Chapter 37: Homecoming! A Tour in Kuoh!

Previously on Third Sparda of Fairy Tail...

Just when a normal day at Magnolia in Fairy Tail has started, Natsu and Gajeel argue to challenge Y/n once again while guild members cheering. However, a phone call from Y/n's phone is interrupted and revealed as Morrison from the other world for a job. Y/n and his group were on their way while Team Natsu, Juvia, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Cana, Levy, Laxus, the Strauss siblings, Makarov wanted to come along, including Mavis as well to the other world. Y/n lead them to his hometown and his business office. He introduced Fairy Tail to his family and friends. Morrison came into the office and gave Y/n details about the job and that Damien and the remainder of Kokabiel's army were at Red Grave City in the ruins of the manor of Sparda. Y/n and Nero are up to the challenge while Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet come along while Mavis watches from afar. They weren't expecting Damien to take a cat girl hostage while her parents were slowly losing their life, Nero and Y/n showed him no mercy. As Damien struggles and refuses to give up, a mysterious stranger, V, makes a surprising return and finishes him instantly while Fairy Tail Team B is confused, Nero is shocked to see him and Y/n is silent. How did V come back to the living? Let's find out.

Back to the story...

After Damien's demise, Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet were a bit baffled about that man which was revealed as V, while Nero was in disbelief to see him again and Y/n was silent. Mavis watches them from afar in silence. V's familiars Griffon and Shadow joined up with him.

Griffon: Oh man! It's great to be back in action! And we're back to working with those guys. Just like old times?

V: Yes. It would seem so.

Shadow roared as he agreed with V.

Griffon: And just to be clear, we're not gonna kill them too? You know, I was just asking.

V: No. We won't. It wouldn't prove anything. What could we possibly gain by doing so?

Griffon: Huh. I never thought about it that way. Didn't bother while we were fighting and were beaten by Dante and you went back to Vergil.

Shadow growled as it grabs their attention to those who aren't familiar to them and Nero. Laxus and Irene narrow their eyes to be cautious. They noticed Nero protecting Fran while clenching his fist in anger.

Griffon: *mutter* Hey, V. That kid is gonna blow a fuse at us any minute. I'm guessing he knows.

V silently agreed and nodded with Griffon.

Cana: That guy took the black pigeon down.

Juvia: But who is he?

Gajeel: Something about that guy is a bit off. But he's got a big cat! Lily is stronger than him!

Levy: Now is not the time, idiot.

Lily: They aren't ordinary animals as far as what we saw.

Mirajane: They're demons, I can feel their presence.

Juliet: And there's a talking bird, so weird.

Heine: We've seen strange things before.

Laxus: Tell us, who are you?

Irene: And how long have you been watching us?

V smirked a little as he was about to pull something out of his jacket, they were on guard to fight back but he took a book and said.

V: "I have no name; I am but two days old..."

They were confused from his line of poetry, closed his book and he chuckled amusedly.

V: Just kidding. You can call me V. And yes, I've been watching you all for quite a while since the battle has begun. It was a very interesting display to see.

They were shocked by not only his name, also he was there the whole time as they fought against the fallen angels.

Levy: Wait a minute, so you are V! You're a part of this "Vergil" person. Just as Nero and the others described you.

V: Oh? I take it you all know the incident that occurred recently, correct?

Cana: Yeah. Most of us got the gist of it.

Lily: Judging from what we heard from their experiences and this city is a bit of a ruin, it holds the truth.

Gajeel: Yeah, we get the picture except Salamander, which he instantly sleeps.

Levy: You almost sleep too, idiot.

Gajeel: Yeah, yeah, whatever pipsqueak.

Gajeel huffed and turned while Levy pouted. V chuckles a bit from them.

Griffon: Right, so where do you guys come from anyway? We rarely see humans doing crazy things of magic and you guys aren't from here.

Mirajane: Oh we came along with Y/n, we like to meet his family and friends, of course.

V, Griffon, and Shadow looked at Y/n, as he smiled and waved. V smiled a little.

V: I see.

They heard rapid footsteps and saw Nero walk up to V in anger.

Nero: You got a lot of fucking nerve for coming back in a time like this! Keeping secrets from me! And not after what happened here!

Cana: Whoa Nero, take it easy!

Griffon: Sheesh, now he's already pissed off.

V: Of course... you have every right to be angry at me.

Nero: Oh I'm very past that! What about Dante?! And that deadbeat father?! Where are they?!

Juvia: Mister Nero, getting angry at him will lead you nowhere.

Levy: Just give him a chance to explain, please?

Nero attempts to hit him but Fran tugged his coat, and sees her eyes tearing up. He hesitates for a second and stops.

Laxus: So you must be the mysterious client that Morrison was talking about?

Irene: And we assume that Morrison and the others were surprised to see you again before this job?

Griffon: Yep! I can imagine that their jaws dropped when they saw us come back from the dead. That would be hilarious. Oh and I took the book back, thanks for taking care of it, kid.

Nero: Wait what?!

Mirajane: So how did you and those cute animals come back?

Griffon: Hey watch it missy, we can bite. We didn't come from a petting zoo ya know.

Laxus: Hmph. Sure you aren't.

Juliet: And do you know what those black pigeons are up to?

V: I would like to explain but...

V looks at Fran with sympathy and the corpses of Fran's parents while the others look where V is staring, they have turned white husks and started to fade away. Nero heard a faint cry coming from Fran, she lost her parents and patted her head to comfort as she purred.

V: This fight is far from over, I'm afraid.

Heine: What do you mean by that?

V twirls and points out his cane where the bodies of Fran's parents were, until they see a small dark red swirling vortex. A second later, twelve demons have appeared. Few demon's appearances are red imp with spiky arms and claws, bug-like creatures, bat-like creatures, and reptilian beasts. Few of the fallen angels barely survive and see that the ritual is complete. They were expecting praise, but unfortunately for them, they were slaughtered.

Irene: Those must be demons that came from the Underworld in this world?

V: Yes. Those fallen angels made a ritual to summon demons, by offering their victims. They will kill anyone without hesitation.

Mirajane: That's horrible. But still, I'm not back down now.

Cana: I totally agree with Mira on that one.

Gajeel: Gihi. Now things are getting good.

Lily: Can't let our guard down.

Laxus: Looks like they would be a good warm up.

Juvia: In that case, Juvia shall fight as well.

Griffon: You wizards are so damn crazy, ya know that? But are you guys sure about this? Because those demons aren't your ordinary monsters. I'm just saying that it's okay for you to back away, if you're not up for it, right V?

V smirks amusingly to see their determination, he takes his book out and reads...

V: "Energy is an eternal delight, and he who desires, acts not, breeds pestilence." *close his book* So it is written. Now then, how about I lend a hand with those wizards, to make up for lost time.

V turned to Y/n.

V: I'm sure you wouldn't mind, Y/n?

Y/n: *smirk* Heh. Go for it, V.

(DMC 5 OST- Crimson Cloud)

Y/n, Nero, Fran, Levy, Irene, Heine, and Juliet step back and watch the show. The demons have surrounded V and Fairy Tail Team B, as V twirls his cane, his summons and Fairy Tail Team B are ready to fight. As the fight started, V kept his distance from the demons, he sent Shadow to fight against the reptilian beasts as Gajeel, Lily, and Laxus joined in. Shadow formed its tail into a blade while Gajeel and Lily noticed it and thought it was a good idea.

Lily: They should never underestimate our size. Let's follow that panther.

Gajeel: Good idea, Iron Dragon Sword!

Gajeel's left arm turned into a metallic sword with spikes, it started to rev it like a chainsaw, made a few combos, finished them and continued on while Lily in his bulk form did the same while V finished them by stabbing with his cane. Laxus' body is already covered with intense electricity and made a few brutal punches. Griffon joins in with Laxus and unleashes his electrical shock across the area.

Laxus: For a little bird, you look like you can handle this fight.

Griffon: Yeah, yeah tough guy, just try to keep up the pace will ya? Don't want to carry you around while you're dead on us.

Laxus: Hmph. I could say the same to you on the platter, little chicken.

Griffon huffed from Laxus' taunt. Griffon charges the demons up in the air. Laxus saw it as an opportunity, jumped high and raised his arm.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon Raging Bolt!

Laxus has casted a large bolt of lightning from the air down upon the demons and killed them. As V had them occupied, he took out his book and read his line of poetry.

V: "When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling streams laugh; When the air laughs with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it."

V closes his book while Levy notices.

Levy: Wow, you read books too? You're really good at poetry.

Cana: Another bookworm like Lucy and Levy, huh? They like to have a few pointers from you.

V: I appreciate your compliments. But first, we must focus in front of us.

Griffon: Yeah no shit missy. There are demons to destroy, save the books later.

Cana: Keep squawking little chickee, Card Mage: Wind Edge!

Levy: Now Solid Script, Bullet!

Cana throws her cards towards the demons, casting an air blast up in the air, followed by Levy casting the word "Bullet" from which a series of energy pellets is fired towards her targets. V sends Griffon by charge towards the demons, launching them in the air and Shadow into ground, turning itself into spikes that shoot up into the air. Juvia and Mirajane saw this as an opportunity to attack.

Juvia: It's Juvia's turn, Water Nebula!

Mirajane: Save some for me, Evil Shower!

Juvia creates two columns of water, which rotate around each other and form a helix that pushes the opponent with huge force, causing massive damage. Followed by Mirajane forms a sphere in her hand that spreads darkness bullets indiscriminately over a wide range as it explodes and Mirajane reverts back to normal.

V: Your form is a bit similar to Nero and Dante's Devil Trigger, quite impressive.

Mirajane: That's kind of you to say.

Levy: She's a proud member of our guild after all.

Cana: Make sure you don't get her on the bad side.

Griffon: Like that would she ever-

Mirajane turned her head to Griffon and gave it a usual cute smile, but he could have sworn he saw a killer stare as he instantly shut up.

Mirajane: Is there something wrong mister bird? I'm in the mood for some chicken dinner tonight.

Griffon: Ahh no ma'am! Everything is cool! A-okay!

V: *chuckles* Duty noted.

V and Fairy Tail Team B have successfully slayed those demons from the red portal.

Gajeel: Whew. That was some good workout.

Laxus: I'll say. Those monsters sure are slow fighters.

Cana: And we still got it.

Juvia: Is this job over?

V: Afraid not.

Mirajane: You sure?

V twirls his cane at the portal, they were shocked to see the size grew a bit, two huge white claws clutched the edge of the vortex, a black silhouette of a demon swiftly jumped up and landed as the portal fully closed. It is revealed as a massive demon with spikes behind its back amplifying electricity for itself, a long horn on its head and it has no eyes.

Griffon: Holy shit, it's Blitz!

Shadow growled as it agreed with Griffon.

Lily: You know it?

Griffon: Yeah a demon uses its own electricity as a shield from physical attacks and can teleport too.

Blitz let out an ear splitting roar as a strong wind pushed Gajeel, Lily, Juvia, Cana, Mirajane, and Laxus back a little bit, sending a few pillars of lightning bolts while most of them barely dodged.

Laxus: This would be a real challenge than I thought.

Juvia: Its lightning is amplifying its power and speed.

Cana: No kidding there, few of us can't fight head on.

Lily: There should be another way.

Y/n: Looks like I'm up now.

Gajeel, Lily, Cana, Juvia, Mirajane, and Laxus looked behind and saw Y/n, casually walking in.

Gajeel: You sure you got this?

Y/n: Where there's a will, there's a way. You guys did awesome, now it's my turn. Count on it.

Mirajane: Yeah. Go get'em, Y/n.

Fairy Tail Team B went to Nero and the others to see the battle. Y/n went to V's side, equipped with Yamato, his dual pistols, and made their battle stance. While V is surprised that Y/n wields Yamato for a minute.

Y/n: So, are you ready to do this?

V: That we shall. Surprise me.

Blitz let out another roar as he lunged at them and they dodged quickly. Blitz swung its claws in an arc four times, teleporting zigzag a few times to confuse them and dash towards Y/n, it swiped its claws and Y/n swiftly dodged.

Y/n: Hey ugly, start taking it seriously.

Blitz roared in anger as Y/n taunted it. Blitz does the dash attack towards Y/n again but it misses again. It zigzagged with its electricity again, Blitz swung its claws again, Y/n dodged it while it missed yet again.

V: It's your turn.

V sends out Griffon as it charges its body and unleashes three pillars of lightning bolts towards Blitz's lightning barrier and makes a hit while Y/n unsheathe Yamato four air slashes, changing his Ebony and Ivory and rapidly shoots his dual pistols with his Ki. Both of their ranged attacks cause very effective damage to Blitz's lightning armor, its barrier is destroyed and it's stunned.

V smirks, raises his hand high, and snaps his fingers causing his hair to turn white color and summons his giant golem familiar, Nightmare. Fairy Tail Team B are surprised to see V's hair change and his giant companion.

V: Eradicate all...

V sends Griffon shoots out five pillars of lightning, Shadow runs ahead, lands a few claws strikes and finishes it by jumping in midair, changing its tail into an ax and slashed through. Nightmare swings a brutal flurry of punches, followed by a laser sweep causing Blitz to be knocked up in the air and finishes it by swinging down both fists with a heavy slam.

Y/n: *smirk* Can't let V have all the fun.

