Chapter 34: The Lightning Man! One Problem After Another!

3rd POV:

After the eventful day with Team Natsu, Y/n and the others decided to take a break for a while from what happened on the wizard exchange program, which was connected to the mystery that they solved. They'll always remember their friend.

As the next day appears, it's just a normal day in the Fairy Tail guild hall. It seems Y/n and his group aren't there, and there's no other jobs available for them to choose from except one which no one will touch. It looks like Natsu and Happy are acting in despair. What could it be? A growl is heard, coming from their stomachs, and they're hungry for food.

Natsu: Feed me... This is life or death here...

Happy: Aye, I'm starving...

Mirajane walked by and saw them hungry.

Mirajane: What happened to your reward money from your last job?

Natsu: Looks like it's a lot of money, but we used it all up.

Happy: Oh, I know! How about we find that book, the one Lucy is writing and then sell it!

Unfortunately for them, a certain blonde hair wizard heard it from a certain distance.

Natsu: Hey, great idea. It's gotta be worth something to buy a feast!

Lucy: Oh no, you don't!

Natsu, Happy, and Mirajane look at Lucy, who is running angry towards Natsu and Happy and grabs his shirt.

Lucy: What did you just say?! Talk! Don't make me ask you again!

Natsu and Happy: We're hungry?

Lucy: No! The other part, you're planning to sell my unfinished novel so that you can have food money!?

Mirajane: Now, now. Let's just take a deep breath and don't bite their heads off.

Lisanna: Lucy, big sister Mira is right.

They looked at Lisanna, who came in and went up to them.

Lisanna: No need to be angry at Natsu. Nothing good will happen.

Lucy let go of Natsu, and she pouted.

Natsu: Perfect timing! How about lending us some money for food?!

Lisanna: Sorry Natsu, we barely have at the moment-

Lucy: Forget it. I can barely afford to feed myself, I'm currently broke. If you guys are hungry, then go pick a job on the board!

Lisanna: Umm Lucy, see for yourself.

Lucy looks where Lisanna is pointing at. True enough, there's no jobs available except for one, but nobody touches it.

Natsu: Hey, how about heading to Y/n's house?! I bet there's some delicious food there!

Happy: Aye, that's a great idea!

Lucy: I don't think so, you idiots! Didn't you two guys forget what happened last time you did?!

Lisanna: Oh right, I overheard my big sister say that Miss Rossweisse calls them 'food burglars'. *giggles* That's pretty funny.

Mirajane: *giggles* Yep, it's true. And where's Elfman? Wasn't he with you?

Lisanna: Big brother is at Y/n's house right now.

Lucy: But why?

Lisanna: He wants to improve his 'manly' strength for his next fight.

Natsu: No fair! I want to fight Y/n!

However, their stomachs growling a bit and sit back down.

Happy: But we need food to go on...

Lucy: Whatever. So there's one, at least. Why don't you take it?

Mirajane: Actually, we can't.

Lucy: Why can't they?

Mirajane: Don't ask me why because...

The door opened up and was revealed as Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, and lastly, Laxus. The Thunder Legion has entered the guild.

Mirajane: It's specifically asking for Laxus.

Freed grabs the job poster, shows them and Laxus, a request asked for their help.

Freed: It would seem this job does specifically ask for you, Laxus.

Makarov: I told you.

Laxus and his Thunder Legion looked at Makarov, who was sitting on the table drinking.

Makarov: Why would I say so if it weren't true.

Laxus: ...

Meanwhile, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Mirajane, and Lisanna are a bit stunned to see it's true.

Lucy: I guess the Master called him over.

Lisanna: Sure, looks that way.

Natsu: Hey, what's the deal, Laxus?! What kind of job is it?!

Laxus: Hmph. None of your business.

Natsu: Aww, come on!

As Laxus and his Thunder Legion were about to leave, Makarov gave him a warning.

Makarov: Don't let the lightning control you, boy.

Laxus: What? Like how the liquor controls you, old man?

They left the guild hall and went their way. The others were a bit confused about what happened. Lucy went up to Makarov as she's curious.

Makarov: Cheeky punk. I should've spanked him when he was younger.

Lucy: Seriously though, what's the deal about that job anyway?

Makarov: It's from an entire city that is being plagued by lightning for weeks.

Natsu: A plague of lightning?

Happy: That's shocking stuff...

Lisanna: Since Laxus is a Lightning Dragon Slayer who can deal with electricity, I guess it would make sense it's perfect for him to deal with it, right?

Makarov: Right, you are, dear girl. The job comes from a courier in the town of Volwatt, which receives barrages of lightning on a daily basis.

As Laxus and his Thunder Legion took the job, three members kept following Laxus to another direction, which finds them a bit confused.

Evergreen: Laxus, should we be going to Volwatt Town by now?

Bickslow: So is there something you had in mind, bud?

Laxus said nothing, kept looking and going in a certain direction, Freed looked between him and his direction, and slowly realized what he's going to do.

Freed: You're bringing him along with our job, aren't you? But if that's your decision, then I accept it.

Laxus: Right. I want to talk to him about something and see what he can do.

Meanwhile, at the backyard of Y/n's house, Elfman has already begun his training regimen and sparring against his summon, Pikachu, while Y/n calmly standby, which he finished his part. Elfman is on his one knee, panting heavily.

Y/n: Giving up already? Last chance to throw your towel.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika!

Elfman slowly got up and returned to his fighting stance.

Elfman: Heh! You're dead wrong! A real man... never gives up for his family!

Y/n amused smile of Elfman's response.

Y/n: I hope you're ready for this. Now, Pikachu, use Double Team!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu made copies of himself with speed and agility. Elfman is confused and shocked by what he is seeing. Elfman attacks one and few but disappears. He cast his arm of a reptilian beast and readied his stance

Elfman: Beast Arm: Scale Bull!

Elfman swung his reptilian beast arm widely toward all of the copies of Pikachu but couldn't find the real one. Until Y/n smirked as he predicted, Pikachu was behind him.

Elfman: What the?!

Y/n: Bash with Thunder Punch!

Too late for Elfman, Pikachu coats his hand of thunder, makes a hit at Elfman's gut, skids back forcefully, and falls on his back. Elfman is panting heavily. Y/n calls out Asia to help him up to his house, patting his summon, praising his help, and going inside. Minutes later, Y/n changed his training gear into his navy blue shirt, black pants, boots, and his red coat. Kuroka and Irene came by with some refreshments and enjoyed it.

Elfman: Whew! That was some good workout! That little guy sure packs a punch, like a real man!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Kuroka: Darling keeps up his training to get stronger in his own way.

Y/n: Yeah. I called out Pikachu to help out as a sparring partner, I held back my physical strength, so I don't want to put you in a hospital.

Irene: *giggles* Y/n is very considerate, especially for his friends and family. That's what we like about him.

Elfman: Heh! I can tell that Y/n is definitely a real man in my book!

A knock is heard. They were confused about who was at the door.

Asia: I'll get it.

Asia went to the door, opened up, and they're surprised to see Laxus and his Thunder Legion, Asia, let them in. The Thunder Legion saw that Elfman was already here.

Bickslow: Elfman, we're surprised to see ya here. We know Evergreen is happy to see ya.

Evergreen: Oh, hush up, no one asked you that! I'm just curious, that's all. Especially...

Evergreen looks straight towards Pikachu while he tilts his head confused in an adorable way, suddenly grabs Pikachu and rubs her cheeks against his.

Evergreen: Especially this little cutie, it's so adorable! I want to keep him!

Y/n looked at Pikachu's cheeks, slowly emitting electricity. He cringed as he knew what's about to happen next while Freed noticed Y/n.

Y/n: Oh boy...

Freed: Evergreen, please refrain from yourself, or you'll be-

Pikachu: Pika...CHUUUU!!!

Pikachu accidentally shoots electricity out of his cheeks at Evergreen, she screams comically while being electrocuted and shines out the room, her body is smoking, her hair is puffed up to afro style and her eyes are swirling. The others sweat drop while Pikachu patted her as an apology.

Bickslow: Well, you did try to warn her.

Freed: Yes, I did try.

Y/n: Sorry about that. It's pretty much how Pikachu says hello. You'll get used to it soon if you're immune from lightning.

