Chapter 33: Here's Kemokemo! A Place to Call Home!

3rd POV:

After Natsu, Lucy, and Happy had a job that they're struggling with, along with Y/n, Ur and Rossweisse were tagged along. Natsu and Happy have paid the damages for raiding the food supplies in Y/n's house. Hanging out in the guild hall for a while until Rossweisse got drunk for a few cups and started rambling nonsense. Y/n and Cana helped out Rossweisse to the inn until they made a steamy night of love, as the sun rose and made into Y/n's house, Cana received a gift of appreciation from Y/n, which he secretly put in her pocket and she happily accepted.

As days went by, Y/n decided to continue to do some more training and exercises for himself along with his summons. Irene decided to join in, along with Heine and Juliet, to make them stronger in their own way, even Kuroka, Ur, and Rossweisse as well.

While they're relaxing from training and jobs, Y/n had an eventful day for him. Because he's baffled by what he had witnessed, Erza, along with Lucario and Pikachu in their superhero costumes. Lucario attempted for Y/n a matching pair with him, but he refused at first, Lucario kept asking to wear it, and he had no choice but to bear and go with the flow. They fought those 'villains', which revealed Macao and Wakaba due to negative effects of transformation magic. Y/n was amazed and surprised how Erza commands Lucario and Pikachu, even more surprising, Erza was able to snatch and wield Y/n's Crimson Rebellion. Let's just say they embraced their superhero act and went over their heads. Y/n asked what was all that about. They attempted to learn some transformation magic. To their surprise, Latias was very excited to try it out while Latios and Y/n refused at first when Latias wanted them to join, and he had no choice but to accept. Y/n, just let them be.

As they continued their training, one day Lucy went by to Y/n's house and asked them about Natsu and Happy, but they haven't seen them for a while since they got back from their job. Normally, they would break and enter Lucy's apartment, including Y/n's house. Lucy mentioned to them that there's an earthquake a few days ago, which it's bizarre. While relaxing, Y/n secretly made a conversation with the first master, Mavis, she wanted to get to know him, his day, etc. She was quite fascinated by his life's story. She smiled and blushed as she felt a gentle warmth from Y/n. One day, she needs to tell him for herself when the time comes.

As days go by for Y/n and his team, they're on their way to the guild hall to see what their day brings them. The guild went back to their usual routine. However, Natsu and Happy have brought out an unusual creature that no one has ever seen before. Looked like a plump-shaped animal with black-colored fur. It has large, round black eyes encased in a green-colored fur shaped like a heart, while a tuft of oblong-shaped green fur is located underneath. He also has two thin antennas protruding from his head, tiny hands, and a pair of thin, bird-like feet. Natsu has excitedly added a new addition to his family with Happy.

Natsu: Alright, I've decided, your new name is Kemokemo!

Kemokemo cheered as he liked his name.

Natsu: Happy! I would like you to meet your new brother!

Happy: Aye! Guess we have one more mouth to feed! Wait. What does Kemokemo eat anyway?

Farther away to another table, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, and Erza were watching Natsu and Happy are bonding with Kemokemo.

Gray: Signs are everywhere. That mystery pet spells nothing but trouble.

Wendy: But it looks so cute and cuddly to cause damage.

Carla: That puff can grow to a vicious beast for all we know.

Wendy: You think so? But what about Y/n? He took care of his summons.

Carla: True, but that's quite different. That's with him. It requires responsibility and trust as far as we can tell.

Gray: That flame-brain's pet can do anything. The obvious choice is to drop that furball in the deep forest and leave while there's still time.

Lucy: So Erza, what do you think we should do?

Erza is so cheerful with the sparkle in her eyes, not bothered, and thinks it's a dog.

Erza: Get a stick and play fetch! It must be a dog, just like Y/n's Summons and Grace! It's so cute!

Lucy: I forgot I asked.

Kemokemo starts to fly around the guildhall with his little wings while Natsu laughs happily and playfully chases him. The doors opened and revealed Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, Latina, and Grace in Eevee form (except Irene, Heine, and Juliet) walked in and joined with the members of Team Natsu.

Y/n: Hey guys, what's up?

Wendy: *smile* Hi Y/n, everyone! How are you today?

Kuroka: We're doing great, little cutie. Thanks for asking, nya.

Gray: Hey man! What's up with you?

Y/n: You know, relaxing, training and exercises, my usual routine. Oh, and eating strawberry sundaes.

Lucy: Don't you get tired of eating the same thing?

Y/n: Heh! No way, sister. Strawberry sundae is the best dessert for my liking. *sighs* Man, I am really going for a delicious pizza right about now.

Carla: Pardon me for asking. What is this 'pizza' you spoke of?

Y/n: It's a dish of a flat round baked dough with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, some meat and/or vegetables.

Asia: I tried it one time, it's really delicious.

Latina: Ooh! I would like some too! Right, Grace?

Grace: Eevee~!

Ur: Aww, still cute as always.

Latina is on Ur's lap while Grace cuddles with Erza, Asia, with Carla, Kuroka with Wendy, and they hug them.

Chisato: Any interesting news about Natsu and Happy?

Lucy: About that, look behind you.

Y/n and his group looked to where Lucy pointed out and saw Natsu having fun with a furry creature. They're confused and surprised they've never seen it before. Natsu looks at Y/n and his group, catches it, and shows Y/n to his face.

Y/n: So... uh, what's that supposed to be?

Natsu: His name is Kemokemo! New addition to the family! He was hatched from an egg a few days ago, just like Happy!

Happy: Aye! He's my new brother! Hmm. But I wondered if he eats raw fish?

Natsu: Do any of you know what he is?

Y/n: Nope.

Chisato: How intriguing. However, we've never seen a creature from here before. It could be a newly discovered species.

Rossweisse: Me neither. We've never seen anything like it before. Miss Hasegawa may be right about this fact.

Kuroka: No doubt about that. We're not sure about that little fluff ball.

Asia: Oh! It might be a dog!

Y/n: 'That doesn't look like a dog. I'll just leave it be.'

Latina: Wow! A doggie! Can I pet it, please?

Natsu: Sure, why not? Hey Y/n, I have a great idea, bring Latias and Latios out to play!

Y/n: Not sure if they're - What the hell?

All of a sudden, two orbs came out of Y/n, shining bright as Latias and Latios appeared. Latias looked at Kemokemo, curious as she went up to him, nuzzled him as she's really excited to meet and made a great friend while Kemokemo cheered. Latina and Grace went to Kemokemo, petting him, and he started to run around. Latios and Y/n were baffled by this event.

Natsu: See that? I knew you liked him!

Latina: Yay, a new friend is fun! Right, Grace?

Grace: Vee, Vee~!

Latias: Tias! Tias!

Rossweisse: They really liked to meet that fluff ball.

Asia: Y/n, Latias likes to meet new friends, doesn't she?

Y/n: She's been like that. Just like-

Y/n stopped, and he recalled when Y/n and summons met a certain blue hedgehog and his friends, including a small purple flying dog like creature in the other world. A certain memory flashes as he remembered Latias cried after they lost their friend, and they saved his friend's world at the end. Y/n closed his eyes and sadly smiled while the others noticed and worried him. Latios looked at Y/n's eyes and realized what he's thinking.

Kuroka: Darling, you okay?

Ur: Did something remind you?

Y/n shook his head.

Y/n: Don't worry about me. I'm alright.

Lucy, Wendy, and the others are still worried about Y/n, but they respect his decision. Makarov noticed that little furball with Natsu.

Makarov: Is this the wizard guild or a pet shop? I forget.

Natsu: Like, he's a pet! He's family! His name is Kemokemo!

Makarov: When it has an accident, it shouldn't be on the floor. Haven't you ever noticed? That dog is growing in size as we speak.

