Chapter 36: Fairy Tail meet Devil May Cry!
3rd POV:
Just another usual day in Magnolia has begun. Citizens went about their usual business and smiled to greet people. As for the guild hall, the wizards went on cheering and laughing, their usual antics. Everyone in the guild hall is cheering about something else. What could it be?
Natsu: Butt out, Gajeel! It's my turn to beat Y/n this time!
Gajeel: No way bub! I'm fighting him now!
The other wizards laughed at their argument.
Happy: Go get'em Natsu!
Panther Lily: I already know the outcome of this fight.
Levy: Geez, they're at it again.
Juliet: Just another day in Fairy Tail.
Heine: Honestly, don't they have anything else to do?
Cana: No point in stopping them. I know who's gonna win as usual. I'm betting on Y/n.
Irene: And I as well.
Wendy: But, umm, look at Y/n right now.
They saw Y/n sleeping on the chair and didn't bother with the noises.
Chisato: Oh dear, I know why.
Elfman: All those loud noises didn't bother him at all, just like a real man should!
Carla: How can Y/n sleep from through this ruckus?!
Kuroka: I know the way.
Ur: I'm following you.
Kuroka and Ur went up to Y/n and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Y/n woke up, yawned, and stretched his body.
Y/n: Huh? Is it breakfast yet?
Gray: Seriously?! Is that a bit embarrassing?!
Juvia: Oh Gray, that's how a great couple should do! We must follow their example!
Gray: Leave me out of this!
Lisanna: What happened, Y/n? You were sleeping while those two were arguing.
Y/n sees Natsu and Gajeel arguing and knows what was about.
Y/n: Oh that. Because Natsu kept barging into my window leading to my room, asking for a fight while that blue cat came along.
Asia: Yeah that's why.
Lucy: Natsu! I told you to stop barging in other people's houses!
Gray: Yeah, like that idiot will understand.
Natsu: What did you call me, frosty?!
Gray: Exactly what I said, burning brain dead!
Natsu and Gray went towards each other to fight but Erza and Ur bonked their heads.
Erza and Ur: That's enough Natsu!/Gray!
Mirajane: My goodness.
Gajeel: Gihi. Now that Salamander is out of the way, this fight will be bare fists!
Makarov, Laxus, and his Thunder Legion were sitting by the bar.
Makarov: Honestly, why can't they take it outside?
Laxus: Well what do you expect? Maybe I could join in the fun after him.
Freed: Your resilience is very inspiring as ever, Laxus!
Bickslow: Looks like some things never change, huh?
B.Dolls: Never change.
Evergreen: Honestly, it's more rowdy than usual.
Natsu recovered and pushed Gajeel aside.
Natsu: Outta my way, going in first!
Gajeel: Yeah right!
Y/n readied his stance while Natsu and Gajeel charged towards Y/n to fight. As those two Dragon Slayers threw their punches but Y/n dodged them swiftly, leaving tables and chairs broken.
Makarov: Ahhh! Please stop!
Macao: It's already turned beyond crazy!
Romeo: Wow, Natsu and Gajeel are giving everything they got!
Wakaba: Oh man, that kid can still dodge no sweat!
As Natsu and Gajeel charged towards Y/n again, Y/n could hear a ring tone while vibrating coming from him. The other members can hear it. Y/n have dodged quickly while Natsu and Gajeel collide with each other and fall on the floor. Y/n landed next to Kuroka and his group. He grabbed the gummiphone, checked who was calling him and to his surprise, it's Morrison. His team takes notice and Y/n signals Kuroka to open her teleportation circle to their house and looks at the Fairy Tail.
Y/n: Well, we really like to spend more time together, but we have some family business. See ya.
Y/n and his team went through Kuroka's teleportation circle to their house and disappeared. Natsu and Happy chuckled mischievously and ran to Y/n's house while Lucy, Wendy, and the others noticed them.
Lucy: Hey, where are you going?!
Natsu: We wanna hear the scoop, let's go Happy!
Happy: Aye sir!
Natsu and Happy took off running.
Lucy: Somehow I had a bad feeling about this.
Carla: Clearly something coming from Y/n, he mentioned he had a family business.
Wendy: Should we be with Y/n? He's part of our amazing guild. We help out family and friends, right?
Erza: Yes, I agree. Maybe I should stop by for my favorite dessert that they would enjoy.
Gray: Sure, why not? We had nothing else to do.
Juvia: Juvia follows wherever my beloved Gray goes!
Gajeel: Gihi. That should be interesting to see.
Panther Lily: I'm curious about it as well.
Levy: Looks like I have to keep on you, Gajeel.
Jet and Droy were shocked by Levy's request and fell to their knees with depression.
Cana: This is getting interesting, I'm in.
Lisanna: I'm coming too.
Elfman: I'm going with, I bet Y/n want his manly support.
Mirajane: Sounds like an adventure for us.
Laxus has seen and heard what he witnessed. Ge stands up and while his Thunder Legion and Makarov notice and realize what he's thinking.
Freed: You're going with them, are you? If that's what you wish, I accept nonetheless.
Evergreen: We'll handle things here, don't worry about us.
Bickslow: Whatever happens, we'll prepare for the outcome.
Laxus: Sure. I'm curious about what Y/n and his family business can handle.
Makarov: *sighs* Those dunderheads. I need to keep my eyes on those kids. Macao, take this as a vacation for a few days. Watch over the guild if you wish.
Macao: Sure, no problem.
Wakaba: We can handle it.
Romeo: Ask Natsu and Y/n for some souvenirs too.
Team Natsu, Juvia, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Cana, the Strauss siblings, Laxus, and Makarov have decided to go to Y/n's house and eavesdrop on Y/n's family business. Unknown to them, Mavis is at top hiding, smiles and giggles playfully as she decides to follow them.
Meanwhile at Y/n's house, Y/n and his group arrive minutes later from Kuroka's teleportation circle. Y/n's phone is still ringing. Ur, the kids, Irene, Heine, and Juliet nodded to Y/n, as they're ready. Y/n pressed the green icon and answered.
Y/n: Devil May Cry.
Morrison: *phone* Hey there, kid. Bout time you called.
Y/n: Hey Morrison, I see you're still doing pretty well for yourself.
Morrison: *phone,chuckles* Oh you know me too well, kid.
Ur: So, you know this guy, Y/n?
Y/n: That's right. Ladies, kids, meet J.D. Morrison. He's the greatest info broker for my family business, an old friend of my mom and dad. Most of us have already met him.
Ur, Irene, her companions and kids greeted him.
Morrison: *phone* At your service, ladies. Please meet you all. Your kids are adorable, Y/n. You raised them well, and with the help of ladies, of course.
