(H/C)= Hair colour
(E/C)= Eye colour
(F/C)= Favorite colour
(Y/N)= Name
(S/T)= Skin tone
(F/F)= Favorite flavor
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Today I have to hang out with Canada.
I shot out of bed at the thought.
I quickly grabbed an outfit and ran to the restroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and fixed up my look and checked my phone for the time, 8:00. I hope I'm early.
I made my way up the kitchen to find only Finland and Norway. I greeted them and grabbed some cereal to eat. We talked about what today might be like.
"So what are you and Canada going to do?" Finland asked. You pondered before shrugging.
"I have no idea. He just told me he would pick me up, here." I said. He nodded. You two continued to talk and Norway would jump sometimes in, and soon everyone else came in.
Or more like Sweden walked in, Denmark trudged in with a dramatic groan, and Emil slowly slithered his way in while dragging his feet and hissing at Denmark's loud groan.
You lightly giggled at the scene and Denmark automatically brightened up with a smile as he sat down.
"Hej (Y/N)! I see your ready to hangout with what's-his-face already." He said while grabbing some toast with jam. I nodded and put my bowl away.
"Yeah. I'm really excited. Canada's an interesting character, so I really want to meet him personally." I say with some excitement in my eyes.
What you didn't know was that everyone had a jealous look at hearing that.
They quickly recovered and went back to them selves, even though they still felt a slight jealousy.
You sat back down with the guys and talked some more and Denmark was still ranting about being safe and to call them with anything. You rolled your eyes. 'Seriously? How many times has he told you this? About ten times since yesterday.'
He reminded the girl of a really overprotective dad that was flipping out about his daughter about to go on a date. You quietly giggled at the thought of him being a dad and having a daughter.
You were cut out of the thought as the doorbell rang. You walked down the stairs (with the Nordics following) to open the door. Canada had a shy smile.
"Hey Canada!" You greeted. He waved.
"Hey. Are you ready to go?" He asked in a soft voice. You nodded.
"Yeah. I'm ready." You turn to the Nordics and waved them goodbye.
"Bye guys! I should be back later!" You called behind you.
"Okay! Have fun!" Finland said while waving back.
You existed the house and followed Canada to the car. He drove and you decided to strike up a conversation so it wouldn't be awkward.
"So what are we doing today?" You asked with a friendly smile. He smiled back.
"We're going to the skating rinks today. I hope you don't mind." He answered.
"No, I don't mind! But I haven't gone skating before." You say with slight panic. You really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of a pro skater. He smiled.
"You don't have to worry aboot it. I could help teach you." You gave a grateful smile and you spent the rest of the car ride in a comfortable silence.
You reached the skating rink after about 5 minutes. You both walked in and Canada had two pairs of skated in his hand. You both sat down on the bleachers and he handed you the smaller pair of skates.
"Sorry if they're not your size. I didn't know your shoe size." He said with a sheepish smile. You smile back and try them on.
"It's fine. I don't even know my show size anymore." You say. When you realized your size changed, when you came here, your clothes and shoes somehow changed with you.
You slip in your foot and it fit perfectly. You give a wide grin and turn to Canada.
"It fits perfectly!" You say. He gave a small sigh of relief.
You put on both of your skate and you and Canada walk to the ice rink. You heart is beating because you really have no idea of how to move on the ice.
Canada glides in like it's nothing and turns around and reaches a hand out to you. You gratefully take it and he pulls you onto the ice. You try not to move in fear you will fall and he laughs.
"It's okay. I got you. You can relax." He says. You try to relax and you stay still on the ice. You slowly let go of his hand and try to move a little bit to get a feel on how to move.
Almost right away you slip backwards and fall on your butt. He quickly rushed to help you up. After helping you up you hold onto his arm and laugh at your own stupidity while flushing a light pink in embarrassment. He laughs too.
You're too scared to let go of Canada but you don't want to get in his way either. You slowly let go and somewhat hover your hands over his arm incase of almost fall again.
"Sorry about that. I don't want to cling to you." You say. He lightly blushes and grabs your hand.
