Chapter 4: Y/n's Awakening

3rd POV:

Night time at Y/n's home

As the girls who cared for Y/n, they have brought back his body and put him in his bed. However, Sona, Asia and Rossweisse are shocked to see that Kuroka and Chisato are helping them to follow the mysterious voices' request.

Sona:(shocked,angry)Kuroka?!?! What are you doing here?!?! Are you here to finish him!?!?

Kuroka:(serious)No. I'm here to help him on Y/n's behalf and those three mysterious voices as well.

Chisato:(serious)That's right. She's telling the truth and I was there within the dark.

Asia:(shocked)Wait. You're not the only one who hears those voices?

Rossweisse:(serious)It seems that we have shared the same goal to aid Y/n.

Chisato:(serious)We'll talk about this later, right now we must help Y/n before it's too late.

...Miss Chisato is correct...all will be explained soon...

...Yes...please save're the only one who he can trust...

...They're right...the amulet and the Wayfinder are in his drawers...we will handle the rest...have faith on us...

Sona:(nod)Alright, we'll save him.

Those five ladies have found what they're looking for and placed them on Y/n's chest. But then, these two items are corresponding to each other and started to brighten to Y/n's body including his entire room.

3rd POV:

...What...what's happening to me?...I'm falling...falling into darkness....

Y/n gracefully land on his feet, began to opens his eyes and he sees the same image again like in his dream before.

(Like the description in Chapter 1)

...Y/'re here at last...the time has come....

...Yes...everything will be explained...about your memory sleeps within your heart...

...Thanks from your friend's's time for truth...and determine your road of destiny...

The door has magically appears in Y/n's eyes. They instructed him to approach and opening the door, a shining light that brighten through door and Y/n entered in.

It looks like the door leads to another kind of world, that looks like someone was living in a big mansion in the middle of the forest.

Inside of that mansion, there was a giant portrait of a family of four. There was a man with white hair along with a monocle and a purple coat. A beautiful blonde woman with a black dress. And besides her are their children who are twins which is one with his white hair down and other is his white hair slick back.

And then, an orb of light appeared in front of him. So he decided to touch that light, and began to merging inside of his body. The images and those three voices has become clearer to him, and started to remember them of who they are. And realizes that his true biological parents are...Dante and Trish Sparda.

Y/n:(realize)Wait, are they my family? And the others are-

...That's right...Turn around...

As Y/n slowly turns around, to see of his relatives...

Sparda:(happy)It's great to finally meet you, my Grandson.

Eva:(happy)Honey, look at him. He looks a bit look like you and our son.

Y/n slowly began to cry for meeting his grandparents for the first time. He run toward them and hugged both so emotional for him.

Y/n:(sobbing)'s you...I'm so meet you...

Eva:(happy)Yes. We're so excited to meet in your mind.

Sparda:But there's one more person that she's happy to see you again.

???:(giggles)That's right. I'm right here.

Y/n turns around and see his caretaker who mysteriously vanished, it's Emiko Shirogane.

Emiko:(giggles)It's been a while, hasn't it Y/n? My, you have grown to be kind and handsome young man.

Y/n:(smile)Emiko, you're here!

Y/n began to running towards her and hugged her as she hugged back.

Y/n:So now that you guys are here, mind telling me of what's been happening?

Eva:Yes, it's time for truth.

Sparda:Right, your father made a ritual to imbued your powers of our family's heritage and memories.

Emiko:After your grandparent's explanation of your parent's actions, I will tell you mine.

As Sparda and Eva have began to tell them why Y/n's father blocked his memories and powers, they reveal to him that he had a bad feeling of his child will be in grave danger. So they tell him about his battles against a sinister businessman named Arius from raising the demon Argosax and achieving supreme power at the island of Vie de Marli, the incident of Fortuna City, which is rumors that 'the Savior' and three guardians of the Hell Gate causing chaos to the innocent people. His father was able to stop them along with the help of his mom, sister like figure Lady and Nero. After the incident of Fortuna City, Nero starts to build a branch for Devil May Cry, with his new partner & gunsmith Nico Goldstein, daughter of Agnus. Just then, a hooded man barges in and rips the Devil Bringer off of Nero in his own home, leaving him to die bleeding with Yamato in the hooded man's hands.

Regaining consciousness, Nero climbs to the top of the tree, alongside the mysterious V who is helping him, just to see Dante, Trish and Lady fighting the new demon king, Urizen. The trio get easily defeated by the immense power of the king, and Nero is forced to escape the scene by Dante with the help of V.

However shocking to Y/n, Dante straight up confesses to Nero that he is Vergil's son. Nero, confused at what he had just heard, could not believe it. But Dante assured him that he knew the day he first saw and met for the first time & when he witnessed Yamato react to him. That's how he was sure of Nero's identity and relation and that he couldn't let Nero kill his own father.

Nero, who was also making his way up the Qliphoth, finds a broken phone on the way up. He calls Kyrie in search for consolation, and it is granted. Kyrie reassures Nero about his decisions, and her response gives him the confidence he needed to face his family heritage & legacy. While he was reaching out to the top of the tree, his missing arm blows the Devil Breaker off of him, and a new arm simply grows out of it. This new power awakens Nero's true Devil Trigger, and he arrives at the climax of the brothers' fight, stopping the two at once.

Nero states that neither one of them will die, and that this vendetta will end once and for all. When Dante tries to tell Nero again that their rivalry does not concern him, he gets suckerpunched and is so surprised by Nero's new powers that he sarcastically states that it almost killed him. Nero and Vergil start their own personal fight. In the end, after being bested by Nero, Vergil and Dante make a truce due to the Qliphoth tree, stating that they need to go to the Demon World to kill it once and for all. Nero doesn't accept this because the two would be stuck there forever, but the brothers go anyway. But not before Dante passes the torch to his nephew, who goes back to Kyrie with Nico.