Heine: Yes, it's true.
Juliet: This is so cool.
Irene: Indeed.
Y/n: So what's up, Morrison? Has any interesting job come up for me?
Morrison: *phone* Getting straight to the point. Just like your old man. Anyway, you're correct. I picked up an interesting gig from a client who remains in secret for now, and this job involves a man who has black feather wings.
Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, and Chisato immediately knew what Morrison meant while Ur, Irene, Heine, and Juliet were a bit confused but can tell what Y/n and his group encountered before.
Morrison: *phone* I assume that most of you know that description, right?
Y/n: Yep, we know.
Morrison: *phone* So I need you to come by the office for more details about the job. I'll send you the location.
Y/n: Right. Tell my family *chuckles* and 'deadweight' of course, that we're on my way soon. Oh, and you can tell Sona too.
Morrison: *phone* You got it, kid. See you there.
The call ended and looked up the others.
Rossweisse: It seems we have to go back for a while.
Ur: Okay, so when do we leave?
Y/n: You want to come with us? Same with all of you too?
Ur: Yeah I would like to meet your family. We're in this together you know.
Juliet: I wonder if they are friendly.
Heine: We'll have to see when we get there.
Asia: Don't worry, they're really nice once you get to know them.
Latina: Does that mean we can meet grandma and grandpa?
Chisato: Of course you are, sweeties.
Grace: Hooray!
While they smiled at the kids' cheering, Kuroka and Irene's sense of hearing picked up some familiar voices coming from the front door. Y/n can see some hint of concern from Kuroka's eyes and went to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her while she's surprised a bit, gave in, and purred with affection.
Y/n: Hey I agree with what Ur's said, we're in this together. For some time, it's getting tiring holding a grudge with them. There's no point anymore. We're stronger than that and we're still here. That's what matters, right?
Kuroka felt more happy from Y/n's encouragement, she kissed him and hugged him while the others smiled.
Kuroka: Yeah, you're right, darling. Thank you. What would I do without you?
Y/n: Don't know. Probably lying somewhere warm and cozy on the tropical island.
His group laughed at Y/n's joke.
Irene: Joking aside, there's something else that we need to decide on.
Kuroka smirks and knows what Irene is referring to while Y/n was a bit confused.
Y/n: About what?
Kuroka nodded at Irene as she nodded back. Both went to the front door, swiftly opened up and revealed as Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Levy, and Elfman fell on the floor. They were surprised to see them.
Y/n: Oooh, I almost forgot...
Chisato: Oh dear.
Kuroka: Why hello there, everyone.
Happy: H-h-hey...
Lucy: Umm... it's not what it looks like? Hahaha...
They get up while Y/n and his group bring them inside the house. Rossweisse 'punishes' Happy by hugging.
Rossweisse: What are all of you doing here? I hope you all have a reason.
Wendy: Miss Rossweisse, we just worried about Y/n. Secret or not, we cared about you and you guys too.
Carla: Wendy has made her point. We know you told us about yourself and your family. She's grown a bond with you all.
Gajeel: Like it or not, you'll get used to this kind of thing. It's one of a kind.
Levy: I agree with him.
Panther Lily: Yes, the guild is more lively than before.
Juvia: Of all the rambunctious events that have happened, it's actually quite a lot of fun.
Elfman: Yeah, because it's manly!
Natsu: I mean come on, it's not like we hear everything about your talk.
Everyone is baffled that Natsu just blurred out their reason while Gray and Lucy covered his mouth, but it was too late.
Lucy: Natsu!
Gray: You idiot!
Makarov: Oh, you have done it now, boy.
Y/n and his group turned their heads and saw Makarov, Laxus, Erza, Cana, Mirajane and Lisanna sitting on the couch.
Cana: Hey there!
Lisanna: Sorry for coming in.
Mirajane: I hope you don't mind.
Heine: Wha?! Where did they come from?!
Juliet: Oh boy...
Y/n: Hold up, how much you all heard and how do you get in?
Laxus: Pretty much everything.
Erza: We came through the door without you noticing.
They noticed three boxes of her favorite strawberry cheesecakes.
Asia: Umm, Erza, who are those boxes for?
Erza: I'm glad you asked. First, two boxes belong to Y/n's family, to show our respect and kindness. The last one is for my mother and I.
Irene: That's an excellent idea, Erza! I approved!
Y/n: That's great and all, but it's just a family business. We'll be back soon-
Mavis: Y/n, would you please reconsider?
Y/n turned to his right, seeing the first master smiling and standing next to him while the others were shocked to see her again. While Latina and Grace were amazed to see her the first time.
Asia: Mavis, you're here...
Latina and Grace: Ooh are you a fairy?
Mavis: *giggles* Yes I am, little ones. A cute fairy.
Mavis smiles proudly with her hands on her hips for Latina and Grace.
Makarov: First Master... you heard everything... about this as well?
Mavis: *giggles* Of course I did. It's quite interesting to hear about this. So don't worry about me and even this form... I decided to come along as well!
Team Natsu, Juvia, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Cana, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Laxus, and Makarov widened their eyes, were bug eyed and their jaws dropped on the floor. Y/n and his group were unexpectedly surprised by her request.
Fairy Tail: *shocked* WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!
Mavis smiled and nodded. She looked at Y/n.
Mavis: Y/n, I know you have family business, but wouldn't be nice for us to meet them as well? I want to know more about you, your family, and others too. You're special to us. I'm aware they can't see me, but I would like to meet them and have some fun. As the first master...
Mavis floats in front of Y/n while she signals Latina and Grace to come closer and does the cutest thing, the puppy dog eyes. Almost everyone finds this cute.
Mavis, Latina, and Grace: Pretty please?
Y/n sighs, turns around for a while until he turns back and sees Happy, Carla, Wendy, Juliet, and Natsu who are pleading while Y/n deadpans and sweat drops. Y/n sighs heavily in defeat.
Y/n: Okay, okay, you win.
Wendy: Really?!
Y/n: Yeah. I have a way to get there fast, to see through the stars-
Happy: Wow, really?!
Natsu: I called the shotgun! I want to see what space looks like!
Lucy: I don't know if-
Y/n: Nah, it's cool. I'm sure he'll change his mind soon enough.
Y/n secretly crosses his fingers while the others know and hold their laughter.
Heine: Hold it for a moment, do you think we'll be able to fit in to transport?
Juliet: Oh yeah, does anyone know how?
Cana: Don't worry about that, leave it to me. I can use the Card Dimension if we can't fit in, I can seal and release anytime I want to.
Erza: It's settled. Is everyone ready?
Irene: I'm ready to go.
Heine and Juliet: Right!
