Chapter 13- Dreaming to remember

For the past month, Layla avoided Trevor. As much as she wanted to confront him, get in his face, and to tell him what a piece of shit he is, she couldn't. Alaric had talked her out of confronting him, wanting her to act like she didn't know what he was, to protect herself for the time being.

Alaric had Layla staying at his and Adrian's home so they could work with her, to help her figure out the powers she had, and to help strengthen them.

Being that it had been quiet around town, and the dreams she had been having subsided, she hadn't been able to use the powers she knew she had.

Alaric and Adrian came up with a plan and decided to have their sister Angeline come over. Layla was lying in bed thinking about the picture of her mother, wondering what she was like and if she was in fact just like her.

She rolled to her side, and had just closed her eyes when she felt the bed dip down beside her. "Are you awake?" he asked quietly as he leaned over her.

"I was just about to go to sleep." she said, just before rolling onto her back. "I've been trying to get myself to dream about my mother, wanting to see if I can get some answers from her."

He leaned down to her lips and kissed her softly "I'm sure your answers will come to you soon."

"I know you're not supposed to say anything to me, and now that you know Phoebe was my mother, did you happen to know who my father was"

He shook his head no, sat up and turned the other way. "No, I don't know who your father was. When I knew her, she was alone."

She pushed herself up and rested her chin on his shoulder, sighing "Are you just saying that, or are you telling me the truth?"

"I'm telling you the truth... besides, if I were lying to you, you would be the first to know."

"Why's that?"

He laughed and tuned his head to the side, and looked at her out the corner of his eye "Because, you know how to read my mind."

"I suppose you're right." she said as she laid back down.

He stood up and grabbed a hold of her hand "Come on, come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"Downstairs... Adrian and I came up with a plan to try and help get your emotions going."

She stopped walking and looked at him confused "Emotions?"

He smiled "Yes, emotions. Nothing has been going on for you to figure yourself out, we noticed whenever you're upset, or angry, that's when you discover something about yourself... So, Adrian, Angeline, and I, came up with a way to work with you..."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Get you mad." he chuckled.

As they walked downstairs, she was curious as to what they planned on doing. As she stepped off the last step and turned the corner, she was grabbed from behind, picked up and a hand covered her mouth.

Alaric turned around when she didn't respond to his question and saw Adrian holding onto her. "Already?" he asked Adrian.

She started fighting him off, and was finally able to free herself, she turned around, and punched Adrian "What the hell are you doing?" she snapped.

He laughed and looked at Alaric "Didn't he tell you? We'd like to get you angry so you can discover your strengths, and see what your weaknesses are."

"I don't know how that'll work; I don't want to hurt you guys."

"No worries, we've got it all figured out." Adrian winked.

Angeline walked into the room, handing Layla a glass "Here, drink some of this..." she smiled.

Layla took the glass, placed it at her lips, and drank. She thought it was going to be whiskey at first, but the moment it hit her mouth she tasted blood.

"Where did you get this?" she asked, as she pulled the glass away to look inside it.

She pushed the cup back to Layla's lips, and grinned "It's animal blood, I acquired it earlier to make sure you had enough blood while we worked with you to tonight... it may not satisfy you, but it will help get you by. Drink up, this will be good for you, trust me."

Layla finished the blood Angeline had given her, then they brought her into another room and worked with her for a while, they egged her on, pushed her buttons and got her so upset that they saw her disappear, or so they thought.

All three of them looked around the room for her until Alaric felt her nearby, he then saw Angeline fly across the room, then Adrian. Alaric held his hands out, talking with her as he moved around "Alright Layla, it's enough... you can show yourself now." Alaric asked, then smiled nervously as he turned his head to the side and listened, trying to see if he could hear her.

Next thing he knew, he felt himself being lifted and was just hanging in the air. He lowered his head and looked down, focused, and realized she didn't disappear, she camouflaged herself and changed to the surroundings around her as she moved. Alaric chuckled and begged her to set him down.

Adrian walked towards them, rubbing the back of his head with a smile "I think we're done for the night, she got me good."

Later that night while Layla slept, Alaric laid in bed thinking about Trevor and how everything calmed down after their little fight they had a month back, and was kicked out by Layla. He wasn't sure if the reasoning was because of Layla kicking him out, if it was because she figured out who he was or if he figured out she knew what she was.

He got out of bed, got dressed and decided to go make Trevor a visit. He had his hand on the doorknob about to open the door, and heard a whimper come out of Layla, he quickly turned around and saw her tossing and turning and knew she was having one of her dreams.

He got back into bed, and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arm around her. He got into her dream, stood back and watched what she was seeing, ready to make his move if he had to help her out. He saw she was a little girl about three or four years old, and was walking through the woods alone, stopping to pick up frogs, bugs, and whatever else she could find and placing them into the pocket of her dress.

She then started singing, skipping, and playing until someone tall walked over to her, took her hand and started walking her in a different direction. Alaric's heart started beating faster as he recognized the man as a treacher by the way he was walking. He followed them into an open area and stopped when he saw a child run over to them.

As he stood there watching, the child turned around, Alaric then realized the child as Trevor. He started walking closer and then everything got dark. Her dream shifted into another scene, they were in an area that was far from home, Phoebe was in tears as she handed Layla off to another family. He then saw Phoebe walk Layla into another area away from everyone, placed her hands on Layla's face, and closed her eyes as she spoke.

Layla dropped to the ground, she was then picked up by Phoebe and carried back to the other family. Before Phoebe left, she handed the family a stack of books, and a big long wooden box, then heard her mention that they were to go to Layla when she was an adult.