Asia: What brings you here today, Laxus?

Laxus: I want to bring Y/n along with me. We'll talk along the way.

Kuroka, Asia, Irene, and Elfman were shocked to hear Laxus request for Y/n to come along for a job.

Y/n: No problem. We'll be back soon. Let's go, buddy.

Pikachu: *nodded* Pika!

Kuroka and the others understand. Pikachu went up to Y/n's shoulder and went to Volwatt Town with Laxus and the Thunder Legion for the job. As they're almost to their location, their walk is silent until someone breaks the silence.

Laxus: Y/n, I want to ask one thing.

Y/n: Yeah?

Laxus: About when you're trapped in that parallel world, about that guy... Dante Dreyar.

Bickslow: Hey, yeah, it was unbelievably crazy. That guy was taught by a real Lightning Dragon and made him stronger, no offense.

Laxus: None taken.

Freed: Yes, aside from that, he's taken a role as an adopted brother of Laxus. Even though they're not related biologically, they act like one and take it well.

Evergreen: Also, he's being called a 'Saiyan' from another planet. He combines his two genes into one to gain more power. The more I think about it, the more it hurts our heads.

Laxus: Everything that we saw was true. Tell me, will he be alright over there?

Laxus and his Thunder Legion looked at Y/n for a hopeful response and answered.

Y/n: You guys are right off the bat about those facts. But I wouldn't worry about him. He'll get through somehow. That will be his world to fight for. It's not my place to say this, but it would be best to keep this to ourselves. It will be a real pain to the Council not accepting the facts and making stupid accusations too.

Laxus looked down, silently nodded, and his group agreed as well. As they made it to their location, they saw dark clouds above them, and each top of the building had a lightning rod. Moreover, the trees were shot by lightning.

Evergreen: At least they won't worry about the shortages of lightning rods.

Bickslow: This place is like a ghost town.

Freed: I'm sure these two options are related...

They feel and hear the static electricity around their bodies while Pikachu's cheeks are buzzing non-stop.

Freed: So much static...

Bickslow: Hehe. It's doing funny with your hair. It's like you're going 'super'.

True enough, the static electricity made their hairs point up while Y/n felt the same way, and it reminded him very familiar to him and Pikachu.

Y/n: Whoa. Talk about deja vu, right pal?

Pikachu: *nodded* Pika, Pi.

Bickslow: Hehe, yours is even worse.

Evergreen: Oh hush. You're in no position to talk.

Laxus: Hey, heads up.

They looked up to where Laxus was looking at, a few lightning bolts came down the buildings of their rods on top, smoke appeared, and a tree burned to a crisp and fell down. Y/n whistle impressed.

Bickslow: Okay, that didn't look natural at all!

Freed: It is no wonder why the entire city is electrified and they have their own lightning rods.

Y/n: Yeah, but where does all of those lightning coming from and why?

Evergreen: That's when we came to check it out.

Laxus went ahead while they looked at him.

Freed: Laxus, where are you going?

Laxus: I got a client to meet up with.

Laxus sensed a bolt of lightning coming towards him. He raised his arm up and took the hit. Laxus has blocked the lightning with his magic. His group was stunned how he took it. However, more lightning bolts are coming down at him.

Freed: Lightnings should never last this long!

Bickslow: For real, this gotta stop some time soon, right?!

Evergreen: Not even Laxus' body can withstand this much power! My Leprechaun should do the trick.

However, Evergreen is stuck down in an attempt to help him, leaving her hair in afro and swirling eyes.

Y/n: Well, that's the second time this has happened to her.

Freed: It's very dangerous for ordinary citizens to live in such conditions.

Bickslow: Hey, Y/n, look out!

Laxus and his Thunder Legion looked at the lightning bolt heading towards Y/n, and his Pikachu, Y/n, raised his arm and took the hit. They were concerned about them until they were surprised to see them unharmed. Y/n looked at his hands.

Y/n: Heh. That kind of tickles. 'But wait, this lightning... it feels familiar.'

Pikachu: Pika!

Y/n looked at Pikachu and felt the same way.

Pikachu: Pika, Pi. Pikachu.

Y/n looked in thought for trying to figure it out.

Freed: Y/n, are you both alright?

Y/n: Don't worry, I'm okay, right, little buddy?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Bickslow: So, does that little guy store the electricity?

Y/n: In his red cheeks, that's where he keeps the electricity in. It can also sense any electricity nearby.

Freed: I see, how intriguing.

Y/n: I'll explain more later. Right now, we have to deal with the clouds. Would you mind if my buddy can help out with you, Laxus?

Laxus: Let's see what he can do. Lightning Dragon Roar!

Y/n: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

Laxus shoots lightning out of his mouth while Pikachu slap his cheeks and shoots out of his body, both of their attacks towards the clouds, and it disappear. Pikachu went back to Y/n's shoulder. The sky cleared up while the citizens watched amazed.

Evergreen: Mission accomplished?

Laxus: This is just a quick fix. Those storm clouds will be back soon enough. We need to find a permanent fix.

Evergreen: There is still more static electricity than before.

Freed: In other words, we need things to stay quiet if we hope to do any investigating?

Laxus: Yeah, I'll say.

Y/n: Guys, look who's coming out of the buildings.

Laxus and his Thunder Legion looked at what Y/n was pointing at and was surprised to see a lot of people.

Bickslow: Whoa! What's going on here?!

A little boy went up to Laxus, and he's excited to see him while the citizens are amazed to see them.

Boy: You're Laxus from Fairy Tail! I saw you were fighting against Jura, a wizard saint!

Old Man: Such promising wizards with amazing talents!

Man: It's been a month since we had a clear sky!

Woman: You have the town's gratitude! And I also saw you in the Grand Magic Games!

Ladies: Excuse us, would you shake our hands?

The citizens were excited and went up to Laxus while his Thunder Legion smiled.

Freed: I'm sure Laxus is overwhelmed by this.

Bickslow: Wow, I'm so jealous.

Laxus: Does it look like I'm having fun here?

Evergreen: No need to hide it. I know you're having fun.

Y/n: So you had this experience before?

Evergreen: Yes, we sure do.

What surprises Laxus, the Thunder Legion, and Y/n, the children went up to him and Pikachu.

Boy.2: You're so cool too, mister!

Girl.1: Can we pet it too?

Girl.2: Can I shake your hand?

Y/n: Well, sure. Just the head and one at a time. It's nice to meet you guys, too.

The children pet Pikachu's head as he enjoys it while Y/n shook those kids' hands.

Freed: I didn't expect to witness this.

Bickslow: That Y/n is the rising star of the guild, after all.

Evergreen: He did have experience from taking care of his adopted kids.

While Laxus looks at Y/n, he secretly amusedly smiles and goes ahead while the others catch up to him. Evergreen smirks at Laxus as he notices her and acts like not having fun.

Y/n: Hey up ahead.

Laxus and his Thunder Legion looked to see a tall old man with peach colored skin, silver, brushed up hair, thick eyebrows and a handlebar mustache with eye glasses, and lastly a blue haired man with a short stature approached them.

Freed: You must be our client, then?

G.Rifter: A pleasure to meet you all. Let me introduce to you, my name is G.Rifter, his secretary and this is Mr. De Seever, the mayor of Volwatt Town.

De Seever: Hi,hi!

G.Rifter: And yes, we are the ones who requested help from the illustrious Fairy Tail.

De Seever: We saw you, we saw it all. Mm! You're amazing! You're the greatest lightning man alive!

The citizens are happy for the compliment while G.Rifter praises the mayor. Y/n and Pikachu can sense something is off about them.

G.Rifter: Now, if you wouldn't mind, we'd like to invite you to the mayor's manor there to discuss everything that has transpired. Would that be acceptable?

Laxus: Fine.

G.Rifter: Fear not, good citizens! One last big round of applause for Mr. Laxus and his Thunder Legion!

The citizens are clapping for Laxus and his group while Y/n and Pikachu put up a fake smile while they still feel something isn't right about them. Minutes later, Laxus and his group are sitting on the couch intensely in front of the mayor and his secretary.

Freed: Now then, when does this plague of lightning begin?