Natsu: You bet!
Happy: Aye!
Lucy, Wendy, Levy, Asia, Latina, and Grace: Yeah!
Carla: Just hope nothing bad happens.
Gray: This should be fun.
Juvia: I go wherever my beloved goes.
Gajeel: *chuckles* Can't wait to see them in action.
Cana: Hope there's some good booze.
Lisanna: That's great! I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time.
Elfman: Don't worry, we'll be right beside you! Just like a real man should!
Mirajane: Oh my, how exciting!
Laxus: Let's get going.
Makarov: Indeed, let's enjoy our time there, away from the Council for a while.
Mavis: I'm excited!
Chisato: Looks like everyone is ready.
Rossweisse: *smile* Who can blame them?
Kuroka and Ur: Well Darling, you ready?
Y/n closes his eyes for a moment, flashes his toothy smile of acknowledgement, leads them outside of his house and summons his Rebellion's Oath.
Y/n: Well then, we're wasting daylight, let's go!
Everyone cheered. Y/n pressed his Gummiphone, his Gummi Ship appeared, pointed his Keyblade upward, and they've been teleported to his ship. And then, they disembark across space to his world.
(Timeskip of Y/n pilot his Gummiship while his group and Fairy Tail enjoyed the view; however, Natsu is feeling nauseous from motion sickness.)
In the afternoon, they finally arrived at their destination. To Y/n's world in a different location, to Red Grave City. While they arrived, Natsu fell on the ground while still he's still feeling nauseous.
Lucy: That's what you get for not listening to your stomach.
Natsu: Are we... there yet?
Happy: Ride's over, Natsu.
Gajeel: Gihi, Glad I'm not you.
Gray: Talk about embarrassing.
Ur: Gray, put some clothes on!
Gray looks down, he's on his boxers again and he screams comically.
Y/n: You're lucky there aren't many people around.
Levy: Hey guys, where are we?
Most of Fairy Tail looked where Levy pointed out and saw their surroundings in the residential area. They were not familiar with this city. While they were amazed to see around them, Mavis smiles brightly. They read what the sign says.
Panther Lily: This city is very different from Magnolia.
Mavis: This city is amazing! I'm so excited already!
Cana: Looks like the first master is in high spirits already.
Lisanna: *giggles* She's not the only one.
They looked to see Latina and Grace are in the same boat with Mavis as well.
Juvia: Look, Juvia found a sign of this city.
Wendy: It says, "Slums City". Is this where your family lived here?
Carla: It would seem that makes sense, it must be you were raised here?
Y/n: That's right. And this place hasn't changed for me.
Chisato: Then you know where the office is?
Y/n: Yeah, I know this street. It's over there.
Most of Fairy Tail have looked at where Y/n pointed out the building a far away and see the signs says, "Devil May Cry". They instantly remembered what Y/n said.
Makarov: Hmm, that must be your family's workplace.
Laxus: Something tells me that place does more than customer service, right?
Y/n: You bet. We usually provide the D.B.B.D.
Mirajane: What's that mean, dear?
Y/n: Oh sorry, that stands for, "Demonic Brutal Beat Down."
Erza: I see, incredible.
Elfman: Hahaha, that's a good one! That's so manly!
Irene: How intriguing. Will they be there?
Heine: Few of Y/n's relatives and acquaintances, correct?
Juliet: I wonder what they look like.
Kuroka: It wouldn't be long now.
Natsu instantly recovered from his motion sickness.
Natsu: Alright then, let's go see them now! Come on!
Y/n: Okay, okay, let's go.
Y/n leads his group, Team Natsu, Juvia, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Levy, Cana, the Strauss siblings, Laxus, and Makarov towards the shop. As Y/n opens the door, it's the same as ever when Y/n was young. They were impressed with how the interior looks.
Y/n: Everyone, welcome to Devil May Cry, my family business.
Mavis: Wow, it looks interesting.
Erza: Impressive.
Asia: This is my first time being here.
Y/n's group nodded and agreed.
Rossweisse: Well, I guess we should enter and-
As they entered, they immediately began going through Y/n and his family things around the office. They see the swords on the walls, pool table, chilling on the couch, and fascinating some interesting musical instruments. Natsu stuffing his mouth with food.
Natsu: *mouthful* Is there anything good to eat?
Rossweisse: I should've expected that to happen.
Kuroka: *giggles* Just like back at Earthland.
Gajeel: Hey Y/n, you didn't tell us that you play drums?!
Cana: That would explain why your weapon is based on guitar.
Y/n: Yeah you guys forgot to ask. Sometimes pops and I play some drums and guitar in our spare time for fun.
Mirajane: Oh! In that case, you can be my backup guitarist, it will be amazing.
Lisanna: Hey, sounds like a great idea, sis.
Elfman: Totally, you guys will be manly rock stars, like a real man!
Levy: Hopefully that works out great.
Juvia: Juvia agrees as well.
Makarov: Hmm... Perhaps that would be a great idea, I'll put that on hold for now.
Laxus: Hey Y/n, what's that big box you got there?
Y/n looked where Laxus pointed out and saw a machine of what he's talking about, it's Dante's old jukebox.
Y/n: Ah right, I remember. That's my dad's good old jukebox.
Panther Lily: How does it work?
Y/n: You just push any button to play some great music.
Mavis: Ooh how interesting, does it work?
Y/n: Well... sort of.
Ur: What do you mean?
Y/n: Because dad did great damage from the inside while back, we kicked it or punched it which made it a bit worse. It was a real pain to pay the repairs.
Laxus: And what happened to it?
Y/n: *chuckles* ...Sometimes we get a bit carried away.
Gray: Damn that sucks.
Lucy: Bet that thing is rare and costs a lot of money.
Y/n: You guys have no idea.
Happy: Probably Lucy wants to steal some money from ya.
Lucy: Shut it, stupid cat! It's not like that! Don't forget, you'll be going to the same!
Natsu and Happy: But we're hungry.
Erza squealed happily as the other turned while Heine and Juliet were impressed as well. Erza's face is sparkling with excitement.
Heine: Those swords, it's quite intriguing.
Juliet: It looks so amazing!
Erza: Y/n, can you tell me about those swords on the wall?!
Y/n looked to see three swords on the wall and he recognized three of them, a sword with a dragon-like head and wings, a long thick rectangular blade with skull patterns, and a long range blade with snake engraved on it.
Y/n: The first one is Alastor, the Sword of Lightning. While the other two are Vendetta and Merciless. My dad's old swords.
Chisato: That Alastor sword certainly holds an interesting power.
Irene: I can feel it as well.
Wendy: Umm Y/n? Is anyone here?