Y/n now equipped with his Oblivion Keyblade on his right, now dual wielding Yamato and Oblivion while amplifying his dark power and lightning surrounded his body. V is surprised yet again Y/n holding a key shaped sword that was unfamiliar to him and handling that dark power, but asks him later. As they're done, Y/n joins in, does six swings from his Oblivion, cross slash, begins to swing rapidly horizontally with his Oblivion and Yamato vertically, and finishes it with two powerful cross slashes, leaving Blitz in a vulnerable state. V saw this and ran as an opportunity to finish off by stabbing in the head with his cane.

V: Fall in hell!

(Ended battle theme)

As V retracts his cane, Blitz is starting to fade away into dust, that demon is no more and the portal is closed off for good. V and Y/n reverted back to their normal state. V and Griffon noticed not only Y/n can manifest the Devil Sword Sparda, but also can wield Yamato and see a key shaped sword that he never saw before.

Griffon: Oh man we're speechless, kid. First, we see the Devil Sword Sparda, now Yamato?! How is it possible?!

Y/n: I got those swords after I was awakened. Even if it's a replica, the power holds the same principles as gramps does best.

V: It baffled me as well. And I must say, quite an intriguing sword you have. It's no Devil Arm.

Y/n: This is called a Keyblade, a weapon whose wielder has a strong heart and will, I learned it from my other mom who takes care of me while back.

V was a bit surprised when Y/n said his grandpa, which confirmed to be Sparda and he mentioned a heart of his Keyblade that made him wonder.

V: '...Heart, you say?' Hmm, fascinating. And I sensed there's darkness in you and yet, you remain the same.

Y/n: It's a long story. But I know who I am, because of those who have faith in me.

V is surprised yet again, sensing his words hold no lie. He can see the same fire in his eyes, which reminds him of Dante. V smiled.

V: 'What an interesting theory.'

Levy: That was amazing!

V and Y/n turned to see Nero, Fran, Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet walking towards them. Irene, Cana and Mirajane hugging Y/n lovingly.

Cana: You sure can kick their ass.

Mirajane: Yeah. Glad you're alright.

Griffon: Whoa! That kid is a ladies man. Not sure if I should be jealous or proud.

Juvia: Because you're just a bird, Juvia understands the power of love more than anyone.

Griffon: Yeah yeah whatever you say.

Fran: Wow mister big cat is amazing!

Fran walked up to Shadow excitedly, as it looked at her, she patted its head and enjoyed it while Shadow licked her face. Then, Fran looked up to Griffon excitedly.

Fran: Oh and mister birdie is cool too! He does the buzzy buzz!

Griffon: Hey hey back off there kid. And what's up with the buzzy buzz? I won't do it.

Fran: *pout* You're so mean, mister bird.

Shadow walks up to Fran, it rubs her head to comfort her. The others find it so adorable.

Gajeel: So anyway, this job is done, right?

V: For you all, yes. The three of us, not yet.

Irene: What do you mean by that?

V: This building is known to where it all started, bound by the blood of Sparda should know. This house is special.

Juliet: Yeah, this place is meant for Y/n and his family.

Heine: But what are you trying to say?

V: ...The three of us are hoping to find Dante and Vergil, to pull them out of the Underworld, of course.

Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet were shocked and surprised from V's response.

Nero: And then what?! So that they'll have another sibling rivalry, that was affecting here?! That won't happen, not if I'm around!

Y/n: Nero, take it easy. Look, I get it. If we know uncle really well, we know what he was about to do. But, when that happens, we'll find a way to get through to him.

Nero turned Y/n with his confused reaction.

Nero: And what makes you so sure?

Y/n: We know V is a shadow of Vergil, that means he feels some human emotions and he'll decide to be his person for himself, on his path.

Nero and V were surprised by Y/n's response. V began to wonder for himself from what Y/n said. Fran grabbed Nero's arm, he looked at her and saw her smile while shedding a bit of tears.

Fran: Please, don't be mean to my new friends, Mister Robo Man.

Nero gasped as his eyes widened and he felt something inside of chest, where his heart is. Felt as he wanted to protect not only Kyrie, but Fran as well. V widened his eyes a little bit as Fran called them friends. Nero was about to apologize; however, Fran started to faint from her capture and fell onto Nero's arms. They were getting worried about her, checked for her heartbeat and she's fine.

Levy: She's out cold.

Laxus: You said she was tired and beaten up, right?

Mirajane: Yeah. She barely ate and survived the punishment from those fallen angels. We have to bring her soon.

Nero: Dammit. If only we knew, we should've saved them.

Nero felt a pat on his shoulder and looked up to Laxus.

Laxus: Nero. Don't beat yourself up. You did the best you could. What matters is that you saved her life and avenged her parents' death. Putting that bastard out of existence. She'll need someone to take care of her. I'm sure... They wanted you to raise her well.

Nero looked up at Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, Juliet, and Y/n nodded, and looked back at Fran.

Nero: Yeah... I guess you're right...

Y/n's amulet and his Wayfinder are glowing up as everyone notices it and backs up a little bit. Y/n felt two hands on his shoulders and saw two spirits of his grandparents again with a smile and nodded. They only see two orbs but Nero and V are shocked to see them. While that happened, Nero felt two hands on his shoulders and saw the spirits of Fran's parents with a smile and nodded. They saw a glow on Y/n's right hand, Y/n's Rebellion's Oath Keyblade magically appeared in his right hand. Y/n was surprised at the moment, closed his eyes and opened with his determination. Y/n pointed his Keyblade forward, Nero looked with the same expression as Y/n, walked up to his right side and placed his hand.

Griffon: Uh V, what are you doing?

They see V walking towards Nero and Y/n, on his left side. To their surprise, V placed his hand on Y/n's. V nods as he's ready while Nero and Y/n nod back. The tip of Y/n's Keyblade is responding with red, blue, and purple orbs swirling around. Shoots out a ray of light and forms a portal. They were surprised to witness this.

Juliet: Wow! So shiny!

Heine: Yes but does that mean you three have to go and find Dante and Vergil?

As Y/n, Nero, and V were about to answer, until they heard a vrooming sound close by. Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet wondering where it is coming from.

Lily: Is it me or does anyone hear that?

Gajeel: Yeah. I can hear it.

Levy: But where?

They wondered for a minute and the only answer was where they looked to the portal. As Y/n, Nero, and V instantly recognized that sound and felt some familiar presences.

Laxus: It's coming from the portal.

The sound of vrooming grew closer and louder until two figures riding a motorcycle jumped out of that portal in the air.

???: WOO-HOO!!!

They landed on the ground while wheels screeched on the dirt as dust clouds formed a bit. As the dust has cleared up, two figures are revealed as a man with a white hair with a hint of his beard wearing a red coat known as Dante and a man with a white swept back hair while puts a fierce, stoic expression wearing a black coat with light neon blue serpentine patterns and three separated coattails with slightly tattered edges known as Vergil. They hopped off Dante's Cavaliere and disappeared. Vergil's hair came undone while Dante joked about it.

Dante: *chuckles* You know Vergil, I'd say that looks suit better. You should keep it that way.

Vergil huffed with annoyance from Dante. He placed his hand on his forehead, pushed his hair back, and it swiftly returned to his usual, slicked back look.

Vergil: May I remind you, don't compare me with you, Dante.

Dante: Oh come on, bro. I'm just saying. Try to lighten up a bit. It feels great to be back here.

Vergil: Yes. But it seems we're back... to where all of this began... where the Qliphoth tree was planted.

Dante looked where Vergil was staring at the ruins of Sparda's manor. And Vergil is right, they're back in the human world where they and their parents once lived.

Dante: Right. Let's not forget those incidents that you caused to gain more power by killing more people, letting more demons out, and cutting off your son's arm. And yet, you still lose.

Vergil shot a sideways cold glance at Dante, was about to retaliate but he looked away in a hint of shame, knowing that Dante was right.

Vergil: I... I see. I... *mutter* I apologize.

Dante playfully gasped, placed his hand on his mouth and formed a smug smile over his face. He teased by putting his hand on his ear and leaned closer to Vergil.

Dante: I'm sorry, what was that, dear brother Vergil? I can't hear you from over there, could you say a bit louder? Or are you a bit embarrassed?

Gajeel, Levy, Lily, Juvia, Heine, and Juliet: 'ARE THEY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!?!?'

Laxus: *smirk* 'Hmph. Now I know where Y/n gets his personality from.'

Y/n and Nero: 'That's pops/Dante alright.'

Laxus looked in silence to see the resemblance between Y/n and Nero to Dante and Vergil in person, based on their descriptions. While Mirajane, Cana, and Irene smiled to see where Y/n got it from his dad while their faces glowed red.

Mirajane, Cana, and Irene: *smile* 'Now we know where Y/n gets his charms from.'

Vergil: Enough of that. It seems we have unexpected guests to welcome us.

Dante: Huh?

The twins looked behind them and saw new faces that they had never seen before.

Dante: Hi there! I was expecting some food and drinks, but too bad there wasn't.

Gajeel: That guy's scent is really him, Levy.

Levy: Excuse us, are you Dante and Vergil? The Sons of Sparda?

Dante: Wow. That's right. For someone we don't know, I'm impressed. Didn't know we're famous.

Vergil: Don't be foolish. Tell us, how do you all know those facts?

Vergil gave them a cold and stoic gaze which gave them a bit of chill on their skins, even for Mavis.

Irene: ...They may look the same however their personalities say otherwise.

Juliet: Eep. That blue guy is really scary.

Heine: His eyes give out a serious threat.

Juiva: M-Mister Vergil, We can assure you, we mean you no harm. We were told from Trish and the others.

Lily: Yes we're telling the truth.

Dante patted Vergil's shoulder to calm the tension.

Dante: Relax bro. No need to get worked up.

Mirajane: That's right. We're friends with Y/n, his family and others as well.

Cana: And you're Y/n's dad. It's nice to finally meet ya!

Dante: Y/n... How do you guys know about him?

V: It seems our job is now done.

Dante and Vergil are shocked to hear that familiar voice, turn and look to see V, Nero with Fran on his arm, and finally Y/n. They were a bit disbelieving to see V has returned, confused to see a little cat girl on Nero's arm, and Dante is happy and surprised to see his son for years while Vergil looked intently at Y/n.

Dante: *smile* Hey champ, long time no see! Noticed that you've grown up, like me huh?

Y/n: *smile* Yeah. And you looked a bit changed. With some hint of beard and all.

Dante: Come on! I still look good. And V, didn't expect to see you again. We saw you went back to Urizen and changed to Vergil. Didn't expect to see you again, little chicken and big cat.

Griffon: Whatever. We got our ass kicked thanks to you.

V: Yes. It's been a while, Dante.

Vergil: ...Tell us, how is it possible that you're here?

Nero: That's what I want to know too.

V smiled amusingly and twirled his cane, pointed specifically at Y/n. Everyone is baffled that Y/n have brought him and his familiars back. Nero remembered that light shot up the sky a week ago.

Nero: 'So that light... that was him?!'

V: He found this cane with a bit of my memory, and he performed a spell with his items and his Keyblade, which leads the same fate to my familiars as well. While I'm more than Vergil's shadow, perhaps I should find my own purpose to live.

Vergil: I see...

Vergil glared intently at Y/n again while Y/n was silent and had a normal stare. Dante noticed his twin brother's eyes and widened his eyes.

Dante: Vergil, listen to your-

Vergil dash towards Y/n, was about to slash him until Y/n clashed with his Rebellion's Oath Keyblade against Vergil's Yamato. It sends a shock wave to force Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet back a bit. They saw Y/n have blocked Vergil's attack on time.

Irene: 'Such tremendous force...'

Vergil is shocked to see his nephew wielding a key shaped sword that he never saw before. Each blade released sparks. Made some clashes. Vergil thrust his scabbard of Yamato to Y/n's abdomen, sending him backward. Y/n quickly grabbed scabbard and flung it back to Vergil. Both were pushed back to the distance. As Dante and Nero instantly remembered that moment before.

Vergil: Is that all you-

To their surprise, Y/n already brought out his Devil Bringer on his left, formed a ball of aura, amplifying his electricity and shooting an Aura Sphere toward Vergil. He blocked Y/n's attack with his Yamato, pushed up and it exploded from above. They felt a tremendous amount of power from Y/n's attack. Y/n rushed in quickly towards Vergil, performed Ars Arcanum, made a couple of lucky hits and pushed Vergil back. As Vergil was about to dash attack again until Dante stopped him.

Dante: Okay Vergil, that's enough. We just had our fun from the Underworld. Just what are you trying to do here?

Vergil: Hmph. I'm just testing the proof if he is showing his power of Sparda.

Dante playfully laughed as he made a smug smile over his face and patted his shoulder.

Dante: Oh brother of mine, this is my kid you're talking about. My wife and I taught him everything we know. He didn't break a sweat there, imagine you lost to my kid. That would be the day. I knew you liked him.

Dante laughed while Vergil's eyes twitched in annoyance as Gajeel, Lily, Levy, Juvia, Cana, Heine, and Juliet made a 'WTF' face and Laxus and Irene deadpans.

Nero: Enough, dammit! We have to go now! This kid needs some help before it's too late!

Dante and Vergil stopped their own antics, looked at Fran and had some bruises around her body while barely moving and hardly ate.

V: Nero's right, Dante. We must make haste, she's clinging to life right now.

Dante: Right, let's get a move on. Come on bro, better do what he says.

Vergil looked intently at Y/n yet again while the others felt the tension. And Vergil dismissed his anticipation.

Vergil: ...Very well.

Fairy Tail Team B went up to Y/n if he's hurt, Mirajane, Cana, and Irene were worried.

Mirajane: Y/n, are you hurt?!

Y/n: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Irene: Are you sure? His fierce gaze was meant to kill.