Makarov is right, Kemokemo is starting to grow in minutes. Y/n, Lucy, Kuroka, and the others noticed it as well.

Lucy: Hey, he's right! That grows like two inches now!

Chisato: Fascinating. This little creature's growth is unbelievable and unnatural, at the same time.

Natsu: Hey, he's not a pet! If it makes a mess, I'll clean it up!

Makarov: Hmph. Have I ever seen you cleaned up after yourself, I believe you. Keep him if you must, but NOT in here.

Kemokemo is angry, including Latias. Kemokemo shoots fire from his mouth while Latias shoots a little bolt of lightning at Makarov. Team Natsu is surprised by Kemokemo while Y/n and his team are shocked.

Natsu: Whoa! Kemokemo, you can breathe fire!

Happy: Wow! Then you two are related!

Makarov: That's no dog, it's a hellhound! We should shoot it! And why did she attack me?!

Y/n: Latias, no need to get worked up. Just say you're sorry to him.

They looked at Latias, and she angrily pouted, crossed her arms, and turned her head away. Latios tries to make Latias apologize to Makarov, but she does the same as before, and Latios is stunned.

Asia: It looks like Latias hates whenever someone talks badly about her friends.

Ur: That Latias sure packs a punch.

Natsu: See that gramps? I don't care what you say! I'm gonna keep him! And we don't ditch family!

Carla: Well, no matter what we'll say, he won't change his mind.

Wendy: It looks that way. Y/n, where's Irene and her friends? Weren't they with you?

Y/n and his group were confused, looked around, and they didn't see them.

Asia: That's weird. I thought they're here with us.

Kuroka: We should look for them.

All of a sudden, Heine and Juliet appeared next to Y/n, Heine quickly gave him a note, Juliet smiling waved them bye, and they vanished. They were amazed to see them dashed quickly except Y/n and his group.

Lucy: Whoa! How did they do that?!

Gray: Wonder what was that about?

Erza: Y/n, what did that note say?

Y/n opened up and silently read, "Y/n, due to Heine and Juliet's growth from your training of Ki, I received word from their patrol, one of the magic council is on his way to the guild. We'll be staying home for a while. From Irene." Y/n pinches the bridge of his nose.

Y/n: That's just great.

Kuroka: Darling, what happened to her?

Lucy: What did it say?

Y/n: You guys can read it and be prepared for what happens next.

Kuroka, Ur, and the others were confused from Y/n's response. He handed them the note, they read it, and they understood. Until the door opened up, they looked up and saw a frog man in formal uniform, which they're the members of the council. Y/n and his group looked around and saw everyone groaning in disappointment.

To Y/n's quick thinking, he signals Latias and Latios to change their human appearance, and it worked. They noticed Ur grit her teeth and clenched her hands in anger, Y/n and Kuroka patted her shoulders to calm her down. Ur looked at Y/n and Kuroka, nodded at her as they're here with her, and she calmed down. As the council member went up to Makarov.

Magic Councilman: Master Makarov, I've come here today on behalf of the Magic Council.

Makarov is confused, and then he's shaking up.

Makarov: Look, whatever it is, we didn't do it! It's a setup!

Magic Councilman: Oh no, it isn't like that. I assure you. I was sent to inform you that the Council has established the wizard exchange program between the six different guilds that participated solidly during the Grand Magic Games. The idea is to broaden everyone's horizons by observing other guilds at work.

Makarov: The wizard exchange program?

Y/n and his group whispered among themselves while the councilman spoke.

Asia: Y/n, that name sounds very similar to where our school is, right?

Y/n: Sure, sounds like it. It's basically a group of students from another school getting to look around and learn differently, as the student council president shows them around.

Ur: Wow, sounds interesting. Didn't know you and Asia went to this 'school'. So you two aren't the only ones?

Rossweisse: Right. Chisato and I went there. After I settled down, I was a teacher, and she's the school's nurse.

Chisato: It always held up once a year. Sona and her assistant showed other students to expand their knowledge and diversity. Even though it's a different name, it's the same concept.

Kuroka: Yeah, that's true. I've heard about that a few times when I have been taking care of Darling. He's quite smart and handsome, nya~

Latina: Wow, mommies and daddy are smart.

Grace: Eevee~

Latias: Tias.

Latios: Tios.

Ur: Hmm, I see. Maybe we'll find out someday soon~

Back to the councilman's announcement.

Magic Councilman: And now you must select five members to participate.

Natsu: Pick me! I'll do it!

Lucy and Y/n: Huh?/Wha?

Natsu: I would like to learn new stuff! And this will be perfect to ask around about Kemokemo!

Lucy: No offense, Natsu, but you don't know what the wizard exchange program is.

Natsu: Still gonna be one! You're with me, Happy?!

Happy: Aye!

Lucy: *sighs* Guess I'll go with them! I'm pretty sure they'll start causing trouble.

As Gray was about to escape until Erza grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Erza: And where do you think you're going?

Gray: Uh, the bathroom if that's okay.

Erza: And neglect the opportunity to educate the exchange program, I don't think so.

Gray: What for?! It sounds like a real pain!

Erza is dotting Kemokemo, not paying attention while Gray is being ignored.

Gray: Now you're ignoring me?!

Natsu: Alright then, Happy, Kemokemo, let's get going!

Happy: Aye, sir!

Natsu, Happy, and Kemokemo start to run ahead. To their surprise, Latias was following them behind, but Latios and Y/n stopped her.

Latios: Tios,Tios,Tios.

Y/n: Latios is right, Latias. You can't go. It's already been decided. There's nothing we can do-

Asia: Umm, Y/n?

Y/n looked at Asia. She pointed out where he stopped her until she's gone and saw Latias went running to Natsu, Happy, and her new friend Kemokemo while Latios after her. Y/n sighs and facepalms.

Y/n: Somehow, I knew that's gonna happen. Oh, well. I better go and keep an eye on them.

Kuroka: Hey Master Makarov, mind if I went along with Y/n?

Ur: I'm coming too. Can't let Y/n do everything all by himself, and someone has to look after him.

Makarov: Very well, you have my permission. As for you three, proceed.

Lucy, Erza, and Gray: Right.

Chisato: We'll look after the kids. Have fun.

His group said their byes. Y/n, Ur, and Kuroka went to catch up with Natsu, Happy, Latias, Latios, and Kemokemo, followed by Lucy, Gray, and Erza. They went aboard the train and went to their destinations. But as expected, Natsu is feeling nauseous from motion sickness.

As the newly established wizard exchange program begins, their first stop is the Blue Pegasus guild. As expected for Team Natsu, they were greeted by familiar faces while Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur didn't know them. First is Ichiya, who is a short and rather stout man with a distinctively big, somewhat rectangular face, a large flat nose which always seems to be shining, and prominent cheekbones. Second is Hibiki, who is a slim young man of average height with spiky, somewhat messy brownish blond hair framing his face, dark eyes, and noticeably long eyelashes. Third is Ren, who is a slim young man of average height with dark, spiky hair reaching down to his shoulders, with long strands framing his face, and a short ponytail at the back of his head, each of his eyebrows juts upwards in a pair of thin spikes, and he's distinguished by his dark skin. Fourth is Eve, who is a young man, gaining sharper facial features and narrower eyes, while at the same time changing his hairstyle, which has grown longer, waver, and slightly messier. And lastly is Jenny, who is a slim young woman of average height who is renowned for her beauty, has long, wavy and flowing blonde hair, gathered on the back of her head and tied in a ponytail that reaches down to her middle back.

Ichiya: Greetings, friends, it's been too long. Man!

Ichiya, his Trimen, and Jenny do their weird poses.

Erza: Right, thank you for having us.

Ichiya: Your parfum is ever so beautiful, Miss Erza, including some lovely ladies you brought them. I could sense it a mile away. Sniff,sniff. Best smell I have ever had!