Carla: There should be someone who is here.
Y/n: Oh right. Hey guys, we're back!
The door opened and looked to see a woman with light-tan skin. She has black, wavy, shoulder-length hair which she keeps pushed back with a plaited hairband. She wears red-framed glasses. Nico has several tattoos on her body. She came from the other room and gave Y/n one arm hug.
Nico: Hey there, Y/n! Great to see ya again!
Y/n: Hey Nico, what's up?
Nico: Well you know, I'm working on my greatest inventions to slay devil's ass, as usual.
Y/n: I can tell that you're proud of your masterpieces, it's impressive as always.
Nico: You betcha. Ya know, now you're my favorite buddy to hang out with.
Y/n: Oh yeah? What about Nero?
Nico: Pssh. He's just being an asshole and grumpy all the time, except when he's with his woman.
Y/n: *chuckles* I bet.
Nico turned and saw his guests(except Mavis, which only members can see) sitting on the couch while seeing the mark on their arms and elbows.
Nico: Whoa, Morrison did tell us your message that you guys were coming back, but I didn't expect more. Are they with you guys?
Rossweisse: Yes, they're with us, as our guests, for a couple of days.
Asia: It's nice to see you again.
Kuroka: They wanted to come along and see how they work.
Chisato: I hope you don't mind at all.
Nico: Hey I don't mind, I'm used to seeing some freaky stuff. Including those little walking and talking cats.
Happy: Aye!
Panther Lily: Hello.
Carla: Charmed, I'm sure-
Nico instantly grabs Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily and hugs them.
Nico: Aren't they adorable and fluffy? A remedy to reduce my stress level.
Nico finally noticed those two little kids and gasped.
Nico: Y/n, are they...
Y/n: Yep, that's Latina and Grace. They're a bit shy.
Latina: H-Hello.
Grace: Hi.
Nico instantly hugs and kisses them on the cheeks.
Nico: Aren't you a bunch of adorable cuties~? You made my stress go away instantly. Trish and the others are gonna love you two so much.
Latina and Grace smiled and giggled cutely.
Wendy: Excuse us, what's your name? Sounds like you know Y/n.
Nico: A polite and friendly kid there, how sweet, the name's Nicoletta Goldstein, call me Nico, for short.
Lucy: So, what did you do here?
Nico: Ah, a great question you ask, why I'm truly gifted, an artist, a lethal artisan in fact. I'm the best gunsmith for this business. Just my grandmother. It's my passion at heart. A true work of art.
Lucy: Well, that's uhh, fascinating, I guess?
Gajeel: So those weird mechanics are made of metal, huh? Bet it tastes good.
Nico looks to see Gajeel munching some metal pipe and she's a bit surprised. Nico swiftly pointed her wrench to his face.
Nico: And don't even think about eating my inventions, or there's going to be hell to pay.
Levy: I'm sorry about Gajeel, he can be a real idiot sometimes.
Gajeel: Hey!
Nico looked between Gajeel and Levy, smirking as she knew what she's thinking.
Nico: If you two are a couple, when's the wedding?
Gajeel and Levy are blushing dark red while the others laugh. Nico realized something for Y/n.
Nico: And Y/n, I hope you're ready when your mom and others see you again. Here they come now.
As rapid footsteps were heard, they looked up and saw a blonde-haired woman with blue eyes, and a woman with a ragged short bob style with a full fringe and her left eye are red while her right is bluish-green. His mom Trish and his big sister figure Lady. Y/n was expecting a hug until Lady slammed her fist on his head. They were surprised to see that event.
Y/n: Not sure I deserve that.
Lady: Hmph. That was making us worried.
His mom coats her hand and chops on his head. Leaving a bump on his head.
Y/n: Okay, I deserved that.
Later, Trish and Lady give Y/n a big hug as they're relieved to see Y/n is okay and happy to see him again.
Trish: I'm just so glad you're alright, my little hunter. We had a feeling something had happened.
Lady: Yeah, somehow, we weren't worried about you, we know you came back safely.
Y/n: Yeah. I wouldn't if it weren't for them.
Trish and Lady look to see Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, and Chisato again, moreover, they saw more people came with them and saw the same emblem that Y/n and his group has.
Lady: Oh, so you guys are from Fairy Tail, right? Y/n talk great things about you guys. The name's Lady, big sister figure of this knucklehead.
Y/n: Hey.
Trish: My name is Trish, Y/n's mom. Nice to meet ya.
Happy looks between Lucy and Trish.
Happy: Hey, you two look alike, are you related?
Lucy: What?! What brought up this idea?!
Gray: Just because they have blonde hair, that doesn't mean they're related.
Juvia: My dear Gray, your clothes!
Gray is in his boxers again and he screams comically.
Y/n: It's one of his habits. I have no idea why but it's whatever.
Lady: I can tell that they're lively bunch huh?
Y/n: *smile* Yeah, you have no idea.
Laxus: That lightning, you're the same as Y/n, right? I can sense the wavelength.
Trish: Yep. I'm the one who taught him. My little hunter still got sparks from me.
Y/n: Come on, mom. Not in front of them.
Trish: *chuckles* Why not, it's true is it?
Trish ruffled Y/n's hair while everyone laughed at this moment. Suddenly, Natsu bursts through the kitchen and sees Trish.
Natsu: *grins* So you're Y/n's mom, huh!? Then you must be strong! Come and fight me!
Natsu leaped in the air with eager grin and fire in both hands towards, however, Trish dodged swiftly, flexes her hands and blasted her lightning at Natsu, electrocuting him to the point where one comically see his skeleton and fell on the ground while his hair in afro.
Lisanna: We kind of saw that coming.
Cana: Never a dull moment for him.
Mirajane: That's our Natsu.
Gajeel: Yo Y/n, where is your old man anyway?
Y/n: Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder, any news about pops?
Lady: Nope. Still no sign of him. He sure takes his time.
Trish: I kept wondering if your dad and Vergil would come back from the Underworld.
Makarov: Hmm, Underworld? In this world, you mean? You can tell us what has occurred and we'll tell you our part.
Trish and Lady look at Y/n which he smiled and nodded. Trish, Lady, and Nico start to explain that Red Grave City was in chaos caused by Urizen, the "new demon king" who planted a Qilphoth tree. Before it started, Nero lost his right arm because Vergil was covered in cloth, stole it. Nero and V take down the roots while they save Trish and Lady from the inside of the devils and join the fray. After that, they learned the truth about Urizen and V who is actually Vergil, the same person. Nero fought Vergil, to end the brothers' battle and prevail. Dante and Vergil went to the Underworld to cut down the Qilphoth tree, months later, they've been waiting for them to come back. As they finished telling what they experienced, Fairy Tail were stunned about how they went through everything except Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, and Chisato which they already know.
