
(( Publishing this part was a pain in the ass, so I hope you all love it.))

It had taken them a few days to finally get everything for the apartment. There were so many little things that they didn't even realize they needed until they didn't have them.

But things were finally beginning to settle down.

" Babe, you'll do great." Keith smiled at Lance from under the covers.

" But-" Lance nervously said.

" But nothing." The omega sat up, deciding that trying to go back to sleep was pointless. Lance had been rather loud while getting ready for his first day at school. " You're a natural at making friends, and the football guys will love you." He smiled sleepily.

Lance set down his backpack. After all, he had some time before he had to get going. He laid by Keith on the bed, cuddling up to him while he still had the chance to. He didn't know how he'd be able to deal with leaving Keith alone all the time. His alpha instincts hated the thought of it, and Lance wondered if he'd even be capable of doing it.

" Come here... I wanna hold you for as long as I can." Lance told Keith while wrapping his arms around him. He was clearly distraught that he'd have to be apart from him so frequently.

Keith's drowsy features lit up with blush. He settled into Lance's chest and took advantage of his body heat while snuggling into him.

Lance nuzzled into Keith's shoulder, wondering if school was even worth having to be away from him. He seriously contemplated not going for a second there. But then he remembered the babies and the scholarship and reminded himself who it was for. He'd have to deal with the separation anxiety.

" Be safe. Please..." Keith whispered in a raspy morning tone. It was more of a mumble from how tired he was yet.

" I will. I promise." Lance replied quietly.

Truthfully, he hated the thought of leaving Keith home by himself. It seemed like a horrible idea, or so his gut told him. But he couldn't just tow his pregnant omega around everywhere. It would've been too much walking for him, that, and his professors wouldn't have been very happy with him.

He could only cherish Keith's scent and admire the bonding mark ingrained in the omega's neck. Lance held him close, and ever so slowly, he felt Keith's breathing pattern slip back into a slower one. He'd gone back to sleep.

Lance was tempted to do that himself, but he couldn't.

" I love you..." He whispered, raking his hand through Keith's hair and carefully untangling their bodies. His alpha instincts were fighting him as he sat back, stepping away from the bed. They wanted him to stay with Keith forever.

Lance looked at the bump that was Keith's belly; the alpha could only smile. Those were his babies in there.

It only made leaving exceedingly more difficult.

Lance would make sure that when he got home, he snuggled Keith and showered him with affection and love. It was the least his omega deserved.

After all... he'd forgone attending his dream school just so Lance could go to his. He'd relocated to Florida with him, and got a job despite being pregnant. Keith was a fucking superstar, and Lance would've been damned if he didn't treat him like it.

He kissed the top of Keith's head gently, making sure the covers were over him. And Keith pulled the comforter more toward himself, unconsciously finding something to cuddle as a substitute for his alpha.

Lance made his way from the room after picking up his backpack and shutting the door near silently. After he grabbed his football duffel and slipped on his high tops, he exited the apartment.

It was rather humid and cloudy outside as he walked out to his car.

This was going to be an eventful day, or so Lance told himself. They would get their football uniforms, have their first practice of the season, he'd get to meet his new teammates, and Lance would also have to attend all of his classes for the first time.

And it should've been fun.

But that was before he got lost on the way to his first period, and managed to show up to class twenty minutes late.

The day was already off to a fan-fucking-tastic start, and Lance sincerely hoped that Keith's would be better than his own.

" Excuse me." The professor said, pausing in the middle of his lecture as Lance tried to sneak through the door.

Lance stood stiff, wearing a very awkward 'please don't hate me' smile on his face. He couldn't afford to make a shitty impression on a professor already. Especially in a class like calculus, where he'd need a fair portion of extra help to even pass.

" What's your name?" The professor grabbed his clipboard, staring Lance down while scanning his class roster.

" L-Lance..." Lance gulped. " Lance McClain." He normally would've adored being the center of attention and having all eyes on him. But when the whole class of seventy plus students turned to look at him, he began to loathe it. He wasn't there to start fights with his teachers or to offend anyone. He only needed to pass school, play football to pay for it, and get a job to support his family. This was the last thing in the world he wanted right then.

" Well, Mr. McClain, I'm in the middle of giving a presentation. How about you get out and see if you might make it here on time tomorrow?" The professor, whose name Lance was blanking on at the moment, sent him a glare masked by a passive aggressive smile.

" What?" Lance asked, not really understanding. The whole room began snickering, and he took a step back out of instinct.