Immediately, Lucy and Erza were a bit uncomfortable while Kuroka and Ur clicked their tongues of annoyance.

Y/n: Time out for a minute. Do you guys know them or something?

Lucy: Yeah. These guys are from Blue Pegasus guild. They're also wizards, too.

Hibiki, Ren, and Eve approach Lucy, Erza, Kuroka, and Ur, close to their personal space.

Hibiki: Oh, never mind the stiff formalities.

Eve: You girls seem tense, don't we go to the lounge to unwind.

Ren: We didn't clean up because you girls were coming, just so you know.

Kuroka, Erza, and Ur: No, thank you. We're taken.

Hibiki, Ren, and Eve were shocked by their reaction. When the Trimen saw Latias, which they didn't know her true form, they did the same method until Latios stood in front of her, glared at them fiercely, and stepped back. Jenny approaches Y/n. She's curious and makes her usual smile.

Jenny: Hi there, handsome. Are you new around here? Do you have a name?

Y/n: Yeah, names Y/n, Y/n Redgrave. Nice to meet ya.

Jenny: Why not come with me to relax and talk?

Y/n: Thanks, but no thanks. We're here to keep an eye on them. And I'm taken, just you know.

Kuroka: So what's the job for them?

Ichiya: Ah, yes, we've prepared a wonderful job for you all!

Ichiya looked at the furball and didn't recognize it.

Ichiya: And what is that?

Natsu: This is Kemokemo! Do you know anything about him?

Ichiya sniffed Kemokemo and never identified him.

Ichiya: No. His parfum is not like any beast I've smelled.

Natsu: Oh thanks man, I did wash him earlier today!

Ichiya: Right. Just as long as it doesn't bite and cause any trouble for the customers, he can stay.

Gray: What customers?

Ichiya looked at Y/n, glaring at him, and started to place his pieces about Erza.

Ichiya: Maaan! You there. Who do you think you are? What did you do to win Erza's heart?! Do you know who I am?!

Y/n: Nope, I don't know about you and your guild.

Ichiya: Maaan! It's bad enough that you took my honey away... now you insult my guild!? MAAN!

The Trimens appeared behind lchiya to refrain him from attacking Y/n.

Ren: Boss... please calm down!

Eve: Yeah, teacher. This isn't the time!

Hibiki: I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it that way, master.

Y/n brought out his tongue and flipped him the bird quickly to taunt Ichiya. He was comically angry, and then Y/n turned to his guildmates.

Y/n: Hmph. I can already tell that he's always been like that, huh?

Gray: Yeah. Don't sweat over it. Those four are crazy.

Ichiya composed himself and cleared his throat.

Ichiya: I have an excellent idea! Have that incompetent boy and the lovely ladies escorted to the dressing room, along with Erza and the others.

Hibiki, Ren, Eve, and Jenny: Right this way, please!

The Trimens and Jenny escorted them to the dressing room. Minutes later, Lucy wears a pink dress, Erza wears a dark blue dress with white rose patterns, Kuroka wears a black dress with blue flame patterns and Ur wears an aqua blue dress with a cross pattern.

Ichiya: Maan! Now, this truly is the parfum of beauty! I selected them myself! I'd expect no less!

The Trimens made some silly moves, posed, and praised his teacher's works along with Ichiya.

Lucy: Umm, I gotta say...

Erza: These dresses are quite elegant.

Kuroka: I think we look great on this, for Darling, of course.

Ur: Can't wait to see how he reacts.

The girls looked at the curtain as it moved, revealing Natsu and Gray wearing the same black suits, blue shirts, and pink neckties.

Gray: *smirk* Those clothes make the man, buddy!

Natsu: Shut up, frosty!

Erza and Ur: Hush Gray. Go put some pants on.

Gray looks down, and he's embarrassed about not having his pants on while Natsu laughs at him. They noticed that Y/n didn't come out, and the curtain was closed.

Happy: Wait a second. Is Y/n still there?

Erza, Kuroka, and Ur looked at the dressing room but couldn't see him while Natsu and Gray went up to him.

Natsu: Hey, what's the hold up. Why are you hiding from there?

Y/n: Dude, I'm not coming out.

Gray: Come on, man, you can't stay in there forever. It can't be that bad.

Y/n: Yes, I can.

Natsu and Gray pulled him out of the dressing room and revealed as he's wearing a black suit, red dress shirt, and black tie, with Y/n's hair slicked back just like his uncle. Erza blushed crazy while Kuroka and Ur smirked and licked their lips while the others were impressed.

Y/n: Well, how do I look? Don't I look ridiculous?

Lucy: Wow, you look awesome Y/n, I like what you did to your hair!

Natsu: You look very snazzy!

Happy: Aye!

Kemokemo cheered.

Gray: For once, I agree with him.

Y/n looked at Kuroka, Ur, and Erza in their dresses and smiled.

Y/n: Wow, you three look gorgeous.

Erza: *smile* Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate your compliment.

Kuroka: Darling, you look very dashing, nya~

Ur: She's not wrong. Don't worry, I'll take and save some pictures when we get back.

Ichiya: Now that you're fully dressed, it's time for you to get to work! Your job is to maintain the clients by socializing, having them feel comfortable.

Lucy: Okay, we should be the best escorts we can be!

Erza: Agreed!

Kuroka and Ur: Right!

Y/n: Let's just get this over with.

Team Natsu, along with Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur, have observed how Ichiya and his group do their job. Happy, Latias, and Latios smiled as they served them drinks. Kuroka and Ur did a good job of their part. Especially Y/n, he serves drinks and entertains the guests while the ladies are blushing on their faces with hearts on their eyes. Y/n saw the ladies, he flashed a smile, winks and waves at them, the ladies sigh dreamily and faints.

Y/n: *smirk* 'Hmph. I know that midget are gonna be jealous. Never underestimate Sparda's charms and good looks.'

True enough, Ichiya is getting angry and breathing heavily through his nose while his Trimen tries to calm him down. Y/n looked at him, and Y/n smirked proudly. Ichiya 'tries' to jump on him while his Trimens is holding him down. While on Team Natsu's side, well... They tried to entertain the guests like they did... Okay, a little bit so-so.

Happy: Okay, maybe this is getting ugly soon.

Y/n: Come on, Happy. Let's just not-

A woman screamed while Lucy, Erza, Y/n, and the others looked where the scream came from, Natsu brought close to her with Kemokemo, making her uncomfortable. Y/n deadpanned and sighing mentally.

Y/n: *deadpan* Jinx it. 'Oh boy, here we go.'

Natsu: Hey, stop shaking. How do you raise him?

Gray: Dammit Natsu, look around!

Lady.1: Hey, get away from her!

Lady.2: Who let you walk around with that pet?!

Natsu: Hey, he's not my pet!

Lady.3: Well, whatever it is, get it away from me! I don't want that gross thing near me!

Erza: What did you say!? I can not let that comment pass!

Kuroka: Oh great, it looks like it's getting worse. Whatever happens next.

Y/n: Now, now. No fighting, no fighting. Play nice, everyone.

Lucy: Y/n's right! Calm down!

As Ichiya was about to calm the situation, Kemokemo shoots out fire from his mouth while Latias shoots lightning off her body straight. To Y/n's quick thinking, Y/n snaps his fingers, uses his Quicksilver technique, and moves Jenny, the ladies, and other guests out of their crosshairs and puts them to a safe distance.

Y/n: Now time flows...

Y/m snapped his fingers again, and time resumed. Team Natsu, along with Kuroka and Ur, noticed that no one was there, looked around, and saw Y/n had saved them. While Natsu was surprised, Kemokemo uses fire to protect him.

Natsu: Did you just breathe fire to protect me?

Kemokemo cheered as he cares for Natsu, and he happily hugs him.