"It's alright. I'm going to teach you how to skate." He answers back. You to busy being happy to blush at holding his hand.
He slowly moves forward and you grab onto his arm again while trembling. He lightly laughs and drags you a little bit more and comes to a stop.
"Here. Why don't I show you how to move?" He carefully slipped out of your grasp, trying not to move you, and you let go. You stand still in an awkward way and watch as he moves gracefully around you.
"Now you try!" He says with a big smile and laughs a little. You slowly try to move the same way he does and make a small stride. You move a little bit more.
"I think I'm starting to get the hang of it!" You say while skating a little bit faster and with more grace than your awkward-flamingo-on-ice to begin with. Canada smiles and skates in a circle around you, causing you to get distracted and fall on your butt again.
After about a couple of hours, what felt like only minutes, and a bunch of falling and Canada helping you up, you started to get the hang of it better.
"You should be skating like me in no time!" He says. You laugh at his statement.
"I don't think so. You skate with the grace of a ballerina! I'm like a giraffe on ice." You say. He laughs and slows down to skate next to you.
You quickly took notice of how he acts like a totally different person on the ice. Like he in his happy place here and no one could judge him. 'I really liked this part of Canada.'
You both skate some more and you finally start to skate like a normal person. You feel excited as you gracefully start to skate. It's still not as good as Canada but it was definitely way better than you started out.
(Canada's POV:)
I watch as she started to finally get the hang of skating.
She gracefully skates around with a breath taking smile across her (S/T) face. Her eyes were gleaming with excitement as she turned the corner without stumbling at all. If I was a stranger, I would of thought she was a figure skater.
I smile and caught up with her. We slow down and talk but she accidently started to fumble. She was about to fall face first into the ice but my reflexes kicked in to catch her. What we both weren't expecting, though, was that we both ended up tumbling to the ground.
I felt a light weight on top of me as my back was on the ice. 'At least I saved her from hitting the ice.'
I opened my eyes to see if (Y/N) was okay, to see her only mere centimeters away from my face, I flushed a deep red at the position. Her hands were clutching the top of my shirt, and she was laying directly on top of me with her legs somewhat straddling me.
She slowly opened her eyes and she immediately blushed when she noticed the position. She quickly tried to get off and was stuttering apologies like crazy and held out a hand to help me up. I quickly told her that it was okay and she had embarrassment written all over her. I wasn't much better myself. I was like a fountain full of stutters and the more I talked, the more I would get embarrassed and blush even redder. I must be as red as my flag by now.
We both look at each other and she laughed. She said that we looked like we could make tomatoes jealous by how red we were. I laughed back trying to get the awkward atmosphere away from us but as soon as we stopped laughing the awkwardness hit us like a title wave.
I decided to try to break the silence with a suggestion.
"Do you want to go for some ice cream?" I asked. Her eyes sparkled.
"Yeah! That would be awesome!" She said. Almost as if the awkwardness a couple of seconds ago was never there.
We walk back to the bleachers and take off our skates and gather our stuff.
We walk outside and we were both laughing at some funny moments that happened to us before. I talked about the time when America was at a park with me, England, and France, to go on a picnic and he somehow ended up disturbing a whole nest of wasps when he was climbing the tree, so they chased after all of us and we had to run into a small pond to get them away from us. We were soaking wet and had stings all over our backs when we finished our little "picnic". She laughed really hard at the story to the point where she almost had tears. I felt like a champion who won the world game when I made her laugh so hard.
She makes me really happy that she notices me and talks to me like I was her best friend her whole life. It made me feel like I was important to someone.
"I wish I was there to see it!" She said while calming down. I laugh some more and she tells me how her and Denmark pranked Iceland and Norway with cooking only one mackerel and watching them fight over it to the point where Iceland tricked Norway by calling him a name he absolutely hated to call Norway. Big brother. Then how Denmark sent Sweden a fake picture of Ikea burning down so him and Finland had to turn around from their drive home because he freaked out so bad.
