(( Thank you everyone for voting and commenting! This story was only up for two days by the time it had gathered thousands of reads and hundreds of votes/comments. Also, if I catch anyone else trying to bully in my comment section, I will report people. Bullying is never okay no matter who is doing it or who it's directed at. I won't tolerate it. This book is supposed to be a safe space for everyone, and I intend on keeping it that way.))
" Don't you think we're overreacting?" Matt asked as Hunk and Pidge walked ahead of him on the street.
" No, I don't. Keith and Lance haven't answered their phones for two days, Keith's motorcycle isn't in his driveway, and they haven't been to school." Pidge said, swiftly continuing down the sidewalk. " I'm worried about them."
" When Shiro didn't answer the door, Keith would've if he was there." Hunk added. " So clearly he wasn't."
" It's not like them to just shut everyone out like this." Pidge said, and Hunk was gnawing on his fingernails out of nervousness.
" I'm sure they're fine." Matt said, trailing behind them a little. " You act like they're missing or something."
" For the last time, how can we know they're not?"
" Shiro would have a search party scouring the town if Keith was gone. And we know Lance's parents would do the same thing." Matt tried to reason with them. He knew they were going to show up at Lance's door looking paranoid and weird.
" Something had to have happened. Keith always answers my texts. So does Lance." Pidge drove the point home as they began walking up Lance's driveway.
" I'm worried, guys. Lance is one of my best friends and I haven't heard from him in days." Hunk wore his concern on his sleeve.
" Not to mention how Lance's Snapchat has been a ghost town. And he hasn't posted any cheesy things about Keith on Instagram either." Pidge was increasingly worked up with every step closer to Lance's house.
She rang the doorbell two consecutive times, feeling her heart pounding in her chest.
Lance and Keith were upstairs, watching Netflix on the alpha's laptop. But when they heard the doorbell ring, Lance sat up. He was immediately on guard, wondering if Shiro had found his house.
" Stay here..." He told Keith while going out of the room. Nobody else was going to answer the door. Mainly because Lance's parents had left for work since it was after six at night. The twins were off galavanting with their abuela. And Ronny wasn't coming out of her room for anybody, so it was a safe bet that she wasn't paying the doorbell any mind.
Lance grabbed a slipper from by the shoes, raising it in his hand while swinging the door open. He was relieved, yet startled to see their friends at the doorstep.
" Woah-buddy! Don't use the chancla!" Hunk cowered, before popping an eye open to see Lance was lowering it.
" Sorry... I thought you were someone else." Lance tossed the slipper back to where he'd grabbed it from.
" Lance, why haven't you been answering our calls?! We've been worried sick! Where's Keith?!" Pidge asked him.
" Lance?" Keith asked from the top of the stairs. He looked absolutely adorable with one of Lance's baggy sweatshirts on.
" Keith, it's just Matt, Hunk, and Pidge. We're fine." Lance told him calmly.
" Who did you think we were?" Matt asked.
" Listen... we've had a lot of stuff going on. We've been avoiding pretty much everyone, not just you guys." Lance stepped aside, letting them in. " We can explain..."
Keith came down the steps, and as soon as he reached the last one, Lance was quick to hold him close. These were their friends, that much was true. But his alpha instincts were to protect first. No exceptions.
Hunk shut the door and slipped off his shoes, as did the other two. They'd all been to Lance's house a million times, so it was just standard procedure.
" Lance." Keith gave him a look, feeling his boyfriend's arm already around him. There wasn't much he could do about it. That was how alphas were.
" So, what has been going on? Shiro wouldn't answer the door, Allura won't tell us anything, and you two dropped off the map." Pidge folded her arms.
Keith tensed up. What were they supposed to tell them? The truth? Or some elaborate lie that Pidge wouldn't be able to poke holes in?
Lance looked at Keith, then back at their friends. These were his closest friends out of their little group. If anyone else had been there he would've told them it was none of their business and to go away. But he didn't.
