(( Two things, one, the wait for the kink reveal is over. And two, this is unrelated to the kink, but still important. I don't go into this very often, mainly because it's complicated and hard for me to explain. But in omegaverse, female alphas have dicks too. They retract when they're not aroused, but they drop when they are. It's confusing, I know. But I needed to clear that up right now.))
It had been a week since the prom disaster. Everyone had freaked out on Snapchat, and all the popular kids had ranted on their Instagrams. To say the least, the senior class had nearly rioted and asked for a redo. They were told no countless times.
Lance was just tired. Tired of everything. Exhausted from his job, and cramming for his finals. Keeping Keith safe seemed to be a full time job on its own, then add bussing tables and dealing with needy customers, and Keith's job as well. It was a lot. The amount of stress Lance was being put under was enough to drive him nearly mad.
He had to take buttloads of melatonin just to sleep, to close his eyes for the night. And sometimes that didn't even aid his slumber.
Lance was worried all the time, certain that something bad was going to happen. His paranoia was frustrating, and Keith was trying his best to not be pissed at Lance for it.
Keith laid awake in his bed. It was ten in the morning according to his phone. He stayed still in Lance's arms, not wanting to wake him up. It was a shock that the alpha was actually sleeping, and Keith would be damned if he jeopardized it.
Lance needed a break. He was just so... tense.
" Please! Please fuck me..." Keith pleaded desperately in Lance's ear. He slid his hand over Lance's thigh, groping at the bulge that was only gaining size in-between Lance's legs.
The alpha's eyes went wide, seeing as they were in his living room, and their friends were around them.
" Woah, Keith, are you-" Hunk exclaimed, looking horrified.
" He's trying to get fucked in front of us, quick! Someone grab the popcorn!" Pidge shouted.
" What the fuck, Keith?" Lance growled, shuddering as his boyfriend palmed him through his jeans.
" Guys, too far!" Allura scolded.
It looked as though their friend group was trying to watch a movie, but all Keith could focus on was groping Lance's cock in front of them.
" Get a room!" Matt covered his sister's eyes.
Lance didn't even know what the hell was happening, but he got up, scooping Keith into his arms as he stormed off with him.
" Keith..." Lance growled.
And Keith, who was scrolling through his phone, looked over at Lance. He still appeared to be sleeping, so it made the smaller boy chuckle to see him talking. It was cute.
" What part of I want your cock do you not understand?" Keith asked in a bratty way.
" That wasn't cool! What the hell?!" Lance fumed. " What is it with you and always getting like that while we're in public?!"
" I can't control when I want it..."
" You always want something! Jesus, Keith!" Lance snarled at him, slamming his bedroom door. " You're like a little kid, I swear!"
" Does that make you my daddy?" Keith smirked up at Lance as he was sat down on the bed.
" What was that?" Lance ripped off his own shirt, moving to grab Keith and force eye contact between them.
" Daddy~" Keith sultrily whispered.
" Call me that again..." Lance mumbled, and Keith furrowed his brows in confusion. He really was lost at first, but then he saw the blankets rising on Lance's side. There was a tent pitched right over Lance's crotch, and Keith sighed.
Wet dreams, huh?
He was surprised that Lance didn't get them more often.
" You like it, Daddy?" Keith bit his lip, shrugging off his shirt.
Lance shuddered. Just the way that word rolled off of Keith's tongue, it was enough to make him nearly cum on the spot.
" Hell yeah..." Lance whispered, instinctively pulling Keith closer while he slept.
The omega deadpanned, not knowing what to do. Lance needed some rest, but this was getting ridiculous.
" Take off Daddy's pants..." The alpha whispered, and Keith's eyes shot open mid-blink. " That's it..."
What now?!
Keith had an insanely devilish look in his eyes while he yanked on Lance's boxers. He let his cock spring up, then hastily grabbed it and began pumping.
" You want me to suck it, Daddy? I promise I won't bite too hard..." The omega whispered, running his tongue over Lance's slit.
" K-Keith... shit." Lance moaned softly.