" I mean show up on time or don't show up at all." The man gestured to the door.

Lance couldn't have felt more attacked. How much trouble would it have been for him to sit somewhere in the back, jot down any notes he could get, and then talk with him about the situation? Not very. Lance's inner alpha wanted him to challenge the professor in front of everyone and use a few choice words. But he couldn't.

" Sorry... I'll do better..." He mumbled, fleeing from the classroom.

Life really wasn't going easy on him that day.


Keith didn't start work for another day, so he had the luxury of sleeping in that morning. Soon morning dragged into almost afternoon, and he was just beginning to pop his eyes open. He felt his hand over the other end of the bed, looking for Lance so that he could snuggle up next to him.

When he wasn't there, the omega shot up with wide eyes. It took him a split second to realize that Lance would've been gone for school, and the vague memories of waking up that morning came back to him.

Keith sighed, rubbing his eyes and staring around the room blankly. It was a perfect mix of both him and Lance's styles. The band posters Keith had thumbtacked to the walls screamed about how emo he was, but Lance's blue string lights helped offset it and balance out the harshness. Their two different tastes blended together well, even despite them looking to clash at first glance.

He yawned, pulling the covers over himself and enjoying the way that they smelled like Lance still. Keith already knew that he'd get lonely without Lance around as much, but he knew that it was for the best.

After he got up, he found himself missing Lance's arms around him, missing the feeling of Lance enveloping him and always being there. The separation anxiety wasn't wasting time in getting after him.

Keith did the only thing he could think of; he walked over to their closet, seeing the few things that didn't need to be washed after being packed. Lance's green jacket still fit him well if he didn't zip it up.

It wasn't of any concern that he was wearing pajama pants and a comfy shirt and that the jacket didn't look good with them at all. Keith felt better just knowing that Lance was around him in a way.

Keith smiled while seeing that Lance had brewed coffee for him before he left. Though the omega could only have one cup of it, he blushed from Lance thinking about him that much.

There was an extreme sense of longing as Keith sat on the couch with a mug in hand. He wasn't used to it. Lance was always with him. Literally always. Not having him around in that moment was strange, and he honestly hated it.

It was about to be noon, and Keith wondered if maybe Lance would be going on lunch soon. He set the coffee down on the table, walking back to the bedroom and pulling his phone from the charger.

Keith felt progressively clingy, and he knew it might get annoying after a while, but he didn't care. Okay... he might've cared a little. Lance would've called if he wanted to or had time to talk, right? Keith was going to wait.

After about forty five minutes, Keith could've sworn that he was on the verge of getting withdrawal symptoms. His bonding mark was aching, signalling that he wanted his alpha right then and there.

That was when it finally happened, the text came.

Loverboy 12:41 PM- Are you up? I can call

Keith smiled, not even texting back. He just called him right away.

" Hey." Lance picked up, and there was constant chatter in the background. He tried to sound happy, not wanting to clue Keith off to the shitty day he was having.

Keith leaned back on the couch, smiling more.

" Hey, Babe... how are things?" He asked hopefully. If Lance had to be away all the time, the least Keith wanted was for him to not hate it.

Lance faked a smile though Keith couldn't even see him. There was a slight pause before his response, and that was enough to make the omega wonder. Lance usually had so much to talk about that it was out of character for him.

" It's been great so far." Lance answered, looking around his empty lunch table. He was so used to being on top, to being liked by the majority of the school. But barely anybody paid him any mind.

" Are you sure?" Keith raised an eyebrow, fiddling with the sleeve of Lance's jacket. The green fabric didn't seem like it would be that soft, but it was the most comfortable thing ever.

" Y-yeah..." Lance stammered.

" What happened?" Keith's face slowly began sinking as he listened to Lance's tone. Something was wrong. He knew his alpha well enough to pick up on the slight discrepancies in his voice.

" Keith-" Lance cut himself off, sighing and looking down. " Everything is fine."

" No it's not." The omega said. " Don't lie."

" Okay..." Lance began. " If you want the truth... today has been awful."

" Do you want to talk about it?" Keith questioned. He just wanted to hug Lance and kiss him until everything was fixed.

" I got lost on campus, was late to my first period, the professor probably hates me now, I couldn't keep up with anything in my other classes, and I have a completely crazy physics teacher who kept on spouting off about alternate realities." Lance listed, not even mentioning how little things had been going wrong all day. Especially all the rude people in the halls of varying buildings who'd bump into him and make him drop his stuff.