Cana: That guy was no joke. How could he do that?

Y/n: I'm sure he's been through a lot. Can't say I blame him.

Juvia: It must be a difficult path that he went through.

Levy: That was an intense moment there.

Juliet: Whoa that was frightening coming from him.

Heine: He definitely holds the principle of Sparda's kin.

Lily: That Vergil is quite a formidable opponent.

Gajeel: Yeah, I barely see his movements. He's super fast.

Laxus: 'His eyes... We know that look before... Just like me...'

Dante was a bit confused about those few women's relationships with Y/n but slowly putting the pieces together. As Vergil was about to use his Yamato to open up his portal, they heard rumbling noises as it got closer and louder, which revealed Nico's van bursting through the rubble.

Nico: I know, I know I'm late! Shut it! The path is all clogged up.

Nico sees V who is surprised to see him and happy to see Dante again, also she notices that Vergil is here in person with some tension but shakes it off.

V: Nice to see you again.

Griffon: Oh great, why have to be her again.

Nico: Hey nice to see ya little chickee! Oh and you too panther. And great to have you back here Dante! You sure took your time.

Dante: Hey I'm here now, that's how we roll. Looks like we got some catching up to do along the way.

Nico: You bet you do. Hey Y/n, are you gonna get those for me? Ding, ding, ding! Right by your feet!

Nico points out Damien's wings and other demon's body parts, Y/n picks it up, tossed it to her and she smelled it.

Nico: Hoowee! I bet I could put those to good use.

Gajeel: Did you really sniff that?

Heine: Honestly, do you know where that has been?

Nico: Up your butt?

Most of them snickers and rolled their eyes for a moment. Gajeel, Laxus, and Irene slowly realize and their faces are pale as to what they're about to do while the others know except for V, Dante and Vergil.

Levy: Oh boy, here we go again.

Dante: What's wrong with them? They're shaking like a leaf.

Juvia: As they're Dragon Slayers, there's one weakness that they always can't handle is motion sickness.

Mirajane: They really can't handle it well.

V: How fascinating.

Griffon: Oh great, I don't want to go near them when they puking in the van.

Cana: Don't worry about that, little chicken. I can still cast my Card Dimension, to make room in the van no problem.

Y/n: Great thinking there, Cana.

Cana: Thanks for the praise, boyfriend. We'll have a drinking party for doing a great job.

Dante was caught off guard when that woman called his son, boyfriend and chuckled amusedly, but he's in for a few surprises back in the office. Cana casts a Card Dimension to Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet to make room and reliefs for the Dragon Slayers. Dante and Vergil were surprised by her magic. As they were about to enter the van, Nero suddenly heard...

Take care of Fran... for us...

Nero immediately stopped and looked behind him but saw nothing. He narrowed his eyes, felt whose voices belonged to and silently agreed to their last request while Y/n and V looked at Nero as he knew that look in his eyes and went inside without saying anything. As Nico started to drive, Dante decided to ask Y/n about what he's been up to, Y/n started to tell a few details and the rest back at the office where everyone was waiting. Nico made a phone call at the office while Y/n asked if there were any healers available, it's important.

Meanwhile in the office of Devil May Cry...

The rest of Fairy Tail, a few of Y/n's group, Trish, Lady, and Morrison are hanging out in the office along with Sona and her peerage. Trish introduced them to each other, accepted them as a friend and told them about what happened from their first encounter.

Sona: And that's why I wanted to apologize to you all for their actions. I hope you can forgive us.

Tsubaki: If there's any way to make up for that, we'll accept the request.

Makarov: There's no need for you to apologize, my dear. As long Y/n trust you, we all do as well.

Natsu: Hey gramps is right! So don't worry about it, any friend of Y/n is a friend of ours! No big deal!

Happy: Aye!

Latina and Grace: That's right!

Latina and Grace were sitting on Sona's lap. When they introduced Latina and Grace, they squealed happily as they found them so adorable. When Kuroka and Ur said Sona as another mommy, her mind and heart completely shut off and fainted. Tsubaki helped her up and recovered.

Tomoe: Eh? Do you guys really forgive us?

Momo: Even though we barely met?

Lucy: Yeah, there's nothing to worry about.

Erza: Of course I agree with the master, you all don't seem bad.

Gray: You guys are okay with me.

Rossweisse: Gray, put your clothes back on!

True enough, Gray is on his boxers again and screaming comically.

Tsubasa: Honestly, how did he not notice earlier?

Natsu: He's an icy jerk that's why.

Gray headbutts Natsu as they argue and throw punches yet again.

Gray: You want to go, lizard brain!?

Natsu: Bring it on, frosty idiot!

As Gray and Natsu were about to fight again until Erza and Ur bonked their heads.

Erza: That's enough Natsu, Gray!

Ur: That's right, we're guests here!

Reya: My goodness, has it always been like this?

Kuroka: It's a very entertaining routine for us.

Lisanna: *smile* Yep, but that's what makes this special.

Wendy: And it's very fun when you get to meet new friends.

Carla: You have to deal with nonsense, once you get used to it.

Elfman: That is what makes us a real man!

Saji: Oh man I totally respect you, Elfman sir! A real man of wisdom!

Ruruko: Wow, those people sure are unique alright.

As they're having a good time together, they heard the phone rang, Morrison went up to the desk, picked up and answered.

Morrison: Devil May Cry... Hey Nico, how's the-

Morrison was stopped when at first a few minutes, they noticed his face was surprised and smiled. But after that, it turned into a serious look.

Morrison: No problem, I'll let them know.

Morrison ended his call with Nico.

Trish: What is it?

Morrison: Looks like we have a little patient coming that needs treatment.

Trish: Wendy, Chisato, can you heal the little one?

Chisato: Of course, since Asia isn't here but with Kyrie and the others. Wendy, can you assist me?

Wendy: You can count on me.

A minute later, they heard a van parked outside. Then, the door kicked open as everyone saw Nero holding a little cat girl who was in a bit of bad shape. They were worried about her while Kuroka was in disbelief to see another survivor of her kind.

Nero: Can you help her? She needs it now.

Chisato: Stay calm, Nero. I understand you're worried. Place her on the couch. Everyone, please make room.

Nero agreed and started to follow Chisato quickly with Fran in his arms while everyone quickly got off the couch. To their surprise, a black panther appeared with Nero and went to the little cat girl, it was watching her. Chisato is treating her wounds while Wendy uses her healing magic on the petite cat girl. They finish their job while Latina and Grace walk up to Chisato.

Latina: Mama, is she okay?

Chisato: Yes sweetie, she'll be fine.

Grace: Uncle, who is that big kitty?

Nero: Oh that's Shadow, a demonic panther.

Latina: Oooh nice to meet you, mister cat.

Lisanna: It looks adorable.

Latina patted Shadow's head while Grace and Lisanna did the same and it purred their touch.

Griffon: Geez kid, didn't expect you would be daddy mode on.

They looked up and were surprised to see Griffon on top of the couch.

Happy: Whoa, a talking bird!

Griffon: Yeah yeah and I see a talking cat. What a shocker, fur ball.

Carla: How rude coming from a bird.

Lisanna: Now be nice, mister bird. Don't be so mean to the kids. Or you'll get bird seeds.

Griffon went shut up as she made a punishment. Lisanna petted and gently scratched Griffon, he was against it but he gave up.

Lady: Wow, that girl knows how to handle that yapping bird.

Natsu: Seriously where did they come from?

V: Pardon the intrusion.

They were surprised again to see a mysterious person with tattoos on his upper body went towards the cat girl.

V: How is she?

Wendy: Don't worry mister, we finished healed her. She'll be okay.

V: I'm glad to hear that. For such a young age, it's quite impressive.

Nero: Yeah, thanks kid. I appreciate it.

Wendy: Thank you. We help each other, as a family.

Nero and V were surprised by her words, they smiled.

Ur: If you guys are here, then that means...

Y/n: Hey guys, we're back.

They look at the door and see Y/n and the others have made it back. As usual for Y/n, Natsu's fist already on fire to give him a greeting punch.

Natsu: Now fight me-!

Y/n palm thrust strike at Natsu's gut and instantly knocked out.

Y/n: Hehe. I knew that's gonna happen.

Latina and Grace: *smile* Daddy!

Latina and Grace run towards Y/n and both sides jump up and hug them. Those two beans nuzzling their cheeks on Y/n, they find it cute and adorable. The twin sons of Sparda were very baffled with Y/n and the two kids from a distance but will ask later.

Morrison: So, another job well done?

Nico: Oh yeah. It's done. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in another room.

Nico quickly went to the other room with fallen angel wings and demon body parts.

Sona: *smile* Y/n, you're here!

Sona was so delighted to see Y/n again. She ran up to Y/n, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

Sona: I received a message from Mr. Morrison, so we got here as soon as we could.

Tsubaki: Miss President, you were over excited and worried to see him as his fiance.

Sona's Peerage: Yep/It's true.

Sona is blushing red while covering her face and everyone chuckles.

Ur: By the way, who are those guys? Know them?

Nero: That's V, who handles Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare.

Irene: He's also our client for this recent job.

Laxus: The one that Morrison was talking about.

V: Please make your acquaintances, everyone.

Rossweisse: They're not the only ones, right?

Dante: Hey guys, you all waiting on me?

They looked behind them and revealed as Dante and Vergil had finally returned. Dante walked toward Trish as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Morrison placed his hand on his shoulder while Lady playfully punched his arm. While the others were surprised to see Dante and Vergil in person.

Trish: Honey, we missed you. Me, mostly.

Dante: Hey don't worry sweetheart, I'm fine as usual.

Lady: Took you long enough for you to come back.

Morrison: It's been a while. It's great to see you again in one piece, my friend.

Lady: So how do you get back, Dante? We thought it was impossible.

Dante: It's all thanks to our kid, Nero, and V. Who opened up the portal for the both of us.

Dante pointed to Y/n, Nero, and V, with the help of Y/n's Keyblade. They were surprised and happy. As their moment finished, they saw Vergil get himself a chair to his personal space, minding his own business while Dante mentioned "both of us".

Dante: Oh don't worry about him, I'm sure he's good now. At least he can spend more time with his kid.

Vergil: Get off my back.

Morrison: Oh. You must be the opposite twin brother of Dante. A complicated one.

Vergil: Excuse me?

Morrison: From what I've been told, you caused a lot of havoc that impacted both worlds and lost many lives along the way. I'm sure you know that's true.

Vergil looked away with a hint of shame while Lady glared at him and clenched her fists. As the Fairy Tail was silent for a while as they know this too well, especially Makarov and Laxus.

Morrison: So, I'll cut you some slack. If you can help this business, not only help Dante but for Sona... and even your nephew. Consider a redemption for yourself.

Everyone is shocked to hear that Morrison offers Vergil a job to run Devil May Cry, as a way to make up for his misdeeds.

Vergil: 'Redemption... Help my nephew?' I'll need time... to think about it.

Morrison: Great. Well then, I'll be in touch. To see any other jobs available.

Makarov: Oh? Would you stick around for a bit longer?

Morrison: I would love to stay and chat, but business calls. Demons don't give this company a break as always. But I'll enjoy that delicious cake that Miss Erza brought for us.

Erza: Thank you Mr. Morrison, I'm glad you liked it.

Morrison tipped his hat and left the office. Sona and her peerage went up to Dante and Vergil, they bowed to them. They were a bit surprised by their actions.

Sona: Greetings. It's an honor to meet you in presence, Sons of Sparda.

Sona's Peerage: An honor to meet you sir.

Makarov: Ah yes it's great to finally meet you as well, Mister Dante.

Dante: Hey no need to be formal, Dante is fine. I'm not that old, ya know.

Makarov: Hahaha! Of course. The name's Makarov Dreyar, the guild master of Fairy Tail.

Dante: Oh yeah, my kid did mention that group while riding back here. You guys do magic right?

Natsu got up and recovered, and went up to Dante.

Natsu: You bet we do! That's Fairy Tail for ya! And my name is Natsu, I'm a Dragon Slayer!

Sona and her peerage were baffled; he got up and nothing happened.

Happy: Nice to have you back up buddy.

Natsu: So you're Y/n's dad huh? Let's have a throw down, you and me!

Lucy: Natsu! You can't just ask him for that! They just came back! Sorry about him. He's always been like that.

Dante: *chuckles* Don't sweat it, I like this kid. You guys looked very lively.

Wendy: Y/n is a great person. I'm glad he's our family and friend too.

Dante looked at Wendy, chuckled and patted her head as she smiled.

Dante: My kid sure got it from yours truly.

Carla: Now we know where Y/n got his personality from.

Gray: That Dante sure is a laid-back guy, just like Y/n.

Juvia: Ah my dear Gray~! Juvia missed you so much! Juvia has been improving.

Lady: That reminds me, how's your first job here?

Laxus: It's no problem. A bit challenging, but can't complain.

Mirajane: We did great together as a team.

Lisanna: I'm glad you're safe.

Elfman: Of course she is, just a real man should be!

Lily: There were a few fallen angels, after that, they summoned a wave of demons.

Gajeel: Gihi. It was fun! There's nothing we can handle better than Salamander!

Natsu: What did you say to me?!

Gajeel: Exactly what I said, idiot!

Natsu and Gajeel arguing and throwing their punches.

Levy: And they're at it again.

While that happened, Makarov introduced Dante and Vergil to their guild, as he considered them his children. Unaware of them, Mavis smiles brightly as she sees they get along. Dante looked at them and smiled amusingly while Vergil pinched his nose of annoyance as he sighed.

Vergil: I'm surrounded by idiots.

