17: Gerard Is The Most Oblivious Person That Frank Has Ever Met

Gerard kissed Frank back instantly, grabbing onto his t-shirt to drag him even closer to his chest, inhaling through his nose as Frank backed him against the door without once disconnecting their lips, causing Gerard to let out a small 'oomph' into Frank's mouth when his back hit the wooden paneling, giving Frank the opportunity to slip his tongue past his recently parted lips.

Gerard's usual hesitant nature was completely eradicated by the pressure of Frank's lips against his own, all of his doubts removed now that Frank had taken the first step and initiated the one thing that Gerard had secretly been dreaming about for weeks, and honestly - this was even better than any mental image his Frank obsessed brain had managed to cook up. 

And really, Gerard wasn't entirely convinced that this wasn't a dream, because Frank was kissing him - willingly kissing him; Gerard wasn't drunk and making a sloppy move on him, hell - Gerard hadn't even done anything to incite this, it had all been Frank, which meant that Frank wanted him, that Frank liked him.

The kiss was unlike any Gerard had ever experienced before, and even though he hadn't been in a real relationship yet, he had kissed quite a few people at least, but none of them compared to Frank, not by a long shot, not that Gerard ever thought they would, but still, kissing Frank was perfect - life changing even, and Gerard was overwhelmed by how wonderful it felt to have Frank's lips pressed against his, his warm tongue stroking the inside of his mouth like it was made to be there.

Frank was kissing him hungrily, desperately even, as if he couldn't get enough of Gerard, no matter how many times their tongues connected and twined together, no matter how often his hands ran through Gerard's hair, landing at his neck before moving up to the dyed red locks again, and Gerard wasn't complaining, because if he didn't need to breathe at some point in time, he would not object at all to spending the rest of his life with their mouths connected.

But underneath the harsh intensity of the kiss was a tenderness, a sweet tone lacing the needy movements that meant more to Gerard than he could ever explain, because Frank was trying to be gentle, he was trying to show Gerard how much he cared, but at the same time, he also managed to convey how much he desired him, and he said all of that with his lips, no words were needed.

And even though Gerard wasn't one hundred percent certain that he was deciphering Frank's actions correctly, the motions still caused Gerard to feel weak at the knees, and he might have fallen if Frank wasn't bracketing his body with his own, but Frank seemed to notice Gerard's slight stumble, and he finally disconnected their lips, shooting Gerard a worried glance as he ran his hands up and down his arms gently.

"Hey...you okay?" Frank asked nervously, his eyes never leaving Gerard's face as he waited for an answer.

And really - Gerard wanted to respond to Frank, he truly did, but he could barely remember how to breathe right now, his brain had melted into a puddle because of Frank's unexpected actions, and even though Gerard had wanted to kiss Frank just as badly - if not more than Frank had, he couldn't seem to force the words past his swollen tongue which was currently clogging up his throat.

Gerard shook his head groggily, trying to snap himself out the haze he was currently trapped in, but it was as if Gerard's body was permanently stuck five seconds in the past; he was still trying to process the fact that Frank had kissed him, and now that Frank's lips were no longer on his, Gerard couldn't seem to remember how to function without them, even though that was ridiculous, but whatever - Gerard had just been kissed by Frank, so his mental capacities weren't exactly running at full speed right now.

"Gerard?" Frank tried to gain Gerard's attention again, and the undercurrent of fear in his tone had Gerard's head snapping up, his mouth still hanging open slightly as he remembered that he still hadn't responded to Frank's earlier question.

"Hi," Gerard giggled shyly, not quite sure why he had said that, but at least something had left his lips, which proved that Frank's kiss hadn't caused any permanent brain damage, but even if it had, it would have been totally worth it.

"Hi yourself," Frank chuckled back, his hand tentatively touching Gerard's cheek before falling back to his shoulder. "Was that okay?" Frank pressed when Gerard didn't say anything else, he was too busy leaning into Frank's touch, letting his eyes flutter closed as he absorbed the feeling of Frank's cold hand against his flushed skin.