" Keith... can I tell them?" Lance whispered, wanting it to be his omega's decision.
Keith glanced at them, seeing their concerned facial expressions and need for answers. He nodded, looking to the side.
Lance sighed, facing them and letting out a repressed breath.
" Okay... nobody else can know about this." Lance told them with an unbreakable seriousness. " You're our friends. We trust you. But you can't tell anyone else anything. Anyone."
" Did you guys kill someone or something?" Pidge asked them, and she was only half kidding. Hey, Lance could've fooled her with that titanium facial expression.
" Lance would never kill anyone, right, buddy?" Hunk asked in a shaky voice.
" We didn't kill anyone." Lance resisted the urge to facepalm.
" Then what is it?" Matt asked.
" Keith is pregnant." Lance finally spit it out.
" OMG REALLY?!" Pidge squealed, but then coughed. She was already overjoyed. " I mean... that's great." She scratched the back of her neck and grinned lopsidedly. Her attempt at toning down her excitement was completely transparent.
Hunk and Matt had wide eyes.
" You're sure? Have you taken him to a doctor?" Hunk asked.
" I took three tests. All of them were positive. And I think the morning sickness speaks for itself." Keith muttered.
" What did Shiro do?" Pidge realized that Shiro would've been pissed.
" Shiro got in Keith's face." Lance left out the part about how Shiro had found out. Their friends didn't need to know about what Keith almost did. " And he wanted Keith to... not have the baby. So Keith ran all the way here." Lance growled, trying not to get livid just thinking about it.
" Shiro did that?!" Pidge angrily exclaimed.
" How could he? He's your brother and he treated you like that?" Hunk's face sank as he questioned.
" I don't even know. I'm surprised Allura wouldn't have told you." Keith felt Lance's grip on him go firmer.
" We don't even know if she knows." Lance turned to his boyfriend.
" Well... if he called her over... she probably does." Keith replied.
" Why didn't you guys come to us?" Matt asked them. " We could've been here for you both way sooner."
" We didn't know who we could tell." Lance looked down. " But we're keeping the baby."
" You are? Well congratulations." Hunk smiled warmly. Obviously they all knew how hard the pregnancy would be, but they were all in this together.
" We're here for you both. Just say the word and we'll do whatever you need." Matt assured them, letting a less worried look appear on his face.
" I WANNA BABYSIT!" Pidge exclaimed. " DIBS!"
" You don't know the first thing about children." Matt chuckled.
" I'll learn!" Pidge insisted, and Keith and Lance could only exchange a glance.
" You'd probably read your fanfiction to the baby as a bedtime story." Hunk grimaced.
" Would not!" The tiny girl said.
" Would too!" Matt retorted.
" So... do you guys want to stay for a while?" Keith asked them. Him and Lance really did need some down time with friends right then.
" Wait, do you like... live here now?" Pidge questioned Keith.
" Pretty much." Lance answered for him.
" Ah!" She fangirled, looking like she might fall over for a second.
" Nice going, you broke my sister." Matt laughed under his breath.
" She'll be fine." Hunk looked at her questionably. " I think?"
" Guys, we can hang out for a while, okay?" Lance tried to shove his instincts aside. These people were there for them. They weren't going to hurt Keith or the baby.
He was still cautious as he led everyone up the stairs, however. Keith was kept very close to his side, and Lance made damn sure of that.
" Whatcha guys watching?" Pidge asked, seeing the laptop.
" Boku No Pico." Keith sarcastically responded and Pidge gagged.
" Did I miss something? What's that?" Lance inquired as him and Keith sat on the bed.
" Be happy you don't know what it is." Pidge looked sick to her stomach all of the sudden.
" Anyways, we were watching 13 Reasons Why." Keith said.
" Unpopular opinion: that show is so dumb." Matt said, finding a seat in a chair near the corner of Lance's room.
" I know. Lance likes it." Keith rolled his eyes. " Hannah is so annoying."
