8 Day with Denmark


(H/C)= Hair colour

(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Your name

(S/T)= Skin tone

After breakfast you helped do the dishes with Tino. You both made some chit-chat while doing so and you both started talking about past experiences with the meetings.

"Don't be scared when everyone starts to fight. They always do that. It like a routine. England and France start bickering then the cause a fight and soon everyone is starting to fight, then Germany shouts to quiet everyone down." Tino said.

It was more like he was preparing you for the meeting than actually talking about it.

You laugh, knowing exactly what happens at meetings. I mean, you do watch Hetalia.

"Seems like loads of fun." You say. He smiles, then had a scared look in his eyes.

"Oh and be very careful when you meet Russia. Stay away if you could." He said, obviously panicked. You lightly laugh.

"It's okay, Tino. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, Russia wouldn't hurt me. He's not as scary as you guys think." Tino gave you a look of terror.

"Just please be careful." He pleaded.

"I will. Don't worry." He calmed down a little bit.

"I'm guessing you know a lot more about other countries than some do their own neighbors?" He asked, back to his friendly smile. You smiled sheepishly back.

"Yeah. I know a lot about the countries from the anime but not all things are exactly like it. I could be wrong, too." You said. He nodded his head in an understanding way.

"Could I ask a question and you answer with what you know?" Tino asked. You smiled.

"Sure. What do you want to know?" He had a thoughtful look on his face before having an idea pop up in his head.

"Do you know what I do for Christmas?" You smiled and laughed.

"Yep. Your Santa Claus and you deliver presents to everyone. Am I correct?" He stared in wonder and amazement.

"Yes! You do know! So that means you were telling the truth!" He said excited. You laugh. 'Wait a minute. Was he doubting me?' You shake your head. 'Whatever. It doesn't matter.'

"Oh. (Y/N)?" Tino asked.

"Yeah?" You say.

"I think it might be safer for you to keep the fact that you know so much about everyone to yourself. It would cause a lot of trouble and you could end up getting hurt." He said with worry, clouding up his eyes at the thought of you possibly be hurt or kidnapped.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." You say, relieving his stress. He goes back to his happy self.

"Well, it looks like we're done with the dishes. Thank you for helping me!" You smile.

"It's no problem." Right when you were going to turn and help clean up the living room from the night before, Matthias busted through the door.

"Hey (Y/N)! We should go down stairs with the others!" He said while picking you up and carrying you down the stairs.

He set you down on the couch, and I noticed that everything was all cleaned up already.

"Well it's not like a had a choice to answer you." You say to Matthias. You looked over to your left to find everyone else was also sitting on the couch.

Tino walked down stairs and sat in the empty spot next to you on your right.

"Well, why did you make us come here?" Lukas asked. Matthias had a huge grin on face.

"Oh yeah! I wanted to test (Y/N)'s knowledge!" He said.

"Oh, (Y/N) actually did that with me in the kitchen when we were cleaning the dishes." Tino said. "She knew I was Santa!" He said cheerfully. Matthias looked at you again with excitement glittering his eyes.

"Really!? What else do you know?" You thought about something to say and an idea popped up.

"Well, didn't Finland try to name their dog, Hanatamago, 'Go for it, bomber', 'Bloody flower egg', and 'Struggling boy'?" You ask. Tino's eyes widened and Sweden's did the same.

"How did you know that?" Tino asked with amazement. "You haven't even met Hanatamago yet!" Everyone's eyes were full of amazement.

"That's so cool!" Matthias shouted. "What else do you know?!" You thought again and a smile spread across your face.

"How about that Norway got everyone to celebrate the half way point between his and Iceland's birthday, even though Iceland didn't want to?" You say. Matthias gasped.

"Yes! I remember that!" Everyone nodded their heads. Lukas had a glitter in his eyes at the mention of the day.

"Hey Iceland. When are you going to start calling me, Big Brother, anyways?" He asked with a little bit hope in his eyes. Emil froze at the question.

"I'm not calling you Big Brother." He said.

"You know you want to."

"No I don't."

"If I'm your big brother, you might as well call me it."


"Big brother."


"Big brother."


"Big sister?"

"You're not making sense anymore." You all watch them with a little sweat drop.

"Well I'm going to prepare (Y/N) for the meeting tomorrow." Matthias suddenly cut in.

You gave him a look of confusion. 'Why would he need to prepare me for a meeting?'.

Before anyone could object, Matthias threw you over his shoulder and ran outside.

"Wait! Denmark! I'm not even dressed!" You say. You're still in your sweats and t-shirt from last night.

He stopped and said an 'Oh' then turned back around to the house.

You walk inside to see everyone had an annoyed look on their face and you sheepishly smiled.