" I'm sorry... I would've bitched out your professor if I was there." Keith had a quiet hiss in the back of his throat just from hearing that someone had mistreated his alpha. Being protective and territorial wasn't a strictly alpha trait, and Keith proved that much. He was ready to scream at someone for making Lance sad.

" Like that would help." Lance shook his head. " I literally couldn't find his class, and it was a misunderstanding and he embarrassed me in front of everyone."

" That's it. I'm throwing hands." Keith growled.

" You're pregnant. Sit down." Lance told him.

" I am sitting down. Nobody gets to make you feel like that." Keith huffed.

" Babe... I'm fine, really." Lance tried to assure him. " Maybe the rest of the day will go better."

" What time are you getting home?" Keith changed the subject before he could blow a fuse.

" I don't know... maybe around 6 or 7." Lance said. " Maybe I could make some dinner or something for you when I get there."

" No. I'll cook something. You shouldn't have to come home and do more work." Keith insisted.

Lance didn't even have to say anything for Keith to know that he was skeptical.

" Just don't burn the kitchen down." The alpha snickered.

" I'm not that bad of a cook." Keith pouted a little.

" That's debatable. The last time you tried to make breakfast you smoked up the whole house and set off the smoke detectors." Lance tried his best to stifle anymore laughter just from the thought of it. Keith might've been his omega, and he loved him down the very depth of his heart, but hell might've had to freeze over before Keith could be a decent cook.

" Well... maybe if you handle dinner... I can give you something in return..." Keith blushed and looked to his lap. If Lance was planning on going to school all day, then off to practice, and then offering to cook dinner, Keith wanted to reward him for it. Even if his sex drive was nowhere to be found, he knew Lance's hadn't taken a hike.

Keith could sense Lance's blush even if they were a few miles apart.

" What are you thinking about giving me?" Lance's smirk was obvious through the phone. It had been a long time since an innuendo like that had even been thrown out there.

" Do you really need me to tell you?" Keith whispered into the speaker not so innocently.

Lance swallowed harshly, scanning around the food court to make sure that nobody was paying attention. Keith was making him really tempted to go home right that second. One, because his day had been really terrible and a blowjob sounded like heaven. Two, because he would've used any excuse just to see the smaller boy in that very moment.

" I mean..." He chuckled. " I have some ideas~"

Keith hoped that maybe he could distract Lance from the bad things that had happened so far. His alpha was trying, giving his all to ensure that their babies would have a positive future. He didn't deserve to end up feeling down for putting forth his best efforts.

Keith smirked to himself.

He wasn't interested in sex right then, but he knew how to help relieve some of Lance's stress without having to open his legs.

" Now you have something to look forward to tonight." Keith told him.

" You mean besides getting to hug you the second I get home?" Lance cooed.

Something about speaking to his fiancé seemed to make all of life's problems go away for just a minute. After all, things could've been worse. So, so much worse. Him and Keith had made it through so many awful things; and it was because they had each other.

One bitchy teacher, a crazy professor, and standoffish classmates seemed like nothing in comparison.

" I love you..." Keith talked into the phone quietly, feeling flustered as he hid his face in Lance's jacket.

" I love you too." Lance responded with a fond smile beginning to take shape on his lips. " How are the twins?"

" They've been kicking a lot." Keith told him. " They're like mini ninjas or something."

Lance laughed a little, poking around at the lunch he'd barely touched. He couldn't wait for them to come into the world, couldn't wait to cradle them in his arms and bond with his babies. There would be so many moments that he couldn't wait to remember forever.

" Nothing crazy has happened while I've been gone?" Lance inquired.

" No. The only crazy thing is how much I miss you already." Keith tried to flirt a little bit.

Lance turned red from the comment, feeling like his cheeks were being exposed to a fan blowing hot air.

" I'll make it up to you when I get home. I'll make you whatever you want, and I'll cuddle you forever." Lance told him with certainty.

Keith was more excited about making Lance feel good than almost anything else. That first hug they would get to share when Lance got home topped it, though.

" You mean you're making dinosaur chicken nuggets?" The omega asked with a hint of hope in his tone.

" Anything for you, my love." Lance spoke playfully.

His day had brightened up, the sun had come out from behind the seemingly impenetrable clouds. Keith was his sunshine, which was ironic considering how emo he was. But whatever.

Talking to his omega was second only to Lance thinking about cuddling him. He couldn't have been more excited to get through the rest of the school day and football practice. 

(( Angst warning next chapter. I don't think I've written Langst for a while, so... yeah...))

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