that moment was the right time. Even though they'd both been home for a while, their free time had been eaten up by the twins.
Lance swallowed thickly, not knowing if he was going to let Keith. The omega was bordering on three weeks out of surgery. He was still recovering. His stitches were out and the scar had healed just fine, but Lance was cautious about having Keith do anything strenuous.
" You're sure you want to?" The alpha questioned him softly.
Keith nodded.
" We won't wake them up..." He added. Lance caved. With a blowjob on the table, he found himself unable to resist. It had been a very long time since Keith had touched him, or at least it seemed that way to Lance. His cock was deprived of much attention.
" Be careful." Lance told him cautiously, and Keith rolled his eyes.
" How am I supposed to hurt myself? By sucking too hard?" He snorted. Keith took Lance's hand, and the alpha still seemed apprehensive. That all changed once Keith shoved him back onto the couch. It almost was enough to knock the wind out of Lance. His eyes were wide, and his cock began taking notice of the situation. It twitched in his pants, beginning to slowly harden. And Keith smirked a bit, sinking to his knees before the couch.
Lance deserved some stress relief, even if they couldn't fuck until they passed out from exhaustion. He was going to get it one way or another.
Keith palmed Lance through his jeans, massaging the denim and feeling his alpha's cock getting excited. It had been a long while since Keith had done something for Lance, but that was about to change. He looked up at his alpha, trying to think about what could make him feel even more pleasure. There was an invisible light bulb that switched on as Keith remembered.
Lance was just trying to roll with what Keith was doing, after all, he'd suggested this out of nowhere. He felt his cock twitch yet again as the smaller boy's hand ran over his crotch. When he finally grasped him, Lance quietly gasped. He watched Keith attentively, trying to stay as quiet as humanly possible.
" Daddy..." Keith murmured nearly inaudibly. Lance's eyes widened and his ears became even more in tune with his surroundings. Had he heard him correctly? Keith was submitting for him? That was a treat in itself.
" What was that?" Lance asked him, biting his lip. He could've came on the spot from Keith calling him that. Just the fact that Keith was acknowledging him as a figure of authority could make Lance shudder from pleasure.
Keith unbuttoned Lance's jeans, leering up at him while pulling the zipper down painstakingly slow. He blushed a tad bit more. Lance's kink might've made this more interesting than a regular blowjob.
" You heard me, Daddy..." Keith told Lance, squeezing his length through the soft fabric of his boxers.
Lance felt his insides buzzing with excitement. He didn't even have to ask. Keith was a saint as far as he was concerned.
" You're going to behave for me tonight, right?" Lance asked him, loving the words as they rolled off of his tongue easily. Keith didn't feel as embarrassed as the previous times he'd played along with this. Was he starting to take pleasure in it like Lance did? Maybe.
" Yeah..." Keith submissively answered.
" Such a good boy." Lance smirked, but became more stiff once Keith's hand slipped inside of his underwear. His breath hitched as the omega pumped his cock up and down.
Despite taking a break of sorts from sexual activities, Keith seemed like almost more versed in how to touch Lance.
The alpha helped Keith by raising his hips and allowing him to yank down his pants and boxers in a singular motion.
Keith took Lance's cock in his hand and gripped his base. He didn't squeeze too hard, but there was just enough pressure for Lance to truly feel what he was doing. And as the omega let his hand slide up and down, rubbing him all the way up his shaft, Lance groaned into his hand.
Hearing the muffled noise from Lance made Keith more encouraged. He didn't worry about how it made him look as he gazed up at Lance with a false innocence. Keith licked his lips before encasing the tip of Lance's cock with them. He expertly ran his tongue all around the nerve endings and slicked the head's entirety with saliva. Keith pumped the bottom part of Lance's cock, wanting to make sure it still got attention even when it wasn't in his mouth.
" Just like that..." Lance told Keith, almost too quiet to hear.
Keith never broke eye contact with Lance while taking in more of the shaft. He allowed his head to bob, as his lips dragged across the sensitive outside of Lance's member.