De Seever and G.Rifter looked at each other, nodded, and their personalities changed into anger.

De Seever: The lightning came when you did! You ruined this town, Laxus!

Laxus and his Thunder Legion are stunned while Y/n and Pikachu are confused by the mayor's response.

G.Rifter: You do recall from your visit, didn't you? It was about a week before the Grand Magic Games were scheduled in Crocus.

Laxus looked down for a moment while his group looked at him until he looked up and remembered this place. Y/n slowly puts in pieces and gets the idea of what happened.

Laxus: So this is that town...

Freed: Did something happen?

Laxus: I passed through while I was on my way back from some job. It's all coming back to me. So, the lightning storm has been striking non-stop ever since then?

De Seever: You're darn right about that! Moron!

Bickslow: Uhh, is it just me or that mayor guy suddenly acting differently?

Freed: This must be his true colors.

G.Rifter: This town was a prosperous post station, but it's become desolate now that your lightning wrath have scared the couriers away, their business is on halt, and people's livelihoods ruined because of your reckless and abusive powers.

Evergreen: That's a false accusation! Did you have any claim-?!

Y/n: Hey, easy there, Evergreen.

Laxus: Right. What do you want me to do about this?

De Seever changes his anger into a smirk.

De Seever: I want you to clean up your mess.

Freed: And nothing else? Really?

De Seever: Mm. After all, it was you who caused all this. It's only natural that you should take responsibility for your reckless actions!

G.Rifter: The people may see you as a hero, but they didn't realize that you're the cause our economy are crippled from your petty squabble. Even though you did win the Grand Magic Games, the people learned the truth, your reputation- and Fairy Tail's reputation will be in shambles. Can you live with that?

Laxus narrowed his glare, and his anger slowly grew but kept his composure and had no choice but to accept his request. Laxus, the Thunder Legion, Y/n, and Pikachu left the manor silently. While they're outside, the storm clouds are slowly coming back.

Evergreen: That mayor guy really annoys me!

Freed: If that's his true self, then...

Evergreen: He has to be up to something.

Bickslow: What makes you say that?

Evergreen: Because he's a lying man.

Bickslow: I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm not convinced.

Y/n: I'm with her on this one.

Freed: How can you tell?

Y/n: When we first met them, I could sense that something about this and them is a bit off. But we don't have any proof yet.

Pikachu: Pika.

Evergreen: At least he understands this better. But why would he blackmail us into the work we signed up for. There must be a reason.

Evergreen, Bickslow, Freed, and Y/n stopped and looked at Laxus.

Laxus: I'm starting to understand what the old man said to me now. I guess he's right. I let the lightning and liquor take control of me that night, and now I'm paying for it.

A loud thunder is heard and slowly forming the storm clouds around the town.

Bickslow: The storm clouds are back. We better move fast.

Freed: Are you going to dispel them like you did from before?

Laxus: No more quick fixes. I started this, and I'm going to end it. It's the least I can do for this town and our guild.

Evergreen: Right behind you!

Bickslow: Whatever it takes, we can do it!

Freed: We're with you all the way. As always, the Thunder Legion will be at your beckon call.

Laxus smiled at his team and looked at Y/n and Pikachu.

Laxus: Hey, I'm sorry for dragging you into this trouble.

Y/n: Don't worry about it. I've already gotten used to it, especially from my family business. I'm sure we got this, right little pal?

Pikachu: Pikachu-!

Pikachu's cheeks start to buzz all of a sudden while Y/n's arm and Laxus' body senses the electricity is drawn into the town.

Freed: Is something wrong?

Y/n: Looks like I'm not the only one who senses this.

Laxus: The town's even more charged up than before, when we first arrived. I feel like it's pulling my magic power towards it.

Evergreen: Then we have one choice.

Laxus: Yeah. Let's check it out.

Freed: Yes, but what's our objective, this electricity or the mayor?

Laxus: I'm thinking both.

Pikachu's cheeks are buzzing crazy and he notices it. Pikachu jumped off Y/n's shoulder and went in front of them while they were a bit confused.

Pikachu: Pika, Pi! Pikachu!

Pikachu started to run ahead fast.

Bickslow: Hey, what's up with him?

Y/n: Pikachu is tracking the source. Come on.

Y/n runs ahead with Pikachu while Laxus and his Thunder Legion follow behind to track the source coming from the town.

While G.Rifter served tea for him and De Seever, their plans went on smoothly.

G.Rifter: Everything is going exactly as planned, sir!

De Seever: Mm! You've outdone yourself on this one, Mr. Rifter!

G.Rifter: Oh no, I'm nowhere on your level, Mr. Mayor. You're using the town's damage to extort compensation money from those incompetent Fairy Tail.

De Seever: That's a terrible way of putting it, but you're right, mm. Besides, that lightning man really did leave excess electricity behind.

G.Rifter: Indeed, regardless of what happens to the citizens' homes and lives, this was entirely his doing. How much shall I ask for?

De Seever: Mm. Let me think about that. Around 5 million jewels per building sounds good to me.

G.Rifter: Of course. You could demand twice that price.

De Seever: Mm. You really are on a different level on your own, mm!

Unaware of them, a certain cat statue was possessed from a certain wizard, glared as it heard the whole scandal.

Meanwhile, back at the town, Y/n and Pikachu continue to run towards the source while Laxus and the Thunder Legion follow them. They noticed the plague of lightning grew stronger.

Freed: The lightning is everywhere now, even on the ground!

Laxus: Yeah.

As the lightning continues to grow stronger, it forms a head that looks like a monster with different colors coming out of the ground.

Evergreen: What are those things?!

Bickslow: Aw crap, they're coming!

Laxus: Those are lightning elementals!

Freed: They're what?!

Y/n: Well, that's a new trick.

Laxus runs ahead towards those lightning elementals and starts to fight it with his fists and magic. While Laxus fights it, he absorbs the electricity along the way; however, his body begins to overload with a large amount of electric overcharge, which he's at a bit of a disadvantage.

Bickslow: Be careful, buddy! You're charging up too fast. Your body won't hold on!

Laxus: I don't have a choice here! I have to store it, or the town will get blasted along with you guys!

More lightning elementals appear in front of them and behind. They were surrounded.

Y/n: We just got to fight and figure it out along the way, ready Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Y/n: Let's rock it, Nevan!

Y/n summoned his arsenal, Nevan, ready to fight them and went up those lightning bolts.

Nevan: I see some lightning in different colors, such delicious entertainment for satisfying my needs fufufu~

Evergreen: Did that guitar talk?! He didn't mention that!

Bickslow: Looks like Y/n knows her too well! That was a bit freaky!

Y/n: Pikachu, use Electroweb!

Pikachu forms a lightning at the tip of his tail, throws it, a web-like net appears, and catches them.

Y/n: Bash them with Iron Tail!

Pikachu coats his tail of iron and bashes them while Y/n changes his guitar into a scythe and makes a few combo tricks as Nevan drains those lightning bolts.

Bickslow: We're going in, too. We'll just have to destroy them completely! Now Baryon Formation!

Bickslow summons his five dolls to spin around in a pentagonal pattern, which then releases a massive beam of energy towards those lightning elementals and disappears.

Evergreen: Well, in that case, I'll try with Fairy Bomb: Gremlin!

Evergreen surrounds the lightning elementals with dust particles, which are then ignited to create a powerful explosion and disappear. They regroup with Laxus. However, more lightning elementals appear from the ground. Y/n and Pikachu sensed something closer to them and looked where it came from.

Y/n: Hmm?

Pikachu: Pika?

Freed: Did both of you sense something?

Y/n: There.

Y/n and Pikachu point out there's electricity coming from underneath the statue of De Seever. Laxus fell on his knee as he could barely hold on to his overcharge while his Thunder Legion was a bit concerned.

Laxus: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Freed: Laxus, look underneath that statue. It's building up more electricity.

Laxus: Wait a minute, that's the same spot where I fought those punks before.

Evergreen: You four go on ahead!

Bickslow: We'll handle things here!

Laxus, Freed, Y/n, and Pikachu went where the statue is. There's a way down there, going through the underground waterway, there's bright light ahead and surprised to see and revealed a large sphere of electricity.

Laxus: That sphere is filled with my electricity.