As for Makarov, he explained a little bit about how they met Sparda, his travels for a short time, and how he returned back to his home with wife. Trish, Lady, and Nico were a bit surprised at how Sparda was there in Earthland, for a short time. He explained what happened to Y/n, he has been experiencing the alternate universe of Earthland. After what happened during the alternate universe, Y/n have been through another world, where he met a certain blue hedgehog, made friends with his other friends, and saved his world from a dark entity. And finally made it back to Magnolia in Earthland.
Nico: Wow. Never I thought that this would happen to Sparda from a long time ago.
Lady: Me neither. What's more crazy is that Y/n went to another world and met a blue hedgehog.
Trish: I'm glad you're safe, Y/n. Somehow I'm not worried, I know you made it back.
Y/n: Yeah, it's great to be back with them.
They smiled at Y/n's response. Then they heard someone knocking on the door.
Y/n: I'll get it.
As Y/n walked up to the front door, opened up, and a familiar blue spectral fist punched Y/n in the face. Most of Fairy Tail except Trish, Lady, Nico, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, and Chisato were shocked to see Y/n knock him back.
Fairy Tail: Y/n!!!
Nico: Don't worry about him, he's alright. That's their way of saying hello.
They looked to see a man with short white hair, dark blue coat, a sword on his back, and with a robotic arm named Nero. Along with Nero, a woman with brown hair wearing a white dress named Kyrie.
Y/n: Nice to see you again, Nero and hi Kyrie.
Nero: That's what you get for calling me, deadweight.
Kyrie: Now, Nero, no need to get angry. Are you right, Y/n? You know Nero couldn't take a joke sometimes right?
Y/n: Right, but I'm fine though. His strength is still impressive.
Asia: *smile* Miss Kyrie, it's nice to see you again.
Kyrie: Hello Asia, and no need to be formal. We are family, after all.
Kyrie shook Asia's hands as they're very good friends while Nero gave Y/n a bro hug. Nero and Kyrie noticed new people.
Kyrie: Y/n, are they with you?
Y/n: Yep they're with us, they insist on coming along, hope you don't mind.
Nero: I have no problem with that. So who are they?
Y/n: Mom, everyone, meet Fairy Tail. There's Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Erza, Juvia, Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Cana, Levy, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Elfman, Mirajane, Lisanna, Laxus, and guild master Makarov.
Fairy Tail: Hi/Hello/What's up.
Nico: There's a few more people, so be prepared. You'll love them.
Trish, Lady, Kyrie, and Nero were a bit confused from Nico's response, until she showed them two adorable little beans hiding behind her legs. They were surprised to see them. Y/n kneeling to Latina and Grace.
Y/n: Latina, Grace, meet your grandma, aunties, and uncle.
Latina: Hello, I'm Latina.
Grace: Hi, I'm Grace.
Trish spread her arms open to them instantly, both were happy, she rushed towards them, and hugged them while Lady and Kyrie joined in.
Trish: Aww my precious grandbabies~!
Lady: About time we meet them!
Y/n: Hey Grace, show them what you can do.
Grace nodded, her body glows and transformed into her Eevee form while they were surprised.
Grace: Eevee~!
Grace jumped on Kyrie's arms and purred with affection while she smiled and hugged her.
Kyrie: Hello little one, you're so adorable and fluffy~
Grace looked at Nero's robotic arm, her eyes widened in surprise while sparkling, as she's curious and fascinated.
Grace: Vee, Vee~! Eevee~
Nero: Really? I... uh, I never knew you like it.
Nico: Hey Nero, you should take notes of parenting 101 with Y/n.
Nero: S-shut up!
Trish: So who are the other girlfriends?
As she said that, Erza, Mirajane, Ur, Lisanna, Cana, and Irene raised their hands immediately.
Lucy: Whoa, that was fast.
Lady: Wow, you're such a lady charmer, Y/n. I guess the girls had some talk.
Mirajane: We agreed with Kuroka and Ur to share love.
Lisanna: He gives us equal love to us.
Cana: He's always been there for us.
Ur: He gave me a second chance to live and love.
Irene: Y/n gave each of us a present that we'll never forget.
Trish: That's nice, I'm happy for you, Y/n. I know your dad will be surprised to see this.
Erza: As for this occasion, I present to you, Y/n's family and friends with my favorite dessert, two strawberry cheesecakes with white chocolate frosting, the finest cake of Fiore.
Erza showed them her favorite dessert and they smiled brightly.
Nico: Hoowee, my stomach is rumbling and asking to go for that dessert.
Kyrie: Oh my, it looks delicious.
Nero: No kidding there.
Lady: Can't wait to try it.
Natsu: Hey, what about the other one?
Erza quickly gives a frightening glare at Natsu.
Erza: *stern* Who said it's for you?
Natsu: Eep! No one!
Trish: Thanks for this cake, Erza. Y/n, there's few people who want to see you.
As on cue, a young 18 year old girl with large blue eyes and long, wavy, blonde hair that reaches to just about the mid-length of her back, name is Patty Lowell and along with her mother is Nina Lowell, who is an adult woman with a bit of the same appearance as her daughter. Patty looked at Y/n, smiled brightly, started to run towards and hugged him. Mavis looked and smiled silently while Y/n with his family.
Patty: Y/n, I missed you so much! It's great to see you again!
Y/n: Hey Patty. Look at you, you're all grown up. Long time no see, and you too Miss Lowell.
Nina: Hello Y/n, it's been too long. We're so happy to see you again as well. You've grown into a handsome young man.
Patty and Nina looked to see the other guests.
Nina: Hello everyone, my name is Nina Lowell, and this is daughter Patty.
Patty: Hi everyone! It's nice to meet you all!
Y/n introduced Patty and Nina to Fairy Tail who are wizards. Patty made some great friends with Asia, Ur, Lucy, Wendy, Levy, and Juliet. Y/n also introduced them to his adopted daughters, including Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily, they found them cute and hugged them.
Patty: A very big reunion we have, we should start the party today. For you to make up for it on my birthday.
Y/n: Fair enough, so how did you two know I was coming back?
Nina: We heard about it from Morrison, and so we came along to see you.
On cue, the front door opened up and revealed as Morrison came in.
Morrison: Oh, I hate to spoil this reunion party, everyone, but that will be put on hold for a while.
Gajeel: Who's that guy, you know him?
Nero: Yep, that's Morrison, the info broker for this business.
Morrison: Hello everyone, at service.
Makarov: A pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Morrison.
Morrison: Likewise. Now then, I'll get straight to the point. I received an anonymous tip from a client, involved with the supernatural that you're familiar with.