You walk into your room to see that one of the guys must of made your bed because the blanket was on it again.

You change into some of your new clothes that they bought you and walked back outside, in the living room. Everyone had left to probably do something and Matthias was the only one left.

"Well I guess we can go now." You say with a smile. He nodded his head and lead you back outside. You both walked back to the meadow, where they found you and Matthias sat down on a rock. You followed his lead and also sat down.

"So how are you going to prepare me for the meeting?" You ask. He grinned even wider.

"I wasn't. That was an excuse to get you out here." He said. "Besides. If anyone picked on you, we would beat them up." You laugh.

"Well okay then. Don't mess with the girl from another world, who knows a bunch of secrets." You say while laughing. He also laughed.

"Well I brought you out here so you can tell me some things I could do to prank them." He said. You smiled evilly.

"So you're saying you brought me out here so I could tell you things that annoy them or what they would do, so you could prank them?" You say. He smiled even wider.


"I want in." Was all you said but it almost brought him to tears.

"I have never been so proud in my entire life to hear those words." He said with a fake sniffle and tears glittering his eyes. You laugh.

"Well I just want to see what they do." You both smile evilly at the thought. Nothing could be good when Denmark and (Y/N) work together.

"So hit me with some ideas we could do." He said.

"Well... Norway and Iceland love mackerel. They would fight over it, they love it so much. So we can cook one mackerel and set it on the table for them both to see and watch them fight over it." You say. Matthias's eyes went wide.

"That's perfect!" He said with excitement. "What else?"

"You know about how Norway and Finland love coffee? Well why don't we hide all of it?" His smile grew even wider.

"That would be awesome! Except that we would probably both die." He said.

"Yeah. Scratch that. I don't feel like dying yet." You thought some more then snapped your fingers.

"I know! Why don't we hide Iceland's licorice?" You asked. Matthias nodded his head.

"Yeah! He won't kill us if we don't get caught!" He said. You thought some more.

"Doesn't Norway do magic?" You ask. Matthias nods his head.

"Yeah? Why?" You smile.

"Well maybe we could try to make a spell or just mix up a couple of his ingredients?" He thought about it.

"Yes! We totally have to do that!" He laughed at the thought of seeing Lukas fail and being confused about it. "Anymore ideas?"

"How about making a fake picture of Ikea burning down, then showing it to Sweden?" Matthias roared out a laugh.

"That's perfect! Sweden would freak!" You laugh with him and he gets up.

"Well if we are going to prank these guys, we are going to need a few things." You both walk out of the little woods and walk to the town. You both talk and make jokes on the way while, also planning how you are going to get the pranks to work. You both walk a while and end up in front of a fish shop.

"I have a friend who works here. He should have a good priced mackerel." You nod your head and walk inside. No one was behind the counter.

"Hey! Abel! You here?" Matthias called out. He heard some foot steps come out from behind the wall which lead into a little kitchen or freezer.

You looked over to see Netherlands standing behind the counter.

"Yeah. I'm here." He said. Matthias had a huge smile on his face at seeing his friend.

"Hey! What's up?" Netherlands just shrugged his shoulder while have a sort of smirk on his face.

"Eh. Nothing. Just business as usual." He said. "What do you need?" Matthias smiled again.

"One mackerel, please!" Netherlands gave him a confused look and went to grab a mackerel. He came back and then he noticed you.

"You need something too, girly?" He asked. You gave an awkward smile.

"Oh no. I'm with Matthias." He smirked.

"So you two are dating, huh?" You slightly blushed out of embarrassment and waved your arms around in a denying matter.

"No! We aren't dating! We're just friends!" You say hurriedly. He just laughs and hands Matthias the mackerel.

"Well it looks like you have just been friend-zoned, Matthias. Isn't that the first?" Matthias blushed and coughed.

"Whatever. How much?" Netherlands looked over at your awkward, embarrassed form.

"I'll give you the buddy price just because you got friend-zoned so bad." Matthias blushed even more and so did you while Netherlands just laughed away. Matthias gave him the money and you both left, but not before Netherlands asked you one last question.

"What's your name, girly?" You turned your head around and just plainly answered.

"It's (Y/N)." You both existed the shop.

"Well it looks like I just met Netherlands." You said.

"Yeah. He always like that. You'll get use to it." You laugh and you both head home.


You both quietly walk in the house, making sure no one knows you both have returned.

You look around and see that everyone was either in their rooms or, in Sweden's and Finland's case, gone. That means that Norway and Iceland are both home. Perfect.

You start to cook the mackerel and Denmark starts to photo shop a picture of Ikea, making it look like it was on fire.