Freed: How can you be certain?

Laxus: Every electric magic user has their own different wavelength. Sort of look like fingerprints. This must be the electricity that I blasted into the ground that night.

Y/n: 'So that's it. No wonder lightning feels familiar. It came from Laxus. But which leaves how and why.'

Y/n looked at the lightning sphere closely and could barely see something inside that kept amplifying more power.

Freed: But it can grow for such a short time?

Laxus: Doesn't matter. I've gotta stop this.

Freed: Do you have a plan?

Laxus: If I hit the overcharge I've got, it should cancel out.

Freed: Will you be alright? You seem to be in a lot of pain.

Laxus: I have no other choice. I don't like the mayor, but I'm still responsible for all of this mess.

Y/n: Well, I'm going in, too.

Laxus: Can you handle this much power of electricity?

Y/n gave his toothy grin as he made up his mind.

Y/n: Don't worry, I can heal minor wounds, no problem, and we can handle electricity right you two?

Pikachu: Pika! Pika!

Nevan: *giggles* That power is intoxicating, I'm ready whenever this hunk is. There is no point in stopping him.

Y/n: See? No problem.

Laxus: Freed, try to contain the explosion. Alright, let's do this!

Laxus, Y/n, and Pikachu are in front of the huge sphere of electricity, as the lightning hits them, they absorb it and readied their attacks. Y/n readied his scythe and pointed at the sphere.

Laxus: Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Roaring Thunder!

Laxus releases a large, arching burst of lightning from his mighty fist.

Y/n: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Pikachu slapped his cheeks, amplified his electricity, and shot out of his body.

Y/n: Ready to rock this jam, Nevan?!

Nevan: Such power coming from you, sugar, ready.

Y/n: Now Nevan Secret Art: Demonic Thunderstorm!

Y/n forms an orb at the tip of his scythe, amplifies his electricity and Ki, and shoots out, combining their powers into one, making a hit, and then it explodes. The sphere is gone while Evergreen and Bickslow notice the lightning elementals have disappeared, thanks to Bickslow's magic of the cat statue, they learn the truth about this scandal. Laxus fell on his knees to the ground, panting heavily.

Y/n: Need a hand?

Laxus looked up to see Y/n offered to help him up, smiled, accepted, and brought him up. Laxus saw his minor wounds, but it started to heal himself.

Y/n: Looks like we did great teamwork together, huh?

Laxus: Hmph. Yeah, we do.

Nevan: Y/n is still amazing as always, even his power is very alluring for my needs~ *giggles*

Laxus: Okay, that's a step out of line for me. Just who is she?

Y/n: Don't worry about her, she was always like that when we met. And she's a demon vampire.

Laxus: Really? Hmm.

Nevan: *giggles* And it was fun for me.

Freed: That was amazing. All of that power and still alive:

Y/n: Was there any doubt?

Laxus: Not really. But the explosion... so nothing was destroyed?

Freed: While you all are busy, I managed to deploy an enchantment to suppress the explosion on the walls.

Laxus and Y/n look around the tunnel, and the walls are protected and nothing destroyed due to Freed's magic.

Laxus: You're quick on your feet as always.

Y/n: Yeah, nice job there, Freed.

Freed: Thank you. I did pass the Word Enchantment. It was my specialty, after all.

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Laxus, Freed, and Y/n looked where Pikachu is, walked to them, and showed them a green sphere, which is a Lacrima. Laxus picked it up.

Freed: I see. That lacrima must've been amplifying the power of your electricity.

Y/n: So that's what it was. I can barely see what looks like a round object in that sphere. Nice find, little buddy.

Pikachu: Pika.

Y/n: But that just leaves a few questions...

Laxus: Yeah, how did it get here and why?

Evergreen: Laxus, we've figured it out!

They turned and looked to see Evergreen and Bickslow running towards them.

Bickslow: Y/n and Evergreen is right about the mayor! He sets this whole mess up and framed you!

They were stunned about the truth of this job, which the mayor had set up to sabotage the guild's reputation. Y/n noticed Laxus narrowed his eyes and began to enrage slowly.

Back the manor, as they were about to relax and enjoy until a loud thunder scared them, causing him to spill his tea in his face.

De Seever: W-what is happening?!

G.Rifter: I don't know! Mr. Mayor, look over there!

They looked outside and saw the lightning getting closer to them until something crashed through the walls, as it was cleared up and revealed Laxus, who is furious and has a yellow aura with lightning around him.

De Seever: It was you-!

Laxus throws the lacrima in De Seever's guts. De Seever and G.Rifter are in full panic as their plans have been found out. Laxus sends out his lightning bolts to threaten them. However, there's something he didn't expect.

Little blue girl: I'm scared, grandpa!

De Seever: No! Run away!

As Laxus was about to stop his lightning, someone ran past Laxus, jumped high in the air, and took the hit. Laxus, De Seever, his little granddaughter, and G.Rifter were stunned when a person took a hit for them. As the person lands on the ground and reveals Y/n and Pikachu, they have set themselves as a shield and absorb the lightning.

Y/n: Whew. That's close.

The little blue girl looks up to see Y/n, and Pikachu has stopped the lightning, walks up, and is a little shy. Y/n gave her a reassuring smile.

Y/n: It's alright, little one. I'm not here for trouble. This is my partner, Pikachu. I'm glad to see you're okay, right buddy?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

The little blue girl smiled happily and petted Pikachu on his head as he enjoyed the affection. Laxus is surprised to see him, though Y/n looks a strong fighter, yet he's brave and gentle at heart. He can see Y/n stands up a great quality of Fairy Tail. Laxus secretly smirks as he's proud. He turns back to the mayor and his secretary in his serious demeanor.

Laxus: So you are good for something after all.

The mayor, his granddaughter, and his secretary looked at Laxus.

Laxus: When I found out what you have done to your town, I figured that you're a selfish human waste. Devote yourself to all of the citizens now, or I'll be back.

Laxus began to leave the manor. Y/n smiled at Laxus' response and looked at the girl.

Y/n: Well, I have to get going. Make sure to take care of yourself. I'll be seeing you.

Y/n patted the little blue girl, and both smiled. Y/n and Pikachu catch up to Lauxs. After that, they successfully finished their job in Volwatt Town and headed back to their guild hall.

As they made it back, they decided to kick back and relax in the guild hall while they explained their job to Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Lisanna, and Team Redgrave joined up.

Natsu: You've got to be kidding me! First, Y/n, join up your job, and you guys didn't beat him up! Those guys need to learn not to mess with us.

Lisanna: Now, now Natsu. There are times that don't solve anything, for a good reason.

Lucy: That I totally agree on. Mercy is a good thing, something you don't get. That would make things a little awkward.

Happy: So, did you actually get paid?

Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow gasped as they suddenly realized that they didn't get paid while Y/n shrugged.

Ur: We'll take that as no.

Heine and Juliet: *nodded* Mmhm.

Evergreen: W-well, you know, we didn't want any of that crooked mayor's dirty money anyway.

Freed: Besides, the citizens have sent us off with a parade, which is more than enough for us.

Bickslow: Yeah. We have the people's gratitude. That's our pay.

Happy: They totally stiff you guys.

Bickslow: Hey, they paid us in honor and praise, plus they were short on cash.

Makarov and Laxus were sitting by the bar and overheard their conversation while Mirajane smiled at the part when Y/n did the right thing.

Makarov: *smile* It happens, so I guess these things happen.

Laxus: *smile* Hmph.

Asia: Well, aside from that, Y/n always steps in and protects what matters, especially the children.

Elfman: Now that's very manly of you, Y/n!

Chisato: *smile* That never changes.

Irene: Always surprise us by your actions, don't you?

Y/n: *munching* Yep.

They were unexpectedly surprised to see Y/n was eating a strawberry crepe along with Pikachu.

Natsu: Where the heck did you get that?!

Y/n: I was browsing around town, saw strawberry sweets, and I bought them.

Latina: Ooh, I want some too, Papa.

Grace: Me three.

Y/n: Here.

Y/n placed three bags filled with strawberry crepes on the table for them and accepted them. Pikachu gives out to Lisanna, Mirajane, and even Laxus, which he's surprised at first, and he accepts.

Lucy: Are you sure you don't mind?