Natsu: Aww, you grow up so fast!

Gray: Aside from that idiot, that was a close call. Nice job there, Y/n.

Ur: I wouldn't be surprised that quickly he reacts in this situation.

Kuroka: Yep, that's Darling for ya, nya.

Lucy: Yeah, but we should get going right now.

They turned their heads to Ichiya and his Trimen. They were burned to a crisp, and their hairs puffed up.

Ichiya: I'm sorry, but could you please move on to another guild now?

Y/n turned around where Jenny and the guest were and bowed to them apologetically.

Y/n: I'm sorry about this. We'll be on our way. I'm glad you're alright.

Y/n flashes them with his smile, Jenny and the other ladies blushed pink, unable to talk, sighs dreamily and faints. Y/n turned to Ichiya and taunted.

Y/n: *smirk* You know, I'd say that look suits you better.

Ichiya: MAAAN!!!

They quickly exit the Blue Pegasus guild and move on to their next destination. When they left, Y/n couldn't help but hear a voice nearby about taking action, protecting Natsu, and listening to them. Y/n quickly shook it off and hid it.

Their next destination is the Lamia Scale. They were introduced by Ooba Babasaama, a short old woman with a huge three layer buns, the guildmaster of Lamia Scale. She was shocked to see an unknown creature grow rapidly while Fairy Tail was surprised as well.

Ooba: So, what does Makarov have to say about it?

Natsu: Gramps didn't really know anything either. He doesn't let me keep him in the guild hall.

Lucy: Just a couple of days ago, it hatched an egg. It was smaller than Happy but not more. It doesn't eat or drink water.

Ooba: If that idiot brainy Makarov doesn't know, then I guess it's a new species. Want me to give it a spin?

Latias tries to protect Kemokemo from her, but Y/n and Latios calm her down.

Lucy: No thanks, but we appreciate it.

Ur heard a familiar voice. She turned her head and saw her student, Lyon Vastia, who is a slim young man with bluish-silver hair. Now arguing with his rival, Gray. She smiled, grabbed Y/n's hand, and went to them.

Lyon: Why would Fairy Tail send out a slacker here, instead of Juvia!?

Gray: I'm not here cause I want to be either. But the question is, why didn't you do this exchange program?!

Lyon: Hmph. Such things are beneath me. I've no need for something as infantile.

Ur: Now, now you two. Don't go fighting each other now.

Lyon looked at Ur and smiled.

Lyon: Teacher, it's great to see you again. I hope you are doing well as ever.

Ur: Yep, still am. There's someone I want you to meet. He's the one I told you about. This is Y/n, Y/n Redgrave.

Y/n brings out his hand, and Lyon accepts.

Y/n: Hey there, it's nice to meet ya.

Lyon: A pleasure. We talked about how it was possible to bring her back and what we've been through. And words can't describe how grateful I am for your deeds. I thank you.

Y/n: It's no problem at all.

They heard wooden sandals coming downstairs and saw a tall and massive man, with thick oval shaped dots above his eyes and wearing a traditional Japanese kimono. His name is Jura Neekis, a member of Lamia Scale.

Erza: Greetings, Jura.

Happy: Hey, what do you have there?

Jura: These are stone tablets. They were washed up from the sea a few days ago. Your job is deciphering it, and it was written in foreign, ancient literature. Your help would be valuable, and of course, with your newfound friends as well.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n, and that's Kuroka.

Kuroka: Hello.

Jura placed those stone tablets on the table for them to see it. They were intrigued by it.

Lucy: So what's with this book, anyway?

Jura: I brought out this book from the library, which might be relevant.

Jura opens the book and sees the ancient drawings and letters that they can't understand. They noticed that there were familiar letters, and Jura brought out a dictionary for this situation.

Jura: Here. This is the dictionary, but it's proven very difficult to understand.

Lucy: This should be for Levy's specialty. We need her here now.

Erza: Not an option. As an aspiring novelist, you're the one we had.

Kuroka: Darling, it's best you should help Lucy. I'm sure you can handle it.

Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Happy: *shock* Wait, you do books too?!

Y/n: It's a long story. But in any case... this is a bit different for me, but I'm willing to try.

Lucy began to read and look thoroughly at the stone tablets' ancient drawing and letter, with Y/n helping out a bit and Happy holding up the dictionary. They looked between the tablets and the dictionary to decipher it. Natsu slowly walked up to them.

Natsu: Hey guys, how can I help?

Lucy, Happy, and Y/n: Stay over there.

Natsu: That's so mean!

However, Lucy can't concentrate on her work due to the argument over their love quarrel about Juvia, and things are escalating a little bit. While they're focusing on their part, Kemokemo and Latias notice something underneath the tablets. Natsu looks at it with them.

Natsu: Hey guys, check it out! There's seashells under the tablet!

Y/n, Erza, and the others looked where Natsu is, checking under it, and they're surprised to see a few seashells. It seems to be fresh. Lucy and Y/n kept concentrating on the tablet and managed to decipher it.

Jura: Any progress?

Lucy: Well, I can make it out of sunlight, trees, and blessings, I'm guessing that's photosynthesis.

Y/n: And by looking at that drawing of black shading with eyes, maybe it's very dangerous, we don't know yet.

Jura: Hmm, indeed. This is quite the conundrum.

They kept concentrating until they made a fight by shooting a block of ice towards them. They noticed it, quickly moved out of the way, and crashed the table. Gray and Lyon stopped and looked at what they've done.

Erza and Ur: You idiots!

Lucy: Why?!

Natsu: You could've hurt someone!

Y/n: Uh oh, here we go again.

Kuroka: Yep.

Jura: Hahaha! Youngsters still have an astounding energy, I suppose. Now then, nobody is hurt, and tablets are fine-

Jura turned back to the stone tablets, but he screamed comically and was unable to speak because the tablets had been destroyed to pieces. Y/n, Erza, Lucy, and Kuroka cringe in embarrassment and place their hands on their faces.

Ooba: That's enough! It's time for all of you to get out NOW! Don't make me spin you!

Ur bow apologetically to Ooba.

Ur: I'm very sorry, ma'am! Gray and Lyon will pay the damages in full!

Gray and Lyon: But he started first-!

Gray and Lyon stopped to see Ur slowly turn to them with a wicked smile, an icy cold glare, and the background of a snowy mountain. Gray and Lyon shiver in terror while Natsu, Lucy, and Happy are scared. Unfortunately for them, they were kicked out again.

Moving forward, they continue to their next destination by the harbor, which is owned by the Mermaid Heel. Which is the guild exclusively for female wizards only. Before they could go on, Erza and Lucy put some female clothes and makeup on Natsu and Gray while Kuroka and Ur did the same with Y/n and Latios. They were greeted by Millianna, who is a woman with brown messy hair with stylized cat ears and Kagura who is a young, slim, large-busted woman, with long, straight black hair that falls to the middle of her back. It is cut in the traditional Japanese princess style." Millianna excitingly grabs and hugs Happy, which he's uncomfortable with while Erza hugs Kagura, which she's embarrassed.

Millianna: Meow! Kitty,kitty!

Erza: Come now, no need to be shy. Say it loud!

Kagura: I missed you, sister! O-okay, don't make me do that in public...

Millianna: Meow! Kuroka! It's great to see you again, my friend!

Kuroka: Thanks for having us dear, nya.

Kagura: I assume that you two met a few days ago? You two look kind of the same.

Kuroka: I appreciate your comment. It's nice to meet you too.

Erza: I knew you two got along well.

Kuroka helps out with Millianna by cooking the size of that fish. To Kuroka's way of thinking, she adds some spices and checks if it cooks properly.

Millianna: Wow! You're very good at this!

Kuroka: Thanks. I had some lessons with someone special to me and I got the hang of it.

Erza: Wait, where did you two catch that enormous fish you're cooking?