After you finished cooking the mackerel you set it on the table and you and Denmark hide, waiting for them to find the mackerel.

"Hey! Norway! Iceland!" Denmark shouts. You both wait with huge smiles spread across your faces.

Soon you hear Iceland open his door and Norway walk up the stairs to the kitchen. They both walk in the kitchen with annoyed looks on their faces.

"What does the Dane want?" Norway grumbled and Iceland just shrugged.

The scent of the mackerel reached their noses and they turn toward the fish. Their eyes widened and raced to it.

On the right side Iceland was holding on to the plate while Norway was holding on to the left. They lock eyes and glare at each other.

"It's mine." Was all Norway said while holding his glare.

"No way! I want it, too!" Iceland shot back. They continue to glare as you and Denmark try to hold in your laughter.

"I'm the oldest. So I get it." Norway hissed.

"Who cares! I want the mackerel!" Iceland said childishly.

"There's only one. And I want to the mackerel." Norway said back. They both looked like little stubborn children fighting over who get's what toy.

"You know I love mackerel!" Iceland said back.

"So do I." They held a staring contest and Iceland lunged for the fish.

Norway tackled him to the floor and they started to wrestle for the mackerel.

You and Denmark were trying desperately not to laugh as the tears were going down both of your faces.

Norway some how got on top and pinned down Iceland. He jumped up and tried to reach the mackerel but Iceland grabbed on to his foot and pulled him back down. The continued to do this for a little bit then Iceland jumped up.

"This is stupid! We shouldn't be fighting over a stupid fish." Iceland said. Norway got up and looked at Iceland with a confused look. Iceland continued.

"I'm sorry... Big Brother." Iceland finished.

Everyone had a very shocked look on their face.

Norway was stunned. Iceland just called him big brother.

Iceland then reached in for a hug.

That's when realization dawned on you.

You knew Iceland's little plan. Denmark on the other hand, looked like he was about to cry by how touching the scene was.

Norway hugged back while smiling and had little hearts flowing around his head. Iceland started to scoot a little bit towards the mackerel,while Norway was too distracted to notice. Soon Iceland pushed his brother off of him, grabbed the mackerel, and ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Norway chased after him but couldn't get the door open.

"Iceland. You better unlock this door." Norway hissed. You heard a quiet 'No way!' and Norway was trying to find a way to get the door open.

You and Denmark once again had a stream of tears flowing down your faces. You both run out of the kitchen without being caught because Norway was too busy trying to break the door down. Y

ou and Denmark run outside laughing your heads off. After about ten minutes you both were on the ground, out of breath while your stomachs were hurting from laughing so hard. You both finally get a grip and crawl over next to each other.

"That-*wheeze*-was amazing." You stated. He nodded his head.

"Who knew they would go as far as Iceland calling him 'big brother' for the mackerel." He wheezed out.

You both saw Sweden's car come down the road and then pull up in the drive way. Sweden stepped out of the car along with Finland and their little dog, Hanatamago, and Mr. Puffin. 'Oh. They went to pick them up. That's why they were gone.'

Sweden spotted you and Denmark sitting on the grass and Sweden's expression darkened. You were actually terrified of Sweden right now. He stood over Denmark while Denmark had a scared look on his face.

"Ins'de." Was all Sweden had to say for Denmark to scramble for the front door. You shakily got up and slowly followed. Sweden's gaze softened at you though.

You all walk inside to see Norway following Iceland everywhere, trying to get him to call him big brother again. You and Denmark smirk.

Finland sits on the couch with Hanatamago in his arms. Mr. Puffin flies over at sits on Iceland's head.

"Hey tough guy. Long time no see." Mr. Puffin squawked. Iceland sighs and grabs something out of his pocket and feeds it to Mr. Puffin. The air grows very tense.

"Uh. What happened?" Finland asked. Norway shot Iceland a glare.

"There was a mackerel on the table and little brother distracted me and took the fish." He said. Finland had a look of confusion.

"How did a mackerel get on the table? I wasn't there when we left." He asked. They both shrugged.

"How d'd he d'stract you?" Sweden asked. Norway's eyes glittered at the fond memory and had had a small smile on his face. It looked like there was hearts surrounding his head, that he treasured it so much.

"He called me big brother and hugged me." He said while putting an arm around Iceland's shoulders. Iceland was very embarrassed and clutched his hand. Everyone aww'd, even you, who watched it from beginning to end and set them up for it. But it was still touching. But then Finland had a look of question.

"Wait. Then who put the mackerel there and who sent Sweden a text of Ikea burning down? We had to turn around from coming back home because Sweden was freaking out about it." He asked. Everyone's face grimaced.

Oh boy, were you and Denmark going to get it when you get caught.

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