Y/n: Yeah. Better hurry, or this will be my fourth one.

Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow: Your fourth one?!

Rossweisse: *smile* He always loves strawberry dessert more than Erza does. There is no point in stopping him. Like father, like son.

Y/n: All that hard work earned myself some delicious sweets. There's no way anyone would-

The doors of the guild hall were suddenly slammed open, and almost everyone looked at the entrance.

???: I've finally found you at last... Grandson of Sparda.

Team Redgrave, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Lisanna, Mirajane, Makarov, Laxus and his Thunder Legion widen their eyes in shock as the unknown person knows him while Y/n and Kuroka sigh with annoyance. It's Vali Lucifer. They assume that he came the way Issei did with Rias and her peerage. While the kids were protected and covered their ears by Irene and the others.

Vali: *smirk* It seems our fates have intertwined once again, curious, wouldn't you say? I'm Vali Lucifer, wielder of the Vanishing Dragon Emperor.

Y/n: *sigh* Dude, really? Didn't you have a date with someone who has a red dragon? Why don't you go back, so I can relax with my-

Vali suddenly slaps Y/n's strawberry crepe, and it's on the floor, ruined. Y/n's eyes were in shadow. Kuroka smirks as she knows what's about to happen next.

Vali: *smirk* Why wasting time on these filthy ingrates? Can't you see this is our fate? We are meant to fight. It's our destiny.

Y/n looked at Vali with a menacing glare.

Y/n: *cold* I don't know who you think you are. Get out of my face.

Vali: Oh? Are you eager to fight already? Mind repeating your last line?

Y/n: I said, " Go back to your f**king boyfriend and get off my back."

Vali: *smirk* I refuse-

Vali widened in shock as he got kicked in the face by Y/n and flew away across the town. Most of the Fairy Tail members were surprised by Y/n's strength.

Bickslow: So who's that weird guy anyway? And what was that about?

Freed: Judging from what he said is true, but I sensed he's a bit more than that.

Evergreen: That selfish man has been insulting our guild like that.

Kuroka: That's who he is, always looking for strong opponents to fight with nothing to lose.

Y/n: *sighs* Yeah. Looks like I have to deal with this... again.

Mirajane: But Y/n, are you all right? Do you need our help? We can-

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll handle it. I'll drive him away and teach him not to ruin my favorite dessert.

Y/n calls his Pikachu back to him, forms his wings on his back, exits the guild, and flies to where Vali is. Lisanna can't help but worry about Y/n. She got up, and others looked at her.

Lisanna: I want to go help Y/n. He's part of our guild. We're a family. He won't be alone.

Everyone smiled and agreed to Lisanna. Kuroka and Ur knew that she cared for Y/n while Asia and the others joined in.

Kuroka: In that case, I'll take you to Y/n.

Natsu: Yeah, let's go. Happy!

Happy: Aye, sir!

Lucy: We should hurry.

Mirajane: I'm going too.

Elfman: Yeah! A real man helps out a friend and family!

Laxus smirked, getting up while they looked at him.

Laxus: I'm in. I want to see what he's up against. The enemy of Y/n is an enemy of Fairy Tail. Let's go.

Evergreen: We're with you.

Bickslow: Whatever happens, we'll jump in!

Freed: Of course, the Thunder Legion will be your beckon call as always.

Makarov: Very well, good luck.

Kuroka made her teleportation circle, traced Y/n's location, and they went through the circle.

Somewhere at the plains, Vali is on the ground where the crater is, covering his face while his nose and mouth bleed, grunted with pain while he smiled and laughed with excitement.

Albion: It seems you enjoyed that, I assume you want more to get your blood pumping?

Vali: Yes... this... this will be perfect... to see who's the strongest.

Fu: I take it your meeting went down south?

Ophis: Obviously not, idiot.

Vali looks up and sees a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes, who dresses a black gothic lolita, and a devious scientist who is purple skin with glasses, Fu. They landed on the ground next to Vali.

Fu: Ah, come on, aren't we allies? We just met up a few minutes ago. With my help of collecting more research from Y/n. This will be awesome to see-

Ophis: Shut up. I don't care about you and your stupid kinks. You're so stupid and annoying. I'm just a spectator for this event.

Albion: Vali, we only have one use left. You better make it count for your desired needs.

Vali: As the White Dragon Emperor, I want to see more of this-

Y/n: Hey!

Vali, Ophis, and Fu turned and saw Y/n who was sitting and chilling on the rock pillar with his Crimson Rebellion on his back.

Y/n: I figured it's me you wanted. Why didn't you go back to your boyfriend Hyoudou?

Vali: Ah, yes, you're flattering yourself! You must know that the prophecy of-

Y/n: Wait. Don't tell me...

Vali: Yes, the truth can be hurting you-

Y/n: He rejected you, and he cheated on you. Ouch. I feel sorry for you, boy. It was so shameful from that guy. He isn't good enough for you.

Vali clicked his tongue irritated by Y/n's insult. Y/n looked at Fu and was annoyed to see him again.

Y/n: And I never thought I would never see you again, four-eyed brat who never mind their business.

Fu: Why hello there, slave! Nice to see you again! I bet you miss your master!

Y/n: Oh right, sure, instead of hugs, how about you come closer so I kill you completely?

Fu jumped across towards Y/n, landed in front of him, and smiled sinsterly.

Fu: Now be a good boy, or I'll have to-

Y/n suddenly punches Fu in the face, yelling in pain, covering his face, and his nose is bleeding. Vali and Albion were surprised by Y/n's quick reaction.

Fu: Wha?! Why you?!

Y/n: Hmm? What were you saying? Sorry, but you let yourself wide open, stupid.

Vali: You're mine!

Vali with his Balance Breaker suddenly dashed toward Y/n while Fu swung his blade; however, to Y/n's quick reaction, Y/n blocked Vali's punch with his bare fist while blocking Fu's blade with his Crimson Rebellion. Y/n spin kicks Vali in the gut while he swings his sword at Fu, which skids back a bit.

Fu: What the-!?

Vali: What are you-?!

Y/n crosses both his arms and flexes it with a shockwave of ki, sending them flying. As they both recovered from his shockwave, they rushed towards Y/n again, Y/n quickly switched his Rebellion's Oath, channeling his Ki and readied his new attack.

Y/n: Take this, Energy Bomb!

Y/n spin around in the air, surround himself with six spheres of energy, detonate it, and they are blasted away. Ophis is sitting on the tree in silence, and she's impressed by Y/n's power. While Kuroka and the others have arrived at the scene and noticed that it's already started. They also saw Fu, the same person who took Y/n in the parallel universe.

Asia: It's him.

Natsu: Hey, it's that guy.

Lucy: That creep who created his mess.

Ur: Yeah, that brat never minds our business.

Irene: We must be careful. There's no telling what he'll do.

Evergreen: I agree.

Bickslow: We'll step in to help him out.

Freed: Yes, we'll prepare for the outcome, agree Laxus?

They looked at Laxus, and they saw the menacing glare and clenched his fists, looking at Fu, as he couldn't hold it back.

Juliet: Laxus is really angry at that guy.

Heine: After what we saw that Y/n been through, he wanted to kill him for what he caused.

Irene: 'Even though it's a different version of that world, Laxus wants to be stronger to protect the guild and his adopted brother.'

Lisanna, Mirajane, Latina, and Grace: Y/n!/Papa!

Y/n looked surprised and saw Natsu, Lucy, Kuroka, and the others while Vali smirked evilly.

Vali: Oh? If they are your reason, then...

Vali shoots a blast of his Divine Gear, Y/n rushes in where Lisanna, Latina, and Grace, and Y/n, take the hit. Most of Fairy Tail was horrified by what happened. Vali smirked evilly and proud while Fu laughed and clapped for amusement.

Fu: Oh man! This is exciting! Perhaps that worthless whore and brats always got their way! They should never exist! Join me, Y/n, you'll get what you want! Just like that stupid monkey, who enjoys fighting!

Vali: Yes! Fate can be cruel, wouldn't you say? Let me end their pathetic lives, including the traitor. Everyone should be thanking me.

Everyone in Fairy Tail looked at them enraged, they intended to kill them. Y/n looked up to them in murderous glare.