Kagura: We didn't. They've been washing up on shore for unknown reasons a few days ago. We added it to the menu for a test, and it's proven very popular.

Kuroka looked serious and kept mentioning the events that had already occurred. Erza noticed Kuroka's expression while Ur came back. She saw her look as serious.

Ur: Hey Kuroka, any thoughts about this?

Kuroka: Hmm... I'm not sure. It's too early to say.

Erza: I see. Well, think you can spare us some of that dish?

Millianna: Sure, no problem. But umm, are you sure your friends have got this?

They looked at Natsu along with Kemokemo, Gray, Lucy, Y/n, Latias, and Latios handing out a large dish of fish and drinks. Gray and Latios are mentally furious to be embarrassed by wearing those ridiculous female disguises. Natsu fumbled around while Kemokemo caused a bit of damage. Y/n kept his composure while his blank look and his eyes twitched in annoyance.

Y/n: 'Pull it together. Pull it together.'

While that happens, Millianna and Kagura look at a certain man who is with Erza, Lucy, and the others whom they have never seen before. They feel some warmth from him and couldn't help their face burning up.

Millianna: So um, who is he? Is he new in your guild, too?

Erza: Ah, yes, that's right. That's Y/n Redgrave.

Ur: Yeah. He's a great swordsman and fighter, too.

Kuroka: To me, I always called him darling.

Millianna and Kagura were surprised by her response and their faces blushing pink.

Kagura: I-I see. I would like to spar with him sometime. But if things escalate further, it will ruin our reputation.

True enough, Gray couldn't take it anymore and ripped off his female disguises. Most of the customers run away. And there's one more problem, a rude customer trash talked to the service, including Y/n and Latios... and... it did not go well.

Man: Hey you two, this service sucks! It should be in the trash!!

Y/n: *female accent* Now, now. We ladies have put through dedication and effort to run great service. Would you like something else-

Man: Forget it!! This service is stupid. And you two are disgusting to be working here! Try looking at yourself in the mirror. You two look like a shitstain, overgrown ox, you big dumbass!!!

Erza, Millianna, and Kagura gasped from that insult while Kuroka and Ur cringed when they knew what they're about to witness. Y/n and Latios looked at the man, a dark red and blue aura formed around them, and sinsterly grinned.

Y/n: *grins* What was that?

Lucy, Natsu, and the others were frightened by Y/n's grin and tone. Y/n and Latios looked at each other, nodded, and quickly splashed a drink on his eyes. He was about to protest until Y/n and Latios threw a strong punch in his face and blood leaking out from his nose and mouth. A rude male customer skidded back forcefully and crashed on the wall. Y/n grabbed a receipt book and wrote that the man's cost was an insane amount on his chest.

Y/n: Here's your receipt and keep the change, you bastard.

Erza, Millianna, Kagura, and the others are speechless from what they witnessed while Kuroka and Ur amused smirked.

Kuroka: Isn't Darling great or what?

Ur: That's what that guy gets for being ungrateful and rude for the business. Especially to honey and Latios.

Millianna: W-wow. He sure is strong. And thanks for dealing with that jerk. He was being rude.

Kagura: Y-yes I appreciate it, but now our guild's reputation is ruined.

Erza: Yes, I know what to do. We just leave right away.

They quickly leave the Mermaid Heel café and get kicked out yet again. They were moved on to another location to the Quatro Cerberus Guild. They were greeted by a mildly tanned man of average height with a highly distinctive hairstyle: his long, dark blond hair is styled into a single pair of massive, spiky tufts jutting upwards from the top of his head, his name is Rocker.

Rocker: Get WILD!!! Four!

Kemokemo and Latias copied his shout while Y/n raised his eyebrow in confusion while the others were sweatdropped.

Happy: It isn't impressive when there's two of you.

Rocker: Quatro Puppy has changed its back. The Wild Boys are in Quatro Cerberus once more! It's the only name that sounds right!

Happy: Yeah, nobody asked you about it.

Y/n: 'Yeah, I'm lost here. More weirdos incoming.'

All of sudden, a tall, muscular, fair-skinned man with straight black hair, which is slicked back and gathered on the back of his head, where it is kept in a bun, his name is Bacchus Groh, a member of Quatro Cerberus.

Bacchus: Aww crap your guild got a chick who can keep up my drinking, but instead, they sent a bunch of sorry-ass sober dudes?

Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur secretly smirks while Cana has already been taken.

Natsu: Hmph. Sorry to disappoint ya!

Erza: Take a good look, I'm all woman!

Y/n patted her shoulders to comfort her while she smiled and blushed.

Y/n: Don't let that bother you. They're just getting on your nerves.

Bacchus smirks and slowly walking up to them while Y/n senses what's about to happen.

Bacchus: Ah, well. Change of plan, then.

Natsu: Hey, what are you doing-?!

Bacchus punches Natsu, and he crashes into the wall. The others were confused and shocked. Kemokemo got angry while Latias followed him.

Natsu: Hey, that hurt! You'll pay for that!

Lucy: What's going on?! Why start fighting now?!

They looked at Bacchus, he started to drink some liquor from his gourd and got drunk. While Y/n and Kuroka noticed the way of his intoxicated state and fighting stance.

Bacchus: Some special training, obviously!

Kuroka: It looks like he's in some drunken fist stance.

Y/n: Yeah. It kind of works in the battle. 'Only in movies.'

Bacchus turned his head at Y/n and smirked. Bacchus rushed towards Y/n with palm strike, Y/n smirked, and counters with Royal Guard Style. Y/n pushed him back. Bacchus was shocked.

Y/n: That's one way to say hello, huh? Care to try again?

Bacchus: Ohhh, is that so? Then stand still. There's more where that came from!

Natsu: You're mine!

Natsu rushed past Y/n and the others while Bacchus rushed towards Natsu, as they were about to fight until Kemokemo breathed fire at them while Latias shot lightning off her body to Natsu and Bacchus were knocked out from fire and lightning. However, they blew a large hole in the building.

Ur: Let's just get out of here... again.

They quickly exit and get kicked out from their guild hall... again. As they move on to another location, Y/n hears the same unknown voice again.

I think I know what my purpose is. Natsu, Lucy, Latias, and everyone is my family. That sound I hear, it's calling me to protect them. But for some reason, something doesn't feel right. It's like I'm forgetting something very important. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember.

Y/n brought himself back to reality. He knows that his other friend forgot something important to him, and he kept quiet about it. They walk to their next location.

Natsu: I'm starting to think that you are a new species! No one got a clue about you! But it's whatever, we're family! I'm not gonna give up!

Happy: Aye! You got that right!

Lucy: Are either of you serious about this whole exchange program?

Gray: Don't think we've been kicked out of every single guild hall we have been to if we were.

Erza: Hey, accidents happen. We had fun! Who cares? There's always the next one!

Ur: I'm with ya, sister! Most of us did! We pulled through in the end!

Kuroka: That's true! Even Y/n did a great job, right, Darling?

They looked at Y/n, expecting to answer but didn't say anything at all, his face was serious as he's thinking about something else. The others were getting more concerned about him.

Gray: You alright, man? Something on your mind?

Erza: Please tell us, Y/n. We are worried about you.

Lucy: Yeah, Erza's right. You can tell us. We're still your friends.

Y/n looked at them. They still cared about him. Y/n sighs and tries to tell them.

Y/n: Well, it's just that-

Sting: Hey Natsu, Y/n!!!

They stopped and looked to see Sting running to them, Y/n can tell that something serious has happened.

Natsu: What's up, Sting? How's it's going-

Sting: We gotta hurry! They canceled the exchange program!

Lucy, Gray, Erza, Happy, Kuroka, and Ur: Huh?/What?