Happy: Does that mean we are busting scary ghosts in a creepy place?
Lucy: D-D-Don't say things like that!
Juvia hugs Gray, acting she's scared while Gray is embarrassed.
Juvia: Oh Gray, I'm scared~ Hold me!
Gray: Hey knock it off!
Wendy: I-Is that true?!
Natsu: Maybe they are, what's the big deal? Those ghosts could be ugly. Maybe it is haunting Lucy or anyone hiding under their beds.
Levy: Eek! No way!
Carla: You idiots! You two are scaring the children!
Morrison laughed at their joke.
Morrison: You're friends are quite the comedians, Y/n.
Y/n: *chuckles* Yeah. Where is Sona?
Morrison: She'll be here a bit soon, from her school work. Anyway, you're not wrong there, but it's more than that. From what I heard from Y/n, on Kuoh Town, it's roaming with some angels, devils, and fallen angels, oh, including the Yokai too.
Makarov: Hmm. Would you kindly elaborate on that term?
Y/n: Another language here in Japan is an animal-like spirit. Part of the supernatural, in Japanese culture.
Makarov: I see. Quite interesting.
Lady: Quite smart, Y/n. You've been studying a lot there, right?
Trish: I'm sure he is... right, Y/n?
Trish smiled while making a dark tone at the end as Y/n waved his hands defensively.
Y/n: Whoa, whoa, I am, I am! Don't worry.
The other chuckles at Y/n's response.
Morrison: So, a man with two pairs black feather wings brought his remaining soldiers, to cause chaos. While they're studying the tree, it will take place where that incident occurs, back in Red Grave City.
Most demon hunters were a bit surprised that the incident in Y/n's grandparents' home took place. Morrison placed a photo on the desk of a man with short black hair with red eyes, wicked smile and wearing black robe.
Morrison: The client also said that guy, Damien, a fallen angel, was also a part of Kokabiel's army, he fled the battle at the school, and planned to carry his ideal. And that's when you two come in. To deal with him permanently.
Everyone looked at Y/n while in silence for a moment but turned to a grin of excitement on his face.
Y/n: Heh. You need to ask? I'm in. This won't take long.
Nero: Hey I'm ready for the next level for business to kick some ass. No way I'm backing out.
Natsu: Alright team, let's go-
Gajeel: Not so fast, Salamander!
Natsu: Huh?!
Gajeel: You already had your turn with your team, I'd say I'll go with them this time.
Panther Lily: I should come along, he won't face alone.
Levy: I better keep an eye on him.
Laxus: Sounds like a challenge, I'm going in too. I need some good warm up anyway.
Juvia: I show Lucy that I'm the best choice for my darling Gray!
Irene: I will join you, Y/n. Heine, Juliet, let's go.
Heine and Juliet: Yes, lady Irene.
Mirajane: I like to come along, as well.
Cana: Looks like Fairy Tail Team B is ready to fight, I'm in.
Makarov: I don't see why not. Team B, Y/n and Nero will be your guidance for their job, while the rest can stay here and enjoy our time here until then.
Lucy: Great, I don't want to go there.
Wendy: Me neither.
Carla: A wise decision, it's for the best.
Natsu: Aw man, no fair.
Gray: That's too bad, get used to disappointment.
Natsu: What do you say, ice stripper?!
Gray: You heard me, fry brain!
Erza and Ur bonked their heads.
Erza and Ur: Behave yourself Natsu/Gray.
Patty: *giggles* They're really funny, aren't they?
Lisanna: That's how it works here in Fairy Tail.
Elfman: Because it's a manly party!
Kyrie: Good luck, Nero and Y/n, be safe.
Trish: We'll be with these little beans when you get back.
Lady: Yep we will.
Trish patted Latina and Grace giggles cutely while Y/n's family smiles.
Nico: You guys ready to go?
Nero: Yep, let's go.
Gajeel: So, how do we get there?
Y/n cringed as he was about to say while Nero and Nico slowly realized, remembered what he said, and a few dragon slayers were a bit confused.
Y/n: Yeah, about that, you're not gonna like it.
As they're on their way to their job location, they were riding Nico's van. Gajeel, Laxus, and Irene were pale and feeling nauseous from riding a vehicle. So they left with no choice. As Nico drives, three dragon slayers are getting nauseous, wanting to puke, Irene laid on Y/n's lap while he rubs her head to comfort her. A few hours later, when they finally arrived at their destination, the manor of Sparda, or what's left of it. Y/n and Nero were drawn to the house of Sparda where he, his wife and two sons live a long time ago, while most of them looked at Nero and Y/n's serious look.
Y/n: '...Just like in my dreams.' This is where it all happens, huh?
Nero: Yeah... A lot has happened here. And now, they were stuck in the Underworld...
Cana: This place meant a lot to you, huh? Hey, we got your back.
Heine and Juliet: Agreed.
Panther Lily: Umm, Gajeel, we have arrived at our destination.
Nico: Ride's over. Let's get moving on.
They looked to see Irene, Gajeel, and Laxus were pale and feeling nauseous from motion sickness inside the van.
Levy: Oh great, I knew this would happen.
Nero: Man, you guys weren't kidding. I didn't think it would be that bad.
Mirajane: That's one of the worst weaknesses when it comes to the dragon slayers, except Wendy, she's lucky.
Juvia: Look, Juvia sees something flying towards us.
They looked where Juvia was pointing at and saw a few fallen angels, which lead from Kokabiel and Daimien, were blocking their path.
F.A.1: Well, what do we have here?
F.A.2: Intruders who dare to interrupt our master!
Y/n: Would you look at that? A few pigeons are ready to be cooked. How would you like to be burned or crispy?
Nero: Heh. I'm up for some barbecue on my plate cause I'm bringing the fire.
The fallen angels are enraged from the insult. Nero brought out his Red Queen and revved it up while Y/n brought out his Crimson Rebellion and readied his stance. As the fallen angels are throwing their spears, Nero and Y/n deflect it easily. Nero equipped his Overture to shock blast them, make some combos, and end them with a charge blast, which his Devil Breaker broke. Then he was equipped with his Rawhide to whip around his surroundings, then Y/n and Nero made a team attack as Nero's Rawhide latched around Y/n's arm and spun around They were amazed by their tenacity, Y/n, and Nero fist bumps and continued their job. Three fallen angels sneak behind Y/n with their light spears and stabs in the gut. They were shocked to see Y/n get stabbed, but Y/n wasn't affected in pain. He looked up and smirked.
Y/n: Hmph, is that it? My turn.