I laugh at her story and we continue to make jokes as I drive to a small ice cream stand by the park. We reach the park and we decided to take a walk to get to know each other some more. I spotted the ice cream stand and we walked over.
"What can I get you, you young fellows?" The kind, old ice cream man asked. I smile politely along with (Y/N) and ordered.
"Could I get a maple ice cream?" I asked. The old man nodded.
"Sure! Sure! What can a get you, young lady?" He asked (Y/N).
"I'll have a (F/F) ice cream, please." She said with a cute, innocent smile. She reminded me of a little puppy with her innocence.
The old man smiled back and got our ice cream. She reached into her pocket and pulled out some money with a surprised look on her face. I quickly reached in my wallet and gave the man the money for both of our ice cream before she could pay.
I grabbed our ice cream and we both started to walk. She had a worried look.
"I could of paid for my own ice cream! You didn't have to!" She said in a somewhat panicked way. I smile and hand her, her ice cream. She took it.
"Don't worry it's my treat." I say. She still had an unsure look before giving up.
"Thank you." She said with a bright smile.
We walk around the park and we gave each other our numbers so we could talk to each other easily. We were so caught up in talking that we didn't even realize that it's really late and super dark. When I notice the sound of the crickets and see the stars shining brightly, do I realize that.
I was about to tell (Y/N) that we should really start walking back to the car so she could get home, but I notice how the stars glittered in her (E/C) eyes as she was looking at them with amazement. She looked stunning. I didn't even realize that I stopped breathing all together. She looked over to me and smiled.
"We should really go. I have a feeling that Denmark's going to bite my head off when I get back." She said. I nodded and we made our way back to the car.
I drive (Y/N) back to the Nordic's place and walk her to the door.
"Thank you for the fun time tonight, (Y/N)." I say. She smiles.
"Yeah! I had a really great time. We should hang out again sometime." She said. I smiled at the thought. She knocked on the door and the door flew open. Denmark was standing there with worry written all over his face.
"Where were you guys?! And what took so long?!" He said frantically. (Y/N) sighed and turned to me.
"I'll see you later, okay? Thanks for the night." I nod and watch as she walked into the house with Denmark.
(Your POV:)
I shut the door and Denmark had a worried look along with everyone else in the room.
"Why were you guys out so late?" He asked. I checked my phone to see it read 9:00. 'Oops.'
"It's not that late." I say trying to calm him down. "But we were ice skating and later got ice cream in the park. I guess we were so caught up in talking we lost track of time." I said with a sheepish smile.
"I'm sorry that I worried you." He calms down while sighing and everyone had an understanding look on their face and pulls he pulls me in for a hug.
"It's fine. Just let us know next time you lose track on time. We was seriously worried that something happened." He said pulling away from the hug. I laugh.
"You could of just called me! Plus, I can promise you that nothing happened nor will anything ever happen." I say. He gives me a bright smile.
"Good! Because if someone messed with you, they would be messing with us! Can't let our family get hurt, now can we?" He says. Everyone nodded and made some kind of acknowledgement to agree.
I almost cried when he said that. They really are like my family. I seem closer to them than I did with anyone I knew. I smile and hug him again.
"Thank you guys." I say, almost crying. Finland 'awed' and got everyone to join in a group hug.
We pulled away and I gave them a grateful smile. "It really means a lot to me." Finland gave a kind smile, Denmark had a big, goofy grin, Iceland had a small smile tugging at his lips, Norway had compassion shining through his eyes with a small side smile, and Sweden had a softened look.
I felt right at home here.
"Of course! That's what family does for each other!" Finland said. Everyone gave another nod and you sniffled while laughing.
"Yeah. We are family." You stated with a warm smile.
You all talked a little bit more and you decided to get to bed. You were sore from all the times you fell while skating and was also exhausted. You made your way back to your bathroom with some clothes and took a quick shower before climbing into bed and falling into a peaceful sleep.
Here's the new one I made! The other one's I updated were one's that I found out, didn't publish, even though I thought they did. Hoped you liked it and see you soon guys! Hasta la pasta~
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