Lance's head tipped back in bliss. He'd missed everything about the inside of his omega's mouth. The heat, the cushion of his tongue, his hollowed cheeks. When combined, it could create one hell of a blowjob.
Keith kept sucking, taking Lance in and out then back in. He got closer to the base of Lance's cock with every bob of his head. The taste of precum was soon evident on Keith's tongue, and the salty taste of Lance was nearly nostalgic. He savored every element of its flavor while making Lance's head spin.
All worries were dissolved with Keith's lips, that somehow knew how to make Lance reel from pleasure. The sensation kept building up, accumulating in his abdomen as he sat there.
" G-good boy... holy shit..." Lance shakily praised him, and his voice was barely even that at all. It was more like a labored breath. He forced himself to keep it together, and not let his inner alpha completely take over. If it did, well... Keith would've been getting fucked before three weeks was up. They still had to wait a few more days.
Keith slurped while pulling off and rapidly jacking Lance's cock. Saliva mixed with precum dribbled from the corner of his mouth as he took a second to breathe.
" I missed this..." He told the taller boy bashfully.
" I did, too." Lance responded, and his voice wavered as Keith didn't cease in the swift motion of his hand.
Once the omega had collected himself, he dove back in for more. He didn't even start off easy. Keith only took Lance in all at once, feeling his tip prodding at the back of his throat. To think that some people could gag from something so easy was mind blowing to Keith, who was blessed to not have a gag reflex.
Lance covered his mouth to prevent making any noise. He wasn't trying to wake up their babies.
" K-Keith... soon..." He managed to whisper.
Keith only pulled back, sucking until he reached Lance's tip, then taking him in completely. He did it over and over with zero issue. Though his eyes watered from Lance's well above average size, Keith dealt with it. He stared into Lance's eyes the whole time, seeing how they were slightly altered from the lust.
Lance bucked his hips and grunted in his hand, whining as he finally reached his climax. It completely rattled him, sending him flying over the edge. Cum was dumped inside of Keith's mouth, but the omega didn't show any signs of stopping. He continued sucking, swallowing the release simultaneously.
The alpha trembled, panting and desperately trying to stay quiet. His stamina was pretty depleted after taking such a long break, but his orgasm was way more powerful. He could've sworn that Keith's blowjobs were a mind altering drug. His mind went fuzzy and his abdomen felt a euphoric escape from the pressure.
Keith slowly pulled off of Lance. There was still a fair amount of cum in his mouth as he struggled to swallow anymore.
" Swallow it... come on... don't quit on Daddy." Lance told him, and Keith nodded. The omega's eyes squeezed shut as he gulped back the final traces of it. Lance couldn't have been more satisfied as he brushed Keith's hair from his eyes and smiled down at him.
Keith was breathless while looking up at Lance, but he managed to smile at his alpha.
Lance took a second to zip himself back up and put his cock away. He was blushing like crazy as the omega chuckled at him.
" Come here." Lance gestured to his lap, wanting Keith to sit with him.
Keith followed in line, not wanting to just drop his submissive mood because he'd gotten Lance off. He straddled Lance's hips sweetly, not being seductive anymore. And Lance placed a kiss on Keith's cheek.
" You're the best." Lance told him, holding his omega's hips. " Do you want me to return the favor?" He purred at Keith.
" Not really." Keith shrugged. And Lance seemed stunned. Keith knew that he had to explain himself. " You were so sad when I wasn't around at Christmas last year..." The smaller boy said. " I want to be here for everything before we go back. We can fuck all we want after the three weeks is up and the cops catch Lotor."
Lance wondered why Keith had blown him if he wanted to focus on the holidays, but brushed it off. Keith was right. They had a whole season to enjoy with one another, and this would be one of the last nights where they were both home. Keith returned to work, and Lance went back to everything else in no time flat.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that shit would eventually hit the fan. But what Lance and Keith didn't realize was that it was going to happen sooner rather than later.
(( The next chapter is going to be a doozy. I thought you all might like some NSFW beforehand, so there's that. But buckle the fuck up.))
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