Dante: Come on bro. Even though we just met them, I love those guys already. They're fun.

Makarov: Hahaha! That's the spirit of this guild. One of our best qualities. And we're proud of that. 'The first master is smiling at this moment.'

Y/n, Nero, and V have explained the details about the job that took place, including Fran and her parents to Y/n's group, including Sona and Tsubaki. They understand the situation while Kuroka was saddened while Ur is comforting her.

Chisato: I see... We're sorry to hear that.

Sona: That would explain why Damien went to carry out his master's plan.

Tsubaki: Fortunately, you all did us a great favor to prevent the destruction and end his existence.

Nero: So yeah... that's how it happened. Kuroka... I'm sorry... But... I'll make up for it by taking her in. I promise.

V: I'll also apologize as well. I didn't expect those fallen angels to have them hostage. To make amends, I will aid you all.

Y/n placed his hand on Kuroka's head and rubbed her ears as she looked at Y/n, met with a toothy smile.

Y/n: Don't worry Kuroka. I had a good feeling that Fran is in safe hands.

Kuroka: Darling. Yeah of course you're right. No need to apologize, you two. I don't blame you.

Ur: So if you're going to take care of her, then your woman is going to have a heart attack from her cuteness.

Nero: Y-Yeah. She's gonna faint when I'm gonna explain it to her.

Irene: I'm sure you'll think of something. You did agree, after all.

Heine: Lady Irene is right.

Fran: Oh! Mister Robo Man!

They looked to see Fran is feeling better and happy, wearing a white frill shirt and black skirt. Fran went towards Nero and hugged him. Nero is surprised at first but he accepts it.

Chisato: She's healed up nicely.

Rossweisse: And excited to see you.

Juliet: Oh she's so fluffy and adorable!

Nero: Hey kid, how are you feeling?

Fran: I'm doing okay!

Shadow gets up and nuzzles Fran as she hugs her.

V: I'm glad to see you're doing well.

Griffon: That little kitty is lucky to survive for a few days.

Nero: In any case, you will be sticking with me and have some fun together.

Fran smiled and nodded. Sona looked at Y/n, Nero and Fran smiling, she closed her eyes and smiled while Tsubaki noticed it.

Sona: I see. It seems Y/n and Nero have a great idea for that cutie. I'm sure Lady Leviathan will strongly agree.

Tsubaki: Of course, I also strongly agree with this as well.

They heard footsteps towards them and saw Wendy while Fran looked at Latina and Grace.

Latina: Hello I'm Latina.

Grace: Hi I'm Grace.

Wendy: And I'm Wendy, I hope we'll be great friends.

Fran: Yeah!

Fran instantly smiled, accepted their friendship and group hug. The others find it so adorable. They see Dante walking up to Y/n and the others while Vergil was behind him. Latina and Grace hid themselves on chest Y/n in shyness.

Dante: So kiddo, are those two kids yours?

Y/n looked at them, smiled and patted their head. As they looked up and tilted their heads in confusion.

Y/n: Adopted, but yeah. Hey it's okay, little beans. I'd say it's time to meet your grandpa.

Grace: Wow, you're so cool!

Latina: H-Hello grandpa.

Dante quickly grabbed Latina and Grace, he instantly hugged them. Those adorable beans nuzzling their cheeks on his.

Trish: *giggles* Aren't they adorable cuties or what?

Dante: Never thought I would see the day. And who are the lucky girls you're with, champ?

Kuroka: That's our cue. It's an honor to meet you, father.

Dante watches as Kuroka wraps her arms on Y/n's left side while Ur wraps her arm around Y/n's neck on the right.

Kuroka: Ur and I are the alpha of Darling's harem, as a mom of those cuties. He stole our hearts and we loved him.

Ur: That's right. We made an agreement. He gave us a present that we'll never forget.

Trish: And those two aren't the only ones.

Trish points out not only Kuroka and Ur, also Sona, Serafall, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Erza, Mirajane, Lisanna, Cana, and Irene are in relationships with Y/n. As they finished telling their explanations, Dante, Vergil, and V were surprised.

Dante: *chuckles* Wow. You sure got a fine taste of women.

Erza: It's an honor to meet you, Dante. Y/n is an admirable warrior and excellent member of our guild. I've brought my favorite strawberry dessert for you as well.

Dante: A straightforward woman. I like her. No wonder why Y/n loved you.

Erza: *blush* A-And... Do you mind if you sign my design for inspiration? I asked Trish as well.

Dante looked at her sketch book and he's very impressed to see herself in Y/n's and Dante's outfit.

Dante: Looks awesome, why not. Besides, he'll be surprised to see you wear it.

Erza: *blush* I-I appreciate your compliments. I'll make you proud.

Dante signed Erza's sketch book, she squealed happily in her head. Dante looked at his twin brother with a smug smile.

Dante: So brother, what did I tell ya? Looks like you have grandkids, am I right?

Vergil: And I said I don't want to hear it. I don't want to believe this.

Latina and Fran heard from Vergil's harsh response, they began to tear up and cried. Nero comforted Fran as he glared at him while Kuroka and Ur took Latina, and did the same. Grace puffed her cheeks, and to their surprise, Grace jumped towards Vergil, and bit his arm while hitting his leg. Unfortunately for Vergil, he couldn't bring himself to retaliate.

Dante: You know bro, that was totally uncalled for.

Lady: Uh oh~. What are you going to do about this? It's all on you.

Vergil is losing this battle and has no choice but to apologize for his actions. Y/n has an idea, he whispers to Vergil and looks at them. Y/n takes Grace off from Vergil as she's still pouting.

Vergil: Alright, I'm... I'm sorry. I'll make you some pancakes as an apology.

Latina, Grace, and Fran smiling brightly with stars twinkled on their faces. After that, they walked up to Vergil while Grace's ears went down in sadness.

Grace: Sorry about biting you. I thought you're a bad person.

Latina: You must be lonely, mister blue. Wanna be friends?

Vergil widened his eyes from her request, he looked at Latina and Grace's puppy eyes and Fran's kitty eyes. The others feel the power of cuteness.

Vergil: V-Very well... if you wish.

Fran: Hooray, new friend!

Latina, Grace, and Fran hug around Vergil, he hesitates for a moment, and he patted each of them. The females squealed in low tone with a bit of nosebleed. Y/n secretly took a photo.

Dante: Was that so hard?

Vergil: Be quiet. Anyways, Y/n, your guildmaster has informed us about what you have been through, including your capture from an unknown intruder and your visit to the alternate universe and other world.

Saji: Wait, really?

Reya: Come to think of it, most of us couldn't help but to overhear their conversation earlier.

Levy: Oh right, it was crazy. They told him that there was a counterpart of Y/n, named Dante Dreyar.

Tsubasa: Is that true?

Wendy: That's what they said.

Ruruko: Wow, this is a bit hard to understand.

Momo: Yes, it was.

Dante: Huh. Things are getting crazier by the minute for us. Pretty much how we roll. That kid has my name too, huh?

Makarov: Ah yes, that had occurred on a certain day. It is a day we will never forget from 7 years ago and it happened recently. He went through such lengths, acquired the power within his dragon, to defend us from that black dragon.

Vergil: Be that as may, leave it be.

Everyone looked at Vergil.

Vergil: It would be wise for everyone here to forget that incident occurs, not aiding that counterpart and keep quiet about this.

Natsu: What?! Why not?! He's part of our guild!

Happy: Aye, that's right!

Lucy: Hey, what's your problem?

Laxus: Look, we help our family as a guild member. He's part of our family too.

Wendy: Mr. Vergil, don't you think that was a bit mean? No matter what, we'll-

Vergil shot a frightening cold glare towards Wendy, Natsu, Lucy and Happy, they jumped scared from him. Vergil quickly unsheathe his Yamato stabbed to the ground, while most of the Fairy Tail members, Sona, and her peerage felt intense and scared seeing him in seriousness.

Vergil: Regardless of your reasons, but in that alternate universe of "Dante Dreyar", he has his own world to fight. If he severs all of his humanity for power, then he'll lose everything of who he is. Along casting aside your guildmates, will lose the amount of respect, destined to fall apart quickly, cost himself, his dreams, and what believed in. He chose his own fate.

V: I'm afraid it's the truth. Most of you know what happened in Red Grave City. Vergil almost lost everything of himself as my body began to break down. We know he did the same thing and it's proven true. If he crosses the line, he won't be the same as before, I'm sorry to say.

Dante: Look kids, I know how you feel but I have to agree with what Vergil said. That's all up to that kid. Find out for himself. He lived his world while we got ours. Let's just say that's the best for the cause. Keep this quiet, okay?

The rest of the Fairy Tail members looked down, unable to counter their statement. The uncomfortable silence broke and that earlier conversation was gone when they heard the phone ring, coming from Tsubaki. She answered.

Tsubaki: Hello, Tsubaki speaking... G-Good evening, milady... Yes, she's here with Y/n and-

Her phone call was cut off as they looked at her in confusion.

Ruruko: What's wrong?

Saji: Umm, vice president, who was that?

Tsubaki: Miss President, I'm sorry about this.

Sona looked at her vice president in confusion.

Sona: Why are you apologizing for?

Tsubaki holds out her phone, showing her phone which revealed Serafall called her a while ago.

Tsubaki: Miss Leviathan has asked me where you're at, so I answered her and she'll be here shortly.

Sona groaned from her big sister's antics while the others(except Y/n, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Chisato, his family and her peerage) noticed her expression, leading them confused.

Sona: Oh no. Not her again.

Reya: Oh my, she'll be thrilled to see Y/n again.

Momo: Does she know where she is?

Tsubasa: Probably.

Heine: Excuse us, what's wrong with her?

Rossweisse: It seems we have a unique visitor on her way.

Ur: Is someone you guys know?

Kuroka: Yep. We know her very well. You can say that she has a colorful personality from a devil.

Cana: Really? I wonder who she is.

A large magic circle appeared from the floor, they felt a powerful energy coming from the circle. Y/n, his group, and his family know who it is.

Elfman: Whoa! What's going on?!

Mirajane: Who could it be?

Natsu: Not sure who, but I'll show them not to mess with Fairy Tail!

Gajeel: Don't know who, but we're ready.

Lucy: You can't be serious about this?! We got Y/n and the gang to back up-!

Serafall: Sona!!!

It is revealed as Serafall Leviathan, jumped out of her magic circle, rushed towards Sona and gave a big hug while Sona is a bit embarrassed in public. Most of them were baffled and sweatdropped from what just happened.

Levy: So that power came from her?

Laxus: Uhh, we didn't expect that to happen. Didn't we see her one time?

Chisato: *giggles* Yes. That's Serafall Leviathan, the big sister of Sona, one of the current four Devil Kings and part of the Sitri Household.

Irene: How intriguing. And yet she seems to be an energetic and cheerful devil.

Lisanna: She's really a friendly person.

Wendy: Yeah, she's fun too.

Elfman: And she cares for her sister, like us! So manly!

Mirajane: That's sweet for them. It's only natural.

Lady: You know, by looking at those two reminds me of Dante and Vergil in every way.

Trish: Yeah they really do.

Dante: Looks that way. I'm a fun guy while my bro is a serious type.

Vergil: Hmph.

Serafall: Sona! Where were you? You weren't at Y/n's house, so I asked Asia and the others, and then called Tsubaki to find out for myself. You're making me sad.

Sona: I can't believe you, Miss Leviathan! Don't you have paperwork and meetings to do? That's improper!

Serafall: Aww Sona, why do you have to be so mean to me? I came all this way to see you and-

Serafall turned towards Y/n, jumped towards him, giving him hugs and kisses while nuzzling cheeks.

Serafall: Hubby!!! I missed you so much!

Y/n: Come on, we've only been gone for a while.

Serafall: But it's still too long! I was super worried about you, especially Sona!

Sona turned her head away from her big sister's antics.

Serafall: So what brings you here today, hubby?

Y/n: I got a call for the job recently and took care of it. And I brought guests for a couple of days.

Y/n pointed out Fairy Tail, they waved at her. Serafall gasped so excitedly.

Serafall: Wow! Real life wizards in person! That's awesome! Oh! I see those little kitties!

Serafall hugged Happy, Carla, and Lily.

Happy, Carla, and Lily: Not again.

Lucy: Wow, she's totally different between her and Sona.

Natsu and Gray: Yeah no doubt about it.

Juvia: That girl has the power of ice as Ur and my beloved Gray, and Levy is right about her.

Makarov: It's a pleasure to meet you, my dear. I present to you, my children of my guild.

Serafall: I can see that! It's very nice to see ya! I'm Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall glows, changes to her magical girl costume with staff and makes a cute wink pose.

Serafall: You can call me Little Levia!

Sona, her peerage, and a few of the Fairy Tail wizards sweatdropped while the others were impressed.

Carla: I'm really lost for words.

Mirajane: I say it's really cute.

Juliet: She's really cool!

Wendy: Wow! That's amazing!

Heine: Err, who is she supposed to be?

Lily: Could be she's an actress?

Kuroka: Yep, she's the main star of her own show in Japan called the Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven.

Rossweisse: She's very good at acting and popular.

Erza: Incredible! A woman with passionate talent! Perhaps I can learn a few pointers from the master! Please teach me your skills!

Team Natsu: 'Oh no! Not again!'

Serafall: Oh wow! That's great! You know I love your voice, personality and your armor too! Do you think I would like to see more from you, pretty please?

Erza: Of course! You're welcome to do so!

Lady: Looks like they are getting along well. Having something common.