" There's a reason why I don't watch that show." Pidge chuckled to herself.
Lance gasped.
" How dare you!" He exclaimed in a playfully hurt voice. " She is in pain! Everyone is awful to her."
" Whatever, dude. I think she refused to take responsibility for a lot of her actions. It was always everybody's fault but hers." Matt shrugged his shoulders.
" I wanted to watch American Horror Story but..." Keith side eyed his boyfriend.
" The last thing you need right now is to be scared. It's bad for the baby." Lance pulled Keith onto his lap carefully.
" AHS isn't even that scary. You're the one who gets scared of that stuff." The omega leaned his head back to rest it in the crook of Lance's neck.
" That's true, Lance. You're almost as bad as Hunk." Pidge laughed.
" Hey!" Hunk exclaimed, folding his arms.
" I'm not that bad..." Lance pouted.
" You almost cried when we watched Insidious." Pidge narrowed her eyes at him.
" That doesn't mean anything."
" Aww, Babe... that's cute." Keith stifled a laugh.
He loved that his alpha was actually scared of horror movies. It was nice to know that Lance wasn't overly macho all the time, and he had some less dominant traits. Some. But then again, Keith already was aware. They'd both seen what happened when they tried to watch IT.
" Sooo have you thought about baby names at all?" Matt changed the subject out of curiosity.
" Kind of early for that, don't you think?" Hunk asked.
" Um..." Keith placed a thumb at his chin. " Not really, no."
" How about Lance Jr." Lance grinned.
" How about no." Pidge chuckled. " That's basic and way overdone."
" My parents almost named me Yorak. I'm happy they went the basic route." Keith shuddered.
" What kind of torture-" Pidge cut herself off.
" No offense, but EW!" Hunk exclaimed.
Lance made a weirded out face, thinking about how different things would be if his boyfriend's name was Yorak.
" I wouldn't be able to say your name during sex anymore. It would ruin the mood." Lance turned to look at Keith.
" Tell me about it." The smaller boy said.
" On a non sexual note, we should watch a movie or something." Hunk said, willing to do anything other than listen to Lance and Keith talk about sex. Frankly, Pidge was the only person interested in it. Everyone else had overheard way too much, and were unable to erase it from their memories.
" Well, I don't know. Can Lance handle it?" Matt teased, crossing his legs while laughing.
" It's okay, Keith can protect him." Pidge nearly rolled over from her comfortable seat on Lance's blue shag rug. She was dying from laughter at that point.
" You guys are so funny." Lance scowled, holding Keith closer. " What movie do you want to watch? I'll prove that I don't scare easy." He came up with a personal challenge, hoping that their choice would be a pitiful excuse for a horror movie.
" Oh come on, Lance. You don't have anything to prove." Pidge wiped a tear from under her glasses. She was clutching her stomach, which was cramping up thanks to all the laughter.
" Pick a movie." Lance narrowed his eyes.
Keith unintentionally got turned on by Lance's voice, but he tried to ignore it while he sat there. Now was not the time for anything like that.
" What kind of movie? Something gory? Supernatural? There are so many types of horror movies." Matt said, thinking about the seemingly endless possibilities.
" Lance is more scared of the paranormal ones." The omega managed to say.
" Wow, Babe. Thank you for that." Lance would've nudged him in the side, but then he remembered that Keith was pregnant. Yeah, no, there wouldn't be any of that going on.
" What about Lights Out?" Pidge smirked, looking back to her brother for his opinion.
" Guys!" Hunk whined.
" Definitely." Matt and Pidge shared a mischievous grin.
Lance looked at them with a challenging stare. Hell yeah he had something to prove. He was going to be a father; fathers were supposed to be brave and fearless for their children. And even though Lance knew he'd never be the perfect parent, he wanted to be his kid's superhero. People like that weren't scared of horror movies, or what was possibly lurking at the end of dark hallways. That was what the alpha told himself, anyways.