As for Emiko's explanation, she had a bad feeling of her heart as well, but it's different from them. A man named Master Xehanort has began his plan for collecting twenty pieces, seven of light and thirteen darknesses to forge the ultimate weapon, the X-Blade, in order to open the door of Kingdom Hearts. He may have failed years ago, but he didn't abandoned his ambitions, soon one day he'll return. The reason of her explanation because used to be a Keyblade Wielder in her younger days, so she remains as a secret observer. Furthermore, she have explained that both Xehanort's Heartless and Nobody has been defeated by a boy named Sora, Riku along with his friends.

Y/n: Ohh. So that's why you left the note and the charm for me, right Emiko?

Emiko: Yeah. I don't want you to be sad all the time. So I left the Charm to remember me by, the times the memories that we shared together as a family.(smile) And I see you as my own son.

Sparda:(smile)Emiko, we are grateful to you for looking over our grandson.

Eva:(smile)Yes. We're so glad that he's safe in your hands. Perhaps, there's a chance for you to find your love within your heart, right?

Emiko:(blushes)W-w-well maybe, I'm not... sure. It takes some time to find someone who loves me.

Y/n:So anyway, the time has come to embrace my family's heritage and powers, right grandpa?

Sparda:Yes. During that procedure of awakening, you will gain the powers of your father, your uncle and myself as well. Also, your appearance will dramatically change of your comatose state due to the amulet that your father left behind.

Emiko:And the Wayfinder, are starting to corresponding to each other and you started to dream that I'm pretty you've been there before. For that, you'll soon earn the power to wield of the Keyblade.

Eva:Yes. You have started to answer those questions you have witnessed. And we are so happy and proud for what have chose.

Sparda:So Y/n, tell us about your life of you have experienced so far.

Y/n have started to share his side of his story. To Emiko surprise, she didn't realize that the same black cat that we saved and transformed into a beautiful woman which named Kuroka Toujou. Kuroka said that she is grateful for saving her life and giving her some shelter. He also tells them about his time of Occult Research Club was tiring and depressing a little bit. But he had some good friends who believed in him. As Y/n was finished his story, he's ready to embrace the powers of Sparda's heritage also bestowed the power of the Keyblade which he'll awaken his own very soon. Y/n's grandparents reveals that his family is still alive, his mother Trish is with Lady and Nero, while his father Dante and his uncle Vergil are still trapped in the different part of the Underworld which they will find a way out. Y/n is very relieved that they are still alive and well out there. As they finished with their explanation and awakening his heritage, Y/n's body to fading away slowly as he's about to wake up.

Sparda:Well, it's done. Time for you to wake up.

Eva:At least, we are so glad to meet you in person.

Emiko:After you woke up, you will determine your own road of destiny as the Third Generation of Sparda.

Y/n:(nod)Right. But I know you will always there inside my heart.

Y/n placed his hand on his chest where his heart is.

Y/n:No matter what happens, my family will be right here. As long as I remember all of you and my family, after we've been together, well who knows.

Sparda is so happy and proud, while Eva and Emiko are happy with tears of Y/n's response.

Eva:Good bye, my sweet boy.

Emiko:Don't ever forget, wherever you go, we'll be there with you...May your heart, be your guiding key...

Sparda:That's right, show them the power of our family's legacy... The Power of Sparda.

(Dream and music ended)

Y/n's POV:

As I began to wake up, I'm back at my own room which means that I'm back at my house. When I got up from my bed, I noticed the reflection of myself have changed dramatically.

Y/n:(surprised)Whoa! I do look like my dad. Heh, I guess I know who I am now. I'm Y/n Redgrave Sparda.

Chisato:Y/n, is everything al-(shocked)

Kuroka:Chisato, what's wro-

Chisato and Kuroka are shocked in tears of not only that I'm alive, also my appearance have changed as well. They immediately rushing towards me hugging him that my alive right now. I'm surprised at first, eventually I hugged both of them as well.

Y/n:(smile)Chisato, Kuroka, I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm all fine now, better than ever.

Kuroka:(smile,cries)I'm so happy...that you're alive.

Chisato:(smile)Yes...I'm sure Asia, Sona and Rossweisse will be so happy to see you alive.

Y/n:Right.(serious)So did you tell them about what happened during the Rating Game.

Chisato:(serious)Yes.(Kuroka nods)

Chisato and Kuroka began to tell me about their situation while I was in a comatose state due to the injury that I had. When those two showed Sona and Tsubaki the evidence that took place, they've became very furious about what they have witnessed. The responsible of my death is Kiba Yuuto, Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, Issei Hyoudou and his former master Rias Gremory. When Sona wanted to expose them, but Chisato and Kuroka have told them not yet until I woke up. They also informed me that all of the ORC members are invited to the engagement party of Rias Gremory and Riser Phoenix's marriage in couple days.

Y/n:I see...except it's not over. There's still enough time.

Chisato and Kuroka are somewhat confused by what I mean.

Kuroka:(confused)What do you mean?

Chisato:(confused)Do you have a plan?

Y/n:(smile)Yeah and it's a good one...Kuroka, can you take to your old former master's place?

Kuroka:(surprised)Of course, but why?

Y/n:(smirk)One more piece of evidence...

(Cuts to black images)

Y/n:That will impact the entire audience...

(Ending theme)

(A/n:Well that's all he wrote for this story. Shocking truth about Y/n's past has been revealed to you fellow readers. Y/n's memories and powers have bestowed from his grandparents and his caretaker. Get ready for the thrilling battle and shocking truth will impact to their core that takes place in the engagement party. See you guys in next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail. Enjoy reading.)

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