"Yeah," Gerard nodded eagerly, finally finding his voice again, "really okay...can we do that again - like soon?"

"Maybe we should get inside first?" Frank gestured to the still locked door behind them, and honestly - Gerard had completely forgotten that they were out in the open where anyone could see them, a delayed blush of embarrassment staining his cheeks as he fumbled with his key ring, finally getting the correct one into the lock after what felt like hours, during which Gerard was convinced that all of his neighbors were peeking out their windows at him, making snide comments behind his back about the heated make out session they had just witnessed a few moments ago.

But all his worries about prying eyes disappeared as soon as they were both safety ensconced behind the solid wood, and Gerard found the strength to take the initiative this time, gently maneuvering Frank up against the wall before leaning down until their lips were level, pausing for a moment before pressing them together once again, a soft sigh leaving his mouth as the taste, and feel, and scent of Frank inundated his senses for the second time that night.

And even though it had only been five minutes at most since they were last in this intimate situation, it had been much too long for Gerard, and he tried his best to convey that with his movements since he couldn't form words at the moment, his tongue running across Frank's bottom lip restlessly until Frank opened up for him, allowing Gerard access into the warm heat of his mouth.

They seemed to kiss for ages, even though Gerard had lost all concept of time, so he really had no idea how long he and Frank had been in that same position, exploring each other's mouths, and lips, and tongues thoroughly, the butterflies in Gerard's stomach which had apparently moved into every one of his nerve ending as well fluttering furiously, their wing beats speeding up with every second that passed instead of lessening like Gerard had expected them too.

Every small sensation seemed to be amplified to Gerard, whenever Frank gasped softy, it sent a shock wave of pleasure throughout Gerard's entire body, his own soft moan filling up the space between them as Frank swallowed the sound, the vibrations tingling his lips until Gerard was hard and achy, desperate for something more, but unsure of how to ask.

Gerard tried to project his distress to Frank, titling their hips together whenever possible, not to mention becoming more vocal as the minutes ticked away, but it wasn't until Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank's waist, pushing his smaller body into his that Frank pulled away slowly, his eyes glassy and his lips swollen.

For one second, Gerard was certain that Frank had caught on to his not so subtle hints, but instead of doing something, like taking off his shirt, or asking if they could go to Gerard's bedroom, Frank stayed silent, his wide eyes tracing Gerard's figure with his gaze as they both heaved loudly in the otherwise silent room.

"Frank..." Gerard whimpered, his arms tightening around Frank's frame, his lips attempting to seek out Frank's once again as he gently pushed his lower half against Frank's torso, trying to show him how much their kisses had affected him, and how he wanted more - needed more, but Frank stopped him with a small shake of his head, and all of Gerard's previous confidence flew out the window at the unexpected motion.

Gerard found himself on the verge of tears as Frank gently extricated himself from Gerard's arms, and it didn't matter that Frank didn't look upset, or disgusted with Gerard, because he had rejected him, which was the last thing Gerard had been expecting, even though he should have been used to it by now, but it didn't make sense. Frank had kissed him first - not the other way around, which meant Frank wanted him - right, but apparently not, and Gerard was left standing there confused and hurt as Frank put even more distance between them.

"I - I'm so sorry Frank, I assumed...I mean, you kissed me right? I thought you liked me...I -" Gerard was cut off by a strangled sob, his eyes missing the alarmed look that Frank shot his way since his gaze was currently glued to the floor.

"Honey, oh no, don't be sorry - I do like you, I promise, I have liked you for a long time actually, I just think we should talk about this before I lose control of myself," Frank chuckled weakly, one tattooed hand running through his hair in a slightly aggravated manner, and that was when Gerard noticed how quickly Frank's chest was rising and falling, and how much tighter his jeans had grown in the past few minutes.

"Oh...okay - yeah, talking, talking's good," Gerard stuttered out, stumbling over to the couch in the living room so he could sit down before the conflicting emotions rushing through him brought him to his knees, because Gerard really didn't want to embarrass himself any further by randomly collapsing in the hallway.