Layla's dream changed again, she was running, and looking behind her as she ran. He saw the treacher going after her and knew he needed to wake her. He flew over to her, stopped her from running and held onto her "Layla, wake up." he demanded.

Layal woke up gasping for air, and sat up quickly. "Are you alright?" he asked, worried.

"I saw her... she gave me away." she said softly.

"For a good reason, a very good reason. She only did it to protect you." He sat up and wrapped his arm over her shoulder and leaned his head against hers "I was there, I saw what you were dreaming."

"That little boy I was handed to, that was Trevor, wasn't it?"


She sighed and laid back down "All I wanted to do, was to dream about my mother, hoping to get answers."

"The clues are there, just think about them and they'll come to you."

The next few days, Layla kept dreaming about her mother, hoping to connect with her and to see if there was anything she had to tell her. Most of her dreams kept repeating themselves, and had one dream she wished she hadn't, her mother being captured, hung, and burned.

She started dreaming about the box that was given to the family, and focused in on it. She thought she remembered seeing a box like it, and tried to remember where she saw it. She woke up, looked over at Alaric, then quietly got out of bed.

She snuck out of the house, took a walk, and decided to head over to her house to see if she could find the box. Along the way, she felt someone following her and kept turning around "Hello?" she asked while walking backwards.

After no response, and not seeing anything strange, she turned around and continued walking. As she approached the cliff where her parents were killed, she stopped, looked down and closed her eyes. The vision of her parents going over the cliff kept repeating in her mind Show me what happened. she begged.

She then found herself in the backseat of her parents' car, and listened to her parents talking to each other "It's time we finally tell Layla the truth, she needs to know who she is, and the reasoning why we moved here." her mother said, sighing.

"Cassandra, she wouldn't understand... she'll resent us once she knows the truth."

"She's nineteen years old, she's old enough to know who she really is. We can't keep this from her any longer, especially now."

"The longer she doesn't know, the longer we can keep them away from her."

"Dammit Kenneth, they're here and they're coming for her. You said so yourself... she needs to become who she is, and we need to give her what they're after her for. Once she learns, she'll be able to get rid of them once and for all, and she'll be free."

Layla sat closer, wanting to hear more until her father got quiet, looked away from her mother, and looked forward. Layla saw they were coming to the cliff and looked out the window in front of her when she heard her father gasp. She saw a line of treachers blocking the road, her father swerved sharp to the right, then found themselves going down the cliff.

They survived the crash, as the vehicle filled with water, her father was able to break free from the seat belt and helped her mother get out of hers. As they tried to escape the vehicle, Layla saw the treachers blocking them from getting out, and once her parents' ran out of energy, the treachers left and the vehicle exploded.

Layla opened her eyes and began running, running as fast as she could until she got home. Once she got inside, she stood against the door and cried. She knew her parents didn't just drive over the cliff like she was told, and now knew the treachers had something to do with her parents' deaths.

She thought about how Trevor comforted her after her parents died, then tried remembering everything he said to her the night the police informed her they were killed. She became angry, stood up and began scanning the home, looking through the walls, and floors. She figured out she could see through objects and walked around the home scanning every possible thing she could.

Alaric was starting to wake up, he rolled over and went to put his arm around Layla and felt nothing. He moved his arm around; opened his eyes and saw she wasn't in bed or in the room. He got dressed and headed downstairs thinking maybe she was talking with Adrian. He walked into the living room and saw Adrian sitting on the couch, sipping on whiskey.

"Where's Layla?" Alaric asked, as he walked into the room.

He shrugged his shoulders and gave him a curious look "How am I supposed to know? Last time I checked she was your responsibility..." he noticed Alaric's expression change and sat his drink down on the table. "I've been awake for a while now, sitting right here the entire time, not once did I see her walk by. She must be around here somewhere."

"I don't think so, I don't feel her near at all." he says, pushing himself away from the couch. He knew she wasn't there and began reaching out to her. He began to worry when she wouldn't respond to him, and looked at Adrian.

"I'll be back."

"Where are you going?"

"Out looking for her, I have a feeling where she might be."

He left the house, got in his car, and drove around. The closer he got to Layla's home, the stronger he could feel her. He pulled into her driveway, and knew she was inside the home. He walked in, announced his presence and started looking around after receiving no response from her.

He could see she was on a mission by the looks of the home, and walked up the stairs. He looked inside each room, then found her sitting on her parents' bed. "Layla?" he asked, then walked into the room and sat down next to her.

She leaned her head down onto his shoulder and took a deep breath "I saw the accident... I saw what was said between them before it happened, and saw what happened after the accident. It wasn't my parents' fault, it was them... they caused the accident."


"I saw and heard everything; they were killed because of me. My mother wanted to tell me the truth, my father wanted to keep it hidden longer, but the moment they agreed on telling me the truth, the treachers showed up, caused the accident, and made sure they were killed."

She sat up, looked at Alaric and bit her bottom lip "I looked all around the house for the box, it isn't in the house. While sitting in this room, I was able to reach out to my real mother. I was able to get her to come to me, and to tell me where I can find that box."

"And... where is it?" he asked, standing up.

She smiled "It's located in a place you know very well, as do I. This spot has come up in my dreams many times, and now I know why."

He tilted his head to the side, trying to think of the spot where she was talking about. He knew of a couple areas her dreams always were, but one area in particular stuck out the most. "Let's go." he smiled, while taking her hand "I'm pretty sure I know the spot you're talking about."

Sorry for the late morning chapter, it's been a busy one. I wasn't able to write the last couple days, and did something to my eye.. lol...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I wrote it fast and with only being able to see with one eye 😁😁👁

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