Y/n: Don't try to deceive me, shitheads.

Fu: Huh?!

Y/n: It's obvious to me that you have no desire for revenge or helping out others, you only crave destruction. Your only lust of gathering data and powers of other beings, to what? Make a new world, all to yourself?

Fu: No,no,no,no!!! Serve me goddammit!! Why do you have to spoil my plan!?

Vali: Can't you see this is our fate, to fight each other. I'll make sure that you see it's true!

Y/n had enough of their delusional ideals. Y/n formed his demonic lightning and aura around him, summoned his Oathkeeper on his left and Oblivion on his right, twirled his Keyblades and made his fighting stance.

Fu and Vali: TWO?!

Y/n: Try to destroy Lisanna and my kids, for your desire? To fight you? Nah, I'll kill you both.

Natsu: Anyone who hurts our friends, you'll fight me!!

Laxus: That goes double for me!! I'll get my hands on you heartless bastards!!

Fairy Tail: YEAH!!!

Y/n, along with Kuroka, Ur, Rossweisse Natsu, Lucy, Mirajane and Elfman went towards Vali while Laxus and his Thunder Legion rushed towards Fu, both sides engaged in fierce battle. Vali threw punches at Y/n while he blocked until he used his Sacred Gear at Y/n.

Albion: Divide!

Vali and Albion have divided Y/n's powers to reduce in half and absorb, however, they were unexpectedly surprised of something happening to them from before.

Vali: Albion, what's happening?!

Albion: His power is too much greater than before, I don't think I can hold on-

Y/n swings his Keyblades in cross slash, he grasps Vali's Divine Gear, channeling his Ki, absorbs and returns his powers, he can barely feel the power from Albion. Vali is now in a normal state.

Vali: Impossible! What did you-?!

Y/n swings both his Keyblades vertical and horizontal combos, thrust forward and swings Vali upward, continues with aerial combos and finishes him with swings both weapons while spinning vertically, then swings both weapons again and launches Vali.

Lucy: Let's try the Unison Raid, Rossweisse!

Rossweisse: Right!

Lucy equipped with her Fleuve d'étoiles and made swirling combos vertical and horizontal, Rossweisse landed some punches and kicks combos, both holding their hands, synchronizing their powers.

Lucy and Rossweisse: Unison, Elemental Starburst Shower!

Rossweisse casts different colors glyphs and shoots a barrage of fire, ice, and thunder projectiles with Lucy's Celestial magic towards Vali and it makes a direct hit as Vali grunted in pain.

Kuroka: Let's do the same together, Ur!

Ur: Yeah!

Kuroka and Ur throw punches and kicks together at Vali, kicking him in the gut, they hold their hands together and synchronize their powers, performing the Unison Raid.

Kuroka and Ur: Unison, Glacial Flame Rosen Krone!

Kuroka and Ur cast two branches of spikes of fire and ice, surround Vali, and attack him, causing him more damage. Mirajane in her Satan Form and Elfman with his black beast arms unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks combos at Vali in rage.

Mirajane: You dare to destroy my little sister for your selfish needs?! Both of you are such monsters!

Elfman: There's no way we're letting that happen again! As a real man, I won't allow it!

Elfman has a dual punch at Vali's chest, Mirajane raises both of her hands, gathers energy and unleashes an explosion in close contact. Natsu roars in rage, unleashing his flurry of punches, and breathes fire out of his mouth.

Natsu: You're gonna pay for hurting them! You're messing with the wrong guild!

Natsu instantly entered into his Lightning Flame Dragon Mode and readied his attack.

Natsu: Dragon Slayer Secret Art, Exploding Lightning Flame Blade!

Natsu unleashes his Lightning Flame Mode, engulfs one hand in lightning and the other in flames, by swinging his arms around, Natsu creates a highly destructive vortex of fire and lightning, which greatly damages Vali and pushes them away with tremendous force.

Meanwhile, Fu kept watching the battle of Vali and Albion, smirking as he enjoyed it while gathered in secret.

Fu: Oh boy, oh boy! This is so amazing! Much tremendous power of energy from those guys! Those data are out of this world-

Laxus quickly punches Fu on his cheek, Fu starts to see him and his Thunder Legion ready to battle while enraged.

Laxus: Even though it's a different tale from what we saw, we'll still have the same guild that we all cared for! You'll pay for what you have done!

Evergreen: You've made the biggest mistake of your life! You'll pay the price!

Bickslow: Same here! We're not letting the likes of you, get away with it!

Freed: Prepare for our wrath of Fairy Tail and Thunder Legion! Dark Écriture, Slash!

Freed writes runes and inscriptions in order to create and/or disable barrier-like force-fields surrounding Fu. Freed inscribed onto himself and quickly slashes Fu with intense speed, causing heavy damage.

Bickslow: Now it's my turn! Let's go, babies! Line Formation!

At Bickslow's command, all five dolls gather in midair and then combine by standing on top of one another. From such a linear formation of dolls, a large, vertical crescent-shaped beam, roughly taller than a human, is released towards Fu.

Evergreen: Leave some for me! Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun!

Evergreen waves her arms, releasing a torrent of energy needles made from concentrated dust, she can continuously produce the needles and shoot toward Fu. As Fu was about to make his move, a hand grabbed Fu's wrist, crushed while he yelled in pain and revealed Laxus who was furious.

Laxus: You really are selfish trash, deserve to be put down. I'll destroy that ugly smirk off your face. And never mess with our guild!

Laxus ferociously throws Fu on the ground. Fu slowly gets up and sees Laxus in his Dragon Force. Laxus casts a barrage of lightning towards Fu, which paralyzes him a bit, throws punches and kicks fiercely, kicks him in the guts.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon, Breakdown Fist!

Laxus gathers a large amount of lightning around one of his fists, bends the arm and then extends the fist forward in a punching motion at Fu, which skids back forcefully with his blade, to where Vali is.

Laxus: Let's take them down with a big bang!

Y/n: I'm ready whenever.

Natsu: I'm all fired up now!

Y/n cups his hands, focusing his Ki and forming a blue energy in his hands, Laxus reels his lightning and Natsu the same with his fire.

Y/n, Laxus, and Natsu: Lightning Flame Burst Cannon!

Y/n launches his Kamehameha with Laxus' lightning and Natsu's flames towards them, making a hit and exploding it.

(Battle theme ended.)

Lisanna is amazed to see Y/n fight bravely to save her and the kids while Irene and the others smile in relief. Lisanna placed her hands on her chest.

Lisanna: ...Y/n, everyone... I'm sorry.

Asia: No need to apologize, but are you okay?

Chisato: No one is blaming you, Lisanna. Y/n knows it as well.

Lisanna: You're right, thank you.

Ophis: Looks like the battle is over.

They looked to their left and were surprised to see Ophis standing there. Heine and Juliet were protecting Asia, Lisanna, Latina, and Grace.

Irene: You're here to watch this battle. And you're a dragon, I can sense and smell one coming from you.

Heine: Tell us, who are you?

Chisato: That's Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God in the other world where we came from.

Juliet: Wha!?

Ophis: As expected from the former Divine Goddess. I know you're a dragon too, and the other two. I only came for Vali's desired needs, and he got what he wished for.

As the dust clears up, they can see that Vali can barely stand his ground, shaking while Fu blocks with his blade shaking and starts to laugh a little bit which turns maniacally while in pain.

Fu: Oh man, this is even better than I imagined! All of this effort has provided me with invaluable data of Vali, Albion and Ophis!

Vali: W-w-what?!

Albion: It was his trick all along.

Ophis: I see. So that's what he wants.

Ophis quickly grabs Vali and puts him in the safe distance. Fu looked at Y/n with an irritated glare.

Fu: After all of your protests, you're my pet. Who follows the master.

Y/n: Are you still talking?

Fu: Come on, buddy. Everyone should be thanking me for doing them a favor. They'll say, "Thank you, Lord Fu."

Y/n: You're done.

Y/n rushes towards Fu, which he was surprised by his speed, unable to dodge, Y/n did the cross slash through, appears behind him, and Fu yells in pain he holds his gut and face as few scars are formed and bleeds a little. As Y/n was about to finish him, Vali rushed in, threw his left hook, which Y/n blocked Vali's punch, Y/n countered back. Fu quickly runs away, swings his blade and makes his portal.