Y/n breaks off the light spears, transforms his arm into Devil Bringer, grabs the fallen angel's head, slams him on the ground a few times, launches him in the air, does the air combos, and destroys him with a ki blast. He saw a few fallen angels fly toward him, but Y/n blocked incoming attacks and swung his blade upward.
Heine: Let's do it together, Juliet!
Juliet: Okay!
Heine and Juliet jumped up in the air, summoned their swords, did the dash through attack, and air combos, Heine used her Bind Magic to wrap around them and slammed them on the ground. Juliet used her Mucus Magic to stop their tracks.
Cana: Looks like my chance.
Levy: Let's go, Solid Script: Fire!
Juvia: Now, Water Slicer!
Cana threw her cards while Juvia cast her water magic with multiple slash arcs, and Levy cast a magic of a word 'fire' at the fallen angels, which triggered the explosion and they were defeated.
Nico: Wow, those were awesome tricks you girls have!
Juvia: Juvia appreciate your compliments.
Cana: That's how we do in Fairy Tail!
Levy: I hope we didn't get carried away.
Y/n: Nah, don't worry about it. They ask for it.
Nero: Yep, it's not like they won't listen.
???: You... I never thought I would see those filthy ingrates!
They looked up to see a four winged fallen angel, Damien, based on the description from the photo.
Mirajane: Is that him? Your target?
Y/n: Yep.
Damien: You dare to disrupt my research from this area to fulfill my master's wish?!
Nero: Oh yeah? This property is off-limits for a dumbass like you. And damn, you look like a sick pedophile. No wonder no ladies want to go out on a date with you.
Damien is enraged by Nero's taunts.
Nero: I love it when those dumbasses get pissed off... "Sorry, Y/n.
Nero draws his Red Queen sword, planted on the ground, and starts to rev it.
Nero: I'm baggin this bitch!
Damien rushed towards Nero, he perfectly blocked, creating a shockwave for Irene and others felt the impact and were amazed except Y/n and Nico.
Juvia: Y/n, are you certain your cousin can handle this?
Y/n: I'm not worried. I know he can do this, no problem.
Levy: Guess you're right.
Damien kept swinging his light spear while Nero playfully held back. Nero swung his sword upwards, did a five hit air combo, switched to his Blue Rose, charged his shot and fired it which made it explode. Nero switched into his Devil Breaker and slammed him down on the ground. But Nero is far from done, he revs his sword three times, and does three powerful spin attacks, which Damien skidded back strongly. As Damien gets back up enraged, he's wounded with burn marks as he's stumbled a bit.
Nero: *smirk* Heh. I'd say that look suits you better, on the afterlife.
Damien roars in rage from Nero's taunts. As Nero was ready to strike back, Panther Lily stepped in, changed his buff form, swung his blade to stop Damien's attack, made some combos in full force and crashed onto the wall.
Nero: Whoa, nice job there. You sure pack a punch.
Panther Lily: I appreciate your compliment, but this form only lasts for a limited time.
Panther Lily shrunk back to his small size. Nero noticed Mirajane decided to step in.
Mirajane: Looks like it's my turn, to show you what I can do.
Mirajane's body started to glow and a dark magic circle appeared underneath her. She transformed into her She-Devil Form. Nero and Nico were a bit surprised by her form.
Nico: Oh wow, she looks like Y/n and Nero's Devil Trigger! Awesome!
Levy: That's Mirajane's Takeover, Satan Soul. It's her specialty.
Cana: Mira is an S-Class wizard, next to Erza, Laxus, and my old man.
Mirajane: This fight will be over soon. Are you ready for this?
Nero: *chuckles* Y/n sure got lucky girls. In that case, let's go!
Nero unleashes his war cry as he transforms into his own Devil Trigger form while Fairy Tail B are surprised. Damien threw a few of his spears, Mirajane and Nero dodged them and rushed towards him, Mira threw the first punch, followed by claws strikes, a few roundhouse kicks, blast her purple beam both of her hands and kicked Damien upward. Nero saw the opportunity, jumped high to him, made six air combos, his wings hands joined together and hammer strike on Damien's face, which he fell on the ground on his back. Damien is getting up a bit slowly.
Damien: Master Kokabiel's ideal will prevail, the army will not be-!
Damien is cut off by a large steel club in the face, followed by lightning bolts, and ends with red blast. They turned behind them and revealed themselves as Gajeel, Laxus, and Irene.
Heine and Juliet: Lady Irene!
Levy: About time you're here, Gajeel.
Irene: After we get over our motion sickness, we hope we can join this fight.
Laxus: Monsters like you, should be pulverized until there's nothing left.
Gajeel: This is gonna be fun. That black birdie will be done soon.
Damien: Damn you! I hate every being-!
Nero rushed towards Damien, gave a brutal right hook to his Devil Breaker, swung his blade five times without giving Damien an opportunity to fight back, swung his blade upward, Nero throw punches of his wings hands, revved it three times in full charge, and unleashed three powerful spin attacks vertically in flames.
After that, Laxus covered his whole body with intensify of electricity, he rushed towards Damien, unleashing his barrage of punches around his head and chest, while Damien coughed a bit of blood. Laxus readied his stance, put his hands together and reeled his arms back.
Laxus: Lightning Dragon's Iron Hammer!
Laxus bent his arms, swung both arms with lightning downward Damien's face and crashed onto the ground. Damien slowly stood up again, until Gajeel joined in, kicked him in the guts while his body was covered in steel, and made a barrage of punches and kicks combos.
Gajeel: Now, Iron Dragon Lance: Demon Logs!
Gajeel's left arm turned into a metallic spear and began to shoot spikes of green energy rapidly straight to Damien, while he cried in pain. Gajeel wasn't finished yet.
Levy: Gajeel, some iron for ya!
Levy made a word 'iron' from her Solid Script magic, toss it to Gajeel, he catches it and eats rapidly until it's done.
Gajeel: Thanks for the meal. Now, Iron Dragon Roar!
Gajeel blasted a massive beam of metal shards from his mouth straight towards Damien which he was blasted in pain. Irene joined in the fray, she began swinging her staff, finished off with a red beam from the palm of her hand and blasted Damien while screaming in pain. The fight is over.
(Ended battle theme)
Heine: Impressive as always, Lady Irene.
Juliet: Yeah, amazing!
Y/n: Nice job there, cousin. Oh, and you guys too.
Nero: Yeah. And you guys sure know how to kick their asses, neat tricks you got there.
Gajeel: Gihi, that's how we do in this guild. It would be awesome if you joined our group for the next tournament.
Laxus: That would be a great idea.
Mirajane: That sounds fun.
Cana: Totally!
Juvia: Juvia agrees as well!