Sting brings Natsu, Y/n, and other Fairy Tail members at the top of the tower and meets up with Rogue, Frosch, and Lector. Sting shows them the unknown island.

Kuroka: It's a mysterious island we don't know about?

Sting: That's right.

Ur: So that shouldn't be there, and something about that is out of the ordinary, too?

Sting: Right again. It shouldn't be there at all. It popped out of the ocean a few days ago.

Lucy: Could it be an underwater volcano? Islands don't pop out like that.

Rouge: I did consider that possibility. The problem is, there's already a forest on it. The island came out in full package. I assume you felt those powerful tremors as well.

Lector: There's an earthquake that happened a few days ago. That's when that island came out.

Frosch: Looks like a good guess to me.

Natsu: Hey Lucy, there's a building.

Lucy: Yeah, I see it.

Gray: What's the plan?

Sting: We got this message from the Council-

Man: We want you to survey that island.

Everyone turned to the source of that voice and revealed it as Lahar along with his two guards. Surprisingly for Team Natsu, Kuroka, and Ur, Wendy, and Carla are with them. Y/n secretly knows him for a short time while trapped in the parallel universe.

Lahar: And do it together, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth, as one.

Natsu: What are you two doing here? Came a long way.

Wendy: Umm well... about that...

Carla: The master asked us to check up on you since it sounded like you were causing trouble, vandalism, and so on!

Latios looked at Latias. She met with a blank stare with arms folding and Latias sheepishly embarrassed. Y/n have his arm behind his back.

Wendy: Mr. Lahar came by the guild hall as we were just about to leave, so we came here together.

Erza: If we're tasked with an expedition, you'll have to tell us everything you know about that unknown island. We aren't planning to go through blindly.

Lahar: ...The Council has made a decision on the matter and will tell you about this. "That island is dangerous."

Natsu: That's it?

Y/n: 'Hmph. Well, that didn't help at all. Bunch of stuck-up dumbassess, if you ask me.'

Natsu looks at Kemokemo, and he acts strange while looking at that island. Y/n hears the same voice, saying something bad is about to happen, and he shook it off without any suspicion. As the Council's request, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are aboard on the Magic Council's ship. Wendy casted Troia Spell on Natsu due to his motion sickness.

Natsu: So, anything else you can tell us?

Lahar: There's an unidentified life form on that island. A signal is so mysterious that we can't even tell if it's a human.

Gray: Well, thanks for telling us before we agreed to come along.

Lucy: So then you want us to check it out?

Kuroka: Don't worry, Lucy, we got your back. We can handle this.

Lahar looks at Y/n, Latios, Latias, Kuroka, and Ur as he doubts them.

Lahar: Your assurance is appreciated, but your assistance isn't required. Seeing three of you recently joined makes it mysterious to know your hidden intentions. Including some...

Lahar looks at Y/n, Latios, Latias, and Kuroka with a hint of distrust.

Lahar: Questionable characters...

Kuroka glances at him and knows what he's talking about. Both of them sigh with annoyance. Latios was offended, and Latias looked down in sadness. They looked surprised to see Ur calm and angrily at Lahar.

Ur: Listen here four-eyes. You don't get to talk about them like that. They're with us the whole time. Mess with them and you'll answer me.

Y/n walked up to Ur, calmly grabbed her hand, and rubbed to comfort her.

Y/n: It's alright, Ur. No need to waste your energy with them. But she's right, you know. Besides, we have more important things to focus on right now. Know your place.

Lahar sighed, defeated and accepted.

Lahar: Apologies. I'll be watching from the coast while you all commence your investigation. If anything happens to you, launch a signal flare.

Erza: Understood.

Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are getting closer to the unknown island. Once the ship is boarded across the coast, they rode some raft to float across and landed on the ground.

Natsu: That's weird. How come these newly formed footpaths?

Lucy: Maybe people who used to live here and then it sank at one point?

Gray: A sinking island I can understand, but why did it suddenly come back up? It's weird. I bet that ruins a good place to find out.

Ur: Good thinking.

Lector: It looks so dark and scary. It could be haunted.

Frosch: I-I-I think so, too.

Erza: Let's split up in groups and investigate the area. Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur, go with them. We'll rendezvous at the ruins and go in together.

Y/n: No problem.

They split up in groups, Team Natsu will check their left side through the forest while Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur went with the Sabertooth to check their right side. Y/n's side went quiet, and one of them broke the silence.

Frosch: Excuse me, are you two okay?

Frosch specifically asked Ur and Latias, which they turned at them. Ur looked a bit angry while Latias looked a bit sad. Y/n walked up to them.

Y/n: Hey, remember what I said before? Don't listen to them. They're just getting to your head. You gotta think positive. And now it'd be impossible for us to leave the Fairy Tail.

Ur: Really? Do you mean that?

Latias: Tias?

Y/n: Of course I do! How can we forget we got a bunch of goofballs that got so lively and so much trouble!

Y/n flashes a toothy smile at them and laughs. Ur and Latias smiled and hugged Y/n while Kuroka and the other smiled as well.

Kuroka: Darling is right, you know. After the crazy things we went through, it changed us a little.

Lector: Way to bring positive energy back, just like those Fairy Tail guys do.

Frosch: I think so, too.

Rouge: Before we go further, we have one question. These two are with you. Are those dragons? If you don't mind asking.

Sting: Yeah, now that I think about it, Yukino did mention that red and blue looks like dragons, and they smell like it, too.

Y/n: Yeah, they are. You two can change back now.

Latias and Latios changed back into their real form, and they were surprised to see real twin dragons.

Y/n: Guys, meet Latios, the blue one, and Latias, the red one. They're my summons.

Sting: Wow! They looked so cool!

Rouge: Indeed.

Y/n: Come on, we should be going. You guys can see them in action soon.

They continued walking through the forest for a while until Latios and Latias found something familiar to them.

Latias: Tias!

They went to Latias and Latios called out, and Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur were shocked to see the same shell from before while Sting, Rouge, Lector, and Frosch were confused.

Sting: I wonder what's up with those shells?

Ur: Hey, those shells.

Rouge: What is it? Is that something familiar to you three?

Ur: Yeah. It's the same one from Lamia Scale, stuck on the stone tablets. And it's fresh.

Latios: Tios!

They looked at Latios, where he pointed up the trees, and they were shocked to see the fishes they recognized.

Kuroka: And those are the same fish, served at the Mermaid Heel café.

Sting: Doesn't look like it's a coincidence.

Lector: Oh man, it looks like we're getting closer to this mystery.

Frosch: I think so, too.

Y/n: Hmm... what if it's more things?

Everyone looked at Y/n.

Y/n: The tremors happened because this island popped out, stone tablets with shells stuck to it, and those fish. They are connected together.

Kuroka: Darling is on to something. The question remains, what was the reason of this-

They heard a loud roar nearby, followed by something smashing the building, and they saw a giant sea serpent at the ruins.

Sting: We found the target! The ruins, let's go!

They agreed and hurried to the ruin. Meanwhile, with Team Natsu, they're running to see what's causing it and stumble upon the sea serpent.

Erza: The Council couldn't tell that thing is a human?!

Gray: They must be idiots!

Team Natsu looks to their left and sees Y/n and the others are met up.

Sting: Be careful, that's a sea serpent!

Natsu: Say what?!

Sting: Well, it's about what it looks like!

Natsu: But why is it there right now-?!

Y/n: Hey, heads up.

They looked up, and the sea serpent started to charge through towards them. Team Natsu, Y/n, Kuroka, Ur, and Sabertooth dodged it quickly. They noticed the sea serpent chasing after Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. As it was about to eat them, Latias rushed to help Kemokemo while Latios followed her, Latias shoots out Hyper Beam from her mouth, followed by Latios using Luster Purge from his mouth. They were able to push it back. However, the serpent's tail knocked them back to where Natsu, Lucy, and Happy were inside the ruins. They were caved in. Erza uses a signal flare to alert the Magic Council while Lahar is seeing what he saw and saw Doranbolt a.k.a Mest have arrived and see what's happening.