"Gerard - hey, look at me...I'm not lying okay, I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you," Frank assured Gerard, obviously noticing the distressed expression on his face as he settled himself down on the cushion next to Gerard, his hand automatically lacing with Gerard's in a comforting gesture that managed to calm Gerard down immensely.

"I - I know, I'm just...I don't know - confused I guess?" Gerard shrugged uncomfortably, trying to figure out how he gotten from making out with Frank to trying not to cry in front of him in no time at all.

"What are you confused about...do you not like me back?" Frank pressed, a sudden cloud of pain twisting his features momentarily before he forced it away.

"How can you say that?" Gerard exclaimed, raising one eyebrow at Frank, who was now trying to stifle his laughter behind his sleeve. "Of course I like you, I just thought that you didn't...or that you just wanted to be friends, that's what I'm not getting - I mean, why did you kiss me now, did you just start liking me or...is it the clothes?" Gerard gestured down to his outfit, trying to figure out what had made Frank finally take notice of him, and even though Gerard loved the way he looked right now, he hoped that wasn't the only reason Frank was attracted to him - he wanted Frank to like him no matter what he was wearing.

"Gerard...fucking hell - you are the most oblivious person I have ever met," Frank sighed dramatically, scooting closer to Gerard as he spoke until their knees were touching.

"I - what?"

"I have liked you since day one you dork - I was the one who asked you on a date, but when we got back to your house after that first night, you didn't seem to want to kiss me - or anything really, so I backed off. I was pretty sure you liked me, but I didn't want to push you, so I was trying to wait for you to make the first move, but I got a bit impatient tonight," Frank giggled sheepishly, his cheeks carrying a slight tint of red as he explained himself to Gerard.

"Oh..." was all Gerard could manage to utter, and really - Gerard felt like an idiot right now for not noticing Frank's interest sooner, but there was still one thing he didn't understand, "but why do you like me?" Gerard asked, because that was the final piece of the puzzle that didn't seem to fit with the rest of the picture. Frank was so wonderful, he shouldn't give Gerard the time of day, even his friendship was more than Gerard deserved, so he needed an explanation before he truly believed that Frank had feelings for him.

"Why do I like you - fuck, we are going to be here all night," Frank teased. "I mean, how can I not like you Gerard? You are the sweetest person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, you fucking took care of me the first night we met, you have been supporting me at my shows before I even knew who you were, you are artistic, and interesting, and understanding - not to mention hot as hell, so yeah - I really fucking like you honey."

"I really like you too," Gerard admitted quietly, leaning into Frank's side lightly as he spoke.

"So...can I kiss you again?" Frank asked after a few minutes of blissful silence had passed, during which Gerard tried his best to organize his thoughts, because he still had so much more he wanted to ask Frank, like if he wanted a real relationship with Gerard, or if this was going to turn into a friends with benefits sort of thing, but it was hard to sort through his numerous questions when he had the distraction of Frank's warm body right next to him.

"Please?" Gerard borderline begged, turning his hips slightly so Frank could reattach their lips, gasping slightly into his mouth as his tumbled thoughts faded away like smoke being met with a harsh wind, all his worries and queries drowned out by the sensation of Frank's lips moving against his own.

Talking could wait until later, they had already done enough of that tonight, and even though Gerard still yearned to know if Frank wanted something serious from this, or if he was just having fun, the thirst for knowledge was taking a back seat to the simmering pool of lust slowly igniting in his belly, and so with a soft sigh of contentment, Gerard shut his mind off completely for the time being, dragging Frank even closer to him as their kiss intensified to a dangerous level that had Gerard terrified and exhilarated all at the same time.

Yay I managed to knock out a short chapter before I have to be at work in the morning.

I need to go to bed, so I don't have much to say besides for expect smut in the next chapter ;)

Also, I didn't really edit this, so sorry about the mistakes. I will go back and fix them when I am more awake.

((((loving vibes))))

<3 starr

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