Fu has retreated and gone back. Y/n looked at his portal and saw a chance. Y/n went up the portal, pointed his Keyblades towards it, two rays of light formed at the tips, shot out through, made a lock sound and the rift disappeared.

Y/n: 'Let's never see each other again, or I'll finish the job.'

Vali: This fight... is far from... over.

Most of Fairy Tail were a bit surprised to see Vali was barely standing up, as he was smirking with excitement. While Y/n and Kuroka sigh with annoyance.

Vali: Give more great fights! Maybe the Juggernaut will do.

Albion: Vali, I told you no. It's not the best-

Y/n: Don't be a parent, dragon. Let him go. He can surrender his humanity. He had nothing to lose, right?

Vali clicked his tongue as he was pissed off and started to chant; however he stopped by Ophis who chopped his neck where the pressure point is. They were shocked to see Ophis stopped him.

Ophis: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm on the neutral side. I'm working on my goal. That's all.

Natsu: *smile* Oh. You're not a bad person after all. Thanks for helping out.

Y/n: *smile* Yeah thanks.

Despite Ophis' blank demeanor, her eyes were widened in surprise a bit to see Y/n and Natsu's carefree and cheerful smile. She may not show it but she barely feels something in her body. Ophis secretly shook it off and went back to her usual blank stare. Ophis ordered Albion to open up their teleportation circle and they left. They were relieved they won the battle, Lisanna and Mirajane were about to thank him but they gasped and saw some blood around his head and chest.

Lisanna: You're hurt!

They looked at Y/n and saw his minor wounds but thanks to his healing factor, his wounds healed.

Y/n: See it's nothing-

Mirajane: Don't say that. Come on, we'll treat you at the guild.

Y/n was surprised by Lisanna's demand while Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Elfman, Laxus and his Thunder Legion were a bit surprised as well. Kuroka and Ur knew exactly why. Y/n summoned his Yamato, made a portal to the guild hall and went through. As the sun is setting, they make it back, they explain to Makarov about what happened while Lisanna and Mirajane were treating Y/n's wounds, he was going to tell them but they'll still worry about him.

Lisanna: Y/n, I'm sorry.

Everyone looked at Lisanna, they realized that she kept blaming herself.

Lisanna: If only... I would never have-

Y/n placed his hand on Lisanna's shoulder, she looked at Y/n and was surprised to see Y/n had a genuine smile.

Y/n: Hey don't let that bother you, you're never a burden to me and everyone in this guild. We all cared about you, especially your siblings, like a family. This guild grew up in me a little bit faster than I thought, it takes some time to get used to and I enjoyed it. Nothing can change that.

Lisanna is now relieved and happy while in tears coming out of her eyes, she hugs Y/n tightly on Y/n's waist, her face on his neck and he hugs back. To his surprise, Latina, Grace, Mirajane and Elfman joined in as well. Everyone smiled at them.

Mirajane: Y/n, thank you. It really means a lot to us.

Latina: Hooray for daddy!

Grace: Yeah papa is a real superhero!

Elfman: Yeah! I see how you take care of my sisters while making them happy! Because you're definitely a real man!

Makarov: It seems everything has worked out at the end of the day.

Laxus: *smile* ...Yeah.

Chisato: Come along sweeties, you must be tired from what happened.

Asia: I'll help out with dinner.

Happy: Hope there's yummy fish, I'll be taste tester.

Natsu: I'm with ya, buddy!

Lucy: Oh no you don't! I'm gonna be with you to keep an eye on you.

Rossweisse: That would be helpful, thank you.

Lisanna and Mirajane looked at Kuroka and Ur while they were smiling and nodded as they got their permission.

Mirajane: Why don't my sister and Y/n go out to do some errands?

Lisanna and Y/n: Okay/Sure.

Y/n, Mirajane, and Lisanna left the guild for some errands. While Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, and Irene smiled and giggled, his group went back to his house. Evergreen smirks mischievously as she knows what she heard while Elfman secretly smiles while watching them.

Evergreen: Well, looks like I want to do some shopping. Come along, Elfman, you'll carry it.

Elfman: Y-y-yes ma'am!

Evergreen and Elfman went their separate ways while Natsu, Happy, and Bickslow were a bit confused.

Bickslow: Whoa, wonder what was about? I'm a bit confused.

B.Dolls: Confused. Confused.

Natsu: I don't get what's going on.

Happy: Aye.

Lucy: You guys don't understand women's intuition.

Makarov: The sun shines brighten their day of peace and love.

Laxus: Well that Y/n sure has bold moves.

Freed: Agreed.

(WARNING!! The following part of this chapter will contain lemons and this will not be suited for people under 18 years of age. If you don't want to read it then don't until the end.)

As they walked around the Magnolia, Lisanna and Mirajane enjoyed their walk with Y/n. They have gone through clothes stores, jewelry, etc. They've gone to the marketplace to buy some ingredients for them and placed them in their pocket magic dimension. They decided to rest and sit at the bench next to the river. They sat there and watched as some rowboats passed by, they made a conversion about themselves, about what they went through, their magic, and so on. They enjoyed their time together.

Y/n: Sounds like interesting stories from you guys. This whole thing has expanded my horizons as a demon hunter.

Lisanna: So you and your business only hunt demons that try to kill the innocents, taking over the world, that kinda thing?

Y/n: You're correct. That's why my grandpa fought his kind and dad's business came in.

Mirajane: I see. You know, I thought that you'll have to deal with me. Since I'm... you know...

Y/n placed his arm around her waist and side hug while Mirajane was surprised at first and then smiled and embraced his hug.

Y/n: Hey it's okay. You're a kind, gentle and beautiful woman who helps out her friends and family in Fairy Tail, just like Lisanna. You just trust for who you are, just like I learned that in the other world.

Lisanna: *smile* Aww you're so kind to say that.

Mirajane: *giggles* Yep, he sure is.

Y/n: *smirk* And... a little birdie told me a rumor that you used to be a punk when you were little.

Mirajane starts to blush in embarrassment while Lisanna giggles and Y/n laughs, Mirajane puffs her cheeks pouting and playfully punches Y/n on the shoulder.

Mirajane: Mou~ Don't be such a meanie~

Y/n: Hahaha... I found it pretty cute.

Their amusement slowly faded out and they still sat there and watched quietly. Mirajane looked at Lisanna who was looking down while blushing pink and Mirajane knew exactly why.

Mirajane: Y/n... please close your eyes for me?

Y/n: Okay? Sure.

Y/n closed his eyes and all of a sudden, Lisanna grabbed Y/n's face and kissed him so passionately while Y/n was surprised at first, he wrapped his arms around her waist, deepened the kiss and accepted. They stopped for air.

Lisanna: *smile* Y/n... I have loved you for a while now. I admire you for how brave, gentle, and caring you are for our friends, and the kids. I can't describe how much I love you.

Mirajane: *smile* You made us fall in love with you, making our hearts soar through. We talked with Kuroka and Ur, and they said it's okay as long as we share equally. You're very special to Fairy Tail, and us.

Y/n: *smile* Yeah, thank you, Mirajane, and Lisanna, I accept you. I'll live for all of you, I promise.

Mirajane and Lisanna smiled at Y/n's response. Mirajane grabs Y/n's face and does the same with Lisanna, she has an idea in mind.

Mirajane: Why don't we rest at the inn for a while?

(Lemon Scene Incoming!)

They agreed, found the inn and decided to rest for a while. He walked in, the lights suddenly went off and couldn't see anything but the dark. Someone grabbed him and threw him on the bed. As the light turned on and revealed Mirajane in black lingerie and Lisanna in white have pinned him down.

Mirajane: How about we settle our first time together~?

Lisanna: Please be gentle with us, it's a special moment for us.

Mirajane starts kissing him so passionately, Lisanna was surprised by her fast reaction, Mirajane let have her turn and does the same. Mirajane and Lisanna have stripped their lingerie, are now naked, both have stripped Y/n's clothes, pulled his pants and boxers down and revealed his 8 inch member springing and throbbing.

Mirajane: Oh my~

Lisanna: I-I-It's so big.