" That's it!" Keith almost roared. He moved to shake Lance back and forth as fast as he could. " Lance!"
Lance snored for a second, but he soon awoke suddenly. He was instantly on guard, fearful that Keith and their babies were in danger.
" What?! I'm up, I'm up!" He sat up abruptly.
Keith pursed his lips and made a face.
" Perv." He rolled over to face the wall.
" What?" Lance had no clue what was happening. He then pointed his eyes downward to see a huge bulge under the covers. " Oh..." He said, looking to the side. It had been a while since he'd had morning wood. " Did I have a wet dream or something?"
Keith was blushing a bright red color. Did Lance not remember? How convenient.
" You could say that..." The smaller male trailed off, not able to look at Lance right then.
A fucking daddy kink? He should've seen it coming. But Keith was pissed that Lance was into it, and hadn't come to him about it.
Lance lowered himself back down into the sheets, moving to drape an arm over Keith.
" Holy shit... you're completely red." The alpha pointed out, poking Keith's cheek.
" You were talking in your sleep..." Keith gave up trying to stay on the other side of the bed as he turned to face Lance.
Lance's mind immediately jumped to conclusions.
Shit. He thought to himself. What had he said?! How much did Keith know?!
" So...? You talk in your sleep, too." Lance decided to play dumb. And he also chose to ignore his painful boner right then. He'd take care of it soon.
" Yeah... but..." Keith stammered. " Lance, do you have a daddy kink?" He bluntly asked out of nowhere.
" What?! Psh..." Lance's eyes darted to the corner of the room. All his internal alarms were blaring by then. " Why would you think that?" He scoffed.
" You do. You totally do." Keith said with certainty.
" No I don't..." Lance grit his teeth.
He did. Lance had come to realize it over the course of the last month, but he was into it. Keith calling him that and addressing him as an authoritative figure was so ungodly sexy in his mind.
But at the same time, Lance kinkshamed himself for it. He hadn't told Keith because his omega already had daddy issues. He wasn't about to compromise Keith's feelings for his own twisted sexual fantasies.
" Usually you're a pretty good liar, but I can see right through it this time." Keith looked at him with a tiny smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Lance felt his cock twitch inside of his boxers.
" I'm taking a shower. Don't go anywhere." He untangled himself from Keith and stood up.
" Don't you want some help with that?" Keith asked, staring at Lance's boxers and licking his lips.
" I can take care of it." Lance insisted, heading for Keith's bathroom.
" Okay, Daddy~" The omega purred after him, just wanting to see Lance's reaction.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
" Don't do that." Lance growled, trying to contain himself.
" Daddy." Keith said again, except more challengingly.
Lance shivered, but ducked into the bathroom and locked it before Keith could activate his instincts too much. A part of Lance wanted to go out there and let Keith blow him like there was no tomorrow, but he fought it off.
Keith snorted to himself. Lance could win this time, but he was crazy to think his omega would just drop it. Now that he knew Lance was into it, he wouldn't stop bringing it up until Lance gave in and allowed himself to cut loose.
Once the water began running in the bathroom, Keith went back to his phone.
He was startled when it phone began ringing.
" Ronny? What's up?" Keith answered, wondering if something was amiss.
" KEITH!!! I THINK I'M DYING! IS THIS WHAT DYING FEELS LIKE?!" She screeched from the other side.
" How am I supposed to know what dying feels like?! Are you okay?" He was worried upon hearing her tone.
" SASHA IS TAKING ME ON A DATE SOON! I SAID YES AND NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!" Ronny flipped out from the other side.
" Wait, you're going on a date? Where?" Keith felt a sense of relief wash over him. She was just being over dramatic again.
" Stop shouting, I can hear you." He almost felt dizzy from the practical megaphone raging in his ear.
" Sorry! But, Keith! What do I do?!!! Come over here! Please!"
" I work at noon, okay? Calm down. I can be there as soon as Lance is done with his shower."
" Keith-"
" Are your parents okay with this? I'm not going to help you if it'll get us both in trouble." Keith hesitated, making sure to keep his voice down. Lance would definitely not approve of this.