" Ronny bought a copy of that movie. I bet I can borrow it." Lance said.
" Maybe if you get down on your knees and beg her." Matt snickered, knowing teenage girls especially were hard to deal with.
" The only one getting on their knees around here is Keith." Pidge sputtered out, nearly spitting from trying to contain herself.
Keith was instantly a bright shade of red upon hearing that remark.
" Pidge!" Hunk exclaimed. " Give it a rest!"
" What?" She laughed. " It's true!"
" Keith, Ronny likes you, how about you ask her?" Lance suggested, trying to ignore the fact that him and Keith hadn't really done anything for weeks.
" Why me?" Keith made a face.
" You're both emo." Matt said.
" So...?"
" Just do it. Pretty please?" Lance kissed Keith's cheek. " Please." He repeated the action.
" Fine." Keith gave in to his boyfriend.
Lance was still hesitant to let Keith go, even though it was his idea. He just felt on edge all the time. His sister wasn't going to hurt anyone, but his alpha instincts saw almost everyone and everything as a threat.
While everyone went downstairs to Lance's living room, and readied themselves for the movie, Keith was walking to Veronica's room.
He gulped, hoping that she would have mercy on him. The hormonal rage of her teenage years was enough to make anyone run away screaming.
Slowly, Keith knocked on the door. And unlike Shiro, he didn't just walk right in after. He waited for it to open a creak, and for Ronny to peek out from behind it. The stripe of color in the front of her hair had changed from purple to royal blue.
" Yeah...?" She asked.
" Hey... can we borrow one of your movies?" Keith asked, and Ronny opened the door, letting him in. To be honest, she didn't have a problem with Keith. They shared the same interests and everything. He just sort of stole her big brother away, and that was the only point of tension between them.
" Why'd they send you?" She curiously asked, gesturing to a shelf filled with horror movies.
Keith looked at her questionably, but realized she wasn't trying to be rude to him.
" I drew the short straw." He responded sarcastically, kneeling before the vast selection of films. Wow. She had some classics there.
" So... do you like... live here?" Ronny took out her one remaining earbud. She hadn't really had the chance to talk to Keith with how closely Lance had been guarding him.
" I guess you could call it that." Keith sighed. " Were we bothering you? Sorry, I can ask them to keep it down." He looked through the numerous titles.
" It's fine." She folded her arms, looking to the side. They were both ignoring the elephant in the room. " I don't hate you, you know." Ronny told Keith, sensing that he was apprehensive towards her.
" Good to know." Keith found the movie and pulled it out.
She almost wanted to ask Keith something, something that she was too scared to talk to her brother about. It was somehow easier when the person wasn't as close.
Keith went for the door, but he soon stopped himself.
" Keith?" Ronny asked.
" Yeah?" He looked over his shoulder.
She panicked, immediately deciding against it.
" Never mind." Her demeanor instantly became nervous, and somewhat shaken up. Keith was confused at first, but shook it off.
" Okay...? Thanks for letting us borrow it." He said before leaving and shutting the door behind him.
That was weird, right?
Totally weird.
But he brushed it off as he met up with everyone else downstairs.
" He survived!" Pidge exclaimed.
" You guys act like she's a beast or something." The omega said, handing the movie to her so she could put it in the DVD player.
He sat down next to Lance on the couch nonchalantly, but somehow he couldn't drop it. She just seemed so... vulnerable. Where did he remember that from?
" You good?" Lance whispered.
" Yeah, I'm fine." Keith said.
" Lance, are you ready to cry? This is worse than Insidious~" Pidge teased.
" NOT HELPING!" Hunk curled up in a ball out of fear.
" I'm not scared." Lance insisted.
Keith was quiet. What was she trying to tell him?
(( I wanted to add a little depth to Veronica's character. She's more than just Lance's bitchy teenage sister, and I really want to emphasize that. Hope you all don't mind.))
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