Doranbolt: What is that?! What's the situation?!

Lahar: I have no idea, but Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are fighting against that monstrosity on that island! Go to them!

Doranbolt: Right!

Mest has teleported to the location of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth while Lahar orders his squad to prepare the cannons to fire that serpent wrapped around the ruins.

Sting: Erza, Y/n, where are they?!

Erza: They're trapped inside the ruins!

Lector: This isn't good!

Y/n: Don't worry, they're fine. I can sense them with my Ki Sense.

They heard a weapon being fired from the coast. The Council fired their cannons at the sea serpent while the rest took cover. All of a sudden, they heard a weird and eerie noise.

Kuroka: Hey, did anyone hear that sound?

Ur: Yeah, I hear it. It sounds like a heartbeat.

Rouge: We need to put that monster down soon!

Sting: Yeah, before our friends inside get crushed to bits!

Erza: Everyone, we must destroy it now!

Erza and Y/n slashes its tail, Gray and Ur cast Ice Cannon followed by Kuroka shoots blue flames, Sting and Rouge breathe light and dark out of their mouths at the serpent's face. The serpent is knocked down.

Lector: Sting is amazing as ever!

Frosch: Yeah, and so is Rouge-!

Kuroka: Be careful, everyone, don't let your guard down.

They heard the same sound earlier, and it's getting louder while the serpent rises back. All of a sudden, Wendy begins to collapse while the others see what happened.

Carla: Wendy! Are you okay?!

Wendy: No... I... can't move... I'm too tired...

Carla started to collapse as well.

Carla: What's... happening?

Doranbolt arrived and worried about Wendy and Carla.

Doranbolt: What happened?

Erza: I have no idea!

Gray: They fainted out of nowhere! It doesn't make any sense!

Erza: Get them to ship!

Doranbolt: Okay! I'll come back for you!

Erza: There's no need. Just go!

While Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Latios, Latias, and Kemokemo are still trapped in the ruins, Lucy continues to decipher the ancient texts on the wall. Latios and Latias look where Kemokemo is and start acting more strangely than before. They feel more rumbling as the debris is falling down towards them, Latias and Latios use Steel Wings, and Natsu punches it.

Natsu: This place will be the rubble, so hurry, Lucy!

Lucy: I'm going as fast as I can!

While that happens, they can hear the same sound from earlier.

Happy: It sounds like a heartbeat!

Lucy: I hear it too, but what if this island is alive-!

Latias and Latios: Tias!/Tios!

They stopped and looked at what Latias and Latios called out. The green smoke appeared. They were surprised to see the green smoke coming from Kemokemo. Moreover, he grows bigger.

Natsu: Kemokemo! When did you get so big?!

Happy: This is freaky!

Outside of the ruins, they noticed Gray suddenly fainted.

Ur: Gray, stay strong!

Followed by Erza, Sting, Rouge, Lector, and Frosch have been collapsed.

Y/n: Aw shit. Sabertooth is down. It's turned for the worst.

Kuroka: Erza, stay with us!

Erza: What's... happening to us?!

Not only just them. Back at the Magic Council's ship, Lahar and Doranbolt's men are starting to faint out of nowhere, they felt weak and tired.

Lahar: Oh no! What can be causing this?! Is it poison?!

Doranbolt arrived back at Lahar with Wendy and Carla.

Lahar: What happened to them on the island?!

Doranbolt: As they're fighting against that serpent, they suddenly fainted. Just like your men-

Lahar began to faint out of nowhere as well. The sea serpent swung its body, pushing Gray and Erza. Y/n, Kuroka and Ur slowly became weak and tired, just Erza and the others.

Ur: Dammit... Come on... I have to... move...

Kuroka: This poison... is a bit stronger... than on my own...

Y/n breathed heavily, grunted in tiredness, forcing himself to stand up and slowly walking towards the sea serpent. They were shocked to see what Y/n was doing.

Sting: Y/n... don't...

Rouge: Stop...

Erza: Y/n... please... don't throw your life-

While Y/n grunted in pain, he began to smile, which caught them off guard.

Ur: Hey Y/n... you're still... going to-

Y/n looked at them for a second, taking a deep breath and smiling again while walking onwards, which caused them to be amazed by his determination and dedication. They can see the same fire in his eyes. Y/n readied his Agni and Rudra.

Y/n: *grin* There's no way I wouldn't back down... I'm just too stubborn to give up that easily!

Agni: That's the right attitude master!

Rudra: Let's destroy that mindless beast!

The sea serpent roars, charges towards Y/n, and clashes. Y/n pushes the sea serpent back with force and starts fighting and dodges it. Kuroka and Ur looked at each other, nodded, and joined him. Kuroka formed a blue flame-like aura around her, and Ur took her jacket off and formed a sky blue aura around her.

Kuroka: Let's show them what we're made of, Ur!

Ur: Heh. I'm with ya on that!

Kuroka coats her hands and feet with blue flames, runs towards the serpent and throws punches and kicks, followed by a dive kick, and readied her claws.

Kuroka: Now, Azure Rising Claw!

Kuroka raised her claws strike upwards, and Ur made her stance, made a large sword, and jumped in mid-air.

Ur: Ice-Make: Greatsword, Blizzard Edge!

Ur perform a jumping attack that deals with blizzard damage and makes ice burst from the ground for additional damage. Y/n channels his Ki energy, imbues his Agni and Rudra while they're surprised to feel the surge of power coming from Y/n, he readied his blades.

Y/n: Are you two ready for this?!

Agni and Rudra: We're ready whenever!

Y/n: Agni and Rudra Secret Art: Raging Wind Maelstrom!

Y/n unleashed a spinning attack on both of his blades while fire and wind combined together into a wind with fire at the sea serpent. The serpent was knocked down on the ground. However, it slowed to rise up again.

Ur: Tch. So even... that wasn't enough?!

Y/n: Damn... I hope that the serpent... will turn into sushi or sashimi by now.

Kuroka: We can't give up... Maybe Natsu and the others who... were trapped in the ruins... have to figure it out quickly.

Back at the ruins. Lucy concentrates on translating the ancient texts on the wall, a large rubble falling down towards Lucy, Latias, and Latios use Psychic to stop and push back. Lucy thanks them. They noticed a piece dropped from her backpack and recognized the shape from Lamia Scale. They helped her to pile up rocks high, finding the right place, Lucy found it and translated the passage.

Latias: Tias! Tias!

Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Latios look at where Latias is pointing at Kemokemo, and they were shocked to see Kemokemo start to grow really fast. Lucy almost figured it out while Natsu slowly realized what Kemokemo is.

Lucy: Wait, 'Protector'?

Natsu: What?! Kemokemo, is this... where you come from?

The ruins continue to rumble violently as Natsu and Latios are protecting Lucy, Happy, and Latias. Nothing happens to them, and they see Kemokemo is growing gigantic and red eyes are shown. While outside of the ruins, Erza, Gray, Sting, Rouge, Lector, and Frosch were unable to move while Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur could barely stand. Then, something has burst through the ruins. Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur look at it and slowly realize it's Kemokemo. They also see Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Latios, and Latias, which made it out okay.

Kuroka: Hey, is that-?!

Ur: Yeah, no doubt about it!

Y/n: But what's with this green smoke?

Happy: It's poison, I totally called it! Pull yourself together!

Lucy: No, this smoke isn't poison! While we were trapped inside with that smoke, we weren't infected while everyone else got sick! That smoke from Kemokemo's body is an antidote! The island itself is alive and releasing the virus, and Kemokemo is helping to cleanse it!

Erza, Gray, and the others breathe through the smoke of Kemokemo and feel better. As they got up, they looked up what's happening.