Trish: Something tells me that pinkie and his team know that from their experiences, huh?

Makarov: I've received a complaint from the client who said the play was a disaster from those dunderheads, it didn't go well.

Nero: Damn. That sucks to hear that.

Griffon: Hahaha! I can imagine that.

Serafall looks at Griffon and Shadow, and she hugs them both. Griffon struggles to get out and Shadow likes it.

Serafall: Wow! A cute little birdie and fluffy cat!

Griffon: Hey, hey, easy on the feathers!

Serafall: Are those two yours? They're so adorable! Hope you don't mind!

V: *chuckles* Yes they are and I don't mind. It's very amusing.

Serafall stopped, turned, and saw the twin sons of Sparda. She gasped and went into fangirl mode.

Serafall: Oh my satan! It is you! The sons of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda! In person! This is the best day ever!

Dante: You're a big fan of pops huh? It's nice to meet ya.

Dante offers Serafall and she instantly accepts it. Serafall offers Vergil to shake her hand, he hesitates for a second and accepts it.

Nero: She's really nice. Pretty eventful.

Chisato: We already got used to her personality.

Vergil looked at Chisato and felt a powerful energy.

Vergil: Tell me, you aren't human, are you? I sense your power is beyond an angel but a divine goddess. How do you know about him?

Chisato: Yes I was. It's a long story. I have known him since his first year of high school. When I looked at him, he made me feel gentle warmth and stole my heart. And I was inspired by your family's history, how your father fell in love with your mother.

Vergil was surprised by Chisato's response to her relationship with Y/n and knew the history of Sparda. He nodded in silence. Serafall finally noticed Fran, Latina, and Grace, she squealed happily.

Serafall: They're so adorable!

Latina: Mommy, is she nice? She's pretty.

Serafall is very shocked to her core when that little girl called Kuroka, her mom and called her pretty.

Kuroka: Yes, sweetie. Latina, Grace, she's also your mommy, a fun magical girl.

Serafall is stunned at being called a mom, which she's really happy.

Grace: Ooh! A magical girl!

Serafall instantly hugs and kisses these two cuties, as they nuzzle their cheeks. She looked at Fran.

Serafall: Aww you're adorable too. What's your name, little neko?

Fran: I'm Fran, mister robo man saved me from that bad black pigeon.

Serafall: Black pigeon, wait do you mean-?

Nero: Yeah, We found and saved her. So, a lot has happened a few hours ago.

Y/n, Nero, and V explained about their recent job. Serafall listened and understood what happened.

Serafall: Oh I see. In that case, I'm glad you all came and put an end to that evil fallen angel. As for that adorable little kitty, I appointed Nero as her guardian, she'll be in good hands.

Fran: Hooray!

Fran hugs Nero and nuzzles her cheek on his, so affectionate while Nero hugs her back. The others are very happy while their hearts are about to explode.

Lady: Well Shocker, Kyrie will definitely make her heart explode when she sees you and her together.

Kuroka: I'm sure she'll understand. Plus, it's a perfect opportunity for getting closer to your relationship.

Mirajane: Yep that's true. He has great qualities of father material. Quite a fighter too.

Nero: Yeah, yeah thanks for the vote of confidence.

Erza: No need to be modest. You and Y/n are much better than Ichiya.

The rest of Fairy Tail sweatdropped from what she said.

Cana: There she goes again.

Gajeel: Got a hold of yourself.

Juvia: Now Erza, we've been over this. You should get over that ignorant little troll sometime soon.

Trish: Yeah. They told us about that guy, we saw who he is and he's just stupid pervert.

Sona and her peerage: Absolutely/Yep/Indeed.

Y/n: They're right, Erza. Think of it this way, his stature has always been tubby and... "Short supply."

Y/n laughs at that joke while the others laugh too.

Nero: Come on cousin, there are those who think "little" of him.

Everyone bursts out laughing so hard while Y/n and Nero high five. Unknown to them, Vergil turns away and covers his face, which hides his laughter.

Gray: Bro that was funny!

Laxus: No kidding, way to roast him.

Cana: That made my day better!

Serafall: Yeah. *pout* But I'm still upset at you, hubby.

Y/n: I know how to cheer you up.

Y/n have summoned Pikachu, Lucario, Latios, and Latias. Sona, her peerage, Serafall, V, and Vergil were surprised from what they witnessed. Pikachu went up to Shadow with usual smile, they got along really well. Sona and her peerage got along with Latios and Latias. Serafall hugs Lucario as he is a bit embarrassed.

Serafall: They looked adorable! Oh, I wonder if they looked great in costumes! That could spark new ideas!

Lucario and Pikachu have piqued her response, they went up to her and they were excited. They showed her their pictures in their own costumes and she was very excited.

V: "The eye is altering, it alters all." Y/n kept continuing to surprise me.

Griffon: Totally.

Vergil: 'How did he achieve that power?'

Until the moment when Vergil already sensed their presence at the front door...

Vergil: Dante, you have unexpected visitors.

Dante: *sigh* So much for relaxing in the office.

The door opened and as Vergil predicted.

Dante: Devil May Cry.

They saw not only Rias and her peerage, but also the Sirzechs and Grayfia. They entered the office. Ddraig is shocked to see the sons of Sparda. Fairy Tail recognized them from the other day, they were about to fight but Makarov raised his hand to stand down and they compiled. Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia and Koneko were shocked to see Y/n and his group again, including his summons while Gasper is shy and confused and Issei had his perverted face to see more girls with breasts.

Ddraig: 'No... It can't be!'

Issei: What the actual fu-!?

Sirzechs: Good evening, my friend. It's been quite a while, has it? This place hasn't changed at all.

Dante: Well, well. If it isn't, Zechys. It sure has.

Issei: Hey hotshot dipshit! I don't care who you are, you don't talk to the devil king that way!

Dante: Hm? You say something? And who are you?

Issei was offended by Dante, as he was about to fight.

Rias: Issei, that's enough. We're still in the presence of the devil kings and the Sons of Sparda.

Issei grumbled in defeat while her peerage was shocked to see them in person. Unknown to him Ddraig trembled in fear, to see Dante and Vergil. Rias looked at Y/n and smiled.

Rias: Y/n, you know it's rude to keep a girl waiting for you. We're glad you-

Y/n: Hey Ms. Gremory, how are you doing today?

Rias is shocked Y/n called her last name while her peerage witnessed as well.

Koneko: Something bad must have happened to Y/n.

Akeno: Oh my, it seems handsome isn't himself lately.

Kiba: It seems that slave marks and Kuroka's power have corrupted them.

Xenovia: They must have held Asia captive, against her will.

Lucy: What do you say?! How dare you-?!

Kuroka placed her hand on her shoulder to calm down, she looked at her, shook her head and she sat down.

Gasper: G-G-Guys, there's no point in fighting those people. T-They don't seem bad.

Sirzechs: My, that's quite interesting people to meet. Greetings, I'm Sirzechs Lucifer, big brother of my precious sister, Rias.

Grayfia: My lord, are you sure it's wise to tell your position to the lowly humans?

Y/n: Excuse me, you know that you're bad mouthing to my family, to me, and my guests, right?

Grayfia looked at Y/n and met with a blank and disappointed glare and arms folded. She's shocked.

Y/n: Because my family is part human. We've seen weird stuff. Now we're offended.

Grayfia widened her eyes, she looked around and met with a blank and disappointed glare from Dante, Nero, Vergil, Lady, and Trish. She was embarrassed as she lowered her head while Sirzechs laughed nervously at this awkward moment.

Grayfia: I'm very sorry. P-Please forgive my rudeness...

Sirzechs: Now, now. Let's not be hasty. I apologized on her behalf. I'm sure there was some misunderstanding. I can assure you.

Serafall: Anyway Sirzechs, what brings you here today?

Sirzechs: My sister told me that Sona and her peerage left with their smiles. It's been confirmed true, the prodigal sons of Sparda have returned. So we can discuss the benefits Y/n and my Rias.

Dante: Yeah about that, don't get ahead of yourself there. If you're thinking about both getting married, well you thought wrong.

Sirzechs: W-What do you mean?

Vergil: What my brother meant was his son told us everything about the time when his memories were locked, and awakened his memories and powers that sleep within him.

Dante: Yep. My kid told us everything. And I'm really disappointed in your little sister. Never thought she would act like that, along her group too. I doubt your parents are raising her like that.

Rias and her peerage looked down in shame while Issei was angry at him.

Sirzechs: O-Oh um, I see. But now, she's already regained the position and aid alongside Sona. I know she can handle the task.

Sona: *sighs* Yes, it's true.

Rias: Of course, as an heiress of the Gremory House, by order of Lord Lucifer, we can't turn down his request. To ensure the peace treaty.

Koneko: And we're getting Y/n back together again.

Kuroka: Why go through all that trouble, Shirone, or rather Koneko? Is that what she told you to do? The master's orders?

Koneko was unable to respond, she looked down as Rias' peerage was about to protest.

Y/n: Before I forget, if you're wondering about Asia, she's fine. Not being held hostage or nonsense you think of.

Akeno: Come now, no need to be so hostile, sexy. If you want, I will give you a very special attention. Or do you want it in bed?

Akeno licked her lips, as the others were a bit uncomfortable from her antics.

Cana: Damn, she got that kinky stuff going on. Has she always been like that?

Rossweisse: Yes, she's into S&M, it's her habits. Ms. Himejima, restrain yourself in front of our guests.

Y/n: Wait a sec, did you have that boy with you or Ms. Gremory beat you to it already?

Xenovia: What is he talking about?

Rias and Issei: *blush* H-H-How did you know about that?

Y/n: I had a certain black cat tell me what's up when Grayfia stopped you two going further, if you catch my drift~.

Rias and Issei were embarrassed by what Y/n told them from Kuroka in her cat form, as her peerage, Grayfia and Sirzechs were shocked.

Dante: Well, I guess we know why she went full commando with that boy.

Rias, her peerage, Grayfia, and Sirzechs noticed Fran with Nero, Serafall, and the others.

Rias: It can't be. That child is also a survivor like Koneko and Kuroka. I thought they were extinct.

Kiba: She must be infected with Senjutsu, by hands of the former S-Class Stray again.

Nero: The hell you are talking about. She's just a kid. And she's staying with me.

Vergil: That's quite enough, you ignorant devils.

They looked at Vergil and his serious glare.

Vergil: Senjutsu is a power to control the flow of life energy within the living being, in other words, the nature we're breathing and standing on. You couldn't even bother investigating carefully, getting to know them. Which is why each of your races are on the brink of extinction, to continue your endless wars. Unable to move a path forward.

They were about to protest until he added.

Vergil: I also know a bit about the Holy Sword Project, including the test subjects, a vile priest who started his work.

Sona: Yes, luckily he's been slain by Kokabiel. We saw it with our own eyes. Ms. Gremory and her peerage went against them. Which leads to the peace treaty of the Three Factions recently.

Vergil: Interesting. It seems a lot has happened during our absence. Also, Excalibur is an object. Obviously not a cult nor person. It fell to the enemy's hands to lead more pointless wars.

Everyone is baffled by Vergil's response.

Dante: Now that's the smartest thing I have ever heard from ya. And how long do you know about those facts?

Vergil: I've been traveling and had my ways before the incident, a long time ago. I doubt you can keep up with history.

Dante: Whatever you say, mister smarty pants brother of mine.

Issei: Whatever you say, fakers. Let's call this a prank. That pussy is retarded to set this up, they are from the ripoff reboot. As pranks go, this one's a bit obvious. I'm right because I'm the Red Dragon Emperor, the Harem King, I'll save those precious boobs! Readers can vouch for that!

Issei stood proudly. While Y/n, his group, his family, and Fairy Tail looked at Issei with blank and 'WTF' stares.

Juvia: That vile boy has no meaning of love, I belong to my beloved.

Gajeel: He can't be serious.

Elfman: Hmph, he's no man.

Laxus: Is that loser lost his mind?

Y/n: Nah, he's always been like that.

Latina and Grace went in front of Fran with their arms spread to defend.

Latina: You leave papa and my friend, you meanie!

Grace: That's right, you poopy head!

Issei: Hey, I'm doing it for Miss President and her big brother! Get out of my way before-

Ddraig: Issei, don't-!

Suddenly, Vergil appeared, backhanded on Issei's face, he stood up barely, rushed forward until Vergil thrust his scabbard of Yamato on his abdomen strongly. Crashed in drum sets and guitars. He's on knees, gasping for air while Ddraig can feel pain.

Ddraig: 'He's too... powerful.'

Y/n: Seriously?

Kiba: You fiend! The legend has gone corrupt. As a knight of Rias Gremory, I'll slay evil!

Kiba rushed towards Vergil, but he saw it coming. Vergil clashes Kiba's sword, makes rapid slashes on his torso, pushes him back and crashes to the pool table, which was broken. Kiba is in pain and bleeding his chest.

Dante: Again bro, seriously? That's our pool table.

Vergil: It's not my fault. I'm putting them in their places.

Koneko: They've crossed the line. We must stop them.

Gaspar: B-B-Both of you, please stop this!

Xenovia: How dare you! You'll pay for what you've done!

Erza: Don't blame Y/n and Vergil. It was your ignorant boy who brought it upon himself.

Akeno: Oh dear, it looks like that slave marks have made them evil. Be dear, stand still. I won't hurt much~.

Natsu: You're dead wrong! The guild is family! This symbol meant everything to us! We don't leave our family behind! If you mess with Y/n and his family and friends, you'll answer me!

Fairy Tail: And us!