" Yeah... my mom said it's fine since you'll be there to keep an eye on us or whatever." Ronny was finally starting to talk at an indoor volume.
That caused a warm feeling to take hold in Keith's chest. Camila trusted him to watch her daughter's first date? That meant a lot to him.
Lance got out of the shower a few minutes later. As much as he would've liked to have stayed in there under the relaxing, hot waterfall, he'd taken care of his business. His hair was clean, his hard-on was put to rest, and Lance could finally get back to what mattered most; Keith.
" How was your shower, Daddy~" Keith asked once Lance stepped out from his bathroom, with a towel draped around his waist.
" Shut up." Lance groaned, going to the bottom dresser drawer, where his clothes were kept.
Keith snickered to himself, deciding to have mercy on Lance. For the moment at least.
" So... your sister called me..." The omega shifted in his bed, not sure how to deliver the news. Lance was a very protective older brother, so he had to be careful.
" Is she okay?" Lance turned to look at Keith.
" Um..." Keith twiddled his thumbs. " She's going on a date."
" What?! With who?! Where?! Why?!" Lance's blue eyes widened instantly.
" You know that Sasha girl she's been talking to? Her. Apparently she asked her out for coffee and it seems harmless." Keith answered, getting up from the bed. Lance looked like he was about to blow a fuse from anxiousness.
" But-"
" I'll be at work. I can keep an eye on them." The smaller boy put his hands on Lance's relatively damp shoulders as his boyfriend stood up.
" This is a horrible idea. She hasn't been off of heat for very long, what if the other girl's instincts sense-"
" You're acting like Shiro." Keith warned. " This isn't a big deal. Remember when we went out for coffee on our first date? It was fine."
" We also ended up making out in the middle of the park. How am I supposed to know that Sasha can control herself? I've never even met her." Lance made a fair point, but he was rambling.
" I'll make sure they don't go anywhere else." Keith assured, leaning to press a kiss to Lance's lips. It seemed to work as a sedative, calming him down right away.
" Please... please keep an eye on her." Lance wanted to bite his nails down to stubs out of nervousness.
" You'll be fine, okay?" Keith told Ronny as they entered the Starbucks. " Just be your normal, emo self. Don't try too hard."
He'd approved her outfit, which consisted of ripped skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. Keith saw himself in Ronny, but that part wasn't important. She was going to do great.
" What if I fuck it up?" Ronny worried, flipping her hair out of habit.
" You won't." Keith said. " Now, I have to get to wor-"
" Holy shit! Keith-" Ronny exclaimed, then slammed a hand over her mouth. Once she took a hot minute, she peeled it back. " That's her..." She whispered, pointing to a booth not too far from them.
She was early. That was always a good sign.
Keith smirked. So that was Sasha? She was definitely tall, and Keith could tell even when she was sitting down. Her curly blonde hair was pulled back into a messy, yet put together ponytail. And she was wearing... Lululemon? This was a preppy girl? That wasn't what he was expecting. At all.
Okay, Keith took a mental step back. Who was he to assume she was bitchy like all the girls in his grade who wore it? He didn't judge.
" Go on." He nudged Ronny forward, and the backs of her Converse skid on the tile from how much she tried to stop herself.
" Wait, Wait, I'm not ready-" She squeaked, but Sasha perked up, finally noticing her.
" Ron?" She asked, and a wide smile spread across her face. Keith fondly smiled as well, leaving Veronica to stand there stiff like a board.
" Hey..." Ronny greeted, going as red as her skin tone would allow. She was the definition of shy. Luckily Sasha knew how to take initiative. She got up from the seat, coming over by her.
Not that Keith was watching that closely, but Sasha towered over her. There had to have been a 12 inch height difference between them at least. But Sasha was also way skinnier, and didn't have the profound curves Ronny did.
" You're cute when you blush..." Sasha remarked, though she herself was light pink. She bit her lip, which must've been coated with some sort of tint. Maybe lip gloss? Keith couldn't tell from that far off.