Mirajane grabs Y/n's member and starts stroking it up and down the whole thing while Lisanna joins in as groaned in pleasure. Those two white-haired ladies went licking his neck, went down the body and up to his crotch area. Mirajane went to suck his tips while her tongue swirling, went into her mouth, started to bobbing and sucking his member, giving him a blow job. Lisanna can't help but watch them lustfully, she went to his balls and started licking and sucking it. Y/n groaned further while the girls giggled. Lisanna goes over to Y/n's face as showing her womanhood.

Lisanna: Please pleasure me here?

Y/n grabs her hips and lowers her body to his face as he starts licking around her opening. She moaned in ecstasy, being pleased by Y/n. Mirajane went faster for a while, decided to place his member between her breasts while Lisanna lowered herself, to where Mirajane is, placed her breasts, joined her and followed her rhythm. Y/n enjoyed it so much and decided to dig his tongue inside of Lisanna as moaned increased. After a few minutes, Y/n felt his end approaching which he couldn't warn her, he groaned and released his load on their faces and breasts. They licked it and swallowed his load. Mirajane sits up, straddling his lap as he positioned his shaft at the opening, lowered herself on his member while she whimpered a bit, and fully inserted and slammed down inside of her with blood leaking out.

Lisanna: Big sis, are you okay?

Mirajane: Yeah, I'm fine. Little bit of pain but happy.

Y/n: Take your time.

Mirajane smirked mischievously at Y/n.

Mirajane: Soon I won't go easy on you. A little birdie told me that you had fun with Asia hours ago in your house, right~?

Y/n: Huh? How did you know that?

Mirajane giggles and looks at Lisanna who looks away in shyness.

Mirajane: My little sister saw both of you are having some fun without anyone noticing.

Lisanna: I'm sorry. I can't help it.

Mirajane slowly bounces on his member as both of them lightly at this pleasure inside of her. While Y/n kept licking Lisanna's opening, inserts his tongue inside of her as Lisanna moans louder. Mirajane starts to bounce at the faster pace as Y/n groans as her opening squeezes his shaft. She placed her hands on Y/n's stomach to increase her speed which she moaned more. Y/n felt his end approaching which he couldn't warn her as well with Lisanna and he grabs her butt tightly. Couple seconds later, Y/n released his seed inside of Mirajane while Lisanna squirts on his face and they moan. Mirajane removes his member from her opening as his seeds leak out. Lisanna lays on the bed with her legs spread open as she's blushing nervously.

Lisanna: I'm ready, Y/n. Please be gentle.

Mirajane holds her hand to support.

Mirajane: It's okay, little sis. I'm here with you.

Lisanna nodded. Y/n inserts his member inside of Lisanna's opening, reaches her barrier, she nods, and he slammed her fully inside. She whimpered as the blood leaked out from her and breathed hard.

Y/n: You okay, Lisanna?

Lisanna: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm so happy.

He slowly thrusts inside her as she moans at the feeling of pleasure of his member moving inside her. Mirajane is happy to see her sister lost her first time with someone special to them. Y/n groans as Lisanna's opening is squeezing his member tightly. Couple of seconds, Y/n increases the speed of his thrusts which she moans a bit louder. Y/n leaned forward and started to kiss her while she moaned. Y/n started to feel his end is near.

Y/n: Lisanna, I'm coming!

Lisanna: Go ahead, inside me! I love you so much!

Lisanna hugs him, wrapped her arms and legs around him as his speed of thrust increases while she moans and he groans, feeling the tightness inside of her. Couple of thrusts, he releases his seed inside of her as she moans loud at that moment. They both breathe hard as he takes out his member out of her opening with his leaking out. Mirajane goes behind Y/n and hugs while Lisanna does the same on his front.

Mirajane: Oh Y/n~ Do you think you have some energy for one more time?

Lisanna: We'll take charge. Pretty please, dear boyfriend?

Y/n: Okay, okay. One more for each of you. We better hurry.

And so, they went on to their steamy love and that time Mirajane and Lisanna showing some dominance. Mirajane went to do the cowgirl and reverse cowgirl and came inside of her while Lisanna went in and did the same as her big sister did and he also came inside of her.

(Lemon Scene Ended.)

Y/n, Mirajane, and Lisanna have laid on the bed and covered themselves with a blanket while panting heavily as they have enjoyed it together.

Y/n: That was... amazing...

Lisanna: It was the best day ever...

Mirajane: Yeah. We should hurry and clean up to go back. Don't want them to know.

They agreed with her idea. They went in the shower together and cleaned off their scents and sweats from their steamy love. Few minutes later, they got off the showers, got dressed up and exited the inn. Y/n equipped with his Yamato, opened up his portal, and went through it. As they arrived and entered Y/n's house, they saw his group, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Elfman, Makarov, Laxus and his Thunder Legion were lounging which they brought their usual antics just like in the guild hall. Y/n went to the kitchen and helped them with dinner. They brought out different foods and began to chow down.

Natsu: Oh man, this is so good!

Happy: Aye sir, raw fish is the best!

Lucy: Knock it off you two! We're the guests here!

Juliet: These foods are the best! Very yummy!

Heine: Juliet, please mind your manners.

Irene: No fighting at the dinner table, both of you.

Rossweisse: Do you enjoy the meal, sweeties?

Grace: Yeah I love it!

Chisato: *giggles* That's wonderful. Both of you will sleep soon after a bath.

Latina: Yes mommy.

Asia: I'm glad you like it.

Elfman: Wow! This is so great! The food is awesome! Like so manly good!

Evergreen: Pipe down, you fool. We're here to relax.

Freed: You must be tired, Laxus. Would you like some more meat? Or maybe, a shoulder rub?

Laxus: Well, sure, whatever.

Bickslow: This really hit the spot!

B.Dolls: Hit the spot! Hit the spot!

Makarov: I should've brought more liquor to go with it, oh well, perhaps next time.

As they enjoyed their time, Kuroka and Ur were talking with Mirajane and Lisanna about what happened while they went out with Y/n, they're smiling and giggled.

Mirajane: And that's what happened with Y/n.

Lisanna: Yeah. We enjoyed our time with Y/n together. He's like the greatest boyfriend that anyone can ask for.

Ur: Yeah. That's who he is. Y/n always be a caring and respectful person in our lives.

Kuroka: I'm glad he accepted you, Lisanna. I know Y/n will love you back as we love him equally. And we approved of you too.

Laxus: Hey Y/n, thanks for the meal. Hope you don't mind sparring with you sometime.

Y/n: Sure, I have no problem. I could use some exercise to get the blood pumping.

Laxus: Hmph. I'll be looking forward to it soon.

Y/n smiled, a hand patted on his shoulder, turned and saw Elfman. He stared at him for a few seconds and to Y/n's surprise, Elfman smiled and nodded in approval.

Elfman: My mind was blown when you made my sisters fall in love with you! Haha! I approved! I know you'll make my sisters happy, because you're a real man!

Lisanna: Oh big brother, you're embarrassing me.

As they finished their dinner, most of the Fairy Tail members were heading out to their separate ways and went home. The Strauss siblings went to their rooms. Mirajane and Lisanna were ready for bed, they felt something in their pocket, they checked and revealed the star-shaped charms with their colors and emblem. They were surprised by Y/n's present in secret, smiled and accepted his gift. They slowly closed their eyes as they had the same thought.

Mirajane and Lisanna: 'Y/n... I love you. You're special to Fairy Tail... and us.'

Another eventful day for Y/n and Fairy Tail. Y/n have been requested by Laxus to come along with his Thunder Legion in Volwatt Town and accepted. They successfully finished their job but without any payment, the citizen's gratitude is enough for them. To their surprise, Vali made it with the help of Albion, what's more is that Fu and Ophis appeared. Ophis has witnessed that Y/n and Fairy Tail have defeated Fu and Vali, they flee and Y/n seal Fu's rift. Lisanna confessed her feelings and love to Y/n, he accepted her, went to the inn and made steamy love. They had a feast, went home, and Y/n gifted Mirajane and Lisanna a star-shaped charms and they happily accepted. What's next for Y/n, his group and Fairy Tail will bring?

As their adventures continue...

(Chapter 34 ended)

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