Makarov: We may be guests here, but no one dares threaten my children and disrespect our guild. You left us with no choice.

The rest of Fairy Tail and Y/n's summons made their fighting stance. Dante, Vergil, V, Lady, Trish, Nero, Sona, her companions, and Serafall were surprised by their beliefs and convictions, as they're trying to defuse the situation.

Kiba: You monster! You're dealing with the presence of the current devil king!

Issei: And those brats should have died of ABORTION!

That literally crossed the line for Fairy Tail, Sona, her peerage, Serafall, Dante, and the others, which they're furious about from what Issei said. Y/n and Nero appeared between both sides, facing towards Rias, her peerage, Sirzechs, and Grayfia while their eyes shadowed.

Rias: Save us from their madness! Lord Lucifer can aid-

Y/n and Nero: ENOUGH!!!

Y/n and Nero shot up a murderous glare with his eyes glowing red and a demonic booming voice. Causing them to release an immense, deadly aura with three percent of their full power at a six mile radius. Which caused it to break through the windows and car glass, ground shaking, the alarms of cars and buildings wailing, the fourth wall breaking through and did the same result. It lasted for five seconds.

Everyone immediately stopped. Rias, her peerage, Sirzechs and Grayfia had a bit of a panic attack, while Akeno was orgasmed from Y/n. Fairy Tail, Sona, her peerage, and Serafall were stunned to witness it. Dante, Vergil, V, Lady and Trish were impressed by their strengths. Azazel appeared at the front door and they looked up to see him.

Azazel: What the hell is going on here?!

Serafall: Hi Azzy, nice of you to show up.

Azazel: I just finished up with paperwork, enjoyed some sake to relax, and then, boom, I felt a powerful energy.

Sona: Blame Hyoudou and Ms. Gremory. For making ridiculous claims and attempts to attack innocent children and Y/n's guests.

Griffon: She's right you know, Azzy. And we did you a favor thanks to us.

Azazel: Hmm?

V: We've been expecting to see you in person, Azazel, Governor General of the Fallen Angels.

Azazel: Whoa. Ain't that interesting. How do you figure me out?

V: To be precise, I was the one who eavesdropped on your previous conversation. I can sense your presence. As a favor, we eradicated Kokabiel loyal minion, Damien, for summoning a wave of demons from the Underworld, taking a cat child hostage while her parents were already dead.

Azazel: I see... You know what? I owe you one, big time.

Everyone is confused about what Azazel said.

Sirzechs: Care to explain? We made it quite-

Azazel: Yeah I know, stop your whining. After we dealt with Kokabiel and the peace treaty was approved, I had a gut feeling that someone like him would cross the line. I would ask you, Sirzechs for Ms. Gremory and her peerage to help me to put an end to Kokabiel's remnants, but it looks like V, Y/n and his group already took care of it.

Azazel looks at Fran's eyes, a hint of sadness and recalled from what V told him.

Azazel: After what V told me, I see that now. Clear as day. Looks like I have to keep an eye on it and I'll deal with that one. And you have my condolences to that kid.

Nero: Yeah, just you know, I'll be the one who will take care of the kid. I wanted to. So she can enjoy her childhood with me. Serafall made that choice and I went with it. If your guys dare to hurt them, I'll end their lives by my hands. Count on that.

V: His words spoke true. This outcome has met with a positive note. Would that be sufficient?

Azazel: Yeah it would. We can definitely work this out, as we can proceed with the peace treaty.

V: In that case, "Opposition is the true friendship, In seed of time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." *close his book* Perhaps we can come to an agreement.

Levy: Wow, that V sure into poetry. Does that mean he's into novel books too?

Rossweisse: Perhaps. It's getting dark soon, we should get some sleep.

Ur: So anyway, where are we going to sleep?

Kuroka: At Y/n's other house in Japan.

Fairy Tail: *shocked* Y/n's other house?!?!

Gray: Is Y/n secretly rich or something?!

Lucy: He's gotta be loaded!

Lisanna: We'll see when we get there.

Y/n and Nero realized and went to check on Latina, Grace, and Fran.

Y/n: Are you okay? Sorry we got carried away.

Nero: We didn't mean to scare you like that.

Fran: Wow, you're so cool, mister! I like you!

Latina: It's okay, daddy. We can heal you with hugs.

Grace: Me too!

Fran: Me three!

Latina and Grace are hugging and nuzzling Y/n as he smiles and accepts it while Fran goes up to Nero and both do the same. A loud growl was heard coming from Fran.

Fran: I'm hungry.

Nero: Don't worry kid, you love the food. I know Kyrie makes too much. You'll love her, trust me.

Natsu: Alright! Food! I'm starving!

Happy: Maybe there will be raw fish!

Carla: I hope they made delicious tea.

Juliet: Oh boy, I wonder what they made?

Heine: Please restrain yourself.

Makarov: Perhaps we should celebrate Team B's effort from their first job here in Fairy Tail style!

Cana: Awesome! Hope there's some great booze!

Erza: Settle down everyone. Let's not be-

A loud growl is heard. They looked at her and she's blushing red.

Lady: Don't worry, I'm sure there's plenty for everyone. Can't wait to try your strawberry cheesecakes.

Dante: Another strawberry dessert? I gotta try that. I bet it's amazing. Let's go, Vergil.

Vergil: Right.

They heard some metal sounds coming from another room, the door opened as Nico came out with some black smudge on her face and her chest.

Nico: You know I was working with something awesome, then the whole ground was shaking and my work was messed up! What the hell happened?!

Y/n: Sorry Nico, we got a bit carried away.

Fran: I'm sorry, miss. Mister Robo Man was protecting us from a bad man.

Nico: Ah well. How can I be mad at you little cutie pies. Guess Nero starts to level up, ya know I'm saying.

Nero: Shut up, gimme a break here.

Nico: I need a break. Good thing I came out at the right time. I'm coming with ya, I'm starving.

Trish: Hey Sona, why don't you and your friends join us?

Sona: Are you certain? We don't want to intrude your time.

Trish: Hey we don't mind. You guys are alright with me. And you too, Serafall.

Serafall: Alright! I need a break too!

Sona's Peerage: Thank you for having us.

Sirzechs: Excellent. I shall join-

Y/n: I'm sorry, but who said you're invited?

Rias: You must invite us in right now-

Grayfia: Milady, enough. Your peerage has caused enough trouble as it is. Destroyed their properties.

Sirzechs: Now Fia, we should join them and-

Grayfia: My lord, I said enough. Your sister and her peerage are left to blame, especially that ignorant boy. You have paperwork to do in your office. It would be wise for us to leave. NOW.

Y/n: Your wife is right, ya know. Look around and you should know. So, my guests will be staying for tonight and we're leaving tomorrow evening.

Fairy Tail heard and looked at Y/n, they were a bit sad and shocked while Dante and Trish took notice.

Levy: What?!

Mavis: 'Y/n...'

Wendy: But Y/n, I thought-

Irene placed her hand on her shoulder, Wendy looked up to Irene while the others looked at her, she shook her head. Sona and Serafall took notice and felt ashamed.

Makarov: Looks like we have no choice but to do so. Besides, we've overstayed our welcome.

Irene: I know how you all feel, but we must respect Y/n's decision. It can't be helped.

Azazel: Nice going. I was going to greet them all in a friendly way, but it looked like a bad time. Way to 'ruin' the mood. See ya.

Azazel teleported back to his home.

Grayfia: We should leave as well.

Sirzechs, along with his wife, Rias, and her peerage have been teleported out of the business office. Sona cleared her throat and caught their attention.

Sona: So, let us all go to Y/n's house, shall we? I'll take you all there.

Sona opened up a teleportation circle for everyone to Y/n's other house in Japan. As everyone arrived, Fairy Tail were surprised and impressed by how huge the house is. They looked around for a bit. A few footsteps heard from the kitchen and revealed as Patty and Nina as those two saw Dante, Patty smiled in joy, rushed towards him and gave a big hug while Nina smiled in relief. Everyone smiled as well.

Patty: Dante! You're finally here! You've made it back! I was worried about you, ya know!

Dante: Hey Patty, long time no see. I see you've grown up. *chuckles* Not a little kid but still the same person.

Nina: Dante, it's a pleasure to see you again for a long time.

Dante: Likewise. Don't know how long we were stuck in the Underworld, *shrug* but, eh, whatever.

Patty and Nina noticed Pikachu, Lucario, Latios, and Latias, they were amazed at what they saw and along really well. Another pair of footsteps is heard from the kitchen, revealed as Asia and Kyrie. Latina and Grace hugged her.

Asia: Y/n, everyone. Welcome back. Another job success?

Levy: Yep. You bet we did.

Lady: I'm a bit surprised they pulled it off no problem.

Laxus: You could say we're full of surprises. Never underestimate our guild.

Kyrie: I see. And Nero, who's that little one? She looked so adorable.

Asia: She really does.

Nero explains about what happened from their job while the others already know. Kyrie felt sad for her and she understood.

Nero: So yeah, she'll be living with us from now on. I hope you-

Kyrie instantly grabs and hugs Fran, as her life depends on it. Fran felt a warm embrace as she hugs back and purrs of affection.

Kyrie: You're not alone, Fran. I'll also do my best to love you and take care of you. You can call me mom, if you want.

Fran: *smile* Thank you so much... mama.

As Fran calls Kyrie mom, her mind goes blank as she faints, Nero catches her, she regains her senses and hugs her again.

Kuroka: And there she goes.

Ur: Wow, I guess we called it.

Nico: Wow, she really loves that cute cat girl. Does that mean Nero is ready to be a daddy~?

Nero: Will you shut up?!

Everyone laughed at Nero. Asia started to notice Dante and Vergil.

Asia: Oh Y/n, are they your relatives?

Y/n: Yep. That's Dante, my pops who wears the red coat while the other one wears black and blue coat color is my uncle Vergil. The Sons of Sparda.

Asia is now shy and happy as she has stars in her eyes to meet them in person. She politely bows to them.

Asia: It's truly nice to meet you both, I'm Asia Argento. I admire your family's history.

Vergil: Are you a nun, correct?

Asia: Yes, I was a former nun because I was kicked out from the church. I was alone until one day I met Y/n, a faithful boyfriend.

Dante: Hey you're definitely an okay girl in my book. I'm glad you admire my pops and my kid.

Asia: Of course. Oh! You all just in time for dinner.

Kyrie: Thanks for reminding me. Everyone, please take a seat.

Y/n: Let's go.

They met up with the others at the dinner table and they saw they brought out a lot of amazing food that hits their noses, along with the strawberry cheesecakes and drinks.

Dante: Oh man, It's good to be back here. Smells awesome.

Nero: Yeah well, good thing Kyrie makes this too much.

V: Quite a feast we're having.

Cana: With some booze too, alright!

Elfman: A manly feast!

Nico: Hoowee! Now that's what I'm talking about!

Gray: You guys sure did make a lot of us.

Juvia: Quite true.

Laxus: After the day's work, we got to enjoy this part.

Makarov clears his throat as everyone brings his attention.

Makarov: Ahem. Attention everyone. I like to say we're eternally grateful for Y/n and his team to invite us and to meet his family and friends. Even if it's just a day, it doesn't matter. To celebrate this occasion, Team B's first job in this world, including the return of Dante and Vergil, let us enjoy this opportunity until tomorrow night! Cheers to everyone!

Everyone: Cheers!

Y/n, his team, his family and friends, and Fairy Tail have started to eat and enjoy the amazing food that Kyrie, Asia, Patty, and Nina have prepared. Sona, her peerage, and Serafall were surprised and touched by Makarov's speech. They soon joined in and enjoyed it. They witnessed the usual antics from Fairy Tail that Y/n and his group were talking about such as Natsu and Gray fighting each other when Erza and Ur bonked their heads, they laughed together and had a good time. Kyrie happily fed Fran with some delicious food as Y/n's girls took turns on Latina and Grace did the same while the girl squealed happily from their cute moments and Y/n took some photos along the way. They felt warmth and comfort as they're in a place to call home. As they made it towards the dessert, Erza presented Y/n's family and friends with her strawberry cheesecake with white chocolate frosting. They tried it on their first bite, and it's surprisingly excellent. They really loved it, Dante strongly approved of her while Vergil usual expression and to his surprise, he really loved it as well.

Sona: They are very nice people, once you get to know them.

Serafall: Yep, I can tell they're pretty special. Oh Sona, I have a great idea!

Serafall gestures to Sona and Tsubaki to come closer, they whisper something and come up with an idea.

Tsubaki: Madame President, I must agree with Lady Leviathan. It's the least we can do to make up for the recent incident.

Sona: Yes, I approved it as well. Excuse me, Fairy Tail.

The members of Fairy Tail looked at Sona as she brought her attention.

Sona: We have come up with a plan for you all to experience the tour.

(Time skips to the next day...)

As another day began, Y/n, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato went ahead to Kuoh Academy, to return to their routines. They were greeted by their fellow classmates. As they entered their classroom, Y/n and Asia noticed that there were a few empty desks.

Asia: Y/n, do you think they would show up here?

Y/n: Knowing Souna, she kept her word. I know they'll be here soon.

As Y/n talking to Asia with their smiles, the Perverted Trio are fuming with jealousy while Xenovia blank stares at them.

Xenovia: 'What makes him and Asia special?'

Matsuda: Look at that little shit, stealing girls from us.

Issei: Yeah, what a pussy. Acting a big shot in front of our faces.

Motohama: We should be the ones with gorgeous babes, not that bastard!

The class looked at them weirdly, as Katase and Murayama watched in disgust.