" Shut up..." Ronny covered her face. And Sasha giggled, letting her silver hoop earrings sway somewhat.
" I got you a coffee... you like frappuccinos, right?" She asked hopefully.
" How'd you know?" Veronica raised an eyebrow.
" I had a hunch."
The two made their way to the booth, and Ronny was careful about her every movement. She didn't want to mess anything up, or seem half as awkward as she felt.
" So..." Sasha began, sipping back some of her coffee. " Who was that guy you were just with?"
" He's my brother's boyfriend, Keith, and he works here." The much smaller girl answered. She couldn't stop herself from admiring Sasha from the other side of the booth. And damn, the scent she possessed was powerful. It was like a very dark roast coffee, unsweetened and left natural.
" Ooo... your brother is gay?" Sasha smiled. " Love that. His name is Lance, right? I think you told me about him."
" He's bi. And yeah." Ronny responded, staring into Sasha's eyes and trying not to get lost. Despite most blondes having blue eyes, hers were the lightest, most stunning green she'd ever seen.
Veronica crossed her legs, and accidentally bumped Sasha's under the table.
" Oops! Uh-sorry!" She frantically apologized, nearly knocking over her coffee as well.
" Woah." Sasha reached across the table, grabbing her hand and steadying her. " It's cool." She smiled, squeezing Ronny's palm a little. Her nails were long, and almond shaped. She clearly got them done regularly, currently, they were painted pastel pink.
Ronny blinked a couple times, gazing over at her. Her face was fond, and her cheeks were rosy and her eyelashes were perfect and-Ronny couldn't get enough. She was just so fucking gorgeous, and lowkey a beauty guru if Veronica got to guess. Sister James Charles needed to watch out before she could sister snatch his brand.
" Okay..." She looked down into her lap bashfully.
Keith was working the counter, and every so often he'd peek and check on the two of them. They seemed to be having a swell time, and he could hear Veronica laughing even from behind the counter.
" I'll take a venti double shot caramel macchiato, iced." Someone said. Keith squinted, swearing he'd seen that sweatshirt before.
" L-Lance?" He questioned, leaning to look closer.
" Shut up before you blow my cover." Lance whispered, adjusting his all black sunglasses and baseball cap. He flipped up the hood from his sweatshirt, shoving his hands in his pockets.
" Is that supposed to be... a..." Keith facepalmed. " Disguise?"
" Yes. Now shush."
" You're unbelievable." Keith sighed, punching the order into the register slowly but surely. He was getting the hang of it. " She's fine. You should go before you embarrass her."
" No can do, Babe..." Lance responded. " I don't want anyone making the moves on my little sister."
" Wow. Okay, Shiro." Keith rolled his eyes, actually kind of pissed at Lance. Did he not trust him to watch them? Keith was a fine babysitter.
Lance, after picking up his coffee, sat in a booth near Ronny's. He was at an angle where he could see Ronny from the front, and Sasha from the back.
He was just being cautious. Lance knew all the things he wanted to do to Keith on their first date, and how tempting it was to just fuck him right then. He needed to be sure that Sasha wasn't going to pull that shit on Ronny.
" Oh come on, how can you not like popcorn?" Sasha teased her, not even knowing how they'd gotten on the topic.
" I don't know, it's just so sticky and salty." Veronica said.
" I thought someone as sassy as you would love salty things?" The alpha smirked.
That remark caused the tiny girl to blush even more, but it was hardly possible anymore.
" I like other salty things..." She quietly responded.
Lance was immediately taken back while listening to what his sister was saying. Um... what kind of salt did she mean? He certainly hoped she wasn't talking about Sasha's salt.
" Kinky." Sasha laughed. " I'd love to let you taste test sometime." She wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows.
" Can't wait." Ronny coughed.
Lance wanted to step in, wanted to drag his sister home. But he didn't. That wouldn't have been cool, just barging in on her date like that.
He needed to work on getting his alpha instincts in check. Seriously. This was harmless. Not to mention, adorable.
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