Their celebration was ruined when they heard the sound from the rubble, emerging from the ground revealed Damien who is badly damaged in blood and bruises.
Damien: You... think... you won?! Huh?!
Levy: My gosh, he survived?!
Nero: Heh. Not for long. It looks like I will-
Damien: Oh I don't think so.
Damien brought out a child size cage, in which there's a petite girl with short black hair, blue eyes, black cat ears and tail, wearing worn out cloth and some bandages. Nero and the others are shocked to see the girl is scared, beaten up and being held hostage while Y/n is surprised to see another of Kuroka's kind is here.
Cana: Huh?! She looks like Kuroka, but a bit different!
Juliet: Oh yeah, she does!
Catgirl: Help... me...
Damien: Shut it, fleabag! You'll be reunited with your parents soon enough.
Damien brought out two bloody corpses of that catgirl's parents, and they were stunned by what had happened.
Juvia: Oh no...
Levy: How could he?!
Heine: That vile monster!
Damien: They should be happy with our blessings. Animals like them, should learn to obey.
They were now enraged at Damien, of his heinous deeds.
Damien: Don't feel sad, stray lambs. You will receive the same treatment. Her death will be a blessing to Kokabiel! It will be-
Nero shot a murderous glare as he had heard enough of Damien, Nero looked at Y/n, which he had the same expression, he nodded, and both walked slowly toward Damien.
Damien: Don't move or I'll-
Y/n quickly shot Damien with Ebony and Ivory at his arms and legs. Nero runs ahead, equipped with his Buster Arm, a silhouette of his arm appears, does a strong hook in the face, followed by a palm strike, uses his robot arm to catch the cage, reeled back and broke it to free the girl. The catgirl looked awed and amazed at Nero. Damien is enraged yet again, he was about to fight again until Y/n delivered a gut punch which he coughed up saliva. Y/n raised his arm up high, a crimson light formed, and it was revealed as the Devil Sword Sparda. They were surprised to see what they witnessed, while Nero was surprised too.
Y/n: *smirk* Hey Nero! Let's wrap this party up with a bang!
Nero shook out of his thoughts and smirked as he joined in. Nero looked back at the catgirl.
Nero: Wait for me, alright?
The catgirl smiled and nodded as she believed in him. Nero walked and stood by Y/n.
Nero: Alright then, we should start his wings, shall we?
Y/n: Good idea. But first.
Y/n placed his hand on Nero's shoulder, he's confused of what Y/n is planning. To Nero's surprise, Y/n transfer a fragment of aura, thanks to Y/n's training with Lucario while in Earthland. Nero felt an incredible surge of power, Nero looked at Y/n and his cousin smiled.
Y/n: You're welcome. Are you ready?
Nero: Let's do this!
Y/n and Nero switched into their Devil Trigger form, swung their arms upwards at Damien to the air. Both jumped up to Damien, Y/n swung the Devil Sword Sparda, to perform aerial combos and sliced two wings off his left side. Y/n kicked Damien in the face towards Nero and tossed the sword to him. Nero catches the sword and does the same as Y/n on Damien's right side. Y/n and Nero kicked Damien upward again, landed on the ground, equipped with their guns, pointed towards Damien while in the air, and channeled their powers into their guns.
Y/n: *smirk* This party always ends with pretty fireworks.
Nero: *smirk* Yep, like what Dante would always say...
Two large red orbs formed in Y/n's guns while two large blue orbs formed in Nero's gun.
Y/n and Nero: JACKPOT!
Y/n and Nero fired their charged bullets at Damien, made a direct hit, and it exploded as he screamed in pain and agony. Damien is defeated. They were impressed how Y/n, Nero, and his family worked in this type of business. Meanwhile, Mavis is impressed as well while watching from afar.
Levy: That takes care of that.
Cana: It was awesome!
Gajeel: You two sure didn't hold back and show no mercy on that birdie.
Lily: Yes, your strength is admirable.
Juvia: Quite true, Juvia agrees!
Nero: When it comes to this kind of job, there's no way we're not letting them run free.
Laxus: It's an impressive display of strength you guys have. And I see the fire in your eyes to make you go forward.
Nero: Yep. Wait a sec, where's the kid?
Levy: Don't worry, she's okay.
They looked to see Levy and Mirajane comforting the cat girl while walking up to Y/n and Nero.
Mirajane: She's tired, but she'll get through.
The catgirl looked up to Nero and smiled a bit while her eyes shined brightly.
Nero: What's your name, kid?
Fran: My name is Fran.
Nero: Fran, huh? Not a bad name, for an adorable cat.
Fran instantly smiled and nodded rapidly while her cat ears and tail were wiggling in joy. The others find it cute. That moment was ruined when the rubble were merged out, revealing Damien who is badly damaged and limping towards them angrily.
Damien: I'm... not... finished...
Irene: Hmph. His persistence is very annoying.
Juliet: Oh man, I thought we beat him and celebrated with a party and a nap.
Heine: His madness must be eliminated.
Gajeel: Gihi. Looks like that birdie is up for the last round.
Y/n: He never gives up, and neither will we.
They agreed to Y/n's response. As they are ready to fight back until they see a dark blue bird distracting Damien and hear footsteps slowly nearby. To Y/n and Nero, they know that bird very well while Nero is stunned to see him again.
???: "I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe,"
They turned to the source of that voice, which revealed a tall, slender man with pale skin who has black tattoos around his upper body, with his black sleeveless coat and pants while twirling his cane and reading the book.
???: "That made my love so high and me so low."
The mysterious man finished and closed his book, twirled and pointed his cane at Damien, a black cloud formed in the cane, a black panther appeared, jumped towards the fallen angel, made a spin attack while his tail formed into a blade and slashes half way through Damien. Fairy Tail Team B, Irene, Heine, and Juliet were shocked to see what they had witnessed. Damien is kneeled in the ground. The mysterious man is close enough.
Damien: No..! My master's... ideal...
???: "Little wanderer, hie thee home!"
The mysterious man finished him by thrust the bottom of his cane through Damien's chest and heart, Damien began to fade away into dust, he is no more.
Cana: Whoa, no way!
Juvia: Unbelievable!
Levy: What's happening here?! Who is he?!
Y/n and Nero: V...
Now, that mysterious stranger is revealed as, V, slowly turns to Nero, Y/n, and the others who are unfamiliar to him, he smirks and chuckles.
What an unexpected turn of event. The rest of Fairy Tail decided to visit and hangout with Y/n and his team to his home, meeting Y/n's family and friends, went through the job by slaying Damien where house of Sparda resides, rescued a cat girl named Fran, and V has returned. How could this happen?
As their adventures continue...
To be continued in part 2...
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