Katase: How gross. They will feel our wrath tenfold.

Murayama: Yeah but for now, let's just ignore them.

Aika: Well, well, what do we have here?

The Perverted Trio looked to see Aika Kiryuu, grinning at them.

Aika: I see you're in a pity tantrum going on. Looks like fun to me.

Matsuda: Back off! Can't you see we're in private conversation.

Motohama: Very serious.

Issei: That's right. Stay out of it.

Aika: Whatever. Better behave yourselves, cause I heard there will be guests coming here.

The Perverted Trio are surprised by her response while Xenovia is shocked by her announcement.

At the front entrance of Kuoh Academy, the students saw a group of foreign people, Fairy Tail, which they're unfamiliar with. Team Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Heine, Juliet, and the Strauss siblings are wearing white buttoned shirts, tan vests and gray pants while girls wearing skirt as students, while Erza wore a red jacket and glasses as the student council president, and Ur, Laxus, Irene and Makarov wore business suits as teachers while he's the headmaster. Mavis was intrigued to see the school. They were greeted by Souna Shitori(Sona) and Tsubaki Shinra.

Sona: Greetings students, teachers and headmaster of Fiore Academy. We welcome you all to Kuoh Academy.

Makarov: Thank you for having us, Ms. Shitori. It's an honor to be here.

Cana: So is that the school that Y/n and the others went to?

Lisanna: Sure looks that way.

Elfman: Wow! That's super manly!

Lucy: This is gotta be awesome. I get to experience school life.

Natsu: These clothes are killing me here.

Lucy: Don't go ruin it for me!

Juliet: Aw man, this is gonna be boring.

Heine: Get used to it. Sona did invite us, after all.

Wendy: I'm a little bit nervous. I hope Carla, Happy, and Lily will be okay without us.

Irene: Don't worry, child. Kuroka and Kyrie are taking care of them, along with children as well.

Mirajane: She's right. For now, let's just enjoy this tour.

Gray: Looks like we have to get used to it for a day, huh?

Ur: Gray, put some clothes on! You're causing a commotion!

Gray looks down to see his boxers again and screams comically, as the male were dumbfounded while the female blushed and happily screamed. Unfortunately for them, they met with Juvia's sinister smile and they stepped back.

Juvia: My darling Gray is mine! Do you hear me?! MINE!

Male.1: Who are they? Maybe foreign students?

Male.2: I guess. But that guy with black spiky hair looks scary.

Gajeel quickly turned to those two male students and gave a fierce glare which frightened them. While Levy held him back.

Gajeel: Oh you guys ain't talking to me, you punks! Scram!

Levy: Gajeel, calm down!

Laxus: Alright you two, that's enough. Let's just get this over. No fighting, no trouble.

Erza: Agreed. Now listen up, we're here for a day. I expect you all to behave yourselves. I don't want to hear any problems.

Fairy Tail: Yes ma'am.

Tsubaki: Madame President, the class is about to start.

Sona: Thank you. Now, follow us. We'll take you to your assigned classrooms.

Sona and Tsubaki have guided them to their assigned classrooms. Wendy, Lisanna, Elfman, Heine, and Juliet with Irene were in the first year. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia with Laxus in the second year, to Y/n and Asia's. And Erza, Mirajane, Cana, Levy and Gajeel with Makarov in the third year, to Sona's.

Rossweisse: Alright class, today is a special day. We have a group of foreign students who will be joining the class for the day.

The class whispers among themselves while the Perverted Trio make their lewd faces. Rossweisse noticed them and made stern glares.

Rossweisse: You three will behave yourselves, or it's after school detention.

Perverted Trio: Y-Yes ma'am.

Rossweisse looks at the door, signals the guests to come in and reveals them as Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia with Laxus. The classmates are interested, Y/n and Asia smile while Issei and Xenovia are shocked.

Rossweisse: They're foreign students and teachers from Fiore Academy in England while others are in different classes.

Lucy: 'This is my moment.' Hi I'm Lucy, it's nice to-

Natsu: Hey Y/n, what's up buddy?

Lucy hand chops Natsu's head.

Lucy: Why do you ruin my moment, you dummy!

Juvia: Hello, I'm Juvia! My heart still belongs to my dear Gray!

The class is in shock to hear Natsu and his friends knew Y/n.

Gray: You are an idiot, try not to draw attention.

Natsu: You wanna go?!

Laxus got between Natsu and Gray to stop them.

Laxus: Give it a rest, you two. Or you'll go to work out detention to make you sore next week.

Natsu and Gray: Y-Yes sir.

The female classmates are looking at Laxus, who is so dreamy and handsome.

Rossweisse: Shirogane, do you know them?

Y/n: Yeah, I met them during my parents' business trip.

Rossweisse: I see. In that case, I'll assign you to give them a tour after school.

Y/n: Yes ma'am.

Asia: I'll help him as well.

Rossweisse: Very well, let the class start. Take a seat.

Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Juvia began to sit in their assigned seats while Laxus went and stood behind the class as it began. Lucy was focused on the class while others were trying, Natsu struggled a bit and Lucy helped him. Issei and Xenovia were still a bit disbelieving.

In the first year classroom where Koneko's class is, Irene's group introduced themselves. Gasper's eyes twinkled when he saw Elfman as an inspiration to be manly. The class whispers among themselves as they find Wendy adorable, and can be friends with Koneko's status. Elfman and Juliet were a bit struggling with class work as Lisanna and Heine helped out a little, and Wendy is trying to learn. Koneko is a bit shocked as to why they are here.

In the third year classroom where Sona and Rias' class is, Makarov's group introduced themselves. Most of the female classmates inspired Erza and Levy, the males blushed by females but were a bit intimidated by Gajeel's glare and Mirajane's hidden smile. As class starts, Erza, Cana and Gajeel are a bit struggling with class work as Mirajane and Levy are helping a bit. Rias and Akeno are baffled as to why they are here as well.

Few hours later, Y/n and Asia are giving them a tour around Kuoh Academy. They were fascinated by visiting each room, gym, club rooms (except O.R.C.), and the back entrance where physical education took place. As the students of Kuoh approached them, they were bombarded with questions and surprisingly, they blended in and got along really well. Katase, Murayama and Aika get along with Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Wendy, Levy, Cana, Heine, Juliet, Lisanna and Mirajane, they have some girls talk about some boys while few blushing. Few of male students get along with Natsu, Gray, Elfman and surprisingly, Gajeel. That conversation was gone when the Perverted Trio angrily yelled at Y/n while they looked at them weirdly.

Motohama: You bastard!

Matsuda: What the hell, man?!

Y/n: Huh? What's up with you today?

Issei: Why the hell you got girls all around you, huh?!

Y/n: Easy there, Fido. I have no idea what you are talking about. They're my friends that I hung out with a while back.

Issei aggressively grabs Y/n's shirt while Y/n is unfazed his threats.

Issei: You shit-!

Erza: Is there a problem?

The Perverted Trio turned around slowly in fear and saw Erza with fierce glare which frightened them. Katase and Murayama called out, tossed two kendo sticks, Erza caught them and began to swing rapidly as she ended it with a slash through. The Perverted Trio laid down on the ground while in pain.

Erza: I won't let you insult Y/n, not when I'm around. You should learn your place.

Most female students are awed to see Erza as inspiration to all women, she's maybe strict and strong, but what Lucy and Y/n describes her as cool, beautiful, kind and passionate.

Makarov: Welp, looks like we blend in pretty well. We appreciate your hospitality and offer as well.

Asia: It's no problem at all. I'm glad they got along as friends.

Irene: It's quite an experience we had.

Ur: Yeah, I had a good time so far.

Sona: It's the least I can do from what happened yesterday.

Laxus: Hey don't worry about it. It's not like we can blame you. As Gramps said, as long as Y/n trust you, we will believe in him.

Tsubaki: Shall we continue our tour? We only have a few hours more.

Sona: Right. We'll go to the mall. Unfortunately, Lady Leviathan can't come today due to her duties. There are others that are waiting for us.

Makarov calls out to Fairy Tail, Y/n and Asia to come back and head to the front entrance. They met up with Sona's Peerage, Kuroka, Latina, Grace, Chisato and Rossweisse, including the three Exceeds, Patty, Kyrie, Fran, Nero, and V. Latina and Grace ran towards Y/n and hugged him.

Grace: Guess what? Mister Vergil made yummy breakfast.

Latina: Yeah. He made five each, with syrup and fruits too.

Fran: I want to eat that every morning.

Kyrie: Those adorable children have a healthy appetite.

V: You should see Vergil's expression. He's quite grown fond of them.

Patty: Come on, let's go!

As they're ready to go until a voice calls out to Y/n.

Rias: Y/n, please wait.

They turned around and saw Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia, Koneko, Gaspar, and Issei with bruises on his face.

Nero: Seriously, couldn't they just get the memo?

Kiba: Excuse us, Miss President is inviting you all to the O.R.C.

Akeno: May we have the moment of your time? We won't bite-

Sona: I'm afraid not. We planned this for the amount of trouble you caused, remember?

Rias: We just want to know why we weren't informed about their arrival.

Koneko: And what their intentions are.

Gaspar: B-But, they're not bad. They're good people.

Issei: Totally out of line from that bitch! So I'll save those precious boobies, to be a man!

Kyrie: Umm did something happen recently?

Nero stood in front of them to protect them. They heard clapping and saw Azazel.

Azazel: Now now, no fighting. Play nice. If those foreign students were planning something bad, they would've done it. They with Y/n.

Issei: That bastard! Why are you-?!

Azazel: Mr. Hyoudou, as your teacher, you'll be going to after school detention with me. You and your club members too.

Xenovia: What?! But they-!

Azazel: I'll make it in five weeks as this keeps up. And double the assignments.

Rias and her peerage were left with no choice but to do so as the tension was dropped down. Tsubaki quickly changed the subject to explore what the town has to offer and they went along with it. They went separate ways for now while Y/n stayed behind for a moment.

Y/n: Ms. Gremory, you got a lot of explaining to do. They're my guests.

Rias: Y/n, listen to me. I'm trying to help you! They are a threat, they can't be trusted!

Y/n: *sighs* You just kill friendly people's good mood, huh? Nobody likes a party pooper. No wonder why they call you the Princess of Ruin.

Rias feels heartbroken and insulted as she's about to cry while her peerage is shocked and Azazel remains neutral.

Y/n: So tell me, what are you trying to gain for doing something this stupid? You have your Red Dragon Emperor, don't you? Hmph. Looks like you guys went shabier when I kicked your asses. I guess you guys still haven't changed... at all.

Rias and her peerage looked down and were utterly defeated, unable to counter back up.

Y/n: If one of you guys comes to the office and my house, you'll get a big fine for a pretty penny. We'll talk about business whenever. Been seeing you.

Y/n left the school to catch up with Kuroka, Ur, Latina and the others.

Azazel: Welp, if you're done with your sappy story, let's head inside for your detention.

Rias and her peerage were left with no choice but to comply. Issei was angry at Y/n for making his president cry and wanted avenge for her.

After that heated moment ended, Y/n finally caught up with them. Fairy Tail was very amazed and intrigued to see the town surrounding them. They split up into two groups as Team Natsu with Y/n and his group while Fairy Tail Team B are with Sona and her peerage. A few caught a glimpse of Fran having a good time together with Kyrie and Nero as a family. They went looking around at each store, girls wanted to do some clothes shopping, including for the kids and bought some souvenirs for themselves. As they were ready to head back, Y/n, Sona, Lucy, Wendy, and Asia heard some familiar voices.

Woman: Asia? Is that you, dear?

They turned behind them and were revealed as Miki and Gorou Hyoudou, biological parents of Issei, as foster parents of Asia.

Asia: Mom, dad, it's nice to see you.

Gorou: Haha! I was very relieved when the student council president told us not to worry when she moved in with Y/n.

Lucy: Oh? Did you know them, Asia?

Asia: Yes I knew them.

Wendy: Are they your relatives?

Miki and Gorou look at Lucy, Wendy, Sona and Y/n. They were interested to see them.

Gorou: Oh Ms. Shitori, are they with you? They must be from another country.

Sona: Yes. They're our guests for the day along with their friends as well.

Wendy: It's nice to meet you, ma'am.

Miki: Oh my. How adorable and polite a young girl she is. Just like Asia. I'm Miki Hyoudou, and this is my husband, Gorou.

Gorou: Hi there. We're proud to have Asia as a part of our family and raised her as well. *looks at Y/n* Honey, it's Y/n.

Miki: Oh, it is him. How are you?

Y/n: Hey there Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking.

Lucy: Wow, you sure have attention don't you. Like a celebrity or something.

Y/n: Hehe. You could say that. We met a couple of times. I see you've been well yourselves and Asia is doing great.

Asia: Yes. He's my boyfriend too.

Miki and Gorou were shocked by Asia's response, they were happy in tears and holding each other's hands.

Miki: Dear, our Asia is growing up!

Gorou: Yes dear! I hope our idiot son should follow his example!

Lucy, Wendy and Sona sweatdropped and laughed awkwardly from them.

Y/n: Anyway, we better get going. They're waiting for us and they'll be leaving soon.

Gorou: Haha! Sure thing. I trust you to take care of her.

Asia: Of course he can. And tell Issei that don't worry about me, I'll be fine. We'll see in class.

Miki: Of course dear, we'll let him know. Take care.

Miki and Gorou left the mall and went back to their home.

Wendy: So you were adopted, Asia? That's nice of them

Asia: Yes. Even though we aren't related biological, we spend time together as a family says it all.

