Chapter 9: The Help


I open the door and in steps.....


Shelby's POV:

The red hair of my helper can be seen from a mile away. They walk through the door. As I'm about to shut the door and greet Max, the door is pushed open and Liam follows in.

"Liam?" Im really confused I only invited Max to help, but more help is better then less.

"I invited him here to help since he knows your guest well." Max has a smirk on his face. Probably because he thinks he's so brilliant inviting Liam to help.

"Wait how did you know who my guest is?" I thought I was over the confusion.

"I stay updated with Twitter and stuffs." Max said faking an offended voice.

"Anyways guys my phone is gone and so is Will. MIND HELPING." I say the last part with a little bit of a screech.

"Relax Shelby. Max and I called Will's phone, and he didn't answer, but ----". Liam starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"WHY WOULD THAT MAKE ME RELAX!" The scream erupts from my mouth.

"You didn't let him finish." Max pipes in.

"Yes as I was saying," Liam is too calm. "He didn't answer his phone, but when we called yours he picked up." Both Liam and Max seem satisfied with themselves.

"Okay! Well what did he say!?" I'm still worried.

"He said someone called him early this morning and he had to go meet them. When he grabbed his phone he must have also grabbed yours by accident. He wants us to go meet him over near the beach." Max nods at Liam. I think they're keeping something from me.

Max's POV:

Liam and I discussed what we would say during the car ride here. We called Will as soon as I picked Liam up. He did say all the things that we told Shelby, but we left out the details about how he was breathing heavy,  there were voices screaming in the background, and he said to rush. So we're trying to move quickly and get to him as fast as we can without raising suspicion from Shelby. We didn't want to worry her too much. Which is why we also discussed having Shelby wait inside the car when we get to the beach.

"Let's go Max you can drive." Liam says as he nudges me, letting me know that we need to move fast.

We grab the things we'll need and rush to my car.

Wills POV:

I've been running for nearly four hours now. Liam called Shelby's phone and this morning I accidentally grabbed it when I escaped.

(Escaped from what you may be wondering)

Will's Flashback

It was around 1:00 in the morning when I heard Shelby's front door open. I quickly scrambled out of bed without waking Shelby and snuck out to the living room to see who had come inside. Grabbing my phone on the way (and Shelby's too).

Exactly who I suspected. Bee and Straub see me and nod at me. Time to go.

I quietly rush over to them and we leave the apartment.

"You ready?" Bee asks.

"We have to do it sooner or later. Who knows what they'll do if we don't work fast enough." I say regretting agreeing to help already.

"Yeah, last I heard they're on the beach. If things don't go right just run, but nobody head back to Shelby's. Someone might follow and then Shelby might be in danger. Run to the park down the street from here then text one of us." Straub says.

"Alright guys time to retrieve the footage." Bee says as we get in the car and drive to the beach.

(End of flashback)

So these people stole all of Straub and Bee's luggage when they got of their plane in L.A. Straub and Bee thought I could help because I'm smart. Well that was their reasoning, and I agreed to help because I felt bad. Primarily Bee wants her camera back because it has a bunch of footage on it.

Anyways I did get their stuff back. Well, most of it Bee and Straub also took some stuff, but all three of us ran different ways and I have to find Liam and whomever this Max guy is so they can take me back to Shelby's. I feel bad Shelby must of been really worried if she called people to help find me.

I'm still running as fast as I can, mostly because there is a bunch of angry people following me.

They keep shouting stuff like....

"Give us the stuff back."
"You'll regret this."
"It's not yours."
Plus other stuff along the lines of that.

All I've retorted with is...
"It's not even yours."

Anyways I'm struggling a little bit, primarily because I'm out of breath and  my legs are killing me.

I start to run on the main part of the beach. I see the parking lot and I see Liam. I quickly swerve over in his direction and sprint up to him. I point at him to get in the car. I throw the backseat door open and jump in throwing Bee and Straub's luggage in with me.

What I didn't expect to see is Shelby in the backseat with me. I would've thought she had stayed home. Guess I'm going to have to explain everything right now.....

A/N: ITS A LONG CHAPTER YOU'RE WELCOME! Bet you weren't expecting Max to pop in. Honestly neither was I. Anyways I had no idea where I was taking this so I kind of just went with the flow. I'd say it's okay. I don't know if I'm really all that happy with the reason for his escape out of the house being to help Straub and Bee retrieve their luggage, but I'm also happy that some other people make an appearance in this story.


BYE, <3


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