Erza: I think it's working, I feel better.

Gray: That thing over there, is that Kemokemo?

Lucy, Latias, and Latios smiled and nodded as they confirmed it.

Y/n: So Kemokemo wasn't any animal, it's beyond that, right?

Lucy: Yeah, he is a nature spirit that cleanses the virus!

Natsu: So he's protecting us the whole time while we didn't know? Don't worry, pal, I won't let you do this alone!

Natsu asks Happy to fly up and fall on Kemokemo, not just him. They were surprised to see Latias went with Natsu.

Kuroka: Latias wanted to help them, too.

Ur: Y/n, are you going to-?

They looked at Y/n and saw him smiling in determination, which they slowly realized what he's going to do and further...

Y/n: Latios, let's join Latias and help Kemokemo. Are you ready?

Latios: (Yes... anything to help my sister's friend!)

Y/n and Latios went running to Natsu and Latias, flying towards the top of Kemokemo, and met up with Natsu and Latias.

Y/n: Latias, are you ready to finish this?

Latias smiled and nodded.

Latias: (Yes! Kemokemo is my friend too! I want to help him!)

Natsu: This is gonna be awesome! Let's show this thing what we're made of!

Y/n: Alright Latias, Latios, here we go!

Y/n, Latias, and Latios channel and synchronize their powers while Y/n makes some movements from his arms and ends with his hands clawed together. While the others are amazed by Y/n.

Erza: That movement from before!

Sting: You guys know something about that?

Lucy: Yeah, it's after Y/n joined our guild!

Gray: And we're about to find out!

Rouge: Such power!

Y/n: Now witness the power of two dragons combined, within our hearts and souls, to bash through our enemies! Together, Natsu!

Natsu: *smirk* You got it, buddy! Now Flame Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!!!

Y/n: Let's go, Devastating Drake!!!

Y/n, Latias, and Latios formed an aura that looks like a real dragon, rushed towards the sea serpent while Natsu and Kemokemo's blast their fire attacks, combined together, made a fire dragon, made a hit and the serpent was defeated and disappeared.

Latias: (Hooray! We did it!)

Latios: (Yes.)

Natsu: Alright, we won! You kept getting more awesome, Kemokemo-! Huh?

Natsu, Latias, Latios, and Y/n looked at Kemokemo and were shocked to see something was wrong with Kemokemo. However, the entire island is shaking, and it starts to sink.

Sting: Natsu, Y/n, come on! We gotta go!

Rouge: This island is sinking fast!

Lector: Let's get out of here!

Frosch: I'm not sure he can fit in the boat.

Latias: (My friend! What happened to you!? Please answer me!)

Natsu: Don't do this, Kemokemo! We're family!

Happy: Something's changed!

Natsu: What's wrong?! We can figure it out! Can you hear me?!

They gasped to see the trees forming around Kemokemo and become one with the island. They are surprised to hear what happened next...


Y/n: Wait... that voice from before... Kemokemo?

Natsu: What?! You know how to talk?!

Kemokemo: I didn't when I first hatched. It's one of the few things I forgot, like what I am and my duty.

Happy: Your duty?

Natsu: Glad you remembered! Let's go home together!

Kemokemo: I wish I could, but I can't. I have to stay. My body is fused within the forest. I'm going to sink along with this island. I'm going to absorb the island's virus, so you and everyone else need to go. I'm... so sorry. This is... goodbye, Natsu.



Kemokemo: Was I... member too... right?

Natsu: Of course you were and still are! You're a part of our family!! That isn't gonna change, not ever!

Kemokemo is surprised and happy when he's part of Natsu's family and being great friends with Latias.

Kemokemo: Natsu, thank you... for my daddy... Latias, I'll be here by you... always... I enjoy our time together...

Y/n and Latios are stunned by Kemokemo saying goodbye to Natsu, Happy, and even Latias, who took the hardest from before. Y/n heard that line before. Happy grabs, Natsu, while Y/n and Latios grab Latias. Kuroka, Ur, Erza, and the others went to them, and they were stunned to see Natsu and Latias in distress while Y/n and Latios held Latias back.

Latios: (Latias, we must leave! It was his choice!)


Latias looked at Y/n, hoping he had agreed.

Latias: (Y/n, we can still save my friend, right?!)

Y/n had a shadow around his eyes, no response, frowned lips, slightly gritted his teeth, and shook his head. Latias is stunned to her core, tears forming, and she cries. Latias went up to Y/n, hugging him, and Y/n hugs back. Everyone felt sad for Latias. Y/n and Natsu heard something drop on the ground, and it's two seeds from Kemokemo. While Natsu, Happy, and the others silently left, Y/n looked solemnly to where Kemokemo was and left. They made it back on the Magic Council's ship and looked at the island, sinking fast to the ocean.

Natsu: I failed. He was like family to me. But I couldn't save him.

Erza: Not true. You did right by him. Think about the people who lived on that island, Kemokemo saved them, and yet they're gone today. That doesn't mean he failed them. They gave him love to grow, exactly like what you gave him.

Lucy: She's right. You helped him to find his purpose and found it along the way, what he was meant to do.

Natsu looked at the seed on his hand, looked back at the island, and smiled.

Natsu: I hope we'll meet again sometime soon.

A hand patted on his shoulder, another hand patted on Latias' head. They looked up and saw Y/n looking at the island.

Y/n: Natsu... Happy... Latias... Kemokemo, he lives on within your hearts. He'll always be a part of you in some way. And you know, Kemokemo doesn't regret it.

Erza, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Kuroka, Ur, Latias, Latios, Sting, Rouge, Lector, and Frosch looked at Y/n.

Y/n: He was happy when you raised him, and Latias made another great friend. You got him to show him the world has to offer, giving him love and friendship. How we can forget him after good times have happened. Just like, when we met our friend... Chip.

Y/n's mind flashes back to when he and his summons traveled through Sonic's world. Where they met Sonic the Hedgehog and Chip, who lost his memory at first. Meeting his other friends along the way. They ventured through different continents. They laugh together, fighting side by side. He fought his archenemy and an evil entity. Chip is inside of a big golem while both turned into their super forms. They were saddened by Chip's sacrifice and left his necklace behind to Sonic. They will never forget their adventures.

Back to reality. Y/n slowly snapped his thoughts. A tear ran from his eye, and they felt sad for Y/n and Latias. They placed their hands on Y/n and Latias to support them. They saw their smile as they cared about them. Even Natsu and Happy smiles at Y/n.

Natsu: Yeah, you're right... Thank you, Y/n. It means a lot to us. Right, Happy?

Happy: Aye.

Y/n and Latios looked at them, each other, and smiled. They looked back at where the island was.

Y/n: I'm with you.

As the next day appears. Natsu and Happy are getting ready themselves for the next job.

Happy: I hope we have some cool jobs posted today?

Natsu: Of course they will!

As they left, they planted the seed next to their home, and it grew two leaves just like Kemokemo's antenna. Unknowingly for Natsu and Happy, Y/n and Latias secretly watch them left. Latias nuzzled him so affectionately and happily on his face while Latios smiled for her. Y/n patted her and looked at Magnolia with a bright smile.

While in the backyard of Y/n's house, he also planted a seed, and it also grew two leaves just like Kemokemo's antenna.

Y/n and his group went through another eventful day with Team Natsu, along with Kemokemo. They've been the wizard exchange program, but in turn, it's canceled. Revealed, the Magic Council requested them to investigate the mystery of an unknown island, along with Sabertooth's help. They solved the mystery of Kemokemo and the island that was connected. Natsu, Happy and Latias will never forget their great times together. Y/n reminisced between Kemokemo and Chip, and he had a great time as well. So what's next for Y/n?

As their adventures continue...

(Chapter 33 ended)

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