Lucy: Must be nice...

Lucy looked down on the ground in sadness while Wendy, Sona, Asia, and Y/n noticed it.

Wendy: Lucy?

Lucy: *mutter* I wish I had a big brother like Y/n.

Y/n: You do?

Lucy looked up and saw they were looking at her. She waved her arms defensively, put up a smile and laughed nervously.

Lucy: Oh never mind about me! Just thinking about some cool stuff to try back home! Come on, Wendy, we should hurry!

Wendy: O-Oh okay!

Lucy quickly grabbed Wendy's hand and left quickly. Y/n, Sona, and Asia were a bit confused but realized she meant.

Asia: Oh no, I hope I didn't mean to hurt her.

Sona: It's okay, Asia. I know you're not to blame. She must have something on her mind, that's all.

V: "To this day they dwell, In a lonely dell, Nor fear the wolvish howl, Nor the lion's growl."

V closes his book while Sona and Asia jump back in surprise.

Y/n: V, how long have you been here?

V: For quite a while since a few of you went missing and saw you all chatting with her folks that she was familiar with, correct?

Sona: Yes. They're the ones who take care of Asia, as their daughter, due to a certain incident that occurred a few months ago.

V: I see. That would explain why Lucy ran quickly with Wendy as a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Y/n: Hmm. Well, we should head back.

Sona, Asia, V, and Y/n went to catch up with his group to head back to Y/n's house. Y/n can't help but to feel sorry for Lucy, about what she said a few minutes ago. Y/n wanted to cheer her up but kept it to himself. They left as nothing happened.

As evening starts to rise, Y/n, Sona, and their group have made it back to Y/n's house. They met up with Trish, Lady, Nico, Nina, Dante and Vergil inside. Dante has ordered fifteen boxes of their family favorite pizza for them to enjoy. They took a first bite and they loved it so much. As they enjoyed it, they noticed two people were missing, until they heard metal clashing with each other. They went to the backyard, to see Erza and Vergil having an intense spar. They feel the intense atmosphere of battle.

Natsu: Whoa, look at them go!

Happy: Aye! They're really strong!

Gray: This is getting crazy!

Lucy: They're gonna cause damage around the house!

Trish: Can't say I'm surprised.

Ur: What do you mean?

Asia: So you're saying that...

Lady: Erza requested a sparring match against Vergil. Gotta say, that Erza sure got the rhythm.

Fairy Tail: *shocked* Seriously?!

Sona: Fortunately, we already set a barrier to prevent the destruction of this property and anyone who interferes.

Erza and Vergil rushed towards each other again and made a strong clash against their blades. They jumped back to the distance and Erza breathed out a bit exhausted. They finished up their sparring and the barrier was disabled.

Vergil: Your strength and skills are quite commendable, you fight valiantly.

Erza: Yes. I admire and respect your strength. You're indeed an incredible opponent.

Dante: Wow, quite a show you two put up. I see you're sharpening your skills huh?

Vergil: Only to settle our next fight. That is all.

Dante: Yeah, yeah whatever you say.

Fran: Ooh! Mister Vergil has a super duper powerful sword! So cool!

Vergil: D-Don't give me that childish and foolish nickname.

Dante: Aww, is Vergil a bit embarrassed? That's one thing he can't win.

Nero: Hmph, that's for sure. He can't fight back.

Most of them snickers from this moment.

Lady: Hey guys, I got something special for everyone to see.

They looked to see Lady holding a large red album as Y/n instantly remembered and recognized the cover.

Y/n: Wait, is that-?

Trish: Great idea, Lady. I got one too.

They looked to see Trish holding a large blue album as Y/n was surprised to see that.

Y/n: Where did you find that?

Trish: Emiko took care of you and gave it to us in secret.

Wendy: What's in those books?

Lady and Trish: Y/n as a baby to teenager!

Everyone: *surprised* Really?!

Y/n: Ah crap.

Everyone is looking through his family photo albums. Most of male hold their laughter while females find this cute. On Lady's side, they see pictures of Dante and Y/n as a kid playing guitar and drums sets, they went to the amusement park, went to the beach, and they dressed up as a vampire, a witch and a cute wolf.

Juliet: So that's Y/n when he was little.

Latina: Wow, that's papa!

Asia: Yes, that's him.

Grace and Fran: Oooh!

Erza: *blush* 'So cute!'

Makarov: Hahaha! He looked like Natsu when he was his age.

Natsu: Hey!

Kyrie: They looked so sweet together.

Kuroka: Darling, you're so adorable when you're little.

Cana: No kidding there.

Lisanna: They looked happy and funny.

Y/n: Gimme a break here.

On Trish's side, they see pictures of Emiko and Y/n who has black hair having a picnic together along with Kuroka in her cat form, together in the forest while sparring, having fun on the beach, graduating middle school, dress up as a magical girl and a knight, and the first day of Kuoh Academy while in glass.

Heine: How interesting.

Wendy: Wow, he looks like me.

Carla: With that similar age from middle school, yes.

Chisato: I did notice and met him on his first day of high school.

Rossweisse: Quite memorable moments.

Juvia: Oh I wish my beloved Gray would look like him~!

Levy: Wait a sec, who's that guy with black hair with glasses?

Lucy: He looks pretty smart.

Mirajane: He looks dashing with glasses on.

Y/n: Actually, that was me.

Gray: Whoa, really?!

Gajeel: Come to think of it, I can see the same guy together.

Laxus: That was before you were awakened before you changed, right? It does make sense.

Dante: You got that right. Aside from his age as Nero's, he still looks as good as me.

Y/n: Eh?

Dante: Huh?

Everyone: WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!

Sona: Is he serious?!

Tsubaki: Looks that way madam president, seems to be a third year student.

Irene: Is that a little side effect of that process?

Dante sheepishly laughed and rubbed behind his head.

Dante: Whoops. I guess I forgot to tell you that.

Natsu: For real!? He looks like five years younger or something!

Elfman: Either way, Y/n still looks "manly" as always!

Nico: So Nero, shouldn't you be smart like Y/n here?

Nero: Come on, those demons couldn't give us a break.

As they continue to look at more of Y/n's family photo albums, Vergil catches a glimpse of a woman who is unfamiliar to him while Y/n is with her. He can't help but wonder.

Vergil: Y/n, that woman. Who is she?

Y/n: Oh that's Emiko Shirogane. She's the one who took care of me while my memories were locked.

Vergil: Tell me, does she know? About your presence as a demon? Does she still care when she left you?

Y/n: I'm sure she already knew. She still loves and cares about me, no matter what. I still see her as my second mom.

Vergil: I see...

Vergil looked at the picture of Emiko, suddenly his mind flashes the resemblance between Emiko and his lover of the past. He shot back to reality.

Y/n: Hey. You okay-?

Vergil: That's none of your concern.

Vergil quickly left while Y/n was a bit confused from his daze.

Vergil: 'Who is she? Why does she look like... her?'

V looked at Vergil as he saw it in secret, looking at him and the picture of Emiko, he found it a mystery.

V: 'Hmm. An interesting mystery.'

After the time they spent together, it's almost time for Y/n, his group and Fairy Tail to leave. They are currently in the backyard.

Ruruko: Aww man, do they really have to go?

Momo: Unfortunately. Y/n changed to one day, instead of a couple of days. Due to the spat from Ms. Gremory and her peerage.

Reya: Oh well, it can't be helped.

Tomoe: I want to give them a piece of mind.

Tsubasa: Honestly we could, if madam president wishes to do so.

Saji: It was great meeting them, they're awesome guys when you get to know them.

Elfman: Haha! Thanks for that nice compliment. You guys are alright, because you're a real man!

Laxus: You guys weren't so bad either.

Natsu: The food tastes awesome! Wish I could fight some jerks and strong opponents!

Gray: Is that all you think about, you stupid flame brain!?

Natsu: Wanna go, you pervy popsicle!?

Natsu and Gray were about to fight again until Erza and Ur bonked their heads as they're down while bumps on their heads.

Erza and Ur: We told you to behave yourselves.

Natsu and Gray: Aye...

Happy: There they go again.

Lucy: *sigh* Right at the last minute.

Carla: Some things never change I suppose.

Wendy: Hehe. Yeah that's true.

Levy: It was fun to learn from high school experience and education.

Gajeel: Yeah, only for you.

Lily: Looks like you're fun as well, Gajeel. Couldn't deny that.

Gajeel: Yeah well the demon and fallen angels hunting is no problem.

Dante: Really? Man, I should've seen it in action. I bet it's awesome. Does it make you curious, bro.

Vergil: Leave me be. Not interested. We have work to do.

Cana: You know, you guys can hang out with us in the guild sometimes. We'll have a drinking party!

Nico: Hey count me in!

Lady: Hey, that's a good idea. We'll do a rain check for that.

Rossweisse: Now, now, let's not get carried away here. They're still students.

Juvia: Oh so I can teach them to learn the ways of love from yours truly!

Mirajane: That sounds fun! I can help you out with that!

Fran: *pout* Aww, I wish I could see there with mama and mister robo man. It sounds cool.

Kyrie patted her head and scratched her ears that Fran purred and her tail wagging to make happy.

Kyrie: Perhaps we could sweetheart, we could use a relaxing trip for a couple of days.

Nero: Yeah that would be nice for once. I'm sure I'll think of something.

Griffon: *mutter* Hey V, does it make you curious about what that kid Y/n went through in another world? We sort of used to see freaky stuff.

V: *mutter* Perhaps we'll see when the time has come.

Nina: It was nice meeting you all.

Patty: Yep! We had a great time together too!

Trish: You girls take care of Y/n for me, will ya? He can be reckless just like Dante here.

Dante and Y/n: Are not!

Dante and Y/n looked at each other confused, and then they laughed together while everyone laughed.

Y/n's lovers: *giggles* We promise!

Latina and Grace: *smile* We'll see you again, grandma, and everyone!

Trish: Aww I'll miss you sweeties!

Makarov: It's a pleasure to meet you all. Feel free to come in anytime. The door is open for all of you.

Sona: Thank you. And Y/n, take care.

Y/n: Don't worry, I will. Tell Serafall, I'll see her again soon.

Tsubaki: Of course. We'll await your safe return, everyone.

Y/n pulled out his Gummiphone from his pocket, pressed a button to summon his ship, they were teleported to the ship and they were blasting off back to Earthland.

It was almost night time. As they made it back to Magnolia, they went inside the guild hall and were greeted by their guild mates.

Natsu and Happy: We're home!!!

Macao: Hey, welcome back!

Wakaba: Wow, it's been a day.

Romeo: So you guys saw cool stuff over there?

They explained to them what they experienced in Y/n's hometown and they were intrigued by what they told them. The Thunder Legion entered the guild hall and was happy to see Laxus again.

Bickslow: Hey bud, good to see ya!

Bickslow's Dolls: Welcome back!

Evergreen: I assume it went smoothly?

Laxus: Yeah not bad.

Freed: You must be exhausted from your trip, Laxus. Perhaps, I'll make arrangements for you to relax.

Warren: Never mind that, aren't we forgetting something?

While the other Fairy Tail members were a bit confused from his response, until they heard multiple rapid footsteps are closer and louder which revealed fangirls and kids while Kinana, Laki, and Max blocked them as the Thunder Legion joined in.

Laki: Girls, please calm down.

Kinana: They just came back from their trip.

Chisato: My goodness, what a crowd you had.

Rossweisse: What's happening here?

Freed: They wanted to see Y/n, for his autograph of the recent products.

Bickslow: Looks like they saw the page of Sorcerer's Weekly really getting to them.

Evergreen: They even asked for Y/n's action figures that Max was currently selling.

Max: And they're selling hotcakes too.

Lucy: Seriously?! *pout* Even though he's a newer member than me.

Wendy, Asia, Rossweisse, Latina, and Grace patted Lucy to tried to cheer her up.

Erza: Incredible design. It matches Y/n really well. Good place it next to my bed.

They looked to see Erza had bought herself an action figure of Y/n as well as Kuroka and Ur.

Kuroka: Darling has become quite popular here recently.

Ur: No doubt about it. We'll think of this as a lucky charm.

Makarov: Well that should help the budget for upcoming damages from those dunderheads caused.

Levy: Hehe. W-Well that's for sure.

Juvia: At least we had a great time, especially with my Gray here~!

Gray: H-Hey cut it out!

The fangirls and kids looked further in the guild hall and saw Y/n in person, they cheered loudly.

Gajeel: Sheesh. Talk about noises.

Lily: I guess things never change.

Lisanna: He's got kids who are fans of him.

Mirajane: That's adorable.

Elfman: Ha! That's because he's a real man for sure!

Irene: *giggles* Just another day in Fairy Tail as they say.

Heine and Juliet: *nodded* Mmhm.

Fairy Tail and Y/n's group looks at Y/n who is a bit baffled and turns to his bright toothy smile and laughs.

Y/n: 'Yep... Another day of this guild...'

Y/n looked up and saw Mavis who was sitting on the top who smiled while Y/n gave his same smile to her and she couldn't help but blush pink on her face.

Mavis: *smile* 'Y/n... Don't ever change...'

As they experienced the tour of Y/n and his group's home world, they witnessed Dante, Vergil, and V's surprising return. They were catching up with what Y/n has been up to, meeting Y/n's family and friends, sightseeing Kuoh Academy, and the town. Despite the spat from Sirzechs, Rias and her peerage, their trip was short for one day. They returned back to their home in Magnolia. Another day awaits them.

As their adventures continue...

(Chapter 36 Pt.2 ended. Vote if you enjoy it.)

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